did some oc doots the other night! I'll add little transcripts since I know my handwriting sucks-
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Aeolanyira: *musical interlude*
Aeolanyira: *Welcome To Castle Irwell by Crywank intensifies* (that song has been my jam for the past couple of days, idk what it is but the angry screams really reach my soul)
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Moonweb being angy
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Orsal: *literally just standing*
Whiskey: I would die for you
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Zanna about to pop off
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Enador: Are these feelings other than rage???
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this is how Aeolanyira and Moonweb met! Aeo saw Moonweb just standing at the bar and went "ok time to ~serenade~" and it actually worked-
do not repost my art! click for quality!
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drew some chibi refs and pride flags for them!!
from left to right:
Aeolanyira, she/her and pansexual
Moonweb, she/he/they and bisexual
Whiskey, he/him and mlm
Orsal, he/him and biromantic demisexual
Zanna, she/her and panromantic asexual
Enador, crypt/cryptself and pansexual
do not repost my art! reblogs are appreciated <3
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Psst... You should talk some abt your ocs if you want. I wanna know random facts about them.
hi anon!! i’ve been working on some world building for my ocs so i hope you don’t mind me dropping that in as well- im putting it under a read more bc i wrote a LOT-
also, i kept accidentally deleting this so i’ve had to rewrite this multiple times :’) but it’s fine, i like infodumping-
heres a link to my og post about them! https://enbees-and-lavendar.tumblr.com/post/642206592824213504/holds-up-these-ocs-hello-and-welcome-to-a-new
so, there’s 3 kingdoms, all w/different morals & ideas:
The Kingdom of Preocupat: their whole moral system is “as long as you don’t damage property you can go wild.” unsurprisingly, they have a lot of crime here-
The Kingdom of Cordeno: upholds kindness & respect, try their hardest to remain “pure” in the eyes of their deities (who im still working on-)
The Kingdom of Tenbrarum: ok yeah, this kingdom is barely a kingdom- the people call for anarchy & the royalty try to get them to stop
 these kingdoms are all in a conflict: Cordeno wants everyone to just chill & not have any death, Tenbrarum is trying to basically kill off all of their citizens in hopes of starting anew & Preocupat is helping both sides out, not really caring about their placement in it all.
 so its chaos in this realm- but there are groups from each kingdom gathering, trying to help the conflict to the best of their abilities.
 the ocs i posted about? they might be a group, but they definitely aren’t trying to help the conflict anytime soon- they might have incredibly powerful people in the group (which i’ll talk about soon!) but they would rather help out random travelers & small taverns in the woods than help the kingdoms
 they’re just a group of people who do the side quests of this realm-
 Aeolanyira (she/her):
 w/all that story stuff out the way, lemme talk about the gang! (also, they all either have ADHD or are autistic, this is mostly bc I self projected onto all of them so- im mentioning this bc im gonna talk about their favorite stims)
she’s dating Moonweb
a funky lil musician who travels around the realm, uncaring of consequences
she didn’t have a family, so she’s traveled around for as long as she can remember
she often makes pit stops at taverns to perform, & her music enchants anyone who listens to it
basically, when she sings, she has the power to control the elements & keep people/enemies drawn to her
she doesn’t really have that much control over these powers, (she has accidentally set a tavern on fire once) the most she knows now is when to stop singing
despite her not caring about consequences, she is rather wary of how her actions affect others, bc she’s seen the best & worst of people & she’d hate to be someone that caused hurt
she smells like cinnamon!
 Moonweb (she/he/they):
fav. stims: F L A P P Y  H A N D S. also, humming/talking to herself!
