#adult art classes near me
makeartclasses · 1 year
Website : https://www.makeartclasses.net/
Address : Baldivis, Western Australia, Australia
makeART Classes and Workshops was established in July 2014 making our home in the upstairs art space at the Mary Davies Library and Community Centre in Baldivis. Since then, makeART's passion to provide a space for young artists to expand their creativity and encourage grown-ups to find the playful artist subdued within has expanded into a fun, creative family with classes and workshops to suit every age group.
We invite you to scroll through our palette of opportunities, make your booking and lets create amazing art together.
Our Classes​:
At makeART we are constantly working with the community to develop new classes and workshops. We cater for a variety of ages and also offer school holiday workshops. ​
Children & Youth After School Classes:
We believe your child was born an artist and my aim is to replace the iPad with a canvas, a mouse with a paintbrush and the phone with a palette. For an hour each week your young artist will go on a journey of exploration and self discovery through adventures in drawing, painting, collage and 3D art. You get to simply drop off, pick up and start your own gallery.
Art is a deeply personal experience and our role is to introduce your young artist to a variety of art making materials, inspire and teach the practice of mindfully focusing on the process of their creation. Not only on what they are creating but how they are creating it… the feel of different materials, a pencil mark, pastel, the feathery touch of a paint brush, the magnificence of a splash of watercolour.
All classes begin the week after school starts each term and end the week before school finishes.
​* Sip & Paint!
Make new friends by booking one of our Sip & Paint events at our studio or share laughter with old friends at your own venue where we come to you. Either way, Rachael, our very own artist will provide step-by-step guidance and banter to help you unleash your creativity using acrylic paints on canvas with occasional use of mixed media as collage.
Absolutely no experience is needed. Sip & Paint is perfect for newbies. If you can hold a pencil… you’re covered! All materials are provided, and you don’t have to clean up as we do that for you too. At the end of the evening, you’ll have your own fabulous piece of 16” x 20” artwork to hang on your wall.
​* School Holiday Workshops
To keep up to date with our school holiday workshops, please follow our instagram page: @makeart_classes__workshops
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/makeart_classes__workshops/
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kalisikaransweden · 6 months
Website : https://www.kalisikaran.com
Address : Nygardsv. 18F, 433 32 Partille, Sweden
Kali Sikaran International specializes in the Filipino Martial Art of Kali Sikaran, offering a comprehensive self-defense program. The art, rooted in ancient Southeast Asian martial traditions, emphasizes functionality and adaptability in self-defense, covering various techniques including empty hand combat, stick fighting, knife defense, and more. The academy provides a phased training program, online courses, and seminars, catering to different skill levels from beginners to advanced practitioners.
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/kalisikarangoteborg/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/kalisikaran
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/@KaliSikaranInternational
Pinterest : https://www.pinterest.com/kalisikaran/
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Art and Crafts Supplies
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genyukandojo · 3 months
**Life to the Next Level: Martial Arts in NYC for Adults**
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Immersed within the vibrant tapestry of New York City's bustling streets and diverse communities lies a sanctuary for personal growth and self-discovery – Martial Arts Classes near Rego Park. These institutions, scattered across the city's boroughs, offer a haven where individuals of all ages and backgrounds can embark on a transformative journey. From the iconic skyscrapers of Manhattan to the eclectic neighborhoods of Brooklyn, martial arts schools in NYC provide a rich array of disciplines and traditions, ranging from the fluid movements of Aikido to the dynamic strikes of Muay Thai. Within the walls of these schools, seasoned instructors guide students on a path of physical mastery, mental discipline, and spiritual enrichment. Whether practicing kata in a traditional dojo or sparring in a state-of-the-art training facility, students immerse themselves in a world of tradition, technique, and philosophy. More than mere training grounds, martial arts schools in NYC serve as communities where friendships are forged, challenges are overcome, and potential is unleashed. As students bow in respect before entering the dojo, they symbolically leave behind the chaos of the outside world, entering a realm where they can focus on self-improvement and personal empowerment. In this melting pot of cultures and ideologies, martial arts schools in NYC stand as beacons of unity, fostering an environment where individuals from all walks of life come together in pursuit of a common goal – to unlock their full potential and elevate their lives to new heights.
In the bustling metropolis of New York City, the pursuit of personal growth takes on many forms. From career advancements to academic achievements, individuals in the Big Apple are constantly striving to elevate their lives to the next level. However, amidst the skyscrapers and bustling streets, there lies an often overlooked avenue for personal development – martial arts.
For adults seeking a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment, martial arts in NYC offer a unique path. Whether you're in the heart of Manhattan or the borough of Queens, there are numerous Iaido Classes Near Rego Park and martial arts schools in New York City catering to individuals of all ages and skill levels. Let's delve into the world of martial arts in NYC for adults and explore the benefits of embarking on this enriching journey.
**Martial Arts in Queens, NY: A Gateway to Personal Growth**
Nestled within the vibrant borough of Queens, martial arts schools offer a sanctuary for adults looking to enhance their physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. With a diverse array of disciplines ranging from Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu to Taekwondo, Queens provides a rich tapestry of martial arts experiences for practitioners of all backgrounds.
**Exploring Martial Arts Schools in New York City: A Diverse Landscape of Opportunity**
In the concrete jungle of New York City, martial arts schools abound, each offering a unique blend of tradition, technique, and philosophy. Whether you're drawn to the fluid movements of Aikido or the dynamic strikes of Muay Thai, there's a martial arts school in New York City to suit every preference and personality.
**10 Key Reasons Why Aikido and Martial Arts are Essential for Personal Growth and Self-Defense**
1. **Aikido: The Art of Harmony and Self-Defense**
   Aikido, a Japanese martial art founded by Morihei Ueshiba, emphasizes harmony and non-violent resolution of conflicts. Contrary to popular belief, Aikido is highly effective for self-defense, as it teaches practitioners to redirect an opponent's energy rather than meet force with force. Women can join, Women's Self Defense Class in NYC. Joining this class women can learn about self-defense through Aikido.
2. **Effectiveness of Aikido in Real-Life Situations**
   Despite its gentle appearance, Aikido techniques are devastatingly effective in real-life self-defense scenarios. By leveraging an opponent's momentum and utilizing joint locks and throws, Aikido practitioners can neutralize threats without causing lasting harm.
3. **Best Self-Defense Classes in NYC**
   For individuals seeking the best self-defense classes in NYC, Aikido stands out as a comprehensive system that prioritizes conflict resolution and de-escalation techniques. With its emphasis on blending and redirection, Aikido empowers practitioners to defend themselves while minimizing the risk of injury to both parties.
4. **Aikido in Queens: A Hub for Self-Defense**
   In the borough of Queens, Aikido dojos provide a supportive environment for individuals looking to cultivate their self-defense skills. With experienced instructors and a welcoming community, Aikido in Queens offers a holistic approach to personal safety and empowerment.
5. **Aikido: More Than Just Self-Defense**
   Beyond its practical applications in self-defense, Aikido offers a myriad of benefits for personal growth and development. From increased flexibility and coordination to enhanced mental focus and discipline, the practice of Aikido fosters holistic well-being in practitioners of all ages.
6. **The Psychological Benefits of Learning Martial Arts**
   Martial arts training cultivates mental fortitude, resilience, and self-discipline, which are invaluable traits both inside and outside the dojo. By facing challenges head-on and overcoming obstacles, martial artists develop a growth mindset that extends beyond the confines of training.
7. **Physical Fitness and Martial Arts**
   Engaging in martial arts promotes physical fitness and overall health, as practitioners develop strength, agility, and cardiovascular endurance through regular training. Whether practicing striking techniques or grappling drills, martial arts provide a full-body workout that improves both strength and flexibility.
8. **Empowerment Through Martial Arts**
   Martial arts instill a sense of empowerment and self-confidence in practitioners, enabling them to navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience. By mastering new techniques and overcoming adversity in training, martial artists cultivate a mindset of perseverance and determination that serves them well in all aspects of life.
9. **Community and Camaraderie**
   Martial arts schools foster a sense of community and camaraderie among practitioners, creating a supportive environment where individuals can learn and grow together. Whether sparring with training partners or sharing insights with fellow students, martial artists forge lifelong friendships rooted in mutual respect and shared passion.
10. **The Timeless Importance of Martial Arts**
    In today's fast-paced world, the timeless importance of martial arts cannot be overstated. Beyond the physical techniques and self-defense skills, martial arts instill virtues such as respect, humility, and perseverance that are essential for personal growth and success in any endeavor.
In conclusion, martial arts offer a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment for adults in New York City. Whether practicing Aikido in Queens or exploring martial arts schools in Manhattan, individuals can elevate their lives to the next level through the practice of Modern Martial Arts NYC. With its emphasis on physical fitness, mental discipline, and self-defense, martial arts provide a holistic approach to personal growth that enriches both body and soul. So why wait? Take the first step on your martial arts journey today and unlock your full potential for a life lived to the next level.
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atelierschoolofart · 6 months
Unleash Your Creativity with Guided Painting Study
Embark on an enriching artistic journey with our Guided Painting Study at Atelier School of Art. Elevate your artistic abilities through personalized instruction and valuable feedback from our experienced instructors.
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duranterental · 9 months
Art Class For Adults
Atelier School of Art is an exceptional online platform offering engaging and enriching art classes for adults. Explore your creativity and master various artistic techniques through our expert-guided lessons.
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fiveringstaekwondo · 11 months
Exploring The Building Blocks of Karate: Basic Martial Arts Moves for Beginners
While it all looks complicated when you’re watching two advanced martial artists spar, the truth is that martial arts are just a series of movements. You learn the basics of these movements at the start of your taekwondo program. As you progress you learn more complicated movements and how to put them together smoothly, quickly, and with strength. Then comes the added challenge of facing another person in a spar. But, to start with, all martial arts from karate to taekwondo are about simple movements. Here are some basic movements you can learn in your first few taekwondo classes.
