#after this I'll continue with the 2023 thingies
reginrokkr · 6 months
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I would profusely apologize for spicing the dash up in front of you peeps' cereal in the last day of 2023 and that I won't do it again, but another one is coming.
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nilikhangdiwa · 5 months
2023 Fic Wrap Up!
following last year's post, i'm going to go through all of my fics for the year and talk about them a bit! again, um, mostly a3, but yeah!
unbearable warmth
tasuhoma, master loves a mystery
this one was a comm for my lovely friend asra who really loves tasuhoma, so i wrote her a little thingy! there's nothing too much to say about it i think, but i struggled writing it because mlam isn't really my usual playverse. i think it turned out okay though!
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if the sky stops dancing
washisora, kuyuki, +3ghosts, first crush baseball, akiyama twins, canon-compliant (mostly), canon character death
this one was a comm for my friend mic, aka the ceo of washisora and my co-ceo of misuomi! i think i ruined a few lives with this one, not gonna lie. it's a little thing of hikaru and sora getting closer, and they're sooo cute. i've never done anything wrong in my life.
the comments in this are so funny if you check them out! and this fic was the reason for one of the next fics in this list.
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transfem banri, transfem nonbinary taichi, established relationship, fluff, silly
i took a break from destroying lives to write this silly fic. actually, i was in a pretty bad writer's block in the earlier part of the year, so this is one of the first fics after, like... rarepair week 2022 that isn't either a gift or a comm. i wrote this in the school library when i was supposed to be writing a paper, lmao.
it's a sequel to YOU GO, SHE/HER! which i wrote in 2021 and consider to be my magnum opus bantai fic. it's basically the same tags as this one.
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i hope this little light reaches
washisora, kuyuki, +3ghosts, first crush baseball, akiyama twins, canon character death
after the first kuyuki fic, mic came to me like. an hour later with more terrible ideas. so, of course, i helped them make it happen! mic had the idea for the plot, so i just wrote it out into the world, and then this! and then i got sniped by my friends who came for my neck for both of the fics.
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modern talking, modern walking
bantai, transfem taichi, internet friends to irls to eventual lovers
okay, no more angst. only sillies. this fic was for a little server exchange for my friend max! we both love bantai and transfem taichi, so like. this was the natural progression of things, i think! there's not much to say, just that it's very silly and i like it very much.
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i wanted to be your tomorrow
homachika, non-explicit sex
please note the one and a half month gap between the last fic and this one because my god i was so tired from life. but then this roleplay thing happened, and i was playing homare, and my friend was playing chikage, and then... and then i brainrotted so hard. it was so bad. chikahoma was all i could think about for weeks.
there's so much backstory for the chikahoma that inspired this, but it does end in character death, so i'll warn for that real quick. homare confessed to chikage via poem (i am not good at poetry but i tried lol) and they got together and they just... they were so in love with each other and just wanted to protect each other. but it ended up that homare was dying, and as he's about to die, chikage promises that he'll continue writing poems in his stead. and i. and i shatter every time i think about that.
brb crying. anyway.
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hex & willis, patholosite
SNRK. NUMBER 7. okay. so patholosite is the oc universe of my friend, jas! and i'm very mentally unwell about it. patholosite ruined my life. 10/10 would recommend. it's basically about this doctor, hex, who has, like. seven million issues, the most pressing of which being his inferiority issues. and he's basically currently working under willis, who is a genius and is not helping hex's inferiority complex at all.
stuff happens. please ask please ask please ask. i need to inflict the world with patholosite.
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Lost and Found
samlil, devil's gambit
okay, so this one is a gift for my lovely girlfriend, quill! umm. she did not ask for it. she just randomly sent me money so i sent her this in retaliation.
for context again, me and some friends made a little fake theater troupe like a3, and we're all split into little subtroupes. so devil's gambit is the lead play of my oc/sona (lance, playing sammy) for the troupe, and quill's character (quill, playing lilith) is the colead!
so. um. yes. gay. also this is from before we got together so like. yeah. finger guns. sometimes the gay precedes the gay.