she’s dating Aeolanyira
a half elf, half demon who lives among the mortals to help do jobs for his father
although they never knew her mother, his father is actually very caring (for a demon lord) & usually sends them around so he can teach her various lessons
they actually met Aeolanyira in a tavern & decided to follow her around to see what she does on her journeys
he actually doesn’t have many powers apart from being able to fly & having heightened senses-
she prefers flying around, but ever since they’ve joined the gang he tries to walk more often so she can hold Aeolanyira’s hand 🥺
they tend to present themself as very kind, but if she doesn’t care about you then you’ll end up being a pawn in his game-
his scarf is the only remnant they have of her mother
fav. stims: flapping their wings around despite not flying & smelling cinnamon bc it’s a nice smell & reminds her of Aeolanyira
he’s dating Orsal
Whiskey (he/him):
an orc from the kingdom of Cordeno who follows the messages of his Goddess
he has a ton of siblings. his parents taught them all the messages of their Goddess. he ended up leaving bc the family started putting too much pressure on his shoulders
while travelling around, he ran into Aeolanyira & Moonweb, who were stuck in a ditch somehow?? he helped them & decided to stick around bc they looked like they could use some help
he doesn’t have powers on his own, however he’s pretty damn good w/a sword & can ask his Goddess for help
when asking his Goddess for help, he has the power to just slash the crap out of everyone (this technically goes against his morals, but he’ll do anything to help his friends)
due to his upbringing, he tries to keep kindness & peace first, but the gang definitely can make that hard-
his armor piece was a gift from 1 of his favorite sisters
fav. stims: tapping his foot & clinking his sword against stuff bc he likes the noises :D
he’s dating Whiskey
Orsal (he/him):
a powerful demon lord who was sent up to the mortals’ realm to basically babysit his friend’s child (Moonweb-)
he doesn’t have family, he was born out of the mortals’ rage
he honestly was just stumbling around the realm until he bumped into Moonweb, who was hanging out w/Aeolanyira & Whiskey in a tree-
he basically just gets his powers from people’s rage. someone’s intensely upset? Orsal gains power from that, using it whenever he can
when using people’s rage, he grows bigger & stronger. he can grow up to 15 feet & tends to stay at this size after battles
he has very similar morals to Moonweb: he uses people to his own benefit, but he doesn’t try to hide it like Moonweb. he’s very soft & protective of those he cares about tho (the gang 🥺🥺)
his eyes change color! when using his powers, his eyes go black & red, but outside of that his eyes are blue & green
fav. stims: destroying things & touching the others (not in a weird way- it’s more like him playing w/or stroking the other’s hair & wings)
currently single, but she has a secret admirer 👀
Zanna (she/her):
a powerful witch who lives in a cottage just outside the outskirts of Tenbrarum
her family’s dead- she’s alive bc she cast a successful spell that keeps her alive longer
the rest of the gang met her when they were on the run from Tenbrarum forces- she kinda just opened her door for them & was so amused by them that she joined their little journey
she’s a jack of all trades who’s basically learned all types of magic- she does grow tired when she does too much magic of any kind, so she doesn’t pop off as much as she could  
she specializes in healing & defensive magic, but she’s definitely very good at offensive magic
she’s been alive for so long that she’s basically grown desensitized to everything. she’s seen it all & she’s not gonna try to change anything anytime soon. the only things she cares about is the gang, so F in the chat for anyone who messes w/them-
bc her sleeves are really long, her hands rarely show. it’s become a joke w/in the gang that if her hands show, she means business
fav. stims: fidgeting w/her sleeves & doing flashy magic to watch the colors change :D
currently single, but crypt’s pining hard for Zanna 👀👀
Enador (crypt/cryptself):
a vampire who became the “familiar” of Zanna & is her personal bodyguard (tho not really since we all know Zanna can handle herself)
crypt’s family disowned crypt bc crypt showed way too much interest in other species- 
crypt hid crypt’s human form from the gang for a while- 1 night crypt just chose to shift & the gang was like “ZANNA YOUR BAT’S TURNED INTO A HUMAN” & Zanna was like “lmao i know”
crypt is honestly just a normal vampire- besides being able to stand in the sun & having crypt’s animal features pop up, not much is different
the most impressive thing about crypt is crypt can just transform in the blink of an eye- crypt just spreads crypt’s wings out & suddenly there’s a bat there
crypt’s been alive just as long as Zanna, however the 2 have very different morals- crypt just has SO much pent up rage, so crypt’s morals are basically “if you inconvenience me or my friends even just a little bit, i will choose violence & not hold back”
crypt has claws- i can’t tell you how many times crypt has accidentally scratched someone in the gang & had to apologize immensely
fav. stims: rocking back & forth & lightly chewing on crypt’s skin (Zanna didn’t know about it until later & that’s when she gave crypt a bunch of random things to chew on in the meantime)
...sorry for how long that infodump was- but i love them a lot & i might post fics about them! (that is, if i have the time & people like them-)
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*holds up these OCs* hello and welcome to a new hyperfixation starring me
I call them DND based OCS but I've never played-
anywho, if you wanna ask about them, please do! I'll make another post talking about them but I'm always willing to info dump :D
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