#african grey parrot clipped wings
tiktokparrot · 5 months
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wingedauthor · 4 years
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I am 100% down for the Headcanon that Gavin is a cat person. But I might I also raise him being a bird person? 
Meet Dipshit. The foul mouth, bitey, rescued African Grey whom many have compared to his owner. Hates everyone except Gavin (though he still gets bit). Nines is a very rare exception to this fact. Partially inspired by parrot swearing videos like this one. 
Headcanon below. Feel free to add:
As stated Dipshit is a rescue parrot. Three years prior to the revolution, they found him during a Red Ice Ring Raid. He was trapped in a small cage no bigger than him in a very dark room. Due to stress, he had plucked out most of his feathers. It was Gavin who found him and let him out of the cage despite the bird’s angry hissing. 
The bird bit him of course but having dealt with feral cats, Gavin remained calm ignoring the pain. Dipshit ran up his shoulder then and refused to get off; biting anyone and everyone who got too close to Gavin
Gavin took him to a local exotic shelter to see if they could find him a good home. Dipshit seemed... heartbroken seeing Gavin leave. Gavin stayed in touch with the shelter to see if anyone tried adopting him. Meanwhile he started doing research. After a few weeks of no one being willing to take in the angry bird, he decided to bring him home. 
Dipshit was uncharacteristically happy seeing Gavin again. Especially when he took the bird away. 
Gavin spent a good chunk of his savings getting the biggest cage that would fit in his apartment and an assortment of bird toys, perches, treats, food etc. That first night together, Gavin learned Dipshit was afraid of the dark and hates being locked in his cage. He pretty much screamed until Gavin turned the lights back on and opened the cage. Though not the best for his health, Gavin decided to just leave the cage door open at all times and leave a nightlight on for bird. 
Gavin still has a cat named Asshole. She was curious about Dipshit at first but much to Gavin’s relief, she really has no desire to chase Dipshit. He’s pretty sure Dipshit could take her on in a fight though. Slowly his feathers started to grow back but there’s still a few missing patches. Unlike most birds, Dipshit was quite content going long hours without seeing Gavin. As long as Gavin spent most of his time with the bird when he was home, he was fine. He has free range of Gavin’s apartment though will mostly sit on top of his cage or on a free standing perch in the living room. His wings are clipped just for safety. 
Dipshit did not help Hank’s fear of birds. 
The bird has picked up Gavin’s dislike of the lieutenant and attacks every time he sees Hank. Connor came over to apartment once to collect some case files and was attacked by Dipshit as well. He completely understands Hank’s fear now of that bird.
Nines was an interesting case. Maybe part of it was Gavin didn’t really have a seething hatred of the newer android and Dipshit picked up on that. The first time he came over, Dipshit put on his threatening dance. 
Gavin: Careful he bites Nines: I cannot feel pain Detective but I appreciate your concern Gavin: I’m not worried about you dumb ass. Dipshit can easily bite through your plastic fingers and thirium is extremely poisonous to birds. Nines: Noted.
But Nines showed no fear. Dipshit obeyed a very stern command to not bite and step up. Gavin was completely shocked. Dipshit never listened to anyone. Not even the vets. 
To rub salt in the wound, Nines was the first person who was able to give Dipshit scritches. He explained that sometimes angry creatures just needed a kind but firm tone. (Not unlike a certain detective). Nines now visits regularly to help Gavin train Dipshit. 
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bayoubluebirb · 6 years
Read This Before Buying A Bird!
There are some things to be considered before going to a pet store and buying that cute little conure or cockatiel in a cage, adopting a bird from a shelter, or homing a bird from a small independent breeder. Addressed questions: How much money are you willing to spend? Are you okay with the possibility of having a furniture-destructive animal in the house? How much space do you have? What is the climate and your neighborhood like? How long are you away from home per day? How much time can you commit?
How much money are you willing to spend on your pet per month?
- I probably spend about $50-$100 on my bird a month on average. On big trips to pick up perches, trees, or cages, it’s more along $200-$800.
- Birds are not cheap. They can range in price, but typically a healthy hand-reared budgie will cost anything from $50 to $100. My Peach Faced Lovebird was $140. I have a male Solomon Eclectus that was almost $2000. African Greys, Congo and Timneh, range $2500-$3500. Macaws range $2500-$23,000, etc.
- Cages are expensive! A good quality cage that is not full of harmful metals or paints, will cost between $200 and $5000. My SL Eclectus’ cage is pure acrylic and was almost $800. He will be getting a larger cage and that is $1500.
- Birds do need annual vet check ups, and they require exotic veterinarians specialized specifically in Birds. Because they need a special doctor, it also costs more. Co-pays are usually around $150-$400, and procedures and medications can be off the roof expensive.
- If you cannot afford to feed yourself, provide yourself with necessities and a couple wants, and are living comfortably, a bird is not the pet for you.
Are you okay with them possibly destroying a few beloved things in your home?
