#admin lanlan
luving-hanni · 4 years
Seventeen Reaction: best friend speaking their native language confidently
Hip Hop Unit | Performance Unit | Vocal Unit
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Comments: Hi! I hope everyone is staying healthy, safe, and optimistic during this challenging time. I have decided to try to come back to tumblr a little bit.  Please feel free to suggest nything :) Admin LanLan
Seungcheol: You’ve been in Korea for nearly three months and quickly became friends with cheol. The two of you mostly communicated in English. It was hard for him, but he felt as leader he should improve his verbal English skills. Little did he know that you’ve been intensely studying Korean. 
“Wow ___! You speak korean?!” He would exclaim after you confidently ordered a meal. Usually you would point to things and he would order for you. “I’ve been studying really hard.” Cheol’s eye light up and he was so excited to help you learn more Korean!
Wonwoo: The two of you usually texted because you were able to translate into Korean and he was able to translate into Korean. After earning a 96 on your first Korean speaking test, you decided to video call wonwoo. He quickly picked up.
 “시험 통과했어요” I passed my exam!] You excited said. Wonwoo was shocked! He had no idea how confident you were in Korean. He quickly replied in korean. You texted him right back and explained you didn’t catch anything he said.
(I looked this up. I am not sure if this is correct. Please kindly dm if this is incorrect with the correct korean)
Mingyu: This English king was so excited to have a native speaker best friend. He worked so so hard to be understood. He never got frustrated with you, only with himself. One day, you were at a cafe with him. He was practicing his English and you said to him in Korean “Will you help me with my korean?” in a super confident voice. You had to think about that phase for about 15 minutes before saying it. A smile broke his face and he said something like “yes of course.... talent....??” 
Vernon: After studying English, you were super nervous to flaunt your English speaking skills. His mom was visiting him and he wanted you to meet her. You were super nervous because you English was not perfect. She was really sweet looking so you took a deep breath and said “Hi. I am... Vernon friend. Nice to meet you.” Vernon’s jaw dropped and he said “You can speak English?” You could feel yourself blushing “I learning now. I want speak your language.” Vernon was so excited to help you improve your conversational English. 
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luving-hanni · 5 years
Seventeen Reaction: daughter receiving flowers from a little boy in her kindergarten class
Hip Hop Unit | Performance Unit
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Junhui: How was school today honey?? he asked as soon as she got off the bus. He cannot believe that his precious daughter is already in kindergarten. It felt like just yesterday she was sleeping and crying all day long. She looked at him beaming “At recess, Nathan gave me flowers!” Jun raised his eyebrows, that was very thoughtful of him. What did you say to him? Jun knows his daughter... she either ran away laughing and forgot to say thankful or said something cute like I luuuvvv youuuu. She giggled “I said, thank you but I don’t like you. Boys have cooties!!!” Jun laughed and patter her head that’s my girl
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Soonyoung: His daughter is a little shy. She’s the awkward but cute type of kid. Probably the coolest kid in the school once you talk to her. Just like her dad, she loves to dance. Soonyoung has been spending extra daddy-daughter time after school with her because she has a talent show coming up. [after the talent show] “Dada! I GOT FLOWERS!” she yelled while running towards him. “Of course you did because you are amazing! Let’s see who gave them to you.” Soonyoung said as he knelled down to be eye to eye with her. With eager eyes, she waited for her dad to open up the card attached to the flowers.He asked her Do you know a 재원 (jaewon)?? HE said that he loved your dancing. She giggled, oh no he thought. “ewwwww a boy gave them to me.” Soonyoung was relieved that he didn’t have to check out a boyfriend yet.
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Minghao: Like Jun, he couldn’t believe that his small bean is already in kindergarten. One day, she ran up to him and he picked her up. What’s up munchkin? Minghao asked. She shared that a boy from the other kindergarten class gave her a flower at lunch time and all their friends had a wedding at recess. Minghao couldn’t believe his ears! He laughed Sweetie, shouldn’t you finish kindergarten before you get married? She sighed, “I guess I’ll tell him at lunch tomorrow that I am too busy for him.” He let out some air, what a smart girl he has.