Here is a list of those basic movements:
• Straight Punch: This will probably be one of the first movements you learn in taekwondo camp. First, your instructor will teach you the stances, or how to stand while performing a movement. In front stance and horse stance, you can then learn the straight punch. You reach our arm out and intend to make contact with your first two knuckles. Of course, you practice without a partner at first!
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• Front Kick & Side Kick:
The front kick is the true building block of any kick in taekwondo (and there are a lot). The form of your front kick is very important and you’ll spend a lot of time learning the basic principles of a kick while doing this. But we wanted to mention the side kick too. Students are often eager to learn this and for good reason, it looks cool. For this, you bring your leg all the way out to the side and then move it forward.
• Low Block: Blocking incoming attacks will be essential when you begin to spar. The low block will likely be the first block that you learn. It’ll protect your whole torso, if you time it well and can do it with strength. In the low block, you use your arm to block. Start with your right arm make a fist. Bring it up to your left shoulder. Then swipe your arm down along your torso and pelvis. Stop when it reaches your right hip. You can perform this on the other side too.
Try It at Our Taekwondo Program
Did these movements inspire you? You can learn to do them in our classes at our martial arts academy. 5 Rings Taekwondo offers classes for children through to adults. That includes family classes where you can learn the basic building blocks of martial arts together. Reach out to learn about our classes today. Call (647) 578-8020 to talk to a representative about our classes.
Source: https://5rings.ca/the-building-blocks-of-karate-basic-martial-arts-moves-for-beginners/
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Visual Arts studio and arts school | Art School | Small Classes Indiviual Instructions in Mission Viejo CA
Ours is the most prominent fine Art School in Mission Viejo CA. We provide an immersive learning experience in fine arts, focusing on the development of fundamental drawing skills. From understanding to the exploration of various artistic concepts and styles, our instructors provide personalized guidance. We will help foster creativity, imagination, and artistic excellence through a comprehensive range of classes and workshops. Moreover, we also offer Small Classes Indiviual Instructions in Mission Viejo CA. Through hands-on instruction, students learn to create beautiful watercolor artworks, expressing their creativity while enjoying the calming process of painting. So, if you want to know about the enrollment procedure, call or visit us today.
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Spring Painting fun in the Smokies! @bluegreenvacations
#paintparty #family #paintingpartygatlinburg #paintingpartysevierville #artclass #paintingpartypigeonforge #thingstodointhesmokies #thingstodoingatlinburg #thingstodoinpigeonforge @visitmysmokies @visitgatlinburg-blog @pigeonforgechamber-blog #sipandpaint #paintandsip #artstudioofthesmokies Artstudioofthesmokies.com
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Portgas D. Ace Headcanons 01
Excuse me Oda-sensei, but that 40 year old Ace is simply criminal. Thank you so much for blessing us with him
Anyway! Have some Husband!Ace headcanons For more Ace content please head to my Tumblr MasterList
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Ace is, respectfully, a huge simp for his wife
To the extent that the Whitebeard crew straight up jokingly awarded him with a “Biggest Wife Simp” Award
They made it look official and had Whitebeard sign it and everything. There's even a stamp.
Ace has it framed and hung proudly on the wall next to your bachelor’s degree / college diploma / degree in general. 
I feel like despite his own personal insecurities, Ace still manages to be an amazing father
I imagine Ace originally setting out for like one or two kiddos at most (because y'know...what if he's not good enough) and ending up with 3 or 4 kids
Thing is, that’s both your faults.
Ace is tender and goofy with his kids, and he’s so friggin caring: to the extent that…well wouldn’t it be neat to see him with maybe another 2 or 3 kiddos of his own? 
(Your husband is hot okay?)
In his case, he swears you have a unique glow about you when you’re pregnant. But more than that when he sees you with your first born, he suddenly wants a big family with you.
I imagine his kids are an eldest son, then his princess, then the youngest boy who takes after his uncle Luffy.
His kids aren’t parentified. He keeps his issues far, far, away from them. Besides, he’s got you by his side.
He was dedicated to making sure they got as much playtime as possible.
He heard about learning through play, and he is DEDICATED to doing that as much as possible
Ace’s kids are spoiled with affection, but not spoiled brats.
While it’s true he’d give them the world, he’d rather let them go get it themselves. 
For example: when they asked for a tree house, he gave them the greenlight immediately.
But they had to build it themselves.
It was a super fun project lasting a little over two months with the whole family involved.
Oh and the Whitebeard crew helped too.
It took a while to get the design down initially, then the shopping logistics and whatnot (they used a lot of math here - see education via play)
Building the thing took maybe a weekend or two because the Whitebeard Crew and even the Strawhats came over to help
(It was mostly Franky and Usopp doing work, Sanji was cooking with Thatch)
Uncle Luffy was not allowed near the construction zone after an accident.
They almost destroyed the tree house with their partying once
Ace’s kids were not happy and no one was allowed in the backyard for the rest of the night
He makes sure they have proper manners and self-defense skills
You had to help out here, no lie.
He admitted he needed your help, especially after a dinner with Garp where Makino tagged along to see Ace again
He puts all of his kids into martial arts classes
especially his princess - he’s so proud of her when she beats up bullies
He’s not great at discipline though to be honest. He probably goes about it similarly to Garp. 
Ace will not tolerate any of his kids being nasty to their mother. No matter the phase.
You will have to hold him back if you want to let them get their frustration off their chest.
He’ll let them talk, but you’ll have to keep a hand on him somewhere, his arm, his hand, his knee, his shoulder, his back and rub soothing circles
Let’s just say, “talk shit, get hit,” is Ace’s attitude towards anyone being demeaning towards you (more so with adults, not his kids, but that's why they get a scolding)
"Ace my love" (he melts every time you call him that) "the kids’ll start thinking you love me more than them if you do that"
"My kids won’t disrespect their mother though!"
"They’re just venting darling, and when they say or do something that violates my boundaries, I'll be sure to reinforce it. Lead by example right?"
If they ever feel like pissing Ace off for fun they can just say something kinda not nice about you and he'll get mad and they'll flee from him giggling like the little gremlins they are
Ace is veeeeeeeeerry physically affectionate and he isn’t shy about it at all.
At gatherings with the Whitebeard family, he will gladly seat you in his lap, he will happily hug you as you are seated.
His arm is on your waist most of the time.
They tease him to make him tone it down, he does not.
He, in fact, dials it up. Turns up the heat lol.
You have kids? Not in front of them? What do you mean, not in front of the kids? It’s important they know just how much he loves their mama!
So he will continue to be playful with his hugs and kisses and other displays of affection.
It’s nothing too over the top. Just hugs and quick pecks wherever.
Your entire head is fair game for his smooches, your arms (he loves kissing your pulse and then making eye contact, sneaky guy that he is), your shoulders.
Maybe lifting you and spinning you around. Cuddles. Little bites.
He will play-wrestle his kids to “fight” them over getting to cuddle you, and then he’ll just put all his weight on all of you in a group cuddle
Just to let you know, your kids also receive all the warmth and love of his affections.
When his sons are still tiny and adorable, he smooches them all over. The kisses grow less frequent as they grow older, but the hugs do not stop.
Oh no, hugs galore.
Ace still pecks his little princess on her forehead though
When they’re all under ten he’ll wrap them in a hug (after he chased them down and caught them so they’re laughing and screaming) and start smooching their cheeks while they laugh and try to get out of his grasp
Also yes she’s his princess, but that girl has no problem throwing a fully grown man twice her size around, he made sure of it.
I reiterate: Ace is not remotely shy about displays of affection
Like his eldest could have a friend over, and Ace would still launch a full scale hug attack using the rest of his troops (daughter/youngest)
It's complete with screeching, screaming, and a lot of laughter
His kids used to get teased for it, but it didn’t take more than a few conversations for them to instead jeer at the kids that teased them.
"You’re all jealous your parents don’t love you like ours do"
"How sad, your parents don't hug and kiss you"
Their dad, grandpa, uncle - uncles really, are all gremlins - it's in their DNA
The kids are really physically affectionate with each other as a result
Deadass they’ll be kicking the shit out of each other one second and the next they’ll be all cuddled and huddled up playing Mario Kart or something
Ace is his kids’ hero.
His sons aspire to have his level of fitness.
His daughter, when she’s older, uses him as a standard for dating
You're relieved
Ace is touched and a touch nervous, because he is aware of his shortcomings, though he works hard to keep improving
Of course when you look at him, a twinkle in your eyes, and tell him, “I’m so proud of her, I’m so proud of you!” He feels better
When you continue: “if she can find a guy like you, who cherishes her as much as you cherish me, I’d be so happy.”
Ace loves you so much he swears
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glimmerbugart · 2 years
Halloween Putz House In Studio Art Class
Adorable and glittery Putz houses are so much fun to create and every one can be so different! Before you know it, you’ll have your own village!
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AITA for correcting my niblings without my brother's input?
I had a massive falling out with my family when I was a teenager. I was into goth/edgy/horror culture and true crime before it was accepted by the mainstream, plus my parents were older when they had us and we lived on a farm. They needed my brother and me to keep the farm going, and I decided to pursue college instead. At some point after this they sold/lost their farm, but I do not know when, which fueled their resentment. At their request I did not speak to them until 2021, when my brother found me on Facebook to tell me my parents both died of covid and we held a Zoom funeral. After that he moved several states over to be closer to me so we could work on reconciliation and forgiving me for the farm incident.
So now I (45f) babysit his (44m) two youngest children (10m, 8f) for free, and have been since 2021. Initially he had full custody as his ex wife did not have a job or any job experience when they divorced (before we reconciled) but she now has a full time job so they share custody currently, although she is in our home state, so they decided the kids should go to school there still and spend holidays and summers with him. I am currently an art professor at a local university and for summer semester I only have morning classes and he works afternoons, so it works out.
