#adult hornacle
pasteldaifuku · 9 months
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Fanmade Adult Hornacle
Bio: Adult Hornacle wasn't always this glam. It was a drab little monster once. Now it knows it can be happy as its fam, because it's beautiful. Man the starboard, hoist the sails, and scrub the deck till it looks shiny! This adult celestial enjoys looking for deep sea treasure and adorning its body with it, making it stand out. In its travels, it has also collected a few unwanted visitors on its leg. Hornacle doesn't seem to mind though. It's always happy to add more members to its pirate crew.
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melodiousmonsters · 1 year
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Hi hope you like some sketch dumps of things I'm 90% sure I haven't posted yet. And because I'm feeling extra generous I'll explain some of the ones that need a little more explanation. First three are just sketches of random monsters, fourth one is of a half-finished design for an adult (not elder i think) Brinapool(the hornacle of the mmc universe), fifth is an nearly complete design for a young Onix(torrt of this universe), don't mind the slug in the yelmut sketches, and the last one is of currently existing ocs, the epic tring doesn't have a final name but I'm using Chunk as a placeholder/nickname, and Searaph the cherubble, both of them are friends of the monsters that made fire oasis. Don't ask me about ocs beyond their personalities or something like that because a lot of stuff about them are story important btw.
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misty-zzz · 10 months
Adult hornacle prediction!
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I really want her to be a pirate, but I was wrong about plixie being star themed, and I was confident they would be
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sillyseaveerablogs · 9 months
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Gotta Gijinka Cory(My Hornacle OC) as an adult FAST @misty-zzz, you did it, you predict Adult Hornacle as a pirate
Srry, if you guys got spoiled by me Ehehe...
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heyagoatlover · 1 year
This is an official lore dump of the celestial species au!
If you ask someone how these creatures came into this world, the most common answer would be 'seemingly out of nowhere'. That day would have been known as 'Sky Shining', where the ancestors to the modern celestials have traveled to earth and made its system go out of order such as rising sea levels, draining electricity, earthquakes and volcano eruptions being more frequent. Some even went as far as consuming radioactive material and repurposing that for something else. Humans would suffer greatly as a result with attacks becoming frequent... until it all stopped.
Of course, the humans would have to rebuild which would take many years to do, but the earth adjusted.
At least that's how the story goes, but the truth is much more messy and classified, though bringing the rare monsters that human scientists were studying in the monster's old world was intentional.
As the earth adjusted to the newcomers, they would slowly begin to evolve with the environment with time taking its course. Each monster has seemingly embodied an element and while humans are still trying to find what secrets they have while also making sure they are safe due to group hunting happening against the monsters when they became a vital part of the ecosystem themselves.
The monsters groups together are called the 'Celestials' from how stories described of them having powers that are beyond comprehension. Seemingly they are on top of the food chain and will fight each other for resources such as territory, food and strangely enough: human attention.
Many variants of the Celestials have occurred, some having more than others along with domestication of some of the species and are now man's new best friends.
It is still debated whether or not it is safe to let the monsters exist, for example: vhamps are known for their opportunistic nature in finding food, even if that means going to more... extreme measures. Or glaishurs being known as a danger to humans in general due to their bone breaking jaws, 'wild nature' and large size. Galvanas are also known for attacking humans out of nowhere. However these actions are linked to events with starvation, territorial protection and such.
Below are a list of the Celestial species. These ones are based on ones that were found in the wild.
Omnivores | 36 - 40 feet tall | 1,672.9 - 1,873.9 lbs
Carnivores | 30 feet tall | 1,371.3 Ibs
Carnivores | 35 feet tall | 1,622.6 Ibs
Herbivores | 20 - 28 feet tall | 868.6 - 1,270.7 Ibs
Omnivores | 29 feet tall | 1,371.3 Ibs
Omnivores (Scavenger leaning) | 20 feet tall | 1,119.9 Ibs
Omnivores | 8 - 12 feet tall | 265.4 - 466.5 lbs
Omnivores (Herbivore leaning) | 8 - 12 feet tall | 375.9 - 628 lbs
Carnivores | 30 feet tall | 1,500 Ibs
Herbivores | 15 feet tall | 1,733.4 lbs (due to their shells)
Omnivores | 5 - 8 feet tall | 94.7 lbs - 237.9 lbs
Omnivores | 10 - 35 feet tall | 366 - 1,452.5 lbs
If they are lab-made, they tend to be much larger than their wild counterparts. This is due to mistakes in their genetic code that allow them to fully maximize their growth at adult size.
[That is all for now! More things will be revealed in the future! Feel free to ask anything if you are curious!]
