#aerobic anaerobic culture
bacteriashowdown · 7 months
Group: Terrabacteria
Gram-stain: Varied
Etymology: For Chloroflexus aurantiacus. From the Greek "chloros", meaning "yellowish green", and Latin "flexus", meaning "bending", for their green color.
About: Chloroflexota, known for containing the "green non-sulfur bacteria", is a highly diverse and ubiquitous phylum. They exhibit a variety of oxygen tolerances, and may be aerobic, anaerobic, or somewhere in between. Members of Chloroflexota can be thermophiles or mesophiles, living in a range of environments such as hot springs, sea-floor sediments, soil, and anaerobic sludge bioreactors. They are largely chemoheteroorganotrophic, with several members also capable of photoautotrophy. Despite their prevalence, Chloroflexota have limited cultivability, and are therefore still quite understudied. The species Thermoflexus hugenholtzii are especially picky, with the narrowest growth-temperature range (in culture) of any known prokaryote (67.5°- 75° C).
On the Gram stain, Chloroflexota show varied results. Most are monoderms, having only one cell membrane, but many still stain gram-negative. This is due to the unique composition of their cell walls (one factor of which is the higher presence of a molecule called "pseudopeptidoglycan", rather than being primarily peptidoglycan). There are also plenty of gram-positive, spore-producing Chloroflexota. These share similarities with Actinomycetota and fungi, since they produce spores using hyphae, and form mycelium.
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The name "green non-sulfur bacteria" is associated with the family Chloroflexaceae, in the order Chloroflexales. The Chloroflexales are known as the "filamentous anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria", or FAPs, for their style of photosynthesis that does not produce oxygen (in contrast to Cyanobacteriota and plants). There are "red FAPs" and "green FAPs", with the green FAPs constituting the green non-sulfur bacteria, in the family Chloroflexaceae.
Green non-sulfur bacteria share many similarities with their counterparts, the green sulfur bacteria (Chlorobiota), despite being distantly related. Both groups form the same antennae structures, filled with bacteriochlorophyll-containing chlorosomes that color them green. Chloroflexaceae, however, are not primarily photosynthetic. Instead, they are facultative anaerobes who tend to use a chemoheterotrophic metabolism in the presence of oxygen, and a photoautotrophic metabolism in its absence.
Another interesting family of Chloroflexota are the Dehalococcoidaceae, because they are involved in halogen-cycling. The bacteria are organohalide-respiring (halogens are reactive elements belonging to the group containing fluorine and chlorine, and an organohalide is an organic compound with a carbon-halogen bond). Thanks to this style of respiration, Dehalococcoidaceae are able to thrive in chlorinated environments. This makes them useful in the bioremediation of chlorine-contaminated ecosystems. Also, they can produce metabolites that smell like garlic.
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Finegoldia magna
Cold open with a case report:
60M with a past history of previous wrist fracture presents with worsening pain and swelling, erythema and reduced range of motion, after suffering an abrasion from changing a tire.
the previous injury resulted from an MVA 9 yrs prior with a closed rist fracture
there was also a history of ETOH use and possible malnutrition, which can result in immunosuppression
Xray showed extensive changes in the wrist bones compared to past years with near loss of several, suggestive of pyogenic arthritis
Aspiration of the wrist joint grew Finegoldia magna
What is it
not actually uncommon
but is more commonly associated with post op infections or prosthetic joint infections (so case reports are harder to find in this category)
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previously known as peptostreptococcus (sounds like peptobismol) but was renamed following 16S rna sequence availability, so in older texts/articles you'll still see it's old name
it's a commensal, so normal part of our microflora, but is opportunistic like so many other pathogens we usually live with and covers our body
It is a Gram Positive Anaerobe, of the same flavour of clostridium. Remember there's fewer gram positive anaerobes than there are aerobes. So consider it in cultures if there's only growth in the anaerobe bottle and it's gram positive (purple). Usually it likes mucosal surfaces, such as the GI or GU tracts, but it doesn't mind skin either. It's considered a "gram positive anaerobic cocci" (GPAC) and has increasing prevalence and antibiotic resistance in the group.
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Increased risk and when to think of it
chronic ulcers, diabetic ulcers
associated with biofilms (always bad, requires prolonged duration of antibiotics)
prosthetic joints
prosthetic valves
as it is opportunistic, also consider it in the immunocompromised
In the case above, the patient had septic arthritis, for which anaerobes account for 20% of cases. And Finegoldia is often the culprit in the case of post op and prosthetic joint infections. Rarely affects normal joints or healed joints from previous closed trauma years prior.
In chronic wounds it can impair healing via Protein L, which bindings to antibodies, causing immunomodulatory effect.
Bit of history
named for Sydney Finegold, an American physician who was a founding member of IDSA (infectious diseases society of American) and one of its early former presidents
but the name did make me think of 'fine gold'
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luckily susceptible to penicillin - but there is growing resistance, hence relevance of always chasing susceptibility
alternatives: metronidazole (typical class that covers anaerobes), tazocin and carbapenems
also has increasing resistance to clindamycin (a consideration in penicillin allergy or during empirical therapy for wounds)
case report
microbe canvas
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0l0x · 7 months
I can't remember if I posted about my free fertilizer recipe or not, but just in case I didn't:
Pull a bunch of weeds (Basically any plant will do, as long as it's not toxic). Throw them in a tub and fill with water. Put a lid on and let it ferment for at least 2 weeks. No need to stir, just leave it alone and let the microbes do their thing.
The weeds break down, releasing their nutrients into the water, which will turn blacker with time. It'll stink really bad when you remove the lid, but this means it has lots of microbial activity and that's a good thing!
Fill 1/3 of a bottle or jug with the mixture, and the rest with plain hose or rain water. This dilutes the mixture so it's not too strong. (Too much fertilizer can harm plants.) Water plants with it about once every 2-3 weeks.
If you're using it on edible crops, avoid splashing it on leaves or fruit. Pour it directly at the base of the crops and wait at least 2 weeks before harvesting. Anaerobic pathogens will break down as they are exposed to oxygen and sunlight, and aerobic pathogen population will stabilize as they compete with other microbes in the soil.
This is basically a dumbed down version of the "compost tea" concept. Thought I'd share because it really helped my garden last year.
This stuff saved my sunflowers, morning glories, and nasturtiums. They were all on the brink of death (probably from the crappy soil I used) and water alone wasn't helping. I was broke, so I tried this stank water method as a last ditch effort and surprise, the plants sprung back literally overnight. Yellow leaves finally turned green and the droopers perked right up. There was a quick burst of growth every time I used it.
