#aetherwatch society
healeremeline · 2 years
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Loss, anger, (ooc pic for funsies), and then a dialogue with the enemy.  The opening of the new campaign and the beginning of a new chapter for Aetherwatch begins. 
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aetherwatchsociety · 4 years
FC Name: Aetherwatch Society FC Tag: <AW-RP> Leaders: Catherina Renard, Emeline Tousart Officers: Aurora Tsuki, Booshie Nakamura, Kayne Blackfire, Rosette Valeria. FC House Address: Lavender Beds W6, P58 Type: Medium RP, Dark Heroic, Magical Based, Community Events, Community Inclusive Age: 18+ Active Times: EST Evenings for Major Events. Website: https://www.aetherwatchsociety.com/
In Character Background: To the public, we are a group of Aetherical Redressers, offering a collection of healing, magical consultation and similar assistant services. People are welcome at our door with problems of the medical, supernatural and arcane variety. The Society also finds themselves in the field, answering calls for aid, tracking leads on dangerous items and working to clean up issues left in the wake of horrible events. Aetherwatch is not a place for heroes, but rather an organization for caretakers. Those entering our ranks find themselves serving under leadership teams of the Medical Unit, The Aetherical Team, The Protection Unit or even working as scouts and information gatherers underneath our Intelligence Group. But there is something beneath the surface many do not see. Secrets abound within Society walls.
Out-Of-Character: Welcome! Behind the scenes, AW is a friendly group looking to enjoy the game and rich magical background of FFXIV. In character, we host a public face while a very private one remains hidden. We wanted to create an FC with a deep background and a greater responsibility to the world, all while helping players explore their personal story. Inside AW you will find a tiered hierarchy, inclusive RP, and an organized leadership core.
See our website for more information and to join!
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rosettevaleria · 5 years
She couldn’t sleep, not after what happened tonight. In the moment, she couldn’t take the time to truly process what had happened to Catherina. Instead, she was at Mafrea’s side the instant he pulled away from what remained of the Netherseer and walked with him through the portal.
At that moment, there was nothing any of them could do. They had a mission and they had to continue to pursue what needed to be done.
They left the obsidian statue of Catherina behind in that Temple and Rosette had wrangled people together to assign them their respective missions: they had people to hunt and gather information about. The Redressers and Midnighters needed to focus on something -- and she gave that to them.
Afterwards, she looked for Mafrea but the Mage had made himself scarce. Their aetherlink was silent. She could find him if she hunted him...she could call over the linkshell; but she recognized his need for a moment alone and for privacy when she saw. She refrained from disturbing him for the time being...there was always tomorrow.
She paced the halls, restless and unable to focus on any one thing. Reports, her harpischord, reading and research...her mind was too busy. She couldn’t focus.
Rosette left the House, wandering the Beds and her feet took her down to the water. She stripped to her chemise and dove into the chilly water, swimming until it no longer felt cold and her arms burned. She pulled herself up onto one of the large rocks in the center, looking to the sky as she breathed in the night air, uncaring of the goosebumps that dappled her skin from the cold. She closed her eyes, falling into a mindset of reflection...and sending a soft prayer to the Twelve on Catherina’s behalf.
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mentions: @blackmagesol​, @oroete​, @aetherwatchsociety​
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leaping-layla · 4 years
What Even is a Water Canon?
Costa Del Sol was always beautiful. Today, though, there was something very different about it. About all of it. The wind blew a little stronger and Layla’s hand moved up to the wide brimmed straw hat that sat on her head, holding it in place. There was a wide smile on her face, a grin some might say even. 
She stood on the end of the longest pier, simply standing there, hands clasped in front of her, staring out into the water. It stretched out for malms, as far as she could see. Sure, here and there were dotting spots of coral, stone, and sandbars but for the most part, it was simply water. And schools of fish.
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She was a woman on a mission. Many, actually.
Firstly, she had to prove to herself that she was capable of taking on this journey without the constant help of others. Sure, having them around was nice. It helped. But there was something about all of this, the reason behind it, that made her think twice about leaning on them so hard.
And, of course, there was always Asher. Their upbringings were so similar, yet, so vastly different all at the same time. He was so capable. Everything he did he excelled at. She knew he didn’t expect her to do anything alone, in fact, he may be upset with her for venturing out on her own. But here she was, alone, and she was going to accomplish her goal. Of that, she had no doubt.
The Blue stone was tucked into the shallow pocket of her cute shorts, cuffed at her thighs. She pat her leg, both because she was checking to make sure it was there, and also to allow herself that small moment to appreciate the shorts.
