#adventures of tiny aubrey and maturin
chiropteracupola · 11 months
goodness gracious may i please have an update on tiny aubrey and tiny maturin!! are they well? in good health and spirit?
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they have found a comfortable home on my shelf, where they will remain for the foreseeable future!
since they are a little bit fragile, they are probably not going on very many more adventures - I'd like Stephen's head to stay attached!
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chiropteracupola · 2 years
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took the lads on a birdwatching stroll with @sailorpants today!
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chiropteracupola · 3 years
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took tiny stephen on some garden adventures yesterday!
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chiropteracupola · 3 years
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went to the craft store for other reasons, and brought home a Friend
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chiropteracupola · 3 years
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Behold, the bear!  At long last it has been completed!
As usual, some construction notes under the readmore:
The bear is actually made from approximately the same pattern as the Wool Garment, with some alterations to make it more bear-shaped.  (That’s the “Christmas Gnome” from Petra Berger’s Feltcraft.)  I continue to find that all too hilarious!
Stephen’s coat was originally made as a test of Jack’s uniform coat, using a fusion of several patterns from Estelle Ansley Worrell.  (I don’t actually remember if the passage had any specific descriptions that I’ve horribly mangled, and if so I apologize in advance.)
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The bear head is entirely my own invention, and is mostly a felt armature covered in fur fabric.  The face and ears are needle-felted wool.
I’m still avoiding All That Highly Specific Gold Braid, so we’ll see what happens next as I continue on this very silly journey!
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chiropteracupola · 3 years
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The time has come... it’s the Wool Garment!
We will just have to imagine the bees.
Some vague notes on the construction and photography:
- The approximate shape of the Garment is based on a pattern from Petra Berger’s Feltcraft, which is intended to be used in making a “Christmas Gnome”.  I find this much more amusing than it has any right to be.  I modified it a little, adding an additional back panel and the collar, as well as the back lacing. 
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(visible edges indicated in light green, overlaps in lime green, pins in white)
- His ankles are Very Messed Up and I’m still trying to figure out how to fix that.  Please ignore them.
- I should not be trusted to photograph safely, as the backdrops are alternately taped to the ceiling or stapled to a lamp.  They did an excellent job of hiding the bright purple lava lamp, though.
- Somehow I managed to fling a fake scorpion across the room just setting this up.   I am still unclear as to both how and why.  At least I didn’t hit the cat with it.
Next project: the bear.  I am prepared to suffer, but if it works out it’s going to be so incredibly worth it.  (I am still ignoring the awful specter of All That Gold Braid, but it haunts me nonetheless.)
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chiropteracupola · 3 years
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I think my dad thinks I meant to start a sloth collection... anyway... debauchment imminent.
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chiropteracupola · 3 years
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and here is the good news!  photos were in fact taken today, as it is No Longer Dark Outside.
out-takes are under the readmore, if you feel so inclined
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this sure happened.
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the glasses were briefly given up for lost, but I found them after several minutes of rolling around in the gravel, perched neatly on a blade of grass.
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very small jack and the closest thing I have to any form of water feature.
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don’t we all just want to face-plant into a tree sometimes?
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a last picture of his outfit, before it was confronted with the horrors of the great outdoors.
despite the fact that much of this photo shoot consisted of me crawling about on the ground and cursing, I think this turned out rather well.  now, as I have been avoiding things such as hats and coats for reasons of “Way Too Complicated Help Me Oh No”, wool garment coming soon.
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chiropteracupola · 3 years
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shirt upgrade!
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chiropteracupola · 3 years
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all fixed up!
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chiropteracupola · 3 years
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will be here a lot less for most of the next two weeks due to travel, but these two will be coming with me and hopefully I’ll have some new adventures to share on our return!
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chiropteracupola · 3 years
today I was told that [Someone In My Home] finds tiny jack and stephen unsettling... I don’t understand why it’s them they complain of and not the Three-Foot-Tall Cornelius-Hickey-Looking Weird Puppet.
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chiropteracupola · 3 years
It's been a while since we last heard from little Jack and Stephen
Have they had a save journey?
...weeeeeeeeeeeeeeell. *taps fingers nervously*
due to Circumstances they are. approximately 1,570 miles from my present location. one would hope that they are doing fine but to be perfectly honest I have no idea and it does worry me a good deal.
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chiropteracupola · 3 years
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aw heck.
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chiropteracupola · 3 years
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chiropteracupola · 3 years
the Boys are all wrapped up ready to be packed away for some time... please wish both them and me luck on our journey because I am afraid we’re all going to need some.
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