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Why do you, as a man, call another man your partner? Because you're gay?
misukazu & tsuzuru, queerplatonic relationships, established relationship, aromanticism
this one was for the pride month exchange on twt for my friend, link! she asked for a couple things, so i settled on this. it was really fun to write, since i, like kazunari in the fic, am aro, so i was like. hahaha, projection go brr.
(note. i did not have a girlfriend yet at this time. but i do now and i'm still aro. so like. um. the projection projected back at me.)
i was actually supposed to also write a second fic, since i managed to finish this one pretty early. a 5+1 fic about kazunari again, but then i didn't manage to finish it. maybe one day!
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we can be dyed in any color we want
sakuya & kazunari, mentioned bansaku, smoking, just bros hanging out!
this actually wasn't supposed to be the next fic. this fic takes place in the same universe as this, like. kazuchika/bansaku universe i have fluttering around my brain? kazuchika is not mentioned in this fic, but bansaku is. it's not necessarily an au, it's just... a thing.
anyway, so the next fic was supposed to be the main kazuchika fic. but then the main kazuchika fic was turning out too long and i wanted to post this fic. so i decided, hey, instead of posting the main one first and then this side fic, i'll just drop the side fic. i mean, it still makes sense!
so, yeah. this. hopefully, i'll be able to finish the main kazuchika fic this year. maybe.
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someday, i'll be falling without caution
okay, this one is one i wrote for chikatsumu week, so i'll go through each of the entries. it's chikatsumu week, but the actual thing went on for about a month with 7 prompts. i didn't get to finish all of them, but it was slay!
day 1, first meeting. chikage meets tsumugi in act 5. i don't think there's too much to say about it, since it's pretty self explanatory, but i think they're silly. they should stare at each other and try to peel each other.
day 2, letter. a letter that tsumugi writes to chikage following some unspecified incident where chikage disappears. i wrote this with the intention of it being the same universe as this au i have where april becomes the next organization head, lua.
day 3, domestic. it's just chikage picking up tsumugi after rehearsal and they hold hands and talk and walk. i can write so much about people just doing the most mundane shit, i swear. i love writing mundane shit.
day 4, angel/demon. playverse fic, morimiche (moriarty and michael). this one was inspired by a roleplay me and my friend did a billion years ago. basically, moriarty wants to corrupt the angel and drag him to hell with him. which, like. i mean. i fuck with that. go moriarty go. moriarty is a meanie.
day 5 fic, i ended up putting it in a separate fic (next fic in this list) because it touches on some more sensitive topics.
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silver sulfadiazine
chikatsumu, attempted suicide
day 5, scars. so this one is an unofficial sequel to a fic i wrote on my alt, where basically chikage. y'know. this is the aftermath, and it's from chikage's pov, and he's kind of hazy in-and-out and doesn't quite know what's going on. it's unofficial because the actual fic didn't have any intentions of chikatsumu, but i figured it'd be a nice little what-if.
the original fic was titled freezerburn, and had a lot of themes of like warmth and coldness and such, so i carried that over here. so this one is titled silver sulfadiazine, which is used to treat burns.
i actually wrote this whole thing on a flight to visit my aunt, and then i posted it when i touched down at the airport. very fun.
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a collage of cicadas
tsumuguy, tasuguy
this one was for fuyu ship week, though regrettably i only finished two, because i was preoccupied with rarepair week that started days later. i was also really busy at the time, since i was fortunately able to take my latest term abroad, but that also meant i was packing my shit and running documents for weeks.
day 1, garden + growth. nothing too crazy, just cute tsumuguys! i love tsumuguy. i love guy ships, though there aren't very many, which makes me sad.
day 2, debut. no-mankai au where guy still has journey, and tasuku is still at godza. this is based off a tweet i saw once about this concept, so i just wrote a little something.
i actually had plans for the rest of the week! very briefly:
day 3, beach. tasuhiso. tasuku picks hisoka up from the beach at 3 in the morning.
day 4, passion. tsumuhoma. it was going to be just ages of homare waxing poetic about how much he loves tsumugi's passion for theater and gardening and life.
day 5, snow. azutsumu. they're drinking hot chocolate in the lounge in winter and azuma laments how the flowers tsumugi was tending to are dying because of the cold. tsumugi tells him that there are flowers, too, that bloom in the snow. like you, azuma-san!
day 6, home. azuguy. my note for this just says "guy: tadaima; azuma: okaeri". and like. that's all you need to know, really.
