#after he leaves he eventually notices little splotches of paint on the sleeves of his shirt that accidentally stained it
willowser · 2 years
Pirate kirishima who brings u cute lil matching necklaces (stolen ofc- but it’s the thought that counts) massages ur shoulders while u paint, presses kisses on your cheeks.. one night he notices ur not in ur room so he looks for u and sees u stargazing w a telescope and he joins u, gently holding ur hand🥰
matching necklace STOP 🥺 maybe he doesn't even tell you they're matching outright 🥺 like it's very simple but beautiful ?? and he stands behind you and clasps it for you and kisses you, right under your ear, and it's not until later that you see his own, the pendant peeking out from where he's got it carefully tucked into the wraps on his wrist 🥺 for safe keeping 🥺 and then when you do notice, he doesn't really say anything, just smiles at you 🥺
and omg i have the perfect image of this. you're sitting outside on a balcony or the rooftop, in his linen shirt that's too loose and hangs down past your thighs. and you've shoved up the sleeves to your elbows like he does so you don't get paint on them, and he just comes in quietly and scoots behind you 🥺 you ask him what he's doing, but he just shuffles your hair out of his way, places a kiss to the back of your neck, and rubs the tension out of your back and shoulders 🥺 and then you get sleepy and both pass out LOL
and the telescope !! he's a little floored when he realizes you have it, after he comes back after a stint away, but you saved up a lot of money to buy it 🥺 so that way you could check the horizon to see if any ships were headed this way 🥺 and then you spend the night showing him the stars and he gives them a bunch of names, like silly ones and ones after you and oceanic names 🥺 and you like to look at them when he's gone, to remember him by 🥺
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psycho-slytherin · 6 years
Strangers ch. 30
Yoongi can’t find you.
Pairing: Yoongi x (female) Reader
Word count: 1.7k
Genre: fluff, angst
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Yoongi taps impatiently against the tinted window as the driver takes him to the hospital. He glances at his phone and bites his lip nervously– he’d much rather y/n be sleeping than deliberately ignoring him.
Yoongi: Y/n I’m sorry for being so accusatory [10:09]
Yoongi: Did you fall asleep? [10:23]
Yoongi: I’m just worried about you, I don’t want you to make the same mistakes I did [11:16]
Yoongi: Can I visit you? [11:37]
Minutes later, the car pulls up to the hospital. Pulling on the hat and face mask he usually wears out in public, Yoongi glances around the empty street before hopping out and thanking the driver.
The bright-eyed receptionist inside looks far too awake for the time of night.
“How can I help you?” She asks.
“Ah, I’m here to see l/n y/n in room 246?”
“Sorry,” she informs him. “Visiting hours are over.”
Yoongi grits his teeth beneath the mask. He didn’t want to have to do this, but the lobby is otherwise empty and if nothing else, he knows it will work.
Taking a deep breath, he pulls down his mask and flashes the receptionist a gummy smile. “Maybe you can make an exception?”
She lets out a shriek and claps her hand over her mouth. “S-Suga? Oh my god, wait, can you sign–” She scrambles for a notebook and pen, eventually holding both out, breathless, cheeks flushed red. “Oh my god. Can we take a photo together too? Please?”
“I’ll give you an autograph,” Yoongi says, laughing– no matter what, fans like these make him certain that his career choice was the best one. “But no pictures. I’m not supposed to be here– it’s a secret, okay?” He adds with a wink as he pulls his mask up.
“Okay,” the receptionist whispers, looking faint.
“Now, as for y/n?”
“Oh! Yes, right. You said room 246?” She taps the keyboard in front of her, until her face falls. “I’m sorry, looks like the patient was discharged a few hours ago.”
“Ah.” Y/n went home without telling him? Yoongi thought she’d ask him for a ride– she probably got one from Lisa, or took a taxi. Sighing, he goes back outside to call for the car, but he doesn’t walk more than half a block before stepping on something hard.
“Ow!” Lifting his shoe to inspect the damage, Yoongi’s heart drops into his knees. He didn’t step on a stone– lying on the cold pavement is a Starry Night charm, not unlike the one he gave y/n. Very much like the one he gave her, in fact. Was she so angry at him that she took off the necklace? But where’s the chain?
He turns on his phone flashlight and examines the ground nearby, straining his eyes until several meters away he sees a flash of silver. He picks up the abandoned chain and notices that she didn’t simply unclasp it– the chain itself is broken.
Yoongi feels a pit of dread in his stomach– where is she? He tries calling her one more time, to no avail. The gravel around the chain is kicked up, and even though he knows y/n’s probably asleep at home, Yoongi can’t help but feel a terrible uneasiness.
Maybe he should go visit her apartment. Would that be overstepping his bounds? Easing into creep territory? He’s been to her place before, although not under such adverse circumstances.
Still, finding the necklace strewn haphazardly on the asphalt makes him nervous. Y/n’s always wearing it when he sees her– honestly, it makes him every kind of happy that she does.
I’ll just visit, he decides, pocketing the glassy pendant and chain. The worst that can happen is that she tells him to leave. Or yells in his face. Or– and the thought makes his heart ache– she simply ignores him.
