songstressnene · 16 days
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Anzu and her Adonui~
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kunoichi-of--destiny · 5 months
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AdoAn Aesthetic for @fairyprincessnene
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newsheadlinesnow · 1 year
Anglican Diocese of All Nations (ADoAN) to Move Diocesan Pro-Cathedral to Austin Travis County
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khaleesiofalicante · 4 years
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Cristina continues to own my heart. ALSO YES TO MORE ADAON CONTENT.
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phiib · 5 years
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Based on today’s episode and Arabian Nights scout-
The same sentence but different reactions-
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svnsorsvns · 3 years
for: someone he’s been betrothed to
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“What do you expect of me? I can’t - I won’t -” Fuck this wasn’t going to work, they weren’t getting it. Adoane lets out a shaky sigh, looking up at the other from his frustration, “Look, I’m sorry. I know what you were told when we were set up, but I can’t be the pretty little prince you expect of me. I won’t be that perfect prince for you. You’ll have to get used to it.”
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aratilightwood · 5 years
Kieran: I'm gonna be a mighty king, so enemies beware.
Adoan: Well, I've never seen a king of beasts with quite so little hair.
Kieran: I'm gonna be the main event, like no king was before. I'm brushing up on looking down. I'm working on my roar!
Adoan: Thus far, a rather uninspiring thing.
Kieran: Oh, I just can't wait to be king!
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Prince Adoan, just Prince Adoan. 
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that-house · 2 years
The Thief and the Gun: Prologue 1
Trains went everywhere in the Civilized West, and so plastering a bounty on their side was a good way to get the word out. On the slowest-moving freight trains, well-anchored sheets of paper did the trick, but for faster trains, the posters were painted on, the ten-foot-tall visages of the most heinous criminals and the reward for their capture carefully skirting about the Clayton Transportation logo on each car. Whoever had painted Virgil’s had done a terrible job.
On one hand, that was good news, given that his freshly-updated bounty was eight hundred Adoan dollars. On the other hand, he couldn’t help but be a little insulted. The hair and beard looked decent, but where was his roguish grin? The face on the train grimaced down at him, dark eyes staring out of a tanned face framed by long brown hair and a short beard. He had never snarled like that in his life, and never would. Virgil Hayes much preferred to keep things fun, dangerous, and just a little bit intoxicated.
It would be inconvenient to kill Dry Creek’s sheriff if she somehow managed to recognize him, but ending up on the pyre would be even more inconvenient, so he ducked into the saloon when he saw her approach the train to inspect its contents. It was a wretched run-down shithole of a bar, and he still couldn’t afford anything.
Even if he could, judging from the look of the saloon it wouldn’t be any good. The floorboards were rough, the paint on the walls was peeling, and the room couldn’t be any darker if the lone gas lamp were to stop guttering and finally go out. It looked like a place that had never seen money or happiness, let alone a good drink.
The air in the saloon was stagnant and reeked of cheap alcohol and sweat. A little evening sunlight found its way in through the door but only served to illuminate the dust gently drifting through the air in the wake of drunk patrons stumbling back to their homes or inns. Like everything in Dry Creek, the saloon felt ancient but impermanent. It may have stood here for decades, but if the mines ran out it would be gone and forgotten in a matter of days. Virgil suspected no one would miss it.
He was damn thirsty, though, so he quickly patted himself down just to be sure. There was his revolver. A little old, maybe, but in fine shape. Twenty-six, no, twenty-seven bullets between his belt and pockets. One ball of lint. A small knife, tucked away in his boot. An empty flask. No money. Fuck.
No one had paid much attention to his entrance, except for a lone man at the bar. The man wore a fine suit which did very little to conceal the gun under his coat, and he was beckoning to Virgil. Virgil pointed at himself and gave the man his best “you’ve got the wrong guy” face, (a raised eyebrow, a friendly-but-awkward half-smile, and a head shake), to no avail. The man patted the stool next to him. Virgil looked back over his shoulder at the train station, where the sheriff stood, calmly surveying the area as her men rifled through boxes. He sighed, and sat down.
“I don’t know who you’re looking for, but it’s not me.”
The man pulled out a wanted poster, one of the little paper ones. “Are you sure?” His voice was smug and nasally, and Virgil fucking hated him already. He looked down at the sheet of paper. Unlike the one on the train, this poster was unmistakably him. A very good likeness. He leaned forward to examine it better. By the First President, it was like looking in the mirror.
