#aetherverse update
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ATV begins again. Sorry for the sudden change everyone, but I had to make it happen. Aetherverse has a much, much cleaner flow now, and has a much nicer start to it.
Either way, I hope you enjoy.
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warverse · 3 years
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Warverse: Season 1 The Fall: Ch 2 Pt 51-55 Second last set before I turn it into a game instead XD
Warvese is a collision of the AUs caused by Error and a new face, the rage of war burns up as the Battleground falls into anarchy.
Part 59-63 (Last set)
Part 51-55: You are here.
Part 43-47
Prolouge 1
!Check out early updates on the Warverse Server! https://discord.com/invite/67QDq4bMsP
Dream by @jokublog Defiance: @dolos-is-june / @testpithverse Warverse by @toxictoxicities / @warverse Undertale by ©Toby Fox (Multiverse mentions) Aetherverse: @aetherverse-official Empireverse: @lunnar-chan Underverse: @jakei95 Pithverse: @doloshroom / @testpithverse Magusverse: @magusverse LAUverse: @nixensibrat02 Pluralverse: @pluralverse OK THAT ALL DYGUHIJ (Theyre on the little papers grfedwsq) I had to zoom in on em haha!
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Alright: Here’s the big update.
So, I got most things updated and typed out. I will get to writing up the Lore later since it is really late at night and I need to head to bed soon if I want to get to bed for school lol
So, no surprise from the updates but this is no longer an Undertale blog. Recently, I’ve fallen out of the fandom and have only been lingering around for the bigger project planned for FateStagnant and Aetherverse made by Roman. I do still enjoy the game and the more simplistic fandoms, but I will no longer be neck deep in the fandom theatrics and shenanigans.
This blog will now be centered around Choris who is now just an OC unrelated to any relevant fandom- of course with soon to be other characters that will also be a part of his original world.
I apologize to anyone who enjoyed the AU I made here and to any sour feelings that were had during and after this creation I made- but what is done is done and my decision is set in stone. You are not required to stick around and you are free to dip out and unfollow if you are uninterested with what I have planned next with this blog. If you still want to keep up with the art that I post, you can find me on these platforms:
You can also find a link to my art blog here on tumblr if you navigate onto my blog page!
Again, apologies for any disappointment, but this is what I feel will make me happiest.
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romandraconics · 5 years
IDK about you guys but I’m writing this comic and I’m excited for the next Aetherverse update
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Thank you all for your patience! We’ve finally finished up the next page~
 Things seem to be heating up with Xink’s first move... perhaps Flat has a plan? 
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Here’s the next update everyone! After this update, our update schedule is going to slow down to every other week in order to give GAs and us time to properly work on the pages. I’d rather put these out with quality artwork than all at once. So see you all in two weeks! ^^
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Yay another update!! Seems like even after that, Flat’s here to save Abaddon’s ass. Another fun update too, dontcha think? ;)
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AETHERVERSE has been discontinued.
Hey there everybody! Sorry for the notification, but we have an important announcement to make: Aetherverse is being discontinued. Thank you all so much for being part of this experiment and journey with Sylvia and I, and a special thank-you to the guest artists for putting in so much of their time and effort to help us make this comic great. However, Sylvia and I have since moved on from Undertale, and neither of us see ourselves continuing this comic. If you continue reading after this, we have an overview of the plotline we had planned!
As for what we're doing next - Sylvia and I are working on an Original Comic. This comic is still in the works and conceptual stage, and we're worldbuilding, but we feel comfortable announcing it. The title of this comic is ADVANCED - and to give you a bit of a teaser, it follows a shadowy and dark secret investigator on their journey to put an end to a mysterious chain of murders.
Thank you all again for being part of the Aetherverse family. Hail to the Eclipse, we won't forget this experience and we hope you don't either.
Aetherverse Plot Summary {This is somewhat long, as Aetherverse was planned to be LONG}
We all know how the intro starts. Abaddon, Flat, and Xink fight > Xink wins the fight. I actually had a VERY specific image in my head of Abaddon being drilled through with a weapon that Xink overwrote into existence in a move to protect Flat, and him blacking out with blotched colors in his vision.
He wakes up with Aether, isn’t happy with the situation, realizes he not only can’t use his magic, but his own magic is killing him. Crystal Creep - the shit on abaddon’s face - is a result of Abaddon not re-upping his stone with human souls. This is a callback to FMA.
Abaddon trains, and they have their first important mission: Talk to the guardian of the Creator’s Vision, Eurus. They go and speak to Eurus and their guard, Artemis, and get ambushed. This leads to a confrontation between Artifice and Aether, and Abaddon and Xink. It’s a very emotional exchange, and we get to learn that Artifice, Aether, Eurus, and two other unrevealed Guardians by the names of Raksa and Blackout were all raised together.
Abaddon is screaming at Xink for having gone and lied to him, but Xink reveals that it’s only thanks to him that Abaddon even exists. We then get a flashback: Xink was alone in the multiverse as an Ink - and this Ink was Summer. Summer wanted nothing more than to please the Creators, however, it’s revealed that the Creators were growing bored with the multiverse. Becoming disinterested. Unsure what to do, Summer meets with XGaster, who tells Summer he’ll give him the ability to Overwrite timelines, and perhaps that’ll keep the creators attention. Xink sadly accepts, watching as his only friend dusts, before overwriting the world.
This catches the creators attention as he creates his first interesting universe: A blank one, which created a character named Veneer. Happy he’s caught their attention, he continues to do this. Over and over, he overwrites universes until they’re nothing like their original ones. That’s when he gets to a naturetale timeline, and completely recreates it, making Abaddon’s universe. This one seems to really please the creators.