- Birds are often described as animals that take and don’t give back. They are natural foragers, and need stimulation to keep them entertained. Your parrot may chew at your door frames, your door itself, couch cushions, Leather materials, kitchen supplies, etc.
- Birds have extremely sensitive respiratory tracts, so if you aren’t willing to give up that lovely PFAS chemical we Environmentalists like to call The Devil We Know, AKA Teflon, then a bird is not for you.
- If you aren’t willing to trade in bleach, vinegar, non-stick, cleaning sprays and window cleaners, for something organic, trusted and approved by your avian vet, then a bird is not for you. It is much more expensive, but it would not only keep your bird safe, but also you safe!
How much space do you have in your home?
-Even if your bird’s wings are clipped, you need enough space for your bird to spread its wings and maneuver about.
-Birds talk a lot, so if you appreciate your quiet time, don’t get a bird if you live in close-quarters.
-Talk to your neighbors first before you buy a parrot if you live in an apartment or townhome. Yes. The birds will scream. Yes, your neighbors will hear it.
-If you want more than one bird, even if they’re the same specie, never house them in the same cage, even if it’s giant! Birds are NON DOMESTICATED animals, and it’s important we mimic their habits in the wild as to not frustrate them. Birds are animals that while in flocks, are incredibly spread out unless they’re mates or conversing. Birds are always alert, and are watching and listening. They need their space.
What is the climate like yearly?
-Where do you live and what is the temperature in each season?
-Do you get snow in the winter? Many people up north have birds, but it’s also more pricey to own a bird up north due to the extra expenses needed to keep the bird warm.
-How warm/cold do you keep the air on in your house?
-What species of bird are you considering? They come from all different habitats. The Peach Faced Lovebird, for example, is native to sub-desert regions like Namibia and Angola. Probably not a good idea to get a Peach Faced Lovebird if you keep your home below 19°C/66°F.
-Birds NEED vitamins (D3) they get from the sun, just like people! If your weather is consistently unable to provide these vitamins to your birds, you either need to purchase a UVB/UVA lamp, or you just should not get a bird.
What is your neighborhood like?
- Down in Florida, Texas, and many other states with high-demand parrot breeding and shops, there’s a lot of thievery. Make sure you live in a safe environment.
- If you live near chemical/manufacturing plants, or has an immediate family member that does, a bird is not for you.
- Birds are very sensitive to pollution. Please make sure your neighborhood is clean, because not only is it bad for the pets, but also the people!
- How noisy is the neighborhood? Do you live in New Orleans and pop big celebrations for Mardi Gras? Do you live in areas with lots of fireworks or loud noises? This can startle your bird. It can bring them stress!
- If you plan on flight training and/or bringing them outside on a harness, is your town/city very busy? Is there a lot of traffic? Are there birds of prey that live nearby? Hawks WILL and HAVE swooped down to snatch a parrot off of someone’s shoulder for a snack, and have even snatched them out of the sky while free-flying. Please be careful!
How long per day are you away at work/school?
- If you work a full time job and are a college student, you will not have time to take care of a bird and be able to grant your bird’s needs.
- How many hours a day do you work/are away from home? Parrots on average need AT LEAST six to seven hours a day out of their cage!
- Birds need attention, but not in the sense where you need to throw them a ball or cuddle with them. Being in the room with them out of the cage is even plenty to make them happy. They want you to be with them, but not on them!
How much time can you devote to your bird? How patient are you?
- Birds are a lifetime commitment. Depending on the species, your bird can live between 15 and 100 years. Do not adopt a bird unless you have accepted that this bird will be with you through everything. If you move, if you get married or divorced, if you have children, if you get other pets, etc.
- If you don’t think you’ll want the same bird for twenty+ years, do not get a bird. There are countless in avian shelters and sanctuaries right now, and it’s heartbreaking to see. If you wouldn’t sell your child because you got bored of them or were struggling to care for them, don’t sell your parrot.
- Parrots grow extremely attached to the people they’re used to being around, and in that case have many emotions similar to humans. They put trust in you, and rely on you, and love you. Rehoming them after multiple years of building that relationship can cause self-mutilating behaviors, depression, aggression, and even death from loneliness and feeling abandoned. If you cannot handle strong emotions and a deep attachment, a bird is not for you.
- Many parrots love to learn, and many are stubborn. They are extremely smart animals and among the most intelligent in the world, so keeping them stimulated with daily training is essential.
- Birds bite, and when they bite, it hurts... A LOT. I have been bitten until bleeding by an African Grey, I have been bitten by a previously abused Yellow-headed Amazon, I am constantly bitten by my Lovebird that I am trying to train to be less aggressive. Birds bite, and no, if you don’t understand why you aren’t allowed to scream “Ow!” when it happens, a bird is not the pet for you.
- Birds are not dogs, nor cats, nor horses. Negative reinforcement will only enable Negative behavior in your parrot! You must have the patience to, even when they bite you, praise them for it. You want them to know that biting doesn’t get a reaction out of you and that it won’t make you give them more or less attention. They will eventually learn this and try to find other ways of communicating with you.