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Chan: Our little channie. Anyway, his daughter is always the life of the party.... or kindergarten class. She always says how much the boys like her and her teacher shared that she always sits with boys. Chan prays that she will not have a boyfriend until she is at least 47. One day, she came home with about a billion flowers- real ones, fake ones, pictures, etc. Where did these come from? he asked her a little suspicious. “FROM THE BOYS DUHHHH!” She excitedly told him. Baby girl, you’re too young to be boy crazy he said as he picked her up. She had the perfect comeback “I am not boy crazy. They are me crazy.” Chan shook his head and said we’ll let mom handle this boy problem. She was much the same.
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luving-hanni · 5 years
Naughty Snuggles
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Title: Naughty Snuggles Pairing: Jeonghan x Gender Neutral Reader Genre: Fluffy soft smut and smut? Warnings: suggestive, handjob, teasing, sex, this is longer than expected Comments: I got this idea from this ask (not my idea at all). I also switched between like three members because idk who i wanted to write about. Enjoy <3 
Dating Jeonghan wasn’t the easiest thing due to how busy he always is, but thankfully, it’s still summer. You’re going to spend as much time with him as possible before school starts again. He has settled with you and his members have accepted you into the group. It was no longer being awkwardly there.
It was movie night. Vernon wanted to watch the new lion king movie, but dk wanted to watch the new toy story movie. “Why not watch both, it’s only 9,” you suggested. Jeonghan added “y/n is brilliant! Let’s meet in the living room in fifteen” 
Half of the members ran out of the apartment to their go to apartment to grab their bedding. The boys go hard for movie night. Everyone grabs all of the bedding and piles on the floor in front of the tv. very cuddly. a mess of blankets, pillows, and boys. 
About halfway through the Lion King, Jeonghan was snuggled up beside you. Knowing him, he was probably half asleep.  You rolled over on to your side.. You felt a hand begin to play with the hem of your tshirt. He slipped his hand under your shirt. This boy loves to tease. 
His hand had not real intent at first, just tracing circle on your stomach. But the growing hardness against his back said otherwise. You pushed yourself against him. He let out the softest groan ever. You lifted your head out from the pile of the blankets to see what the other members were doing.  Most of the boys were asleep or almost there. Everyone was cuddling and it was adorable. but Vernon and Dk just kept talking. They shot you a look. You mouthed “I can’t feel my arm” and they went back to being themselves.
You applied more pressure to his hardness and he let out a deep sigh. This man is not teasing you tonight. You slipped a hand between you legs until you felt his hardness. You gently palmed him and he did not disapprove. You turned to him and whispered “if we get caught, you’re explaining,” he winked. You rubbed him and he rolled his hips into your palm. 
He began to kiss your neck, but you picked up the pace and he let out the softest whimper ever; it was only loud enough for you to hear. He buried his face into your neck. This went on for another five minutes. “I can’t do this anymore,” he got out some how. You glared at him and turned over, slipped your hand into his pants “no.” Jeonghan bit his lip. His dilated eyes begged you for more. “bathroom... plea..se” he hissed as he out some soft moans.
“sure, in a bit,” you teased to him. You knew that Jeonghan is really going to punish you, but this was fun. You could feel the prec*m leaking out from his tip. “okay let’s go” you said once you were satisfied with his suffering.
He got up, wrapped the nearest blanket  around himself and headed to the bathroom. You knew what he was doing, but didn’t bother to follow. No need to raise suspicion. You informed the remaining awake members “Hey guys, I want chicken nuggets. I’ll be back in a few.” You ordered some chicken nuggets with your phone to be delivered in twenty minutes. You set your timer for 19 minutes. You got up, grabbed your keys and headed to the bathroom, but Jeonghan caught you and dragged you into the nearest bedroom.
He locked the door behind you. He ripped off his pants and nearly growled at you “bed. now!” He was so turned on that anyone within a mile could see this. “yes sir” you said and began to get undressed. “no kitten. I will do that. You are mine.” he hissed as he kissed you and his hands roamed freely. 
His fingers slipped into your waist band. You could feel yourself soaking through your undies “so wet already” he teased. You rolled your eyes at him. “kitten, you’re not going to get what you want.” and you made some puppy eyes at him. His touch put your body on fire. He teased you for what felt like a century. (i don’t wanna write any more about the fore play. let me get to the part about the chicken nuggets).
You reached up to touch Jeonghan’s bulge.  The hardness was pushing against his boxers and you couldn’t wait for him to finally be in you. He looked at you, “I’d love to tease yo more, but I need to get this taken care of,” and you couldn’t agree more. Also, who’s bed were you in? He took off his boxers and you slipped out of your undies. He lined himself, put on a rubber and slide right in. He let out a loud groan as your walls were tight around him. He thrusted like his life depended in it. You placed a hand down there and you both were about to come- *alarm goes off* He looked at you “no keep going. Let’s finish this” and as soon as you said that. You hit your high and so did he.
