#romeo little brother. self indulgents
brewsterispunkk · 3 years
la que amo.
part i.
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pairing: frankie morales x f!reader.
warnings: PTSD, character death (tom), bad words (lol), angst to fluff (sorry) , idiots in love™, the boys dealing with the aftermath of Colombia, sad!frankie, my amatuer writing.
WC: 5k
A/N: this was so self-indulgent i’m not even sorry about it. the work this is named after is Pablo Neruda’s translation of Romeo and Juliet which you can find here . This is part one, the second part will be much lighter I promise .this is also my first time writing Frankie so pls lmk what u think or if you want tagged in later fics :) xx, L
summary: One time you take care of Frankie, and one time he takes care of you <3
There weren’t many things you kept from Frankie Morales.
 In the better part of the decade that you’d known him, the secrets between you were few. On your end, at least. He knew everything about you; From the little things like how you took your coffee or what your guilty pleasure romcom was (My Big Fat Greek Wedding–he’d been forced to watch it with you too many times to forget) or where you kept your spare key, to the bigger, heavier things like the knee injury that got you discharged and still gives you grief when it rains, or your fucked up relationship with your family, or your tells when the flashbacks were particularly horrible. 
You knew his shit, too. This wasn’t some one-way street; If you were the face of a coin, Frankie was the other side. You’d been there through his messy break-up with Caroline, his relapse and license fiasco, the aftermath of Colombia. Grieving Tom. 
Pope hadn’t been there for that. Where the rest of the boys returned home and found their own ways of coping with Colombia (Benny with his fighting, Will with writing and speaking, Frankie with regular therapy), Santi had run off to come to terms with it. Left them all in the dust. He was Lord knows where, doing Lord knows what, and rarely checking in to let them know he was still breathing. Will and Benny could get by fine like that; They knew Pope’s nature. They loved him, of course, like a brother, but they still had each other. Their own blood, a bond that even distance and time couldn’t break. There had been a time when Frankie thought that about himself and Santiago Garcia, too, but after Colombia, everything he thought he knew about himself seemed to be thrown to the wind. 
The nightmares returned. It had been the first night he was back, and he’d told you to come over for dinner with him and the Miller boys, something you’d done a million times before. Only this time, it was nothing like usual. 
You’d gotten the call as you sat with your mom and sister at your parents’ kitchen table for your usual Saturday evening coffee-date. You’d scoffed, rolling your eyes as you thought it was your boss calling you in to see if you could pick up a shift. When you turned your phone over, your heart stopped.
Incoming Call from: Catfish Morales… 
You audibly gasped and stood from the worn wooden chair, causing your mother and sister to cease their chatter. 
“Who the hell is ‘Catfish–’” your sister began.
 You answered the call. 
 If you hadn’t been so worried, so hopeful, you’d have been embarrassed at how desperate your voice sounded. How wrecked. You’d done a good job at hiding how on edge you’d been as you sat with your mom and sister, trying to ignore the intrusive thoughts of the last few days. Your mind was running wild with thoughts that had dominated it these past few days since he’d been supposed to be back. Is he okay? Is he alive? Has someone found his phone and is calling me to return it to him?  
“Hey, cariño,” The familiar deep rasp hit your ears like a bucket of cold water, and you sighed. Your eyes fell shut in both relief and frustration.
He was alive. He was here, on the other end of the phone, talking to you.
“Hi, baby.” He sounded tired, worn out. His voice rough and unused like he’d just woken up from a nightmare. You wondered if he had. 
The nickname didn’t miss you though.
 “Baby,” he’d called you. Frankie only called you that endearment for two reasons. One, whether he was trying to annoy the ever-loving hell out of you, or two, when he was trying to get something out of you or convince you of something. Oh. He knew you would be mad. He was trying to soften the blow of whatever he was about to tell you.
“Don’t ‘Baby,’ me Francisco Morales, where the hell have you been? Where are you now? What happened?” 
You could practically see his wince in your head at your tone of voice. He hated when you were angry, when you fought. He’d said so on multiple occasions throughout the course of your friendship. But—his sweet words and puppy eyes weren’t going to get him out of this one. You deserved answers. 
“Look, honey, I–We’re at my place now. Just got in. I would’ve called sooner, but my phone died three days in and I just got a chance to charge it, I,”
 He stopped himself and you waited. You held your breath, and still nothing. You could tell that this was different than anything you’d experienced with him before. This wasn’t a nightmare or a war flashback. You’d never heard him like this. Finally he spoke, voice smaller than you’d ever heard it.
“Can you come over?”
“I’m already on my way,” you said matter-of-factly, hands already grabbing your purse and keys. It was still warm where you were in Florida, so you didn’t need a coat. The thick flannel you had stolen from either Will or Frankie (you couldn’t remember which) a few years ago insulated you enough from the chilly breeze outside. Your mom and sister looked at you in understanding as you made your way to the door. 
“Who’s with you,” you asked him as you unlocked your beat-up SUV, balancing your phone between your shoulder and cheek. You fumbled with your keys, trying to find the right one and not being able to do it fast enough. The only thing on repeat in your mind was Frankie, Frankie, Frankie.
“Uh, Benny and Will are here with me. Santi’s gone rogue.” You sighed and cursed under your breath. Of course he had. That bastard.
You loved Santi. You did. He was just as much a brother to you as the Miller boys, and had accepted you into the group with open arms when Frankie introduced you, his new “girl best friend and retired army medic,” to the group. However, just like the rest of you, Santi’s time serving had royally fucked him over. It had fucked up his head, and fucked up his way of dealing with things, of coping. Where Frankie would close in on himself, Santi would explode. He’d run off—whether it be to California, Canada, or, most recently, Colombia—and go months without writing or calling. He’d become a ghost, and in doing so, he’d leave the rest of you in the dust behind him. 
The three of you had learned to deal with it. It had been easy for you; You’d joined late in the game, and had never actually served with them. You’d never learned to depend on Santi the way the others had. You had Frankie for that. The Millers always had each other, and though Benny had taken it hard the first few times, he learned to live with it. Frankie though, Frankie was another story. He never learned to cope with his best friend’s leaving. And if this mission ended nearly as badly as you thought it did, you knew that this time would be no different.
“Okay. And Redfly?” You asked, trying to get a gauge of the situation. Santi, you could see running off. Tom? Not a chance. He took his family too seriously for that.
You heard what sounded like a deep exhale from the other end of the line, before a warbly voice replaced it. 
“Uhm,” He choked, voice on the verge of breaking. “Yeah he didn’t, uhm, he didn’t make it.” 
Shit. You thought of Molly, you thought of his girls. Their faces flashed in your mind. Your mind wandered to the last time you’d seen him, at one of those stupid barbeques Benny insisted on throwing every other weekend in the summer. How real he looked then, in your mind. How alive. You saw how he held Valentina for the first time when Frankie first brought her around, before he and Caroline had decided to take a break after his bust. You thought of Frankie’s eyes looking at him. His friend. His brother in arms. You thought of him cold, still. You thought of how it could’ve been Frankie.
Frankie. Frankie is here. Frankie is alive. Focus on that.
“Oh my god, Frank. Oh my god, I’m so sor—”
“I just really need you here right now, ok?” He sounded broken, more so than you’d ever heard him. “I just need my best friend right now, and–”
“I’m five minutes away. Do you need me to bring you anything? Do Benny or Will–”
“No, no, we’re good.” He spoke, clearing his throat. In your mind’s eye, you could see his face, brows furrowed the way they always do when he’s trying to blink away tears. “Will’s ordering Chinese right now. Benny’s in the shower.” 
He sighed, and you reached a red light. You didn’t know what to say. 
“I’ll see you in a few.” He said, before ending the call.
The rest of the way, you sped like you had the devil at your heels. Stop signs be damned. Your keys were barely out of the ignition before you were throwing open your car door and racing up the gravel to Frankie’s front door, purse long forgotten in the passenger seat. From the big window facing the driveway, you could see Benny’s silhouette, pacing with his arms crossed. Will and Frankie were nowhere to be seen. 
You didn’t bother knocking as you reached the door—you were well past that, and even if you weren’t you didn’t care enough for politeness when three hours ago you thought your best friend was dead, and now here he was, on the other side of the door. 
When you opened the door, it was Benny who was on you first. He wrapped you in a bear hug, no words uttered. His long, sinewy arms wrapped around your back and shoulders familiarly. You sighed into his chest and inhaled, his damp hair hitting your neck.
He smelled like Frankie’s body-wash. It was a familiar scent. Frankie had used the same one in all the years you’d known him. You’d grown to acquaint that deep, earthy pine smell with him. With Frankie. Your Frankie. Smelling it on Benny, something was different. Missing. The scent of the body wash was still there, familiar enough, but it wasn’t him. There was something more to Frankie’s scent, something distinctly him that gave you the comfort it provided. 
“Hi Ben,” you whispered. He half-sighed, half-whimpered into your shoulder and it nearly broke your heart. You felt his chin digging into the meat of your shoulder. 
Never in a million years had you heard Benny be so quiet, so solemn. He was the heart of the group, the humor. He always greeted you with a cheesy pick-up line or half-assed flirting, and in all the years you’d known him, you’d never seen him cry. 
He pulled back from the hug, eyes red-rimmed and glassy. His bottom lip wobbled only a little before his lips pursed.
“It’s good to see you,” he mustered before sniffling and shaking his head. “I-uh,” he cleared his throat before continuing.
“Fish, uh, he’s in the bathroom. You should go see him. I ain’t never seen him like this before. If Pope,” he cut himself off, but you knew what he was going to say. 
If Pope were here, he’d know what to do. You nodded.
But Pope wasn’t here. He never fucking was. Not when the going got tough. That’s where you stepped in. You gave Benny a smile and reached up to slide a piece of hair away from his forehead. 
“Thanks, Ben.” You thanked him. Benny had always been a faithful friend to you, always thinking of others before himself. Pure, go-lucky Benjamin Miller. Sunshine in human form. And you were positive that he was the only one in the group who could see right through you when it came to Frankie. The only one who knew how you truly felt about your best friend. Once upon a time you’d thought that it’d been Will who was the most observant of the group, with his sharp eyes and pointed looks. With time though, you’d found it to be Benny. He was always the first one to notice when something was off. People wrote him off; he was Benny Miller, ladies man or Benny Miller, life of the party. You knew better though, while he was all those things, he was more. He was caring and cunning and observant. He always knew what you were thinking before you even did. He’d get this knowing look in his eyes, and it felt like he could see right through you. You felt like that now.
“I’m gonna go sit with Will. Uhm, listen for the food, okay?” He tried to give his usual crooked grin but failed. 
“Sure thing, Ben.” You turned down the hall and toward the bathroom.
Frankie was standing hunched over the sink, leaning his two hands on either side, head hung between his shoulders. You could hear his rhythmic breaths. 
In, hold five seconds, out. Repeat.
 It was an exercise you’d learned at the veteran’s center, it was supposed to help with symptoms of PTSD. He hadn’t changed out of his clothes, it seemed. His gray t-shirt and jeans, though clean, were rumpled. When your hand touched his shoulder, he jumped. Deep brown eyes turned to you, wide like a scared animal.
You froze, and for a moment neither of you said a thing. 
You’d give him a moment to react; To realize it was you, that he was safe before letting him make the next move. The eye contact felt electrically charged, you were unable to break away. The pain in his brown eyes was more than you could bear, more than you’d ever seen before. They were glassy in a way that you’d only seen when Val was born, or when he and Caroline decided to end things for good. 
Then he snapped out of it. 
Frankie Morales let out a whimper, a whimper that tore through your chest like a bullet, before you were pulled into his arms like you had never belonged anywhere else. One hand came under your arm across your back to hold your shoulder, while his other grasped for your waist like you’d disappear if he didn’t hold you tight enough. His head fell to the crook of your neck and he exhaled, breathing you in. 
Frankie was here. He was alive and pulsing and breathing and a little beaten up, but he was here.
Your mind held onto that before you allowed it to spiral into all of the “what-ifs.” Frankie was here, he was breathing, and he was holding you, and that was all that mattered. He half-sobbed, half-spoke your name into your neck as you held him under the fluorescent light of his bathroom. You felt the damp of his tears on your neck. Your hand reached up to thread through his hair and you felt him relax into you, chest against yours.
“Hey, hey, hey. It’s ok. You’re ok. It’s ok, Frank. It’s ok.” you hushed him, one hand in his hair and the other skating across his back as he clutched onto you. His hands fisted your shirt. 
“I’m so sorry, baby. I’m sorry, I’m so fucking dumb,” his words were muffled by your shoulder as he choked them out, still overcome with tears.
“You fucking told me not to take this job. You told me it was a bad idea, that it’d be dangerous but I didn’t listen to you, and—”
“Hey, hey. No. No, don’t apologize–”
“But I–”
“Frankie, you have nothing to apologize for, honey, nothing. Just stop. It’s ok. We’re ok.”
“But I worried you,” he said, finally pulling back and wiping his eyes. You scoffed a bit at that. 