- Birds do not bite to communicate by nature. You must take time to learn your bird’s body language. They will always give you at least FOUR warnings before they bite you hard. Please, learn to speak to your bird. They cannot learn English fluently like everyone else.
Please, let me know if I should do some more of these helpful pointers! By no means am I insinuating you should not get a bird, because I love hearing about people’s emotions and excitement toward them. They’re wonderful companions. I merely aim to inform people before they make a big lifetime decision like adding a feathered friend into their family!
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A New Arrival - Sinclaire x MC
A/N: I wrote a tiny little blurb about this guy for a previous OTP ask about Ernest and Emmeline. I received a drabble request that perfectly allows me to flesh him out a bit more. I’m not even sure how many of you remember him! Thanks sweet Nonny!
Tagging: @darley1101
There had been quite a bit more commotion around Ledford the past week and a half since Mr. Sinclaire had left for London. Emmeline had anxiously awaited his return, but she found a particular way to keep herself busy in between walks, reading, visitors, and her music. Miss Parsons had returned from London, not long after her husband had left, with a precious package tucked safely in her carriage when she visited Emmeline Sinclaire.
The African Grey Parrot sat perched on Emmeline’s shoulder, munching at bits of biscuit that she offered him. She named him Arthur and he was already proving to be quite clever as he’d learned how to escape from his aviary and where the kitchen was to harass the cook for bits of fruit and other foods he enjoyed. Emmeline found his cleverness enthralling and had set about teaching the bird to talk as she had heard they were quite smart and capable of human like vocalizations.
Ernest’s return made Emmeline a bit nervous as she had given him no indication what she asked Miss Parsons to locate for her in London. She didn’t think he would have much issue however, as he would not be tasked to care for the animal, and provided her with happiness and kept her busy. There were times when his work would keep him in his office for an entire day.
She hears the hiss of Mr. Sinclaire’s carriage on the pebbles of the drive, coming to a halt before Emmeline puts her hand out for Arthur to step onto. She places him gently at the back of the sofa in the sitting room to greet her husband in the entryway. She greets him with a kiss and Ernest’s arms wrap about her, grasping at her hips, pulling her roughly to him, as he so often did upon his return from being away for any length of time. He moves to pull her up the stairs, a smirk on his lips, but Emmeline remains in the entry hall, giggling and looking to the sitting room where she had left Arthur.
“What is it my love? You don’t wish to join your husband for a private audience?” He chuckles.
“I can’t imagine anything I would like more, but first, I need to show you something.”
He follows Emmeline to the sitting room but when she comes around the archway, Arthur is not where she left him. Surely the bird had not learned to fly, its wings had been clipped. She spins around, searching for him, and spots him just as Ernest clears the doorframe. He has managed to scale a bookshelf, just to the left of where Mr. Sinclaire stood, unaware.
“Hello!” squawks Arthur as Mr. Sinclaire comes into his field of vision. Emmeline struggles to hide her complete amusement as her husband nearly jumps out from his boots to the top of the archway. She covers her mouth and bites back a laugh for forceful she can feel tears in the corners of her eyes.
“Ernest,” she states, as calmly as possible as she reaches her arm towards Arthur who climbs upon it, “meet Arthur.”
Thus begins an odd rivalry between Ernest and the bird, both somehow a bit jealous of the other and the affection the receive from the lady of the house. The bird frightens Ernest, biting him rather often, and he’s sure it can smell his fear and slight contempt for it, as it leers at him, talons sinking into the brocade of his rather expensive furniture.
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leo-the-ringneck · 7 years
So I want to get an Indian Ringneck. I've had an African grey and a Quaker before (had to give them away because I moved 🙁) but I'm stable now and wanting to bring a little birb home. Any tips?
Okay oh my gosh how old are those. Freakin tumblr never tells u when u have messages! From my experience with indian ringnecks they are adorable and smart birds with really good flight skills, my boy Leo is a super good flyer. That's why I wouldn't suggesting clipping their wings but I am against clipping in general. It depends what you are looking for though. If you feel comfortable enough to adopt a birdie from a shelter and try to socialize him that would surely give that one bird a great life but you can also check out local breeders for a youngster to have it a bit easier. If you consider a baby bird keep in mind that ringnecks can be real brats during puberty (I think most birds are), one of my ringnecks used to bite me just for fun when the mood striked him. Like most parrots they love chewing and you should provide lots of toys just for that or else the room they are in may get damaged. Maya ripped off my wallpaper because she is a brat!So overall ringnecks are cute and intelligent birdies and good flyers but can be real brats from time to time.Sorry sorry for the late answer. Freaking tumblr app.
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qnddkfniokdl · 5 years
Need to You Get A Bird? 8 things To bear in mind
“Polly want a cracker?”
