#advantages and disadvantages of ayurveda
seeevernaturals · 2 years
All pharmaceuticals are produced by an Ayurvedic Pharma Franchise Company free of harsh chemicals and substances and in accordance with Ayurvedic norms. These drugs support the body's healing process, especially since they don't hurt any body parts. People can look through a number of websites and businesses on the market to locate the greatest items to solve their difficulties as effectively as possible. It is best for them to use natural remedies because it helps their bodies and thoughts stay peaceful and relaxed.
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tutoroot · 17 days
When to opt for PCM in Class 11? 
The 11th science subjects list is split into two sub-branches based on the third subject you study: Physics and Chemistry are shared by both streams, and the key distinction is whether you choose Mathematics (PCM) or Biology (PCB). Students may, however, choose a combination of the two (PCMB), studying Mathematics instead of the optional course. A PCMB combination has advantages and disadvantages, and it is a decision that should be made only after a thorough analysis. 
Which career options do you have with the Science Stream subjects?
Although the medical branch is so titled because it opens the door to a profession in medicine after completing class twelve, don’t be misled by believing that’s all there is to it. If you want to follow the stream, there are several alternative career options and pathways accessible. 
There are several PCB career options, such as Zoology, Botany, Microbiology, and Biochemistry, as well as options in associated subjects such as Nutrition, Pharmacology, Psychology, Biotechnology, and so on. Apart from this, persons interested in medicine but unwilling to pursue the traditional MBBS route might go into other areas of medicine (such as dentistry, Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, and so on) or allied medical fields (such as physiotherapy, clinical research, and so on). 
Similarly, strong belief holds that Engineering is the sole (or only appropriate) choice or career option for PCM students. That is most emphatically not the case. The PCM career options include architecture, aviation, statistics, defense, design, ethical hacking, merchant navy, computer applications, physics, chemistry, and so on. 
When to opt for PCM in Class 11?
If your answer is yes to all the questions below, then you can opt for the PCM Non-Medical Course. Do you like Math subject? Are you comfortable solving Math problems?  Are you clear in your mind that you want to pursue engineering? Is getting into IIT your dream?  Then you are good to opt for the PCM Subjects in class 11th. 
When to opt for PCM?
When you are clear about what to pursue after 12th like engineering or medicine. And if you are sure you want to become an engineer. Then you can opt for the PCM Course. 
One should pass their 10th standard from any of the boards to opt for the PCM course. The eligibility criteria are different in every institution. The basic criteria to get into reputed institutions is that the student should secure a minimum of 70% in 10th. 
Skills one should Possess
Comfortable in solving Math problems, Problem-Solving & Scientific Reasoning, Technical Knowledge, Reality checks, good reading habits, and application of concepts in day-to-day life is required if you want to opt for the PCM course after your 10th standard. 
Advantages and disadvantages of PCM
The advantage is you can skip studying biology subjects and can skip practicing diagrams or non-medical subjects. 
The disadvantage is after completion of your 12th standard, if you are not sure about the continuation of engineering you should go back to 11th again and repeat it again. 
When to opt for PCB in Class 11?
If your dream is to become a doctor, then it’s a requirement that you need to take medical stream (PCB). If you are clear that Math is not your cup of tea, you don’t have much desire to pursue engineering, and you like studying Biology, in that case, a medical stream is a good option for you to opt for the PCB Medical stream in class 11th. 
Science subjects in class 11th are Botany, Zoology, Physics, and Chemistry. 
When to opt for PCB subjects’ class 11?
When you are clear about PCB career options and what to pursue after 12th like engineering or medicine and if you are sure you want to become a doctor. Then you can opt for the PCB Course. 
To opt for the PCB subjects in class 11, one should pass their 10th standard from any of the boards. The eligibility criteria are one should possess the minimum pass percentage to get admission in any of the PCB course-providing institutes. 
Skills one should possess
Good drawing or artistic skills  
Better remembrance power 
Using scientific methods 
Advantages and disadvantages of PCB subjects in Class 11
The best advantage of the PCB course is that the PCB career options one can serve the nation by becoming a doctor which would be helpful for improving good health and hygiene conditions in a particular place and will also be aware of all the functioning of the human body. The disadvantage is that you should always be available for your patience at any time. 24/7 availability is required, which would lead the individual to stress and a busy lifestyle. 
When to opt for PCMB subjects’ class 11?
Once you clear your 10th standard, the next step is to select which course to opt for. If you aren’t sure of your future career options. Yes, you can choose for all 4 PCMB subjects in class 11 which are Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Math. If you are not sure about what to pursue, like medicine, engineering or any other science course, then you can choose both Biology and Math (PCMB). You can prepare for both the entrance exams which are IIT-JEE and NEET at the same time. It will be tough to study Math and Biology combined, but it’s doable and some students have cleared both the entrance examinations. 
The eligible criteria for the PCMB subjects in class 11 are one should qualify in their 10th standard with a minimum pass percentage of above 75%. Then only they can apply for the 11th admission. 
Skills one should possess
It requires both the skills of science and non-science. They are Comfortable in solving Math problems, Problem-Solving & Scientific Reasoning, technical Knowledge, Reality check, good reading habits, application of concepts in day-to-day life, good drawing or artistic skills, better remembrance power, Classifying, Predicting, and Using scientific methods. 
