#aelin's valentine's day collab
akumicchi · 3 years
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This is my input on (@veenxys) aelin's valentine's day collab!
Starring: Kirishima x fem! reader
Warnings: none, actually. Some implicit wounds, but despise that, everything is just love and cheesyness 💕💕
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The frigid colors outside don't seem to hold any warmth, or even life. The snow falls soundless yet steady on the nude branches of the trees, on the hard frozen asphalt, adding multiple layers to the white iced blanket. The outside was cold, dark and silent.
Inside it was dark too, but not too silent, and definitely not cold. It was warm where his hands touched the skin on her waist, drawing invisible shapes with his fingertips. It was warm where their lips met together in soft motions, lovingly, savoring every single second as if they were the only two people left in the world. Because they were, at least inside their own bubble of love, in which they could feel all of each other through something so simple yet so meaningful as a kiss.
She was everything to him, that was a fact carved in stone to Eijirou. On normal days his mind would be completely blank, just letting himself melt at the feeling of their lips mindlessly squishing into each other and her hands caressing his loose hair.
But today was just different. Eijirou kept on thinking about how much of her love he receives every day.
He remembered a late afternoon at the library, surrounded by piles of books and worksheets. He also remembered how he wished he could just pour all the heroic laws into his skull. This was his worst topic and she wasn't very fond of it either, but they had hoped that together, they could be able to make sense of it. However all the laws about hero's rights, duties, accountabilities and procedures kept on slipping from their grasp. Eijirou always chuckled at the memory, specially at how many mnemonic sheets were on his hands. Should they have called for someone else's help? Maybe, but on Eijirou's side, he was too caught up in his rushed and desperate study date to think about it. Even if it wasn't the most logical decision, going through the struggle together was definitely much worth it.
He remembered a worn out photo album on her lap, with oh so embarrassing pictures of him. Her palms were squishing both sides of his face as her thumb brushed against his cheekbones.
"You are as adorable as when you were little, you know?"
Eijirou's face had grown so hot he had to look away for a moment.
"You do know it hits differently when you were just looking at a photo of a 3 year old me with my finger stuck in my nose, right?"
Her smirk widened, as she leaned in to kiss the tip of his flushed nose.
"Like I said, you're the cutest at any age."
It was so embarrassing, Eijirou thought he could die, but if this was the reward waiting for him afterwards, then he would have to ask his mother for more of his old pictures.
He also remembered feeling his mind and body numb and heavy, collecting every ounce of strength left in his rundown muscles to keep walking. By the time he arrived at the threshold of their shared apartment, he was only being moved by his own willpower. After taking the first step into the house, a strong wave of relief engulfed Eijirou's psyche, and he collapsed onto the floor.
Even at present day, Eijirou doesn't quite remember what happened exactly. His mind was hazed and blurry. Only a few things could be discerned through muffled senses, like the heat and stinging all over his body, the ruffling of fabric, and a cracked "Goddamnit, Eijirou, if you're hurt badly I swear I'm gonna kill you!"
He woke up to a familiar ceiling and pain made its presence clear through his muscles. He attempted to rub his eyes, but his hand was trapped under... Under her own hands. She was soundly asleep, leaned into the edge of the mattress. Her cheeks were puffy and stained with dry tears, while her fingers clung for dear life to his own, not willing to let go for a single second. Eijirou's chest shrunk with a different kind of pain, yet at the same time drowned in scalding waters of longing. Was he being hypocritical by treasuring the sweet burns left in his heart by her rushes and teary face? Whatever the case, Eijirou just couldn't help feeling so loved every time she patched up his wounds with a furrowed brows and a pout on her lips. Even during the subsequent scolding he was just all giddy and happy inside, because even at the point of fainting, his exhausted limbs managed to take him to the only place he yearned for, home.
She has always been there for Eijirou, laughing hard on top of their lungs on good days, crying together until fatigue takes over on bad days, and then pushing each other towards their dreams and ambitions. She was the safe place he would always return to at the end of the day.
He was overwhelmed, all those feelings were bursting through his skin to the point where he just wanted to hold her tight against his body and squeeze her until both merge together.
Then a sudden thought came to mind, she never needed any words to show just how much she loves him, but what about him? Had he made sure to tell her how much everything she does means to him? He wasn't sure anymore. His daily "I love you"s suddenly seemed dull and meaningless. The little compliments, his words of encouragement, cheers, hugs and loving words tasted like bittersweet nothings in comparison. What could he do? Eijirou wanted her to feel as loved as he felt, and beyond.
There were still words to be spoken before scratching the surface of his fondness, so this time the body did the talking. The grip of his arms had tightened, and the once sloppy kisses had grown intensely deep. Eijirou's heart thumped right against her own with so much force he could swear it was making its way out of his chest.
Then a salty taste reached his mouth, right when the body in his arms began to tremble. Eijirou's eyes snapped open and contorted with panic and worry.
"Babe, are you ok? Why are you crying? –Is it something I did–?"
"–No! No, no, you did nothing wrong! It's... It's okay!" She was quick to answer, wiping away the tears. Still, it gave Eijirou no comfort. Did she feel so unloved, it had brought her to tears? Why had it taken him so long to realize?–
"I... I'm just so happy to be with you y'know? These past years have been the best years of my life, and everything is just so wonderful that I'm overwhelmed." Her eyes got watery again and it dripped down her cheeks and chin. "I know I don't say it out loud but, damn, I'm so lucky to have you!"