Many people think that proudly owning a playful, colorful parakeet or parrot can be not anything however fun, but dwelling with one is some distance extraordinary from the assumption that everyone you’ve got to do is fill up their birdseed and water each day.
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Even birds as small as parakeets can stay 5 to 8 years, and African grey parrots and Macaws can stay from 35 to 50 years or greater. That’s a large commitment.
Here are eight essential things to take into account before you convey domestic pet chicken.
1. Sensitivity Birds cannot tolerate houseplants, smoke, hairspray, fragrance, air fresheners, scented candles or Teflon-lined cooking pans. The invisible fumes that come from cooking on Teflon-covered pans are deadly to birds. Their breathing systems are extremely touchy and cannot tolerate any of those materials.
2. Disease Birds can transmit airborne sicknesses (such as avian tuberculosis) to humans, and their dander can irritate folks who be afflicted by breathing troubles consisting of allergies, COPD, and emphysema. HEPA air filters can help lessen feather dander, but if all and sundry in your house are sensitive, maybe some other kind of puppy would be a smarter choice.
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2. Disorder ought to You Get A puppy chicken? 8 things to keep in mind Life360 tips
Three. Noise Unless you’re happy with small, jumpy finches or canaries who make little peeps all through the day (each of which isn't commonly candy and loving), be organized for quite a few noises. Even parakeets – as small as they are – can cause you ear pain, if now not listening to loss if they determine to chirp to your shoulder for a prolonged amount of time. The only time it’s quiet is at night. Any other component to hold in mind: As with chickens, domesticated birds awaken with the solar. If you can’t take care of that, recollect setting their cages in a windowless room.
Four. Mess Birds devour continuously when it’s mild out of doors. There is no such issue as 3 food a day. Anything seeds they eat are available in parts: the hull and the meat. They get rid of the hulls and devour the beef, and the hulls drop to the floor. You’ll need to vacuum at least once an afternoon. Keep in thoughts, too, that puppy birds will shred paper, wooden, plastic, cords and whatever they can get their beaks around.
Five. Flight Until you want your bird to fly across the residence or maybe getaway via the front door and likely get lost for all time, you ought to clip their wings. Don’t try to try this on your very own without gaining knowledge of a way to clip wings efficiently. Achieved properly, the challenge is as easy as clipping your nails. Accomplished incorrectly and you may completely damage the hen’s capability to fly. In case you’re nervous, you can take the chicken to the vet or to the place you followed him from to have specialists do the activity.
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5 must You Get A puppy bird? 8 matters To recollect tips
6. Room Whilst you purchase your fowl, ensure that it lives in a cage big sufficient that it can pass round and flap its wings, or install a few prefab branches (available at your nearby puppy store) somewhere in your private home so it can land there to relaxation. If you don’t want to house your fowl inner your own home, you can build a separate aviary for its comfort.
7. Attention Birds are like human toddlers. They’re social creatures who adore regular interest from their people. And that includes scratching under their wings, rubbing their necks and permitting them to sleep to your blouse pocket (if they’re small enough). In case you’re no longer the cuddly kind, then perhaps are searching for out a puppy that prefers solitude.
8. Biting A parakeet can chunk hard enough to draw blood. A Macaw can take your finger off. By no means taunt a fowl with something you couldn't manage to pay for to lose and be very cautious once they get close to your face. Birds normally received it bite down with all their energy except they experience threatened, but it’s higher to be secure than sorry, even in case your pet has been in your own home for years.
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Birds are extremely loving, dependable pets, however proudly owning them is a prime dedication of time and effort. If you determine that they’re right for you and your family, you’ll be rewarded with a lifetime of affection.
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goldstappen · 6 years
If you don't clip youre birds wings youre abusing them
Oh am I? I have 4 birds, 3 budgies and an African Grey and none of them have ever been injured. I spent a good 6 months flight training my budgies and they have never flown into anything because guess what? Birds are smart! As for my Grey, he actually doesn’t fly because he was so stressed and unhealthy with his previous owner that he plucked all his right wing flight feather but dammit he wants to fly and often falls!That is the most terrifying thing in the world because just because a bird can’t fly doesn’t mean they wont try because that’s their natural instinct! When you’re dealing with a heavy bodied bird, a fall can spell disaster! Just look up keel injuries in African Greys! Those are all caused by falls from clipped birds! And lets not forget that a bird can’t run fast so god forbid something happens to a clipped bird that can’t make a quick getaway! Last thing: most clipped birds can still fly if they get wind under their wings and will fly away and will almost certainly die because a clipped bird is a clumsy bird that’ll be picked off in a second!DON’T GET A PARROT IF YOU PLAN TO CLIP THEIR WINGS! WHY WOULD YOU EVEN WANT AN ANIMAL THAT FLIES ONLY TO TAKE THAT AWAY?!?! IF YOU CAN"T PROVIDE THEM WITH A WAY TO FLY SAFELY YOU SHOULDN’T OWN A PARROT!