If you are looking to acquire the best coaching on the foundation, medical and non-medical subjects. No worries Tutoroot is the solution for all your subject queries. Enroll to our best Maths online tuition and gain quality tutoring course provisions, revision, and much more. 
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drmongaclinic1 · 9 months
Kshar Sutra Treatment In Janakpuri, NCR || Dr Monga clinic
When it comes to treating complex conditions like hemorrhoids (piles), fissures, pilonidal sinus, fistula, and more, Kshar Sutra Treatment emerges as a beacon of hope. This ancient Ayurvedic procedure has withstood the test of time and offers patients a safe and highly effective solution.
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In Kshar Sutra Treatment, a medicated alkaline thread is used to target the affected area. What sets it apart is its remarkable safety and efficiency. The procedure typically takes less than an hour, allowing patients to go home on the same day, sparing them the need for a hospital stay.
One of the most significant advantages of Kshar Sutra Treatment is its ability to reduce the chances of recurrence, which often plagues individuals who opt for other treatments. The Kshar Sutra thread remains in direct contact with the affected area, physically and chemically curating the tract, and sloughing out its lining. This process promotes healing by allowing the tract to collapse and mend naturally.
Furthermore, Kshar Sutra Treatment is a cost-efficient option with minimal complications. The risk of loss of sphincter control and subsequent anal incontinence is exceptionally low, making it a preferred choice for many.
Conditions Treated by Kshar Sutra Therapy
Kshar Sutra is a versatile solution that can effectively treat a range of conditions, including:
Hemorrhoids (Piles) Fissures Pilonidal Sinus Fistula Abscess Polyps Skin Tags Skin Growths Large Moles
Not only does Kshar Sutra Therapy provide long-term relief, but it also significantly reduces the risk of recurrence.
Advantages of Kshar Sutra Therapy
No Hospital Stay
Quick Recovery
High Success Less Recurrence No Complications
Disadvantages of Kshar Sutra Therapy
While Kshar Sutra Therapy offers numerous benefits, it's essential to be aware of potential downsides:
Multi-Staged Procedure
Wound Discharge Longer Healing Time
Some Pain
The overwhelming popularity of Kshar Sutra Treatment is rooted in its rich history, time-tested efficacy, minor OT procedure, and quick surgical time of 25-30 minutes in most cases. Moreover, patients require minimal rest and can easily follow post-therapy instructions themselves.
Kshar Sutra Treatment stands as a remarkable testament to Ayurveda's holistic approach, offering individuals a safe, efficient, and enduring solution to various complex medical conditions.
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anantam-ayurveda · 10 months
The Advantages of Including Curd in Your Diet (Curd Benefits)
1. Probiotic Powerhouse
It is renowned for its probiotic content, containing strains like Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. These friendly bacteria colonize the gut, improving digestion, easing bloating, and even enhancing mood.
2. Bone Health Booster
The amalgamation of calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D in curd makes it a natural aid for bone health. Regular consumption can help prevent osteoporosis and maintain bone density.
3. Digestive Aid
Ayurveda views curd as a digestive aid. It contains probiotics that support the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut, enhancing digestion and promoting a healthy gut flora balance.
4. Protein Prowess
It offers a significant protein content, making it an excellent option for individuals aiming to increase their protein intake. This can be especially beneficial for those engaged in physical activities and muscle-building efforts.
5. Immune System Support
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Potential Disadvantages of Excessive Curd Consumption
read more
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sayeedaqsa · 1 year
How Does Medical Tourism Help The Economy Of A Country?
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Medical tourism is the practice of going to another nation to receive medical or dental treatment. In certain cases, medical tourists travel abroad in search of therapies that are not available in the United States.
Medical tourism benefits millions of individuals each year and is on the rise for a variety of reasons, including rising healthcare expenses in the United States and in other western countries, a lack of health insurance, specialized treatments, high-quality facilities, and the ability to travel before or after a medical operation.
India also has a long history of medicine that dates back to the Vedic period. Ayurveda, one of the oldest medical systems, dates back to 8000 BCE.
More branches of medicine, including Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homoeopathy, have gained prominence throughout the years, as have Yoga and meditation, which are now recognized globally for their health advantages.
As India has advanced significantly in the area of modern medicine since independence, it has built a unique environment for holistic health that incorporates the finest of contemporary healthcare, traditional medicine, and wellness.
Also, Read - Medical Tourism Advantages vs Disadvantages
The international interest in promoting medical tourism as a driver of economic progress in a host country like India has the following advantages-
Revenue generation: Medical tourism revenue is regarded as a type of export that may create cash.
This can increase foreign exchange earnings to enhance a country's balance of payments.
More job opportunities- Rising medical tourism creates more job possibilities in the health care industry and adjacent businesses. Private hospitals that participate in medical tourism tend to provide more attractive pay and better facilities, a working environment as well as more potential job opportunities for health professionals as opposed to public hospitals.
Reverse ‘brain-drain’-Medical tourism promotes well-trained physicians and nurses to practice in their own country. When compared to hospitals in industrialized countries, many of the best institutions in popular medical tourism destinations pay comparable incomes. Hence this can reverse the brain drain from the developing nations.