Many cultures have used this method since ancient times. Don't fix it if it ain't broke I guess? I learned about it while researching neolithic farming methods. Some people insist that weed tea fertilizer "doesn't do anything" or is a "waste of time", which is why I avoided it for so long. Lesson learned: don't listen to random contrarians online, listen to the people who have been doing this forever. Better yet, just try it for yourself. I can't explain why it works or how it changes the soil exactly, but the results speak for themselves.
Anyway liquid fertilizer is freaking expensive, but in my experience the stank water works just as well or even better. The stink also doesn't linger on your plants like it does with some of the store bought stuff. There are no weird oils or synthetic compounds, you know exactly what's in it because YOU made it!
I have the same tub of leftover stank water from last year and it's still effective. I also pour it in my compost bins (undiluted) and it helps fresh matter break down faster. I think this is due to the high concentration of bacteria being introduced.
It reeks but it works! Happy gardening!
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spacenutspod · 5 months
Astronauts on board the International Space Station are often visited by supply ships from Earth with food among other things. Take a trip to Mars or other and the distances are much greater making it impractical to send fresh supplies. The prepackaged food used by NASA loses nutritional value over time so NASA is looking at ways astronauts can produce nutrients. They are exploring genetic engineering techniques that can create microbes with minimal ingredients.  Many of us take food and eating for granted. The food we can enjoy is usually flavoursome and the textures varied. Astronauts travelling through space generally rely upon pre-packaged food and often this can lack the taste and textures we usually enjoy. Lots of research has gone into developing a more pleasurable dining experience for astronauts but this has usually concentrated on short duration trips.  The space station’s Veggie Facility, tended here by NASA astronaut Scott Tingle, during the VEG-03 plant growth investigation, which cultivated Extra Dwarf Pak Choi, Red Russian Kale, Wasabi mustard, and Red Lettuce and harvested on-orbit samples for testing back on Earth. Credits: NASA During longer term missions, astronauts will have to grow their own food. Not only due to the nutritional issues that form the purpose of this article but carrying prepackaged food for flights that last many years becomes a logistic challenge and a launch overhead. To address the loss of nutritional values, the Ames Research Centre’s Space Biosciences Division has launched its BioNutrients project.  The team has announced they has come up with a solution, thanks to the wonders of genetic engineering. The approach that the team has developed involves microbial based food (similar to yeast) that can produce nutrients and compounds with small amounts of resources.  The secret is to store dried microbes and take food grade bioreactors along on the trip. Until now I never knew what a bioreactor was nor that they even existed. I live in the world of physics and astrophysics so this concept intrigued me. Turns out that a bioreactor does just what it says. It is a container of some form, often made from steel) inside which, a biologically active environment can be maintained. Often chemical processes are carried out inside which involve organisms undergoing either aerobic or anaerobic processes. They are often used to grow cells or tissues and it is within these that NASA pins their hopes on cultivating food in space.  Even years after departure, the dried out microbes can be rehydrated many years later and cultured inside the bioreactor, creating the nutrients astronauts need. To date, the team has managed to produce carotenoids (a pigment found in nature) which are used for antioxidants, follistatin for muscle loss and yogurt and kefir to keep the gut in good health. The real challenge though is making food that the astronauts will want to eat.  Source : BioNutrients Flight Experiments The post Astronaut Food Will Lose Nutrients on Long-Duration Missions. NASA is Working on a Fix appeared first on Universe Today.
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mcatmemoranda · 10 months
Blood cultures should be drawn from two different sites. You need four bottles (2 aerobic and 2 anaerobic--1 anaerobic and 1 aerobic for each site).
If the cultures are positive for bacteria, but only at 1 site, it's likelier a contaminant than actual bacteremia. So for example, getting gram positive cocci in only 1 site is a contaminant (staph or strep that was on the skin or something). But if you were to get gram positive cocci in both sites, then it's not a contaminant and you would assume the pt actually has bacteremia.
My attending was explaining that some lab techs don't know this. So if you ask them if both sites are positive (meaning that the blood drawn from both left and right arm [doesn't matter whether it's in the anaerobic or aerobic container] are positive), they might think you're asking if just the aerobic or anaerobic bottle drawn from 1 site is positive. But it's not about whether the aerobic or anaerobic bottle is positive, it's whether both sites that blood was drawn from was positive. No one ever explained this so I didn't realize that either.
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kimyoonmiauthor · 2 years
A semi-unhinged rant about kimchi (and what makes it authentic)
With the influx of white people liking Korean food... there is also an influx of white people not understanding the basics of Korean food. And it frustrates me immensely as a Korean this is so. When you don’t spend time understanding the hows and whys of dishes before trying to “recreate” them--it create problems with your results. And you might be thinking: But do you do this with other regionalities of food? And to this I say, ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY. I spent a month alone researching Indian pickle. And still, still understood mine wasn’t “superior” and that I got bits wrong. And you know what? I tried it again, asked, and tried yet again. And when faced with Indian people in front of me, didn’t boast how mine was somehow “better”
I’m sure someone is about to chime in and say, “BUUUUUTT YOU’RE ADOPTED.” And to that person, I say: Sit down and shut up.
I still have memories of my grandmothers’ cooking. I still have a memory of taste of Eomma’s kimchi hardwired into my brain. I still can taste the bungeoppang from Iksan market. I still remembered the exact taste of a Korean apple and can describe it to you and how it differs from the US counterparts. So no, this is one case where I know what I’m talking about.
For those not invested in kimchi, specifically, this will go into Korean food psychology too, and other useful topics you might need to know.
Sorted Foods argued that white-made “Kimchi” with a different process could still be called kimchi, and no. Not if it doesn’t honor the spirit of the dish. (Jamie was correct.)
Let’s be clear here: I have no problem with people making kimchi who aren’t Korean. But I’d prefer that people actually learn from a Korean and then understand the function of the ingredients before complaining about the existence of said ingredients. And once they do that, to NOT under any circumstances, mark it up and then put a metal lid on it because you don’t understand the function of the dish. So I’m going to do this for you with basic run downs in the following areas:
The cultural psychology of Korean food
The food science behind kimchi (This is something Koreans also forget)
The intention of kimchi
But, but the Diaspora?
Why White people’s (commercial) kimchi often messes up and fails to understand
How to tell authentic Kimchi from inauthentic Kimchi vs. Kimchi snobbery.