Last week, his youngest asked me; "OP, how come you lie so much?" Her brother tried to shush her but I asked for clarification. Her brother told her she wasn't supposed to tell me, but she did anyway, and then he also chimed in to confirm. Turns out, whenever I told his kids about any vacations to other countries I took, he said I was making it up to sound important. When I told them I went to medical school, he said I was lying and was a glorified art teacher and only went to community college. I have a serious boyfriend who I have mentioned, although I do not spend time with him while babysitting per the mother's request not to have any adult with her children before meeting them and giving the okay, and so my brother insists I made him up.
I was very hurt, and so I showed them pictures, diplomas, videos, etc proving I was not lying. It is true I got into a community college near our home town on an art scholarship and an FHA grant, but I was able to skip generals due to advanced courses I was taking in high school. I quickly got interested in the medical field and was able to transfer to a medical school on several scholarships and obviously loans. I became a pediatric oncologist and was happy with that until my later thirties. I had kept art as a hobby but eventually realized I wanted to do more with it. I retired from pediatric oncology and then became an art professor five years ago. When I was a doctor, I met my current boyfriend (46m) who is a trauma surgeon. Starting in my late twenties, until covid, I was able to travel throughout the US and even to many foreign countries, sometimes for work, sometimes for vacation. There was no way for him to know this as we were not in contact, but I was very hurt that instead of believing me, he has been telling his kids I'm a liar for the past two years. So yes I did show them the photos and videos specifically because I was hurt.
The following day my brother called me and shouted at me, angry I had deliberately contradicted him. He was angry enough he was shouting at me. He has been dragging this on through text for the past few days. His ex wife also contacted me, asking for my version of events, as apparently their children called her crying about the situation. I told her exactly what I said here. He called me not an hour later screaming. Unbeknownst to me, she has been trying to get full custody of the children and he's convinced that this situation will get his kids taken from him, something he has a fear of due to the fact he has two adult children from a previous marriage who went no contact when they both turned 18. He insists that his ex wife turned them against him, and now he is terrified it will happen again. I was not aware of this until recently, nor did I think this would cause an issue with his custody. It has been very awkward babysitting his kids, as they have been very quiet since this whole thing happened. I don't have kids myself, nor have I been divorced, so I don't understand parenting or divorce etiquette, but I am still very hurt and even angry with him for calling me a liar to his children. Before I make any further decisions regarding an apology, I wanted to get advice as to whether I am the asshole for not bringing it up with him before showing his kids evidence that I did, in fact, do those things, and if so, how I can rectify this appropriately.
What are these acronyms?
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sunlightmurdock · 1 year
The Odyssey | Prologue | Bradley Bradshaw (18+)
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Masterlist | Next Chapter
Bradley wakes up in a foul mood, your ego takes a hit. A deal is struck to ensure that you’ll be able to graduate.
warnings: enemies to lovers, power imbalance (professor / student relationship), age gap (22 / 33), will be smut, virgin reader, swearing, infidelity. warnings to be added on a chapter by chapter basis. 18+ minors dni, wc: 3.1k
Nine weeks into Spring semester, six to go. Six more weeks of having scalding coffee, missing tastebuds and a fucking freshman girl ranting into his ear all before the clock even hits 8am. Bradley’s sunglasses sit perfectly across the bridge of his nose, gold-framed Ray-Ban caravans that hide how late he was up last night. This means that sweet, little freshman Bettie O’Riley can’t see the look that he’s giving her as she jogs along to keep up with him.
Hallowed halls, filled with young adults that either reek of cheap beer or Daddy’s money, all signs would suggest that Bradley isn’t supposed to be here. Only thirty-three, sitting at that awkward age that makes him neither a frat boy nor a balding tenured ex-businessman turned lecturer. And yet, his brown leather shoes hit these aged floors every morning on the way to his first class of the day.
Beige, almost cream-coloured, wide pleated dress pants and an untucked blue shirt, rolled up at his forearms and missing the top button. His messenger bag draped from his shoulder, his tie balled into the hand holding the to-go double shot espresso.
Six more weeks until he’s in Italy for two months, teaching during the mornings, free as a bird in the evenings. Sun on his face, limoncello on his tongue; good books, women who don’t just giggle and twirl a strand of their hair at him. History. All funded by the Cornell school of Arts and Sciences. He damn near sighs at how badly he wants to be there now.
“Bettie, I already told you,” He sighs, adjusting the gold-framed sunglasses and shooting a look down at her and her wispish black, curled bob. “I can’t curve your grade, it was a C minus.”
She speeds up and steps in front of him, walking backwards now. “Please, Professor Bradshaw. I’ll do anything.”
Professor Bradshaw rarely draws a reaction from him these days. Only his bosses and parents call him that. He makes a point of scrawling it across the chalkboard at the beginning of each semester, but he’s usually still reminding kids a couple of weeks in to just call him Bradley.
Still, both he and Bettie O’Reilly know that it isn’t her method of address that makes him scoff at her. He stops walking and pushes his sunglasses up into the feathery brown curls that adorn his face, staring down at her like she’s even younger than she is. She swallows, regret flooding her. The other professors usually lean into the kind of virginal, good-girl, bad student thing that she’s got going on.
“Bettie,” Bradley speaks slowly for her, pink lips against tanned skin. Warm eyes against a cold stare. The hallways are full around them, standing stationary in the steady stream of students. “Don’t come onto me like that again. Study.”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Alright, come to my office tomorrow morning, I’ll give you an extra credit assignment,” It’s more lenient than he should be with a girl who just propositioned him before he has even finished his morning coffee, but Bradley knows not to blame little Bettie. With those thick, rounded glasses and dark freckles, he knows that she gets a lot of attention from her other professors. The culture they’ve created in this school isn’t her fault. Neither is the fact that Bradley’s class is notoriously hard to pass. “We’ll talk through what an A grade paper should be looking like. Do me a favour and don’t talk to me until then.”
He steps around her and continues; she’s swallowed instantly by the sea of bustling students. In the run up to the end of the semester, people start showing up to class again as it hits them that their professors might actually fail them. There aren’t too many F’s floating around in a school like Cornell. Its stats are exceptionally high, especially these past few years. It would seem that, in a school like Cornell, a passing grade quite simply has a price tag on it.
Three minutes before his morning class is due to start, and having woken up on the wrong side of his bed, Bradley drops his sunglasses back down over his eyes as he strolls into the lecture hall. It’s surprisingly full for a Monday morning. The gossiping never stops when he walks in — he’s not that kind of teacher. He allows the whispering to continue while he sets up his supplies.
There are six people in this room that Bradley has not seen since the first week of class. Every single one of them has a parent that is a benefactor to the university. Front and centre, surrounded by a group of excitedly whispering, well-dressed young women, there’s you. He knows you vaguely, knows that you’re coasting on high B’s. He hasn’t seen you since January, you won’t be passing this class.
“God, look at that rock!” The blonde to your side fawns, grabbing at your hand and lifting it up towards the light to get a better look. Setting his sunglasses down on the desk, Bradley looks too. There’s a silver band with a big diamond on it around your ring finger. You’re beaming. Dressed in a white turtleneck and fitted blue jeans, Bradley’s got his assumptions about the family you come from, and the family you’ll be marrying in to.
You’ve been taking his classes for the full three years that he has been teaching here. He knows your boyfriend. Malcolm something something the third. Maybe fourth. His Daddy paid for the science wing refurbishment last year. Bradley remembers the night that your Prince Charming ditched you out in the snow, drunk out of your mind. You probably don’t remember that night.
“Good morning.” His booming voice obliterates the pleasant chatter coming from your friend group. You cross one leg over the other and look downwards at the glimmering rock on your finger.
Six more weeks until you’re out of this hellhole. An apartment in Manhattan all lined up and Mac’s place with his father’s firm long confirmed by now, it’s all coming into place. You’ll have a summer wedding at the end of August, and then you’ll truly begin your life.
“Tell me all about it! Did he get down on one knee?” Veronica nudges her white tennis shoe into yours and leans across to you, tapping her pen against the white-lined page of her notebook. Between the two of you, Catherine readies herself to take down notes that you’ll copy later.
A decent string of A to B grades and a diploma, that was the agreement, and then your life is all yours. That was all your father had held you to. You hadn’t ever promised to do something with the degree he had paid for.
Why would you? — Your mother hadn’t. She had studied literature, made friends for life, and met her husband. Then, she began her life. Having her children, shopping in the afternoon, tennis on the weekends. Bliss.
“Of course he did!” You confirm eagerly, leaning over Catherine to continue the conversation.
The first five minutes of a lecture determines everything. If he loses their focus now, then he might as well leave now and take an especially early lunch. He starts off with a quick reminder of their upcoming exam, and a nod towards last week’s discussion of Roman literature.
His attention is quickly diverted to the excited whispering happening six feet from him, right in the front row. Your friends aren’t bad students. You weren’t ever a bad student. It has just become clear that you were in college to find a husband, and now you’ve found one. Bradley’s eyes narrow in on you and your preppy, little friends, giggling at the front of his class.
Exhausted, overworked and underappreciated, Bradley stares at you calmly. You conversation comes to a slow stop as an awkward air of silence fills the lecture hall. He’s just standing at the front, staring right at you, waiting for you to shut up.
“Sorry, Bradley, somebody just had some exciting news.” Catherine smiles shyly at him. He knows her the best out of the three of you. She TA’d for him last year. Great girl, really bright future — to generous when it comes to grading. It’s because of his respect for her that he doesn’t jump to humiliating you right away.
“I can see that, congratulations,” His tone is dry, broad shoulders squared, his face unamused as he looks to you. You stare back at him calmly, giving a curt nod — less than polite in your mannerisms. “Now, if those of you that still have a chance of passing this class could please turn your attention back to me, we’ll give the blushing bride her moment afterwards.”
