#afo this is not how you win in a custody battle smh
This is a continuation of my last post.
Izuku is hungry.
No, he isn't hungry, he's starving.
Ever since he's been taken underground into the underworld, Izuku hadn't drunk or eaten anything. His mind was permanently stuck on the warnings his mother had given him about the dangers of the food of the underworld.
If he had eaten or drunk anything from the underworld, he would be a permanent resident there.
Knowing this, Izuku closed himself off from anything related to food or drinks. Distracting himself from anything else, the young God forcibly bit his lip whenever he was offered any sustenance. Shoving it away with the same old excuse that he wasn't hungry and that he’ll eat later.
Much later...
He’d eat the dry skin on his lips, the broken nails he’d bite off, and even his robes to keep himself from giving in. He went as far as swallowing the bile at the back of his throat to quench his thirst.
Izuku was starving, craving any kind of nourishment to please his unnerving appetite.
It was driving him mad and the God that had kidnapped him took advantage of that.
All for One would always present food and drinks wherever Izuku would go. Always close to Izuku’s reach, he would eat and drink to his heart’s content to pursue the young God to join him. Yet, the young God would turn away and occupy himself with something else entirely.
But inside his stomach would shake with agony as he clenched his robes so hard that his knuckles turned white.
“You’re killing yourself over something so small and insignificant.”
Izuku turned, his grip on his robes tightening.
“My mother is neither small nor insignificant! She is more of a God than you’ll ever be!”
All for One chuckled, eating another grape from his plate with a smile. Izuku persisted nonetheless, his hunger combating his anger.
“You’ll be sorry when she’ll realizes what you’ve done! She’ll break down the doors of the underworld itself just to get me back!“
All for One laughs, taking another grape into his mouth, his face turning smug.
“Izuku, I would love to see how your mother would go out of her way to get you into her arms again. Knowing her myself, I would see how much of a tantrum she would have made by now. Last I heard, that woman has plagued the world into an eternal cold, not one plant is safe from her wrath.”
Izuku huffed, feeling himself stand tall as the God before him come close. He braced himself to show how brave he was despite how painful his eyes stung to release his tears.
“My mother is an all-powerful Goddess, she will see that you suffer because of your recklessness.”
A large hand then caressed Izuku’s hair, shocking the young God as he then noticed how close the God had come up to him. He did not see rage cross the older God’s facial features, instead, he sees a sense of amusement.
“If your mother does plan to come down into my realm, then so be it, but she’ll have to understand the trouble I went to have you in my grasp.”
The plate was given to Izuku who grabbed onto it without thinking twice. Despite how his stomach screamed to have Izuku eat the remaining food, he ignored it. Opting to watch the God before he walks away, leaving him once more alone, in a room he's been stuck in for days on end.
The plate of food, once again, was thrown off amongst the others. The fallen food is still as pure and clean as they were since they were given to Izuku after all this time. Once again, his stomach screams at him to give in as he forces himself to walk away from it all.
Izuku cannot die but the more his stomach continued to churn from within he felt as if he could.
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