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sindibadstore · 4 years
Should You Get A Pet Bird? 8 Things To Consider
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“Polly want a cracker?”
Many people think that owning a playful, colorful parakeet or parrot will be nothing but fun, but living with one is far different from the assumption that all you’ve got to do is refill their birdseed and water every day.
Even birds as small as parakeets can live 5 to 8 years, and African grey parrots and Macaws can live from 35 to 50 years or more. That’s a huge commitment.
Here are eight essential things to consider before you bring home a pet bird.
1. Sensitivity
Birds cannot tolerate houseplants, smoke, hairspray, perfume, air fresheners, scented candles or Teflon-coated cooking pans. In fact, the invisible fumes that come from cooking on Teflon-coated pans are fatal to birds. Their respiratory systems are extremely sensitive and cannot tolerate any of these substances.
2. Disease
Birds can transmit airborne diseases (including avian tuberculosis) to humans, and their dander can aggravate those who suffer from breathing problems such as asthma, COPD, and emphysema. HEPA air filters can help reduce feather dander, but if anyone in your home is sensitive, maybe another type of pet would be a wiser choice.
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3. Noise
Unless you’re happy with small, jumpy finches or canaries who make little peeps throughout the day (both of which are not generally sweet and loving), be prepared for a lot of noise. Even parakeets – as small as they are – can cause you ear pain, if not hearing loss if they decide to chirp on your shoulder for an extended amount of time. The only time it’s quiet is at night. Another thing to keep in mind: As with chickens, domesticated birds wake up with the sun. If you can’t handle that, consider placing their cages in a windowless room.
4. Mess
Birds eat constantly when it’s light outside. There is no such thing as three meals a day. Whatever seeds they eat come in two parts: the hull and the meat. They remove the hulls and eat the meat, and the hulls drop to the floor. You’ll have to vacuum at least once a day. Keep in mind, too, that pet birds will shred paper, wood, plastic, cords and anything they can get their beaks around.
5. Flight
Unless you want your bird to fly around the house or even escape through the front door and possibly get lost forever, you must clip their wings. Don’t attempt to do this on your own without learning how to clip wings correctly. Done properly, the task is as easy as clipping your nails. Done incorrectly and you could permanently damage the bird’s ability to fly. If you’re nervous, you can take the bird to the vet or to the place you adopted him from to have professionals do the job.
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6. Room
When you buy your bird, make sure that it lives in a cage large enough that it can move around and flap its wings, or install some prefab branches (available at your local pet store) somewhere in your home so it can land there to rest. If you don’t want to house your bird inside your home, you can build a separate aviary for its comfort.
7. Attention
Birds are like human toddlers. They’re social creatures who adore constant attention from their humans. And that includes scratching under their wings, rubbing their necks and letting them sleep in your shirt pocket (if they’re small enough). If you’re not the cuddly type, then perhaps seek out a pet that prefers solitude.
8. Biting
A parakeet can bite hard enough to draw blood. A Macaw can take your finger off. Never taunt a bird with anything you can’t afford to lose, and be very careful when they get near your face. Birds usually won’t bite down with all their strength unless they feel threatened, but it’s better to be safe than sorry, even if your pet has been in your home for years.
Birds are extremely loving, loyal pets, but owning them is a major commitment of time and effort. If you determine that they’re right for you and your family, you’ll be rewarded with a lifetime of love.
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ichormaws-blog · 6 years
Deveena’s morning comprises of her getting up sleepily in silk pajamas, checking on all her little succulents and having a nice cup of tea while doing a crossword puzzle.
And then she lets her African Grey parrot fly around the home because she doesn’t believe in clipping their wings, and enjoys her morning with her perched on her shoulder.
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tiktokparrot · 6 months
Explore the fascinating world of parrots, from feathers to flight! Discover insights into parrot keeping, behavior, and the evolving practices in this insightful article.
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The Parrot Farm | Parrots for sale, Birds For sale, Parrot Eggs for sale
By now I assume since you are reading this article you have decided to buy a parrot. There are several options available to you. You could buy it online. You could go to a local pet store and buy a parrot but I would suggest that for your peace of mind that you consider a reputable breeder.
Make sure the breeder has raised and sold parrots for a several years. Why? Because that way you will be sure that the breeder has a positive reputation, established over the years.
There is not one standard when it comes to breeding and raising parrots. However, most breeders follow these simple rules. The first concerns handling the baby parrot after it hatches. It is imperative to get nutritious food into the small hatchling right away. Some breeders feed the hatchlings by hand to insure the parrot ingests the proper nutrients. Buy Parrot Online
After the initial feeding the baby parrot must be weaned from that diet and introduced to solid food. For some birds this can be very traumatic and it is best to feed it a diet of fresh produce, warm soft food as well as acceptable seed. Usually a young bird won't starve. It will eat when it becomes hungry. If you try to force it to eat it might become stressed and most breeders can tell if this is happening.