They were cute. And she bought them for this very occasion.
A swift turn on her heels sent her walking swiftly down the pier, once again, a woman on a mission. Two spells. She was leaving here with two spells.
Quickly enough her feet met with the soft sands along the beach, taking her along the shoreline until she found a spot she thought would be best. There were many schools of fish in the waters here, colored red, blue, green, in a variety of hues. 
She pulled the hat from her head, setting it in the sand near her feet alongside her grimoire. The stone was pulled from her pocket, sat on the grimoire with the hat just over the top. There, safe. She thought to herself, smiling again.
First things first. 
Layla dove into the water, pushing into it further. Fish divided, breaking their schools into two parts to let her pass, quickly forming up again as she passed. She waited till she was out some yalms from land before rolling to her back.
The water was warm, gently lapping at the skin along her arms and legs. Her eyes closed and she simply lay there, taking in the sounds and warmth around her. She would stay here forever if possible.
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Several moments passed as she lay back, floating on the water. The sun was already moving rapidly across the sky and she knew it was now or never. Weather reports had mentioned rain likely for the day.
A few breaststrokes pushed her through the water, smiling as the local fish population made way for her to pass once again. If only they knew what was in store for them.
Her feet met sand again, this time small bits clung to both her skin and the leather of her sandals, wet prints left in the sand where ever she moved. She scooped the hat and grimoire back up, once again finding the perfect spot. She settled into the sand, making herself comfortable, legs tucked under her, grimoire in her lap.
Page after page was turned, a small lick to her thumb making it easier, before she found the spell she was after. Leave it to Elias to place the most rudimentary teleportation spell in her grimoire. Bless that mess of a man. She would have to thank him later.
She focused on the diagram on the page she had opened the grimoire to, chewing at her lower lip, allowing it to sink into her mind, taking purchase there. Committed to memory. It was then, and only then, that the words quietly drifted from her lips.
There are places you need to go With my aether With my mind You shall go anywhere You shall go anytime Come To my desired place
The sudden pop in the water and the pull on her aether almost caused her to break her concentration, and for a moment, she was certain the small fish would plop back down into the water. But there, on the sand in front of her, was a small red fish.
“Holy shit!” She called out to no one, “I fucking did it!” Another one she would have to mark down to tell both Asher and Elias. The small red fish flopped against the sand, looking up at her wish wide, empty fishy eyes. “Oh... oh...” She stood, quickly, moving the small fish back into the water. “Not you little guy!” She almost yelled, letting the little fish go in the water. She flopped back down, leaning back to reach for her grimoire again. “Fi would have killed me...” She sighed, shaking her head. “Note to self, no more promises things won’t die.” She said, once again chewing at her lower lip.
She would have to try harder. No more small fish. They would not do what she needed anyway, unless, of course, she were looking for dinner. No, no. Concentrate, Layla. Her head shook again, setting her eyes on the water. There had to be something in there. Something she could use.
It seemed as if hours passed, days even. Fish, after fish. Slimy sea cucumber after slimy sea cucumber. They really did look like gross disfigured penis’, she thought, thoroughly grossed out after the fifth one. She had almost given up, almost closed her book and stood.
Then. There is was. Swimming along as if it didn’t have a care in the world. And until this very moment, it didn’t. A bombfish.
He was large, brown, and covered in spiky scales. Perfect. This one would do, it had to. Surely.
Once again, the spell was cast, and before Layla could so much as utter the last word, the bombfish was floating in the air before her, both of their eyes wide at the new situation they were in.
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It was angry. As expected. Immediately it turned on Layla, bright yellow eyes wide and glaring at her. Oh the things it would have said had it the voice to speak. Scrambling back, Layla pulled the small blue stone from her pocket. Her eyes closed and she held the stone close to her chest.
A blast of water came from the fish’s mouth, blasting like canon at her face. She was happy she had taken the hat off earlier, surely it would have went flying. Her hair blew back, wet and tangled. Her eyes closed harder, trying with all her might to keep the wicked jet of sea water from blasting her eyes.
“Okay! Okay!” She screamed, one hand up to block the water. “I’m sorry!”
The little bombfish glared at her again, just before turning and floating back out to sea. For several long moments it stared at her, hanging over the water with a look of distaste for the Hyur woman written all over it’s face. Seconds later it was gone, lost again to the depths of the sea.
But there, in Layla’s hands, where the blue stone was held, a bright light began to form. Brighter and brighter still. For two whole breathes the light shown, casting a warmth over Layla that brought another smile to her face.