He opens the little brown, leather bound book in his hands and clears his throat, assuming that your rude interruptions are done for the day. Somehow, the awkward silence that sits heavy in the room grows to an even deeper low after you retort.
“Excuse me?”
“You’re excused.” Bradley deadpans, bored. You squint at him, six feet between the two of you and a lifetime of differences. Unimpressed by his joke, you roll your eyes right away.
Sitting there, you cross one leg over the other and sit forwards, frowning at him. He doesn’t fit in around here and you do, perhaps that’s where his problem with you stems from. Perhaps it’s the lack of ring on his own finger. “Why would you assume that I wouldn’t pass your class?”
As much as he knows of you, you know of him too — he’s supposedly a jackass. “Because you missed half of the semester. That includes two quizzes and a term paper. There’s no way for you to achieve a salvageable grade in this class.”
When you’re around Malcolm, sometimes he says things that are just so entitled that you’re wincing before he’s even done talking. He can’t help it. He means well. With the amount of time you’ve spent at his family home in the past few weeks, it’s no wonder that words you would normally wince at are spilling from your own lips, “I was planning a wedding, what do you expect from me?”
“Attendance.” Bradley snips. He raises his eyebrows slowly, waiting for you to pack up your pretty, coordinated stationary and walk yourself out of his class.
“Goodbye, Mrs. Ashworth. Congratulations again.” Bradley speaks harshly, calling you by a name that isn’t even yours yet like it’s an insult. Like he’s better than you, somehow.
Your pencil slams down onto the half desk in front of you, eyes ablaze. Perhaps the first time you’ve ever been told no. “If you fail me, there will be consequences.”
The silence that fills the classroom this time isn’t awkward. It’s just anticipation, baited breaths, waiting for Bradley to lose his temper. He walks a few paces closer, close enough to smell the cherry scented perfume on each of your pulse points.
His eyes darken as he dips his head just slightly, meeting your gaze. “You’ve got me shaking in my boots, honey. Now, stop wasting my time and get the fuck out of my class.”
There are certain lines that a professor does not cross when working at an Ivy League. Swearing at the daughter of someone with more lawyers than Bradley has living family members, was not his brightest idea. Still, your father is an amicable man — he keeps on saying that — and he wants to work this out. Bradley gets to keep his job, you get to graduate. Everybody wins.
“Classics majors work closely with individual professors in their areas of expertise, often in small classes, and have many opportunities for independent research and travel,” Doctor Kazansky’s voice is calm, teetering on the edge of cold. It’s growing increasingly difficult these days to put up with snotty parents and their snottier children. “I’m sure you understand why attendance would play such a strong part in succeeding in such a major.”
Bradley braces himself against the radiator, glancing down at the watch on his wrist. Real Italian leather that a girl’s grandfather had made for him a few years back. He’s missing happy hour for this circus.
“Of course I understand, Doctor Kazansky,” Your father might as well be a parrot for how well he has learned to mimic tone. You cross your legs at his side and sit up a little straighter. The way you tense up at his voice is so routine, it’s almost Pavlovian. Bradley watches wordlessly. “Just like I’m sure that you understand that in this university’s hundred year history, it has never failed a member of my family and my daughter will not be the one to tarnish our impeccable reputation here.”
You glance up quickly, catching the look on Bradley’s face. He squints disapprovingly at your Charles Dickens villain of a father.
“What can she do to bring her grade up?”
Now that, admittedly, does come as a surprise. This isn’t the first meeting that Bradley has been called into where someone’s parent demands a better grade. It is the first where he hasn’t seen them resort to bribery before they finally blame their kid.
“She missed over half the semester,” Bradley answers perhaps too quickly, still hot from the way you had spoken to him earlier. He gives a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders and looks at your father rather than you. “Two quizzes and a term paper. Even if I gave her extra credit, she couldn’t pull her average above a D.”
Your father’s face doesn’t react at all to this information. Instead, he turns his attention back to the Dean and rests his hands on the armrests of the chair, slowly raising his eyebrows.
“What about the Italy trip?” Doctor Kazansky looks to Bradley, sitting back in his chair. Bradley stares blankly back at him. “There were two empty spaces from what I remember. Is that correct?”
“For research assistants,” Bradley’s tongue drips venom, his brown eyes dark and his arms folded across his chest. You narrow your eyes at him, knowing that an insult is coming next. “She can’t research what she doesn’t even understand.”
“But, if she were to complete extra credit for the rest of the semester and then accompany you for your research, she would have enough credits to pass your class and then graduate.” Doctor Kazansky explains, more for your father’s benefit than Bradley’s. Bradley already knows this.
He grits his teeth, eyes darting across to you. His only solace is that you look just as dismayed about the proposal as he does.
“I’d graduate late.” You point out.
“Better than not at all,” Your father intercepts, pushing his chair back and standing. He carries himself like a man much taller than he really is. “Thank you, Doctor Kazansky. We’ll be in touch about this research opportunity.”
“You can’t just choose to do it, there’s an application process.” Bradley’s tone is far from professional, it’s downright snarky by this point. He doesn’t care. He can’t imagine anything worse than lugging a brat like you around Italy with him for two months, just for you to fail anyway.
You stand to follow your father, ditsy white loafers on the dark oak of Doctor Kazansky’s office floor. Bradley remains where he is, leaning back against that wall with his arms crossed.
Your father smiles across at Bradley and then shoots a look back towards the Dean. It’s smug, knowing. That process doesn’t apply to him. “We’ll be in touch.”
There’s a final look shared between you and the oaf that just cost you your summer in Manhattan — the first time that the two of you have agreed on anything, a silent exchange. Neither one of you wants you to join him on that trip.
He watches you leave, following blindly after your father like a child, then whips his head around to his boss.
“It’ll be good for her, maybe you can actually teach her something.”
“My expertise unfortunately lacks when it comes to setting the table by seven sharp and getting the kids to bed before her husband makes it home.” Bradley scoffs, pushing himself away from the wall and shaking his head as he straightens up.
“Is there something offensive to you about a woman being a homemaker, Professor Bradshaw?” Thomas Kazansky has two daughters. One, is a wife with two beautiful children of her own. The other, is a doctor. Bradley’s been over to their house a few times and he knows that Tom makes a point of it to be equally proud of them both.
“Oh, give me a break,” Bradley rolls his eyes at the notion, despite the subtle truth it holds. He shakes his head. “She deserves to fail and you know it.”
“Well, we’ll see how she does at the end of summer. I’ll be the first to admit my defeat, if she fails.” Tom gives a small smile and a shrug of his shoulders, always too calm for his own hood these days. Apparently he has mellowed with time, Bradley hears that he used to have quite an attitude in his early career.
Pressing his tongue to the inside of his cheek, the younger professor tries to stare his boss down. Tom knows how much these trips mean to Bradley, he takes his work so seriously. Still, Tom just stares back at him, calm.
Squinting, it takes a few moments for Bradley to give up. He turns and growls in frustration, letting the door to Doctor Kazansky’s office slam behind him. His shoes echo through the halls as he storms out of the building and across the quad. Not even Bettie O’Reilly would dare to interrupt his when his face looks as stormy as it does now.
He shrugs his bag off of his shoulder and throws it into the back of the bronco, then shoves his hands into his pockets in search of his keys.
“Do you even understand how hard I have worked for you to have the opportunities that you have had?”
Bradley glances up. He isn’t surprised to find that you’re the one being yelled at. He almost snorts — good, it’s about time someone reigned in that attitude of yours.
You stand, tearful, at the side of your father’s expensive Porsche, your head bowed in shame. Bradley unlocks his truck and pulls himself into the driver’s seat. He figures you probably cry a lot when someone’s telling you no.
“I mean it! — If you ruin this opportunity, don’t even think about coming back. Hopefully Malcolm’s family like you, because they’ll be all that you’ve got, I swear.”
Bradley turns his head slowly. Swallowing to keep from sobbing in the parking lot, shame burns through you as you meet his gaze. Your father towers over you, demanding to know if you’re even listening to him.
Bradley turns the engine on, his brown eyes looking decidedly less scary when he isn’t glaring at you. There’s something else. Maybe it’s pity — you aren’t used to that. He turns his head away and reverses out of the spot.
Tags: @thedroneranger @batdanceq @wkndwlff @sunflowerziva @cassiemitchell @himbos-on-ice @bradshawseresinbabe @damrlova @fudge13 @xoxabs88xox @mak-32 @sihtricswife @callsignvenus @callsign-joyride @harper1666 @sheisanangell
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genyukandojo · 5 months
Unlocking the Power Within: Exploring Martial Arts in NYC for Adults and Beyond
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In the bustling metropolis of New York City, where the daily grind can be both physically and mentally demanding, the quest for self-improvement and holistic well-being has led many adults to explore the transformative world of martial arts. Beyond the stereotypical image of martial arts as mere physical combat, practitioners in NYC are discovering that these ancient disciplines offer a unique blend of physical fitness, mental resilience, and spiritual growth. This article delves into the diverse martial arts landscape in NYC, uncovering the hidden gems that empower individuals to unlock their inner potential.
The Multifaceted World of Martial Arts:
Martial arts encompass a broad spectrum of disciplines, each with its own philosophy, techniques, and benefits. From the striking artistry of Karate and Taekwondo to the fluidity of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and the internal focus of Tai Chi, NYC offers a myriad of options for adults seeking to explore the world of martial arts. Whether one is drawn to the explosive power of Muay Thai or the meditative movements of Kung Fu, there is a martial art suited to every individual's interests and fitness levels.
Physical Fitness and Health Benefits:
One of the primary draws of martial arts for adults in NYC is the promise of improved physical fitness. Training in martial arts provides a full-body workout that enhances cardiovascular health, flexibility, strength, and endurance. Engaging in high-intensity activities like kickboxing or Krav Maga not only burns calories but also builds lean muscle mass, contributing to a sculpted and resilient physique. For those seeking a low-impact option, disciplines like Tai Chi promote balance, coordination, and joint flexibility.