“You worry me whenever you five get together,” you quipped, before freezing. Frankie’s eyes lit up a bit at what you were referring to; The ridiculous shenanigans that would ensue when the five former Delta Force soldiers would get together. It was something you’d joke about with him often. It stung now. His face fell. 
Four. It would only be the four of them now.
You both spoke at the same time.
“Frankie, I–”
You let him continue. “Tom, he. He uh—” his voice warbled before he cut himself off with a sob. You’d never seen him cry like this. Not after a nightmare, not after Caroline left, never. This time it was you who pulled him into your arms. 
You wanted to make him feel secure, controlled, safe. You wanted to give this man who had been through hell and back something soft and something kind, something not soaked in bloodshed and violence and pain. You wanted to chase his demons away and quell the storm that had risen within him. It killed you that you couldn’t do that for him.
You resorted to hold him instead.
You didn’t know how long you held him there in that small hallway bathroom, the time began to blend together after a while. You remember feeling content, as fucked up as that sounds. You remember holding him, running a hand through his hair, the soft strands running through your fingers. You felt like you could breathe again; he was finally here, tangible and in front of you after all those nights of no sleep, of checking your phone constantly for a message, of wondering if he was dead in some pit half a world away. The thought that that could have happened, that it could have been him in that body bag instead of Tom made you hold him tighter. 
Eventually, the food arrived, and the four of you sat down to eat, silently this time, unlike the countless nights you’d spent over beer and dinner before at Frankie’s dining table. It was a heavy silence, but not an awkward one. It was a silence that bore the weight that none of you would be the same; That things would be different from now on. Now that there would be an empty seat at the table. 
Eventually, Will left, and Benny asked if he could crash on the couch; he’d had too many beers to drive. Of course Frankie had said yes, no matter how annoyingly touchy Benny got when he drank. He didn’t want him to be alone tonight anyway. Will could handle it—he always had the most sense of the group. He knew how to de-compartmentalize, when he needed to be alone, when to go to therapy. Benny dealt with emotions differently. You were glad he stayed.
With Benny sprawled contentedly on the couch, snoring softly, you looked at Frankie in the dim, low light of the living room. You were standing near the start of the hallway, the forced conversation having fizzled out awkwardly. 
He looked beautiful like this.
The low, gold light made his deep brown eyes appear almost black, their depth endless as he looked at you.
His gaze was unbridled—different from his usual amused or flighty glances. Oftentimes, when Frankie looked at you, you couldn’t decipher why. His looks weren’t unguarded and open like Benny’s, or endlessly kind like Will’s; When Frankie looked at you, he never let what was going on in his head slip through. Something he’d learned while overseas, you guessed. You’d picked up similar habits during your time serving. 
Now though, you could see the pain in them, and an almost longing as he looked at his feet.
His hair had grown out, longer than he usually  let it, now curling over his ears in ashy brown tufts that looked golden in the light. He looked older, you thought, right now. The lines on his face were more pronounced, the set of his mouth solemn. You missed his smile, or that stupid giggle he’d make when you or Benny would make a “that’s what she said” joke. In that moment, you swore you’d bring him the sun if he wanted it; If it would bring his smile back. He had a cut on his cheek, freshly scabbed over, from the mission.
Without thinking, your hand reached for it. You ran your fingers down the coarse ridge of it before you jerked it away, realizing where your hand had drifted. When he felt your fingers leave, his own hand flew up, his warm palm pressing your own to his cheek.
“I’m sorry–” he began, dropping his hand. Yours stayed put.
“No.” you said obstinately. “It’s fine.”
You ran your finger over the curve of his golden cheek, content at the closeness.
“Looks like it hurt like a bitch.” You traced his scab.
“Yeah, you should see the other guy.” He huffed, looking up at you, a small smile on his lips.
There it is. You thought. You hummed, before sighing. 
“Yeah well, lucky for you, it doesn’t look like it’ll scar.”
“Thanks doc,” he replied, before his eyes turned solemn again, looking directly into your own. He opened his mouth to continue before a buzz from your back pocket cut him off. 
“Sorry,” you said, before pulling out your phone. It was from your sister. 
Where R U?  It read. You sighed, before typing out a reply. Your phone clock read: 2:15 am.
“Shit, Frankie.” You said. “It’s already 2am, you must be exhausted. God, I’m sorry to keep you up this late. And you’re jet-lagged and everything, I–”
“Cariño, it’s fine. I missed you.” 
“I missed you too,” you smiled at him, and stared, unable to help yourself. This man was so pretty. You were struck dumb. 
You finally snapped out of it, clearing your throat. 
“Well, I should probably let you sleep–”
“No wait!” His voice was desperate now as he grabbed you by your elbow, turning you back to face him. 
“Frankie,” you reached up to tuck a stray curl behind his ear, your other hand finding his shoulder. “It’s late and you need to sleep. I don’t want to keep you awake–”
“Stay.” he said, not skipping a beat. His left hand came up to hold yours resting on his shoulder. “I just–I don’t wanna be alone.”
Of course. There it was. Of course he didn’t want to be alone. You kicked yourself for missing it. For assuming he wanted you out of his hair. Looking at him, you didn’t know why you’d thought any different.
He was sheepish now, looking down. His bashfulness made you want to laugh. It was as if the two of you hadn’t been best friends for the better part of a decade, the way he was squirming. He looked younger hare, almost like a kid, caught in a lie trying to explain themselves. He doubled back, noticing your silence for too long.
“It’s okay,” he cleared his throat. “You’ve done so much for me already, I don’t wanna–”
“Of course I’ll stay.” It wasn’t a question; wherever he needed you, you would be.
He breathed out a sigh that sounded more like a gasp to you. His anxious face melted into one of tired relief, and you pulled him to you. He sighed into your shoulder as you ran your hands over his shoulders and up to his hair. You relished in having him this close, no matter how selfish it was. He was here. Just hours ago you’d thought him dead or worse, and now Frankie—your Frankie—was here in your arms, breathing and trembling and alive. 
“Thought you were gonna leave me,” he mumbled into the curve of your neck. Your brow furrowed.
“What are you–”
“Thought that this was gonna be it,” his arms found their way around your waist loosely. “Thought that after all the drugs and all the panic attacks and all the shit, that this was gonna be it. That you were finally gonna be done.”
“Jesus, Frank,” you ran a hand through his hair, before tugging lightly on a handful, needing what you were gonna say to sink in. “I’m not going anywhere, okay? You can’t get rid of me just like I can’t get rid of you and your dumb truck or your shitty taste in music, or that fucking hat that doesn’t go with anything.”
There was a beat of silence, and you thought that you’d finally given yourself away. That he’d realized how fucking pathetic and lovesick you were and he’d ask you to leave right then. You cleared your throat.
“Like you can’t get rid of any of us; Will or Santi or Benny fucking Miller’s god awful snoring.” You continued with a half-hearted chuckle, hoping you were in the clear.
The only sound besides his deep breathing was Benny’s snores from the couch ten feet away. You pulled Frankie’s head from your shoulder, hands on either of his cheeks. You were surprised to find them damp and warm. Flushed. He’d been crying. You gave him a little smile forcing him to meet your eyes. 
“It’s gonna be okay, and we’re no one’s  going anywhere. Not me, you, or anyone else.”
He pressed his forehead to yours, eyes glassy. He frowned, lips trembling. He breathed out a shaky breath.
“I’m sorry.” he huffed. You cut him off with a shake of your head. 
“No, Frank–”
He breathed out your name.
You don’t know what it was—you couldn’t bring yourself to meet his eyes. You were scared what you’d find. If it was pity there, you’d rather not look.
“Let’s get you to bed.” You said, before turning to his room. You could feel his presence behind you as you entered the space that was purely Frankie.
  A bit later, after you’d changed into a spare t-shirt and some sweats of Frankie’s, you left his bathroom. He was sitting at the foot of his bed; the green comforter contrasting with his blue sweatpants. His elbows were on his knees and he was looking at the carpet like it was the most interesting thing in the world. 
For a moment you just watched him, unsure of how much longer you’d have him like this. You were scared; scared that he’d discovered how you felt, scared that after this he’d pull away again. You didn’t know if you could handle if he spiraled again. Relapsed. Your own pain you could handle, it was his that you couldn’t bear. 
You cleared your throat. 
“Do you want me to get a sleeping bag? I can sleep on the floor.” You said, wanting to respect his space. You knew how some people took trauma fromyour time  volunteering at the VA, and while you had talked Frankie through countless panic attacks, you’d never been with him so soon after an event like this. If he needed his space, you’d respect that, always. You’d be at his bedside if he needed it. 
“Don’t be ridiculous,” he scoffed. “We can share the bed, hermosa. Wouldn’t be the first time.”
It was true. You’d once had to share a bed with Frankie for one hellish “double date” weekend that Pope had planned for he, Frankie, and their girlfriends at the time. However, Gia had broken up with Frankie the week before the trip and the Miller boys were out of town at the time, which left: you. Pope’s girlfriend spent the whole weekend complaining, when she wasn’t too busy making out with him before your very faces. You and Frankie hadn’t let Pope live that down, but you also had discovered that you were quite the compatible roommates. 
“C’mon,” Frankie’s voice broke you out of your reverie, raspy and deep from too much use. “Get in.”
He was on his usual side of the bed, opening the covers for you to jump in. You slipped into the sheets, laying sideways facing him. The coolness of the pillowcase felt amazing against your warm cheeks. The bed smelled like him; Of course it did. On all sides of you was that deep, heady scent: The fresh linen of his laundry detergent mixed with the smells of his cologne and body wash mixed with something else that was masculine and uniquely Frankie. The smell calmed whatever nerves you were feeling at sharing a bed. 
It’s just him, you remind yourself. It’s just Frankie. 
  It had felt like hours since the lamp turned off, and still, sleep had not found you. And it had everything to do with the man next to you. Frankie would not sit still.
Every few minutes, when you were sure he’d fallen asleep, he’d move again—tossing and turning and sighing in frustration. You could hear him thinking. 
Beside you, he turned again. His back was facing you and his shoulders were rising and falling rapidly. He’d pulled the covers up to his chest, clasping them like a small child. You reached over, hand hesitant,  before lightly touching his shoulder. He sighed.
A warm hand came up to clasp yours—much like earlier in the hallway—only, this time, his hand took yours and moved it down.
Your heart leapt. 
You scooched closer to him on the bed, his hand guiding your arm closer to him. His palm was warm, and larger than yours as it moved. Your own palm skated over his shoulder, and down the expanse of his chest before he stopped, pressing your palm firmly to its destination; His heart. 
That was it. 
You moved impossibly closer, caution thrown to the wind in return for being this close to him.
Your body curved to his, your chest pressed to his back and your other arm curling to reach his shoulder. You pressed your face into his shoulder, breathing him in. 
You pressed a kiss there, impossibly light, and he shivered. 
“Querida, I—” He whispered, voice thick.
This man, you thought, brain addled and heavy with sleep and his closeness. This beautiful, gentle man needs to rest. The rest will be here in the morning.
So, you shushed him. You pressed your forehead into his shoulder and whispered.
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astralwaifu · 3 years
Anime characters I simp for as songs from my playlist
Itachi Uchiha - my tears ricochet by Taylor Swift
If you listen to the lyrics, you’ll realise it’s literally his story : his life and relationship with Sasuke-“'Cause I loved you, I swear I loved you/'Til my dying day”-, the way he will always selfless and ready to sacrifice anything for the sake of the others. I also feel like this song shows Sasuke’s emotions and acceptance of what his brother did, but also the wish things would’ve gone different, all through Itachi’s pov : “And if I'm dead to you, why are you at the wake?/Cursing my name, wishing I stayed”. I literally could talk about how this absolutely amazing and heart rendering song embodies Itachi, especially this lyric (my fav) : “And I can go anywhere I want/Anywhere I want, just not home” Just listen to the song and read the lyrics!!!! It’s him!!!! Anyway, I am down bad for this man and I could ramble about him all day. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. :)
Shigaraki Tomura - Video Games by Lana Del Rey
I personally am not a huge fan of Lana, I listen to the more known songs and this one is one of them (and I think the only one on my playlist from her 😬). Anyway I can’t stop thinking about Shiggy when I listen to it. “And you say, "Get over here/And play a video game” Pretty self-explanatory, if you ask me. It sounds like a young love affair, somewhere between infatuation and impassiveness and and it just gives Shigaraki vibes. “They say that the world was built for two/Only worth living if somebody is loving you” It’s almost like in the said relationship, there is this fear of separation, of letting go, so they indulge in this small domestic acts and little displays of young fun, such as playing video games. Also the lyrics “I heard that you like the bad girls/Honey, is that true?” -yeah, you feel me? :)
Bakugou Katsuki - Love Story (Taylor’s Version) by Taylor Swift
You cannot tell me Bakugou doesn’t secretly listen to Taylor Swift. Especially the first albums - he just loves the country vibe, but would never admit it. “That you were Romeo, you were throwin' pebbles/And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet"” We know he is a tsundere, so he basically daydreams about someone that can make him feel what this lyrics tell. He would do anything to be someone’s Romeo and basically feel needed and loved by them. Again, he wouldn’t admit this. Ever. “This love is difficult, but it's real/Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess” Just the thought of having someone care about him like that and don’t let go of him makes him replay the song and every other on the album. “He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring/And said, "Marry me, Juliet/You'll never have to be alone” Is this one of my favourite songs? Maybe. Did I get inspired by that one sound on tiktok where some guy sings this and sounds like Bakugou? Definitely. Would Bakugou also sing his heart out on “You belong with me”? Yes. (did I added the link to the sound? yes >:) )
Todoroki Shouto - Talk to you by Ricky Montgomery
Tell me this song doesn’t give Todo vibes? So soft, yet aloof and yearning. He just wishes he would have the courage to talk to you, wear his heart on his sleeve, even if he is quite scared to be this vulnerable. “I wish I could talk to you/Pull my chair right up there next to you/And talk to you” His anxiety makes him think that having emotional baggage and trauma makes will make you run away, so he just wonders what what could have happened differently. “Wonder if wе met today/Would you turn and walk away?” Anyway, he is just a lovesick fool that wants to be loved and deserves the whole world, even if he can be a little cold and shy at times. “You're in my head more often than I want” This lyric goes both ways. Also, in general, I think Todoroki would listen to Ricky Montgomery a lot.