Her voice cracked at the end, and that was all Eijirou needed to break a sob. The tears burning behind his eyes and inside his nose crawled their way out, making his shoulders tremble.
"I feel the same. I love you so much, I just don't know what to do with myself anymore!" His sobs became more violent as he gasped for air. "And then...! Then I get scared because I don't know if I show you enough how much you mean to me... I'm scared because you– You are the best that ever happened to me and I want you to feel loved because I don't wanna lose–"
Suddenly her lips sealed his own to stop where his rant was going. Her small thumbs wiped away the tears and lingered on his cheeks, prompting the man in front of her to take deep breaths in and out.
"Whose heartbeat lulls me to sleep every night?"
"Answer the question."
Eijirou sniffed before giving a confused response. "Mine?"
"That's right. Who gets up insanely early to make breakfast for two after working out if I'm still asleep?"
"Exactly. Now, who takes me out to dance and makes me have the time of my life even if I have two left feet?"
"Me." Eijirou giggled at the memory.
"Yup." She smiled and laid a kiss on his forehead. "Tell me, who handles my anxieties and negative outbursts like a breeze but always takes my emotions seriously?
"Me." He stated, feeling somehow proud of himself.
"Bingo! Now, who drags me away from my desk if I've spent more than three hours in a row doing paperwork?"
"Me." He nodded in agreement.
"Who will always be there whenever I need him, even if the world is falling apart?"
"Me!" He smiled eagerly.
She leaned closer to his face before shooting the final question, wearing a look that could melt all the snow outside.
"Who is the person I want to spend my life with?"
Eijirou's face lit up and his smile morphed to an ear-to-ear grin, sparing no second to pull his beloved into a heartwarming hug. He was tearing up again, but he felt at peace. Everything was okay, and everything was going to be fine, that was all Eijirou could possibly care about.
"I love you hun."
"I love you too, silly."
Outside it was cold, dark and silent. Inside it wasn't too dark, nor silent, and it was so warm it could melt all the ice left in the world.
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veenxys · 3 years
— secret admirer.
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pairing: shigaraki x reader
genre: fluff
wc: 4,1k
warnings: neighbors to friends to lovers, cheesy, valentines day themes! <3
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it was at the beginning of summer the first time shigaraki saw you in the lobby of the building. you were standing in the driveway with a cardboard box hitched to your hip while you were talking to the mailman who served the building.
it was hot.
the kind of heat that made him feel like he was drowning, like the heat was under his skin and into his bones, like it was being sucked hard and heavy into his lungs in a grip he would never let go. instinctively he rolled up the sleeves of his black sweatshirt to his elbows.
and yet none of that would compare to the way you make him feel.
he didn’t know it at the time, but everything about you would stay inside him like the hot summer sun, deep inside his bones, pressed to the inside of his skin.
you would make him feel, when he often felt nothing, running on autopilot most days.
you’d make him feel like... like the cling film of shame didn't always have to stick to him. as if the ocean of you could drown him under his skin, and he would be happy. you had reminded him of the green of blossoming trees, like spring and summer, warmth and heart.
after the first time he saw you, he started doing things he didn't do before, like; going to check the mail just to see you, if only for a few seconds. when he arrive, he gets a little frustrated for not seeing you, but soon his heart starts racing in his chest when you arrive smiling, saying ‘hold on, i think i have a bottle of water. it’s so hot out there today.’
such a small kindness, and yet it was something that stopped him; like he’s out of the world and only you are able to connect him to real life, like you made him want to fall into your orbit.
the postman wiped the sweat from his forehead, smiled, adjusted his bag on his shoulder. you handed him the bottle of water, he kindly thanked you, told you how he hated amazon, that he would take care of the letter you expected from your mother.
“i don’t know many people who write anymore. it’s all junk mail and bills and packages.” he says.
“oh, no, i love getting mail.”!you say sincerely. there’s something so pure and unique about letters handwritten by the people you love, it’s as if each letter and sentence has a little bit of their heart, which makes everything even more special.
and so, he starts checking his damn mail every day.
quickly, he discovers your schedule. when you’re more likely to be in your mailbox or talking to one of your neighbors that you happen to run into. without fail, he manages to catch you. he finds that you demand letters from friends and relatives, and he also finds that you write and send letters almost daily.
you are friendly with the postman, sometimes leaving snacks in the lobby. you give him a card with a tip every holiday. you have such a good heart, such a beautiful and pure soul. he never gets tired of admiring you a little more every time. all your little mannerisms and quirks leave him mesmerized; completely enchanted with a person he swears is an angel.
you’re the only person, the only modern person, he knows in town who checks the mail every day without fail. it’s totally and completely bizarre, but now shigaraki loves mail too; because he can see you, and maybe because he thought people didn’t do the letter thing anymore.
after a long time of trying and failing, with a lot of fear and courage in his heart, he starts talking to you for a few minutes every day with a pile of useless paper in his hands. your smile is like sunlight on a cold day. your laughter as a balm against his physical and spiritual scars. you always smell like vanilla and coffee, and he finds out that you work at a coffee shop to supplement your income with your office work.
he cherishes and sweetly memorizes all the brief conversations and encounters, and he regrets the days when he’s absent on mission and can't see you.
