#admittedly im less interested in the post 1995 music but i digress theres some really good stuff from like 96 and 07
kafkaguy · 5 months
ethan what are ur top springsteen tracks.. i want to get more into his music
hello my good and wonderful friend andrew thank you for your question. i have many top tracks i think if you wanna start with an album the best place to start is darkness on the edge of town and/or born to run. born to run was his major breakthrough and its a delight, with bangers like backstreets and thunder road and jungleland and thee title track born to run. and darkness on the edge of night is probably my favourite and has some soulcrushing gems like adam raised a cain and candys room and THEE title track darkness on the edge of town. i also believe his One True Masterpiece is Nebraska 1982, mostly cos of atlantic city. BUT since you asked for tracks here are two playlists i got his stuff that i love best + then my general bruce playlist thats a little longer
but his magnum opus is I'm On Fire once youve listened to that youve listened to all the music you need for a lifetime sorry i sound insane.
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