Eren Jaeger - Red (Taylor’s version) by Taylor Swift
This song is purely any relationship Eren ever had. Spontaneous, dangerous and full of passion, almost always ending unexpectedly. “Faster than the wind, passionate as sin, ending so suddenly” As a Mikasa kinnie (top kin), I feel this really suits him: both his rash actions and selfless personality, prone to driving people away and self-sacrificing for the sake of others. “Losing him was blue like I'd never known/Missing him was dark gray, all alone” I think that being in love with him would mean being with him through everything and supporting his actions, taking care of him and reminding Eren that he doesn’t have to carry the world on his shoulders. “Loving him was red” -oh no, we’re getting emotional. 🥲 (AND YES THIS IS A SCARF REFERENCE 🧣)
a/n: I’m a Swiftie, how did you notice :)
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Can you do the drunken crush confessions one but with their brothers reacting to their own crush doing that? SF Sans, UF Paps, US Sans, please. And maybe G because the way you write him is hilarious. Thank you!
wooo, this took a while but thank you for asking and being patient!!
Drunken Confessions 2
Blue: It's rare that he actually gets drunk, much less drink as well! So this would have had to happen during a party or maybe a festival and you might've challenged him to a drink off, and oh, Blue is a very, very competitive monster. And even then, he doesn't really get that drunk, just enough to feel the buzz within his system. But you, oh you're absolutely plastered, the flush reaching from your scalp to your shoulders and he can't help but be amused as he logs your babbling self home.
He takes his time, getting everything prepared for you when you wake up with a hangover tomorrow, and as he's adjusting the blankets for you, he hears you mumbling. And he leans closer in curiosity, maybe hoping it's something that he could use to tease you the next day. He chuckles a little to himself as he leans in and-
Well, it did fit the criteria of teasing you.
But, he also didn't expect this.
With his face now covered in a tender aquamarine hue, he smiles and places the blanket on you before patting your head gently. The next day you wake up, with of course, a massive headache. But after taking the necessary things, you see Stretch walking by, who chuckles and hands you a rose. "It ain't from me, it's from romeo in the next room" he'll say, voice teasing as he winks at you. "Go get him, bud"
Edge: He's also someone who hardly ever drinks, honestly. And maybe he's there to just accompany you, really if you two are out for a night at the club. And maybe he indulges himself on maybe a cup of two while silently judging you as you get absolutely shitfaced. He finds it amusing, as much as he adores you, but stars you have him concerned for your health sometimes.
Not like he'll actively say that cause he's an edgy butt-
Of course, you do end up getting way too drunk to even stand and he's quick to whisk you home, his more protective side coming out as he glares at anyone who's within a 50 meter radius. He's grumbling the whole time home, not really paying any attention to what you're actually saying until he places you on the bed, tucking you in and making sure that everything is set before leaving to falls asleep. Or at least, thats what he thought he'd do.
He's a blushing mess when he hears what you really say for the first time that night, face covered in an ink coloured blush as he sputters and essentially tells you to go to sleep before storming off to bed with a massive blush and a head full of thoughts.
Black: He's not one to easily get drunk either, he's more tolerant of alcohol than one would think despite how little he drinks in the first place. Chances are, he sensed that you were having a rough day/week and decided to spend a little time with you with his trusted bottle of the finest wine there was. Well, he had only expected a few sips, not the whole bottle to be emptied mostly by you within the first two hours.
He's grumbling the whole time as he carries you up the stairs, deciding that you were far too drunk to be left on your own as you sputtered out what he deemed to be rather incomprehensible nonsense, really. After dropping you into the bed in a less than graceful manner, he does take the time to make sure you are all tucked in as he sighs, knowing he's going to take care of you the next day.
And for once, he actually does decide to listen to what you have to say.
It takes him a moment, and he genuinely does think you're pulling on his leg until you go into a long and exhausting rant about just how much you love him, so much so that his face is dyed a deep violet by the end of it. He doesn't do much, afraid of being too invasive but he does leave the room with a more... Tender expression. Maybe looking after you the next day won't be so bad, after all.
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aizawaslovebot · 4 years
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soleil et lune.
secretary! shouto todoroki x director/ceo! reader
pronouns: he/him
word count: 1.4k
series masterlist | future chapters available only on quotev
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i. new moon
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There was something about the contrast of the sun and the moon that deeply intrigued Todoroki.
Perhaps it was the way they rarely seemed to meet, always just a shy minute apart from coexisting together. Maybe it was how one of the other gave way for a moment of spotlight, either to bless the Earth with sunlight or to illuminate the dark sky with moonlight. Maybe it was because people perceive them as lovers who are separated by destiny, forever bound by whatever rules the universe had set.
He never got to the bottom of the reason why he was so enamored with the Romeo and Juliet of the cosmos but whatever it is, Todoroki had to thank it.
It was in these that he found solace, especially during the dark times of his past and childhood.
Shouto Todoroki was not an astronomer in the slightest. Despite his fondness over the stars in the sky or the planets lightyears away, he never took the chance to pursue this career.
Correction: He was never allowed to pursue this career.
In fact, he was not allowed to be anything other than what his father had set for him. Like the sun and moon, he was bound by destiny. But destiny, in Todoroki’s case, was a six-foot, heartless dictator who strived for perfection in everything at the expense of even an ounce of happiness and freedom.
“You are to follow in my footsteps, Shouto. You will continue what I have started and you shall rise over Japan and defeat All Might Corp.”
It was annoying. It was beyond him how his abomination of a father had this kind of mindset. But he had no power over this man. He controlled Shouto’s life.
So Todoroki fell to the same fate of his older siblings; all bound by their destiny as businessmen, inheritors of Japan’s second most successful conglomerate, and joyless lives. He became what society calls as a success— rich and thriving at the early age of 20.
You see, that’s just it.
Society has deemed success as being filthy rich at an early age. The way they measured success is by how young you’re able to afford luxuries, how much green papers you owned, and how famous you could be. They never thought to wonder if these so-called successful people were actually happy with their lives.
Success for Shouto was not about how much bank he could make, or how influential he could become, or how many cars he could afford. Success was finding joy in what you do, regardless of how much money he had. Shouto was far from successful. But he’s hopeful that one day he could achieve the life he wanted, whether his dictator of a father liked it or not.
For now, he is the moon without light to illuminate his dark life.
He is a new moon.
But things will change and the sun will rise again.
“Father, I would like to try secretarial studies,” Shouto brought up one day as the Todoroki family ate quietly in Enji’s mansion.
The clanking of Enji’s utensils rang through the big house, reflecting their father’s emotions. Twitching fingers, cold eyes, and a permanent scowl that seemed to deepen— he was livid.
“That’s absurd, Shouto. I will not allow it.”
“I never asked for your permission. I am taking secretarial whether you like it or not.”
The youngest Todoroki scoffed, retaliating once again from their father’s idiotic ideologies. Fuyumi was silently pleading for Shouto to be careful while the two older brothers were grinning for him to continue.
“You are a Todoroki. We do not serve people. They serve us. Drop this, now.”
“I don’t care what you say. I’ve already decided who to work for.”
Enji chuckled wryly, “and who are you wasting your talents on?”
“The L/N Enterprise”
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There are only a few companies and groups that could be hailed as Japan’s best. These include All Might Corporations, Endeavor Inc., and the L/N Empire. Safe to say, these three are the big leagues, the future of Japan’s economy, and the most successful. These three GDP monsters also play in the same field: the music industry. World-known idol groups come from one of the three, and more flock to these companies for a taste of success. Behind these are the business powerhouses: Toshinori Yagi, known as Mr. All Might; and Todoroki Enji, dubbed as Endeavor. Little is known about the L/N CEO, however, what everyone does know is they are geniuses, even in different ways, because they were able to make their names known not only to Japan but the entire world.
Perhaps there are still differences. Unlike the two, the L/N Empire doesn’t only battle in the music industry. Countless branches, including the ever-famous Sumsang tech, come from their conglomerate.
Another factor from All Might and Endeavor Inc. lets the L/N Enterprise stand in the spotlight; the future successor of the entire group, and grandson of the richest man in Japan, is one of the youngest to ever sit on such a high position.
General Manager L/N (Name).
Many people wonder why this young man, who, at the young age of 20, began to dedicate his life to the countless numbers and percentages that come with this life. People his age at the time would’ve rather flaunt to the world of the riches they own, and indulge in such a lavish life that only few could attain.
But not L/N (Name).
He pursued this career that was bestowed upon him by his family and thus, just a short three years later, L/N is on his way to become the youngest Director and hold so much power over the L/N group, over this branch that he manages, and over Japan.
A bigshot at a young age, blessed with not only riches but also looks and intelligence.
If only he also had a good attitude to boot.
There were a lot of hearsays that circulated about the so-called business ace. Maybe it was because they only knew so little of his father that (Name) became the center of attention. People say he’s a womanizer, an arrogant, self-less prick who has an ego bigger than All Might’s height. Some say he was a sleaze and a temperamental individual who explodes at even the smallest of mistakes. People have also heard that the Director was ruthless, and seeing the countless rumors about this made them believe everything.
Enji could even vouch for those rumors. The brat, while he was a family friend, always found a way to talk back to him whenever he’s over for Natsuo. As far as the Todoroki could remember, L/N was in the same age group as Natsuo. He wasn’t really sure, but Enji’s certain that brat is an egotistical prick.
So why the hell did Shouto choose their God forsaken company?
It was beyond Enji, but he’ll let Shouto waste his time for a bit. After all, he could benefit from having an insider for that competition of his.
The object of Enji’s hatred and the famous L/N sneezed so suddenly.
“Endeavor-san must be cursing me again,” He hummed then continued on with his work.
(Name) was in his office, scanning through the proposals submitted by his department, when his temporary secretary knocked on the door.
“Here’s the batch of applications, sir,” She nervously placed the profiles on his desk. Before (Name) could thank her, however, the young secretary zoomed off.
(Name) was looking for a new secretary after his former subordinate was revealed to be a mole for some company. Aside from that, he knew that the assistant was after him, personally, too. She would often flirt and schedule him for dinners with “other people”, only later to reveal that she wanted to eat with him.
Basically, that assistant was a pest.
The flipping of papers came to a halt at one very specific file. Staring right back at (Name) were the familiar heterochromatic pools of blue and silver, as if saying that his attention should be on the young Todoroki.
Well, damn right.
Without so much as a glance at the CV neatly written at the bottom (which (Name) knows is more than qualified), he knew who he wanted by his side.
The new moon slowly transitions into a new beginning.
“Welcome to the L/N Enterprise, Todoroki-san”
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—note: hey! hey! hey! this is my first-ever bnha series 👉🏼👈🏼 please send criticism thru ask or dm 🥺❤️ if you guys like it enough to want to be tagged, just ask!! also pls be nice
—aizawaslovebot 2020
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poisonedapples · 4 years
The sides except they go to a tech school
This is extremely self indulgent but I apologize for nothing
Roman’s Program: Digital Media
Roman’s big dream is to be an actor, but he also has a very intense need to know a whole bunch of stuff about the production field and be a jack of all trades, basically
He’s also autistic and has a huge special interest in movies, so he’s just on cloud nine
He had a really hard time making friends at his home school, which is also another reason why he most to go to the tech school instead. He wanted a second chance and to meet new people who loved the same stuff he could never seem to shut up about, but he’s also very nervous and just really wants to make some friends this year
He’s also extremely salty that Remus followed him to his new school. Remus was always the talk of the school and Roman was always in his shadow, so this time, his strategy is to pretend that Remus doesn’t even exist
Remus will not take this as an a solution, but Roman’s not giving up anyway
He also met Patton, Logan, and Virgil in his College English class. Their seats were assigned next to each other, but it was Patton that actually started getting all of them to talk to each other
Speaking of Patton, him and Patton went together like a moth to a flame. They hit it off day one and have acted like the best of friends since, and it makes Roman extremely happy
Roman and the others also became closer friends because of a Digital Media project Roman did about the different programs around the school. Since all his friends are from different programs, he interviewed them all, and it was the most fun project ever because of everything they did behind the scenes
They mostly just goofed off when not on camera. It was lovely
He refused to let Remus take part in that project though. RIP to Remus
Patton’s program: Cosmotology
Patton’s biggest dream is to mostly help people feel better about themselves. He wants to make people feel happy and learn a little more self love, because nothing makes Patton happier than seeing other people enjoying themselves
He’s also an extremely sociable person, so a need to help people like who they are mixed with lots of talking? Without getting a master’s in psychology? A perfect mix to become a hair stylist!