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i just want to hold you tight (i don't want to go back to that lonely life)
lantaru, past tonoita, self-shipping, knights of round iv, internalized homophobia, kind of a character study
HEY. YOU. DO YOU WANT TO HEAR THE LANTARU AGENDA. "what the fuck is lantaru?" you may ask. LANCELOT AND ITARU. listen. hear me out. okay. i just think that, as a child and a teen and even into adulthood, itaru yumes with lancelot. that's his lanchan. that's why his hair is bleached at the tips, so they matchy. that's his 2D anime british twink boyfriend.
the fic itself is a little bit of a love letter to self-shipping in general, and how it can help people get through some tough times. it kind of just explores itaru's relationship with lancelot as a character, and his relationship with the people around him, and just. idk. i like them. because, hey, listen. sometimes i can make out with hisoka in my head as a treat and it fixes me a bit. insert that post about being a little mentally unwell to get better.
i like lantaru a normal amount please hear me out on this.
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fool's errand
chikatsuzu, chikamerl, knights of round iv
rarepair week 2! um. listen. i blame my friends wholeheartedly for this. like several other fics, this was inspired by a roleplay between me and some of my friends. and like. god. i'm so mentally unwell. tl;dr is that merlin spent the entire time antagonizing everyone, but then he's becoming human and shedding his magicky dragon-y nature, and chikage, for some fucking reason, decides to be kind to him.
and my brain has never let go of it.
my god i hate them.
i love them please make out.
but yeah. i really like how this one turned out, actually! i like how merlin talks all fancy and old timey and chikage's like uhh ok lol. merlin refers to chikage solely as "chikage utsuki" in this fic, rather than "utsuki chikage" which is how i usually write it. this is because merlin is white. thank you.
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my universe is filled with you (more and more)
sakyoita, future, marriage, established relationship, moving
itaru and sakyo move into their house together! there's not much to say about this, i just really wanted to write an itasakyo fic for rarepair week. they're just really cute and shaped. this one was a little late i think, so all my rpw fics were a little late, but hey! that's fine.
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meet me where our scars collide
tasuchika, introspection, intimacy
i am obsessed with chikage and his scars. like. i swear. i just think about them randomly. it also goes a little into chikage's default flight response of just running away from the problem. i just think. i don't know, man. just... chikage's got so many issues, i think kissing men could fix him.
it's actually really funny because i posted this fic in august, and then like i got a dm in december from one of my friends just SHAKING ME. and i was like WHAT DID I DO. and she was like MEET ME WHERE OUR SCARS COLLIDE. THAT'S WHAT YOU DID. and i was like I POSTED THAT FOUR MONTHS AGO???
anyway, i really like how it turned out!
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citokazu, act 8, canon compliant
before rpw, someone in a server was like, hey, someone give me a rarepair for day 5 of rpw? i'm thinking citokazu, but idk... and i was like, YO CITOKAZU DAY 5 THAT'S LITERALLY MY PLAN TOO THAT'S CRAZY !! DO IT.
this fic is actually really timely beecause actually between the previous fic and this one was my flight to japan. so i literally had a despedida like when i was writing this. i really like citokazu, though i haven't talked about them a lot recently, so i wanted to write something for them for rpw!
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tsumuhiso, uriluci, urimiche, sympathy for the angel, stray devil blues, non-linear narrative
okay. so if you haven't seen me during the a3 play ship poll, i made this propaganda for uriluci/urimiche. the au that i mention there is the same one that this fic is inspired by. and i am so unwell about uriluci it's unreal. i adore them, they make each other worse.
the title is venus, because it's the morning star! morning star, morgenstern, is also associated with lucifer. so, yes. also in the end note of the fic, the numbers indicate which order the different fic sections actually go in chronologically.