Quality and precise treatment- Medical tourism boosts the country's healthcare quality while also increasing treatment precision. Medical tourists seek high-quality treatments and worldwide standards for a variety of procedures.
Growth of hospitality industry: The medical tourism hospitality business has grown as a result of medical tourism. Hotels and resorts have been built specifically to cater to medical tourists recuperating from treatments, as well as the individuals accompanying them.
Growth of tourism industry: Tourists arrive with plans to visit significant tourist spots and rest after undergoing different treatments.
Medical tourism has helped to flourish the economy of the host country(India) in many ways.
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HealthTrip will connect you with a handful of India's leading hospitals and doctors.
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Experience the best health trip with a top medical travel company in India. Find the best hospitals, and doctors for medical treatment in India. Best Medical Tourism in India.
Medical Tourism Economic Impact on a Country | HealthTrip
Medical tourism is the practice of going to another nation to receive medical or dental treatment. In certain cases, medical tourists travel abroad in search of therapies that are not available in the United States.
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abhinavayu21 · 1 year
Ayurvedic Medicine vs. Conventional Medicine for White Discharge: Which is Better?
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White discharge is a common problem among women that can cause discomfort and embarrassment. It is a natural process that occurs when the vagina cleans itself, but when it becomes excessive or abnormal, it can be a sign of an underlying condition. To treat this condition, there are two main types of medicine available - Ayurvedic medicine and Conventional medicine.
Ayurvedic Medicine for White Discharge
Ayurvedic medicine is a traditional Indian form of medicine that uses natural remedies to treat various ailments. In Ayurveda, white discharge is considered a result of an imbalance in the body's doshas, and the treatment involves restoring this balance. Ayurvedic remedies for white discharge include herbal supplements, dietary changes, and lifestyle modifications.
Herbal Remedies
Herbal remedies are a popular form of Ayurvedic medicine for white discharge. Some of the commonly used herbs for this condition include neem, turmeric, aloe vera, and ashwagandha. These herbs have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that can help to eliminate infections and reduce inflammation.
Dietary Changes
Dietary changes are also an important part of Ayurvedic medicine for white discharge. Ayurveda recommends a diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and low in processed foods, sugar, and caffeine. This can help to boost the immune system and reduce inflammation in the body.
Lifestyle Modifications
Ayurveda also recommends certain lifestyle modifications for white discharge. These include practicing good hygiene, wearing loose-fitting clothes, and avoiding douching and other irritants. These changes can help to prevent infections and reduce inflammation in the body.
Conventional Medicine for White Discharge
Conventional medicine relies on synthetic drugs to treat white discharge. The treatment depends on the underlying cause of the condition and may involve antibiotics, antifungal drugs, or other medications.
If the white discharge is caused by a bacterial infection, antibiotics are often prescribed. These drugs can help to eliminate the bacteria and reduce inflammation in the body. However, they can also have side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, and allergic reactions.
Antifungal Drugs
If the white discharge is caused by a fungal infection, antifungal drugs are often prescribed. These drugs can help to eliminate the fungus and reduce inflammation in the body. However, they can also have side effects such as headaches, stomach pain, and liver damage.
Which is Better?
Both Ayurvedic medicine and Conventional medicine have their advantages and disadvantages when it comes to treating white discharge. Ayurvedic medicine is a natural remedy with no known side effects, but it may take persistent efforts to show visible results. Conventional medicine is faster and more effective, but it can have more side effects and may not treat the underlying cause of the condition.
In conclusion, Ayurvedic medicine and Conventional medicine are two options available for treating white discharge. Ayurvedic medicine is a natural and holistic approach that focuses on restoring balance in the body, while Conventional medicine relies on synthetic drugs to treat the condition. Ultimately, the choice between these two types of medicine depends on individual preferences and the severity of the condition. To know more about our other products give a look at our website at https://www.abhinavayu.com/Give us a call at 022 2634 7701 or mail us at [email protected] of Form
Resource: https://abhinavayu21.blogspot.com/2023/05/ayurvedic-medicine-vs-conventional.html
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sarathjohn · 1 year
The Ultimate Guide to Ayurvedic Treatment Hospitals in Kerala for Parkinson's Disease
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Understanding the Basics of Ayurvedic Treatment and How it is Helping People With Parkinson's Disease
Millions of people across the globe are afflicted by Parkinson's disease, a neurodegenerative disorder that worsens over time. While modern medicine offers various treatment options, an increasing number of individuals are turning to alternative therapies like Ayurveda to manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life. Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of medicine, focuses on holistic healing and balancing the mind, body, and spirit.
Kerala, a state in southern India, is renowned for its traditional Ayurvedic treatments and wellness centres. The tranquil natural environment and skilled Ayurvedic practitioners make it an ideal destination for individuals seeking holistic treatment for Parkinson's disease in Kerala. In this guide, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of different Ayurvedic treatment hospitals in Kerala and discuss the benefits of seeking treatment at a state-of-the-art Ayurvedic hospital.
Advantages of Different Ayurvedic Treatment Hubs Available in Kerala
1. Expertise: Kerala is home to numerous Ayurvedic hospitals and wellness centres that have been providing traditional treatments for generations. These facilities boast a wealth of experience and expertise in Ayurvedic medicine, ensuring that patients receive the highest quality care.