He loves all the different styles you can do and how different everyone’s hair can be from another person’s. The program also has you learn stuff about makeup, and he loves putting makeup on people as well. He practices on the girls in the program a lot, and they always get so excited when they see the finished product. It fills him with happy butterflies
He doesn’t tend to wear makeup on himself, though. Not because he thinks boys can’t wear makeup, he just hates the feeling of it on his skin. Hence why he will take any willing participant to be his canvas
His extroverted energy also shows a lot in his academic classes. The first day of English, he immediately turned around and started talking to the kid with a camera
It took him a little longer to get the boy sitting next to him to talk to him though. Apparently “We have the same glasses!” Isn’t an acceptable conversation starter
He did, however, get the kid named Virgil to agree to let Patton to put makeup on him. Patton started that conversation by asking about his eyeshadow, but nope, apparently those were just eyebags
Though Virgil still liked makeup anyway, so score, Patton still got what he wanted
Now if only he could get Logan to laugh out loud and cut the serious act. Then he’d be a winner for sure
Logan: Mechatronics
Logan’s a nerd. A huge nerd. Hence why he fits in with the mechatronics program so well
Logan has always loved robots and tinkering with technology. More than anything, he wants to work on space aircrafts as a mechanical engineer, hence why he’s in the mechatronics program
He also has ADHD and his biggest hyperfixations are in robots and space, so he’s completely in his element. It’s nice to spend most of his day in a class where he can talk about spacecrafts and how they worked, and not only will people listen, but they’ll also care about it almost as much as he does
Though, he’d prefer to keep his closet full of robotic kids toys he keeps breaking apart and fixing again to himself. At least for now
Though because he’s in mechatronics, he’s required to be in all advanced classes for his academics to get college credit. Which he doesn’t mind at all, but in his college English class, he definitely sits next to quite...the eclectic bunch
He acts like they inconvenience him, but he actually enjoys their company. Even if Roman can be a little loud, but him and Roman actually hit it off quite well with their debates and frequent conversation jumping
(It’s the ADHD-autism solidarity)
Logan also has quite the liking to Virgil, mostly because they’re both looking into the engineering business and have similar interests with space
Logan pretends like Patton annoys him, but he’s not very good at it. He hates that Patton knows he has a secret love for puns and keeps using it against him to try and make him laugh. How dare he
(Patton just keeps trying because he knows Logan likes it and he’s also a bit of a little shit)
Logan hopes that all three of them consider him one of their closest friends as well. Because actually, now he has more to look forward to in his English class than just the poetry and seeking for alternate meanings for things in text
Now, most of his entertainment comes from saying “Romeo and Juliet is an awful love story” and seeing Roman go off an a rant about how it’s not even a lOVE STORY it’s about THE GENERATION DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PARENTS AND KIDS and it’s STRUGGLES, CALCULATOR WATCH-
...It’s quite amusing
Virgil’s Program: Aviation
Anxiety is fight or flight. Well...Virgil literally just wants to take flight
His dad used to take Virgil out on vacations quite often when he was younger and his dad’s job was more focused on traveling, so Virgil has flown in planes a lot. He’s always been an anxious kid, always afraid of so many things, but for some reason...flying was one of the things to calm him the most
Except for going through security, fuck airport security
But still, there was never anything more satisfying than looking through the window on a plane. He’s always loved it, and he’s known since a very young age that he wants to learn to fly things, even if he decides not to become a pilot
He’s seventeen now and still wants to be a pilot, even if his shyness has turned into an anxiety disorder. It’s been a while since he’s been on a plane since his dad is now a psychologist, but he still loves it and misses it almost. So when he heard his district’s tech school had an aviation program, he signed up so fast
His teacher has to practically pry him away from messing with the drones and planes when they need to do other stuff, it’s kinda funny
It’s also great that he met Logan in his English class, because Logan loves engineering and aircrafts like Virgil does. One of Virgil’s backup plans is to be an aerospace engineer, so their conversations are always fun
He also has no idea how Patton figured out his secret love of makeup but now he’s being used as a canvas, apparently
Plus, Roman asked if Virgil could fly a drone for him to get an aerial shot for some digital media projects, so holy shit Virgil made three friends in one day when he’s been trying to make one friend for YEARS
He just bursts into his house like “DAD GUESS WHAT I MADE F R I E N D S”
His Dad is very proud but also very concerned
Virgil just ignores that though and sends memes to the new group chat with all four of them in it
Remus’ Program: Auto Collision Technology
Remus loves broken stuff. Especially big broken things, like cars
Of course, there’s no job for purposely wrecking stuff, but looking at damage in cars and how to repair it is exciting enough for him. His parents are just happy he found something to put more...positive energy into, instead of always causing trouble and getting popular for being “the bad boy”
He had lots of friends at his home school, lots of which he still talks to, mostly because his chaotic energy entertains a lot of people willing to deal with it. He has that same effect at the tech school, but the one person he’s never been able to get more on his side is his own brother
Remus has always been a bit too chaotic for Roman’s liking, and he knows that Roman wanted to go to the tech school for a fresh start. But Remus won’t stop himself just to make his brother happy, so it Roman’s salty about Remus doing something good for himself, then so be it
(Remus is a little salty about Roman being salty, but they’re brothers, what do you expect)
But Remus doesn’t need him anyway! Twin brothers are overrated! He’s got plenty of other people in his programs!
But his closest friend he’s gotten since coming to the tech school? Janus. Him and Janus go together like two chaotic peas in a pod, even if Janus has a whole lot more braincells than Remus ever will
Though, Remus has never had more fun with a friend than with Janus. He’s had lots of friends that come and go once they’re bored of him, but Janus feels real. He feels genuine, and Remus...really doesn’t wanna get rid of that
He likes Janus a lot, hence why he invites Janus over and lets Janus into his super secret eating spot he goes when he doesn’t wanna act like a crackhead at lunch. It’s actually quite nice
Roman just has to deal with the fact that, if he’s gonna be a salty bastard, then Janus is his new ride or die
(Please someone help these twins they’re saltier than the Dead Sea)
Janus’ Program: Firefighting Technology
When Janus was a young teen, he got trapped in a house fire that scarred the left half of his body. Firefighters were the ones that saved him, and since then, he’s always had a huge respect for them. Enough so to really want to become a firefighter
He’s always been very focused on self care and secretly very empathetic, so that mixed with past experience from being saved from such a dangerous event actually makes him a great candidate for a firefighter. He’s not one giant on talking, but he’s still good with teamwork when others want him to work with them
He has a good set of friends in his program, but his best friend was someone he met during lunch when trying to get away from the noise of the actual cafeteria. He also noticed that same kid was also in his anatomy class, so...destiny, I guess?
Remus can definitely be an eclectic person, but Janus secretly thrives on a good set of chaos. It makes life interesting, and Remus can definitely be described as interesting
He’s also the only person Janus has met that thinks Janus’ scars are cool as hell, so double win
It’s also immensely entertaining to join Remus on his quests to constantly annoy his brother. If he had a brother he’d probably do the same, honestly
Mostly, he’s just here for the chaotic ride. He gets to be a sarcastic bastard with a secret love for the dramatic flair and somehow make friends at the same time
He still needs to find a way to get under Patton’s skin, though. Patton never gets bothered by Janus, but that’s probably because Patton has known Janus as his neighbor for literal years
Damn him. Janus will get him some time
Though for right now, Remus gets most of the wins of weirding out Patton. That is, until Roman shrieks and chases them both off
Yup. Janus chose a good best friend. Even if he’s a chaotic, salty bastard
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pyxisblue · 4 years
I’m Home
This is what could’ve been if Sakuya never had a chance at his dream.
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|| A3!: Sakuya Sakuma // Angst: accident, family seclusion
Growing up in different households, even if they’re his relatives, Sakuya couldn’t help but feel...unwanted. For so long, he never felt he was ever part of the families he lived with despite the fact that they have some blood relations.
But family is not about being connected by blood. Sakuya learned that the hard way.
Nobody truly cared or even tried to form a deep connection with him; hence, he was passed to any household who’d take him up for the sake of family obligation.
This time, he’s with an aunt who couldn’t even subtly express her disdain for having another mouth to feed in her house, even though she lived alone.
He never asked nor begged anyone to take him under their wing, and if he’s to be asked, he’d rather be left to himself to fend for his own. But his relatives wouldn’t even allow that, saying something about being held responsible if he’s found dying on the streets.
The cherry-haired young man stepped out of the house just as his aunt went on a rant about how useless he is and how he should be thankful for whatever she’s putting up with him. This day, he resolved to find a part-time job, thinking it’s the only way she wouldn’t treat him as a burden at least.
As he strolled down the street of Veludo Way to check posters of job openings, he happened to pass by a dilapidated theater building.
“Mka” it said, with some letters missing in its big signage above the entrance.
A torn paper of what seemed to be an audition poster was posted on its board outside. Sakuya gave it a downhearted glance. He imagined what the building could’ve looked like back then if he ever saw it before its ruin. Maybe he would’ve pursued his dream of being a stage actor if fate has brought him here earlier. But that’s only wishful thinking now. It’s no use hoping for it when obviously, the theater already met its end.
He was about to step away when he noticed the door was ajar. Curiosity got the best of him, and maybe his desire to see an actual theater had taken over, that he found himself stepping inside even though it spelled trouble.
The young man’s eyes grew wide as he indulged in the view of the theater hall. Despite looking old and rundown outside, the hall looked well-kept even with a few cracks on the walls and the worn-out fabric of the seats. Overall, it seemed like it can still be operational.
Why would anyone abandon the place?
“Hey, kid. You’re not supposed to be here.” Sakuya almost jumped out of where he was standing when a voice suddenly echoed behind him. A blonde man wearing a pair of eyeglasses with a black coat was staring at him with threat.
That should be the cue to leave. But somehow, Sakuya didn’t want to.
“Leave now. We’ll be tearing this place apart in a few minutes. We don’t want any casualty in the process.”
He should just nod, leave, and forever forget this place as he move on with his life. He has no business being here anyway. Besides, he already got a look of the place he longed to see even in his dreams.
But why?
Why did his heart feel heavy at the thought of stepping out of here just before it’s about to be torn down?
This is the first time he saw the place.
Why did it feel like he knew it forever?
“What are you still doing there? Get out of here, or I’ll drag you out myself,” the man in black started to get really scary as his patience grew thin. But Sakuya had this determination to stay, something he couldn’t explain.
“The show must go on.” There was a whisper in the back of his mind. Wherever it came from, at this moment, he wanted to hold on to it because if he didn’t, he felt like he would lose something important, even though he didn’t know what.
“Uhm. Can I stay for just a few minutes?” He said timidly, still couldn’t point a finger as to what it is he was feeling.
“Huh?” This time, the man threw him a menacing glare. He was about to stomp his way towards him when Sakuya blurted out...
“It was my dream to become an actor.”
The older man halted on his tracks with surprise on his face. But it wasn’t long until it was replaced with a grim expression.
“Well, you’re many years late, kid. Maybe if you got here before it went down, then you might’ve had a chance,” the blonde man spoke in disdain, the regret in his voice sounding more of his own than for the younger one.
Sakuya could see the sadness in the man’s purple eyes through his glasses. He got the feeling that this person didn’t want to let this theater go either, but for some reason, he was the one to tear it down. His heart felt heavier.
“I’m sorry. I just want to experience standing on the stage even if it’s just for a short time,” he gave his best sunny smile to him. “I promise after that, I’ll leave.”
The blonde guy frowned at him for a few minutes then turned on his heel before saying, “Ten minutes. If you’re not out before that, I’ll tear this building down with you in it.”
Relief washed over the young man. He smiled to himself, feeling a bit giddy to have the place even for just another few minutes. He stepped down to the stage area with haste.
Before climbing up, he took in the view of the stage from the audience seat. Scenes of what it could look like during plays came to him, and somehow, they were plays with him in it.
He downplayed the thoughts as part of his wishful thinking, imagining it would’ve been like that if he joined a troupe.
Unable to contain his excitement, he helped himself up and stood at the center of the stage. With the dusty side curtain tied, he could see the full view of what actors see during their plays.