The cultural psychology of Korean food
Five Colors
I should note that current scientists actually support this idea thousands of years after Chinese and Korean enforced this. For reference, Korean enforce this idea more than Chinese (Han) do.
Five Flavors
This is where you can find an article on the five flavors. Originally from Chinese Han people, but Koreans enforce this more than Chinese do.
Fermentation process is different from other regions
The majority of Korean fermentation deals with aerobic fermentation. I get this scares the crap out of most white people. But trust me when I say that Koreans have it down and there is a reason for this psychology.
Paochai is anaerobic. Tsukemono is anaerobic. Sauerkraut is anaerobic. kimchi out of the majority of fermented vegetables is an aerobic process and was designed to be very, very carefully over thousands of years.
Likewise with soy sauce, Koreans do the aerobic version, while everyone else does anaerobic. This is true across the board for traditional Korean processes that doesn’t always hold true for other versions.
The obsession with the removal of the smell of food
Koreans have this obsession with removing the smell of food. This is why the onggi/hangari are designed to BREATHE. They release gasses through the earthenware surface and are beaten in a certain way so that if you sealed the top, the jar itself is still breathing. This releases certain kinds of gas which make the taste of kimchi the taste of kimchi.
Koreans do this with meats (remove the smell of meat by washing it) Also do it with fish, etc. (Some people might recognize some of it as semi-koshering the meat/fish too--some of the process is similar and I think it’s for similar reasons--avoiding bacterial infections in a time before refrigeration. But this is a loose theory, rather than fact.)
And certainly in the fermentation process.
The food science behind kimchi (This is something Koreans also forget)
Onggi is a jar that breathes. It’s designed to breathe. They are expensive, I know, but it’s really, really worth your investment if you want to do any kind of Korean fermentation. Onggi releases the bad gasses that cook the kimchi’s vegetables into mush. With sauerkraut, it is designed to semi-cook under the fermentation process. With kimchi it is not supposed to cook at all, and through this the vegetables in question stay crunchy.
How do I know this? I make kimchi and have gotten it “wrong” on purpose a number of times in a number of ways just to crack the food science.
This said, there are several basic parts to Kimchi’s elements: You have the vegetables, which don’t have to be nappa. It can be mu (white radish) These are usually high in vitamin C. You can have mountain herbs and a whole host of other ingredients in this section. If the person is skillful and there are multiple ingredients in the jar, they will figure out how to stack the interior of the jar so that certain vegetables are at the top.
The best salt is flower seasalt, which you can get in bulk. It has a slightly sweet taste to it. In a punch finely ground kosher is OK, but keep in mind that Kosher salt is saltier. (some people use MSG too... but I find it wholly unnecessary as the cabbage and seafood elements has MSG naturally in it)
The salt acts as a preservative and helps bring out that unique crunch. It prevents bad bacteria from growing in the kimchi.
The sweet rice flour/wheat flour
This attracts the lactobacilli. The majority of winter kimchi uses sweet rice flour. This is not added sugar, BTW, it’s the varietal of rice.
It gives it food. Since sweet rice flour has more sugar content in the form of starch (muslimintp-1999-girl's correction, not gluten), etc, this is why it is used in winter. Whereas yeolmu kimchi uses wheat flour, which has less gluten/food for the lactobacilli.
BTW, for those that add jujubes, this is also their function. Sugar is sometimes applied, especially to Seoul Kimchi, but it’s only traditional to the Japanese occupation. In older recipes that do use this type of starter, especially for winter kimchi, they use sliced Asian pears, pear juice, or jujubes. However, this is seen more of a “King’s Kimchi” and was for the “upper class.” rather than the lower classes. So it’s unlikely the nobi (slave class) was able to eat such kimchi. The reason raw sugar, and sugar cane in general isn’t considered really “traditional” by kimchi snobs, is because sugar cane itself grows in tropical regions and was a Portuguese import. For times when sugar *is* applied, Koreans tend to reduce the amount of sweet rice flour to compensate. lactobacilli eat raw sugar quickly, so for summer and more southern on the Korean peninsula kimchi, cane sugar is not used.
Protein element
The protein is like a stop sign to the lactobacilli and tells them to SLOW DOWN. Eat that starch more slowly. So protein can include shrimp paste (usually sweet June shrimp), anchovy paste, mussels, clams, and oysters. Occasionally, depending on the region they also include crabs. (Eomma’s Kimchi had crabs in it).
*Some* summer kimchi substitutes the sweet rice flour for wheat flour. Monk Kimchi (which still tastes strong due to the hard water) uses barley flour as well. Lactobacilli also has been shown to eat gluten more slowly, which means it also eats protein as well. (This is true in soy sauce somewhat in the early stages, though another bacteria does the main action.)
The kochukaru... is designed to be spicy and sweet in keeping with the five flavors psychology. It is also specifically bred to stain *everything* so you can see when the vegetable is clearly coated properly.
There is a kimchi said to be made with sichuan peppers instead of kochukaru. (Dae Jang Geum kimchi), but you need more ingredients to balance out the flavors according to the five flavor theory. (Who spent several days combing through Dae Jang Geum kimchi for this? *rasies hand* I did. I back engineered the recipe.)
The garlic has been shown to control bacteria in studies and experiments. It is used worldwide this way.
Ginger also is meant to control bad bacteria.
The other flavorants are usually there to boost favors. soy sauce is very, very rarely used and vinegar is NEVER used in kimchi. Also, for those thinking the gochujang belongs in kimchi--no. Not kimchi. Buty gochugaru.
The design of kimchi, when made right is that it will not go mushy even left for a year. And they’ve found traces of kimchi in 3,000 year old jars.
The important part of the elements that go into kimchi is that there is a balance.
Kimchi will also bubble happily when fermenting. Exploding kimchi isn’t fun.
The intention of kimchi
There are a few key intentions, but is basically summarized like this: Poor people’s food and a healthy source of vitamins for long vegetable storage.
Anything that goes against this spirit isn’t kimchi.
But, but the Diaspora?
I’ve had North Korean kimchi and Brazilian kimchi made by Korean diaspora, and also watched videos--the elements remain the same even if the specific ingredients shift. The diaspora does not mess with the basics of the food science.
Why White people’s (commercial) kimchi often messes up and fails to understand
- Metal lid jars
goes against the “remove bad smell” idea and also goes against “do not cook kimchi through the fermentation process.”
Metal was expensive in Joseon and a limited resource. So no. And secondly “Seal it tight” “so I can’t smell it” is such a white person’s psychology. Make sauerkraut instead.