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whisperwhajje · 5 months
Since ya wanna ramble… ramble away!!! I wanna know some silly head canons for the Celestials!!! :D
Since you ask for silly one! I got a couple. ;3
Since it’s are boi Syncopite got his adult form. That dude listens to a lot of old hip hop, rap, and R&B. Plus with his break dancing, Syncopite is unstoppable.
Vhamp puts wheels on their feet to make them go faster and Galvana likes to ride on them. All you hear in the background “vroom vroom!” and other car noises. Vhamp can go fast too. Watch out!
When Glaishur became an adult, they were not aware of their new strength. So when they went to play on their snowman. It got smashed, he was heartbroken. Rip snowman.
Hornacle not only fought a sea creature. Again. And lost. Again. She kept the creature as a pet now. ( I started to think that the squid on his back was the same creature that toke Hornacle’s leg from the past. )
When Scaratar became an adult finally, she was given mom role, as so as Loodvigg became an adult, he immediately took big brother role and Scaratar was relieved. Because it was a little stressful on her own with 11 babies.
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So, I think this are the celestial couples and why:
-Galvana and Vhamp, cause of the promotional arts and all
-Loodvigg and Furnoss, cause they look cute togheter
-Hornacle and Torrt, just because they're both silly and... I mean... Adult Torrt wears a shell necklace...
-Atmozz and Glaishur just look like to alternative gays
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matchasofia · 9 months
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I redesigned @monstersbesinging’s design to make it look like accurate adult hornacle
oh don’t forget to like and subscribe to stsy yt channel I’m pausing the development of stsy holiday night (cuz the delayed date<1/25> was still there
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steakmakesnoises · 9 months
Spoilers kinda (no pictures)
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solunasilver · 1 year
It is a little silly that the celestials are babies in msm but I muuuuuuch prefer the adult designs the babies are so ugly especially hornacle
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melodiousmonsters · 1 year
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Right uh more info on the celestials as I'm thinking about them again. I'm going to be basing their appearances between the ages of "baby"and "old" on those two respective appearances with a hint of the cannon adult designs because I'm not the biggest fan of them and already had ideas for how the celestials would mature, thus with the "still teenage but almost adult like 17 or so but in this situation late twenties" loodvigg design there. Also I have seen the adult loodvigg and I do not like it which is unfortunate as it's my favorite celestial.
Also as mentioned a while ago they have names that aren't their species names which i will list the ones of the that have names so far, scaratar is Dwale, and loodvigg is Fhobia, hornacle's full name is Brineapool but they go by Pool, glaishur is MehTeh, blasoom is Woodwart, syncopite is Aventurr, vhamp is Pistin, and galvana is Xolt. I'm planning on giving all of them full full names with a first middle and last name. the way names work in the monster world is that the first and middle name are given to a monster, but the last name is composed of two halves of their parent's names, or if they only have one parent(monsters can reproduce with themselves by summoning two "breeding eggs" which are basically just eggs that can't hatch into anything, and fusing them together in a similar fasion to how the breeding structure works), they get that parent's full last name. So relations to other monsters are determined by sharing a part of the last name. All the celestials will have the suffix -stratous on their last names, which gives them a sibling-like relation to each other, but most of the celestials don't have full last names yet.
There's a phenomenon of celestial bodies personifying as monsters in the monster world, there's multiple cases of this with different celestial bodies doing so so they are blanket termed as "cosmons". The celestials are a type of cosmon that comes from clusters of stars with sapience. They are the most powerful cosmons only rivaled by clouders, sapient nebulas, wich the only one that exists is the Cataliszt for some reason. The celestials happened to all choose the same planet to project their physical bodies onto. With their physical bodies being composed of their respective celestial element, the natural, fire, ethereal, and electric elements.
Because of this they are highly resistant to any damage taken as their damaged body parts simply need to reabsorb the energy that was lost in an injury and then it can rebuild itself in a matter of a few hours. The only exception is if the energy from that body part was absorbed by something else, but the energy making up the celestials is reserved for them and can't be absorbed by anything else unless a part of them gets eaten, and as long as that creature lives and holds onto that energy that part can't regenerate.
In the early stages of the monster world the celestials didn't know eachother existed, starhenge hadn't been built yet, and the main creatures populating the planet were inmature titans. The celesitals found kinship among the titans and were given their names by them. But not a suffix on their last name as it was unknown who they were related to, the first halves of their last names were given. Eventually following a few events that I have planned out but am not sharing they all met eachother and found out their similar origins, thus assuming they must be related as they are all children of stars and chose their last name suffix stratous.
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