An overwhelming feeling of sadness came over him. Tears ran down his face as a ghost of a full-house audience replaced the empty worn-out seats.
“This must’ve what it felt like to act on this stage,” he thought to himself.
But it wasn’t just that. There was also this longing, this feeling of missing something he always had, lingering in his heart. Sakuya couldn’t figure out why the place felt so familiar.
Did his desires and wishes manifest as a reality within him that his heart couldn’t distinguish whether they’re real or not?
He tried wiping the tears away, but the stream just couldn’t stop.
“Let’s go on a journey together, Julius!” An image of him in a royal suit with a red cape appeared beside him, looking at someone he couldn’t see. “We can ditch this cramped town and travel the world together!” This version of him carried the lines with confidence and emotions, acting a little bit clumsy but trained.
Sakuya’s lips formed another smile. It was nice to see his self living the dream even if it’s just a daydream. But it bothered him that he wasn’t even familiar with this play he was imagining.
Julius? What character is Julius?
“Romeo, you’ve got the brawn, and I’ve got the brain,” a different voice resounded from the opposite side, and it scared Sakuya when he found no one there. But it didn’t stop, “If we put our heads together, we can do anything.”
Romeo? Was this some story based on Romeo and Juliet?
But who was this other person in his make-believe play? He gulped as he felt a little creeped out. Was this place haunted?
“Romeo? Romeo Montague?” There was an evident surprise in this unknown voice. A man in another royal suit with a blue cape appeared on his left, a person he’d never seen before.
“Forsake your house and name, Julius! Because we have even grander dream to share!”
As he thought, this was based on Shakespeare’s infamous play. The lines were a bit familiar, but he didn’t know what this Julius character was. Was he coming up with random story as he imagine himself in the stage?
“I can’t. I can’t forsake my family,” the guy in blue spoke with a convincing sadness.
Sakuya couldn’t take his eyes off the scenes unfolding right before him. It was like his imagination took off on its own and made an entire play to show him.
He could see himself interacting and exchanging lines with people he hadn’t met. This black-haired guy in blue seemed to be a co-lead. There was also this brown-haired one who acted as Mercutio, his supposed childhood friend, then, a different blonde man acting as Tybalt, brother of the other lead. A priest also appeared, someone who looked like a foreigner.
Clueless as to what was really happening, he watched as the play went on like he wasn’t on the stage. They sometimes went through him like he was the invisible one. It also occurred to him that somehow, Juliet’s character was turned into Julius and that the story was a different take of the popular classic.
His mind still couldn’t process what was going on, whether this was just a dream or a borderline illusion, when another play begun. This time, he was wearing a cat costume and was talking to the same guy in blue who is now called Alex.
Was this Alice in Wonderland but with a male protagonist?
The scenes seemed to fast-forward as everything moved in thrice the speed of time. Eventually, another set of faces entered, none he could recognize, and somehow, he saw himself watching in the backstage area with glee.
The speed of events went another notch that he couldn’t keep up anymore. They played as if they were his memories, playing in hasty flashbacks.
Terrified of the peculiar phenomenon, he unconsciously stepped back from it, wanting to get away, until he found himself falling from the stage.
But instead of meeting the ground, he fell into an abyss of darkness.
It was an endless pit of pitch black. Sakuya thought this must be the end of him. This nightmare must be him finally dying under the rubbles of the theater being destroyed after his time was up without him realizing.
As he was being pulled down to whoever-knows-where, flashing scenes appeared on his sides, showing moments of a life he never had: him dragging the same guy he was with in the play to school; him saying “I’m home” with a wide smile as he was welcomed with a lot of people smiling back to him, telling him “Welcome Home”; him reading a script in a practice room with other people exchanging lines with him; him talking to three other guys in a living room like they were discussing something important; and there was him, talking to a woman who looked at him with pride and fondness.
They were faces that felt so close to his heart, but he still couldn’t quite put a finger on it.
It was like he was with them forever, and not with the relatives that never wanted him.
It was like, with these unfamiliar strangers... he was at home.
It’s a word someone can describe as a place where family is.
But in his case, ‘family’ was not even what he has right now.
There was a pang in his chest as the scenes of this other life continuously played around him. He was falling into this loop of memories he knew he didn’t have but showed how he was a big part of.
The pain in his heart had made his tears ran again.
The thought of not having the memory of being in them made his heart drop faster than he was into this never-ending hole.
An unexplainable emptiness spread within him. A desire of having these illusionary moments become real bloomed in his heart.
He wished and hoped they were all real...
That in the real life, he has a family to return to... a home.
His eyes shut closed as he tried to whisper a silent prayer...
A prayer that was answered as he opened his eyes.
When he lifted his heavy eyelids, his vision opened to a white ceiling. Everything was still blurry, and he couldn’t seem to move his body. He could hear a repeating loud “teet” sound somewhere, but his senses were still disoriented. An oxygen mask was covering his nose and mouth which made his heavy breathing easier.
“What happened?” was what he wanted to ask, but no one was around to answer.
He tried to rack his brain to get a clue. However, he could only remember the part where he was falling into a black hole. The trail of dried tears on his cheeks was evidence of the nightmare, but it told no tale of how he ended up motionless in bed.
The door swung open, revealing one of the persons he saw in those flashing memories. She was struck with surprise and halted in her place, still holding the door knob.
“S-Sakuya-kun. You’re awake!”
The brown-haired woman approached him with haste. He felt the warmth of her hands through his as tears started forming in her eyes.
“I thought...” Her words were followed with a quiet sob, his hand held to her forehead.
Another person came in, seemingly in a rush after hearing her exclaim. It was the same man in eyeglasses who told him to leave the theater in his dreams.
“Sakyo-san, he’s awake,” she said smiling while her tears continued to stream.
His expression was far from the same threatening one Sakuya remembered. This person has a relieved smile that it almost seemed he’s about to cry as well when he approached the woman by the bedside.
“Stop crying now. You’re going to scare him,” he said in a soft tone, patting her back gently.
“It’s just that... I’m happy,” she said after wiping the last of her tears. A wide smile formed in her face in contrast of her swollen eyes, “Welcome back, Sakuya-kun.”
Despite his difficulty to move, he used all his might to open his lips and said, “I’m home... director.”
And it was in that moment when he really felt he’s back at home, where he belong.
After that, the people he met in his surreal dream appeared in his hospital room with food, gifts, and objects that would keep him occupied.
His troupemates were the first and came the others on the succeeding days. Izumi made it her role to be his guardian and was always staying in the room to take care of his needs. Sometimes, Sakyo, or Sakoda, came in so that the director could rest. Tsuzuru often dropped by from work to see how he was recovering. Citron was always telling him adventurous stories like he used to. Chikage continued their daily coin toss. Itaru introduced him some games he can play for whenever he’s bored. Masumi didn’t usually come by due to his busy university life, but when he did, he brought him books. He even gave his troupe leader a headset to use, so he can listen to music as he waited for the day when he’s finally discharged.
Even though everyone showed how happy they were that he was finally awake, it didn’t slip past him that they were completely devastated when they found out he was in an accident. It was a whole three months for them, waiting and hoping he would come out of his comatose state. Summer, Autumn, and Winter plays went by and everyone, especially his troupe members, were dreading they had to do a Spring play where he won’t be able to appear.
The thought of them having a play without him made Sakuya feel like he was pulled back to his nightmare, to the world where he didn’t join the troupe and witnessed the Mankai Theater’s end, to a life where he didn’t have anywhere to belong.
It gave him an anxious feeling of losing the place where he finally found home. This reality he woke up to was very pleasant: he’s living his dream as an actor, he’s part of a company he can call his family, and the place where everybody is waiting for him to return to is what he could call home. But to lose all of these...
He stared at his hand, sitting on the white bed as the passing raindrops casted shadows over it.
It still felt surreal for him, that he’s here, and the fear of waking up to another reality came along with it.
What if he wakes up again and he finds himself back in that life without all of these precious people?
“Sakuya-kun?” Izumi’s voice brought him back to his senses, and an automatic smile appeared on his face in an attempt to not make her worry, but the director didn’t miss the sad look he had, “Is something bothering you?”
He stared at his hand again, afraid he’d start disappearing if this was another illusionary dream, and then looked back at her concerned face.
The young man started pouring his heart out, telling her about his nightmare and his anxieties. The director sat beside him and listened attentively.
“It must be silly of me, but I feel like everything could disappear in the next second,” the dark sky outside the window seemed to also loom over his heart.
“It’s not silly. You know, that’s how we felt when we found out about the accident,” his head whipped to her direction, but her eyes were already set on the depressing scene beyond the window, “It felt like we took your presence for granted.”
Sakuya could feel her words heavy with regret. He wanted to tell her how he felt loved and cared for with them, but he wanted to hear more of what she had to say.
“We were used to having you around, smiling brightly, and working hard like you always do. But when the days passed by and you weren’t around because you weren’t waking up, we couldn’t help but recall the days when you were. We didn’t know until then that we could lose someone that easily in the next second. Everyone tried to go on normally, but none of us couldn’t hide the worries and fears we had if ever you...” Her voice cracked, and her fists clenched over her lap with frustration.
If she was his aunt or one of his relatives, she wouldn’t feel this way. They wouldn’t even glance his way if he ever died. To them, it would be a relief of burden from their shoulders.
“Thank you, director.” Sakuya wore his usually bright smile which caught Izumi by surprised. It was the smile they all missed to see.
“No. Thank you, Sakuya-kun, for coming back to us.”
“Of course I came back! You are my family, after all,” the happiness he felt spread to the director, chasing all the fears she had. Relief came like a calming breeze to embrace her heart, reminding her that finally, Sakuya was back and well.
With a light heart, Sakuya counted the days until he was finally back to the dorm. On that day, when they arrived, Sakyo parked the car while Izumi accompanied him to get inside.
Once he stepped in the door, there was a loud pop in the darkness and suddenly, streamers flew in the air as the lights were turned back on. Everyone was there in the entrance to shout, “Welcome home, Sakuya!”
The scene made him tear up. He had this overwhelming emotion with the warmth of welcome spreading through his chest.
“Ah. This is what family is,” he told himself as he looked at the smiles on the faces of the people who are all part of his family.
Before anyone starts to worry, he rushed to wipe his tears with his long sleeve. Then, he met them with a beaming smile and proudly said, “I’m home!”
I thought of this while I was listening to Avril Lavigne’s Innocence and Taylor Swift’s Innocent. Both reminded me of Sakuya. This was supposed to be just angst, but I don’t want a tragic end for the boy who deserved everything. ;_; 
I’m glad I was able to turn it around.
Also, I used this as an entry to #a3enfirst event facilitated by the Twt account @a3anniversary, with the concept “found family”.
Hope you enjoy~
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willowistic22 · 4 years
The pleasure’s all mine... Prince Romeo
A grand party is held in the palace tonight, but one of the royal family member isn’t in the mood to indulge in it like how they’d usually be. Luckily, a stranger comes to save them. It just so happens that this stranger is so dangerously handsome. 
Word count : 4688
Part : -
Warnings : light mentions of alcohol, cursing, and that should be it. it’s nothing too serious. 
A/N: HIIII this is my gift for @s9da (well technically for paranormalsoup... i think you can piece in together why i asked you abt paranormalsoup in the wormsie discord server hehe) for the @newsiesgiftexchange i had fun making this bcs i absolutely love newsies royal au, so i hope you don’t mind i wrote a somewhat self indulgent fic for your gift hehe. it was still spromeo like you asked, but uhh idk i hope you like it bcs half of me think it’s not as great as i thought it was in my head. But anyways enjoy!!! :D
“Romeo! Get your ass out of there!” 
“How long does it take for you to get dressed?!” 
The two muffled voices turned into banging on the door. Romeo rolled his eyes, deciding to ignore his brothers and continuing to adjust his tuxedo in front of his full length standing mirror. 
His bedroom door swung open with no warning. In turns, two boys formally dressed came storming in. 
“Race! Crutchie! You could have at least waited for me to let you two in!” Romeo protested, adjusting sleeves under his dark blue blazer. 
“My God, Ro! You’re not even ready yet!” Crutchie commented, walking over as fast as he could with his crutch to get to where Romeo is standing. He takes the silver tie from the dresser and slings it around Romoe’s shirt collar, “The party is supposed to start right now and you know dad would want all of his sons to be present!”  
“He was probably too busy talking to the cat, weren’t you?” Race flops on the big bed, causing the dozens of velvet pillows to jump. It also seems to have awakened a huge white fluffy cat in the midst of the pillows. 
“Racetrack! Snowy was getting his beauty sleep!” Romeo protested, seeing the scene unfold from the mirror. 
Crutchie flipped both of his brothers off, telling Race to be careful so he doesn’t mess his own outfit up and making Romeo stand still while he helps him get ready. In under five minutes and Romeo is properly dressed just like his brothers. 
Crutchie places Romeo’s crown on top of his black locks, the magnificent silver object goes perfectly with the intricate silver curlicue designs on the shoulder and back of his dark blue blazer. With the tiny silver crown lapel pin and its tiny chain draping on the fabric to wrap up the dashing outfit. 