Another key element of breeding is to let the young bird spread it wings. This is very natural behavior for most birds-parrots or otherwise. You will find that the most experienced and humane breeders will not clip a baby parrots wings until it has mastered this natural skill. The reason is that birds that are allowed to learn the skill of flying seem to be better adjusted and socialized. Another words, they are better pets and show less negative personality traits. After your parrot has learned this skill it's OK to clip the birds wings to prevent it from damaging your furniture. Buy Parrot Eggs Online
A key development skill is taking a bath. In the wild most birds enjoy this simple pleasure. If your breeder has not introduced the young parrots to this activity I would question their competence. It is a hygienic matter for the young parrot and it can affect the emotional development of the bird.
Visit your breeder's aviary. It is a good way to get a feeling for how the breeder conducts the development process for their birds. I would suggest you do your homework and go to the breeder's location with a list of questions. Most breeders are proud of their facilities and welcome any questions potential clients have.
Although most breeders don't have a money back guarantee I know a few that will take a bird back rather than having the parrot abandoned or placed in an unsuitable environment. It is worth it for the difference in cost to use a breeder. It's a surefire way to guarantee that the history and background of your potential parrot purchase is readily available and that information is critical to a happy healthy and well-adjusted parrot. Buy Fertile Parrot Eggs Online
Deciding to get a Pet triggers the beginning of a beautiful partnership. Your residence comes alive with the cheerful bark of a cute young puppy, or the peaceful strut of a hairy cat, the constant chatter of a pair of budgies or perhaps the view of your Fish sliding peacefully around your container.
 To several, having an animal around brings with it a feeling of friendship. It's uncommon to feel alone with 2 or 3 felines hanging around you at all times. The comradeship that a canine or a pair of parrots is seldom replaceable by anything else.
For others, a family pet supplies a healing sort of presence. The therapeutic effects that Pets could have, on human beings who are battling illnesses such as epilepsy or even cancer, are rather tremendous. Mild animals have commonly been used to engage with people are handicapped, to boost their esteem substantially. Buy African Grey Parrots Online
Obviously, you might have pets for a great deal of various other objectives also. You could obtain a dog, with the aim of protecting your home and the safety and security of your family.A cockatoo also makes a high pitched home alarm.
Many Parents choose to get healthy family pets for their household because kids are given tasks to taking responsibility and care of the pet.In this form, it is nurturing the child as well as learning to respect for the companionship many pets can bring to the child. Having the responsibility and the accountability of caring for a pet can have considerable benefits in the overall development of the child as they grow and become adults.
Among the very best ways to buy a pet is to do so online. The internet has a range of websites that are aimed at allowing you find out about the various selections of animals available. Buy Cockatoo Parrots Online
If you are fascinated by the talking abilities of parrots and planning to buy one, then you can get some excellent parrot info through books and using Internet resources. Parrots can be really entertaining and provide good source of fun and recreation to the entire family with their speaking skills. With proper guidance and training, they can learn to socialize with people in a friendly manner and learn human vocabulary at a faster pace. They can even imitate human speech and mimic different kinds of sounds, which can be interesting to hear. Today, there are plenty of resources that can give you information about parrots in the form of books, CD's, online stores to name a few.
There are different species of parrots, which vary in size and color having specific characteristics based on which they can be differentiated. Most of the parrot species are green in color whereas there are a few which are yellow in color like the Amazons. Some also come in a bright combination with a mix of colors like blue, green, yellow with tints of white. They have distinctive personalities, as some are more friendly and playful than the others. Yellow Nape is known to be among the sub species of the Yellow Amazon, which has wonderful singing abilities. Additional parrot info and detailed information on parrots can be found on some of the popular websites on the Internet. Buy Blue And Yellow Macaw Parrots Online
Macaws, African Grey Parrots, Cockatiels, Amazons, Eclectus, Conures are some of the different species of parrots which are popular among parrot breeders. If you keen on buying parrots, then it is necessary to gather all the information about parrots so that you know if you can handle them well. Some parrot species are more gentle and easy to handle whereas others can be more aggressive and make louder noise which may not be preferred by everyone. Thus, it is necessary to have good parrot info so that you can make a wise and intelligent choice of bringing a pet, which is suitable for your house and its surroundings.
You've been thinking about getting a new family pet and finally decided on an exotic bird. You've done some online searches and looked through different books on different parrots and think that your family is ready for the responsibility. Your family decided on what type of bird to purchase and bought some of the necessities for it. You bought the cage, toys and other needed supplies for him. You forgot to research one extremely important thing to before you bring your new bird home. What do parrots eat? Buy Blue And Gold Macaw Parrots Online
At the pet store you come to realize that there is a reason why there is one entire aisle dedicated to bird food and supplies. The amount of different food available is staggering. There is everything from bags of seeds,colored pellet food and bags of food that looks like pasta. Your head starts to spin at the many different possibilities. Should you buy a bag of seeds because they are cheaper than the pellet food? Why is the pellet food more expensive than the seeds? Which brand do you buy? There are brand names like ZuPreem, Roudybush, Harrison's, Pretty Bird and Lafebers to name a few.