2. Customized Treatments: Ayurveda believes in personalized treatment plans tailored to each individual's unique needs. Ayurvedic treatment hospitals in Kerala offer comprehensive consultations with experienced Ayurvedic physicians who assess the patient's condition and design a customized treatment regimen. This personalized approach allows for a more targeted and effective treatment of Parkinson's disease symptoms.
3. Herbal Medicines: Ayurvedic treatments primarily rely on herbal medicines derived from natural sources. Kerala's Ayurvedic hospitals have access to a wide range of medicinal plants and herbs, many of which are indigenous to the region. These herbal formulations are believed to have therapeutic properties that can help manage the symptoms of Parkinson's disease.
4. Panchakarma Therapies: Panchakarma, a detoxification and rejuvenation therapy, is a hallmark of Ayurvedic treatment. Kerala's Ayurvedic hospitals specialize in Panchakarma therapies, which involve various cleansing and purifying procedures to eliminate toxins from the body. These therapies aim to restore the balance of doshas (energetic forces) and promote overall well-being.
Disadvantages of Different Ayurvedic Treatment Hubs Available in Kerala
1. Limited Scientific Evidence: While Ayurveda has been practised for centuries, the scientific evidence supporting its effectiveness in the treatment of Parkinson's disease in Kerala is limited. The traditional nature of Ayurveda and the lack of rigorous clinical trials make it challenging to assess its precise impact on Parkinson's symptoms.
2. Individual Response Variability: Ayurvedic treatments may yield different results for different individuals. Factors such as age, overall health, disease progression, and individual body constitution can influence treatment outcomes. It is essential to approach Ayurvedic treatment with realistic expectations and understand that results may vary.
Benefits of Treatment at a Kerala's State-of-the-Art Ayurvedic Hospital For People With Parkinson's Disease
Parkinson's disease is a progressive neurological disorder that can significantly impact an individual's quality of life. While there is no cure for Parkinson's disease, various treatments can help manage its symptoms and improve the patient's overall well-being.
Ayurveda is an ancient Indian medical system that uses a holistic approach to promote physical, mental, and spiritual health. Kerala is known for its tradition of Ayurveda, and many state-of-the-art Ayurvedic hospitals are located there. Here are some potential benefits of seeking treatment for Parkinson's disease in Kerala Ayurvedic Hospital:
Customized Treatment Plans: Ayurvedic hospitals typically offer personalized treatment plans based on the individual's unique symptoms, medical history, and overall health. These plans may include a combination of Ayurvedic therapies, such as herbal medicines, massages, and dietary changes, tailored to the patient's needs.
 Non-Invasive and Natural Treatments: Ayurveda emphasizes natural and non-invasive treatments that are gentle on the body and have fewer side effects. This approach can be particularly beneficial for individuals with Parkinson's disease who may be sensitive to traditional pharmaceuticals.
Comprehensive Care: Ayurvedic hospitals often provide comprehensive care that addresses the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of a patient's health. This holistic approach can help manage the emotional and psychological challenges that often accompany Parkinson's disease.
Experienced Practitioners: Ayurvedic treatment hospitals in Kerala employ experienced practitioners who have in-depth knowledge of Ayurvedic treatments and their potential benefits for Parkinson's disease. These practitioners may work in conjunction with conventional medical professionals to provide integrated care.
Access to Traditional Ayurvedic Therapies: Ayurvedic treatment hospitals in Kerala offer traditional Ayurvedic therapies that are not widely available in other parts of the world. For example, Panchakarma is a detoxification therapy that uses massage, steam baths, and herbal medicines to remove toxins from the body. This therapy is believed to have potential benefits for individuals with Parkinson's disease.
Overall, seeking treatment for Parkinson's disease in Kerala Ayurvedic hospitals may offer a unique and holistic approach to managing the condition's symptoms and improving the patient's quality of life. However, it's essential to consult with a medical professional before beginning any new treatment regimen, including Ayurvedic therapies.
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vynzresearchindia · 2 years
Global Complementary and Alternative Medicines Market Size and Share Report, 2027 | VynZ Research
The Global Complementary and Alternative Medicines Market was valued at US$ 198.0 billion in 2020 and it is expected to reach with a strong CAGR of 6.1% during the 2021-2027. In order to achieve the targeted revenue, the market report employs significant and insightful statistics of historical and forecasted data based on growth drivers, challenges and restraints. The report also evaluates the opportunities including technical and government supports for the entrants to joins the market comprehensively.
According to the VynZ Research, the Global Complementary and Alternative Medicines Market size is sub-divided into multiple segments and each segment-wise analysis provides details regarding reasons behind the segment-wise expansion, CAGR, volume, revenue, production, consumption, sales, manufacturing cost, pricing, factors affecting the geographical growth rate.
Get a sample copy of the market analysis report: https://www.vynzresearch.com/healthcare/complementary-and-alternative-medicines-market/request-sample
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The list of major key players of the Global Complementary and Alternative Medicines Market is mentioned in "Competitive insight" along with a thorough overview of their strategies and contribution to the growth plan. Additionally, it provides details on the advantages and disadvantages, institutional growth, cutting-edge discoveries, mergers and acquisitions, expansion plans, footprint, market presence, and product portfolios of the key rivals in the market. Some of the leading market players covered in this global market report are: -
Dabur India Ltd.
Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH
Novartis AG
The Arya Vaidya Pharmacy (CBE) Ltd.
Cipla Limited
PEKANA Naturheilmittel GmbH
Weleda AG
Herb Pharm
Deepure Plus
Herbal Hills
Helio USA Inc.
Columbia Nutritional Inc.
Nordic Naturals
Pure Encapsulations, Inc.
Market segment
This report bifurcates the global market into following categories: -
By Type
Mud Therapy
Mind-Body Intervention-Based
Yoga, Meditation, Tai Chi, And Qigong
Guided Imagery
Manipulative Body-Based
Electromagnetic Therapy
By Mode of Service
Therapy Classes
Direct Consultation
By Application
Depression and Anxiety
Pain Management
Chronic Diseases
Neurological Disorders
Skin Disorders
Weight Loss
By End-User
Yoga and Meditation Centers
Therapy Centers
Home Care
Hospitals and Clinics
Reason to buy this report
This research report is unbiased and gives the deep insight of market statistics including information on the main market trend and the projected size of the worldwide market based on regional and competitive analyses. The growth of the market has been aided by a number of variables, which are also discussed in this market research report. The report also covers the most innovative and effective techniques for gathering, compiling, estimating, and analyzing market data.
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amritaherbo · 4 months
Allopathy VS Ayurveda: Which is Good for Your Health
The age-old debate between Ayurveda and Allopathy continues to fascinate many. While some strongly stand by the proven health benefits of Ayurvedic ingredients, medicines, and techniques, others opt for the Allopathic approach. According to a DNA article, modern Allopathic medicine originated around the 16th century, contrasting with Ayurveda, a traditional and intricate healing science dating back to the 2nd millennium BCE. Perceptions of Ayurveda and Allopathy vary across different cultures. Naturopathy and veganism enthusiasts are often drawn to Ayurvedic principles, appreciating its holistic approach. On the other hand, advocates of Western medicine favour Allopathy, due to its global recognition by medical boards.
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The Allopathy Approach
Conventional medicine, commonly known as Western medicine, has achieved notable progress in treating various illnesses. It relies on application of pharmaceutical drugs and surgical procedures to target specific symptoms or diseases. However, there are several concerns associated with this approach:
Adverse Effects: Numerous conventional medicines come with a list of potential side effects, ranging from mild discomfort to severe complications. These may include nausea, dizziness, digestive problems, and even more serious conditions such as liver or kidney damage.
Excessive Use of Antibiotics: The extensive utilisation of antibiotics in conventional medicine has given rise to the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, posing a significant threat to public health.
Symptom Suppression: Conventional medicine often concentrates on reducing symptoms rather than addressing the underlying causes of illnesses. This approach can result in recurrent health issues.
The Ayurvedic Approach
Ayurveda, an ancient medicinal system originating in India, adopts a more comprehensive approach to health and healing. It underscores the importance of maintaining a harmonious balance among the mind, body, and spirit, employing natural remedies such as herbs, dietary adjustments, and lifestyle modifications. Here are some merits of Ayurvedic medicine:
Natural Healing: Ayurvedic remedies are derived from herbs and natural components, mitigating the risk of adverse side effects when compared to synthetic drugs.
Holistic Approach: Ayurveda seeks to identify and address the root causes of illnesses rather than merely suppressing symptoms. This approach can contribute to long-term health benefits.
Personalized Treatment: Ayurvedic practitioners customize treatments based on individual needs, considering a person’s unique constitution and imbalances.
Enhances Overall Well-being: Ayurveda not only tackles physical health but also takes into account mental and emotional well-being, fostering a more balanced and healthier lifestyle.
Ayurveda Vs Allopathy: Which is better?
Ayurveda and Allopathy are different concerning how the medicines are prepared, how the treatments are carried on, and how both the sciences approach health. Both Ayurveda and Allopathy have their respective advantages and disadvantages. The debate of “is Ayurveda better than Allopathy” can go on for a long time, but factors such as diagnosis, approach, side effects, and the focus of treatment can ease the understanding. Several Ayurvedic medicines, such as Sudarsana tablets, Anu Thailam, Histantin tablets, and others, can act as effective and safe alternatives to their allopathic counterparts. Here are some of the benefits of opting for Ayurvedic treatments.
Why opt for Ayurvedic Treatments?
Consider these reasons below for choosing Ayurvedic treatments:
Ayurveda is suitable for addressing chronic conditions like colds, abdominal issues, and mental well-being, offering a holistic approach to healing.
For those with sensitive systems and stomachs, Ayurveda is a preferable option as it relies on herbal and organic components, minimizing potential side effects compared to synthetic drugs used in Allopathy.
Ayurvedic treatment focuses on identifying and treating the root cause of disorders, aiming to eliminate diseases from their core.
The natural components in Ayurvedic treatments contribute to overall toxin removal in the body, making it a beneficial choice, especially for those who have been on heavy Allopathic medications.