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augju (kind of), gekka, blood and violence, canon character death
this one was my fic for the gekka zine! (which, hey, if you haven't checked it out, you can find it on tumblr @/gekkazine!) it's just, you know, the usual augju bullshit.
july is a really interesting character to me, and more often than not i end up writing him? to the point that some people think of me as july oomf. which is. um. i don't know if that's a compliment, but sure, i'll take it! he's just really. somethimg. he sure is something.
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you are gold, you are home
chikaita, domestic fluff
a comm for cg! most of my chikaita are stuff for cg, tbh, and i'm not complaining! this one's just a short and sweet one about chikage waking up with itaru in his arms, and something about the vulnerability and gentleness of domestic life that he never thought he'd have for himself... yeah.
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bunnies and red pandas
this one was for chikaita week! i had a lot of fun writing for these, and i had previously committed to being chill and low stakes about it, so i didn't have a lot of trouble or stress about it. the title references, of course, their a7 (??? i think ???) animals.
day 1, late nights. chikage hasn't come home and itaru's so worried he throws his matches. chikage's his lucky charm! or actually he's just so worried that he can't focus. either way, they're cute.
day 2, playverse. gawafuta! gawain (kniroun) and futami (uraomote). i think... this is the first fic for them i've posted, though i know there are more on ao3. my and my friend ended up making this ship after (another) roleplay thing, and then just... i just think they're neat, i don't know. i have a lot of gawafuta thoughts. i think that futami's one of the best people to help gawain adjust to getting, like, reverse isekai'd, because of his job. like, yeah, the info gathering stuff, but moreso being a teacher. like, modern jp lit takes a lot of inspiration and cues from earlier parts of jp history and lit, so futami presumably knows quite a bit about history and society as well, and just. i think they're neat.
day 3, office life. this was kind of inspired by when i met my friend and he was telling me about how when he went to shinjuku there were just a bunch of salaryman sitting around on the sidewalks and shit drinking and smoking and i was like... yeah. and then this was born. there's a lot of things about itaru's reputation that he has to keep an eye on, i think... but chikage will help, don't worry! also chikage is super pining and in love in this.
fun fact, there's a deleted line in this where chikage says something like not entirely accurate because he wasn't born in japan and only started living here a few years ago, and itaru calls him a gaijin lmao. i took it out because i don't think itaru would do that but like it's funny to me.
day 4, domestic. "nuh uh" "fym nuh uh" is the reason i wrote this entire thing. i had this exchange with someone on twitter about how itaru just says silly things and i was like. you know what? yes. so i just make itaru say silly things in this one.
day 5, plushies. after writing this, the world plushie didn't even look like a word anymore. and i'm just really obsessed with the mental image of itaru turning all of his plushies away so they don't see him and chikage doing the nasty. there's also references to the extended kniroun lore there (runa) which i am happy to talk about at great length always anytime.
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samlil, devil's gambit
same deal as lost and found. although, okay, we were actually already together at this point. she, like... randomly sent me money again. i think because i didn't have enough in my paypal to resubscribe to dropout, so i was like haha is anyone willing to commission me real quick. and then she just sent me money. so i wrote this because i wasn't going to take no for an answer. also i had major samlil brainrot, since i had a manga studio art class where we had to make our own manga, and i was like. okay! great! (makes devil's gambit manga) (does not sleep for three weeks)
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Hunter's Mark
azusakyo, nocturnality extended universe
this one was a gift for soda for a little server exchange! they didn't ask for much, so i was like... hm... what's the last thing you said about azusakyo... and then saw vampires and went, PERFECT. I ALREADY HAVE A SAKYO VARIANT FOR NOCT. although he ended up a little different from how i'd originally made him, but i think this works!
the faust backstory is that he's a vampire who's also the head of vampire hunters. why is he hunting other vampires? who knows. he and franz have a history. also, despite being a vampire, he can interact with holy objects and things. he literally trained himself to do that and not to react when it burns. he's crazy, lol. that part i think was inspired by raphael from the mortal instruments. i'm a little unnormal about raphael santiago, but don't worry about it.
the summary of the fic is an excerpt from goethe's dr. faust, who faust is, y'know, name for. he did this bargain with a vampire a long time ago for something. haven't decided what exactly, but something along those lines.
also, fun fact! in my current noct universe, faust's heir is akito, played by azami.