A parrot needs more than just a seed diet if you expect him to live a long and healthy life. Since parrots can live from 25 years for the Conures, Senegals and other small parrots to upwards of 50-80 years for some of the larger parrots like African Greys, Amazons and Macaws, you must provide him with proper nutrition to keep him healthy. You should plan on providing roughly 10%-30% of your birds diet as fresh fruits and vegetables. The other 70%-90% should be a mixture of nourishing seeds and a nutritionally balanced pellet diet. Buy Conure Parrots Online
Understanding the different species of parrot means that you also understand that some birds require different levels of fat and protein based on their activity level, age, size and if they are egg laying or caring for young. There are also questions about whether or not your new companion bird is allowed to eat human foods. The rule that I go by is tiny portions of what you are having for dinner in most cases is OK for your bird too share with you. Parrots enjoy eating small amounts of cooked pasta. Make sure that it is plain pasta without sauce or seasonings. A few things that you must under no circumstance allow your bird to consume are caffeine, alcohol, chocolate, avocado and mushrooms. These items are toxic to birds. If you follow these simple guidelines, do your homework on what do parrots eat before purchasing him, you will have a happy, healthy and long lived member of the family.
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windycityparrot · 6 years
What Challenges Does Your Bird Face This Spring And Summer?
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Linda F asks Hi, As spring approaches we look to protect furry as well as feathered friends. Any suggestions on Frontline and heartguard type products that are safe around parrots and toos (Cockatoos) when used on three little dogs? Are the two above mentioned harmful when used on dog that lives in same house as a bird? Thank you for all help I have received as my CAG (Congo African Grey, goffie (Goffin Cockatoo) learn to share our life together. Would not have made it as smoothly this far without your good advice and Birdy Brunch. Thank you again. Linda, Micha and Stewie   Hi Linda   Thank you for the kind words   In that dogs (mammals) and birds (aves) have different integumentary systems (fins, fur, feathers, scales) treatments should not cross over. Everyone likes to think of themselves as being prepared for disaster and certainly life’s cuts and scrapes.   I’ve personally sutured a dog in a garage (after 5 minutes of training by my vet :-)   I’ve yanked shards of glass out of more than one dogs paw and got them bandaged over the years.   Sutures are easy to come by if your vet is a fellow musher but for the most part many dogs, and I presume cat medical emergencies, can be treated with a human first aid kit.   Removing a little fur on a dog while rapidly getting a wound bandaged, is something a dog will get over pretty quickly.
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Mammals are very different than birds.   Unless your birds are exposed to mosquito bites which is unlikely because they are indoors, the chance of incurring heartworm disease is slim to none.   Parasitic roundworms named Dirofilaria immitis affect mostly dogs but may manifest itself in ferrets, cats and other prey animals.   Once the roundworms mature they can be found in the heart, ergo the name heartworm but they can also be found in the lungs and blood vessels between the lungs in the heart.   It can take up to six months for the actual parasite to develop in a dog's heart.   Thus heartguard is certainly not a necessary prophylactic treatment for birds.   There is a topical flea treatment you can get from the vet.   SevenDust sprinkled on the ground helps kill the fleas in the sand.   I've used Adams flea and tick spray with success directly on birds who have fleas, but make sure to avoid their eyes and mouth.   Adams will work for feather mites and lice as well.   You may also try Pest Control Dyna-mite All Natural Mite-lice Repellent 8 Oz (.24 L)   best   mitchr   Migrating from spring to summer   We talk about parrots being equatorial animals and how life in North America, for example screws up their instinctual expectations for things like light cycles and temperature. So you would think with summer here all those problems would go away. Some do, but now we face new challenges. Escape routes Summer is the time of open doors and windows, screens instead of glass and much more in and out traffic typically. Flighted birds pose the risk of escape by flight, and summer increases that risk no doubt. But when your wing clipped 240g feather ball chews through the screen where you left the window open in the guest room on the second floor, your wing clipped bird could easily ride the warm summer thermals (those air things that keep un-motorized gliders afloat) and end up in the next state before you knew she was gone. If you open doors and windows, it’s best to keep your bird in a cage, flighted or not.   Ceiling fans A fan can be a human’s best friend. I’ve seen videos of birds who like to play in the airflow. That said, I’ve also seen birds who were placed under or in front of a fan with every good intention by its keeper. While keeping the air around the bird cool the birds feathers were always getting lifted. A “ruffled” feather needs to be put back in its place, and this is done by preening.   https://youtu.be/sIR-q9GsXcg   With the unceasing airflow from the fan comes when unceasing amount of preening, which has in the past triggered plucking. I advise you to keep your birds out of the path of direct airflow.   Ceiling fans fall under the category of super hazard for flighted birds. Veterinarians call the result “shredded tweet” For more ways on how we kill and injure our pet birds, read this. Shade We discussed the need for full-spectrum lighting on a regular basis. What could be better than the real deal, the sun. You know that thing that can fade paint, burn skin, crinkle car interiors? Yep, that sun.   