If you experience digestion and mental health issues, Ayurvedic treatments and medicines can prove to be effective remedies.
Some Common FAQs About Allopathy vs Ayurveda
Is it safe to take both Allopathy and Ayurveda medicines together?
Yes, it is possible to take both Allopathy and Ayurveda medicines simultaneously, but it is advisable to consult your doctor. Maintain an interval of 30 minutes to an hour between the two types of medications.
Can I trust doctors who prescribe Ayurvedic medicines?
Doctors prescribing Ayurvedic medicines are trustworthy. They undergo thorough training and education in Ayurvedic treatment and medication.
At Amrita Herboceuticals, we are your one-stop shop for all things Ayurvedic. We are engaged in manufacturing and supply of authentic & highest-quality Ayurveda products. We ensure that every product is made with correct and consistent ingredient proportions to deal with modern-day wellness needs. Eliminate all your worries about being healthy in the real sense with #ActiveAyurveda.
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tutoroot · 8 months
When to Opt for PCMB Subjects Class 11?
The 11th science subjects list is split into two sub-branches based on the third subject you study: 
Physics and Chemistry are shared by both streams, and the key distinction is whether you choose Mathematics (PCM) or Biology (PCB). Students may, however, choose a combination of the two (PCMB), studying Mathematics instead of the optional course. A PCMB combination has advantages and disadvantages, and it is a decision that should be made only after a thorough analysis. 
Which career options do you have with the Science Stream subjects?
Although the medical branch is so titled because it opens the door to a profession in medicine after completing class twelve, don’t be misled by believing that’s all there is to it. If you want to follow the stream, there are several alternative career options and pathways accessible. 
There are several PCB career options, such as Zoology, Botany, Microbiology, and Biochemistry, as well as options in associated subjects such as Nutrition, Pharmacology, Psychology, Biotechnology, and so on. Apart from this, persons interested in medicine but unwilling to pursue the traditional MBBS route might go into other areas of medicine (such as dentistry, Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, and so on) or allied medical fields (such as physiotherapy, clinical research, and so on). 
Similarly, strong belief holds that Engineering is the sole (or only appropriate) choice or career option for PCM students. That is most emphatically not the case. The PCM career options include architecture, aviation, statistics, defense, design, ethical hacking, merchant navy, computer applications, physics, chemistry, and so on. 
The abbreviations for the terms PCM, PCB & PCMB 
PCM full form is Physics, Chemistry, and Maths. 
PCB full form is Physics, Chemistry, Biology. 
PCMB full form is Physics, Chemistry, Maths, and Biology. 
Here are some answers that make your selection process easier: Which subjects to be taken in class 11th – PCM, PCB or PCMB? Medical or Non-Medical stream, which is better and has more benefits? The instant answer is that 
Take PCB if you want to study medicine after class 12.  
Take PCM if you want to pursue engineering after 12th standard.  
Take both (PCMB) if you are not sure what you want to study after the 12th.
Once you clear your 10th standard, the next step is to select which course to opt for. If you aren’t sure of your future career options. Yes, you can choose for all 4 PCMB subjects in class 11 which are Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Math. If you are not sure about what to pursue, like medicine, engineering or any other science course, then you can choose both Biology and Math (PCMB). You can prepare for both the entrance exams which are IIT-JEE and NEET at the same time. It will be tough to study Math and Biology combined, but it’s doable and some students have cleared both the entrance examinations. 
The eligible criteria for the PCMB subjects in class 11 are one should qualify in their 10th standard with a minimum pass percentage of above 75%. Then only they can apply for the 11th admission. 
Skills one should possess
It requires both the skills of science and non-science. They are Comfortable in solving Math problems, Problem-Solving & Scientific Reasoning, technical Knowledge, Reality check, good reading habits, application of concepts in day-to-day life, good drawing or artistic skills, better remembrance power, Classifying, Predicting, and Using scientific methods. 
Advantages and disadvantages of PCMB subjects in Class 11
The basic advantages are you can have a grip on both the streams of medical as well as non-medical  
A disadvantage is that if you have decided or are in the process of deciding to take up all four subjects together i.e., PCMB (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics & Biology), let me tell you, it’s really a big step to take because you have to balance all the tough subjects. 
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ayurvedicindia · 3 years
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Ayurveda - 7 Distinctive Differences Between Modern and Ayurvedic Medicines: The medical systems, whether it is the Ayurveda or the conventional Allopathic (Modern) medicines has its own advantages and disadvantages. Without any intention to Read More....
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anantam-ayurveda · 11 months
Curd Advantages and Disadvantages: Is Curd Bad for Obesity?
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What is a Curd: A Nutritional Profile
It is a dairy product obtained by fermenting milk with the help of beneficial bacteria. This fermentation process not only gives curd its distinct taste but also enhances its nutritional content. A typical serving of Dahi (100 grams) offers:
Protein: It is an excellent source of protein, which is essential for the body's growth, repair, and overall functioning.
Probiotics: The live cultures present in curd promote gut health by maintaining a healthy balance of bacteria in the digestive system.
Calcium: Essential for strong bones and teeth, curd provides a good dose of calcium, contributing to skeletal health.
Vitamins: It contains vitamins like B12 and riboflavin, playing important roles in metabolism and overall well-being.
