botwstoriesandsuch · 4 years
Do you think going into the Shrine if Resurrection messes with Link’s ability to write? It doesn’t seem like it messed up his ability to read (bc he can still read signs and stuff), but I’ve been wondering if he would have to completely start over on learning how to write. He had to do it with cooking and swordfighting, so I’m inclined to say yes, you know?
Hmm, well who’s to say that he knows how to write in the first place? He never does it in game, and learning to write might be a skill reserved for those with an education, although I’m not too certain on how it works in Hyrule... Although historical parallels to IRL kingdoms aside, we can see that there are “common” travelers, even 100 years later like Traysi, that are capable of writing, so perhaps it wasn’t necessarily an education locked thing. Then again, things change over a century so can’t say for sure whether they taught knights about literature.
However I personally see the Shrine of Resurrection only taking away Link’s memories, but not necessarily his instincts. He can pick up a sword and swing it around no problem, his form and skill never changing as it’s already at it’s best in the gameplay. He remembers how to talk/communicate just minutes after getting out and meeting the old man. He can walk, and whistle, and swim, and read, so I don’t see why writing would be any different. I mean the Hylian language is just a simple character symbol to sound translation...so if he can read, he can write, can’t he? Obviously his handwriting would be shit but I think the re-learning curve wouldn’t be that great.
Plus!! Fun fact!! Looking at the sidequests menu in the Japanese version of Breath of the Wild, the contents of each sidequest summary are written in first person, AKA Link’s POV as if he were writing in a diary! So TL;DR, I think Link can write.
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fineillsignup · 6 years
ur icon is so relatable, like, damn sakura same. anyway thank u for blessing the fandom with ur presence n works, have a nice day
The live shows are the greatest!!!
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blackwallywest · 7 years
it’s times like these where i forget i have curated my own space and bubble free from the bullshit that is comicbook media discourse because really i could not be doing that with y’all everyday. 
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luci-cunt · 4 years
6, 20, 50 (I dont think you've done these yet? I hope???) (also yes I am using this as an attempt to force content out you bc I love your stuff so much)
aksdjf;lasdkjfakdsjfksjdf IM GONNA EXPLODE ILY I had to put a cut there because alkjdf;lajsdfkj I GOT RAMBLY aljd;faljkdsf Im sorryyyy adlfkjads;kflj
6. Favorite character you ever created.
oh this is so fucking hard XDDD 
it’s probably a tie? ja;ldsfkj there’s just so many and I love them all--
Ok I’m making myself narrow it down to at least 3, I think it’s gotta be Chris, Ezra, and Ash
Chris: is part of this story idea I had that involved immortal people. She was an assassin sleeper agent who didn’t know it and she ends up living with/ befriending a bunch of immortals and then there’s the drama of her later having to kill them. In the begining she’s really emotionless and blank since she has no memories, but by the end she’s ridiculously in love and has a family so alskdjf;asl
Ezra: this bb boy is from Reclaim actually, so my alien/ angel/ immortal phase that I ^^^^evidently never REALLY grew out of XD. He’s a prince with a massively fucked up backstory and mommy issues, but his mom’s murder gets pinned on him so he has to “Reclaim” the throne (aha). He’s very high strung, wickedly smart, and basically raised his two younger siblings. He’s also kind of a massive asshole XD. 
Ash: she’s from Just South of Casual!! The main character actually. She’s very problematic and at the beginning of the story recovering from a suicide attempt. She’s very non-challant and callous about everything (literally she starts the book by calling people babies for being upset that the worlds ending) but by the end she’s got bffs and a boyfriend and is just overall in a much better place. 
(can you spot the underlying theme XDD)
20. Post a snippet of a WIP you’re working on.
>:) I got this one but don’t worry, it might be cheating a bit but here’s a snippet of JSoC XD <3
“Well, it’s the end of the world, time to cash in on miracles,” I said, he rolled his eyes, any spark of the anxiousness I’d seen moments earlier gone.
“You believe in miracles?” he asked pointedly. I noticed his eyes dip to my wrists, he probably didn’t even mean to do it and I pretended I hadn’t seen it.
“You met me,” I said with a grin I didn’t feel. 
Cal glared at me. “I’m being serious, how do we plan on finding someone in a huge city?” he said, I shrugged.
“Why don’t you just text her?” I asked, he made his face at me.
“She doesn’t have a phone.” 
“How about her dad?”
“We could pretend to be–”
“Stop saying no.”
I growled at him and he glared back.
(I love Cal, so much.)
50. Weirdest story idea you’ve ever had.
Ok this was actually the hardest one to come up with adkjf;ldf I managed to narrow it down to 2 because kajds;fljasdjl I WRITE WIERD OK?? XDD
Murderous: this one was mostly weird because of the style I was trying to write in, but it was about this guy and girl who try to hook up at a wedding, get the wrong room, accidentally kill the actual owner, and cover it up. 5 years later the guy calls the girl and says he wants to come clean, she races over to try and convince him NOT to, and finds out he’s dying from cancer. They end up becoming friends again, but then the guy finds out who she is, realizes “oh no” and dies without coming clean. The girl then confesses to the murder after, and the story is told from the POV of her best friend who’s getting told this for the first time while girl is in prison and is REMARKABLY bitchy that she was never filled in. 
The Likelihood of Living: this one’s weird because of the mc, Dye. The book was a zombie apocalypse story--Dye wakes up immune and invisible to zombies and also with a really weird addiction to pineapple. He’s also like, really not sane at all and very good at pissing people off but he’s on good terms with the local war-lord Devito (Dye’s the one telling the story so YES like Danny Devito )))):<)  because he hoarded a bunch of pineapple scented hair gel and Devito’s obsessed with it. Eventually tho, Dye pisses him off enough that D decides he wants Dye dead so he sends his top 2 enforcers after him. They drag him back but end up actually coming to like him and yeah, they escape. 
I’m sorry this is so rambly I just went on and on alsdkjf;lasdkjf
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jilliancares · 6 years
sorry if my last ask seems a bit random lol but iremembered that you love mental too right?
omg mental the drarry fic??? that fic is my SHIT adlfkjad
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yunhogf · 6 years
UH GANGSTER HYUCK?? im all for it sorry renjun 🤪👏🏼
friends-to-lovers!renjun - ||||| ||||
gangster!haechan - ||||| ||||
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