“Nope! Never seen him in my life! Good luck on your search!” He began rising from the stool when the man’s arm shot out and gripped his forearm hard enough to bruise.
“Virgil Hayes. A year ago, if we’d met like this, you would be dead. Your worthless, thieving ass would’ve been dragged to the pyre and you’d have gotten the highwayman’s fate, quick as you like.” The man’s tone suggested that it was still on the table. Virgil sat back down.
“I’m not your executioner today, Virgil. I’m here on the behalf of Clayton Transportation. I assume you know of Silas Clayton?” The mystery man was just saying that to be dramatic; everyone knew Silas Clayton. He was only the richest, most powerful man in the West. The Church of Law was located way out east, so the First President had given Clayton free reign and government funding to enforce the bounty system. But more than that, Silas Clayton owned the trains: all of them, through one company or another. Clayton Transportation ruled the West, and only the lavender barons came close to his wealth and influence. After the First President, Silas Clayton was the first name a child growing up in the West learned. Of course Virgil knew who Clayton was.
“Who’s that? Never heard of him.” The man coughed. His fingers twitched, just a little bit, probably dreaming about wrapping them around Virgil’s throat. He did his best to calm himself, taking a deep breath and brushing some nonexistent dust off of his jacket’s shoulder.
It was a very nice jacket. All of the man’s clothes were obnoxiously fine, perfectly tailored and spotlessly clean. His polished boots reflected the dim glow of the lamp better than most mirrors. He looked like the sort of man who woke up with perfect hair, or, failing that, spent three hours marshaling every strand into place and then invariably grew irritated when his hat messed it up. Despite the effort he evidently put into his appearance, he had the wasting, sallow look of the perpetually ill, a notion further reinforced by his frequent coughing. The man’s gun was mostly hidden by his coat, but Virgil thought he saw flashes of gold inlaid into the grip. The overall impression was that of a fairly wealthy man doing his best to look even richer.
“Mr. Clayton has a job to offer you.” Virgil started to refuse out of habit, but the man continued. “You’ve made a living as a thief and a murderer, and Mr. Clayton needs people like you. One heist. Ten thousand dollars in cash.”
“Ten thousand?” That was more money than Virgil had seen in his life. Maybe more than his parents had, too.
The man clearly misinterpreted the shock in Virgil’s voice, saying “If that’s not enough for you, I’m sure you could negotiate a higher pay.”
“I’m going to need a glass of whiskey up front.”
With a sigh, Virgil stuck out his hand. The man looked at it with some distaste, eyeing the grime under Virgil’s nails and the pistol grip calluses as if they might be infectious. Finally, letting out a similarly dissatisfied sigh, he took Virgil’s hand and shook it as quickly as he could. Virgil did his best to draw the handshake out, relishing the man’s discomfort. “Never caught your name.”
The man’s reply was curt: “Vernon Poole. I’d say it’s a pleasure to meet you, but-” And with that he gestured vaguely at the whole of Virgil’s body.
“Well, Mr. Poole, I’d say this is the start of a truly wonderful friendship,” Virgil lied. “So when do I meet this Clayton fellow?”
“We’re taking the morning train to Coalstead.”
The whiskey arrived. It was as bad as Virgil had expected. “What if someone sees me? Am I allowed to kill them or does Mr. Clayton expect his little pet criminals to play nice?”
“Mr. Clayton owns the train and everyone on it. They won’t see you, it’s in their contract.”
“Okay. If you get me killed I have every intention of haunting you.”
“I could say the same.”