She watched as the light began to fade once more, leaving nothing more than a faint reminder of it’s presence int he heart of the stone.
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“I did it.”
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aurora-tsuki · 4 years
{A Far Off Dream}
 A young girl, with long black hair and white horns, stands next to a young man, with deep green hair and black horns. They are both dressed in fine clothing, looking among others that sit at a table, all dressed in fine silk robes. They bow in greeting and the young girl and young man take  a seat. The young girl will pull out a deck of cards covered in stars, showing it to those in the fine silk as the young man begins to pour the wine with a “oh no, I’ll take care of it, watch the show,”
The cards are laid on the table. With dramatic flipping of the cards, to the oo’s and ah’s of the guests in fine, as a story of the stars was woven from the young girl’s reading of the delicate card images…
It was terribly easy to use the card reading as a cover, really. A quick switch of the wine as the young man poured the deep red liquid into the goblets. In mere minutes they would sink to the ground, their silk robes like a gentle blanket over their dead bodies.
The young girl and the young man would take their belongings and exit silently…
The scene would change. Fire and earth crashing around the young girl and the young man. Mechanical beasts fought the flood of masses. Soldiers in armor on both sides.
They stood tall and straight, an impenetrable force. As soldiers broke past the lines to target the girl, the young man, equipped with two dark blades, fought swiftly with deadly precision as she calculated the sky, cards in her hands. She would speak orders into the linkshell attached to her horn, and the giant mechanical beasts would turn and adjust to her commands.
The young girl with long dark hair would be without the young man this time. She lies on the ground, covered in blood. Hers or someone else's, it is unclear. Her face is dirt-covered and tear-stained, eyes staring up at the stars. Then, there would be a ghost standing over her, looking down, inspecting. The ghost had soft white hair and sad blue eyes, but the girl with black hair recognized who it was… her own ghost. 
With hands reaching up, she grasped at the ghost, coughing up blood as she tried to move. The ghost would kneel down… and silently wrap its hands around her neck. And she would cease breathing.
But of course, as the girl with ghost-white hair and bright blue eyes woke up with a stretch -- carefully resetting the plushies she had arranged around herself -- Saphyra would shake away the headache she always woke up with. And the dream would be forgotten. It always was. 
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giest-works · 4 years
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Jun Akagane, scholar (and definitely a real boy) of the Aetherwatch Society.
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kaynetsuki · 4 years
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♦ EYES : Blue | Green | Brown | Hazel | Grey | Other (Purple with Yellow Limbal Rings)  ♦ HAIR : Blonde | Brown | Black | Red | Ginger | Grey/White | Multi-color | Other (…) ♦ BODY TYPE : Skinny | Slender | Slim | Built | Curvy | Athletic | Muscular ♦ SKIN : Pale | Light | Fair | Freckled | Tan | Olive | Medium | Dark | Discolored | Other (…) ♦ FACIAL FEATURES : Scars (...)| Markings (…) | Scales (...) | Fur | Beard | Ears (...) | Other (…) ♦ BODY FEATURES : Scars (Twin slash scars on the stomach and back, along with A LOT of others) | Markings (...) | Scales (…) | Fur | Tail (…) | Paint | Other (…)
♦ GENDER : Male | Female | Trans | Cis | No Gender | Other (…) ♦ SEXUALITY : Heterosexual | Homosexual | Bisexual | Pansexual | Asexual | Demisexual | Other (…) ♦ SPECIES : Hyur (...) | Elezen (…) | Miqo’te (…) | Lalafell (…) | Roegadyn (…) | Au ra (Xaela) | Other (…)
♦ EDUCATION : Can read | Can write | Tutor | Mentor | School | Other (Self Taught) ♦ LIVING SITUATION : Lives alone | Lives with parents/guardian | Lives with significant other | Lives with a friend | Lives with a group of people (Aetherwatch Society) | Drifter | Homeless | Other (…) ♦ PARENTS/GUARDIAN : Mother | Father(s) | Adoptive | Foster | Grandparents | Family friend | Other (…) ♦ RELATIONSHIP : Single | Crushing | Dating | Engaged | Married | Separated | It’s complicated | Other (…)
♦ I’VE BEEN : In Love | Hurt | Sick | Abused | Other (…) ♦ I HAVE A(N) : Learning Disorder | Personality Disorder | Mental Disorder | Anxiety Disorder | Eating Disorder | Substance-related Disorder | Other (…) ♦ THINGS I’VE DONE BEFORE : Drank alcohol | Smoked | Done drugs | Stolen | Self harmed | Starved myself | Had sex | Gotten into a fist fight | Was severely injured | Gone to jail | Used a fake ID | Gone to a party | Killed someone 
♦ POSITIVE TRAITS : Affectionate | Adventurous | Athletic | Brave | Careful | Charming | Confident | Creative | Determined | Fearless | Generous | Honest | Humorous | Intelligent | Loyal | Modest | Patient | Selfless ♦ NEGATIVE TRAITS : Aggressive | Bossy | Cynical | Envious | Fearful | Greedy | Gullible | Jealous | Impatient | Impulsive | Insecure | Irresponsible | Possessive | Sarcastic | Self-conscious | Selfish | Unstable
Rules : BOLD what applies to your muse, ITALICIZE what applies under specific circumstances. Remember to REPOST. Feel free to add to the list. Blank sheet can be found > HERE < !!! Tagged by : @healeremeline​ Tagging : Whoever wants to do it, I think everyone’s been tagged already
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thegreenrabbit · 2 years
Day 1: Cross
Gawain, the self proclaimed Green, sat at the Carbuncle themed desk under the Carbuncle themed chandelier and leaned back in the Carbuncle themed chair.