As soon as you came down from it, you threw his pants at him and grabbed your own clothing “my chicken nuggets are hereeee” you excitedly ran out of the room only to run into Jun. You let out en eek and kept running to the door. The delivery dude was there and you got your nuggets. You headed back to the members and plopped down next to mingyu. Of course you got a 20 piece, .. and some fries knowing that someone would want some. 
Jeonghan on the other hand was not as lucky. Jun walked into his room to get another pillow “hYuNg!” his eyes nearly popped out of his head after he saw his messy bed and it then it hit him. “JEONGHAN HAD SEX IN MY BED” Jun screamed running to the living room, waking everyone up. 
“with who? You missed the ending. Too late now,” you looked at him, all innocent eating your nuggets. The boys were confused too, just waking up from dozing off and you just got back from getting them ;) 
Ending comments: I need to say this so we all get the story right. They boys thought you actually left because you grabbed your keys. 
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luving-hanni · 5 years
Seventeen Boyfriend Drabbles-
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my whole entire hearteu belongs to him
anyway, Jeon Wonwoo
you love to hug each other from behind
his smile lights up a room- you don’t see him as emo or cold
enjoys museum dates
the boy loves to learn 
lots of late night adventures with this boy
loves to just show up at your door step at like 12:29 am
of course he brings flowers for you
it’s a miracle that you get any sleep because he does this at least once a week, sometimes Mingyu comes along too
you love mingyu too
Wonwoo loves to bring you to the rooftop of his apartment building
you usually lay you head in his lap
he enjoys stroking your hair
and you gaze off into the city skyline and talk about whatever is on your mind that night
about 3 am, hand in hand, you walk back to his place
where you’ll spend the night
after waking up at like noon, you roll over to
see his bed hair and gently kiss his nose
mornin sleeping head you tease as he rolls overs and gets his glasses
and your day starts…  at noon or 1 pm because he loves to cuddle in the morning half awake
and man, is this boi a fluffy little sleepy bunny
smexy time
idk about you but he a switch
doesn’t really care what he is doing (dom/sub) as long as it’s with you
probably into like... public sex or whatever that is called
since he likes midnight adventures
probably likes spoon banging 
he always wants you to be comfortable with whatever youre doing
Distance is hard, but you make it work
one time he flew you out to Hong Kong
he was that desperate lol
probably low moans with lip bitting
ugh hot
i am sWeAtiNG. 
ANYWAY i am done for now
Corresponding Moodboards
Seungcheol | Jeonghan | Joshua | Junhui | Soonyoung | Wonwoo | Jihoon | Minghao | Mingyu | Seokmin | Seungkwan | Hansol | Chan
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luving-hanni · 5 years
[3:29pm] “cutie? do you wanna take a nap with me?” Your bais asked as s/he plopped down on the couch
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luving-hanni · 5 years
Seventeen Reaction: going for multiple rounds
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Falls asleep after the third time: Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Vernon, soonyoung
Lasts surprisingly long: Mingyu, Chan,  junhui
Doesn’t even try for round 2: Jihoon, Seungkwan, Seokmin
“Good night I love you” & goes to sleep: Joshua, minghao, wonwoo
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luving-hanni · 5 years
iKON Boyfriend Drabbles - Bobby
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s o f t 
f l u f f y
loves to cuddle
14/10 cuddling skills
muscular but not uncomfortable... you feel?
a pretty chilled and laid back boyfriend
but hella protective of you
will fight anyone who looks at you
or touch you
would sell his left kidney for you
he always wants to be with you
hates when he is on your or if you’re away at school
idk but i feel like he’d be shirtless 90%
in your apartment
smexy time?
likes to make out
rappers and their tongues ;)
has a basic understanding of how sex works
A goes in B but other than that
a little unsure
but a quick learner for sure
a pleaser
probably either super vanilla
or kinky as heck 
back to the shirtless thing
a b s 
toned body 
that’s all i got
Admin lanlan- out *throws up peace sign*
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luving-hanni · 5 years
NCT Dream Reaction- 00 Line: S/O having stretch marks
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Jaemin: This handsome cutie would hold you close as he traced your stretch marks. He thinks they’re adorable and that you should embrace your body more. After all, all bodies, are good bodies. He knew you were self conscious of them, but he always makes sure to compliment you because he wants you to love yourself as much as he loves you. 