Sunlight is good, direct sunlight is not - make sure your bird always has access to shade. If your cage is near a window check it throughout the day to make sure there is always a shady spot somewhere in the cage where your bird can seek refuge. Mosquitoes West Nile virus is usually transmitted through mosquito bites and can cause an avian condition resulting in death. Keep your bird protected from mosquitoes If you take him or her outside in a cage outside on an unprotected deck potential exposure you bird to mosquito bites greatly increases. An outdoor aviary may require an additional layer of screening. Burning the burgers Grilled food always taste better, who doesn’t like a good barbecue? Whether the barbecue is at home or your bird travels with you remember the smoke from campfires and barbecues may be toxic to your bird. Check to see that direct inhalation is not occurring through an open window, too.   The Varments For us the circle of life usually starts the supermarket and ends on our kitchen table. For a feral cat, a raccoon a nearby Hawk, the circle of life can be seconds away from your bird’s cage. Please don’t leave your bird alone outside for a moment. The ability to maintain a high and constant body temperature enables birds to exploit a remarkable range of habitats -- tropical, temperate, and polar. This achievement is not without cost, however. The "expense" of metabolic heat production must be repaid by taking in sufficient energy to balance what has been expended, and mechanisms must be available to shed excess heat when necessary. If the environmental temperature falls, birds raise their metabolic rate to prevent their internal temperature from falling as well. In contrast, if the environmental temperature becomes too hot, birds must mobilize water to lose heat through evaporative cooling (as we do when we perspire) and avoid death from overheating. Since birds have no sweat glands, heat must be lost through the respiratory tract by panting, or in non-passerines (birds with zygodactyl feet) by the rapid vibration of the upper throat and thin floor of the mouth ("gular flutter"). To minimize the energy cost of temperature regulation ("thermoregulation"), birds use a variety of morphological and behavioral traits to adjust their rateof heat loss and heat gain. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yjBoxDYfv4   Unfeathered (uninsulated) body surfaces serve as important sites for heat exchange with the environment. When heat-stressed, therefore, some birds, such as Black Vultures, excrete onto their unfeathered legs to increase heat loss by evaporation. Emergency liquid foods for caged birds are: sugar water lemonade (noncarbonated) milk and egg yolk pediatric pedialyte To administer: Use a plastic eyedropper or syringe (no glass or needles!). Hold your bird's head back 45 degrees. Do not put pressure on the chest, because doing so may inhibit her breathing. Instead, cradle her body and lightly tilt her head back. Administer one drop at a time to avoid choking your bird. Stroke your bird's throat to help her swallow. Repeat the process, giving up to 7 drops for small birds (canaries), 10 to 15 drops for medium birds (parakeets & small conures) and up to 5 teaspoons for large birds (cockatoos). written by mitch rezman approved by catherine tobsing your zygodactyl footnote   via GIPHY Read the full article
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Wing Clipping Pet Parrots - African Grey Parrots, Amazon Parrots, Macaws, Cockatoos and Conures
Wing Clipping Pet Parrots – African Grey Parrots, Amazon Parrots, Macaws, Cockatoos and Conures
Wing Clipping Pet Parrots – African Grey Parrots, Amazon Parrots, Macaws, Cockatoos and Conures
To wing clip or not to wing clip that is the question.
This is a question most pet bird owners will ask themselves at some time. There has been so much written on this subject you probably feel that it has been done to death however I have not read any articles written by breeders on this subject…
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rumaanahadjee · 7 years
Alot of people dont understand why i take care of my greys the way i do and why i am so attached to them and put them before anything and anyone. The truth is, besides loving them unconditionally, i feel like they have had some part of them snatched away. I dont clip their wings or declaw them or anything like that because i want them to feel as normal as possible. They are out of their cages the entire day but i still feel guilty that they are not allowed to fly outside without a harness or explore different places in the world. I DO NOT encourage people to buy african greys, or breed them because you have to give them all you have, especially your time. I feel guilty. I feel like i have taken them away from their true parents and their way of life. *Humans are the most dangerous beasts in the entire world ladies and gentleman*. I may have rescued and taken care of them, but i will not ever get rid of that feeling. I can not ever shake the feeling that maybe i contributed to this trade. And although o wont do it again, i feel shattered about the many innocent lives that have been lost due to ignorance and greed by man. Why the hell is there a flippin parrot zoo? Take your kids birdwatching instead. I hate zoos. And i find it hard to respect people who have birds locked up in cages. You dont even deserve to live. Stop supporting the bird trade please please please Its just not worth the heartache and i guarantee that you will see the truth behind the trade and you will feel nothing but devastation. #africangreys #parrottrade #parront #guilt #whatnottodo
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tiktokparrot · 2 years
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