Beyond the physical benefits, martial arts have been shown to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. The rhythmic and controlled movements, coupled with focused breathing, create a mindful experience that fosters mental well-being. In a city where stress is a constant companion, the holistic approach of martial arts becomes a valuable tool for individuals to navigate the challenges of daily life.
Embracing Discipline and Self-Control:
Martial arts instill a sense of discipline and self-control that extends beyond the training mat. In NYC, where the fast-paced lifestyle can lead to impulsivity and chaos, martial arts provide a structured environment for individuals to cultivate patience, resilience, and emotional intelligence. The practice of repetition and mastery inherent in martial arts hones perseverance, teaching practitioners to overcome setbacks and push through mental barriers.
The Journey of Self-Discovery:
Beyond the physical and mental aspects, martial arts in NYC offer a unique avenue for self-discovery and personal growth. Many disciplines emphasize the importance of self-awareness, encouraging practitioners to explore their inner strengths and weaknesses. Through the challenges presented in training, individuals learn to confront and overcome their fears, building a profound sense of self-confidence that extends into various facets of life.
Community and Camaraderie:
Participating in martial arts in NYC goes beyond the individual journey; it is an opportunity to join a community of like-minded individuals pursuing similar goals. The camaraderie formed within martial arts schools creates a supportive network that extends beyond the training sessions. The diverse community in NYC ensures that practitioners are exposed to different perspectives, fostering a sense of unity and mutual respect.
Accessible Martial Arts in NYC:
Several martial arts schools and dojos in NYC cater specifically to adults, offering flexible schedules to accommodate the demands of busy lifestyles. From traditional dojos in Brooklyn to modern studios in Manhattan, the options are diverse and cater to practitioners of all skill levels. Many schools provide introductory classes, allowing newcomers to experience the benefits of martial arts before committing to a particular discipline.
Unlocking the power within through martial arts in NYC is a journey that transcends physical fitness; it is a holistic exploration of mind, body, and spirit. In a city where the pursuit of success often takes precedence, martial arts offer a sanctuary for self-discovery, discipline, and community. As adults in NYC seek avenues for personal growth and well-being, the world of martial arts stands as a beacon, inviting them to embark on a transformative journey that goes far beyond the training mat.
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atelierschoolofart · 8 months
Masterful Charcoal Portraits at Atelier School of Art
Immerse yourself in the captivating world of charcoal portraits at Atelier School of Art. Learn the amazing art of creating lifelike and emotive portraits using charcoal, under the guidance of skilled instructors. Unleash your creativity and bring out the essence of your subjects with the timeless allure of charcoal.
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The Moon and The Ocean
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7.3 words 18+ ADULTS ONLY
The princess was a strange one, not Princess Shuri, but the one where King T’Chaka and Queen Ramonda found her as a baby near the shoreline with no mother or father. Ramonda had given birth 6 months ago to their daughter Shuri and T’Chaka was hesitant to add another child to the mixture, but Ramonda convinced him and it was almost as if Bast blessed them because (Y/N) was the final piece to the puzzle. 
“(Y/N).....(Y/N)! Open your ears, sister! What do you have going on in that mind of yours?” She jumped as Shuri snapped her fingers before sped around the lab. She glanced at the scientist as she scrambled through her files. “Shuri, what are you looking for?” Shuri was paying her no attention as she let out a whoop of success before heading downstairs, the taller woman falling suit. (Y/N)’s long skirt flowed like waves in the ocean, she dressed like her mother, very formal and always in long dresses or skirts,but she typically wore neutral colors like green, brown, tan, but black and white was her bread and butter.
(Y/N) attempted to make conversation, but only to be met with silence and the occasional huh, so she decided to go to the heart of the capital. Slipping past the Dora Milaje as her giggles carried throughout the wind. “Princess (Y/N), what do you think you’re doing here?”
“M’Baku, if you could be any louder?” The leader of the Jabari chuckled as he squatted down, getting a good look at the young woman. “But if you wanted to know, I’m wandering around, everyone has important things to handle.” M’Baku nodded as he watched over the citizens of Wakanda, sending Jabari tribesmen further out. “What about your other tasks? The children have been missing your presence in the classes along with Nakia.” 
She awkwardly looked away, rubbing her arms. She missed interacting with the children, but since Nakia left Wakanda, it never felt right. “Maybe I’ll talk to Queen mother about starting the program again, it would be nice. I…Nakia was my buffer, you know how I don’t really fit in and she put the time and effort into getting to know me for me and not just as a princess that has no claim to the throne.” 
M’Baku leaned against his staff as he rolled his eyes. “Your outcome could be different,Hanuman sees a different path for you, one that is brighter than anyone among the Wakandan royal family.” (Y/N) gave a pointed look with her hands on her hips. “I’m not marrying you, M’Baku.” He’s been chasing her ever since they met as children, hoping down from the beam, he still towered over her. “I wasn’t even proposing. but you have an aura that’s a fire, but it’s not violent, it's caring and nurturing. Unlike your sister or-”
She placed her hand on his chest, effectively shutting him up as she gave him that look, tired of Hanuman speeches along with how different she was, it was irritating enough to be reminded that she wasn’t truly wakandan. “M’Baku, I appreciate your….advice, but I’m a normal woman, that’s all. Now, I must go, enjoy the rest of your day.” Picking up her skirts, she started her trek back to the palace, ignoring the eyes that stared daggers into her back as she left.
Nightfall soon fell, the citizens retiring for the night, all except one, (Y/N) had bouts of insomnia and nothing worked for her. Slipping on some slippers, she made her way to the river. She spent the majority of her nights there, enjoying the sounds of nature, but tonight she grabbed her art supplies as she wanted to create another piece. It’s months that she felt inspired enough to even look at her blank canvas, dusk collecting her tools and she almost felt like she lost her passion. 
After T’Challa’s passing, she felt the world stop, she couldn’t breathe; it was as if someone stole the air from her lungs and held it hostage. She remembered that day vividly, she flinched at Shuri’s screams,watching her younger sister reach for their brother’s cold body. Queen Ramonda was already ushered out, sobbing as Okoye held her as she tried fighting her own tears. “(Y/N)?” M’Baku questioned as wrapped his arms around her. He gently rubbed her back as she sobbed into his chest, watching as they placed the white sheet over T’Challa’s body.
She sighed as she came to, laying her blanket out as she made herself comfortable. The moonlight was a comforting light, it felt like a mother’s love; warm and unconditional love. Something that she craved, being an outsider was hard; no one really talked to her, most didn’t trust her even though she’s lived here her entire life, but no one has actually tried it with her because she was technically a member of the royal family. 
She prepped her canvas, cursing as her locs fell across her face, knowing she was forgetting something. Unbeknownst to her, a figure was watching her, barely hovering over the water line. His dark eyes roamed her curvaceous figure, childbearing hips and with her breasts almost spilling from the top of mauve silk nightdress. He slowly moved closer to her, not wanting to startle her as he could hear sing softly as she painted away, unaware of his presence.
As he moved closer, he bit his lip at her full lips, soft round face, that he could only imagine how they felt against his. He could only imagine how heavenly she felt, plush as the finest furs and he couldn’t fathom her not being taken yet. He’s watched for years, children naturally flock to her; treating them with the utmost respect and care. “Ndingazilibala njani iibrashi zam?” She muttered as she rummaged through her bag. A forgetful little thing, it’s either primary colors or tonight, it’s brushes. 
(Y/N) hummed a childhood nursery rhyme as she painted, the subject was unknown, she knew it was a man, he seemed to be a divine entity, the regal look he wore. She paused as she heard footsteps, jumping back. “Relajar, chan.” Her eyes shot daggers at him as she tried putting distance between them. “What are you even saying?! You came out of nowhere and…” She paused at the site of wings on his ankles, disturbed and confused by this mysterious man. “Who are you anyways and how did you get in here?” She knew he wasn’t wakandan, his native language, his attire was foriegn to her. He chuckled as he stepped closer to her, the scent of the ocean rolled off of him in waves.
“My allies call me K’uk’ulkan, but my enemies call me Namor, but Princess (Y/N), you can call me, In ajawo’. (My king) I’ve been watching you for some time now and your beauty and grace is unmatched, truly ethereal.” His rough hand barely grazed her cheek as he looked down at her, her eyes filled with wonder before she suddenly pulled away. “I don’t care, but why are you here? How did you sneak past the barrier?” He chuckled as he looked around, enjoying the cool weather. Everything was much more…cleaner, the water wasn’t polluted, the sea thrived in this area. “You're very lucky, ko’oj, I’ve seen how Wakanda treats you, a very beautiful and intelligent woman, who happens to be an outsider adopted by the Queen. In Talokan, my people would welcome you, some of my people have seen your struggles to be accepted and we sympathize with that.”
Namor stepped away as footsteps got louder, he knew he couldn’t risk being caught this early on. “Until next time, ko’oj.” “Princess (Y/N)!” She jumped when Okoye and Ayo stepped through the bush, spears drawn as they surrounded her. “Okoye, what’s the meaning of this? I was just painting-” The young woman fell silent at Okoye’s glare, shyly looking away. “What did I tell you? You cannot be out here this late at night, your mother-” “Ngoba? Andikho kuluhlu lobukhosi, ukhuseleko lwam alukho kuqala kuye.” (Why? I am not next in line for the throne, my safety is not her priority.) (Y/N) said as she hurriedly grabbed her slippies, trying not to cry from frustration. “Why? It doesn’t matter if you’re not in line for the throne, your mother still wants to see you safe. We can’t do that if you’re going to sneak out.” Ayo spoke, planting her spear into the ground. 
