thewoodshungers-if · 3 years
Aen’frie - The Sting of Iron
500 Followers Special - Hurt/Comfort, Angst
For someone who literally lived in the woods, Aen’frie was not someone who goes out often. At least, not out of the woods itself. The city are full of iron and knights and those two combinations together never results in something good for Aen. 
The one time they did though, they thought they’ve hit gold. Some idiotic and obscenely rich noble ate up all of their taunts, and they had won a bet between them, effectively robbing the poor man of his riches. That guy’s gold are rightfully theirs then, right? So why is it that they’re curled up in a jail cell in the middle of the fucking capital?
Aen didn’t know the name of the knight in charge of them (a shame, but they’ll work on getting it), but the knight was insulted often. Bastard. Hybrid. Watered-down noble. The Alloyed Knight never said anything, eyes cold but burning with embers of spite and maybe.. loneliness. 
The best kind of person, just the right flavor that Aen likes. 
Everyday, the knight would stand in front of their cell, back facing them. Aen did not pull their punches. They would smile and then the smile would turn into a smirk, and then the smirk would turn into a taunt. Then a promise of whispered sweet-nothings, that they would take it all away, that Aen could silence them all. 
Most times, The Alloyed Knight would just stand there unmoving, as if they didn’t hear anything. A paragon of justice and virtue who would stand like a guard dog even when their peers would drink and play cards at the end of the hallway. 
Aen has been thrown into human jail thrice including this little trip into the no-magic dungeons in the capital. Their first warden cursed and spat at them with no inhibition, their second warden completely terrified of them, harmless fae. They slipped their name out of their lips with no problem. Their warden this time, however, was somebody they couldn’t read. 
The knight ignored them all day long before setting down their dinner gently in front of them. Aen didn’t miss the way there’s somehow extra servings of bread and even jam sneaked into their tray of prison food. Nevertheless, the knight gazed at them with a cold glare before turning away to ignore them again. 
But today, their shoulders tensed the moment Aen leaned closer to whisper at their ear, careful not to touch the iron bars. They’re getting closer, the knight’s name is within arm’s reach, and they could feel it. So they inched closer, “Aren’t you sick of those assholes? I have a hundred ways I could silence them”
They stopped, letting their voice drop to a husky whisper, “Or.. I can distract you from-”
The Alloyed Knight turned to face them, eyes downcast and red, and just like that, Aen’s confidence plunged into the cold waters. The knight slowly looked up, eyes the widest they’ve ever seen, searching for something in theirs, “Can you?” 
Yes, anything you wish for, all I need is your full name. 
“Can I what?” 
What is wrong with his tongue? Why did they say that? They just need to push the knight a bit more. 
Aen half-thought the knight was laughing at his question.. because.. Well, their shoulders are shaking, and they had just said something stupid. What else would that mean? But tears slid down their cheeks as they let out a quiet sniff, arms and fingers tensing against the bars of their cell. 
Their heart stopped. 
They’re intent on getting the knight’s name, and this is the right time. Just a little push, just one more false smile and the knight’s name will be theirs. So why. Why?
Instead of feeding them lies and promises, they couldn’t say anything, voice dying in their throat at the sight of the knight’s quiet tears. The knight grits their teeth, jaw tensing as they roughly wiped at the tears sliding down their cheek. Their pride stands in the way, keeping them from revealing all their pain to the inmate they’re in charge of, but the floodgate has already burst open. 
Instead of pulling them closer to whisper false dreams at them, Aen reached out, hands slipping between the bars of their cell, fuck the risk of touching iron, and wiped at their tears with their thumb. 
Their arms stung with the sting of iron, it burned, eating at the strip of their exposed skin, but they didn’t draw their hand back. The knight’s cheeks were warm under their touch, their hand immediately taking Aen’s into their grasp, clinging for assurance. 
The knight’s nails dug into Aen’s hands, but they didn’t draw their hand back. Not when the knight’s breath hitched before they let out a shaky sigh, jaw tensing and yet they didn’t pull away from Aen’s touch. 
They’re close, the knight’s name were within their grasp, but no words come spilling out of their mouth. 
The fee Aen slipped from the knight wasn’t their name this time. It’s that extra serving of bread and jam. They’ve always been naive and stupid for a fae, they’re sure anyone who learnt of this would never let them live this down. 