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Shaped Like Halloween
kazunari & chikage, halloween, liberal use of the word "slutty"
this one was for a halloween exchange in a server! for. um. my girlfriend. IT'S ACTUALLY REALLY FUNNY. the previous fic, the azusakyo fic, it's for a different friend. but initially, the giftee i had received was also my girlfriend. so i asked if it was okay to switch with someone else since i figured she might like to receive fics from people who are, you know, not just me. AND THEN I FUCKING LEARNED THAT BOTH THE GIFT EXCHANGES IN DIFFERENT SERVERS JUST RANDOMIZED THE GIFTEES. SO I RANDOMLY RECEIVED QUILL'S NAME TWICE BECAUSE THE POWER OF GAY OR SOME SHIT??? IDK.
anyway, it's sillies! kazu and chikage. i'm pretty sure that when we'd filled out the forms to join the exchange, we hadn't gotten together yet? and she had something written down like, kazu and chikage, i've been thinking about them recently. and like. i kin kazu, she kins chikage. i know what you are (gay).
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Starburst Tea
bansaku, first meeting, no mankai
for being my favorite a3 ship, you'd think that i'd have more bansaku fics. but, hey, at least i have this one! i also posted this around the time of the bansaku cg, so i was literally losing my mind.
this is based off an actual place i went to while wandering around. me and some irls found this cool little tea shop the city. it was really cozy, and there was an actual wall of tea with different blends. i got carnival! it was good tea. the owner asked my friend if he would be willing to help paint a mural on the side of his tea shop with some other japanese people, so that was slay and fun. there was a fire, we made smores! the owner also has a little wood soldering set, and he let my irl draw his face on the wooden counter. it's really nice. anyway, in universe, my irl is kazu, he just does shit for banri.
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(if) we are meant to be
mukuyuki, soulmate au
last fic of the year! this one was for the secret santa on twt for my friend, aud! admittedly, i don't have a lot of practice writing youngestgumi, but i think it turned out well! i wrote this on the plane ride back home, actually, so it feels like a really nice close for the year.
i'm super normal about soulmate aus, by the way. i have a billion fluttering around my mind at any given point in time.
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thanks for sticking with me this year! hope to write a bajillion more fics again next year~ i actually have one coming up soon for a server secret santa, so look out for that one! >wa)b
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dethkomic · 1 year
Writin’ Comics and Junk: Part 3 - Comic Compositionin' (Part 1)
Well, hey there pals! Are you stoked to be starting Issue #6? I sure am! The pages to come will be kicking our story into high gear in very short order, so make sure you stick around!
The next Dethkomic update will be Friday, April 14th, 2023!
That's all we have for announcements right now! So if that's all you came for, you are dismissed! For the rest of you, I thought we'd talk about the specifics of turning a story into a comic book, today!
A brief primer on comic book anatomy
Comic books, like most things, have their own language when it comes to describing their construction. So that means I'm going to start saying some words that might not make a lot of sense to everyone. But fear not! I have come with visual aids!
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1. The Panel - Just what you think it is. A pane of story. Each panel is itself a whole "beat" while simultaneously being part of a bigger picture. Storytelling with comics means putting the best snapshot of a scene into each frame and stringing them together in such a way that they remain cohesive, no matter how different each one is.
2. Dialogue Balloon - Or word balloon or speech bubble or whatever other name you want to call it. A lot of times, your panel layout and the decisions you make for what to include within your panel will rely on your dialogue (or absence thereof - see panel one). I don't just mean what's being said, but also how much. It's important to leave enough space for your words, after all!
