mxtsumxto · 4 years
Blushy, flustered, sentence starters from @ad-melixra​
“D-Don’t look at me” [Nanao]
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            an eyebrow qurks upwards, lithe fingers gripping pale thighs as she continues her decent of kisses down nanao’s abdomen. cerulean eyes flash upwards, smirking when her lover speaks. ‘ maaa, what’s wrong nanao-chan~? ’ she then pushes her thighs apart, biting inner flesh between her teeth. ‘ i thought you liked when i looked at you like this? ’ her question is followed by a broad lick against the her folds, moaning against her in response.
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windstormwielding · 4 years
Kõtarō: What if... Captain Kuchiki commissioned the SRDI... to make a Seaweed Ambassador Soul Candy?
Byakuya: I finally understand why my sister hired you.
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hanabiira · 4 years
@ad-melixra​​ liked for a starter! 
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“Nanao-san, why do I feel you’d be here all night if you were allowed~?” 
Even in the warm glow of the evening, the woman seems to be bustling around her officer, straightening out this and that, making sure everything was in order for the next day. It was shockingly tickety boo. Frankly, Miki wished she could just squeeze a drop of that organizational expertise from the younger woman and keep it for herself. But now was the time to be winding down for the evening, surely she could be dragged away. You think Kyoraku would use his captains orders to get her to relax? Ah, but she was the one that kept that man in check most of the time.. 
“Are you hungry? Come eat with me!” 
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midnightactual · 4 years
Closed Starter for @ad-melixra​​ (Byakuya):
Yoruichi stood impassively before the gates of the Kuchiki Manor, considering one of the two sentries who stood to either side. She had what appeared to be a very plain and almost stereotypical bamboo picnic basket in one hand.
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“Well, that goes to show that you do know who I am, even if I’m not expected,” she stated calmly. “Just inform Kuchiki-taichō that I’m here seeking his audience with a gift for him,” she continued, meaningfully swaying the picnic basket a bit.
“Come on. What’s the worst that happens? He says he’s busy or he says no, right? Has he ever disciplined you for reporting the arrival of guests?”
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sprengfrau · 4 years
[Chad] "... Do you like cats?" he's holding a teeny kitten in his hands gently,
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“If I ever say no to that question, you have my permission to shoot me.” She responded promptly, her attention immediately on the kitten. Internally screaming at how cute it is. But outwardly playing it cool. 
“What’s it’s name?”
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immovable-force · 4 years
Pass the happy! 🌻🌈 When you receive this, list 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last ten people in the notifications.
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Creating way too many OCs
Dark Cloud 2 (and my Dark Cloud ‘merch’ collection I’ve got slowly growing on top of my games shelf, and also a whole mural of the inventory screen on the opposite wall, I might have an unhealthy obsession--)
Elohim, Arion, Tuhlo, Elijah, all of @friends-in-high-places bois
My Switch Lite which I’m SO happy I got
The first season of Yu-Gi-Oh, specifically Maximillion Pegasus who has an amazing voice actor, I wish he was in more things
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kazeshinigami · 4 years
"Oh, hey." the looming form of the fullbringer was adorned with a smile and a large case upon his back that the other would recognise to be that of a familiar instrument, "I heard it was your birthday recently, and you helped me out the other day which was nice so, if you ever want a lesson or two, lemme know, a birthday present, I guess" [Chad]
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Okay, who had spread the news around, seriously? Sado is one of the last people Shuuhei would have expected to know his birthday. That said, he is certainly still grateful for the well wishes. “Oh! Thank you, Sado-kun. That’s very thoughtful — I’ll make sure to give you some kind of scheduling notice beforehand, if I want to cash in on that offer.”
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glacies-tempestatem · 4 years
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@ad-melixra​ said:  ❣ nanao?
Send me a ❣ and I'll gauge my character's attraction to yours at this point in time
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✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ | Sexual Attraction 
✦✦ ✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ | Romantic Attraction 
✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧ | Crushing 
✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧ | Squishing 
✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧ | Sensual Attraction 
✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧ | Aesthetic Attraction
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“Basically I find you really atractive!” 
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mxtsumxto · 4 years
for every “⏳” I receive, my muse will openly talk about a bit of their backstory. from @ad-melixra​
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           ‘  man i cried so much when i was chosen to be lieutenant, i could barely get the news out to my friends. ’ bright laughter erupts from her, a light sigh following after. ‘ it made me think of how hard i had worked for that position. ’
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windstormwielding · 4 years
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@ad-melixra​ said via Send ⚠ to pick up/carry my muse (accepting!):
⚠ NEMU!!!
Oh here we go-
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His poor, sluggish attempt to prop himself up from the ground by his elbow only led to him falling again on his back in a daze, as though he completely lacked any sense of equilibrium... simply because, in this moment in time, he truly did lack it in this debilitating display of definitive dizziness. Bleary eyes dared to squint open to a world turning, turning, and turning some more, skies above swirling on their own despite the lack of wind to push clouds along at such a rate. The woozy Kōtarō couldn’t recall the last time he had felt this nauseous, with his only recourse being to lie down in a heap until his surroundings would finally cease rotating in on themselves.