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Renjun: You were feeling anxious about going to the beach with him because you didn’t want you stretch marks to be seen. He reminded you that they’re signs of growth and that he wants you to continue growing into a better person every day. Cutie also tricked you into wearing something that showed some stretch marks around your arms, but the photos he took of you were the best ever so you guess that stretch marks aren’t that big of a deal after all. I am so sorry how obnoxious this gif looks,,,,, but he’s fine af 
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Jeno: Ugh, this cutie would not care about your stretch marks at all. He thinks that they’re beautiful and that they add character to your body. You recently lost some weight so you were all over the place, but he reminds you every day that stretch marks are normal and that they cover your body like art. He encourage your to wear tank tops and such to show them off. “Y/n, you worked hard so why not show it off? also, this shirt it super cute so....” He never forced you to wear something that you were not comfortable in, but he did help you to embrace your body. 
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Haechan: He would kiss every single on of them telling you how beautiful you are. He doesn’t understand why you’re so shy when you’re wearing shorts around him, but he always makes sure to make you feel loved and safe. Haechan also showed you his stretch marks on his hips and shared how much he hated them, but now he loves them because they are part of who he is  “see y/n, even I,  Lee Dong-hyuk, or haechan, or babe, has stretch marks and I never let them slow me down.” You laughed at his level of confidence and decided that if Haechan of NCT is confident, you should be too- no one is stopping you.
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luving-hanni · 5 years
iKON Reaction: S/O insecure about weight
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B.I: He gave you a forehead kiss and told you that he just wants you to be healthy and thinks that your curves are beautiful. He doesn’t care about your weight because you’re more than a number on a scale. B.I also told you he fell for your personality.
Bobby: He reassured you that you’re a beautiful human being and that he didn’t care about the little extra around your stomach. In fact, he found it a little hot. He also loves to holds your waist and hips. It felt nice that someone actually liked your curves and that boosted your confidence.  He also took you out... aka dragged you out of the house and made you feel like a million bucks. When you look good, you feel good. 
Jay: His heart broke a little when you told him about your insecurities. He told you that not a single one of them crosses his mind, in fact, he loves your full womanly figure and wanted to help you embrace it. He also got all flustered talking about his favorite parts of your body.  
Junhoe: “You’re so silly y/n, but your weight is what makes you, you” he said as he embraced you in a bear hug. You we’re always a little thicker than everyone else, but he said that you’re his hottest girl he ever had because there was so much of you to love. Junhoe and you enjoyed going to the gym together although you didn’t workout. You loved watching him sweat as you sat on a yoga mat stretching. He told you that if you ever wanted to work out with him, that he’ll be your personal trainer. 
Song: He was a little unsure about what to say, but he just held you. As he ran his hands over your stomach and hips, he whispered in your ear that they are his favorite part of you and had nothing to worry about. He wants you comfortable in your own skin and did a lot of body praise in bed and such. I also feel like he’s the type to make you do positive affirmations in the morning. They helped you a lot.
DK: He reminded you that everybody has a unique body and that not one body is better than others. He was a little heart broken when you said that you don’t like wearing skirts since they showed off you “fat” legs. He laughed and said “we’ll go shopping and find the perfect skirt to show off your legs!” and you laughed too. He really helped to build your confidence through learning how to style your body. Again, he’s another one who didn’t even see your weight as an insecurity. 
Chanwoo: He’s another one who was not too sure what to tell you. He knew not to call you fat, but he didn’t even see what weight you were talking about. He loved you for who you are and was sad that you didn’t love yourself as much as he loved you. Chan really wanted you to be happier in your own skin and decided to take you out and show you off. A confidence boost really helped you.
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luving-hanni · 5 years
Seventeen Reaction: S/O giving them flowers
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Seungcheol:  He would be shocked and in awe. He probably wouldn’t stop smiling for the rest of the day. Talk about a dude being flustered too. “Did Mingyu give these to you?” he joked as he gave you a bear hug. “yeah, i’m just re-gifting them” you teased back.  But seriously, he was so shocked and happy.
Jeonghan: You surprised him at the studio because he’s been stressed out about recording ‘Home’ in Chinese. His face lite up as he saw you and started beaming. You had no idea what kind of flowers to get him so you just got him some pretty pink ones. He loved it “Y/n! They match my outfit today!” 