one day, he has the courage to invite you to a old coffee shop next to your apartment, he has watched the place for a long time and knows the peak times and the times when there is no one. he pays for everything for you and tries to feel like he’s not the luckiest man in the universe to sit across from you and listen to you complain about customers, to see you smile and laugh and have a terrible cup of coffee.
true friendship blossoms between you two that day. as if the seed of a beautiful and delightful relationship needed only the tiniest drop of water to sprout.
shigaraki starts finding letters from you after that, on paper that smells like vanilla. just silly anecdotes that made him smile, lying among the useless advertisements and magazines. he had no words or thoughts that could express his feelings; he feels so happy and lucky, so in love and confused, but the only thing he knows is that he will keep your letters for the rest of his life, as his greatest treasure.
you start organizing movie nights at your house, where you burn incense and talk to your plants as if they were beloved children. in the darkness of your little studio, crammed close to you on your beat-up, faded couch you bought at a sale; he gets even more mesmerized with you.
he tells himself he’s not falling in love with you, he definitely isn’t... right? you’re friends and nothing more, he’s just delighted with how bright and pure you are after being surrounded by dark people all his life. he needs a person like you in his life, he tells himself that sometimes, he needs a light.
so what if he dreams about you almost every night? so what if he values ​​the scent you leave on his clothes after you suddenly hug him as he’s leaving your apartment after a movie night? so what if sitting next to you on that old-fashioned couch, his thigh pressed to yours, shoulder to shoulder, is one of the greatest joys of his life? so what if his heart almost popped out of his chest the day you laid your head on his arm while watching your favorite movie?
so what the fuck?
he is happy to have you. like a friend.
does he sometimes sleep with the shirt he wore at your house over his pillow? yes. maybe... but that’s only because the lingering scent of your lavender incense helps him to sleep.
it has nothing to do with your scent. like vanilla and coffee, lavender and bergamot.
it has absolutely nothing to do with being around you.
it has nothing to do with waiting for him to wake up smelling like you just a little, just to keep you close.
he convinces himself that it’s normal to perfectly time your trip to the mailbox every day, just to talk to you, just to make sure you’re okay. until, a few weeks before valentine’s day, in the deep chill of an icy blast that descended on the city in late january, you told him about one of your co-workers who wants to hook you up with a friend of hers.
“she keeps trying to set me up with one of our other coworkers,” you wrinkled your nose. “i’m not really interested, but i’m thinking maybe i’m just going to shut her up about it."
what if you went on that date and felt something? what if he loses you?
but what is there to lose, really?
you were not his.
you do not belong to him, although he feels that he are entirely yours.
pressed close to you in the darkness of your apartment, the tv screen flashing brightly across your features, he wondered why he thought you would want him this way, see him this way.
you lit the lavender incense again, which he was starting to think might be for his benefit; you know he has trouble sleeping.
“maybe i can get a valentine out of this,” you said sleepily. “i’ve never had one before.”
and that convinced him to try. he can be your valentine.
you made him believe that he could be, that maybe he was worthy of it.
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you’re standing in front of your open mailbox, wearing a red knitted scarf, when shigaraki ducks in from the winter storm swirling outside. the winter has been particularly brutal, one snowstorm after another making his anxiety flare like an emergency signal.
his heart almost stutters to a stop as he pauses in the entryway, glued to the spot. he hadn’t expected you to still be in the foyer, and immediately he recalculates his carefully thought through plan.
while he hadn’t expected you to be in the lobby, shigaraki certainly hadn’t expected to find you wearing the scarf he had left anonymously in front of your door two days ago.
he’s glad you like it enough to wear it.
just like he was glad that you liked the flowers he left a few days before that enough to post them on instagram, enough to talk to them like the rest of your plants, thanking them for their contribution to the little garden of your window before they wilted and withered away.
it does make him worry just a tad that you’ve so easily accepted gifts from a stranger, anonymously dropped in front of your door or through your mail slot..
now, you slowly shuffle through the letters in your hands, frowning gently at the junk mail. he swallows, watching you flick past a bill, smile at a letter from your grandmother, before you get to the last envelope in the pile. you frown and flip it over when someone ducks past him into the building, reminding him that he’s standing in the open doorway like an idiot, the bag of pastries from your favorite bakery in his hand probably freezing.
shigaraki tries not to think about the way the corner of your mouth ticks up into a smile, your eyes widening just a bit, when you see the script on the back of the baby pink envelope. he curses under his breath and heads in your direction. you look up at his approach, stuffing the pink letter between two pieces of junk mail. “oh, hey, tomura,” you say, smiling so big it looks like it hurts. “happy valentine’s day!”
shigaraki’s heart jumps into his throat and he almost chokes on it. “happy valentine’s day, doll”
you try and can't suppress another smile, “staying in this valentines day?” you nod to the bag in his hand.
“i think you could say that.”
the building door opens again and you wince as a gust of wind snakes through the lobby. “nothing on your super villain schedule then?”
“well, the night is young,” he says dryly. “the world is kind of... less shit lately” at least to him.
you laugh and his heart flutters a little. he feels like a child around you, as if the world is light and beautiful, as if everything is right.
