#after realizing that im like: gurl... what is wrong with you? to myself cuz honestly. why did that take me awhile to realize
aria0fgold · 5 months
For the "artist end of the year ask game"
What is the best advice you've received this year, or, what's something new you learned about art?
I didn't really received any advice, well, to be exact, the advice that I saw are tumblr posts directed to all artists and not just me. One particular advice that I always make sure to remember is the "create for yourself" one. Whenever I catch myself low on confidence with the stuff I make (be it art or writing), I always take a step back and remind myself that what I create are things I want for myself. If this makes me happy, then that's enough for me. Others liking what I make is a really nice bonus of it!
I know it's an "or" but I'm gonna answer it too cuz there's a lot of new stuff I learned about art! As a beginner artist, I have so much to learn and each time I do, it's always such a thrilling experience! Though something important that I've learned is that art doesn't need to be perfect. It was something that I struggled with at first, where I have to make sure that there's not a single mistake in my art at all and that it has to be 100% polished with no line overlapping or colour out of the line.
But then while looking at official arts from games a lot closely, I'd notice there being a line going over another section. That was when I realized that I don't need to be so meticulous with it. Seeing the mistakes in those drawings didn't suddenly make them look bad, if anything it made them look even better, and "human" in a way that you know there was an artist behind the creation of it, an artist that missed that one line but it didn't change the quality of their art at all. So I can be just as messy with mine too. Miss a line or two and it'll be just fine, cuz that's what being human is like.
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fabllama02 · 4 years
Silverlysilence, i know u out there somewhere reading and lurking around our posts. I just wanna say, thank you. Like really, a thousand thanks, a million hugs and an infinite number of love coming ur way.
I purple u (it means i will forever love u and trust u and just like the color purple is the last color of the rainbow, my love for u and ur book will last until the end of time) <- yes, thats from BTS i just love that term.
I've went to ur ko-fi account and read ur latest posts thanking the sleepless squad and really it made my heart flutter and (not gonna lie, i blushed a lil cuz AWW-) GOSH u're such a sweet person!! U deserve all the love in the world hun! I know u've heard me saying how much i appreciate u writing this beautiful series and calling it a fanfic is just not it for me IMMA CALL IT A BOOK CUZ IT IS CANON FOR ME- *Coughs* i just... I really really reallllyyyy want u to know that i am so so soooo grateful that u decided to make this story a reality 4/5 years ago. I just- im still in awe that this story exist. Do u know how rare the friendship between Jack and the characters from HTTYD are in fanfictions?? HECK no one has ever written them to be so protective over him but YOU! NO ONE has ever written them so perfectly in character but YOU! I've scoured so many fanfics under the tag "Jack Frost" in AO3 for years and NONE of them had ever satisfied me and my (albeit high standard) taste since the fandom is so small that it's dying... Until you.
The first time i stumbled upon ur book (yes it is a BOOK) i was in a very hard exam period and i was just doing my usual stupid decisions of not doing any homework or studying and instead decided to, again, look for quality fanfics under the tag. I have a very bad habit of procrastinating and instead used that stress and frustration to search for good quality fics. Then, i found ur book. Oh boi. Lemme tell u, i was ready to read the Heart of a Dragon book and i was instantly HOOKED on the very first chapter when Hiccup was waking up and u described his appearance so beautifully and then BOOM Jackson came in with his "EVERYONE IS TALLER THAN ME!!" then i realized that this is a series.. And theres a book before this one. So I IMMEDIATELY BACKTRACKED SO HARD i thought i almost broke the screen of my ipad and went to read the first book.
... I was so in awe. I still remembered reading it till a certain chapter and realized that i had to go to sleep cuz its 3 MUTHERFRICKING AM. I went to school the next day with a newfound freshness in my steps and a happy fluttering feeling in my chest. I look like a crazy gurl who's high on sugar. I was vibrating with so much excitement that my friends are like "dude, whats up with u?" and I CANT EVEN TELL THEM CUZ IM ALONE IN THIS SKSKSJSKSJSJSJ. So i just told them that i found a new fav book. I just cant wait to return home and continue reading where i left off i think i barely paid attention in any classes as my mind and heart was still in my bedroom, still reading the book.
I remembered finishing the whole series in just 3 days?? (HOLY SHEET-) and that chapter where Jack thought that it was all a dream?
.... I cried so much. I couldnt bring myself to finish the whole book after that. My chest constricted and i felt such a hollow feeling that i have no tears left to shed. I spend the day just staring off into space, wondering if all that they had was just all in his head. I feared that that was it. Thats the ending, and everything that i had adored about this fic was all just.. Gone. That its not there anymore and they wont have a happy ending. So i decided to gather my courage and read the last chapters. I finished them painstakingly slowly. I was wrong!! Yeay!! It wasnt all in his head! It was all real! And im so happy that i wanted to know who was behind this book. Who was responsible for making me feel all sorts of emotions in such a short amount of time. I looked at ur ko-fi account and u said u wanted to continue the series! YEAYY!!
I scoured the comment sections... Then i found Spyrite's comment... And the rest is history.
This kind of book is a once in a lifetime that will leave a huge mark in my memories once time had passed on for me. Idk what would happen in the future. Would my country block the access of AO3 forever and i wouldnt be able to read them anymore? NO WAY! So i downloaded the book so i could read them offline. Once u've finished the series, im gonna download the newest additions so it would never be lost even if the world decided to screw me over with no access to AO3.
Really, im srs, u've brought so much joy in my life. I stand in my words that, currently, theres no other Jack Frost fanfic that will ever surpass urs. U are at the very top of my fav authors for writing this book.
The sleepless squad? I dont think i've ever experienced something quite like this before. Two other people that raves on and ON about the same thing. With two differwnt perspectives and opinions and OH GOSH U BOTH LOVE THIS AS MUCH AS I DO! *sobs* ur theories and rants and everything will be the highlight of this experience. what's better is that we could communicate in Tumblr!! YEAY! MORE CONTENTS AND MEMES TO SHOVE AT BOTH OF UR DOORSTEPS?!?! HECK YEAH!!
Honestly? How often do u think this experience had ever happened for an author? Cuz this is pretty insane.
I think Silverly is probably shedding a few tears rn so *gives tissues* im glad i could express how much i love u and ur work. But HOT DANG THERES SO MUCH MORE THAT I WANNA SAY but i cant really find the proper words so.. . Just... Thank u. For existing. Both Silverly and The Sleepless Squad.
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