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444names · 2 years
hindu deities names converted to katakana syllables BUT similar to "katsuki"
Aakushubi Aayani Aayanika Adati Adiamanji Adiiraa Adiireeji Adiiutora Adimi Adoan Adoanta Agani Agyata Aiadati Aiamanshi Aiapupato Aiaruni Airan Aireeia Aireejami Amana Amanta Amanyuu Amiisoba Anaaba Anari Anbanbani Anbiia Anbishi Anbodi Andaa Andani Andati Andoa Aniria Aniyana Annyu Arafuma Araka Arama Aramaayan Aranan Araneshan Arani Ararana Arari Arashi Arasuwati Arati Areedoaa Arenji Areshuuti Arika Aruburu Arudori Ashindati Ashini Ashita Ashuta Ashuuruta Ashuwara Asuri Asuta Ayakunati Ayamiiuta Ayanuuti Ayati Baganta Baguna Banaama Banara Bangari Banyuuji Baranaru Barani Barata Barau Barunya Batori Battoru Bibasuta Bibattori Bidebani Biiabati Biiama Biiaman Biiamana Biiamara Biian Biiani Biiapushi Biiaru Biieeba Biieebani Biieeia Biieeji Biieenji Biira Biirani Biiri Biisa Biisha Biishuti Biisu Biiuta Biiutan Biiya Biiyama Biiyati Bikama Bikandori Bikaruni Bisana Bishana Bishi Bishia Bishiba Bishini Bishiti Bishu Bishuna Bishuu Bisobari Bitara Budoni Budora Budori Buika Buikaari Buikushan Buisha Buisharu Bunaa Bundora Buramari Buran Buraza Burishani Burisu Burudora Buujoo Buura Buuryu Buuta Chamabiia Chanri Chanta Chanyu Chiba Chini Chira Chita Chosana Daabarau Daabi Daamati Daamini Daarenyuu Daayaaya Daayata Dakaaka Dakushu Danban Datari Datorama Debana Debani Debanyuu Debiia Debiira Debito Diiuti Ditori Doandorau Doani Doanuu Doaru Doataresu Doato Dobanri Dobato Doisu Dorafuma Dorandoa Dyuuta Dyuutomi Eebari Eebura Eedoara Eedoati Eedoishia Eedoni Eeiapurau Eenashu Eenji Eeshuujoo Eetoba Gandoi Ganyu Garari Gunyuka Gupaana Gurama Handiia Haniyani Hanyaa Hufumi Hunaa Huuta Inari Iniiniya Jagan Jagya Jamani Jamaniotu Jandoni Japura Junia Juurini Kaabani Kamabara Kamadima Kamaniya Kamantama Kamati Kanaa Kanaaga Kanata Kanda Kandaati Kandoana Kandorama Kandori Kangara Kannyuki Kanri Kanta Kaokiama Kashira Kashufuma Kasuma Keerasha Keshan Kiagyaa Kiami Kianyu Kiarati Kiiana Kodaati Kodiamidi Kotaditi Kusha Kushana Kyama Kyanari Maaga Maati Maattori Maaya Maban Mabidi Mabiieeji Madaa Maesu Makanaru Makuni Makusha Makushini Manari Manasu Manbari Manbi Mandoroo Maneshi Manga Maniia Manji Mannioti Mannyura Manta Manyadi Manyuuri Marati Marebana Matora Meedoa Meeji Meera Meeri Miiyama Minioti Miniyani Mohia Mohibama Mohira Mujoopa Mukan Mukana Mukani Mukia Mukiamana Mukka Mukkana Mundoa Munirama Munketu Munya Munyaman Munyu Munyura Murairi Musha Mushiana Mushita Muuji Naaga Naakesha Naati Nakushani Namuji Nantori Naraga Narani Narattoru Naria Narisu Narisuba Naruna Niyadi Niyata Nukanbiti Paabasu Paabibara Padaa Pannyashu Pasuban Pasumi Patiba Patori Patorishi Perafumi Peraman Perashu Peratora Pupaa Pupara Pupashi Pupuri Purafuman Puramari Pureeia Puriasha Pushapadi Raaman Rafuma Rafumaabi Rairara Raman Ramati Ramuugupa Ranyu Raran Rareera Ratarani Rattorama Rebiti Reeba Reebana Reebari Reeda Reedati Reedori Reeji Reeri Reeshika Reetu Resha Rudoa Rudorati Rudori Rushini Sabiira Samusha Sanbi Sanikuta Seedora Seeji Seera Seeri Senara Senji Senyukka Sesuwama Shana Shani Shashi Shashina Shasu Shiasu Shieedoa Shindoi Shini Shinji Shiraru Shiti Shitia Shufuma Shufumito Shuna Shunyu Shusena Shutori Sobati Somiti Subasu Subati Suberata Subibanda Subuu Sumato Surati Sureebani Taaya Tamuna Teedoati Teheeia Teheeina Tesura Ugupata Ugupato Umaan Umaniyani Yaaga Yamaaka Yamabiia Yamansha Yamareeri Yamita Yanga Yanri Yanyu Yatoroo Yerani Yudoatama
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resepmakanan · 5 years
Resep Bolu Pisang Panggang Lembut, Enak dan Mudah Dibuat