Jisoo: Sweetly, he kissed your cheek and thanked you a billion times.  He went home as soon as he could to put them on his kitchen table for everyone to see. He was honestly so happy and he was in  an extra good mood.
Junhui: This cutie would either  squeal with excitement and jump up and down like a little kid OR  be super chill on the outside and screaming inside. Either way, he was super touched. He was a happy little junnie.
Soonyoung: “These flowers are almost as pretty as you” he told you over video chat. Long distance was hard on both of you, but doing little things like this for each other made it a little easier.   Would 10/10 display them somewhere that everyone could see. 
Wonwoo: Would warm his “cold” heart. His heart would do a uwu when he sees you running towards with him.  “Y/N! Are these for me... or did Chan give these to you?” he teased as he ticked you. “Of course they’re for you silly!” you said trying to hold back your urge to (gently) punch him.
Jihoon: Would warm his “cold” heart part 2. He would be beaming and everyone was like “jihoon... you okay today? You’re so... alive” and indeed he was. Jihoonie was so surprised and amazed that someone cared enough to get him flowers. You knew that he used to not get flowers very often, so you promised yourself to give him flowers every Thursday.
Minghao: You gave him roses without thorns (because you’d hurt yourself) so he can put them in his empty wine glasses. He was beyond surprised and loved walking around Pledis with a bouquet of roses for the day. He even posted them on instagram although you keep the relationship on the DL. Carats thought they were from his mother. 
Mingyu: I can see him standing in the doorway ready to give you flowers too. He’s the type of boyfriend who would give you flowers every time he saw you because he can... you literally have a garden in your apartment because of him, but no complaints. 
Seokmin: Also the type of boyfriend to give you a billion flowers, but also like cute succulents so you gave him a few succulents so he can start his own collection. You wrapped the plants in a little box and you knew he was expecting a watch or something, but he was so thrilled to see the cute little plants. 
Seungkwan: The uwu jumped out of him. He couldn’t contain his reaction. He just started talking really fast and admiring all of your beauty. He couldn’t believe that busy af s/o got him flowers. You took time out of your hectic day to make sure he had a goof day. He even showed the flowers on his vLive later that day.
Hansol: He blushed super hard “for me?” and you’d tell him “no, seungkwan gave them to me! Just kidding. I even sent some to your sister too!” He was even more touched that you remembered his sister. You’re definitely a keeper.
Chan: He was really super stressed out and needed a little pick me up. You wanted to do something different for him so you sent him flowers. They were waiting in the studio and when he walked in, he didn’t believe they were for him. He really thought they were for Soonyoung. He rushed into your room to give you a billion kisses to thank you when he got home.
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luving-hanni · 5 years
iKon reaction: short girlfriend wearing their clothes
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Comment: this is such a cute concept uwu. im soft
B.I/Hanbin: This cutie would be all flustered by how cute you looked! He would probably just stare at yourand cover his face and giggle (and wiggle like in the gif)  since his oversize shirt is basically a dress on you. 
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Bobby/Jiwon:  The first thing he would say is  “oh- I have the same shirt y/n!” before realizing that it is his shirt! He would then laugh and run over to scoop you up and kiss you. He thinks that the shirt looks better as a dress so he lets you keep it. He thinks its so cute that the short sleeves are more like 3/4 sleeves on you. 
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Jay/Jinhwan: "Y/N! Did you go through my closet again?” he’d ask as you pranced around the bedroom wearing one of his shirts from tour. “Of course I didn’t” you’d say as you start going through his closet looking for a pair of sweatpants. Even tho he is only a few inches taller than you, the shirt is a bit too big. 
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Song/Yunhyeong: This cutie would probably just giggle for a few minutes as you walk around the apartment in his sweater and his sweatpants.... trying not to trip. You think you look like the laziest bum but he thinks you look like the cutest girl ever. His heart did a uwu when he sees your sweater paws.
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Ju-ne/Junhoe: This self confident king laughs and says “who said you can wear my clothes??” You, being just as self confident replies with “I think it looks better on me!” He would probably run over and pick you up and swing you around, smothering you with kisses. 
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DK/Donghyuk: He’d think you look a little funny wearing his super over sized sweater. But then he’d probably did through your closet to find you some leggings “Put these on! We’re late to lunch!” You didn’t protest because it was a lazy Saturday and you looked cute. He agreed.