Qualities of Curd According to Ayurveda
With its tangy(sour taste) flavor,
Carries a warm potency and
It is heavy to digest (takes a longer period for digestion).
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The Advantages of Including Curd in Your Diet (Curd Benefits)
1. Probiotic Powerhouse
It is renowned for its probiotic content, containing strains like Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. These friendly bacteria colonize the gut, improving digestion, easing bloating, and even enhancing mood.
2. Bone Health Booster
The amalgamation of calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D in curd makes it a natural aid for bone health. Regular consumption can help prevent osteoporosis and maintain bone density.
3. Digestive Aid
Ayurveda views curd as a digestive aid. It contains probiotics that support the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut, enhancing digestion and promoting a healthy gut flora balance.
4. Protein Prowess
It offers a significant protein content, making it an excellent option for individuals aiming to increase their protein intake. This can be especially beneficial for those engaged in physical activities and muscle-building efforts.
5. Immune System Support
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Potential Disadvantages of Excessive Curd Consumption
1. Aggravating Kapha and Ama:
It is believed to increase the Kapha dosha, leading to mucus buildup, congestion, and potentially contributing to colds, coughs, and allergies. It can also increase the production of ama (toxins) in the body if not digested properly.
2. Incompatible Food Combinations:
In Ayurveda, food combining is vital for proper digestion. It should not be mixed with certain foods, such as fruits, as it may lead to indigestion. The enzymes present in curd can curdle the milk in fruits, causing fermentation and digestive distress.
3. Difficult for Some to Digest:
Although it contains digestive enzymes, it can be heavy for those with weak digestion, causing gas, bloating, or indigestion.
4. Excess Fat:
Full-fat curd can be high in saturated fats, which can contribute to weight gain and potentially imbalanced cholesterol levels if consumed excessively.
5. Reduced Agni (Digestive Fire):
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bloggerfall · 3 years
What is Giloy? Advantages, Disadvantages and more.
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What is Giloy?
Giloy is an ayurvedic plant.The scientific epithet of Giloy is Teenospora Cordifolia.Giloy has the potential to cure many ailments.That is why Giloy has the status of nectar.If Gilloy is on a neem tree, it is considered extremely beneficial.Giloy has both advantages and disadvantages.  Let us first learn the benefits of Giloy.
Advantages Of Giloy –
In Ayurveda,Gilloy is called nectar.Giloy is really nectar.Giloy is beneficial in many diseases. Let us now look at the benefits of Giloy.
To boost the immune system – The main reason you get sick is to have a weak immune system.Giloy plays an important role in boosting the immune system.
To improve digestion – In today’s stressful life,many people have digestive problems.Late meals, stress, lack of sleep, eating junk food.  All of these factors impair digestion. Giloy is beneficial if you have diarrhea.If your digestion is weak, you should definitely try Giloy.
To control diabetes -Many people nowadays suffer from diabetes due to changing lifestyles. Many are diagnosed with diabetes at an early age.Diabetes can be controlled by consuming gilloy in the morning on an empty stomach.Giloy juice is considered to be the best for controlling diabetes. click here for full article
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हिताहितं सुखं दुःखमायुस्तस्य हिताहितम्|
मानं च तच्च यत्रोक्तमायुर्वेदः स उच्यते||४१
- Charak Samhita
Hitahitam sukham dukhamayustasya hitahitam
Maanam cha tacha yatrokatmayurvedah sa uchyate
Ayurveda is the science of life. The ancient wisdom of Ayurveda gives remedies for…
Hitayu – an advantageous life
Ahita Ayu – a disadvantageous life
Sukhayu – a happy state of health and mind
Ahitayu – an unhappy state of health and mind.
Ayurveda is India’s ancient science and it’s truly profound. It also explains what is good and bad for life and how to measure life.
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slaksiri · 4 years
Ayurvedic health secrets
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What if the key to a healthier mind and body was ahead of people all along?
Many people address fashionable diet fads to change the state and boost their health. however one amongst the most effective associate degreed most reliable strategies of achieving a healthier you is an ancient Indian tradition called writing.
Wondering what writing is and the way it will remodel your life? consider this comprehensive guide to getting all the answers!
Ayurveda Health Secrets From Ancient Asian nation | What Is Ayurveda? Ayurveda is over a modification in diet or exercise. Instead, it's a holistic approach to boosting your health. This includes your mind, body, and spirit.
As traditions go, writing is downright ancient. it had been developed in Asian nations over three,000 years past, and also the general ideas still facilitate everybody maintains their health within the here and currently.
Because this approach is intended to treat your whole body (hence, “holistic”), there are a range of specialized diet and exercise strategies to decide on from. It’s doable for everybody to search out one thing that suits their model and goals.
More Than a furor It sounds like a replacement obesity diet or health kick comes out each day. And most of those diets are a lot of like short-run gimmicks rather than a long thanks to maintaining your health.
That leaves a visible question: if furor diets ar thus unhealthy, what makes writing this good?
First, it’s over a furor. At 3,000 years previous, the ideas behind writing ar older than many non-secular texts, together with the Bible!
Second, writing could be a different quite mode. hold it means that over ever-changing up your diet: instead, you want to embrace a replacement manner of living.