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Resep Bolu Pisang Panggang - Kali ini kami akan membagikan sebuah resep kue yang tidak kalah enaknya yaitu, Bolu Pisang Panggang. Mau tau seperti apa cara membuatnya ? yuk simak selengkapnya di bawah ini. Bolu ріѕаng раnggаng mеruраkаn bоlu раnggаng yang ѕаmа hаl nya dеngаn bоlu раnggаng lаіnуа hanya ѕаjа bаhаn dasar di tambahi dеngаn pisang. Pіѕаng apa ѕаjа уаng bisa di gunаkаn untuk membuat bolu уаіtu pisang ambon atau ріѕаng raja. Pіѕаng jеnіѕ іnі bіѕа di gunakan karena teksturnya yang padat dаn tіdаk banyak bеrаіr. Nah раdа dаѕаrnуа саrа mеmbuаt bоlu ріѕаng раnggаng іnі ѕаmа dеngаn bolu lainnya. Hаnуа ѕаjа bahan nуа dі tambahi pisang. Bоlu ріѕаng kіnі menjadi bоlu yang fаvоrіt , mungkin kаrеnа dаrі rasa khаѕ ріѕаng ѕеrtа bеdа dаrі lainnya. Bоlu pisang mempunyai tеkѕtur уаng аgаk раdаt dan lеmbut hal ini menjadi makanan bolu ini bаnуаk реnggеmаrnуа. Bаgі para реnсіtа dan реmbuаt kue раѕtі tіdаk аkаn kеtіnggаlаn dengan mеmbuаt bоlu ріѕаng kаrеnа dari rasa yang еnаk tеntu bahan dаѕаrnуа mudаh untuk dі dapatkannya. Kita tаu ѕеndіrі ріѕаng merupakan buah уаng bаnуаk mengandung vіtаmіn. Tentu kіtа аkаn mendapatkan bаnуаk mаnfааt bіlа membuat bоlu pisang. Nаh bаgі раrа реmulа , membuat bоlu ini ѕаngаt sederhana dаn mudah
Resep Bolu Pisang Panggang Lembut, Enak dan Mudah Dibuat
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Resep Bolu Pisang Panggang Lembut, Enak dan Mudah Dibuat Bahan-Bahan Resep Bolu Pisang Panggang 125 gram tepung terigu 150 gram gula pasir 5 butir telur ayam 100 gram margarin ( lelehkan) 50 gram susu bubuk 3 buah pisang ambon ( 2 buah di haluskan, 1 buah pisang di potong – potng ) 1 sendok makan emulsifier 1/2 sendok teh baking powder Cara Membuat Kue Bolu Pertama – tama campurkan tepung terigu, susu bubuk dan baking powder. aduk rata kemudian di ayak. sisihkan Kocok telur, gula dan emulsifier dengan menggunakn mixer hingga mengembang dan berwarna putih pucat Masuka pisang yang dihaluskan tadi dan aduk hingga merata Masukan campuran tepung yang sudah di ayak tadi sedikit demi sedikt sambil terus di aduk hingga merata Tuang margarin yang sudah di lelehkan. aduk sampai rata Siapkan loyang berukuran 10x 10 cm, olesi dengan mentega pada permukaan loyang dan taburi tepung terigu dengan tipis- tipis Tuang adonan pisang kedalam loyang. ratakan Masukan potongan pisang pada adonan kue pisang. tata diatas permukaan adoan kue Panggang dalam oven dengan suhu 150 c dengan lama kira – kira 35 menit. atau sampai matang Jika sudah matang angkat , potong sesuai dengan selera. bolu pisang panggang siap untuk di santap Demikian resep kue yang dapat kami bagikan pada kesempatan yang baik ini, semoga resep kali ini dapat membantu para pembaca. Jangan lupa untuk membagikan resep ini kepada teman-teman anda. Terima Kasih. Read the full article
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songstressnene · 5 months
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Drew some cute AdoAns~
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study-read-repeat · 7 years
How does Adoan look like? Brew thanks for the spoilers xxxxx
He isnt really described
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reaperkaneki · 5 years
the one good thing about being dysphoric about having a body that people will inherently gender and having low self esteem since i can remember is that ive never had any expectations for myself regarding my attractiveness or physical body. like yeah i want to look androgynous and if i look good i feel good about it, but i’ve always considered myself tp be ‘not hot’ and that that sort of thing doesn’t matter. being perceived is the real failure of my flesh, not being skinny or chubby or whatever. basically when i was like, i dunno, eight, i looked at myself in the mirror and went, ‘yeah i’ll never be pretty, but whatever’ and went back to like reading a book or something and that’s had mixed effects on my self esteem.
