#adopted by macao bc yeah
trellionhellion · 2 years
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 3 years
Natsu Dragneel with a 16 Year Old Adopted Little Brother Headcanon
TW/CW: Natsu Dragneel w/ 16 year old adopted younger brother (calling him Drake to make it easy).
Requested?: Yes, a lovely Anon said, “hey there, could i ask for headcanons for natsu dragneel with an (adopted) younger brother who is around 15 or 16 and always wants to go on adventures with him and uses lightning and fire magic? no worries if you dont wanna tho”
A/N: I’ve been getting several Fairy Tail requests lately and it’s making me happy lol. Also, I immediately thought of Romeo when I got this request bc I always loved the brotherly relationship he and Natsu have. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this one! Requests are open and as always love to all!
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    - Okay, so lowkey whether he realizes it or not, Natsu has more younger kids/teens that see him as a big brother than he can count on both hands. That being said, Drake is the only one that’s been with Natsu since practically the beginning.
    - Natsu found Drake not long after Igneel disappeared. So, they joined Fairy Tail together.
    - For some reason, Drake also took a big liking to Laxus and that’s why he learned lightning magic on top of his already having learned fire magic. Mira likes to think it’s because Laxus is like the big brother to everyone in the Guild whether he likes it or not. Drake and Laxus also have a lot in common because of both losing their dads.
    - Anyway, when he was younger, protective, older brother Natsu always made sure Drake stayed at the guild when he went on jobs but every now and then he’d let Drake tag along if there was an easier job. When Drake was at the Guild by himself while Natsu and Happy were on a job, he’d always be training. He even tried to convince Laxus to spar with him a time or two but if he got any acknowledgement or response from Laxus it was always a bolt to the face.
    - That was until Drake practically saved Laxus’s life one day because the older lightning mage was being stupidly arrogant and slipped up. After that, Laxus would occasionally spar/train with Drake.  
    - Now back to the job thing. Finally, when Drake couldn’t stand it anymore, he begged Makarov to let him go on some jobs by himself or with others from the Guild. Makarov knew it was time to let him fly the coop so he sent him on a rather easy job and told him to take Romeo with him. So, the two set off and managed to come back unscathed.
    - After that, Drake would often go on jobs with Macao, Wakaba, and Romeo and eventually Natsu started asking him to tag along with him and Happy every now and then.
    - You thought Natsu and Gray butt heads?? Yeah no, Natsu and Drake are constantly picking wrestling matches with each other. They tussle more than Natsu and Gray do but it’s always in a lighthearted fun way not because they are arguing like Natsu and Gray do.
    - Mavis forbid if Drake and Happy ever thought Natsu had a crush on anyone. They’d never let him hear the end of it.
    - Drake lowkey had a crush on Erza at one point but then between the age difference and the fact that she often scared the shit out of him, he gave it up.
    - Considering this kid wields two different, very powerful caster type magics, he is just as destructive if not more so than Natsu when he gets too excited. That’s why if there’s ever a chance of destruction on a job, then Makarov always insists that only one of them goes. Which basically means, Natsu and Drake only get to pair up for the really easy jobs lol.
     - Oh oh oh, Natsu about had a come apart when Zeref insisted that Drake was not Natsu’s little brother just because he was never formerly adopted. Needless to say, Drake obviously despises Zeref. Poor Natsu couldn’t quite understand why he couldn’t legally adopt Drake as his little brother himself after the fact but Mira finally was able to explain it to him.
Taglist: @emiijemii​
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