Different desires, totally different Diets Different desires, totally different Diets | writing Health Secrets From Ancient Asian nation | Life360 Tips While writing is over a diet, healthy consumption could be a part of the discipline. One factor you may quickly discover is that writing diets are not like something you've got seen before.
Ayurveda treats consumption as a sort of science. A healthy body means that a healthy systema digestorium. Therefore, healthy consumption ought to specialize in rising your organic process health.
Certain forms of food ar smart for all practitioners of writing. This includes fruits and veggies that facilitate to scrub out your body. And you must avoid things like sodas and alcohol in favor of water.
Other dietary issues vary from person to person. for instance, you'll produce writing tea, however, the precise ingredients are going to be different for every person because of distinctive organic process necessities. And you will add {different|totally different|completely different} spices to realize different effects, like adding nutmeg to a dish to assist you to get to sleep later that night.
Benefits of writing Let’s say you’re curious about writing. It all comes right down to this: what, exactly, are the benefits?
First of all, you get to know your mind and body. writing breaks individuals down into 3 totally different doshas or energies that rule their body: Vata (“space and air”), tyrannid (“fire and water”), and Kapha (“water and earth”). learning writing will assist you to discover shocking traits regarding yourself and the way to nurture them.
Secondly, you’re doubtless to change state. writing helps you improve your digestion and overall diet, serving to you shed those unwanted pounds.
Finally, writing will cause you to happier. By reducing your stress and rising your physical health, it’s virtually not possible for you to not love this whole new you.
Drawbacks of writing Drawbacks of writing | writing Health Secrets From Ancient Asian nation | Life360 Tips Now you recognize a number of the advantages of writing. By now, you’re most likely curious if there are any distinctive drawbacks yet.
The primary disadvantage is that this method may be slow. If you’re trying to find one thing wherever you at once begin to shed pounds, things just like the writing diet don't seem to be for you.
However, you’re likelier to stay with this slow and steady approach than any obesity diet. And it’s simple to note enhancements in mind, body, and spirit after you grasp what to appear for.
The writing Diet Earlier, you learned a touch regarding writing diet techniques. The writing diet you decide on depends on your dosha: Vata, pitta, and Kapha. writing believes that we'd like six totally different tastes in our diet to balance our doshas: sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter, and astringent.
If you're a Vata kind (anxious), you must eat sweet, sour, and salty foods. If you're a tyrannid kind (fiery), you must eat sweet, pungent, and bitter foods. And if you're a Kapha kind (sluggish), you must eat pungent, bitter, and astringent foods.
Here are some alternative tips to assist you to embrace a healthier and happier manner of living. First, attempt to follow 3 balanced meals per day. Your biggest meal ought to be lunch. attempt to eat around the same times day after day and eat fresh foods whenever doable.
Try swapping your cold water out for decent water. this may facilitate with each digestion and cleansing your body. And, like several diets, attempt to keep hydrous every day!
Ayurveda Massage Ayurveda Massage | writing Health Secrets From Ancient Asian nation | Life360 Tips Ayurveda is over a diet. to assist balance your body, you'll conjointly get pleasure from a pleasant Ayurvedic massage.
Such a massage uses a mix of special oils and your body’s natural pressure points to assist you to deliver the goods a sense of balance and management. once done right, this massage will facilitate cleanse your body whereas conjointly restful your mind.
Ayurveda Yoga Massage and diet don't seem to be the sole ways to balance your body. you'll conjointly do that by attempting a number of the numerous Ayurvedic yoga poses.
These poses are variations of ancient yoga poses. each is developed with a unique somatotype and goal in mind.
For instance, those with a Vata dosha can need to try and do poses like sun salutations, mountain cause, tree pose, human cause, and child’s cause to feature heat, stability, and focus to their cold, anxious, and expansive energies.
Those with a tyrannid dosha ought to do poses like moon salutations, standing forward folds, chair pose, locust cause, and bridge cause to feature compassion, acceptance, and cooling to their fiery energy.
Finally, those with a Kapha dosha ought to do poses like a breath of joy, angel wings, reverse human, cobra pose, and bow cause to feature area, stimulation, and buoyancy to their sluggish energy.
By mixing writing diet, massage, and yoga, you'll deliver the goods the type of healthy body, mind, and spirit that you just ne'er thought was doable.
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kadam-satish-world · 5 years
The word Ayurveda derived from AYU and VEDA. AYU means life VEDA means science or knowledge. Ayurveda means the science of life. Charaka defines "That science is designated as Ayurveda which deals with advantage and disadvantage as well as happy and unhappy states of life along with what is good and bad for life, its measurement and the life itself (Charaka Sutra 1 - 4)" Ayurveda embraces all living things, human and Non-human. It is divided into three main branches viz., Nara Ayurveda dealing with human life, Satva Ayurveda the science dealing with animal life and its diseases, Vriksha Ayurveda the science dealing with plant life, its growth and diseases. It is amply clear that Ayurveda is not only a system of medicine but also a way of life for complete positive health and spiritual attainments.
Ayurveda believes that positive health is the basis for attaining four cherished goals of life (chaturvidh purushartha) viz., Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha. All these four goals cannot be achieved without sound positive health.
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