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Chan/Chanwoo: He was coming back from an interview and you video chatted him while he was in the car “hey is that my shirt?” You giggled and said no and hung up. As  soon as you heard the door unlock, you ran into his arms and said “it’s my shirt now!!!” Chanwoo cutie didn’t protest one bit, he thought it looked cuter on you anyways 
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luving-hanni · 5 years
Seventeen Boyfriend Drabbles - Minghao
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okay this gif is mad cute uwu i love him
you know the quote date someone who is home and an adventure
Minghao embodies this quote
I can see him wanting to lay in bed for hours
talking about life and snuggling
you literally get up to make some
and he starts whining that you left him
babeee come back as he throws the cover over his face
oppa, i just want some coffee you giggle as you leave the room
so that’s one side of the relationship
other times he wakes up at the break of dawn and
drags you out of bed as he playful kisses you
to watch the sunrise
or go hiking
or take a day trip that really should have been a two day trip
he also really really really  wants to teach you how to dance
you’re a horrible dancer
yet he keeps insisting to teach you
he never laughs at you
no matter how ridiculous you may look of feel
Minghao loves to hold you from behind any chance he gets to
lots of cute af mirror pictures too
what a cute string bean
when his schedule gets busy, he makes sure to take cute pictures through out the day to send to you
like jun, he wants to take you to china too
10/10 would let you play with pandas or something
Corresponding Moodboards
Seungcheol | Jeonghan | Joshua | Junhui | Soonyoung | Wonwoo | Jihoon | Minghao | Mingyu | Seokmin | Seungkwan | Hansol | Chan
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luving-hanni · 5 years
Seventeen Boyfriend Drabbles - Mingyu
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this boy is a softie
he takes really good care of you
very thoughtful and treasures you so much
he always holds your hand
even on busy days, he makes sure to send you cute selfies throughout the day
on the weekends, he likes to surprise you with different activities
one weekend he takes you to the mountains for
wine tasting, painting and at sunset,
a hot air balloon ride
little did he know that you’re slightly afraid of heights
but you love him so much that you put on your brave face
at the beginning, you were fine, but then you looked down and gasped
mingyu, being a great boyfriend realized your fear
and comes around and hugs you from behind. tight
you feel safe and secure in his arms (he is also probably like a foot taller than you. this boi is tall)
after the hot air balloon ride, he takes you by the waist as you walk back to the car as you head home
for some food, snuggles, and a movie
did i mention that he is a tree
and a puppy
like so soft
but so tall???
SMEXY time (if you’re under age, please leaveeee- see ya later)
loves to make out
kinda really clumsy at first
but once he figure it out, A+ 
he loves when you swing your legs over his lap and cuddles into him as your make out. 
A switch? before ya fight me
He could be SUPER DOM
a HARD dom
but also a softie and lazy at times and 
wants you to do all of the work
A lazy sub??? idk about sex enough
???? ya feel? 
Corresponding Moodboards
Seungcheol | Jeonghan | Joshua | Junhui | Soonyoung | Wonwoo | Jihoon | Minghao | Mingyu | Seokmin | Seungkwan | Hansol | Chan
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luving-hanni · 5 years
Seventeen Reaction: s/o scolding them for picking on one of the other members
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Comments: hey y’all. i havent been in a good mood lately, so this is gonna super short. i’ll add more when i feel better :)
Seungcheol: You called him over to the corner where you hung out during svt’s rehearsals. “yeah? y/n, you good?” he asked. You explained that you felt like he was teasing jihoon. He explained that  he was’t actually teasing jihoon, but he apologized to you and him anyway.
Jeonghan: “I am sorry, but Seokmin and Seungkwan share a brain cell.” he said when you were done scolding him. He knew that you don’t put up with anything. 
Jisoo: He would go apologize to the member you thought he was teasing to reassure you He’d never purposely pick on another member.
Junhui: Idk but if feel like this boy would lowkey fight you. The two of you would have a little tension for a few days, then he’d forget why he was upset with you and you would too. Things would be good.
Soonyoung: You saw that he was being super critical of minghao’s dancing. “Hey, go easy on him. he’s doing his best,” you ended his scolding with and Hoshi realized that he was super tough on him. 
Wonwoo: He would give you his cold face, but understood where you were coming from. Sometimes you knew he had it up to here with gyu, but he still needs to be respectful. 
