#adnama talks 💖
rivatar · 2 months
It’s prom season so I’m reminiscing my senior prom dress. CAN WE HEAR A BIT OF COMMOTION FOR THE DRESS???!!!👏🏼
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rivatar · 2 months
Y’all know I’m completely devoted to our big blue aliens but… let it be known that I also think about this fine ahhh man everyday 😩😩🙏🏼🙏🏼 I NEEDDDDD HIMMMMMMMMM
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rivatar · 1 month
Guess who graduated from college yesterdayyy- DIS BITCH RIGHT HERE 🙋🏻‍♀️👩🏻‍🎓🥳
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rivatar · 2 months
You know what I hate? The way the popularity of some of those bloggers disappears. For example, if they write a fic and get many notes and post the next chapter later (after a few months), they won't get the same recognition anymore and it sucks.
Just wanted to share my thoughts :)
Yeah I totally agree and have noticed this!! It really sucks bc so many people will ask for a part 2 and then the part 2 doesn’t get nearly as much attention even tho it took just as much thought/effort to write :((
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rivatar · 2 months
I just wanted you n the rest of tumblr to know that tumblr notifications called you my crush and said you're posting something im probably interested and it's never wrong so ig you're my crush now!
It said "You're crush it at it again!" They posted something you'll like."
Lmfao!!!! Tumblr trying to hook you up 🤣🤣 that’s sooooo funny it did that!!
I meannnn I’ll take it tho, you’re my crush too bby 😩😩💖💖💖
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rivatar · 3 months
I'm sorry but what is this?
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First of all, he is a minor. Second, why is he both 25 and 8? Are they a pedo?
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OMG WHAT IN THE WORLDDD???? Babe I have no idea what they’re up to but I would definitely stay away or maybe even block them fr 😭 they’re giving pedo for sure. Have they tried talking to you??
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rivatar · 16 days
Pov: he games while I write ✨smutty fanfics✨
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Also why is dis bitch way tanner than me 😭
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rivatar · 20 days
is this too harsh riv
I'm blogging this to talk about the two avatar rp blogs that have popped up in the last few months and I'm just blown away and plain disgusted by what people have said to them I'm just going to say for the record shut the fuck up are they hurting you bullying you harassing you online for attention going to your house and beating you up Zach if you're out there we miss you dearly and I think of you and your silly puns every day I wish we could've gotten to know each other better you anymnous people take a fucking hike there is a block button and it is free people
No babe I dont think this is too harsh!! I do think some people were too hard on them and just mean for no reason. They were demanding them to list their age to make sure they weren’t a minor, and I get that but they could’ve asked nicely at least 😂😩 the anons that spew hate always have the most to say 🙄🙄
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rivatar · 26 days
Hey girl! It’s me!!! 🌷
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR writing my request!!?!?!!?!? It was ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC!?!?!!! I loved how it turned out!!! I couldn’t ask for more tbh. I loved how you added your own thing to it too. I can’t believe how you made this fic so SCRUMPTIOUS!?!?! YOU ARE TRULY A PERFECT WRITER!!!!!!!!!
I’m definitely going to ask for more requests soon!! But for the mean time you deserve to take a break!! Also thank you for taking your time on this I really do appreciate all your hard work that you put together for this story! You really did surprise me so much and I really want to say my thanks for that!! You have cured my craving 😂.
Once again thank you so much for this. I hope in the near future you can take my other requests soon!!
Much love from your absolute fan and friend!!! 🩷😘
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OMG KIMMMMMMM!! This is gonna make me CRYYYYYYY! Literally OF COURSEEEE, thank YOU for sending in such a good request!! And thanks for specifying everything that you wanted, it really helps me write it to your liking!!
Im literally gonna SCREAMMM, thank you for all those compliments, im flattered!!🥺🥰🫶🏼 I’m far from being a perfect writer but I’m hoping Im improving little by little! I did take my time on this bc I wanted you to LOVE it and im so glad you did!! I’m so happy your craving has been cured lmao! Nothing a little Jake smut can’t fix 😩‼️
Thank you again for this feedback, love. Truly! I will absolutely do more requests from you in the future. Much love right back at you!!!🥹🥹💖💖
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rivatar · 2 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then send this to the askbox of the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers ♥︎
1. FOOD (I’m such a foodie, im always craving something lmaoo!)
2. Fiction. (Whether it be Avatar, Star Wars, etc. I just love being able to escape into my fictional worlds)
3. My family/friends (might be cliche, but it’s true!! I have a great support system and ofc I love all you guys on here!!!)
4. My dogssss (they bring me so much comfort)
5. Going on vacations (especially the beachhh, gah I could live there forever)
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rivatar · 2 months
For the ask game, my love<3
🎂- February 17, 2003! 😚
🌙- Sun: Aquarius, Moon: Virgo, Rising: Libra
✈️- Unfortunately I haven’t been able to travel to many places yet (we poor lol) but so far I would say Orlando, FL when we went to Disney World!!! 🥰
🎧- “For Whom The Bell Tolls”-Metallica
🎵- Lana del Rey, Rihanna, Fleetwood Mac, and KISS (I know my music taste is all over the place LMAO🤣)
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rivatar · 2 months
Y’all ever just have 3 orgasms in a row to take the edge off or is it just me LMAO
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rivatar · 2 months
No hate but aren't there already too many events? There are two or three for june, one for july, another one for may and from what I understood, @neteyamswillow has one too but can't log in for now
I feel like people should make around 2-3 events per year, but let them popular/famous people hoist them. Idk, just saying
There are quite a few events coming up, I agree!! It’s kind of overwhelming for me to start writing for all them but I’m excited to see everything! I just feel bad I may not be able to participate in every single one of them bc theres just soooo much but I would rather there be plenty of events than none at all!
And yes I think the “mating season” one by her is paused right now since she can’t login, I could be wrong tho- I didn’t know about it when it first started bc I was still new here lol
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rivatar · 2 months
I feel so weird😭 I’m into blue aliens, yautjas and now TROLLS😭😭 ok I liked branch from trolls when I was little but now I like Floyd from the new one and hell I fell down the rabbit hole to where I’m reading smut with him-
HI ANON <333
YOURE NOT WEIRD HAHAH- for one, I think it’s perfectly acceptable to like blue aliens 🤭 and for two, I’ve heard quite a lot of ppl like Floyd soooo you’re not alone lmaoooo!
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rivatar · 2 months
So, I saw somewhere that here on tumblr quality is better than quantity, which is true but I also saw a blog that started in January and if they still were active, they'd catch up with Luna. We're talking here about likes and reblogs, baby. And I'm like, I should write over 2k words but also have quality content but I get intimidated so quickly
I totally agree with what you’re saying!! That would kinda confuse me at first when people would write like super short drabbles on here and get thousands of likes. It still kinda confuses me bc personally I like reading and writing longer works (like 1k +). But it’s also super hard to write that much and still make it quality content so I know what you’re sayinggg, it’s a lot of work but just keep it up, you’re doing soooo amazing!! 💖💖💖
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rivatar · 26 days
i can always count on you to say the right thing riv I'm glad you liked my story ill write a part two with extra smut just for you
Awwww!! Of course!! And YESSSS you totally should and ooooop I would be honored 🤪
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