He’s no stranger to frequent spinning, sure, but ho-ly, even he had his limits. He should’ve prepared himself mentally a little bit more, given the crazy plan he did spontaneously spring on Nemu, but time was of the essence with this super resilient Gillian he had been sent to dispatch in the material world.
And hey, the Kitsutsuki maneuver worked! He should be happy their on-the-spot combo attack succeeded... but first, if planet Earth could give him a few minutes and stop jostling his balance so hard, that would be great.
He lied in wait, hand cupped over his eyes while he steadied his breathing in order to tether himself back to reality sooner. Kōta had been so focused on himself, he didn’t listen for Nemu’s approach, soft footfalls closing in on his whereabouts. Without warning, he slowly felt her arms coiling under his legs and upper back, and then he could no longer touch the ground as she lifted him into a bridal carry—and with no amount of effort needed on her part, thanks to her super-strength.
His arms made to wrap around her neck and shoulders, and his head leaned against her own. The world’s ceaseless turning had begun to slow as his gaze found a new point of focus to steady his being and re-anchor his senses—the apple of his eye that is Nemuri herself.
Normally, he would have expected to carry her like this at some point, but... hey, this was nice too.
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“You’re... so strong...” he muttered in admiration, even though his head still kept bobbing in slow, small circles. He aimed to peck her cheek in thanks, though against his will, his head suddenly dropped for his lips to linger on her neck instead-
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hanabiira · 4 years
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@ad-melixra​​ said: 
“We never tell anyone about this” (from Nanao!)
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“Well, I mean, Kyoraku-taichou will know though, once it happens.” she laughs weakly. Though Nanao’s involvement may be able to be hid completely but despite seemingly oblivious and lazy attitude that man had a keen eye. There’s no doubt he’d figure it out eventually. 
“Or do you mean about the meeting?”
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midnightactual · 4 years
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@ad-melixra​ wrote in for Various Starters:
“A pretty face doesn’t guarantee a pretty heart.” (Byakuya)
“Ain’t that the truth,” Yoruichi affirmed. Then she looked at Byakuya with a bit of shock which was seemingly real. “Oh, are we talking about you and not me? I thought it was unusual for you to be so concerned about me,” she declared. She drew in closer, invading his personal space quite flagrantly.
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“What’s wrong? You’re not such a bad guy, you shouldn’t beat yourself up that way!”
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heavenxpiercing · 4 years
pokes shiro (Senbon B) )
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“ Hmm... ”  the hollow groaned sleepily, burying his face into the Zan’s neck. “ Not now, ‘m comfortable... ” Pale fingers made their way into other’s already loosened ponytail, playing with the dark violet strands. “ We can do it again in a bit... ” 
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immovable-force · 4 years
"Ah, Kew the Ravager, yet again we cross paths. Although, I am chagrined to admit it, it seems the threads of destiny must have ours intertwined." A sigh, although, unlike his previous flat out disdain for the other there is something slightly warmer in his exasperation. (Byakuboy)
Kew wasn't fluent enough in 'Byakunese' to tell a difference between his levels of exasperation. Hell, as far as he was concerned, the fact that the captain had appeared and bothered to speak to him at all was a good sign! Captain Blacky didn't seem like the type to waste pretty words on people he hated. (Or maybe he was, and Kew was just making assumptions again. Arguably knowing what 'chagrined' meant would've helped.)
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"All be damned," he chuckled, putting a hand in his pocket. The threads of destiny, heh! How dramatic. Not much had changed, had it? "Guess so! The destiny threads must have 'a sense 'a humor. Good t'see ya again, Captain. Busy with somethin'? Or are ya just here to say hi?"
Kew knew what he hoped for, but he also knew what he'd put his money on. (Blacky being up to something the resident devil could help with was probably a long shot, huh? Aw, now Kew was hoping for that.)
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mxtsumxto · 4 years
smooches rangiku all over her face [nemu]
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             rangiku cannot let her girlfriend win in this battle of kisses. in retaliation she plants kisses of her own all over nemuri’s face, hand slowly slipping down her body to grip her backside. ‘ two can play at that game, nemuri-san~ ’
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hanabiira · 4 years
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( Manhandling symbol starters )
@ad-melixra​ said:
  © - put a hand on my muse’s back to steer them somewhere [Nanao]
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There must’ve been something about her prattling Nanao didn’t want Shunsui to hear, when cheerfully telling the soutaichou about their last meal. Maybe it was the fact that she could, despite all odds, relax a bit off duty? Perhaps she thought Shunsui was going to mandate she hang out more?? Either way, she’s being whirled around and shoved out of the office without much choice. 
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“Whaaa-! Okay, I’m going, I’m going!” 
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