#after putting this together I realized both Indy and Han tended towards earth colors so technically the outfits could be interchangeable
winterspixels · 7 months
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"Why are you dressed like a knock off Indiana Jones?"
"You don't like it? When you asked me to pack for an archeological expedition, this is what came to mind. I must admit khaki isn't really my color."
"It's a little much."
"Hmm, you're right. I brought a backup just in case."
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"I'm starting to think you googled Harrison Ford movie roles for this trip. Han Solo, seriously."
"He was a spice runner; I was a master thief. It made sense at the time. Besides, this is a lot more comfortable."
"...Why are you like this?"
"You know, my brother's been asking me that same question since we were kids. I'm not sure he ever found an answer. Personally, I feel I'm simply one of a kind."
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