“what are you doing tonight?” he asks as you close your mailbox.
you lift your pile of mail and shake it at him, “getting my mail.” the corner of your mouth twitches and shigaraki tries not to let his eyes linger on your lips, or, more dangerously, on the pink letter peeking out of the stack.
the letter he had slipped into your mail slot yesterday.
“other than getting your mail,” he says as you start towards the stairs and begin to climb. he lags, deliberately walking slowly to prolong your time together, trying to work up the nerve to ask you over to his place. “no valentine’s date for you either? manage to avoid the date with that coworker?”
“ugh. yes. but now i’m totally avoiding this horrible speed dating thing my friend wants me to go to. she’s convinced it’ll be fun. it’s themed for valentine’s day.” you wrinkle your nose at him. “i think it sounds like the ninth circle of hell. so, i’m staying in with my book. i mean, i deserve it right? i’ve already put in so much effort into avoiding that date with my coworker.”
oh lord, he is grateful that you think the speed dating thing is hell.
his crush on you has rapidly turned into an obsession. and he knows himself well enough to know that he would absolutely sabotage that speed dating thing. shigaraki isn’t about to let anything ruin his plan; he hasn’t spent the last two weeks meticulously planning a perfect plan for something like speed dating to ruin it.
besides the flowers and the scarf, he sent you a reservation for your favorite restaurant, your favorite brand of chocolate, a box of little candy hearts that he was present when you found them in your mailbox and laughed deliciously, delighted. he gave you a sweater and a new perfume, a book, incense. he’s given you everything he can think of at the moment and he’s kind of proud of it.
maybe he’s not good with words, but he knows you well enough to know what m you’re going to love, even if it’s not him.
nerves are scratching the inside of his skin by the time you pull up outside his door, he’s trying his best not to scratch his neck - after you asked so gently because you didn’t want to see him get hurt - as he tries to work up the courage to ask you to come.
conveniently, he stopped at your favorite bakery. conveniently, he ordered all your favorite treats.
“-so glad someone sent me this scarf,i mean, the radiator has been broken for a week and its fucking cold. landlord keeps promising to send someone but-,”
“i’ll take a look at it for you, honey.”
you look at him, a strange emotion swimming in your eyes before you walk away, and you smile. “what would i do without you? thank you, tomu.” you say, as if it means nothing. like the nerve inside him doesn’t light up at the thought that you need him for something as mundane as maintenance.
you pause and continue, uneasily a little, “i would love to know who keeps sending me stuff.” your tone is carefully light, but a little sadness is hiding in the back of your throat. “i would like to thank them personally.” you don’t meet his eyes when you say that.
he hums, watching you fumble with your key, “what if you have a stalker or something, y/n? wish you’d be a little more careful.”
“worried about me, tomura?” you tease. he just stares at you. of course he is. he’s always worried about you. you roll your eyes, “i get good vibes and intentions from these gifts. i think i would know if they carried bad energy.”
“you’re kidding right? this is how you end up on dateline-,”
“oh hush, let me enjoy my silly little gifts. i’ve never had a secret admirer. or even a valentine. and besides, you’re in the building. i’m sure you’d know if i were in any danger. you probably already investigated and know who they are.” you send him a smile that makes his heart feel like cracked eggshell “the worst thing about this apartment is that it’s three floors up with no elevator,” you huff, finally jamming your key into the lock. “i guess i’ll-,”
panic surges up his throat. it’s now or never.
“you’ve never had a valentine?” he asks, stalling for time, though you had told him the night he decided to be your valentine this year.
“some of us can’t pull ladies like you, tomura,” you tease, bumping your shoulder against his. “i mean, i’ve had partners on valentine’s day in the past just not, like, a valentine, you know? like someone who sends you sappy little notes and just loves love.”
god, you were about to be disappointed when you found out it was him.
he’s your fucking valentine. your secret admirer.
while he’d planned to ask you over to dinner, shigaraki would also like to delay you looking at that fucking envelope he stuffed in your mailbox like it was nothing.
it’s not time for you to read it yet.
the letter is a security blanket for when everything inevitably goes to hell.
it’s such a good thing he’d caught you in the foyer. if you’d already gotten your mail, likely you would have ripped open the letter and read it right away.
“you could come over,” he says. “i got enough here to feed an army,” he lifts the bag. “we can watch that new show you were telling me about yesterday.”
he doesn’t expect you to hesitate. normally, you readily agree to spend a night together. but you finally open the door.
you look at the pile of mail in your hands. “uhm,” you change from foot to foot. “you know, i-,”
you stop, seeming to think about how to continue, fiddling with the pink paper.
and strangely, shigaraki is jealous.
of a letter.
that he sent.
he is jealous of himself.
you want to read your valentine’s anonymous letter instead of spending time with him.
maybe his heart sinks into his belly, maybe his soul turns to ashes inbuis mouth. and maybe is better give up now.
“oh, right,” he says, trying to hide the disappointment in his voice but failing.
you notice the look on his face and drop the mail on the counter by the door. “uhm.. i mean.. yes of course, i would love.” from the door, he can see your whole apartment. the pink and white bedspread, your plants, the pictures of family and friends on the wall - and even a polaroid photo of the two of you that you’ve strangely convinced him to take - the fairy lights and that little sofa in front of the tv that has come to feel at home, like love.
“you don’t need to-,” he begins.
you close the door and lock it again, smiling at him.