Truthfully, he found the paraphernalia excessive at best, gauche at worst, but he was not going to complain about the decor in otherwise free boarding now that he finally managed to settle in a room in the House.
(And were that he truthful with himself, the gifts from Rosette were growing on him - not one for such kinds of material possessions and not one to walk around in Carbuncle slippers, but the kindness of the act made it hard not to attach)
(But Gawain was not truthful with himself, and had hidden this items in his personal space, the bed chambers through the hinged bookshelves, or set them up in the library to look as if they had always been there and not something of his choosing.)
All of these thoughts and unthoughts beckoned to take his attention away from the documents that splayed across his desk. Though a member of Aetherwatch Society, he still took on contracts for requisitions of various odds and ends, from the Grand Companies and the Gleaners of Sharlaya alike.
Sorting through this paperwork he was stacking the merchant copies that would need sign and return and his personal copies to keep for records neatly. All of these documents would look perfectly identical from its pair, down to the stamped like signature of someone who signed so much. There was only one difference:
On the personal copies the surname Fjrnson was always crossed out.
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healeremeline · 3 years
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PICTURE 1: Us saying goodbye to Stormblood, this was our favorite from a photoshoot we did on the eve before maintenance in 2019. Also the same month/year Aetherwatch was founded.  PICTURE 2-7: Our goodbye shots to Shadowbringers! It was a beautiful story, but we are all ready to get to the finale and start anew!  PICTURE 8: Our FC shot taken the night of maintenance. Missing a few folks that could not join us tonight, but were very much missed!
So much has changed for these characters and all our friends we have met along the way. Welcome Endwalker!
@aetherwatchsociety @oroete @junakagane @da-boosh 
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healeremeline · 4 years
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Some random shots from open RP and still poses. @aetherwatchsociety
Pic Credits to: @blackmagesol @rosettevaleria Andrei Mochi Ezraine
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healeremeline · 4 years
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This week at Aetherwatch Society! @aetherwatchsociety
(Not going to lie, there are dozens of amazing pictures from the wedding, prewedding parties and campaign finale. Here are a few teasers) Pics by: @blackmagesol Klara, Andrei, Emeline
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healeremeline · 4 years
Aetherwatch Society Medical Clinic - Wednesday 7.22.20 8-11PM EST
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@aetherwatchsociety​ @crystalxivrp​ @mateusrpcalendar​ @mateus-rp​
Art by: @saphyra-tsuki​
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healeremeline · 4 years
Burrich got us some hats!
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@da-boosh​ @kayneblackfire @ijiness @aetherwatchsociety​ (left to right) Ezraine, Klara, Kayne, Booshie, Emeline and Burrich. 
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healeremeline · 4 years
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The initial sit down with the lovely folks from LAPIS. Here is to the start of a wonderful friendship!
@blackmagesol @aetherwatchsociety
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healeremeline · 4 years
Aetherwatch Society Medical Clinic 6.17.20 (8-11PM Est)
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JOIN US is the Lavender Beds, Ward 6, Plot 58
@aetherwatchsociety​ @mateusrpcalendar​ @crystalxivrp​
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healeremeline · 4 years
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The end of a Chapter. 
The last remnants of Alaric are dead and Jun is free! 
The conclusion of an almost two year long personal plot story that started AW on their path!
@junakagane @aetherwatchsociety
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