The three head out of the room. They strut through the grand hallway like it’s a fashion week runway, feeling confident with every step following the red velvet carpet till they reach the grand ballroom decked to the nines just like them. 
A huge chandelier hanging above the open space. A few tables and chairs neatly organized for the awaiting guests but still leaving enough space for a dance floor. The huge glass doors wide open to make use of the huge balcony for the party, also letting the evening breeze through the door. 
“About damn time you three show up!” Jack, the oldest brother exclaimed. 
“Jack! Do mind your language!” Their father protested. 
His three younger brothers walk up onto the podium, greeting their father who’s sitting on the only throne present. 
“It was all Romeo’s fault. He didn’t know how to tie his own tie!” Race joked. 
The brothers have their little silent squabble as they stand behind the throne. Crutchie decides to not get himself involved in it and tries to break it up, “Oh, grow up you guys!” 
Those words did nothing to help. In turn, Crutchie turns to their father in hopes to ignore those three. 
“Jackie-love! Listen to your brother, please!” A different voice chimed in. 
The three turn their focus away towards it and see Jack’s husband already fully dressed up. In a classy dark purple suit with a grey tie in the same shade as Jack’s own suit. 
“We’re celebrating our sixth anniversary and Sarah is finally home from her travels. The least you could do is to keep yourself presentable!” 
Jack pushes aside the squabble, switching on his loving smile for Davey. Romeo and Race pulled away from the squabble right after Jack. Their father silently sighed in relief to see his sons finally deciding to act like fully grown adults. 
He tells the royal guards to let the guests in. In under five minutes, the ballroom was instantly filled with guests in formal attire. Some fill their assigned seats for the dinner that was promised in the invitation while others mingle with each other. The band, playing lovely tunes loud and clear but it wasn’t time for the guests to get up and dance. 
The princes have also indulged themselves in the party. Jack and Davey can be seen mingling with the guests they’ve invited, listening to their congratulations on their sixth anniversary. Crutchie has gone to god knows where, which is surprising because he’s wearing a flashy yellow and black suit in the midst of all the mostly dull colored outfits in the ballroom. Race had gone off to fulfilling his promise to their father of introducing his new lover, the future king of Brooklyn. 
Romeo is left to slump on the round table with leftovers sitting idly on his plate. An odd thing for him to do, and he’s quite aware of it too. Romeo adores mingling, making new friends, or even catching up with some old friends that he has indeed spotted somewhere amongst the crowd this evening. Though, his energy to do so doesn’t seem to be there in this particular moment. 
The young prince watches from afar as his big brother finally introduces Spot Conlon to their father. Spot’s dark red suit is really contrasting to Race’s own outfit, a bright blue suit with golden curlicue designs on the shoulders and back which is a bit like Romeo’s. It matches perfectly with his blond messy curls and electric blue eyes. 
Romeo smiles, seeing his brother’s face lighting up as their father seemingly approves of the dashing Brooklyn boy that he has so helplessly fallen in love with for the past two years. Romeo doesn’t linger on it though. He returns his focus towards his empty table and plate, a sad smile painting his face as he observes his own reflection on the ceramic. 
“Well, aren’t you the life of the party!” A voice interrupted his thoughts, causing him to lift his head up, “But if I do say so myself, and I mean no offense to his royal highness, you’re quite the tragic sight sitting here all alone” 
His eyes landed on a gentleman standing proud and tall in a maroon suit, a black tie neatly tucked under his blazer. His complexion reminded Romeo of the topaz rocks in some of the castle’s intricate decorations, rich with brown but always glowing bright with the rest of the gems. In this case, his glow comes from the simple smile and the lovely brown eyes behind the silver framed spectacles. 
The initial comment brought a smile to Romeo’s face and a little laugh along with it. He fixes his sitting posture, eyeing the stranger with a head tilt while his head tries to figure out who this guest could be. 
“And you’re what? Here to be my savior from my little slump?” Romeo replied to match with the stranger’s cleverness. 
Seeing the success his opening line has brought, the gentleman pulls out an empty chair next to Romeo and sits himself down, “Well, you’re the prince here. Whatever it is you command me to be, I’m pretty sure I need to follow” 
Romeo lets out a small fit of laughter through his smile, looking away from the man’s eyes. It also makes the stranger laugh along with him. 
Romeo returns his sight back to the man in front of him. He walked right into a gaze-off he cannot look away from. In no means for intimidation, but a brief yet firm infatuation through the art of eye contact with the man he just met. Only now did Romeo realize how dangerously handsome this stranger is. 
“Romeo!” The call of his name pulled him away from the gaze and back to the world around him. 
He spots Crutchie zipping through the crowd. A smile painted on his face, just as bright as the yellow and black suit he’s currently rocking in. Romeo stands up to give his brother a hug. 
“I see you’ve met one of my friends from the lab!” Crutchie gestured back to the stranger Romeo was just previously speaking to, already slightly bowing his head to pay his respects to the two members of the royal family. 
“Oh, you work in the lab!” Romeo concluded, turning back to face the stranger who’s already on his feet. 
“Yeah. We call him Specs!” Crutchie giggled, making the other man laugh along while Romeo looks back to where he’s currently standing, “And Specs, this is my brother, Romeo!” 
Specs pulls up a simple smile for Romeo and a firm head nod. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt you two!” Crutchie apologized, a few moments after remembering they were previously having a conversation. He adjusts his crutch to get ready to leave, “I’ll leave you two to it, okay?” 
Romeo watches as his brother walks away to mingle into another group. It leaves him with the previous gentleman he was talking to. The only differences now, he’s not much of a stranger anymore. 
“So... That’s what they actually call you? ‘Specs’?” 
“Well, it’s because, if you can’t already tell…” 
Specs gestures towards his spectacles that rests on the bridge of his nose. Romeo chuckles, playfully rolling his eyes. But the smile tells Specs he’s still in the clear from offending a royal family member. 
“What’s your actual name? Unless you don’t have one” 
He laughs, parting his lips to let it out before saying, “It’s Julian. But now people mostly refer to me as Specs” 
Romeo nods, staring directly into his sparkly brown eyes. Whatever is gleaming under it is very inviting, and Romeo isn’t opposed to this mysterious invitation. He’s rather pleased by its presence. Before he knows it he’s already engaged with it, letting his own obsidian gemstone eyes linger in the gaze. 
“A pleasure to meet you... Specs” 
“The pleasure’s all mine... Prince Romeo” 
Soon enough the sun has fully set. The night sky takes over the heavens above, thread by sparkling pearls to break up the deep blue. But the party didn’t stop. The royal family’s favorite performer, Ms. Medda Larkin, has finally arrived in the most fashionably late way. Her grand entrance was welcomed with warm arms by King Denton himself. 
With the presence of the superstar, the band picked up its lack of entertainment as Ms. Medda picked up the microphone after a quick dinner. The jazzy upbeat tune sends all the guests roaring for the dance floor. 
Romeo though? He has his own entertainment, in the huge balcony by the bar with his own partner. 
“No dance?” 
Romeo pries his eyes away from the dance floor he’s observing from outside. He glues them onto Specs, leaning his shoulder on the shiny bar top while twirling his glass of scotch. 
Romeo shakes his head, making a semi weird face, “Not really up for it” 
“Huh, you’re nothing like what Prince Charlie says” Specs commented, taking a gulp from his glass to finish his drink off, “He says that you’re very energetic and flirty” 
The comment makes him scoff through his smile, “I can’t say that he’s wrong. But… I’m just not feeling it tonight” 
The little silence between them is giving Romeo the impression that he should explain even further. But he takes this chance to finish his own drink and change the subject, “So, you work in Crutchie’s lab?”  
The subject of Specs’ profession quickly did the trick. It also reveals some basic facts about him. As it turns out, Davey was the one that pushed him to work in the royal lab. He’s been friends with Davey since college and has been partners in crime ever since. Davey was first to get the job as a chemical engineer at Crutchie’s lab after a year of switching jobs to match his preferences, while Specs was still continuing his studies for a masters degree. Since he’s been an A+ student at a young age, the first application he sent got him the call for the job interview and got in quickly. 
Romeo was very impressed by the story. Half way through it he starts to question as to why he’s been given the honor to talk to Specs. There is no way Specs is anywhere close to Romeo's league. 
Regardless, Specs doesn’t seem to question all of that. While there’s a noisy ballroom in the background, they’re having a party of their own. Smiling, laughing, and basically having a great time in their private little universe. Romeo is very much infatuated by the gentleman and wouldn’t want anything in the world to ruin the moment. 
“Y’know, you should probably just drop all the formalities at this point” Romeo lightly mentioned, between sipping his third drink he had only touched after half an hour upon asking the bartender for one, “It’s just me” 
“Just you?” Specs questioned, lips wrapping up into a warm smile that makes Romeo’s heart melt. 
He froze in place, admiring the wonder to behold. It makes Romeo smile wider as he slowly nods at the question. 
Before he could say anything else, the loud sound coming from inside took over their center of attention. A loud cheering of guests over something neither Specs or Romeo knows about, as the view was blocked by dozens of backs. 
Romeo turns his head away from it, focusing back to where he is currently at. He glances over at Specs and says, “Let’s get out of here” 
Specs looks back at Romeo, a little confused with his offer, “And go where, exactly?” 
Romeo sips the remaining liquid in his glass, setting it back with a loud clang against the bar top. He spontaneously grabs Specs’ hand and drags him away, leading him to the stairs on the side of the huge balcony. With every step down, the twinkling Manhattan view slowly fades away from their eyes. 
It was soon replaced by the view of the royal garden in the dark. A cobblestone path stretching to as far as the eyes can see in the dark, pass the green trees with overgrowing plants hanging over it, and various shapes of bushes strategically placed all around the settlement. The smell of the grass is so fresh and different, unlike anything Specs has ever encountered before. 
However, Romeo drags him to the other direction. They walked under a dimly lit tunnel, under where the balcony and the ballroom is. They can barely see each other in this kind of lighting, though Romeo’s crown was able to let the tiniest ray of light reflect on its figure. At the end of the tunnel, they can see an opening which would lead them to the center of the palace where another garden is located. 
“Where are we going, if I may ask?” Specs returned to his previous unanswered question. 
“Just… around, I guess” 
The two smile at each other, Specs nodding along to whatever bullshit he was just fed but still getting entertained by it anyways. 
“So… are you gonna tell me why you decide to detach yourself from the party?” 
So he noticed. Well, it isn’t like Romeo has been sneaky about it but he was hoping it wouldn’t be brought up. 
“That party isn’t for me so…” Romeo started, fiddling the hem of his blazer, “... It didn’t felt right if I were to mingle in there” 
“Because that party wasn’t for you?” 
Romeo stops in his tracks, realizing how wrong that sounds, “Okay, wait, I take that back umm…” 
“No, it’s okay if you’re a little… self centered” Specs half teased. 
Romeo scoffs at that, playfully shoving his arms with his shoulders that sends the taller boy laughing. He recollects his composure and re-explains himself, “I mean… Jack, Race, and Crutchie are up there because they have…’something’” 
The two continue to walk through the tunnel, Specs fixated to Romeo as he explains himself. 
“You see Jack, already living up to his reputation from being a good leader. Charismatic, fearless, all of that. He’s just waiting for our father to step down from the throne so he can unleash his full potential” Romeo started out, which made no sense to Specs question but he kept listening anyways, “And then you got Race. However big of a dumbass and a troublemaker he is, he’s smart! He doesn’t work full time at the lab but you’ve seen him there a few times, right?” 
Specs nods, recalling the memory of him seeing prince Anthony while he was working. 
“A great problem solver. Despite being the one that causes the most problems in the castle” Romeo added, making Specs chuckle a bit. He lets himself smile at that but it didn’t linger long. 
“And you know Crutchie. He’s smart and wants nothing more than to help others. Hearing the voices of the little people” Romeo continued. 
He stops walking, causing Specs to do the same. They’ve almost made it through the tunnel, just a few more steps away. The moonlight can reach just far enough to illuminate their faces and highlight their main features. 
Romeo looks up to the other boy, “I’m almost 23 and I haven’t really done shit” 
Specs fully turns his body towards Romeo, his words from before finally clicking in his head. 
“I thought you were a performer” Specs said, “Isn’t that something to be proud of?” 
“It is something I’m proud of. But people talk, Specs” 
His older brothers are famous for what they’ve achieved that are viewed as ‘useful’ with their title as royalty. Romeo, on the other hand, is a famous Broadway performer. Whether it’s playing the lead role, a side character, or just a part of the ensemble, no one will deny his talent. But people still talk badly about his title mixed with his love for theatre. 
Specs stays silent while waiting for Romeo to continue. He let’s Romeo walk out the tunnel first, letting the glow of the night illuminate his whole body along with the garden he’s in. Though, his heart doesn’t seem to be enjoying it the way that he should. 