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you sit on the floor in front of his coffee table, legs crossed, fingers sticky with powdered sugar and frosting that you wipe gently on a napkin. you’ve been talking to him for the last few minutes, something he thinks is about a mess at work, but he can’t focus on it right now.
he didn’t touch any treats or drinks, and you definitely noticed that.
the room is filled with a tension that is entirely his fault. he can see you trying to analyze why things seem so strange and tense. you reach out and touch the back of his hand. “are you alright?”
“yes,” he says, rubbing the other hand over his face as if he were tired. shigaraki doesn’t want to scare you, he knows how he looks, empty and distant, when he’s too deep inside himself.
it’s now or never, something screams at him.
“actually, i have something for you.”
“oh”, you smile. “as a gift?”
“yeah.. something like this”, he stands up, and your hand drops from his. he moves to the kitchen where he stashed his last present.
if things go wrong in the next few minutes, i hope you’ll read the card he left in the mailbox that’s waiting for you at the kitchen counter, he thinks to himself as he looks at you again. your eyes are fixed on him, moving quickly to the pink box wrapped in his hands.
he sits across from you on the floor and presses the box in his hands onto the coffee table. you look at him for a long moment, the look on your face unreadable for him.
“tomura,” you say gently, decidedly not unwrapping. “i don’t want to sound... i don’t want to make things strange between us, but –,”
oh. shit..
“but like, we’ve been friends for a while and i... i dunno, i was just telling myself i should tell you.,”
... probably that you had a partner. that he got too comfortable with you and needed to back off.
“well, that i’ve kind of fallen in love with you in the last couple of months and...”
“and i don’t want to sound, like, smug, but… are you the one leaving all the presents?”
his brain goes static, white with emptiness. how the hell could you know?
“because i think maybe you would have- i mean is it really you..? i really hope it was you.”
when he doesn’t say anything, you start fidgeting, crinkling the edge of the pink paper in your hands, the tip of your thumb running nervously under the tape.
“it’s not, is it? shit i made everything really weird between us.. i thought it was you because you kind of look like you would have hunted someone down by randomly sending me stuff.” you don’t look at him while saying that. “oh god does that mean i have a stalker?”
he swallows and finds his voice, lodged firmly in the back of his throat. “you thought i would-,”
“yes, i mean,” you tear the ribbon a little and carefully set the gift aside. “it’s just that you’re kind of protective. you seem to care a lot about me and i found it strange that this random stranger would give me things and that didn’t bother you, but...”
“honey, it’s me,” he says softly. “it’s me. i’ve done all this.”
you don’t seem to hear him, your eyes still fixed on the pies and pastries in front of you. “..because you know how much i love getting letters and you know all my favorite things.” you shrug your shoulders. “sorry, i shouldn’t—”
shigaraki says your name, with enough force for your head to rise and look at him “it is me”
“what?” your eyebrows furrow.
“i –fuck it, i fucking like you. very much. and i didn’t want you to go on that fucking date with your coworker and you’ve never had a valentine’s day and.. i don’t know.. i really like you. i thought maybe—”
“did i say, didn’t i? i fell in love with you. do you think i let other people into my apartment so much? wait in my fucking mailbox waiting for you to show up?”
a chuckle comes out of him, “i thought i was really good at timing.”
you roll your eyes and get up. he follows your movement; you crouch beside him, and he holds his breath for a few seconds, intoxicated by your presence. he gently pulls you onto his lap, he tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear and gently strokes your cheek with his thumb. he bows a few times but the last of the courage he had was gone when he confessed to you. so you had to take the first step. the kiss was a little awkward, but the two of you melted into each other as you delved deeper into the love you both hid.
you tasted so, so good. like valentines day chocolate and something so purely yours. he already knew he would be addicted to it. your fingers curl in his hair; curl behind his ears as you hold his face between your palms. tomura anchors his hands on your hips, afraid to do anything but kiss you. just in case it’s a dream, just in case you change your mind.
he dreamed of kissing you before, he dreamed of holding you, touching the curve of your lovely and dreamily body, but none of his sleepless nights as he pictured himself with you compares to having you in his lap, your soft lips against his, a new feeling you made him feel when you first kissed him.
you pull back and press your forehead to his, “thank you for all my gifts, tomura.”
he smiles, “don’t read that pink letter, love.”
“it’s…honestly i thought… doesn’t matter. just don’t read it. i’ll write you a thousand more letters.”
“promise they’ll all be really sappy.”
he chuckles and hooks an arm around your waist, tugging you close before twisting to press you back into the rug. tomura hovers over you “i promise,” he murmurs, kissing your temple, the curve of your cheek, your top lip.
“and that you’ll hand deliver them to my mailbox.”
“promise,” he kisses your lips.
you arch up, kissing him back hard, digging your foot into the back of his knee so he collapses against you fully.
“will you be my valentine?” it’s a breathless question.
“thought i already was.”