Wordlessly (Y/N) headed back towards the palace, ignoring Okoye’s and Ayo’s questioning. Queen Ramonda sighed in relief as her daughter walked through the living area. “She wasn’t hurt or anything?” “No, my queen, she’s fine, but just irritated.” Ramonda rolled her eyes as she stood from the sofa. “Of course she is, when she’s not?” Okoye cleared her throat, shuffling on her feet awkwardly. “My Queen, may I suggest, she was sent to live with Nakia? Maybe that would be a better environment for her?” 
“I just lost my son and my other daughter has pushed me away, why would I send one away especially now?” Okoye stayed silent, knowing if she spoke one more word, she would incur her wrath. Ramonda truly cared for (Y/N), but she couldn’t treat her like she did Shuri. No matter what, the council would never recognize her as a member of the royal family. Ramonda knew it strained their bond as (Y/N) grew older, but it wasn’t just with her only, it affected everyone else’s. Dinners would be lively and full of smiles, until it just became Ramonda.T’Challa’s illness consumed him and Shuri had taken the responsibility to cure him. 
Namor quietly painted, deep within his thoughts, frustrated that the conversation was cut short. Those pesky warriors always seem to be tracking her, which he understands, but she was adopted, she has no claim–nothing, so why are they so adamant on keeping her safe? “K’uk’ulkan, Ba'axten j-binech chúunk'iin o'niak. Yaan k beel cautelosos yéetel leti'ob.”(Why did you leave late last night? We need to be cautious about them.) Namor placed his brush down,sighing as he stood to his full height. “Namora, Ba'axten cuestionar in. A wojel ba'ax ma' pondría ti' talamilo'ob k máak u propósito ti', waal mía.” (Why question me? You know I wouldn’t purposefully endanger our people, my child.) 
“In wojel ba'ax ma' u harías, ba'ale' Táantik u K'astal u ajawo' yéetel u protector.Táan ti' jump'éel kúuchil talamil yéetel ma' in wa'alike' u bixake' prudente perseguir ti' jump'éel le princesas ti' le k'iin.” (I know you wouldn't, but they just lost their king and their protector. They're in a vulnerable place and I don't think it's wise to pursue one of the princesses during this time.) Namora knew he was infatuated with the princess, but she needed him to be focused on Talokan and their needs. She quietly left as Namor became unresponsive, not trying to upset him.
Namor sighed as he stared at the mural, understanding where Namora was coming from. Wakanda had opened herself to other nation’s and their greed. Vibranium was a precious resource to both countries and he knew that countries like France and The United States wouldn’t understand, they only see the potential of how dangerous it could be. Namor also knew that they wanted to be the ones who held the power over their heads. He needed to plan this strategically if he wanted this partnership to come to fruition.
(Y/N) allowed a couple of days to pass before heading towards the river bank, leaving her kimoyo beads if Shuri were to track her. She creeped through the brushes, her head on swivel as she constantly checked around. “For a princess, your guards are incompetent, especially the taller one. Are those your best warriors?” She jumped, whipping around to see Namor’s smiling face. “Oh Bast,”She held her chest as he chuckled,”You’re very fast for someone’s structure.” “I cannot help it, my wings assist me in much of that, but I’m glad that I’m able to see you again.” She couldn’t help notice how close he was to her, his body heat radiated off of him even though he was drenched. 
“Your clothing….you’re older than what you appear, a couple of thousand years, perhaps?” Namor let out a hearty chuckle, at her guess and face; her round cheeks puffed out at the audacity of him to laugh in her face. “I’m closer to 500, where did you think that?” He teased, leaning closer to her as she stuttered, looking away as she tried to defend herself. “I…I’ve dealt with aliens and talking raccoons, who appeared older than me, but were younger, but 500? What exactly are you?” He appeared humanlike, minus the pointed ears and the wings on his ankles, along with enhanced abilities.
“I’m a mutant, close to 500 years ago, my mother and her people ingested a plant infused with vibranium, hoping it would cure the disease that Spanish conquistadores, but instead it turned their skin blue and gave them the ability to breathe underwater. At first, my mother refused because she didn’t know how it would affect me, but the priest convinced her otherwise. She prayed for a protector, having their homeland taken by the Spanish and having to start over, that’s when she was blessed. I was born, but I wasn’t like the typically Talokanil, I could absorb the oxygen from the air as well the sea, that’s why named me K’uk’lkan.” 
Her eyes widened at the mention of vibranium, giving him a skeptical look. “Vibranium? It only occurs in Wakanda, how would that be even possible?” “Vibranium is rich within the Atlantic Ocean, my people use it for everything from tools to our homes, why do you think Wakanda is the only place who has it? My necklace is made of vibranium along with my belt.``True to his word, it glowed a deep royal purple, the tell-tale sign of its true nature. Namor tilted his head, curious as he twisted a loc on his finger; (Y/N) was too deep into her thoughts to care. “That's what I've been told since I was child, that’s all I’ve known, the royal family don’t certain things to be taught or allowed in the city, it may be different for other tribes, but my mother made sure that our minds weren’t tainted by the outside world.” 
Her words said one thing, but eyes said another, denial and confusion, but mostly denial. “One day, I’ll bring you to Talokan and show you the city, see how vibranium is used by my people, it’s more antediluvian, we keep everything simple because once you become more advanced, I believe you begin to lose your edge. I would rather miss the bigger picture once, than continuously miss the smaller one.” (Y/N) gave him a look, crossing her arms over her chest. “But as king or a god, whatever you are, at one point, you’re going have to look forward. As royalty, our respective citizens expect us to have their best interests at heart and if we need to improve their lives by expanding and improving, that’s what we have to do.”
As the days bled into months as the season changed, (Y/N) snuck away more often just to steal a glimpse of Namor and vice versa, if she could spend hours listening to his voice, she could. The more she spoke with him, the more her heart wanted him. It was something about Namor and how he was able to work through her walls, shattering them one by one until she couldn’t hide anything from him. The fleeting touches and the lingering hand kisses only awakened a hunger in her that he could only sate. The council could tell she was much happier, which to some was suspicious. She wasn’t seen with anyone throughout the tribes, which irritated Ramonda, she was just happy that her daughter’s mood improved, well at least one of them. She was still trying to help Shuri; grief affected everyone differently, but she worried about her mental health. 
(Y/N) stepped through the entrance, scientists bowing their heads as she stepped through. “Shuri, would you like to come with me on a walk? It would be good for you to get some fresh air.” Shuri ignored her as she continued to run calculations as she barked orders at Griot. “I can’t, too much to do and not enough time.” “I understand that, but you cannot be your best if you’re not nourishing your body and that also goes for your mental health as well.” Shuri slammed down her tools as she glared at her younger sister.
“You’re just like my mother, always nagging.” (Y/N)’s eyes narrowed as she followed Shuri, barely holding her tongue. “What do you mean by that? Shuri, what’s happening to you? This isn’t you.” “Because I’m irritated that you’re walking around here, smiling and happy! Did T’Challa mean nothing to you!?” The scientist looked at her younger sister with tears in her eyes, Shuri was jealous, she struggled with the guilt, she couldn’t save her brother in time. She was one of the brightest minds in the world, she could solve any problem, but that She was also irritated by everyone who decided to move on, acting like the world didn’t stop.
“Shuri, he meant everything to me, he’s my brother no less like you are to him, but don’t lash out at me! Don’t you think I’m not suffering? That I don’t cry myself to sleep every night?” A heavy cloud settled between them, suffocating as they stared at each other. Technicians slowly sneaking out, knowing that they have no part in this conversation. “I know he’s with the ancestors, but he’s not gone. Death isn’t the end-” She barely dodged the tool coming at her, whipping around in disbelief. “What has gotten in your head?! Why are you acting like this!” 
Shuri kept raging on, destroying her lab as (Y/N) tried calming her down, stepping over broken glass. “Shuri, calm down before you hurt yourself!” Her ears felt itchy as the room became unbearably hot, the cool tile shifted into sand as the room melted into the Saraha desert. The sudden heat was suffocating as if the burning sand filled her lungs as she sank to her knees.“My child, my sweet child, the world hasn’t been kind to you.” (Y/N) couldn’t make out the language; she couldn’t make out anything as the light was blinding as the mysterious woman led her like mother to her calf.
Shuri had screamed for a doctor as she witnessed her sister collapse, barely breathing as she wheeled away. The news spread fast within Wakanda and the Jabari, M’Baku rushed towards the palace as the citizens crowded the walls. “What could’ve happened? A simple argument turning into this? Shuri, what actually happened?” Ramonda pressed as Shuri nervously bit her lip as she held herself, trying not to break down. “It was! It just got out of hand and threw some tools at her and then she asked me what was wrong, that's when she collapsed! I didn’t mean to cause her any stress-”
(Y/N) blinked away the sand as stepped into a temple, gaping at the symbols adorned across the walls. “Hieroglyphics…All of this is, but why me, I’m normal, I have no ties to any higher being-” “As my daughter you do, I dreamt of a child, a daughter after being trapped away for millennia. I watched my sons fade away into nothing, time is precious, but it can also be a curse. I held on as much as I could before I was forced to bestow my powers onto you, but I cannot hold on any longer.” She placed a palm on her forehead, whispering a prayer as her eyes glowed. “I don’t understand-” “You won’t understand until you have to, take my gifts and do good with them.” 
Her eyes flashed open as she felt around her body, connected to wires and an EKG machine. (Y/N) slowly climbed off of  the table as she walked towards the entrance. “Princess (Y/N), I advise you to stay and I’ll notify Queen Ramonda that you’re awake.” “No, it's fine Griot, just keep it a secret.” She muttered as she headed outside, sighing deeply as she laid back against the cool metal, her eyes fluttered shut as she slowly regained control of her limbs. 
