#admirable adrien❤
purrincess-chat · 2 years
Thank you for your post about Adrinette! It means so much to me that someone shares my opinion about pr Adrinette. At this point I'm so scared of sharing my opinion about it and even supporting those who does it, since many blogs I follow and admire are pessimistic or outright salty regarding pr Adrinette, and I don't want to get blocked. I mean, I see where their frustration comes from and I'm really sorry they didn't get what they wanted, it's just my opinion is different.
Of course! It's easy to let the negative Nellies get you down, especially if it's someone you admire or that's really popular, thus their posts get a lot of engagement. Personally, I've been incredibly impressed with how they are developing Adrinette this season and how careful they're being. It's so clear that they've grown up since the end of s3, and Adrien is very clearly trying to learn from his mistakes with Ladybug and do better. Because he cares about Marinette and wants her to feel as comfy with him as he feels with her. I just think their dynamic has been so sweet this season, and I'm not bored with it at all. ❤
It can be intimidating when bigger blogs gang up on you, even if they don't call you out directly. I've definitely gone through periods in this fandom where I felt incredibly isolated and like everyone hated me for my opinions, so I know exactly what you mean. My best advice is just find people you vibe with and hang out with them. I have a small handful of mutuals that I absolutely adore, and they are far more fulfilling to me than having a thousand people agree with me. Don't let others get you too down about the show. It's perfectly okay to feel differently than others, even if they're more popular. Just do what makes you happiest, and don't be afraid to unfollow people if they stress you out. Fandom is meant to be fun, and tumblr is largely a curate your own experience platform. When I stepped out of the salty side of fandom, I unfollowed a lot of people, including people I previously viewed as friends. It unfortunately happens. 🤷‍♀️ but you gotta look out for yourself first, and I'm much happier now than I was back then.
Anyway, I ramble too much lol. I'm glad my Adrinette posts resonate with you. Feel free to squeal in my inbox the rest of the season any time if you're not comfortable sharing on your own blog ❤
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elveny · 3 years
You know, I love Adriene ❤ So 5 and 8 for the romance questionnaire, pleaaase ❤
For the Romance Questionnaire | Thank you so much! ♥ Adriene loves you too :D
5. Find a gif that shows us a very "them" kiss
Adriene and Estinien - passion and ugency and power:
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Adriene and Artoirel - slow and intense:
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Estinien and Artoirel - teasing turning into more:
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8. Give us an example of a positive memory they revisit
(I do need to write that OT3, don't I. Oh noooo. 😋😏)
Adriene, looking up at him with big eyes, widened in surprise at the gift he gave her, and then that brilliant smile lighting up her face. He doesn't remember the exact words she spoke, but there was laughter in her voice and warmth, and he was undone.
That first morning that saw all three of them waking in one bed. He was the first one awake, with Adriene's arm flung around him and Estinien's legs intertwined with his. The morning sun painted golden highlights into Adriene's dark locks and Estinien looked utterly peaceful.
The squeal of delight when Adriene managed that jump for the first time, the joy on her face and the touseled hair as she pulled off her helmet. No admiration of hesitation as she looked at him, just pure joy.
Watching Artoirel and Aymeric stand together and talk and laugh, no pretense or high-society absurdities or politics. Knowing that his best friend and his lover are best friends as well.
A moment after their first night together, when neither she nor Estinien would fall asleep. That feeling of peace and simmering heat between them, the smile on his face in the moonlight.
Artoirel playing the piano, late in the night, just for himself. Scribbling notes on his music paper, a look of concentration on his face and a half-empty glass of wine next to him. Lost in his music, the one indulgence he allows himself.
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