What he doesn’t know is that because each of the universes is so far from canon, it’s making the creators no longer interested in undertale - instead interested in making their own creations. End flashback. We also learn of a character named Grayscale, someone who’s been following Xink around, and Xink orders him to finish Abaddon off. He doesn’t get the opportunity, because Artemis and Aether are in absolute RAGE as Artifice kills Eurus so that Aether no longer can see where they are. This leads into Aether pushing himself too hard, and Artemis barely getting the three of them out of there alive.
It was hidden up until that point, but Abaddon lost an arm to Xink’s attacks, and he has to get a new one. This is where Ash comes in! He’s not pleased about having to assist the same person who  got him into this mess, but he’s convinced by Xeidra and Filigry to do so since they do need Abaddon’s help. This is also where a character I never got to use, Drach, makes his appearance. He was going to be a character that represented Abaddon’s past sins and misdeeds, because Drach’s brother was in the Arena and survived, but at the cost of his mental health. Drach hates abaddon, and never will not hate Abaddon no matter how much good he does. More information, the stagnation spreading, more and more people being saved and sent to a place called the Save Point. This is where ATV and Fate Stagnant combine, we get Languish and SR’s help in saving those who were run out of their homes. The Save Point is a massive floating island in one of the doodlespheres, and it’s represented by the only working Save Point in the multiverse.
This is where three new characters are revealed: Chance, Peak, and Lobi. Long and short of it is these are Abaddon’s love interests, and no it’s not a love… square. Abaddon is polyamarous! And these end up being his three boyfriends. Sylvia and I didn’t plan their interactions yet though.
The end of the comic is pretty intense. The multiverse is collapsing, universes are falling apart, characters are losing their homes and can no longer feel connected to their universe. It all ends at the Save Point, a portal to SOMEWHERE opening up there and Xink blocking the way after successfully having gotten Aether’s stone as well.
He’s furious that even with the power of two stones, he can’t overwrite the multiverse and start over, so instead he ingests both of the stones and overwrites himself into this massive, powerful entity that the main cast have to defeat.
They give the fight their all. There’s blood shed, there’s tears wept. Xeidra goes down and Filigry sees it, sees Xeidra about to be killed, and absolutely goes full-on to protect him. There’s a very specific scene in my head where Filigry’s viciously fighting off tendrils of white magic, a sword in his hand and viciously angry, only to have a two-page panel of Filigry’s soul being pierced by a white tendril. He doesn’t dust, he doesn’t cry out, but he completely collapses. Abaddon is the only one left able to stand, and even Xink is running out of ideas. Xink isn’t angry anymore, but instead he’s crying. He wants to know why Abaddon won’t stop, why he’s okay with this going on, why he isn’t just giving up.
Abaddon says it’s because he’s determined.
He doesn’t have his naginata anymore. He doesn’t have magic. But what he does have are his fists, even if one is mechanical, and that same mechanical hand is the one that lands the finishing punch to Xink, punching DIRECTLY through his chest and clasping his soul, only to rip it out.
We’re left with a collapsed, weeping Summer on the ground. Filigry is dead, Xeidra is mourning him. Aether and Artifice are embracing.
Summer cries that he just wanted to keep the creators here. Abaddon looks out at the portal where everyone had escaped to…
And says sometimes it’s better to move on rather than keep holding onto the past.
He doesn’t help Summer up. He goes back to his friends and helps them, gathers Filigry’s body.
The last page was going to be the main cast silhouetted against a white portal, passing through it. The thing I looked forward to creating was an ending pmv, where its revealed how the main cast is doing, and it included a thank you and goodbye to the undertale fandom. I may still create this, because it does have a lot of meaning for me, but…
Thank you all. The undertale fandom was a wonderful experience, and I couldn’t have asked for a more wonderful place to spend my time. You guys really did help make me into the person I am today, for better or worse. The past years have been rough, but I’d do it all over again.
Thank you.
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And that’s the end of chapter 1! Honestly, I’m really proud of myself for getting all of this done - and I have to thank all my guest artists for helping me along the way, and all of you for your support.
I’m very excited to start on Intermission 1 - there’s a lot to explain there, and I hope you look forward to it as well.
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Sorry for the long wait with this update, everyone - I’ve recently started medication, and I’ve been stuck in burnout for around a month now. Hopefully that clears up, but this comic update comes with news!
Firstly - Aetherverse is NOT cancelled. I still plan on updating it and I am still working on it and its’ story. However, I am going to be changing from a weekly updating system to a more... when-im-inspired update schedule. This means Aetherverse updates will be chaotic, and will not be as regular. Sometimes multiple a week, sometimes once a month, who knows. It all depends on me at that point.
Secondly, GA positions are staying! However, I do plan on becoming a bit stricter with how lineart/coloring/shading is done. I am not only slowing down because I dont have motivation all the time - but also because I want Aetherverse to look the way it does in my head. I want to take my time on it, rather than rushing through updates to hope it gets done on time. That means higher quality art in updates! It also means all GA’s will be held to a bit higher of a standard - but my GA peeps are amazing, so I’m sure it’ll be totally fine.
Lastly, Aetherverse is a passion project. It’s something I’m doing because I find it fun and am putting my heart and soul into. I want it to be fun for me and everyone to look at, and I want to be able to look back on Aetherverse as a positive experience for me. Rushing through updates, nudging GAs, keeping to a set schedule? It’s not how I roll. That’s not fun to me - so I’m trying to make it easier on myself and everyone. I’m sorry the updates won’t be as often, but I hope you all will enjoy what Aetherverse has to give. Because trust me, there’s a LOT aetherverse has to give.
Thank you for following, and I hope you enjoy this update ^^ - Rome
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This is a pretty big update, and I feel like this is an important update to pay attention to for the future.
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<- PREVIOUS | NEXT -> Happy New Years everyone! I hope you enjoy the update!
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