Aen ignored the sting of iron, this is nothing for them. The warmth of the knight’s hands didn’t go unnoticed. Aen’s hands were now damp with their tears, and yet their hands felt feverish even compared to the sting of iron on their arm. They pulled away as quickly as they showed their tears, leaving to get them their dinner with an extra serving a of jam.
They noticed the way the knight wouldn’t look at them in the eye, the way their voice was tinged with a warning to never address what had just happened before. 
The knight didn’t show up the next day. They’ve laid the broken pieces of their heart before Aen, warm hands gripping their hand like a lifeline, and they ran off just like that, took out a week-long leave. In their place was another knight. 
She’s the Alloyed Knight’s junior, heart pinned on their sleeve with a facade made of glass. A promise of coins once Aen can use magic outside the palace was enough to make her turn to them. 
Aen would’ve liked to wait for that Alloyed Knight. They won’t be able to run from their duties forever, after all. But their execution was in three days. And they wouldn’t know what to do if the knight had gone back to ignoring them, had pretended that nothing has happened. 
Why does it matter anyways? 
That knight was just a plaything that slipped between their fingers. 
Maybe next time, they’ll have the resolve to slip their name from their grasp. To weave their name together with their magic. To keep their unsaid promises. If that knight would even stop avoiding them, that is. 
Aen’frie was not someone who took pity on others. They’re merely intrigued of what that knight has hidden beneath their aloof face and cold stare. Of how their facade would crack if they smiled. Merely intrigued on what would happened if they gained their victory. 
They do not take pity on other. Never.
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thewoodshungers-if · 3 years
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Aen’Frie: Exiled fae, Dumbass, Trying
Some faes are too dumb to trick humans for their names. Aen’frie is one of them, and they’ve been exiled indefinitely. Even if they wanted to help.. can this gullible fae even help you with your problem? Or is this all just an act?
They’re naive and gullible- In fae standards, that is. They’re still a fae, and kindness from a fae isn’t exactly the same as kindness for humans. Believing that there is good in everyone and refusing to trick just anyone costs them their eyes and exile from the rest of the faes. Trick a human, take their name, and they’ll have their ticket back. 
They couldn’t exactly take anyone’s name while tethered to a single tree in the woods, and lost, wandering, humans won’t exactly just readily sign a deal with them. But two shady knights has come to their tree, offering a bargain they couldn’t exactly refuse.. 
1 year older than you (Yes, in human years). Tall and lean with bluish grey skin. They have silky black hair that reaches the middle of their back and kept loose, with dark grey horns that curls above their head, reminiscent of a goat's horn. Their eyes (Yes, borrowed) are black, with a beauty mark under one corner of their left eye.
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thewoodshungers-if · 2 years
RO Outfit - Aen'frie
One of the only RO with an actual fashion sense (instead of just wearing shit for their job / occupational needs).
Their fashion style are more forward and unorthodox than for faes. They'll wear asymmetrical cuts, materials not used the way they're usually used.
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Aen likes flowy clothes and sheer fabrics, both masculine to feminine cuts that just scream expensive.
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thewoodshungers-if · 2 years
Hi hi!
Could I request: 1 and 2?
I hope that you have a good day/evening!
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Hey! From this post
1. Do they sleep with a stuffed animal? If they have multiple, who’s the favorite? 2. Can they take care of a plant? What about a pet? What about a child?
No, they've all been passed down to his little sister
No to all. His duty as a knight brought him everywhere and leaves him with barely any time for himself, there's no way he can take care of anything or anyone else for now. But mentally? Yeah, he's responsible enough for that.
No, but she have one (1), displayed on a shelf like a trophy. Won't elaborate for spoiler reasons.
Plants, yeah. Pet, no. Child, hell no. Won't elaborate for spoiler reasons.
No stuffed animals, but she sleeps with her lute.
Shit at plant stuff, but could probably manage to sit a pet or a kid for a short time.
Yes to all, it'll all live and thrive.. but like do you trust them to not play their tricks on the poor kid?
The Cook:
Hell no to all of them, I don't even want to imagine what it'll be like lmao.
Plants, maybe, but he's not good at it. How much water and how much sunlight? Yes to pets and kids, he have both the resources and the right mental state to be responsible (lol).
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