#adorable sibling moment
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The FNAF Mikes with their (not so) little sisters
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thebramblewood · 7 months
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Some comic relief from the Vatores, except Lilith's in her depressed era and Caleb's gone no thoughts, head empty (of everything other than music) mode.
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🎵 faint organ melody 🎵
Lilith: I rue the day he learned to play that infernal instrument.
🎵 organ melody continues, growing louder 🎵
Lilith: I will fucking strangle him with my bare hands.
Lilith: Put a lid on it, Caleb. I’m trying to get my beauty sleep.
Caleb: Oh, is that what we’re calling it now? I thought you quit that nasty habit decades ago.
Lilith: Well, it’s not as though it’s going to kill me.
Caleb: No, but the smoke makes the house smell dreadful.
Lilith: I’d argue that god awful incense of yours smells worse.
Caleb: If the mere whiff of my presence irritates you so much, why don’t you just leave? You haven’t hunted in days.
Lilith: Are you encouraging me to kill?
Caleb: [scoffs] Of course not. I just mean it might be good for you to get some fresh air.
Lilith: I don’t care what you think is good for me. Just keep it down, won’t you? [erupts into fit of coughs]
Lilith: Finally, some peace and fucking quiet.
🎵 faint harp melody 🎵
Lilith: [muffled] Goddamn him!
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silentassassin21 · 7 months
i'm catching up on burrow's end finally and god brennan & rashawn being sisters is everything i could have ever wanted
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incensuous · 10 months
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As you can imagine, they are not canon, but I'd argue they are the closest we have to siscon/brocon in all of Genshin. And the only playable twins (aside from Aether and Lumine)!!
Also, the post is gonna detail all about the new Fontaine quest, so SPOILERS ahead!
In the newest story quest, we first meet Lynette and shortly after her brother, Lyney. Right out the gate, it's clear they're very close. This is honestly the ONLY time a sibling relationship is this front and center, despite Genshin having other playable siblings. Lynette gives me tsundere vibes, and Lyney is your typical cheeky, charismatic magician. Lyney mentions he's surprised Lynette is talking to the player, as his sister typically only talks to him. We tease Paimon, our companion, for being talkative enough for the both of us.
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We take a ride together and, Lyney mentions it gets boring seeing the same scenery, and out of the blue, Lynette responds, "So you mean it's still boring even when I'm riding with you?" It's a strangely jealous sounding question, and considering Lynette is a bit deadpan and tsundere, I take it as Lynette wanting to get a response out of her brother. (Spoiler, this isn't the only time she says something like this!) Lyney is embarrassed and responds, it's because Lynette doesn't talk much, and how it feels like being at home, with just the two of them.
When we learn of a decades old case in Fontaine, revolving around young missing women, Lyney turns very serious and says, "I just imagined for a second what I would do if Lynette were to suddenly disappear... I'd pay any price to get her back and then find a way to track down the culprit." This is actually a bit of foreshadowing for what we learn about their backstory later on.
During the events of the game where Lyney is accused of murder and kidnapping a young woman (connected with the case of young missing women), we find out the twins are not just your friendly neighborhood magicians, but they are also working for the Fatui--an enemy faction, who have their roles behind many international plots. This upsets us but we still decide to defend Lyney and Lynette.
To prove their innocence, Lyney and Lynette reveal how their magic trick of swapping places with an audience member is done. Part of the trick involves Lynette briefly exiting the original box, disguised as Lyney, to pretend the swap hadn't worked, before Lyney steps out of the correct box and wows the audience. Lyney says, "I mean, we are twins. All it takes is a change of clothes and no one can tell who's who, hehe." The twins are twinning!!!
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Lyney reveals their tragic backstory, of how they became street orphans after their parents died. To provide for the two of them, he observed a street magician and learned a few tricks. He mentions, "But, I didn't want my sister to remain a street rat together with me forever." The way he words it feels so selfless--he's thinking of Lynette before himself. While they're twins, he's definitely her older brother, and in the Japanese dub, Lynette calls him "onii-chan" WHICH IS INSANELY CUTE.
The two of them became popular enough as street performers, they caught the attention of a rich noble, who adopted them.
Their sad story doesn't end there. Lyney explains the noble basically paraded them around in his social circles as entertainment. One night, Lyney realizes Lynette is not in the car with him to go home and waits for her all night. When she doesn't return, Lyney asks the noble about her and is told someone had taken a liking to Lynette. And so, the bastard actually gave his sister away. As a gift.
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I'll note here this is pretty intense for a Genshin scenario. The game is relatively PG, and while murder, etc, is talked about, and there are innuendos galore, we've never had straight up sexual abuse hinted at (as far as I know).
Lyney manages to find the location of his sister and sets out to save her. We see how young they are in this screenshot and by this time, they've already gone through this scenario--it's wild!!
