#after finishing this shawl tho i did the math. with all the yarns I used in it. I still have 1500 yards left
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Shawl 13 | Pattern
Finally, he is finished! And absolutely giant!
I don't really think about shawl sizes outside of yardage, so I didn't pay a bit of attention when the listing said this shawl would be 8 feet wide at the wingspan. I regretted that when I realized I didn't have enough foam blocks for pinning and had to cannibalize them from the center part of the shawl.
This was a very lovely pattern and was a lot of fun to knit even with the incredibly long final rounds/bind off. That being said, if I knit it again I'll make several changes purely out of personal preference. In my opinion, most of the thin stripes are very lovely and accent the piece well, but some (mostly the middle width stripes) I think are distracting(?)
For example there's a thin dark grey stripe and a medium mid grey stripe in between the sipped stitch dots section and the half twisted rib section. The dark grey stripe looks really really good. However I think if the mid grey stripe was instead more half twisted rib (making the whole half twisted rib section about a third wider), it would be more attractive. I'm a big fan of thick stripe with thin stripes in between them look tho, so like I said, purely personal preference stuff.
Regardless of my nitpicks, he's a very pretty shawl and exactly what I wanted to make with this yarn when I bought it nearly a year ago. I'm not really a colourwork guy but I wanted something outside my comfort zone both in fiber (to that point I mostly worked with acyrlics or cotton) and technique (it was several years since I last did any sort of stranded or slip stitch colourwork). Between Shawl 12 and this shawl, I've learnt that I really do like fingering weight wools when they're non superwash, and I can do attractive and well tensioned colourwork (with a bit of help from blocking).
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