- The “make it milder”
why not eat white kimchi which has a specific balance that makes up for the lack of spices instead? (3 tbsps of gochugarui--I laugh) We mastered it already--why not eat that?
- Cutting the seafood element and not replacing it with protein
Ignores that the flour element will cook the kimchi and make it ferment unevenly. It’s not just there for long shelf life, you know. It’s there because it really truly does help it to ferment more evenly so you don’t have to stir it so often.
When I cut the seafood element, the kimchi fermented much, much faster, even in an onggi, turned sour much faster and went rotten a lot faster than I intended.
- Add strange ingredients
Crap like “Quinoa” and other “make it healthier” foods that mark up the price of the kimchi. Adding things like cayenne and paprika are out. I can kinda forgive spicier peppers, but those are NOT a substitute for gochugaru. “Miso” is a WTF ingredient. They should have used barley. With properly fermented kimchi, soy sauce, etc, the gluten should be consumed by the lactobacilli. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5494637/#:~:text=This%20study%20demonstrated%20that%2010,hydrolyze%20gluten%20under%20gastrointestinal%20conditions.
Which is what this study says. If they don’t consume the gluten, you’ve done something wrong.
- Cutting it into shreds...
--;; The size of the kimchi is designed to be cut that way for a reason. Whole kimchi preserves longer than cut kimchi.
- The mark up in price
Again, POOR PEOPLE’S food. You can’t improve it. Koreans improved it over thousands of years and without microscopes, etc figured out all of the info I gave (though some of us, admittedly have amnesia about the why.)
The only exception to the “poor people’s food” is King kimchi. But in that case, the person is controlling it under very specific conditions and doing it extremely to tradition and a historical recipe, including making their own fish sauce, etc, in which case the mark up is justified.
How to tell authentic Kimchi from inauthentic Kimchi vs. Kimchi snobbery.
Authentic kimchi should hold its crunch, sourness, and be slightly sweet despite that. If it is a spicy kimchi, the gochugaru should taste sweet, but not punch you in the face.
The process is always aerobic, and for those that don’t like the smell--too bad. If you’re going to complain, maybe rethink if you want to make kimchi?
Inauthentic kimchi is BLAND. It is SOFT. It has no crunch. It doesn’t balance the flavors thoughtfully. It feels chucked in. And it’s marked up to extreme levels.
For the kimchi snobbery
- insisting that it is made in onggi (but that is superior)
- Insisting on particular kinds of garlic
- insisting on Korean ginger
- Being particular about the seafood and other ingredients that go in
- choosing premium salt
- Having a special kimchi-making bowl. (That’s me)
- Willing to fight to the death over how to make kimchi “right” per region.
- Talking about differences in fish sauce.
- refusing sugar, which is not native to Korea.
- There is a woman that grows her own nappa, uses a King’s recipe, and makes her own fish sauce because she thought the fish sauce on the market was wrong for what she wanted to create. That is premium and justifies a mark up in price.
Koreans follow the food science principles. But not everyone cares that much about the particular elements that go in. See, there is a separation. Koreans do everything in kimchi for a particular reason.
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saeedmohammedsblog · 16 days
Discover Your Genetic Blueprint: The Role of Genetic Fitness Testing in Tailored Health Solutions
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In recent years, there has been a growing trend toward personalised health solutions considering an individual’s unique biology. Genetic fitness testing is among the most groundbreaking advancements in this area, a science-driven approach that helps individuals understand their genetic makeup to optimise fitness, health, and overall well-being. In India, Genetic Fitness Testing is gaining traction as more people are becoming aware of the power of tailoring fitness and nutrition plans to their genetic blueprint. But what exactly is genetic fitness testing, and how can it be beneficial in the Indian context? 
In this blog, we explore the benefits, process, and potential of Genetic Fitness Testing in India and how it can help you achieve personalised fitness solutions.
What is Genetic Fitness Testing?
Genetic fitness testing analyses an individual’s DNA to identify genetic variants that can influence fitness, nutrition, and overall health. This test examines specific genes associated with physical performance, nutrient metabolism, and predispositions to certain health conditions. By understanding these genetic markers, health professionals can design fitness programs and dietary plans tailored to your genetic potential, allowing for more precise health management.
How Does Genetic Fitness Testing Work?
The process of genetic fitness testing is simple and non-invasive. Typically, the test involves collecting a DNA sample, often through a saliva swab or a cheek swab. This sample is then sent to a lab, where the genetic analysis is performed to detect variations in the genes related to fitness and health. The results of this test can provide a wealth of information, including:
1. Exercise Response: The test identifies how your body responds to different types of exercise (endurance vs. strength training) based on genetic markers. It helps you understand whether you are genetically inclined towards aerobic or anaerobic exercises, allowing you to focus on the exercises that best suit your genetic makeup.
2. Nutrient Metabolism: Genetics plays a crucial role in how your body metabolizes nutrients. Genetic fitness testing provides insights into how your body processes carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, as well as any sensitivities to certain nutrients like lactose or gluten.
3. Injury Risk: Certain genetic factors can predispose individuals to higher risks of injury, such as ligament and tendon issues. Knowing these risks enables you to tailor your fitness routine to prevent injuries.
4. Recovery and Fatigue: Some people recover more quickly from exercise than others due to genetic factors. Genetic testing helps identify how your body recovers, allowing you to optimize recovery time and avoid overtraining.
5. Personalised Diet Plans: Based on your genetic profile, a customized diet plan can be developed, focusing on the nutrients and food groups that will provide the most benefit to you.
Why Genetic Fitness Testing is Relevant in India
India, a land of diverse cultures and lifestyles, is witnessing a rise in health consciousness among its population. With an increasing awareness of the importance of fitness, Indians are now exploring advanced methods to achieve their health goals. Genetic Fitness Testing in India offers a modern, scientific approach to personalised fitness, which can cater to the diverse needs of the country’s population.
India has a wide range of dietary habits and physical activity levels, with some communities more predisposed to conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Genetic fitness testing can provide crucial insights into how individuals from different genetic backgrounds in India may respond to certain diets and fitness programs. This personalised approach ensures that fitness and health plans are not one-size-fits-all but are tailored to individual needs.
The Benefits of Genetic Fitness Testing in India
1. Personalized Fitness Plans
Traditional fitness programs are often designed for the masses, with little consideration for individual differences in genetics. With genetic fitness testing, you can receive a fitness plan that’s perfectly aligned with your body’s unique capabilities. Whether you're aiming to build muscle, lose weight, or enhance endurance, understanding your genetic predispositions allows you to focus on the type of exercise that will give you the best results.