Moon was high up, illuminating her path as she headed towards the river, humming softly as she played with the lotus necklace. The world seemed different, she could feel the energy from..everything. It wasn’t overwhelming, as if it was a calm stream in the middle of summer night. (Y/N) sighed in relief as she stepped into the water, her salvation–her oasis in the middle of the desert. Namor revealed him as he realized that it was his querido, welcoming in his arms, which she gladly took, giggling as he left small kisses across her throat. “I missed you, you collapsing would’ve never happened if you moved to Talokan with me.” Another kiss. “Never stress, only endless pleasure.” Her breath hitched as his rough hands slid underneath her gown, grazing the edge of her panties. “Let me give you that, In reina.” 
“Please, Na- K’uk’ulkan, please-” “I know, just trust me, okay?” He gently placed a mask, rubbing her hip as she inhaled the gas feeling her breathing slow. “You’re going to love my home and hopefully, you can call it yours one day.” He whispered, caressing her cheek as walked further into the ocean, whispering promises of pleasure. 
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE”S GONE?! SHE WAS IN A COMA AND SHE JUST WOKE UP AND LEFT?!” The council, Dora Milaje, Shuri flinched as Queen Ramonda shouted, demanding answers as she stared at Border Tribe, the so-called protectors. “We didn’t see or hear anything out of the ordinary, she must’ve snuck out while we’re doing shift changes.” One of the members bowed his head in shame. Shuri was in the corner, trying to figure out where she went. “What about her kimoyo beads?” “She deactivated the video capture and the GPS, wiped it clean before she tossed it in the river.” Ramonda screamed, utterly gut-wrenching as she sank to knees. Losing two children so soon was something she didn’t want to happen, ordering anybody to look for her, because she was not resting until she was home safe and sound.
(Y/N)’s hands ruffled through the linen sheets as she came to, the bed was fit for a king, massive and absolutely comfortable. “Good morning, my beautiful beautiful (Y/N).” Namor stepped in,carrying a plate of food. “I wish I could show you everything, but you would be crushed by the pressure, the deeper we go.” He took a seat at the edge of the bed, smiling softly. Namor dreamt of this day many nights, the sight of his love in his realm, it awakened something deep within him. 
“I appreciate this, K’uk’ulkan, I honestly do, but I feel there’s more to this.” She pushed her empty plate away, watching him carefully. “That's why I'm drawn to you, come with me and I’ll answer any questions you have.” Gently taking her hand, Namor guided her to his mural, knowing it would be worth it to see the wonder in her eyes. “These paintings tell my story, over five hundred years worth of history, some of them also contain my wishes for the future as well.” 
Her fingers touched a depiction of a wedding, surrounded by loyal subjects and generals alike. Her gaze lingered on the bride, she wore traditional clothing, the finest fit for a queen,the red and the orange accentuating the green,blue and gold shades. “I dreamed of you centuries ago, I felt a connection when we first met, you were scared, but I could see the curiosity in your eyes. I don’t want to force you into-” (Y/N) placed her lips on his, silencing effectively. His body seized as she wrapped her arms around his neck, her lips were softer than he imagined. His hands gravitated towards her waist as he deepened the kiss, her hands cupping his face as she sought his lips out. “K’uk’lkan…” He pulled away, still gripping her hips as he looked into her eyes. “I want this, I want you and everything that comes with it, we can deal with the consequences later.” His smile became wider, kissing her temple. “I wanted to give you this,”He fastened the bracelet around her wrist,”It was my mother’s, it was made of the same plant that gave life to my people.” 
(Y/N) whipped around as the curtain fluttered open, her eyes widened as the blue woman stepped in, holding a bowl. “K’uk’lkan, Táan ts'o'oksik.(it’s ready)” She bowed her head, Namor gave his gratitude as he turned towards (Y/N). “Do you, Princess (Y/N) of Wakanda, accept this gift and my proposal to rule Talokan with me?” She looked between his hopeful eyes and the bowl, knowing she chose him, it would be permanent, there would be no going back. “I do.” His heart raced as she drank from the bowl. “Níib óolal, Namora.” He expressed his gratitude as he held (Y/N), slowly stepping into water as he waited for her rebirth.
“So we’re going to stand here and cry? Someone had to seen something, I’m not going to stand here and twiddle my thumbs, waiting for something to happen.” Okoye snapped as she slammed her spear into the ground. The elders began to bicker among themselves as Ramonda stayed silent. “Queen Ramonda, we’ve had an eyewitness, claiming that she was seen with an unknown man that had wings on ankles and escaped by diving underwater.” 
“You’re saying a fish man took (Y/N) and she didn't even struggle? What are you even saying?” The villager bowed to his knees, trembling in fear. “I’ve seen them multiple times, they seemed like we’re lovers. They would talk for hours until one of the guards came or one of them had to leave, but I did hear them plan for a night where he would sneak into the palace.” That’s when Ramonda glanced over at Shuri as she quickly typed on beads, pulling up surveillance footage. 
It showed (Y/N) guiding a man around the Dora Milaje, stopping periodically as they were afraid of being caught, she smiled as she ushered him into her room, giggling as he kissed her hands. “You’re going to get us in trouble, ko’oj.” M’Baku was flabbergasted as he watched the two lovers interact, it was always known that he had fondness for the adopted princess, his frown only deepened as they watched more footage, signaling that this has been going on for awhile. “This is highly upsetting, not only this man can sneak into Wakanda undetected, but Princess (Y/N) has been assisting him in doing so. This is treason, am I wrong?” That question immediately changed the mood within the chambers, as a mother, Ramonda wanted to see (Y/N)’s side, but she knew as queen that she needed to punish her for even entertaining this. 
“You’re not wrong, but I believe this man is manipulating her, (Y/N) is highly devoted to this country and she would never betray us like this.” Shuri spoke up in fear, looking around the council. “Shuri, Ayo is correct, but Wakanda comes first. By my decree, if Princess (Y/N) is found, she’s to be taken alive and she struggles,then you have permission to kill.”
Namor submerged their bodies as she suddenly awoke, gasping for air as she tried to find the nearest body of water. Breathing underwater as if it was second nature, she looked around before she took off, much to Namor’s delight. “Let me guide you, ko’oj.” She smiled as he interlaced their hands as he took them deeper. The ocean was truly terrifying, but there was a beauty to her as she discovered as her eyes began to adjust. Marine life unbothered by their presence as they swam past. “Is this?-” “Yes, this is Talokan, our home.” He smiled as her mouth fell open as her eyes landed on the underwater country, she couldn’t fathom a country this size hidden beneath the waves. The Talokanil slowly averted their attention to the pair as they made their way through the city, Namor smiling as she swam ahead, her curiosity contagious as she began to zip around.
Namor turned as he felt a tape on his shoulder, smiling as he faced Attuma, one of his trusted advisers.“K’uk’lkan, bienvenido tin wotoch, kin wilik ta taasaj le princesa wéetel.Ma' je'el in criticar u k'alt'aan, ba'ale' con cuidado le ba'ala' u yaantal consecuencias ti' le futuro.” (welcome home, I see you brought the princess with you. I can't be critical of your decision, but carefully, this may have consequences in the future.) Which made Namor roll his eyes, Attuma wanted the same as him; keep Talokan a secret from the surface dwellers, but Attuma never allowed himself to rest and relax. “Centrar k ti' u ma'alob te'ela', Talokan finalmente ti' jump'éel reina, ba'ax u k'áat u ya'al ti' le paalalo'obo' táan ti' le horizonte.Bey disfrutemos ti' in matrimonio tumen jump'éel áak'ab.” (Let's focus on the good here, Talokan finally has a queen, which means children are on the horizon. Let's at least enjoy my marriage for one night.) Attuma only nodded his head as he swam away to begin the marriage celebration. 
“In reina(My queen), let’s get you prepared for the ceremony for tonight, you still need to be fitted for your dress.” Leading her towards his favorite seamstress, (Y/N) looked through the dresses as Namor and the older lady conversed in their language. She rubbed her empty wrist, wishing she had her kimoyo beads with her. The seamstress glanced between the amount of fabric and her measurements, before nodding at Namor. It would be close, but she could make it work. “You’re going to look absolutely beautiful tonight.” She squirmed at his kisses, trying to swim away only to be caught. 
Namor sighed as he noticed the elders swimming towards them. “This is where we spend some time away from each other in preparation, it’s mostly meant for you, but the entire kingdom is getting ready for the wedding, just relax and enjoy being pampered. I’m sure one of the elders either knows wakandan or english, but that’s going to be my first priority, teach you the language.”  He placed a kiss on her cheek before he left.
Namor sighed as he entered the war room, Attuma and Namora with other warriors talking amongst themselves. “Yaan wáaj asuntos importantes u discutir?” (Is there important matters to discuss?) He questioned as he took his seat, Attuma and Namora shared a look before she spoke. “Taak ka'ach in felicitar a tuméen a matrimonio, ba'ale' in tuukultik le futuro.Podríamos yantalto'on formado jump'éel alianza yéetel Wakanda, ba'ale' ti' leti'ob binech in paach.Jach páajtal hayas arruinado jump'éel oportunidad.” (I wanted to congratulate you on your marriage, but I’m worried for the future. We could’ve formed an alliance with Wakanda, but you went around their backs. You may have ruined an opportunity.) “Ba'ax le ba'ala' tu ka'atéen. Ma' habrían aprobado le ba'ala', mantienen ti' le chicas encerradas yéetel puño hierro, ku ts'o'okole' ba'ax podríamos ofrecer. Xan k vibranium, páajtal manejar u bey mismos ti' le amenazas tuméen ts'o'ok u demostrado. Leti' táan destinada tin wiknal yéetel teene' ma' ka'ach u p'atik u jump'éel mortal ku interpusiera ichil leti' yéetel Teene'.” (This again? They wouldn't have approved of this, they keep the girls locked away with an iron fist, plus what could we offer? We both have vibranium, they can handle themselves from threats because they've proven that. She was destined for me and I wasn't going to let a mortal get between me and her.)