Jihoon: “Y/N?! Why are you like this?” he’d cry out and start yelling at you. He was super stressed and he didn’t need your comments on top of it. After a day or two apart, he came to apologize and took you out to dinner. 
Minghao: He’d get all poutty. You knew he knew better than to pick on chan. Everyone has been so stressed lately and everyone was snapping at each other. You didn’t have any problems calling a member out.
Mingyu: “I was picking on Wonwoo!!!” He whined back at you. “Kim mingyu, your behavior is unacceptable. Go apologize” you demanded at him.
Seokmin: Little ray of sunshine doesn’t pick on members. He always called you out for indirectly picking on a members. 
Seungkwan: “Hey!  stop being mean to Hansol! He’s your best friend” you yelled at him after Seungkwan said something to hansol. You could tell hansol was close to breaking.  Seungkwan shot a look at you and you knew that you were in trouble.
Hansol: He was teasing jun, but it got out of hand. You knew when he crossed a line. After calling him to the corner, you explained why what he said was too much, he understood and went to apologize. all was good.
Chan: This never happened. Chan is too perfect to pick on another member. We love channie
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luving-hanni · 5 years
H(d)ating  Junhoe
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Title: H(d)ating Junhoe Genre: Smut..ish Enemies to Lovers Paring: Junhoe x Female Reader Warnings: lots of poor writing untill we get to the sex, fingering, blowjob, mutual masturbation, impreg! kink, ,... idk that kind of stuff  Comments: I wrote a fluffy version of this, but friends to lovers, so here is a smuttier story. Also, I have been in kpop for one year now and junhoe was my first bias ever!  Mid writing comments: LOL this is getting so complicated. I suck at telling stories, but I hope you enjoy this. I really tried to branch out my writing style. 
Junhoe. Koo Junhoe. He was the type of guy who had his life together. He got to travel the world. He has the same group of friends for years. He had it all. All, but you. You also had it all, but all of the different reasons. You had the smarts. You had the job, the degrees, the connections, but you did not have him. 
 Way back in the day, you family and Junhoe’s family had beef. They hated each other. They were literally like the Montagues and Capulets, but less people died. Growing up, you learned not to mess with his family. You were taught that they were your enemies. You grew up hating him for unknown reasons. 
One day, you found yourself in the company of him- you did enjoyed it. It was at a end-of-the-summer block party. You wondered why you hated him all of this time. He was not as cocky as he appeared to be. What happened between your families? you wondered
You mother warned you before the party “stay away from junhoe. He is nothing but trouble.”  You kept hearing her voice in the back of your head. What was the harm? I am only playing KanJam with him. He’s not even my partner, you thought back to yourself. You partner was Bobby. Together, you won and beat Junhoe and Chanwoo.
He pulled you aside “not bad for a girl like you,” and panic began to set in. Glancing over, you saw your mother giving you a look, arms crossed with disapproval. In all nervousness, you blurted out ‘I have to go, but maybe we can play again.” You ran to you mom who did not approve of this interaction. “Stay. Away.” she instructed.
Later that night, you were walking to get in line to get food and you felt and arm tug you in the direction of a bush. Caught off guard, Junhoe shared that he wanted to show you the stars that night. Of course Junhoe was incredibly attractive and made your heart skip a beat. With excitement and some hesitance in your voice you replied “if my mom finds out, we are both dead.” He snickered “sounds like a challenge. I’ll be at your house at 1:20 am.” 
Sure enough, at 1:20 am, he was standing outside of your house. You made sure to leave the house as quietly as possible although you have been leaving around this time for various reasons. This shouldn’t get questioned later. As you got in his car, you texted your best friend, Yunhyeong just letting him know what’s up... also so if you don’t come back, there is some evidence. 
Junhoe driving about 15 miles/24 kilometers over the speed limit. This made you nervous but it was nearly 2 am and no one was on the road. After awhile of driving, you arrived to an open field. Literally in the middle of no where. Junhoe got out and took a big basket out of the trunk. “Here,” he said as he threw bug spray at you “you’ll need lots of this.” You sprayed it on, over your clothes and all. 
Together, you walked into the endless field and set down the basket and blanket. (Okay friends, NOW the smut will start... finally). The two of you laid on the blanket and talked a bit. it felt so natural but so wrong. in the back of your mind, you hear your mother’s voice, he is nothing but trouble. 