Romeo turns around to face Specs, already slowly stepping out of the shadows of the tunnel. He takes his crown off his head, letting it dangle freely in his right hand, “Living here has its perks. But the downside is people expect you to be a leader of some sort” 
The taller boy stands next to Romeo, observing one side of the castle. The bright lights from the chandeliers clear as day through the huge windows. 
“So you’re really going to let the stupid comments old people say about you affect the rest of your life?” Specs questioned, letting a small smile creep up his face, “I mean, you’re the one that gets all the girls drooling” 
“I guess, but I prefer guys anyways” Romeo half chuckled, his smile yet to return. 
“Then it looks like the odds are with me” Specs said in a cheeky manner, taking a few steps ahead of Romeo. 
It caught him off guard. He dumbfoundedly stared at the boy for a good few seconds while his back was facing him. Heart beating very fast. Heat rising up his cheeks. The corner of his lips picks up on the tiniest bit of joy and excitement his heart is indulging in. 
Specs turns around and Romeo shakes away any obvious adoration towards the boy, pretending to admire his crown in his grasp. 
“I mean, I think you’re a very talented actor” 
“So you’re a fan?” Romeo asked cleverly, looking up to meet his eyes again while placing his crown back on his head, “Is that why you came up to me in the first place?” 
“Among other things… yes” 
Well, that’s something to know. 
Romeo and Specs roam around the garden in the dark, though they stay quiet in fear that other people might hear their presence. The laughing felt more personal and heartfelt when it’s secretive like this. Somehow Romeo is falling out of his usual confident nature, getting shier with every giggle that escapes their lips or clever remark Specs added on to the conversation. 
Romeo brought up the idea for the two to head to his bedroom after spotting a glimpse of his balcony on the second floor. Well, from the ground it’s three floors up. Regardless, they were still able to utilize their environment to work in their favor on climbing to the balcony. 
Romeo avoided entering his bedroom because it was embarrassingly messy. So they stayed where they are, carefully sitting on the balcony railing and continuing their conversation. They picked it up so easily that they’re soon laughing together like before. This time, they get a view of the garden below, a glimpse of Manhattan, and closer to the night sky. The warmth of his bedroom through the open balcony doorway defeats the freezing temperatures from outside. 
Specs was interrupted mid sentence after an odd feeling came by his leg. Fluffy and warm, like it’s a living being. 
“Who’s this?” Specs looks down to see a white fluffy cat looking back up to him. He gently picks up the white furball and cradles it close to his chest with a loving smile. 
“About time he decides to wake up from his nap” Romeo commented, scooching closer towards Specs so that they’re shoulder to shoulder so he can pet his little feline companion, “His name is Snowy” 
Snowy purrs at the love he’s receiving, giving the two boys long and slow blinks with every pet they provide. 
“Do you have any pets, Specs?” Romeo asked. 
“My apartment doesn’t allow pets. It actually sucks because it can get a little lonely” Specs replied. He lets Snowy go after the cat starts stirring in his grasps. Specs cleans any excessive fur that got stuck on his blazer before turning back towards Romeo, “I’m glad I get to have my own space after needing to live in a foster home for the majority of the time. But I got used to having lots of people around so…” 
“Not courting anybody?” Romeo asked again, “You look like the kind of guy who’d win a lot” 
Romeo you fucking idiot. His mind was yelling at him for saying that. No one with common sense would blatantly say that to someone they just met that day. 
Specs chuckles through his smile, staring at Romeo with a little twinkle hidden in his brown eyes. It could just be the stars from the sky reflecting in his eyes, but it’s not possible because there was a meaning behind his glimmer. 
“Not really my style” Specs replied, a flirtatious smirk making its way up to his face, “Though, I met a guy recently and… I’m trying my best to impress him” 
Oh. My. God. 
Romeo didn’t realize how close their faces were getting. Hot breaths circulate the small gap between their faces. Romeo diverts his eyes away from Specs’, but it absentmindedly went to stare at his lips. He imitated the way Specs has his lips slightly parted. 
“A-and how’s that going for you?” Romeo dared to ask, stopping the gravitational pull towards each other. Any closer and Specs might know how fast his heartbeat is going. 
“Not sure” He replied breathlessly, “You’ll have to tell me” 
If stomach butterflies could explode then that is definitely how Romeo is feeling right now. But they stayed still. Neither quite seem to have the courage to take the next step. 
Specs took the initiative, slowly guiding his hand up to cup Romeo’s cheeks. He then whispers, “Can I-” 
“Romeo!” A muffled voice interrupted their little moment. They quickly pull apart and stare at Romeo’s bedroom door inside the dimly lit bedroom. Violent knocking followed after the voice and it continued, “Romeo, are you in there?” 
It didn’t take long for Specs to catch on to what’s happening. He scrambles himself away behind the brick wall of the balcony, just next to the doorway. Romeo fixes his suit and answers the door. 
Just as he expected it, it was Race. No one in the family knocks as violently as he does. 
“My God, Race! Can I ever get some time alone in my room?” Romeo answered the door. 
“Why are you even in here? You’re supposed to be at the party!” Race said, “Dad was looking for you, y’know” 
“I just needed a little air but I’ll be right there, I promise” 
He flips Race away and turns around, seeing the previous boy he was with coming out of his previous hiding spot. He smiles sheepishly at Specs, which was met with his own chuckling. 
“Guess, we better head back” Romeo said, looking up to meet Specs’ eyes, “But you’re gonna have to use the balcony” 
“I figured” 
Specs sits back on the balcony before swinging both legs over the railing to climb down. Romeo leans his body against the railing, held up by his arms. It’s only polite to wait for Specs to climb down before he leaves to get to the ballroom himself. 
“By the way… thanks for keeping me company” Romeo felt like he owed him a thank you. After all, Specs could’ve had some fun or gained more than just a casual get-to-know-me conversation if he were to fully participate in the party. 
Specs looks up from minding his steps down, back up to Romeo’s eyes with a loving gaze towards him, “Of course. When else will I get the chance to be this close to you?” 
Rome looks down to his hands to hide away his blush and bashful little smile. He notices Specs hands are still on the railing, placed quite close to his own. 
“But how did I do? Were you impressed?” 
Romeo looks up, finding the other boy’s face is already two inches away from his own. The exact same position they were in before getting interrupted by his brother, just this time Specs is hanging on the balcony.
“Is that something you want to know?” Romeo questioned back with a little giggle following it. He thought it would be fun to tease him around before they finally part ways. 
“It’s not usual for me to straight up ask but… “ Specs caught on with the teasing, “... technically you were the one that ask” 
Romeo giggles along with him. He nods to his question and answers properly, “Yes. I was very much impressed by you, Specs” 
The next seconds were filled with silence. The high from their little banter turned into adrenaline to do something with how they’re positioned now. They both realize it, as both smiles slowly fade to parted lips with hot and heavy breaths hitting each other’s faces. Romeo glues his eyes on Specs’ lips, he could only imagine the other boy did the same. 
“Do I get the permission to kiss you?” Specs asked, barely above a whisper while his hands traced up Romeo’s arm until it reached his cheek once again. 
Romeo stuttered through his next few words before replying with a little giggle, “Permission granted” 
Specs wasted no time, softly crashing his lips on the other boy’s. Fireworks set off in their heads as the feelings developed for each other from this short period of time are released in one gentle kiss. Romeo moves one hand to hold his neck, as a means to deepen the kiss and to secure Specs from falling. 
They part with heavy breaths escaping their lips. The heavy breathings turned into giggles and giggles turned into goodbyes. 
Romeo watches as a giddy looking Specs makes it to the ground and walks towards the previous tunnel. Before finally escaping his vision, Specs glances back up to Romeo. Despite the distant Romeo can see a stupid grin on his face, which only made him laugh. 
As Specs finally escapes his view, Romeo lets out a long and adoring sigh and melts into the moment. Lowering his body and placing his head on top of his hands that are gripping on the balcony. 
He hears his beloved fur ball meow near him, but he’s far gone for that boy to even care what the cat wants. 
“I know, Snowy,” Romeo said, as if understanding the language his cat speaks, “He’s such a dream…” 
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starship-squidlet · 4 years
As the November/December fervor that was New Music, holiday one-shots, and Twelfth Night is starting to die down (it’s not dying down just yet, I know, because starting Friday I’ll be posting every day until 1/5, but it’s fine shhh), I wanted to present some of my other fic ideas to y'all, and let you guys pick what you'd like to see next!!! Whichever one(s) of these I wind up writing, I'll be working on planning the New Music sequel while I do! I’m also going to put ballpark ratings (based on what I have planned/the image I have rattling around in my head of the fic idk)
So here are my current fic/AU ideas that I have rattling around in various stages of planning, in no particular order of personal preference:
(I made headers and they make me happy so you’re going to see them)
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1) Yo Ho Hero: Space Pirates AU. Think: Newsies characters, (grittier) Treasure Planet aesthetic, Star Wars planet-hopping, and an embarrassing amount of plot from the Pirates Who Don't Do Anything movie. Jack, Race, and Elmer are plucked out of their ordinary lives and thrust into a whole new world as unlikely heroes when Princess Katherine is captured by a wicked pirate. They join the crew of Prince Crutchie and his mage Davey to rescue Katherine and defeat the evil Captain Mechno-beard. (Rated K+-T because... they’re pirates. It’s going to get violent at times, but I don’t intend for it to be like gory or anything.)
Main Characters: Jack Kelly, Elmer Kasprzak, Race Higgins, Crutchie Morris, Davey Jacobs
Supporting Characters: Spot Conlon, JoJo de la Guerra, Specs, Romeo, Skittery
Minor Characters: Sarah and Les Jacobs, Katherine Pulitzer, Buttons Davenport, Albert Dasilva, Snyder, probably others IDK I haven’t finished planning.
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2) The Green Fields of France: beginning in canon-era, a look at the lives of Elaine, Mush, and Finch, along with their descendants. Mush and Finch go off to war and never come back. Years later, Elaine finally learns what happened to them. (This one is entirely self-indulgent, I won't lie) (Rated K+. No adult themes, that I’m planning on, but there will be talk of war and dying. Nothing graphic, but just to be safe)
Main Characters: Elaine O’Dell (OC), Charlie O’Dell (OC)
Supporting Characters: Race Higgins, Albert Dasilva, Crutchie Morris, JoJo de la Guerra, Mush Meyers, Finch Cortez
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3) {unnamed modern!academia!AU}: Albert transfers to a new grad school and meets a collection of... interesting people, not the least of which is the enigmatic Race Higgins. Follows them and their friends on a wide variety of adventures over several years as they work on their degrees. Theoretically, several slow burns all at once because I intend for this to be very long and a little over-dramatic. Also, it’s kind of an Indiana Jones/Jurassic Park/Stargate AU all at once don’t ask it just seemed like fun. (Rated T. Moderate adult themes, including alcohol, minor violence, dinosaur violence, alien/sci-fi violence, potential “hooking up”. IDK. They’re adults. Who knows what they’re going to get up to. Again, nothing graphic/explicit/everything will be pretty much glossed over but it will also be there.)
Main Characters: Race Higgins, Albert Dasilva, Mush Meyers, Finch Cortez, Elaine O’Dell, JoJo de la Guerra, Buttons Davenport
Side Characters: Elmer Kasprzak, Davey Jacobs, Sniper Wah, Crutchie Morris, Jack Kelly, Spot Conlon, Tommy Boy, Henry Butler
Minor Characters: Specs, Smalls, Sarah Jacobs, Katherine Pulitzer, probably a lot more honestly if this turns out as long as I think it will, assorted characters from other franchises
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4) Shakespeare: canon-era. Maire O'Connell comes from an immigrant family with an abusive father. She becomes a newsie to try and get her siblings away from him, but it's hard. Set in a world more like the 92sies movie than the musical. (Rated K+-T for Maire’s father and the Delancey brothers beating people up)
Main Characters: Maire O’Connell (OC), Jack Kelly, Davey Jacobs, Spot Conlon, Race Higgins, Sarah Jacobs
Side/Minor Characters: other newsies we’ll see who comes up
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5) A Midsummer Night's Dream: unsurprisingly based on the title Part 3 of the Modern!Theatre!AU. Jack and Crutchie are still working at the World Theatre and living with Elaine and her brothers. March 12, 2020, their whole world changes. It is a summer of life-altering realizations as they all learn more about themselves and each other and hopefully become better people for it. Yes, this is the COVID quarantine one. Very gay. (Rated K. It’s just soft.)
Main Characters: Jack Kelly, Crutchie Morris, Elaine O’Dell (OC), Alan O’Dell (OC), Alden O’Dell (OC)
Side Characters: Davey Jacobs
Minor Characters: Anyone else who’s come up in As You Like It or Twelfth Night (which I know I haven’t published and have hardly written at this point it’s fine) is fair game, but won’t be appearing much because... quarantine.