Namora narrowed her eyes, she was devoted to her country and her god, but she also knew he was starting to lose focus. “Kexi' a wilik ba'alo'ob tak k perspectiva, ba'ale' k kuxtal yéetel mukul tsikbal u permanecer ti' le anonimato kajnáalilo'ob le superficie Mantats' k'a'abéet u le yáax. Kexi' ka páajtal tokik k wa k'uchul le súutuko', K’uk’klan.” (I hope you'll be able to see things from our perspective, but our existence and the secrecy to remain anonymous from the surface dwellers should always come first. I hope you can defend us if the time comes.)
“Mantats' ts'o'ok in puesto u Talokan táanil utia'al tuláakal, teech ts'o'ok in guiado ichil siglos yéetel le revelador bix a cuestionando in Buka'aj u ba'al utia'al u ch'a' decisiones. Wa ba'al ts'o'oks u yúuchul ti' le futuro cercano, asumiré tuláakal le responsabilidad, ba'ale' tuméen bejla'e' permitir in beel ts'u'ut tuméen juntéene'.” (I've always put Talokan first for everything, I've guided you for centuries and it's telling how you're questioning my ability to make decisions. If something ends up do happening in the near future, I'll take full responsibility, but for now allow me to be selfish for once.) Attuma’s eye twitched from irritation, but he kept his mouth shut as he nodded his head. Namora wanted push this matter further, but with a swift kick in shin from the taller man made her fall quiet. 
(Y/N) sat in silence as she attended to, her nerves growing as they continued on, her locs were tied into neat bun as they placed Dahlias in her hair, a few framed her round face. “Jats'uts, tu yéeyaj ma'alob.” (Pretty, he chose well).” One of the older ladies said as she was fitted into her dress, she practically glowed underneath the bioluminescent algae, the coral orange faded into a burgundy as she twirled, smiling as they grew excited. They quickly fell silent as the same man from earlier entered the room. He only stared into her eyes as he stretched out his hand for her, guess it was time. 
The ceremonial drums began to play once they caught a glimpse of her, the Talokanil began to chant, very reminiscent of weddings in Wakanda.Dancers guided them as they chanted along, carefully watching the princess. “Phola.” (relax) Attuma could feel her nervousness, while he may not agree with the wedding, but he knew she had to be special if he chose her. Namor was adorned with regal attire with his headdress shining in the lights as he waited for her at the end. 
“Táan k reunidos utia'al u celebrar u unión u K’uk’lkan yéetel u xba'al, k ts'o'ok guiado fielmente ti' siglos, wilik k máak prosperar yéetel lolo'ob, ba'ale' Bejla'e' u taak u meentik k'ek'eno'. Cha' u le unión k traiga ya'ab bendiciones ti' venideros ja'ab. (We are gathered to celebrate the union of K’uk’lkan and his bride, he's faithfully guided us for centuries, watching our people thrive and flourish, but now it's his turn to do the same. Allow this union to bring us many blessings in the years to come.) The priest chanted as the Talokanil hollered as Namor fondly looked to her eyes, placing a soft kiss on her knuckles. 
“Bejla'e', le presentará u x-ba'al jump'éel siibal meetmaj k'ab, jump'éel signo u lealtad yéetel dedicación ti' leti'. “(Now, the K’uk’lkan will present his bride a handcrafted gift, a sign of his loyalty and dedication to her.) Namor revealed a necklace similar to his, adorned with jade, rubies and pearls, along with vibranium as well with a matching ring, that resonates with vibranium within the necklace and (Y/N) graciously accepted his gift, beaming with pride as he fastened the necklace on. Namora kept a neutral face, but internally she wanted to object to this wedding. She felt her cousin made a decision that will have grave consequences for all involved. 
“Wa máak yaan mix objeción, ba'ax ken tijik u k'aab u matrimonio ka' jo'op' celebramos u unión..”(if no one has any objections, may they consummate their marriage as we celebrate their union.) The cheers of the Talokanil became deafening as Namor eagerly kissed (Y/N), one of his hands gripped the back of her as the other planted firmly on her hips. A whine was trapped in her throat as his tongue flickered across her bottom lip, her cheeks feeling warm at his chuckle, enjoying her shyness. 
Namor wasn’t wasting any more time as he took (Y/N) into his arms and headed towards his cave, whispering filthy promises into her ear, causing her to bury her face in his neck. With water pouches secured tight onto her, Namor guided her towards his bedroom, it was different. “This is the bed that we’re going to be sharing as equals.” He stated as he pulled her closer to him, passionately kissing her as his hands roam underneath her dress, soaking in her presence.
With quick hands, (Y/N) laid bare underneath, attempting to shield herself from his view, Namor sucked his teeth, pinning her arms down as he made his way in between her legs. “Don’t hide from me.” He left kisses across throat, groping her breasts, roughly twisting and pulling at her nipple as she withered underneath him. “I’ve been waiting for this night for months now, let me hear you, princess.” Dark marks bloomed against her rich umber brown skin as he trailed down her body, whining as she blindly grasped at the sheets. “P–Please, it-its too-” 
Namor suddenly rubbed her clit, relishing in her cries as he stimulated her body. “You’re a sensitive little thing, are you?” He teased, snickering as she hid her face. “It’s because I’m a virgin..” He paused for a moment before he manhandled her onto her hands and knees, pulling her pussy into his face as he assaulted her clit. (Y/N) cried out as she buried her face in the pillows, unable to even speak as the pleasure overwhelmed her, pushing her hips back as she sought something. 
“Just like that princess..” He mumbled, slowly pushing his thick finger into her, groaning as she clenched. He rubbed her hips with his free hand,”Relax, deep breathes..” He ignored his aching cock, knowing that he needed to be gentle, but the other part of his brain wanted to breed her until she was unconscious. After a moment, (Y/N) pushed her hips back, he gently flexed his finger, smiling as he extracted whines and moans from her. “Let your god know how good he’s making you feel.” She cried out as he brushed against something, it made her brain melt as she was unable to form words.“You’re going to be a good cockslut, aren’t you?” 
“YES! I’ll be a good cockslut for you!” Namor beamed with pride at the voice crack, gleeful that she was this thoroughly fucked out. He quickly slid his middle finger in, rapidly thrusting in, basking in her moans as she grasped onto the headboard. Her essence coated his goatee as he chased her high, sucking harshly on her clit as she withered on his fingers, crying as she tried to flee from his brutal pace. “No, you’re going to cum on my fingers and then I’m going to fuck you, now I’m not going to tell you again.” 
(Y/N) sobbed as she felt the knot snapping in her stomach, coming on his fingers as stars filled her vision, slumping against the bed. Namor stepped away, licking his lips as he took off his vibranium belt and tossing his shorts to the side. Her eyes snapped open as she felt bed dipped, turning onto her back, her heart started to race as he climbed in between her legs. “Is that supposed to fit inside of me?” He grinned as he jerked his cock, pushing against her entrance. “Breathe and relax for me, princess.” 
Namor’s hunger only grew as he pushed in, she wrapped around him like vice, sucking him and refusing to let go. Her jaw dropped as he pushed in, stretching her in ways that she thought it wasn’t possible. He allowed her to adjust to his sheer size, leaving kisses across her jaw as he held onto her hips before pushing the rest of his cock, panting as he thrusted into her, enjoying her nails rack against his back. The room reeked of sex, creating a daze as the pleasure clouded her senses. 
“Ono, you’re not passing out on me, we’re fucking until I’m tired.” She sobbed as his pace quickened, blindly grasping for his shoulders. Namor groaned as he continued his onslaught, knowing she’s going to have bruises on her hips in the morning. “Fuck, you’re so tight, so wet for your god, huh?” He knew he was going to remember this sight of her completely fucked out with flowers surrounding her. She sobbed as she weaky grasped at his wrist as he rubbed her clit, much to his disappointment. “Take your hand off, this is my pussy, I’m going to fuck it the way I want to.”Namor cursed as he felt his hips falter as she started to squeeze his cock, groaning as he buried his face in her neck, trying to stave off his orgasm. “Cum for me, In Reina, cum for a ajawo'.” He growled in her ear, furiously rubbing her clit. Her nails dug into biceps as she came, her screams echoing in the cave, flopping onto the bed. Namor cursed as he came, painting her walls white as it leaked onto the sheets, he chuckled tiredly before he flipped them over. (Y/N)’s eyes snapped open as Namor gyrated their hips together, he cackled at the look on her face. “I told you, I wasn’t stopping.”
10 months later
Queen Ramonda and Shuri sat among the riverbanks, it’s been one year since King T’Challa’s death, while the Queen burned her grieving robes while Shuri fought it. “I understand, it's hard, but T’Challa isn’t truly gone-” Shuri threw her an irritated look, shaking her head. “No, he’s gone, he’s not in the trees, in the wind, whatever you try to come with. I can’t act like everything’s okay when it’s not! (Y/N)’s gone and you don’t give a shit. T’Challa’s dead and you act it’s business as usual. I just can’t do it!” Queen Ramonda quickly rose to her feet. “Don’t you ever raise your voice at me, I’m still your-”
Ramonda grabbed a spear as a male figure stepped out of the water, pushing his hair back as looked around. “Wakanda is still beautiful, albeit nothing could compare to my home.” He muttered as his eyes fell onto the two women as they glared at him. “Who are you and how did you sneak past the barriers?” Ramonda questioned as she stepped towards him, ready to strike at any moment. “My allies call me K’uk’lkan, but my enemies call me Namor,” He stated as he stared at them ,”Depending on your decision, I can spare you from complete annihilation or along with the surface world, you’ll fall by my hand. Vibranium was found in the Atlantic ocean by the Amercians with a machine that could detect vibranium, but I destroyed it. I need the American scientist dead, because they’re going to go after her and make her build another one. If that were to happen, everyone is at risk, including my people. Your son’s selfish actions have endangered everyone and you owe us, Queen Ramonda. I trust you’ll make the correct choice, if not, be ready to bury your dead.”
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