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This is what mornings should be made of. #adventurehasarrived #atx #coffeemoment (at My Happy Place)
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Movie Review: Woman in Gold I did not have the pleasure of seeing this movie in theatre however, it was still riveting on a average flat screen TV. Ryan Reynolds was his typical handsome self with a bookish side and Helen Mirren delivered the usual graceful and remarkable performance. The cinematography was beautiful and left you wanting seconds while the story was equally heartbreaking and heartwarming. 
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Adventures of living with my 60 year old parents after college: The Sherbert People
Last Saturday night, neither my parents nor I had plans. This made the following conversation between Mama, Papa, and I happen:
Mama - I’m sorry we’re so vanilla.
Me - I don’t think I would say you’re vanilla, maybe low-fat, sugar free fro-yo. Vanilla is giving you too much credit.
Papa - What’s fro-yo?
Me - The fact that you don’t know what fro-yo is just confirms that that’s what you are.
Mama - Well I’m sorry we’re sherbert people!
Papa then just hysterically laughs.
Now that I’m writing this, it really doesn’t seem that funny. It’s clearly one of those “you had to be there” kind of moments. However, it really was especially since now instead of saying “I’m tired”, Papa says “I’m melting”. And that’s how The Sherbert People inside joke was born. It will probably go down in Hickey History along with every spoken line from “What About Bob”.
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Movie Review: Inside Out It’s Pixar so you can’t really go wrong with this one. It’s absolutely phenomenal! The emotions are well personified and their characteristics are designed to make it obvious as to which emotion is which. The overall story was good and will hit home with a lot of people who have moved or are moving at a difficult time in their life. The message? Sometimes you just gotta cry it out.
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What would you do if you weren’t afraid?
This question was mentioned in The Girl’s Guide, the book I’m currently reading by Melissa Kirsch. It’s a new perspective on how to look at things you’re not sure you should do or not. Whether it’s sky diving, changing career paths, or breaking up with your S.O., this question sheds light on the common emotion of fear. How often have you turned an opportunity down or made the wrong decision because you were afraid of what would happen next? Full disclosure: I have many many times. There’s no shame in that however, there might be regret.
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Movie Review: Jurassic World Right off the bat, excellent movie. It was adventure with the correct amount of ridiculousness and humor. The graphics were incredible and the fact that they incorporated the T-Rex from Jurassic Park gave it that nostalgic feel for all the peeps old enough to remember. It could have had a little more shirt-off action from Pratt but after all this isn’t Magic Mike! The story was clever and I believe the message was the following: Nature will always prevail over man-made stuff. (echoes Godzilla movie from 2014)
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