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noomnin · 3 years
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❧ for the inner child
ft. tsukishima kei x gn! reader
contains: rain and fluff
notes: sorta delayed contribution to @veenxys valentine's day collab! (really enjoyed writing this one)
bonus: listen to "fall" by ben&ben
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"it's raining."
sure enough, the sound of it pattering against your windows started to increase its volume, dewdrops kissing the clear glass, obsuring the view of the greying neighborhood outside.
if you haven't a clock on hand, you wouldn't have figured out it was just four o'clock in the afternoon. but for tsukishima kei, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon. he has an essay due at midnight, and has a lot more research left to do — not to mention his slow progress at actually writing — with less than 8 hours to spare. it usually took him a whole week to complete one, so he was starting to get a little hopeless about finishing it on time. giving up on a task midway wasn't really his thing ... nor was it an option, for the paper takes up more than half of the final grade.
you had asked if you could stay over at his place to hang out which he agreed to, giving you a heads up that he would be occupied most of the time. he figured you would take back you request but weirdly, you waved those off, saying that his presence was enough.
well, he would never deny a little bit company ... especially from you. but he had and inkling that you weren't just there to "hang out". something was up from the very start.
you see, he knew you as a rather eccentric and energetic one.
he vividly remembers that time you video chatted him in the middle of a random wednesday to tell him that in a few minutes, you would be jumping off of a plane thousands of feet above ground.
yamaguchi, who was studying with him in a library at that time, was a witness to his bewildered and flabbergasted expression upon hearing that you decided to skydive on impulse. then there was this other time where you ended up with a broken nose because you got into a fight with a creep on the bus stop ...
he never stopped you, though, because no matter how worried he was (he felt like your mother sometimes), deep inside he knew that you would be able to take care of yourself to some extent, because (hopefully) you still had some hint of caution inside you.
that's why he fell in love with you in the first place — you showed him the thrills and twists of life.
"how much more time you need for that essay?" you ask with an obvious groan from where you ate cashews on his bed.
the blonde squinted his eyes at you, "a lot, why...?"
as if waiting for a signal, you jumped up from his bed, quite literally PEELED him away from his desk, and dragged him to the front door. by then, he knew his protests were futile, because though he can easily lift you up and carry you back into his room, he honestly wanted to do anything BUT his essay.
and he turns mush when you hold his hand, so there's that too.
you drag him to the porch in nothing but pajamas and an oversized t-shirt. it was chilly outside, and the rain sounds were quite overwhelming for the lack of walls and roofs to muffle them.
"y/n... what are you do—"
he watches you in horror as you back up from the covered porch into the rain, the water flattening and dampening the whole of you. wiping at your face and hooding your eyes with your hands to peer at him through the raindrops, you signal him over,
kei couldn't believe it. should he be mad? thankful? disappointed? relieved? he didn't know. he wanted to call you a dumbass for distracting him from his work to play around like kids in the rain when he felt like his future relied heavily on whether or not he finishes the essay before midnight. clouded with thoughts, he was unable to stop you from tugging him into the rain in time.
the rain pattering on his head felt like small fingers made of ice drumming on his skin. he looked up, or at least tried to.
nothing but an expanse of light grey.
in the distance, there, too, was a child and his father playfully chasing each other in the rain. some other neighbors chose to watch the weather scene from their own porches,  looking out in awe like the rain was snow, and the thunder, a lullaby.
in a way, it was, he thinks to himself. the tapping of his mechanical keyboard was starting to liken the mood of the monotonous, black and white hum of an office job, and his thoughts were starting to shift into nagging voices in his head that just wouldn't shut up. he looks down at his hands, torso, and feet — all soaked and soggy.
from the distance, he hears you calling him. kei, come with! you say, making him feel as though he is witnessing the pleasant parts of his flashback montage before death. like a camera whose lenses rush to take in each and every minute detail from the scene:
the greyness, the muted colors of houses, a child's innocent screeches of delight, rain hitting asphalt, his slippers squelching from trying to grasp on to something on the slippery road, you, you, you, you—
there you were.
arms upturned, eyes closed, and face welcoming the raindrops like how one would bare oneself on the beach for the summertime tan. you skipped around like a child on a mission, like an officeworker resigning from a boring desk job to follow their childhood dreams. like a lover and reciprocated love. like meeting old friends after years of distance ...
kei took a mental note of all these things, shaking off all thought of his essay from his mind.
he needed all the memory in his head to capture the you right now, twirling around as if this muted world is yours for the taking. he willed his eyes to copy the scene exactly as it is to archive in the album of core memories in his head.
then he sees you scream something at him, but it comes on muffled from the rain.
"WHA?" he shouts back, pointing at his ears to signal you to turn up your volume.
kei had many things to be thankful for that day: for you, for taking him out of the black hole that is his study table; for his eyes, because without it, he wouldn't have been able to take snapshots of this exact moment for his keeping; and for the rain, because without it, everybody would've witness him tearing up at the sight of your happiness. because he was simply so overwhelmed with gratitude for you, that he did not know what else to utter when he held you close under the rain like a scene in some cheesy romance.
so instead he returned your "happy valentine's day" greeting, whispering affections into your ear, that only you, him, and the rain would ever know about. two lovers drenched in an afternoon rain. perhaps there is romance and love found in laying down in bed together, both sniffling and downing the medicine for colds.
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㋡: hope u all had a wonderful valentine's day!! personally, i didn't have much time to plan anything for hearts day bc of school (it's currently hell week for us since our grades are due next week), but i do have some good stuff waiting for me at the end of the week. basically just me binge-watching comfort films and feeling as single as ever 😃👍one of my beloved friends gave me a handmade crocheted mouse/cat hybrid with lavender essential oil so it's like a mini stress toy! except i won't squish it bc poor mousecat :(( her letter made my bawl my eyes out in the middle of dinner, and the crocheted heart fits perfectly in the palm of my hand. i treasure her so much. i wish i could be there to hug her bc expressing emotions through text online feels weird to me. or maybe it's just bc i don't know how to lmao either way i lov my friends <3 _2162022
>> all words by aero 2022. please do not repost and plagiarize or else i'm coming for your kneecaps.