After a while, he was getting restless. He get squirming around. It was nearly 3 am and you were facing him and kinda dozing off to sleep. He was grunting about something and the next thing, he was all up in your bubble. His planted a kiss on you and hands were everywhere on you. A little bit startled, you question him “whoa, watcha doing?” And that is when it happened. Not not “it,” the confession
He pulled himself off of you and started to explain. He didn’t understand why the two of you were never allowed to see each other. It was clear he didn’t know what happened between your families either. “You always caught my eye. With summer coming to an end, I thought I would take a chance on you,” he explained. You couldn’t argue with anything he said, but it felt too perfect. 
“Back to before, can we continue?” you sheepishly asked as you scooted closer to him. Without any words, he was on top of you again. He was breathing heavily and mumbled “I don’t have a condom, but” he didn’t finish his statement because you reached down beginning to rub over his pants.
Junhoe began to move his hips to get more friction but that wasn’t enough. He took off his pants and exposed his hardening length. His hand found its way to your boobie (boob? breast? lump of fat? idk pick) and he began squeezing it and stuff. Quickly you wanted more than just touching is length. You wanted it inside of you. His hand then went lower and lower. He pushed aside your undies “so wet already, naughty girl” he mumbled. 
You couldn’t help yourself. Junhoe is a fine human being. You pushed his hand lower and lined him up with your entrance. He hesitated for a moment “suck it. now? please?” he asked with full confidence. You rolled your eyes okay, he’s a little too confident you thought. Obeying, you positioned yourself perpendicularly to him. You took it all in at once and he was shook. “You take me so well” he got out before you quickened your pace which made him let out load moans of pleasure. 
He reached out and his fingers found themselves inside of you. Moaning with his length in your moth created vibrations which encouraged him to rub your cl*t and all faster. You felt him coming closer to cumming and stopped. He looked at you “excuse me. I was close.” You got up and laid next to him indicated for him to top you again. That he did. He made you get on your stomach though. He started to pound into you and you were close. 
“JUNHOE. You better not get me pregnant” You hissed before he slipped a hand down there too. “But you’d look so hot with me leaking out of you” he managed to tell you. You rolled your eyes and complained “Have fun with your child.” You were not going to tell him that you have an IUD. The idea of unprotected sex was exciting. Especially for him. He rubbed faster and you got closer. Somehow, he held himself back. You were pretty impressed
Junhoe was all sweaty and grunting loudly “I am going to...” he hissed. You felt him fill you up with his fluids (baby juice, sperm, cum, idk pick), and he pulled out. but continued to rub to let you go over the edge. You enjoyed your high and flopped over to face him. His abs were glistening with sweat and boy, he looked like a god. You saw worry cover his face “don’t worry, I have an iud. no kids,” you told him.
Relief came over his face and he leaned down to kiss you. With a puzzled look, you asked “what was that for?” Junhoe was beaming “Just because I know that you’re finally mine. Maybe our families won’t hate each other after this.” You let out a smirk “we’ll be dead,” “But at least we’re together” Junhoe said as he wrapped himself around you. 
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luving-hanni · 5 years
Seventeen Boyfriend Drabbles- Jihoon
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Contrarily to how we see him as “cold” or “savage” or “not affectionate”   soul
I can see him being very fuzzy and warm and caring
but he only you see this side of him.
even when he is with his members or on a variety show, you can see this softness peaking out of him
he loves to play guitar for you and sing you to sleep
insisting on teaching you both
sometimes you hear the new song before the members do
doesn’t give you flowers, but food. food is the way into your heart
also enjoys looking at the stars after late nights in the studio on the rooftop with you
he says how he doesn’t care, but he always watches you
you, being adventurous, makes him a little concerned
but he will never let you out of his sight
Oppa, I’m gonna climb this tree (is the best I can do? yes, yes it is)
If you hurt yourself, that is a lot of paperwork  to fill out he says as he continues to watch you very carefully
most of this affection is shown when you’re alone
in the dorm together
if he’s feeling extra affectionate
he will hold your pinky as you walk together
full on hand in hand is a little too much for him
not really into PDA
the other members still see you two as “just friends”
but jihoon is the sweetest boyfriend you ever had
just a super lowkey yet serious dude you know?
Comments: WHY IS THIS MAN SO FREAKING CUTE???? carry on.
Corresponding Moodboards:
Seungcheol | Jeonghan | Joshua | Junhui | Soonyoung | Wonwoo | Jihoon | Minghao | Mingyu | Seokmin | Seungkwan | Hansol | Chan
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