#afjkfnaijnkj gay panic time
erosislost2 · 3 years
The Flower and the Bee
is the feeling I have for the only man who makes my heart twist.
He takes my heart and molds is back together after it has been shattered.
He takes the wilting flowers and brings them back to life.
He kisses the mental wounds I have earned through my life.
He is a winter’s day with a pet, a cup of cocoa, and a fireplace.
He is the way my favorite movie makes me feel.
His gentle hold on my heart makes me coo and sigh in delight.
Love is a simple yet difficult thing.
Love is full of irony, hurt, and comfort.
He treats me like a king and teaches me how to retain that confidence when he is missing.
I am confident because of his teachings.
He teaches me self love and how to be myself.
He allows me to be my own person without him.
He stays in my life even when absent.
He remains in my mind and even while gone teaches me how to be strong.
My lover is a man of tough love, hard as a rock yet as soft as the grass underneath. 
He understands not how to be completely gentle, but how to guide me to the comfort of his arms.
Many will not understand that he does not show pda.
Many will not understand that he is shy in ways.
He is mindful and understanding of my emotions.
But he also makes sure to tell me his own.
My lover is a man of many things.
But he is no coward to the difficulties of communication.
He searches for what hurts me and asks how to heal it.
He is violent to those to hurt me, but he understand when to stop.
He is possessive but allows me freedom.
He knows he cannot control me and loves me for such.
He loves all my flaws even when they annoy him.
He is my bee, I am his flower.
He pollinates my self confidence and I bring his love to life.
he is my bumblebee.
I am his lily of the valley.
We grow amongst each other.
He may sit on the throne but I advise him from behind it.
For he is my king but I am his loyal, regent knight.
Our relationship is equal.
We both have the same amount of power.
And I love him for the way he guides me out of unhealthy habits.
Many will say I should view him as the sun,
However, he is not my sun, for I could live without him but It would be with another. 
For he is my bee, and I am his flower. - Eros KH
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