#aepyprymnus rufescens
tenth-sentence · 1 year
Nonreproductive REVERSE mounts – in which females mount males – occasionally occur in this species, as do attempted mounts by males on females who are not in heat.
"Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity" - Bruce Bagemihl
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Tree Kangaroos and Rufous Bettongs are largely solitary, although they sometimes associate in pairs, trios, or small groups of adults and their young.
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"Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity" - Bruce Bagemihl
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oh-dear-so-queer · 1 year
Female Rufous Bettongs that participate in homosexual behavior are probably bisexual, since most mate with males and become successful mothers.
"Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity" - Bruce Bagemihl
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podartists · 4 years
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(Aepyprymnus rufescens) | Biodiversity Heritage Library | Flickr (Dominio public)
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lifeimitatesdoodles · 2 years
The Rufous Bettong
#doodlewashMay2022: Scale. The bettongs are kangaroo rats – small in scale next to kangaroos, but the largest of the kangaroo rats. Did you know the rufous bettongs scientific name (Aepyprymnus rufescens) means “reddish high-rump”? Despite their reddish name, they range in color from reddish brown to pale gray. Hahnemühle Hot Press The Collection watercolor paper Zebra Technical PenDaniel Smith…
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amartinfletcher · 5 years
Klokánci jsou klenotem jihlavské zoo
Klokánci jsou klenotem jihlavské zoo
Zoo Jihlava rozmnožila vzácné klokánky rudohnědé, malý druh klokana, který chová jako jediná zoologická zahrada v kontinentální Evropě.
Klokánek rudohnědý (Aepyprymnus rufescens), je malý druh klokana, který se po téměř třech desetiletích vrátil do evropských chovů. Jde však o nesmírně vzácné a unikátní chovance, neboť v Evropě je chová pouze Zoo Jihlava a britská Zoo Hamerton. Ve zbytku světa už…
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tenth-sentence · 1 year
If the other female calms down, the courting female may mount her by clasping her waist from behind and thrusting against her.
"Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity" - Bruce Bagemihl
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