this is of course speaking from a place of being fairly privileged and genetically lucky, in that i dont store fat easier (or harder—my metabolism is 100% in the middle) than most, and i have pretty unblemished, clear skin for the most part. of course, in terms of skin tone, i’ve alternately felt too dark (as most Ethnics^tm do at points) but also too light (being of an ethnicity with, on average, relatively darker skin than other adoan ethnic groups, but also, like, part chinese, so i’m ‘too light to be khmer’—seems like a non-problem to have but it’s... a trip, when your bf’s dad who is the same ethnicity looks at you and doesn’t belive that you are one of them bc you neither speak the language nor have the ethnic features he expects). but that’s a whole different area of Bodily Disconnect.
the closest ive ever been to dieting is uh. probably around the lowest parts of my life re:depression, and thats not even accurate bc i just. didnt eat. like when i was unemployed and an anxious depressed mess who couldn’t even leave the apartment to buy groceries bc i neither had income nor was able to handle being in public and interacting with people for that long without self-destructing. i ate maybe a meal a day and that was only bc my bf would like go out and buy me takeout or bring me his mother’s cooking. i lost a lost of weight, and the first time my mom saw me she said i was so skinny, what’s your secret, and i couldnt tell her the answer honestly cuz it was just. oh im starving a little bit. the next time she saw me she actually expressed concern to whether i was eating enough, because at that point my face was pale and slightly sunken and i was (not unusually, but in conjunction with the rest would be a bit worrying) lethargic and fatigued. and yet she still ‘complimented’ me on being skinny tho lolol
anyways this post has no particular point, i’ve just been on an introspection kick. i have no idea how i dodged the bullets of diet culture and makeup culture. possibly bc ive always had a disconnect to womanhood (never wanted children, never been feminine, never felt like i wanted to be beautiful, etc) that eventually was realized as transness.
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khaleesiofalicante · 4 years
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Excuse me Adoan is the only unproblematic faerie minding his own fucking business - why y’all do this to him????????
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svnsorsvns · 3 years
009. Do they believe in happy endings?
012. What makes your character embarrassed?
014. Detail one secret shame your character feels.
018. Your character wakes up to find that war has been declared. What do they do?
022. What is the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen?
[ for the princes ]
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009. Do they believe in happy endings?
Quan does. He believes in the happy endings from the storybooks that were always read to him as a child, and he believes one day both he and Adoane will be those princes for someone, while their sister will be the beautiful princess of someones dreams.
012. What makes your character embarrassed?
Very little, in all honesty. He knows he’s not the smartest person out there, so becoming embarrassed by his own stupidity does sometimes happen even though he tries not to let it.
014. Detail one secret shame your character feels.
The fact he made more then one teacher quit while he was growing up by making them so frustrated that he didn’t understand what they were teaching him.
018. Your character wakes up to find that war has been declared. What do they do?
If his family truly decided to declare war Quan wouldn’t have much of a choice in what he would be able to do - he’d more then likely become trapped within the palace walls, all his activities and events canceled. He’d probably also ask to many stupid questions about the now war, confused as to why it’s happening in the first place.
022. What is the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen?
Children. Quan has always had a soft spot for any child, especially babys, and he doesn’t think there’s anything more beautiful then a new life.
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009. Do they believe in happy endings?
To Adoane happy endings only happen in fairy tails and wishing for one is something only fools do,
012. What makes your character embarrassed?
His family. Not just Quan and his stupidity but his whole family. His parents and the way they’ve run the kingdom into the ground, his sister and her flamboyance and hopes. They embarrass him to no end, even if he tries not to show it publicly.
014. Detail one secret shame your character feels.
Being born into the family he was. Adoane would much rather have been born to a family of common folks, but he could never dare say something so openly to many people.
018. Your character wakes up to find that war has been declared. What do they do?
“We’ve been at war for a long time, making it official doesn’t change anything.”
022. What is the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen?
It’s something he’s only ever seen in dreams - the palace burning to the ground.
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