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By the time Lyney gets there, Arlecchino has already killed the piece of shit noble and saved Lynette, along with several other young orphan girls found in the basement. They mention no harm had come to Lynette yet. Arlecchino is a Fatui Harbinger, and has an incredibly ruthless demeanor, but she does run the House of the Hearth, seemingly full of orphans she's recruited. She offers the two of them to join the House of the Hearth and is referred to as "Father" by the orphans.
I think Lyney and Lynette do get close to the other children, but in particular, they seem close with Freminet, and even introduce him as their younger brother. I love them!!!
This has been a monster post, and I haven't even gotten to the text lore or their personal quest. I'll save that for a part 2, but even though this post is excessive, I just NEEDED to absolutely gush how cute they are.
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cyclops-was-left · 8 months
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Tiny JP and Jeanne-Marie my beloveds <3
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jackshiccup · 9 months
there’s countless memorable moments between jack and jamie in otnwas but in ch 36 where tuffnut is like, “i’ll have you know, we’ve given this a lot of thought” and jamie mumbles, “as if” as a comeback and jack snorts and gives him a high five for it — that’s Peak Siblingism i fear .. every twins + overland boys interaction is just comedy gold their dynamic is too good
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compaculaaa · 2 years
Mini Prowl and Mini Optimus should be friends :3
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You’re absolutely right 🥺
Occasionally when the ninja fam has to visit (Cus of military discussions or just to hang) and they bring the kids sparkling oppy always drags prowl to the library where they read books, oppy likes history books but only picks nature books when prowl comes over. Prowl is fascinated by all the things Optimus shows him
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Both of their respective creators are so proud of them
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xisanamii · 2 months
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liu wei featuring his homie (gay) and homie (platonic)
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huntingrays · 4 months
thinking about piper & leo’s friendship
them supremacy
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kelpiemomma · 8 months
Thinking about Khan and how he doesn't wake up from nightmares the way people might expect. He doesn't explode from them, swinging and breathing flame in defense. He doesn't wake up screaming.
He wakes up silent. And it's only if you're paying attention that you'll know he's awake. His eyes might open - but with his poor vision, it's not like he can truly see where he's at - and he might draw in a sudden breath. But it's the fact that he stops breathing that's the Sign. It's the way he suddenly goes quiet. Not that he snores or sleeps loudly anyway, but there is one less person making noise in the night.
Ingo isn't often awake when this happens. Very rarely, in fact, because Khan has nightmares almost every night. It's nothing new. Most of the time he will breathe, eventually, and take in the scents of his surroundings. He will realize where he is and use it to ground himself. And if he can't, then he will get up and find something to do until he can pass out from exhaustion and wake up better.
But it happens a handful of times. Ingo is awake when Khan comes to. And sometimes he doesn't realize it, doesn't realize Khan is awake until Ingo himself is returning to bed and looks down as he passes Khan's cot to see his green eyes open and staring at nothing.
But this time he realizes. He's awake, for no real reason, just sitting and listening to the world around him. Akari is snoring after a long day of survey work, Khan is sprawled out on his cot, the nocturnal pokemon are calling to each other in the distance… It's peaceful. Ingo rests with his head on one hand, eyes shut and enjoying it while he can.
And then one sound disappears.
He doesn't realize it's Khan at first, spends a moment trying to figure out what's missing. Akari is still snoring. The pokemon are still calling. Khan sleeps quietly enough that Ingo has, on occasion, put his hand under his nose or over his mouth to ensure he's still breathing. And it's that, knowing how quietly Khan sleeps, that makes ingo realize that Khan's breathing is what missing. That Khan is making no noise at all.
Ingo gets up and goes over to check, because Khan may be a prickly bastard but by now he's Ingo's prickly bastard like Akari is Ingo's daughter, he's part of the family. And sure enough Khan is awake. Eyes open wide. Staring at nothing. Ingo is ready to return to his seat when he realizes Khan is- not breathing. There's a tension to him that is abnormal, despite his nightmares.
So Ingo stays, sits down by Khan's side, and gently touches his hand. Too much touch too fast will wind up with fists flying towards him, so he takes it slow. Khan's hand is a fist. Ingo asks if he's alright, but there's no response. Khan's chest hitches, his breath sporadic for a moment, before a sound like a whine makes its way out of his throat.
And that- is so out of the norm that Ingo is now concerned. He puts a hand on Khan's arm, on his neck, as he leans over to look in the other man's face. Maybe it's the light of the night, but Khan's eyes seem… Shiny.
And this is a bad one. It doesn't take a genius to know that this is far from average. That whatever Khan has just dreamt of has truly, deeply affected him. Ingo pulls him up, pulls him into a seated position, and directs Khan's face to his own neck. Scent is Khan's strong suit, after all, and the best way to help him realize where he's at. Ingo ignores how his shirt gets a little damp- tells himself, for Khan's sake, that Khan is just drooling.
And Khan does what he never does and wraps his arms around Ingo. There's a desperation there, something terrified, and Ingo knows that this isn't something he can do on his own.
"Do you want me to wake Akari up?" He asks, because it never hurts to offer a choice.