2. Enhanced Nutritional Guidance
Nutritional needs vary from person to person, and genetics play a significant role in how we metabolise food. Genetic Fitness Testing in India can provide you with personalised dietary advice based on how your body processes different macronutrients and micronutrients. This level of customisation can help prevent deficiencies, support weight management, and boost overall health.
3. Reduced Risk of Injury
For fitness enthusiasts and athletes, understanding genetic risks related to injuries can be a game-changer. Genetic markers can indicate whether you're more susceptible to ligament tears, joint issues, or muscle strains. With this knowledge, you can take preventive measures by modifying your training regime or focusing on strengthening specific areas of the body.
4. Optimized Recovery Time
Some individuals may experience slower recovery due to their genetic makeup, which can lead to burnout or overtraining. Genetic fitness testing can help you identify how your body recovers and what steps to take to speed up the recovery process, such as incorporating certain nutrients or adjusting the intensity of workouts.
5. Disease Prevention
In a country like India, where lifestyle-related diseases such as diabetes and hypertension are common, genetic fitness testing can offer insights into potential health risks. By understanding these risks early, you can adopt preventive measures through targeted fitness and dietary adjustments, reducing your chances of developing chronic conditions.
Who Should Consider Genetic Fitness Testing?
Genetic Fitness Testing in India is suitable for a wide range of individuals:
- Fitness Enthusiasts: If you are looking to maximise the efficiency of your workouts and see quicker results, genetic testing can guide you toward a more tailored fitness plan.
- Athletes: Professional or amateur athletes who want to improve their performance by understanding their body’s strengths and weaknesses can benefit from genetic insights.
- Health-Conscious Individuals: If you’re proactive about your health and want to take preventive measures against potential genetic predispositions to diseases, this testing can be invaluable.
- Weight Management Seekers: Those struggling with weight management can gain a clearer understanding of how their body processes food, making it easier to adopt a diet that works for them.
Conclusion: A Game-Changer for Personalized Health
Genetic Fitness Testing in India is revolutionising how we approach health and fitness. It empowers individuals to make informed decisions based on their genetic blueprint, leading to optimised fitness plans, customised diets, and more effective health solutions. In a country as diverse as India, where lifestyle and health conditions can vary greatly from one region to another, this personalised approach offers an innovative way to achieve fitness goals.
By unlocking the secrets of your genetic code, you can embark on a fitness journey that’s tailored to you, ensuring better results and long-term health benefits. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast, athlete, or simply someone looking to take control of your health, genetic fitness testing can be the key to unlocking your true potential.
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oaresearchpaper · 29 days
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orenforgette · 29 days
Excelling in High School Rowing: Your Guide to Competitive Success
High school rowing is a challenging and rewarding sport that combines physical endurance, teamwork, and mental toughness. Whether you're new to rowing or a seasoned competitor, understanding the intricacies of high school rowing competitions can give you a significant edge. This guide delves into the essentials, from preparation to race day strategies, to help you and your team excel.
Understanding the Basics of Rowing
Rowing, often referred to as "crew" in the United States, involves racing boats on water using oars. Each boat, known as a shell, is propelled by rowers who work in sync to achieve maximum speed. High school rowing typically includes various boat classes, such as singles, doubles, fours, and eights, with each boat category having its unique dynamics and challenges.
In high school competitions, races are usually held over a distance of 1,500 to 2,000 meters. The goal is to cover the distance as quickly as possible, with all rowers maintaining a consistent rhythm and stroke rate. The team with the fastest time wins the race, but success requires much more than speed alone.
Preparing for the Season
Preparation for the rowing season begins long before the first race. Physical conditioning is crucial, as rowing demands both aerobic and anaerobic fitness. Rowers need strong legs, core, and upper body muscles to generate power with each stroke. A well-rounded fitness program should include cardiovascular training, strength training, and flexibility exercises.
In addition to physical fitness, mental preparation is vital. Rowing requires immense concentration and the ability to push through fatigue. Visualization techniques, where rowers mentally rehearse the race, can be incredibly beneficial. Developing a solid mental game helps rowers stay focused and maintain their composure under pressure.
Building Team Cohesion
Rowing is often described as the ultimate team sport because success depends on the entire crew working in perfect harmony. Each rower must match the timing, power, and rhythm of their teammates. Building this cohesion takes time and practice.
Regular team-building exercises, both on and off the water, can strengthen the bond between rowers. Trust and communication are vital, as every rower needs to rely on their teammates to perform at their best. Coaches play a crucial role in fostering a positive team culture, emphasizing the importance of collaboration and mutual support.
Technical Training and Practice
Technical proficiency is essential in rowing. The ability to execute a clean, efficient stroke can make a significant difference in a race. Coaches often focus on drills that improve stroke technique, such as catch placement, drive phase, and recovery.
Water practice is critical, but so is time spent on land. Ergometer (erg) sessions are commonly used to simulate rowing conditions and improve cardiovascular endurance. These machines allow rowers to work on their technique and fitness in a controlled environment. Video analysis can also be a valuable tool for identifying areas of improvement.
Understanding Race Strategy
A well-planned race strategy can be the difference between winning and losing. Understanding the course, the competition and the conditions on race day are all crucial components of race strategy.
Typically, a rowing race is divided into phases: the start, the middle, and the sprint. The start is about getting the boat up to speed as quickly as possible. During the middle phase, rowers settle into a sustainable rhythm while maintaining a high level of power output. The final sprint is where the crew gives everything they have left to cross the finish line.
Effective communication within the boat is essential during a race. The coxswain, who steers the boat and sets the pace, plays a vital role in executing the race strategy. They must keep the crew motivated, make quick decisions, and adjust the strategy as needed based on the unfolding race dynamics.
Nutrition and Hydration
Proper nutrition and hydration are critical for peak performance. Rowers burn a significant number of calories during training and races, so a balanced diet rich in carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats is necessary. Hydration should be maintained throughout the day, especially during long training sessions and on race day.
In the days leading up to a race, it's essential to focus on carbohydrate loading to ensure glycogen stores are maximized. On race day, rowers should eat a light, easily digestible meal a few hours before the competition. Hydration should be maintained up to the start of the race, with rowers sipping water or sports drinks to stay properly hydrated.