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6) {unnamed fairy tale AU}: This is literally only a vague idea, but I’m thinking something along the lines of Once Upon a Time, incorporating lots of different fairy tales/themes??? I’m thinking sort of the vibe of the Spiderwick Chronicles meets the Hobbit, with elements of Peter Pan/general changeling child legends and Irish mythology. Very mystical. IDK. If this is the one y’all want to see, it’ll probably take longer to start posting, because I’ll have to do more planning (unlike the others, which I have at least a little bit of planning done for, I have very little of even a concept for this one, it just seems like fun). (Rated ??? because who knows)
{Characters TBD} (I’m leaning towards a Davey lead though, based on the loose image forming in my head after making this moodboard)
Feel free to ask questions about any of these that you’d like to hear more about!!! I’m always happy to talk about story ideas xD Make sure to let me know which one(s) you’d like to see in the near future!!! My mesages and ask box are always open!
Tag list: @the-cowbi @i-am-a-wizard @xbanner-carriedx @celestial-rose-sky @ersterwithablog (let me know if you’d like to be added to/removed from the tag list!!! You can also let me know if there’s a specific story you’d like to be on the tag list for if/when I write it!)
All images from google. Headers made in Procreate. Please let me know if any of these images belong to you and you want them credited/removed!!!
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yonacausesproblems · 4 years
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icariahq task : 40 questions
Describe your character in a few words. People-pleaser, enthusiastic, fun-loving, vulnerable
What do you know about your character that they don’t know yet? Mmm, details about how she ended up in Icaria thanks to her mom’s brother and his wife. 
What are your character’s major flaws? Callous, frequently bends the truth, is trying way too hard
What would your character give their life for? It can’t be anything too planned. Probably for someone that she was trying to impress
What is your character’s greatest asset? Part of me wants to say her pouty face. Uh. 
What would completely break your character? Probably jail, honestly. She wouldn’t do well there. She’s bad with isolation
How does the image your character tries to project differ from the image they actually project? It’s a big part of her character that she doesn’t really indulge in vices as much as she pretends to.
What is your character afraid of? Abandonment, heights
Where would your character fall on a politeness/rudeness scale? Closer to rude. She’s endearing, but never really learned good manners.
If your character could choose a different identity, who would they pick? What’s coming to mind is Dua Lipa 
In what or whom is your character’s greatest faith in? That people don’t stop surprising you.
What was the best thing in your character’s life? Like... she knows that she should say something like “getting out of foster care” or “making lifelong friends,” but Yona would probably say it was getting a decent taste in music.
What was the worst thing in your character’s life? When she was in her early teens, she got blackout drunk. It sucked, and it soured her enjoyment of being anything more than tipsy.
What is a favorite flavor or smell of your character? It’s actually not oregano! She loves citrus.
What seemingly insignificant memories stuck with your character? When she was maybe four, she broke a glass. Instead of getting mad, Yona’s mom pulled her daughter into a hug and told her that everyone makes mistakes even if we try to prevent them. And that it’s okay to mess up, but to try harder next time. Because when you continue to make mistakes, it hurts yourself too.
What is your character’s secret wish? Well, she’d love to be a movie star and travel the world to the delight of her adoring fans, but she doesn’t really think anyone’s going to suddenly discover her anytime soon. Which sucks.
What is your character’s greatest achievement? She graduated from high school despite some wavering temptation to... not do that. 
What is your character’s deepest regret? She missed her dad’s birthday celebration once because she went out with her friends instead.
What is your character’s deepest disappointment? Growing older and coming to the conclusion that her aunt and uncle (on her birth mom’s side) were nice but self-interested people.
What is your character reluctant to tell people? Definitely that she’s not a big drinker. And if she has feelings for someone.
What is your character hiding from themselves? She’s a bad liar and isn’t good at getting over things that hurt.
What makes this character angry? What calms them? What makes her angry... people who make fun of her in a way that isn’t lighthearted. Yona’s sure she can tell when someone is just messing around vs being mean. She particular hates when people make fun of her name. What calms her down? Her dog, spending quality time with her family, and snacks. Give her like chips or something and sometimes she’ll get distracted.
List situations in which your character would not have control over themselves. If someone she really liked told something hurtful and she thought it was to make her feel bad. Getting rejected. Losing a family member (dog counts)
How strong is your character’s emotions? Controllable? Uncontrollable? They’re a little more controllable than she gives the impression of, but that’s not very impressive because she’s really emotional.
What wakes your character up in the middle of the night? Dog moves. Dog wants to be on top of Yona. Dog wants to go outside. So... her dog.
Describe a recurring dream and/or nightmare. She’s in a large hall with echoey acoustics, and she’s the only one in there. No matter how much she walks, the walls never get closer, and nobody comes when she calls out for help.
Describe your character’s family. Mom #1 (bio) = Arielle Greenspan, Dad #1 (bio) = Charon. Wine Uncle and Aunt Joey & Genevieve Greenspan.   Adoptive mom#2 and dad #2. Her dad has something like 7 siblings (so her aunts and uncles) including Baz, and grandparents. Also she has a half-brother via Dad #1 named Romeo who seems lost.
Name your character’s favourite person and why. It’s kind of a fickle thing, honestly. Like she tries to impress someone and she would honestly say they’re the most important person to her, and then next week it will be someone completely different.
How many friends does your character have? She’s given up counting, which is exciting.
How many friends does your character want? More? Sure!
How would a friend or close relative describe your character? Sweet, bubbly, scattered, encouraging
Who depends on your character? Why? Err, maybe her family? But only because she works there and is loving.
Who does your character most want to please? Why? It changes, but it’s generally whoever she’s crushing on the most.
How does your character feel about sex? That it can either be really nice or absolutely harrowing. She’s attached to the idea that it’s better in theory with someone she really adores. 
How does your character feel about romantic relationships? That she doesn’t really know what she’s doing yet. And she’s probably going to mess this up but! She! Really! Wants! A girlfriend!
If your character had to live in utter seclusion, what six items would they bring? Any items? She’d want Baymax, a tiny house, a shovel, a slinky, a mattress, and a massive blanket
What is your character’s most noticeable trait and most noticeable physical feature? Most noticeable trait is probably her special brand of enthusiasm. Most noticeable physical feature is difficult because hers are exaggerated overall. Maybe lips?
How does your character feel about work? Depends on the kind of work. She doesn’t really want to work on the farm forever, and she is sure she doesn’t want to sell fake weed for the rest of her life. If it pays well, is relatively interesting, and has okay work/life balance. She’s studying pharmacy because it pays well and sounds like it at least won’t get boring. It has only recently occurred to her that people might actually try to get her to supply real drugs illicitly.
Write one headcanon. Her birth mom was Conservative Jewish. Yona thinks it’s very Jewish of herself to identify as such when she’s literally a demigod and her entire existence is a puzzle of belief and the deep questions. She doesn’t talk about it a lot with other people on the isle because she doesn’t really see the point, but participates in some online communities.
Write one additional thing about your character. She has a Facebook fan page called “Animals of Icaria” where she pretends to interview random animals in the wild, at the zoo, or in someone’s house in the style of HONY.
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Paracosm Info | Marriage Counseling
this is a lil weird ig since I have mutuals that know the canon media where these paras are from ndjdjdj
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🌃 General Info/Plot
Connor, Amaya, and Greg are nighttime superheroes that stop their towns three local villains: Cynthia, Nick, and Romeo. Technically, Cynthia isn't even a villain anymore, and has joined the trio to help take down her (albeit adopted) brother Romeo (who wants to take over the world) and Nick (who. wants to prove he's the best at everything).
Other Stuff
They're all 16+ and in highschool (sometimes adults depending on the point in time)
Tbh, none of the villains are actually "villains" anymore. As stated above, Cynthia is basically in Greg's friend group. Nick has a lot of younger siblings that depend on him, so villainy isn't on his mind a whole lot anymore. And Romeo honestly just wants attention.
Connor, Amaya, and Greg live right next to each other.
....nobody likes dylan. its just Facts.
my daydreams are usually roman-based.
🌃 Paras
the heroes...don't really have that much info bc they're usually not as prominent in my daydreams tbh?? I might go back to this and add stuff just a heads up
Romeo/Roman; 16 || bi || aro || nb. my main para for this paracosm. lives in a junkyard, in some daydreams/points in time he live with nick and his siblings (lives with tony in FoR au). expert in robotics and physics. has a crush/squish on nick (depending on the period in time, they're dating).
Nick; 16-17 || gay || trans (ftm). soccer player. super into sports. has a ton of little siblings. irl ninja. crushing on romeo (dating depending on what point in time daydream is).
Cynthia; 17 || aroace || female. from the moon, supposedly. p much adopted romeo as her little brother. anti-villain. loves moths. goth gf. had a crush on greg, eventually they (secretly) date.
Greg; 17 || bi || male. a babey. absolute ray of sunshine, cares sm abt everyone. has a pet gecko, lionel. wears a lot of green. has a crush on cynthia but cant rlly get with her since the other two still think shes a villain, tho they do secretly date for a bit before telling everyone. used to be on the swim team before quitting.
Amaya; 17-18 || bi/pan || female. mom friend™. likes owls. smart/bookish. wears a lot of red. babysits nicks siblings sometimes. dating connor.
Connor; 16-17 || bi || male. "leader" of the trio. likes cats. lowkey a dad friend. wears a lot of blue & lightning patterns. dating amaya. on the track team.
Dylan; 17-18 || straight || male. bully. tbh he's only here to beat the shit outta Romeo. like that's it. hes only here to be an asshole I'm bddjsjsjs
🌃 AUs
ha fair warning I have a lot of aus for this, idk why :p i don't even think this is all of them oskdksn
Family of Robots; some of romans inventions are human. info post tba.
Demon/Angel; they're all demons or angels, technically a crossover between Solis Occassus.
System Overdrive; crossover with Viyrus. tbh its just nearly all of my paras interacting with each other in a school environment.
Runaways; Romeo runs away & nick tags along with him. the two move to America and b happy gays. thats it. it was a rlly quick daydream thingy tbh I might go back to it sometime.
Villains of Yesterday; prequel paracosm! takes place when the villains parents are alive. info post tba.
Heroes of Tomorrow; sequel paracosm! Pandora (romeo & nicks daughter) and ryan (connor & amayas son) are just two kiddos trying to survive their parents weridness lmao (greg & cynthia have a kid, too...but uh I'm not gonna count her for personal reasons). info post tba.
HomeLife; yeah this is super self-indulgent, so I'm not really comfortable/ok talking about it tbh.
Through the Ages/Assembled Monsters; so, I kinda just. straight up ripped off Night At the Museum. Everyone has different time periods they live in and through some bullshit magic and/or invention they're able to be in one time period together. You can imagine how that can go jdjdjdj
Constellations; rowan moves to france with his dad, aka right into the town this paracosm takes place. he, along with calypso (bc i cant separate these two for very long ndjdjsk) become superheroes. Chaos ensues.
Mafia; the kiddos are, well, in the mafia! That's....it, tbh. I haven't really daydreamed abt this one in a while jdkdkdk
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sword--wings · 7 years
platonic klance friendship? hell yeah guys I love these two bros!
Keith continues to pretend he doesn’t understand lance’s jokes. Dude has the best poker face. Hunk knows Keith gets it but he doesn’t tell lance that keith’s just messing with him. He’s thoroughly amused
Family is just so important to both of them for different reasons?? Lance is just like “Look okay I have a bunch of siblings what’s one more you can be my little brother”
“I’m older than you”
“You can still be a my little brother its not an age thing it’s more…a metaphorical thing”
“Well metaphorically I am older than you”
Keith likes listening to Lance talk about his family but even better he likes watching them interact? It’s such a different dynamic than he & his dad or his foster homes and its just…so fascinating.
-self indulgent headcanon! Keith is bi lance is straight. sorry i dont make the rules
girls are just…girl are so great
space and girls. the best. they agree
They’re both pretty good about not being sexist jerks? Like Lance uses face masks and pampers himself and he! Doesn’t care! About your gender stereotypes! He’s not less a man or less anything because he likes that stuff.
Lance convinces Keith to try shaving his legs
Allura is so pleased she makes a whole cake like thanks for giving my bf smooth soft leggies
Lance makes jokes about hot topic and MCR and Keith just deadpans: what is that :/
Jokes on Lance he knows what those are
 extra jokes on lance: dude listens to nine inch nails and convinces Lance to listen to the whole Ghost album and Lance has some weird nightmareish dreams
Lance thinks Fall Out Boys constitutes as rock and Keith is offended
whenever someone implies they may be gay/together bc of sexist stereotypes they just laugh bcus… they both love girls
“We’re bros dont make it weird” “Keith is metaphorically my brother so no thanks to your metaphorical incest”
can you blame them? Girls are beautiful especially them alien girls
They both agree its hoes before bros: If you dont do something for ya girl because you think you think you’ll think you look whipped in front of your boys–then you’re already whipped by your boys!
Keith is genuinely surprised that besides being a egomaniac womanizer, Lance is actually kind of a romeo
Ok Keith is worried about Lance being a little too whipped
Guy is the type who could really be taken advantage of by a lady of less than stellar character
Keith tries to teach Lance to be a better pilot
Mostly he just ends just chanting PATIENCE YIELDS FOCUS in his head aggressively as they crash for the fifth time
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