"She's asleep." Khan says, which isn't an answer. His voice is hoarse and shakey. Ingo makes the decision for him, then, and extracates himself from Khan. Khan's hands follow him, reaching out, and Ingo is grateful for the first time his home is so small because he can hold onto Khan's one hand while he uses the other to shake his daughter awake.
Akari's snores vanish and she opens one eye halfway, confused. "Dad?" She asks. Her voice is low and thick with sleep. "Whassups?"
"Khan needs our presence. Would you mind joining us?" He says. And it's not the whole truth, but Akari wakes up more. Khan does not, ever, need anything from them. He's like a stray animal, coming to them when he chooses, but fully able and willing to survive on his own. And maybe now he still doesn't need them. If Ingo hadn't been awake, Khan would have laid there until he decided what to do. But Khan isn't making choices for himself, and Ingo knows he needs grounding.
Akari stands and Ingo helps guide her over to where Khan is still sitting. He's turned now, his legs thrown over the side of the cot as he hunches over and stares at the ground. One hand is still in Ingo's.
Akari reaches out, touches his shoulder, and that whine breaks from Khan's throat again. He leans towards Akari, rests his head against her, and then drags her onto his lap. She wraps her arms around his neck because he is gripping her so, so tightly, holding her like she's his saving grace, like if he lets her go the world will end. His shoulders shudder.
Ingo sits next to them, sliding Akari's legs over his own, and leans into Khan's side. He wraps one arm around Khan and is surprised when Khan returns the gesture, releasing Akari with one arm to pull Ingo into his reach. He is not just holding them but clinging. Ingo wonders, but doesn't ask, what he had dreamed about to make him so desperate. Ingo turns into Khan, places his legs over the man's but under his daughter's, and leans into the hold. After a moment, Khan turns his head to shove his nose into Ingo's neck once more. Akari is pressed between them, still holding onto Khan as if her hug will fix him, and Ingo knows they will both stay here as long as Khan needs them, wants them, to.
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incoherent-orca · 5 months
#atla#azula#this is about zuko & azula's finale agni kai. while i adore it + it's such a beautiful fight...#i saw a poll about who would've won if katara hadn't been there; and most people were saying it wouldve been zuko#but to me zuko would've lost not because azula wasn't in her right mind but because he wouldve had restraint and she wouldnt#restraint in the sense of... she's still his SISTER so he's aiming not to maim or kill; unlike azula who in that moment has no qualms abt—#—inflicting lethal injuries on anyone present. and it just got me thinking about how we were robbed of their sibling relship#a more nuanced sibling relship at least. like without katara there would we have seen zuko hesitate before dealing a winning blow#would he have seen his little sister who their family failed just as much as they failed him?#because even iroh says at some point that “[azula] is crazy & needs to go down” like... sir that is your niece#idk#i wish we could've gotten a zuko who not only fears envies pities and opposes azula; but also loves her in some way#they're constantly pit against each other and i wonder if the younger idealistic compassionate zuko wouldve been protective of her#up until his banishment; then a once loving relationship (if strained) becomes so horrifically complicated#like the narrative spent way more time establishing azula as a terrible manipulative person (which she is) but also glossing over the fact—#—that she's a child. she wasn't born evil & the writing does not condemn ozai at all for his failure in raising her#the writing clearly shows how he fucked up with zuko but not how he fucked up with azula#which is a missed opportunity for zuko to empathize with her. they were both kids under the same abuse; just pushed in opposite directions
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arionawrites · 5 months
“you’re better at this than me” nah my inner child reading these books for the first time is currently having a fucking meltdown actually
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astrolionking · 2 years
Just finished Cars On The Road and OFC I LOVED IT
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thedeadthree · 1 year
25 and 26 for ur current favs 💕
JASMINE HI HI DEAR <3 i hope your doing well and thank you so much ! will be doing olga and @risingsh0t's logan as they're to have little ones 💕 🌸
25. are they the type of parents to boast about their kids’ achievements? 
i would have to say in a way? olga would certainly be over the moon by anything they do <3 and would be the one to also take a step back and let them and their achievements shine on their own? they more than deserve to be celebrated and she would want them to have that! she is in awe and proud they are theirs and that is enough <3 though olgie is certain to be found a bit misty eyed arm around logans as they're being recognized. she's proud of them and over the moon to be there to support them !
26. who is more likely to give in to “puppy dog eyes” when their kids misbehave? 
though certainly as olga has captured what was thought locked away behind a impenetrable wall of logans feelings, olga's family wasn't much for the puppy eyes (a family of politicians and scientists/doctors don't have time for puppy dog eyes I GUESS *sighs*) i think it would be her to be the one most often to fall for the eyes? as it was she as a child to use them, she would be caught off guard and likely to fall for it if it was used on her hehe <3
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boygirlctommy · 1 year
barely caught the last few minutes of tommys stream, but it doesnt matter bcus i still cried my eyes out :,) i love you dsmp and most of all i love you dsmp fandom <3
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ortensiawhiskers · 2 years
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SEE LOOK AT HOW CUTE I love that the dolls have older/younger siblings
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