Race Day Essentials
Race day can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. Preparation is critical to managing the stress and ensuring everything goes smoothly. Rowers should arrive at the venue early to allow ample time for warm-up, equipment checks, and mental preparation.
It's essential to have all necessary gear, including uniforms, rowing shoes, and water bottles. Rowers should also be familiar with the race schedule and any specific rules or regulations for the event. Staying calm and focused is crucial; nerves are natural, but they should be channeled into positive energy.
Post-Race Recovery and Reflection
After the race, recovery is essential. Rowers should cool down with light exercise and stretching to help prevent muscle soreness. Rehydrating and consuming a recovery meal within an hour of the race will aid in replenishing energy stores and repairing muscles.
Reflection is an integral part of the learning process. Whether the race was a success or a disappointment, rowers and coaches should review the performance, identify areas for improvement, and set goals for future races. Continuous learning and adaptation are critical to long-term success in rowing.
The Journey of Rowing Excellence
High school rowing competitions are a test of physical endurance, mental toughness, and team collaboration. By focusing on preparation, technical training, race strategy, and recovery, rowers can enhance their performance and enjoy the thrill of competition. Whether you're aiming for a spot on the podium or simply looking to improve your skills, the journey through high school rowing offers valuable life lessons and unforgettable experiences.
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Food Waste Composters: Waste Management Solutions That Make a Positive Impact
In a world where sustainability is becoming increasingly vital, managing food waste efficiently is a critical challenge. The staggering amount of food waste generated globally not only leads to significant economic losses but also has severe environmental impacts. Food waste composters offer an effective solution, transforming food scraps into valuable compost, reducing waste sent to landfills, and mitigating environmental harm. This article explores how food waste composters are making a positive impact on waste management and the environment.
The Food Waste Challenge:
Globally, approx 33% of all food produced is wasted, which is to about 1.3 billion tons annually. This waste occurs at every stage of the food supply chain, from production and transportation to retail and consumption. When food waste ends up in landfills, it decomposes anaerobically, producing methane—a greenhouse gas that is over 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide. This contributes significantly to global warming and climate change.
What Is a Food Waste Composter...??
A food waste composter is a device or system designed to accelerate the decomposition of food scraps and other organic waste into compost. The process involves aerobic decomposition, where microorganisms break down organic material in the presence of oxygen. The result is a nutrient-rich soil amendment that can be used to improve soil health, promote plant growth, and reduce the need for chemical fertilizers.
Types of Food Waste Composters
1. Household Composters:
Countertop Composters: These compact units are designed for kitchen use and can process food scraps quickly through methods like dehydration or fermentation. They are ideal for urban dwellers and small spaces.
Worm Composters (Vermicomposters): These systems use worms to break down food waste, producing high-quality compost called worm castings. 
Backyard Compost Bins: Traditional compost bins are placed outdoors and can handle a mix of food scraps and yard waste. They are cost-effective and relatively easy to manage.
2. Commercial and Industrial Composters:
In-Vessel Composters: Enclosed systems that control environmental conditions, such as temperature and moisture, to optimize the composting process. These are suitable for businesses, institutions, and large-scale operations.
Aerobic Digesters: Machines that accelerate the decomposition process by mechanically mixing and aerating the waste. They can process large volumes of food waste efficiently, making them ideal for commercial use.
Benefits of Food Waste Composters
1. Waste Reduction:
By diverting food waste from landfills, composters significantly reduce the volume of waste and the associated environmental footprint.
2. Methane Emission Reduction:
Composting food waste reduces methane emissions from landfills, helping to combat climate change.
3. Soil Enrichment:
The compost produced is rich in nutrients and organic matter, which improves soil structure, enhances water retention, and promotes healthy plant growth.
4. Resource Conservation:
Composting returns valuable nutrients to the soil, reducing the need for chemical fertilizers and supporting sustainable agriculture.
5. Cost Savings:
For businesses and institutions, composting can reduce waste disposal costs and create opportunities for selling or using the compost produced.
6. Community and Educational Benefits:
Composting initiatives can raise awareness about sustainable waste management and provide educational opportunities for communities and schools.
Making a Positive Impact:
Food waste composters are a practical and effective solution for managing organic waste sustainably. By turning food scraps into compost, they help close the nutrient loop, reducing the environmental impact of waste and promoting healthier ecosystems. The use of composters also encourages responsible consumption and waste practices, fostering a culture of sustainability.
For businesses, investing in food waste composters can enhance corporate social responsibility efforts, reduce operational costs, and improve environmental performance. For households, composting is a simple yet impactful way to contribute to a greener planet.
As we face the challenges of waste management and environmental sustainability, food waste converter offers a valuable tool for making a positive impact. By reducing food waste, minimizing methane emissions, and producing nutrient-rich compost, these systems support a more sustainable and resilient future. Embracing composting as part of our waste management strategy is not only an investment in the environment but also in the well-being of future generations. Together, we can make a significant difference by turning food waste into a resource and creating a healthier planet for all.
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sonalshinde · 3 months
Understanding Biological Treatment in Sewage Treatment
Biological treatment forms a vital part of modern sewage treatment plants, harnessing natural processes to effectively purify wastewater. At its core, this process relies on biocultures, also known as biological cultures, which foster microbial activity to break down organic matter. This method is particularly effective in aerobic wastewater treatment systems, where oxygen plays a crucial role in facilitating microbial growth and enhancing the breakdown of pollutants.
Bioculture for Sewage Treatment Plants
Biocultures are specialized blends of microorganisms carefully selected for their ability to degrade organic substances present in wastewater. These cultures thrive in the oxygen-rich environment created within sewage treatment plants, where they metabolize pollutants into simpler, harmless compounds like carbon dioxide and water. This biological wastewater treatment solution significantly reduces the organic load of effluents before discharge into the environment.
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Biological Wastewater Treatment Solution
In addition to biocultures, biological treatment systems may utilize nutrient additives. These additives provide essential nutrients that support microbial growth and optimize the efficiency of the treatment process. By maintaining a balanced microbial ecosystem, these systems ensure consistent and reliable wastewater treatment.
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Advantages of Aerobic Wastewater Treatment
Aerobic processes offer several advantages over other methods, such as anaerobic digestion. They produce less sludge and odors, operate efficiently at moderate temperatures, and require less space. Moreover, aerobic treatment effectively removes organic pollutants and nutrients, making treated wastewater safer for discharge or reuse.
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Biological treatment in sewage treatment plants exemplifies sustainable wastewater management, relying on natural biological processes to purify water efficiently and environmentally responsibly. By employing biocultures and nutrient additives, these systems ensure effective wastewater treatment while minimizing environmental impact.