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CONTENT: general
NOTE: this is my submission for aelin’s ( @veenxys ) valentine’s collab, check it here! i’ll also be doing more love language headcanons for other characters on my own (it wouldn’t make sense to leave the rest of them out, would it?)
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megumi fushiguro is a reserved guy who doesn’t tell much about himself (even nobara said). when he loves, he does it in private
nothing can compare to simply spending time with megumi. even if it’s a simple walk around, or just laying in bed while reading, megumi enjoys the simple things
knowing he has his partner’s full attention warms that heart of his that doesn’t love so easily. he knows that his partner only has their eyes for him when their attention is focused on whatever both him and them are doing
although there are times he likes to lay with his partner in bed, arms around them, it’s the fact that they’re spending time together that he cares about. he doesn’t care what exactly he and his s/o does as long as it remains uninterrupted and both of you attentive to the other
megumi believes that actions speak louder than words. actions do speak louder than words when it comes to his love languages. words would mean nothing if their actions said otherwise
just like quality time, acts of service is something megumi loves to both give and receive. but unlike quality time, this is the primary love language he doesn’t care about his preference to (being in private or public)
megumi would open a door for their s/o, take care of them if they were sick, make them a cup of coffee in the morning, ask if they wanted anything from the store, etc. these little and subtle things show that he really cares about you
any commitments he and his s/o make, he wouldn’t break. it’s important to keep his word and he expects his lover to feel the same. the commitments they make are meant to he done together, so if his s/o broke that commitment then he would be hurt (unless the circumstances are dire)
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reblogs are appreciated, and asks are welcome <3
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bokubear · 3 years
fine wine
���pairing ; shouto todoroki x ( gn! )reader
🍷word count ; 770 words
🍷notes ; this is my piece for aelin’s / @veenxys valentine’s day collaboration ! i hope you enjoy loves♡
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sitting on the side of the road like some dejected dog was not your plan for this saturday evening. especially not moping about the man that you knew for a fact didn’t love you. so why were you so upset ? why did you even bother shedding a tear over someone that wasn’t worth it. you weren’t sure to an extent, maybe it was a disappointment that you’d be lonely this valentines day. all because of someone who didn’t love you in the first place despite how much you poured out to them.
was it sadness, anger you felt ? you were numb at the moment, so none of your presumed feelings really felt like anything at all.
“you told me yourself that i’d be cold tonight. is this a form of meditation or something ?” the collected voice alerted you from your clouded head, glancing up in the direction of the talk stranger. discovered to be todoroki shouto, the boy that worked at your office. he was diligent, respectable at that. most of your co-workers had a crush on him.
“i have my reasons.” you mumbled, fingers digging into your arms flesh with a pink hue grasping your nose alarmingly. a ‘hmph’ of acknowledgment pursued, leather suddenly draped over your shoulders.
“if you want to repay me for the jacket, follow me.” his stare chilled you, as if he wasn’t just offering the chance, instead demanding it. you didn’t reply this time, wobbling to your feet with an unstable frame.
you knew he was wealthy, but this was a bit much to be honest. even just his apartment was massive. velvety cushions adorning each inch of the residence along with notorious artwork littering the walls, intimidating was the word for it. everything about the prowess was intimidating. you didn’t feel right here, out of place. the black sheep was a good analogy.
“i can get us some drinks.” well this made sense a little since it was only an apartment, but still—even one of these pillows could probably pay your rent. you obeyed, plopping onto one of the seats awkwardly.
upon returning with an impressive bottle of wine, easily capable of drowning out your problems. inviting to say the least.
“‘wasn’t sure if you liked alcohol so i beer as well.” sitting the multiple ( and also inviting ) cans on the table, he ushered you to join him, pouring a glass carefully to toast traditionally.
the night wasn’t as bitter as you’d anticipated a few hours or so before. you learned a lot about todoroki, or the mysteriously handsome colleague. he did have dimples, they were adorable and just as cute as the words he uttered. he laughed a lot that night, or it might’ve just been you, taking in each passing second with baited breath. he was beautiful. each and every piece of him shaped everything he had to offer, perfectly.
not too long after your third glass, the world became a haze of tipsy slurs and mindless talk. it was enjoyable. todoroki made it enjoyable. because for once, you weren’t wasting away with the reminder of loneliness, tonight, you didn’t feel lonely—you weren’t lonely.
“i was worried about you, i didn’t wanna see you that broken.” he sighed, drooping with the glass feeble on his fingers, obviously drunk. there wasn’t much action afterwards, you looked from the glass to the nearly empty bottle sitting in the middle of the miniature coffee-table.
he lifted his head groggily, actions not of his own as he surveyed you progressively scooting closer to him. your hands found their way to his cheeks, his heart pounding once your lips made contact with the side of his so close but not quite, the stench of alcohol evident in your breath. staying there, he sunk in the moment, your eyes closed automatically whilst his dusted shut with time.