Yoongi texts his driver that he’ll be later than expected– y/n’s apartment isn’t too far away, he’ll make better time if he walks. Swinging his phone flashlight lazily, he heads towards her place. It’s cold, and he hopes she didn’t walk as well– her immune system must already be compromised after her collapse.
Red. What? Barely downriver from where he spotted the chain, Yoongi’s eyes catch a splash of red, bright red, painting the slanted cement wall on his side of the river. A flower? A balloon? Simply his imagination? Or... He nears the river’s edge, focusing his light on the cement edge, and gasps. Paint. No... it’s not drying in the way that paint does. It’s barely drying at all– the vertical splotch of color looks fresh, and only surrounds a sharp rock which juts out of the cement wall.
Yeah, okay. That might, just might be blood. The thought makes him queasy, and his uneasiness returns in spades. He hopes no one’s fallen in the river– why doesn’t it have railings on the side to prevent accidents?
“Hello?” He calls quietly, squinting at the rushing water in the dim light. While he should really get going to y/n’s, some annoyingly righteous part of his conscience doesn’t want to leave anyone behind. If someone’s fallen in the river, or gotten injured, they could freeze to death. He doesn’t hear any noise, but when his flashlight shines on a familiar-looking lump stuck in the river, his heart jolts. Isn’t that... isn’t that y/n’s coat?
Y/n hasn’t been answering her phone. Then the necklace. The blood. Her coat. Yoongi can hear his heart pounding in his chest as the pieces fall into place and the terrible realization crashes over him like a tsunami. Has y/n fallen into the river? Is she...?
Barely aware of his surroundings, Yoongi climbs down to the small platform by the river’s edge, the closest he can get without hopping into the water himself. Which is, if y/n were in there, something he might be tempted into doing.
It’s definitely y/n’s coat. It’s still got a black paint stain on the sleeve from when that asshole ex-boyfriend of hers got careless– Yoongi remembers her complaining about that some months ago. He looks around desperately for... what? A body? Movement is impossible to spot– the water looks black under the night sky, but what if she’s in there? Trapped, injured, worse... should he call the police? But then he’d have to explain why he, BTS’s Suga, was out at night, which would get everyone in trouble.
Y/n, y/n, y/n... what is this feeling, this terror, this ache in his chest as he stares frantically at the rushing river, so unsure of himself and of every action– Y/n, where are you?
“Y/n!” He calls desperately. “Y/n, are you there?”
No answer. Of course not. Why would there be? If she’s hurt, if she’s... worse, she wouldn’t be able to answer anyways. With a grunt he climbs back up to the midnight street, pulls out his phone, sets his number to anonymous, and calls the police.
“Seoul emergency services, what is your emergency?”
What is his emergency? Yoongi raises his voice above the running water and lowers his mask to be heard. “I think someone’s been hurt, I’m by a hospital–”
“You’re worried someone is injured...in a hospital?”
Yoongi narrows his eyes at the bored tone in the operator’s voice. “They were just outside the hospital.”
“Are you with this person?”
“No, I can’t find her.”
“So are you trying to file a Missing Persons case, sir?”
“Well, I don’t know if she’s missing.” It’s not like Yoongi can talk to y/n’s friends or family. He’s Suga.
“What is the emergency, then?”
“I found her coat in a river, and there’s something that looks like blood–”
“Are you certain it’s her coat, and that what you’ve seen is blood, sir?”
“I mean, I’m pretty sure...”
The operator sighs. “Unfortunately, if you’re not willing to report a person injured or missing, if you have no proof or witness to a wrongdoing, or even a confirmation as to who it is you believe has been hurt, there’s very little I can do, sir. What you have reported does not constitute an emergency.”
“But–” Yoongi gnashes his teeth in frustration. “I think something’s wrong- I don’t know where she is and she’s not answering her phone!”
“Perhaps due to the time of night, sir. Goodbye.”
“Son of a bitch!” Yoongi fights the urge to throw his phone in the river. “Fuck. Fuck!” Where is she? God, what if she’s... and the last interaction Yoongi had with her was an argument. The thought feels like a blade piercing his heart.
Yoongi can’t breathe for fear of what’s happened to y/n. He really can’t breathe, he can’t breathe... his heart feels like thunder in his chest and despite the cold he’s sweating, and when he falls to his knees he can’t feel the pavement below him because it feels like he’s still falling, falling forever, the walls of the world are closing in on him and it’s his fault, his fault, all his fault, if only he weren’t an idol, if only he weren’t Suga–
The tears fall before he notices they’re there, and the streaks of cold on his cheeks shock him. His phone rings and Yoongi answers with a trembling hand. It’s his driver, asking for his location.
“Don’t pick me up,” Yoongi croaks, his chest still heaving– it’s been too long since his last panic attack to let him recover so easily, and still he’s shaking, still his psyche feels shattered by the barrage of fear, of self-loathing. “Don’t pick me up. I’ll be home later. Don’t worry about me.”
The necklace feels heavy in his pocket and the wind worms its way through even his thick coat, but for all he notices, Yoongi might as well be numb already. Standing, he pulls his mask back up, wipes away his tears, takes a deep breath, and walks in the direction of all he has left of y/n.
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