For more information on biological wastewater treatment solutions, visit PureBact.
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greenaquatechnologies · 4 months
What are the benefits of Organic Waste Composting Machine?
What is an Organic Waste Composters? An organic waste composter is a device or system designed to facilitate the aerobic decomposition of organic matter into nutrient-rich compost. Unlike traditional landfill disposal methods, which result in the anaerobic decomposition of organic waste and the generation of harmful greenhouse gases like methane, composting harnesses oxygen-dependent microbial activity to break down organic materials into a stable and beneficial soil amendment.
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What are the process of Organic Waste Composter?
Organic waste composters typically consist of a container or vessel equipped with mechanisms to regulate airflow, moisture levels, and temperature, creating optimal conditions for microbial activity. The composting process involves the following key stages:
1. Collection: Organic waste, including kitchen scraps, garden waste, and other biodegradable materials, is collected and added to the composter.
2. Decomposition: Microorganisms, such as bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes, break down the organic matter through aerobic respiration, converting complex compounds into simpler forms.
3. Maturation: Over time, the decomposed organic matter undergoes further transformation, resulting in the formation of mature compost, rich in essential nutrients and beneficial microorganisms.
4. Application: The finished compost can be used to improve soil quality, enhance plant growth, and promote sustainable agriculture and landscaping practices.
Benefits of Organic Waste Composters:
1. Waste Diversion: By diverting organic waste from landfills, composters help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and alleviate pressure on waste management infrastructure.
2. Soil Health and Fertility: Compost serves as a natural soil conditioner, enriching soil with organic matter, nutrients, and beneficial microorganisms, thereby enhancing soil fertility, structure, and water retention capacity.
3. Nutrient Recycling: Composting allows for the recycling of nutrients contained within organic waste, returning them to the soil in a form readily available for plant uptake, closing the nutrient cycle and reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers.
4. Land Regeneration: Compost application promotes ecosystem restoration and land regeneration by replenishing degraded soils, combating erosion, and supporting biodiversity.
5. Resource Conservation: By converting organic waste into a valuable resource, composting contributes to resource conservation and the preservation of natural ecosystems, aligning with principles of circular economy and sustainable development.
Conclusion: Organic waste composters represent a powerful tool in the transition towards a more sustainable and resilient future. By harnessing nature’s inherent capacity for recycling and regeneration, composting offers a practical and scalable solution to the challenges posed by organic waste management. Whether in urban environments, agricultural settings, or community gardens, the adoption of organic waste composters fosters a culture of environmental stewardship, innovation, and collective action. As we strive to build a more circular and regenerative economy, organic waste composters stand as exemplars of the transformative potential of sustainable technology and mindful waste management practices.
Best Organic Waste Composter Machine in India
If you are looking for a Best Organic Waste Composting Machine Manufacturer in India, look no further than Green Aqua Technologies, we are a leading manufacturer and supplier of Organic Waste Composting Machine in India.
For more details, please contact us!
Website : https://www.greenaquatechnologies.com/
Call us : +91–9205127088, +91–9643300067
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For whatever reason it reminds me of Desperate Housewives and Wisteria lane. Or just Wisteria in general.
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It's unfortunately it's anything but wistful or romantic.
This is inspired by the netflix series Poisoned. I hate that title but it's a great watch. I learned a lot from it. I highly recommend it particularly for medical students and residents etc.
So, listeria are gram positive rods (most bacilli are negative) making this relatively easier to remember (purple rods). Also catalase positive. IT's also a facultative anaerobe - so both cultures may be positive (aerobic and anaerobic bottles).
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the species that is the culprit for major human pathogens is Listeria monocytogenes.
At increased risk groups (more likely to die of Listeriosis) - the immunocompromised and extremes of life, including the elderly, pregnant women and neonates. Immunocompromised: HIV, anyone on long term highish doses of steroids, leukaemia/oncology patients etc. Worryingly, incubation time is 3-90 days in these groups, so it's difficult to really trace or keep track of. Pregnant women are at 20x higher risk of acquiring the severe form.
Source: CDC
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Hence why during pregnancy you're advised not to consume raw salads, fruits, cold cuts, soft cheeses, sprouts and smoked salmon or sushi, no mayo and no raw egg (definitely no raw milk) etc. Similarly, common recommendation is you serve none of these to children under the age of 1. It naturally lives in soil (hence avoidance of raw sprouts) and can live in animals. So it can frequently contaminate food.
Image Source: SA Health
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As with COVID (I can't believe I'm using COVID as a measure of things), it can cause mild food borne illness (nausea, vomiting diarrhoea, myalgias, even fevers) to invasive disease causing sepsis and even meningitis or encephalitis. Incubation time is a few days in the mild form.
IMage source:
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Death by Listeria when you have the severe form (Listeriosis) is 20%, astonishingly high given you have a 1% chance of dying from Salmonella.
It's a small risk but the issue is that complications and fatality if you do acquire is high. It's also highly preventable, but the challenge is food safety and avoiding certain foods as a consumer.
i.e. in pregnancy, most will have diarrhoeal illness that's mild. But in the subset that get invasive disease and really unwell, there's a 20% risk of miscarriage, risk of premature labour and risk of still birth at 3% in the US. In the states, pregnant women are also 10x more likely to get Listeria infection. That is, illness after exposure.
On the final note of prevention, also always properly refridgerate food to 4 degrees celsius and cook meat to 165 fahrenheit or 73 degrees celsius. As I've learned from the Poisoned documentary, you can ask restaurants to do this, ask them to use an internal thermometer to measure - as rare/medium rare etc have no meaning as it pertains to food safety. If they can't, order something else.
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With meningoencephalitis, we just presume that Listeria is a possibility and treat empirically while awaiting investigations.
Investigations: - CSF (lumbar puncture) in event of signs of meningism or encephalitis (classic headache/fever/stiff neck/rash and/or acute confusion or seizure AND fevers) --> expect the classic features of bacterial meningiits and gram stain positive for purple rods - PCR - stool cultures have no value - blood cultures--> look for gram positive rods in the preliminary findings, expect a call from the lab Empirical therapy: - none in asymptomatic or mild disease. just monitoring until symptoms resolve and supportive care (fluids etc.) - Listeria is a notifiable disease to the health department in most Western countries that keep track of outbreaks. - in the US, standard treatment is ampicillin. - in Australia at least, standard therapy is IV benzylpenicillin, 2.4 g 4 hrly in meningitis or encephalitis and everyone is just started on this until bug identification/gram staining and sensitivities return. - in hypersensitivity, bactrim is used. - cephalosporins have no activity against them (or "inherently resistant), hence you can see IV ceftriaxone and benzylpen in the drug regimen for empirical therapy of meningitis - cef covers gram negatives, strep pneumo (most common cause of meningitis) and neisseria meningitidis - duration of therapy in severe disease: 3 weeks, 6 weeks if immunosuppressed
Really great summary here.