“worried .. about me ?” you spoke lowly, pulling away to eye him with an unsure gaze.
“yes .. worried about you.” a small smile found its way to his lips, irking up to reveal the dimples you’d learned about. intoxicated, but honest.
no, you weren’t lonely. you’ve never been lonely. because he was there, consistently concerned fro your well-being, willing to spend his precious work-ethical nights with you to ensure your safety and well-being.
tonight was bitter-sweet. and you wouldn’t remember the next day but you didn’t mind. you learned a lot about him, maybe the days to come would teach you more. that kiss would teach you more about the charming co-worker you’ve already fallen for.
charming. todoroki was very charming.
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plagiarism, repost, and editing is prohibited
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rxdyzsoull · 3 years
You Make Me Feel Special (Monoma x GN!Reader)
> as you can tell, this little oneshot is inspired by Twice's Feel Special
> this is for my bestie Linnie's Valentine's Day event! (@veenxys)
> also, there's a bit of angst at the start, but my bae Monoma finds Y/N and makes them feel better
— 🦋: second person pov |
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(pretend this is you)
You sat there by the entrance of the cinema, all alone, under the pouring rain, never forgetting what just happened. A few minutes ago your ex called you to meet up at the cinema. You thought it was gonna be a date, since it's Valentine's Day, after all. But, no, he had to say, "I'm sorry, Y/N, I can't do this anymore. I have someone else, and I don't know if I could keep up with you. Let's......forget about this whole thing, okay?" And then he ran away like the bitch he is.
You couldn't figure out why he would choose someone else. He clearly loved you with all his heart. He even made you a cake for your birthday, for fuck's sake. But why, why did he choose another? Were you not good enough for him? Were you too selfish at times? Were you the only one who receives and rarely gives?
As you were pondering over whatever the fuck just happened, a certain blonde guy who hates a certain class with his very soul was passing by.
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(pretend this is Monoma)
He spotted you with your head hanging down. If you were part of Class 1-A, he would brush it off and continue walking, but you were his classmate. His friend, in fact. "Y/N!" he called. You turned your head to see him, and smiled at him, then continued staring into space.
He decided to sit beside you, so he walked over to you, and kept both of you under the umbrella. You looked at Monoma and saw something you have never seen before—his sincere smile. It made you feel warm, and loved. "Thanks Monoma," you said, blushing a little. "Of course, Y/N," he replied, also blushing.
You were both silent for a few minutes, but then Monoma said, "Hey, do you wanna go somewhere warmer? I don't want neither of us to catch a cold." "Sure!" you said. Then the two of you went to a nearby café. "Guess it's a date," you thought.
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veenxys · 3 years
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˚ ₊‧ ୨PROMPT!୧ ‧₊˚
𓂃   ⭑   ♥︎ love in all five senses — whether it be words of affirmation, touch, quality time, acts of service, gift giving; show me what form love takes in your eyes — in any form you’d like.
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˚ ₊‧ ୨GUIDLINES!୧ ‧₊˚
- send me an ask to join the collab and help me stay organized!
- any character from Attack on Titan, Boku no Hero, Haikyuu and Jujutsu Kaisen will be allowed!
- this collab open to anyone, and sfw only!
- there is no maximum word count but please keep it at least 200+ words; headcanons are perfectly fine!
- gender neutral is my default, but feel free to write whatever reader you’d like, just please specify!
- please use the tag aelin’s valentine’s day collab! and tag me so i can see your entry!
- the deadline is february 15th, but don’t be afraid to ask for an extension if needed!
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— loading love files. . .
♡  ࣪ ׅ Tomura Shigaraki by @veenxys
♡  ࣪ ׅ Izuku Midoriya by @toxji
♡  ࣪ ׅ Katsuki Bakugou by @baku-ghost
♡  ࣪ ׅ Eijiro Kirishima by @akumicchi
♡  ࣪ ׅ Shouto Todoroki by @bokubear
♡  ࣪ ׅ Shouta Aizawa by @shoutaswhore
♡  ࣪ ׅ Mezou Shouji by @rae-tenya
♡  ࣪ ׅ Kaminari Denki by @solyxa
♡  ࣪ ׅ Toga Himiko by @underscar
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— loading love files. . .
♡  ࣪ ׅ Tsukishima Kei by @aeroplaine
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— loading love files. . .
♡  ࣪ ׅ Geto Suguru by @toxji
♡  ࣪ ׅ Itadori Yuuji by @okkatsudon
♡  ࣪ ׅ Megumi Fushiguro by @anqelically
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— loading love files. . .
♡  ࣪ ׅ Levi Ackerman by @theaureategallery
♡  ࣪ ׅ Armin Arlert by @annelapin
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noomnin · 3 years
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note: all feature a gender neutral reader unless stated otherwise!
all characters belong to haruichi furudate. all words are mine.
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[ ᴛɪᴍᴇꜱᴛᴀᴍᴘꜱ ]
2:14 AM w/ unnamed charac
[ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ ]
which hq characters would collect fruit stickers?
[ ꜱᴏɴɢ ꜰɪᴄꜱ ]
a song about space (reese l.) w/ tsukishima kei
fall (ben&ben) w/ tsukishima kei --- [aelin's valentine's day collab!]
[ ᴅʀᴀʙʙʟᴇꜱ ]
untitled crack w/ tanaka ryuunosuke
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