#afdgs I'm sorry it's not finished
utimagines · 6 years
Here is a very old Sans break-up fic I made, but I never really finished the second half and I don’t think I ever will so I hope you enjoy it the way it is <3 
‘You got room for one more?’ Without waiting for a response, Sans took off his slippers and sat next to you. He placed his slippers to his side and put his feet into the pool of water. The water was calm, but not still. It lapped at Sans’ feet, and he could feel mud slipping between his bones. He took a moment to look at your face. Whether it held guilt or emptiness, it was hard to tell. It hurt either way. ‘I guess the Underground’s done for. You gonna head up soon, or…?’ Sans trailed off, unsure of how to finish. You looked into his eye sockets. Their glow seemed dimmer, unusual when all of the other monsters had been so happy.
You turned back to the water. It sparkled under the glow of the cave’s crystals. With a sigh, you muster up the courage to tell Sans the truth. ‘No,’ You start, ‘I don’t know if I can. Not after the war.’ You refused to look at him, though you could guess what he looked like. Confused, perhaps a little angry. Flustered, sad. Regretful.
‘Oh. Oh.’ He stumbled before returning to his usual composed state. ‘I guess… this is over, then?’
‘Yeah.’ You nodded. Then silence. It hung in the air like a curse, and it felt like Sans was far out of reach. It was so damn tempting to hold him close, to never let him go and keep each other safe forever, but he had his responsibilities. Hopefully he understood you had your own as well.
More silence. Sans looked up at the ceiling, hoping for some sort of distraction, but nothing came.
‘…Welp.’ He muttered. ‘It was good while it lasted.’
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