Random historical trivia
listeria is named for Dr. Joseph Lister, a British surgeon who introduced sterilisation of equipment and antiseptics to surgery, improve post op care and observed that microbes are the cause of cases of poor wound healing or post op infections. he also began to look at them under the microscope as an early pioneer of bacteriology.
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Lister's father by the way, made compound microscopes for a living, so lister became proficient at using this and started publishing articles during medical school
this also led to a lot more research on inflammation and coagulation
weirder trivia: in his med school days, surgeons commonly did not wash hands between patients and some didn't even change gowns, glorifying how busy they where by how many stains were on it by the end of the day
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so unsurprisingly his early battles to pioneer antiseptics and aseptic techqniues to prevent the transmission of infection in surgical patients were pretty uphill
Resources CDC guidelines WHO guidelines FDA Statpearls --> great at covering basic physiology and pathology etc. in a short form. Australian therapeutic guidelines - unfortunately not free.. so won't bother to link. If you work at any large-ish Australian hospital you'll have 'free' access. Wikipaedia US list of outbreaks CDC recommendations on foods to avoid vs okay to eat to avoid Listeria
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duhocicc · 5 months
Let me say about Hanbat Fitness Center (Hanbat National university)
Hanbat Fitness Center
By Park Seok-joo Cub Reporter, Sophomore of Architecture
Staying physically fit is crucial for academic success, yet accessing sports facilities can be challenging for many students. That's where the Hanbat Fitness Center comes in, offering better cost-efficiency and accessibility to cater to students' needs.
Facility Overview
Operated by HBNU's Culture and Sports Department, the Hanbat Fitness Center is dedicated to promoting a healthy campus lifestyle for both students and faculty. Conveniently located in S7 (B1 101), the center is easily accessible to all university members. It boasts separate men's and women's locker rooms with shower facilities, along with dedicated zones for stretching, aerobic exercises, and anaerobic workouts. To enhance the workout experience, students can freely utilize tops, towels, and borrow exercise aids like foam rollers, resistance bands, and weightlifting belts. Additionally, a water purifier is available for easy hydration during workouts.
Registration and Service Hours
With a reasonable price tag of 30,000 won per quarter (3 months), students can register during the application period, typically spanning the first two weeks of each quarter. After a simple application process at the center, they gain access to its facilities. Since March 2023, the center has extended its morning opening hours by 30 minutes, allowing students more flexibility in their workout schedules. Currently, the center operates from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM and from 1:00 PM to 8:30 PM, Monday through Friday, with a break from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM. It remains closed on weekends.
Prioritize Your Health
Health is invaluable, and investing in it is a wise decision. By taking an active interest in and making use of the Hanbat Fitness Center, students can lead healthier and more balanced campus lives. So, why not prioritize your well-being and make the most of this excellent facility?
HBNU Information detail in Link: https://duhocicc.edu.vn/truong-dai-hoc-quoc-gia-hanbat-top-5-ve-ky-thuat/
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leedsomics · 5 months
Aerobic Adaptation and Metabolic Dynamics of Propionibacterium freudenreichii DSM 20271: Insights from Comparative Transcriptomics and Surfaceome Analysis
Propionibacterium freudenreichii (PFR) DSM 20271 is a bacterium known for its ability to thrive in diverse environments and to produce vitamin B12. Despite its anaerobic preference, recent studies have elucidated its ability to prosper in the presence of oxygen, prompting a deeper exploration of its physiology under aerobic conditions. Here, we investigated the response of DSM 20271 to aerobic growth by employing comparative transcriptomic and surfaceome analyses alongside metabolite profiling. Cultivation under controlled partial pressure of oxygen (pO2) conditions revealed significant increases in biomass formation and altered metabolite production, notably of B12 vitamin, pseudovitamin-B12, propionate and acetate, under aerobic conditions. Transcriptomic analysis identified differential expression of genes involved in lactate metabolism, TCA cycle, and electron transport chain, suggesting metabolic adjustments to aerobic environments. Moreover, surfaceome analysis unveiled growth environment-dependent changes in surface protein abundance, with implications for sensing and adaptation to atmospheric conditions. Supplementation experiments with key compounds highlighted the potential for enhancing aerobic growth, emphasizing the importance of iron and -ketoglutarate availability. Furthermore, in liquid culture, FeSO4 supplementation led to increased heme production and reduced vitamin B12 production, highlighting the impact of oxygen and iron availability on the metabolic pathways. These findings deepen our understanding of PFR's physiological responses to oxygen availability and offer insights for optimizing its growth in industrial applications. http://dlvr.it/T6G2bm
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evoldir · 6 months
Fwd: Job: VanderbiltU.ResearchTech.ExperimentalEvolution
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Job: VanderbiltU.ResearchTech.ExperimentalEvolution > Date: 10 April 2024 at 05:57:12 BST > To: [email protected] > > > The Behringer Lab in the Department of Biological Sciences at Vanderbilt > University is looking for a Research Technician to oversee long-term > experimental culture of various anaerobic and aerobic bacteria, including > Lactobacilli and Escherichia coli. The Behringer lab is a young and > vibrant team dedicated to understanding fundamental biological processes > in a collaborative environment. Our lab is actively involved with the > Vanderbilt Evolutionary Studies Initiative and the Vanderbilt Institute > for Infection, Immunology, and Inflammation, making it a wonderful > opportunity for recent graduates looking for a two-year position to gain > valuable research experience prior to pursuing a graduate degree. The > major research focus of this position is understanding how oxygen > exposure shapes microbial evolution, which aligns with the global lab > interests of how microbes evolve in stressful environments. The Research > Technician is a key member of the research team responsible for supporting > the research, organization, and day to day operations of the lab. As > such,  this position requires skills in microbial cell culture, nucleic > acid extraction, and project organization. Applicants with experience > conducting experimental evolution or anerobic microbial cell culture are > strongly preferred. For more information e-mail the PI, Megan Behringer > ([email protected]
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