3. Gutter - The space between panels. Sometimes stuff crosses into these areas, but usually this just serves to break up each scene. In this tutorial, I'll mostly use the term gutter to describe the "border" or "edge" of a panel area.
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4. (Pointy) Dialogue Balloon - This is here to show you that dialogue balloons can come in many shapes and sizes! The edge here implies there is shouting. Have fun with these when you feel like doing so... Me personally? I've kinda taken the lazy approach on Dethkomic II's word balloons. They're all circles. Which is also fine!
5. Action Lines - Or motion lines, or whatever other words you might have for them. You wouldn't see these in real-life, but they help to push the idea of something in action, or something hitting with great impact.
6. Sound Effects - Just what they say they are. Use liberally in a comic about heavy metal.
7. This is a Bear.
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8. Dialogue Boxes and Voiceovers - I play it pretty loose with these and the rules of when to use one over the other. Basically, they're the same thing as a Dialogue Balloon, except the person speaking isn't in the panel. Typically, I'll use boxes when someone is so far away from the panel, they'd need to travel a significant distance (or through time) to be there, hence giving the feeling of a voiceover. Sometimes, though, if someone is close by, or what's being said is a continuation of something said on a previous panel, I'll just throw a balloon around the dialogue and leave the tail off. The speech is usually attributed to the last person who was talking, but so long as it is clear who's saying the words (or if it doesn't matter/needs to remain ambiguous), you can use either to great effect in "carrying over" a scene to the next.
9. Text Boxes and Captions - In Dethkomic, I color these darker than the dialogue boxes so it's clearer that they're meant as footnotes and not being "said" in the story. Good for things like editorial asides, translations, and setting-shifts.
As usual, there's more stuff that makes up a comic than just these thingies, but you'll see me refer to the above list of items the most when I talk about drawing up a comic page.
So, now that you know a little about the components of a comic book page and some of the basics about using each, effectively -- let's get down to the business of:
Laying out the panels in a way that best tells the story
As I said in the definition, panels are their own little beat and their own composition. While they can capture a moment on their own and make a great big sexy impact when they do -- they must stay true to the overall big picture of the comic's story as a whole. You probably don't realize it when you read most professionally published comics, but a lot of work goes into the ease by which you travel from one section of a page to the next. Transitioning is a hard thing to teach, but it's an integral part of making a comic successful. To that end, there are several pointers for working out an entire page of visual story, and getting it to translate seamlessly from top to bottom.
First, it's imperative to understand how comics are read. I'm going to be using the same page of story from Dethkomic's first issue to illustrate my points as I go. Feel free to check it out, here.
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In the above example, we see how the page "flows" to the reader. And just in case you don't know, comic books in the United States typically read left to right, then top to bottom. The reader would read the first row of panels, first, then they would move on to the second and third.
Within each panel, the reader also reads left to right, top to bottom. Generally, you want to try setting up your word balloons with this in mind. There are exceptions (like the fighting that goes on in 5th panel of page 16 -- you can read any of those balloons, first. The order isn't the important part) Occasionally having your eyes go to the left is pretty forgivable (and sometimes necessary) in a panel, but note that the only time the reader's eyes go *up* is noted by the arrows, moving to the next panel.
Keep these things in mind, as one of the best ways to assure your panels are making sense and everything is coming together correctly as a whole, is to layout the entire page, first. That is -- treat the whole comic page as a picture. You can go in and work on individual panels, after the page layout is complete.
I start by making thumbnails -- little sketches of the layout, based on my script. It's a good way to see if things will work and fit the way I like.
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I actually did an ask on this back here, and there's a few pointers in that post that might be of use to you at this point, too. The basic points are to convey the page's overall "beat" first, and work on the nuances of layout while keeping things as a whole in focus.
Basically, by this point you are going to try cramming as much of your script into the thumbnail as possible. Notice I say "as much of it..." because yeah -- edits will happen. The way I write, this usually means cutting things out, but it could also mean extending them. You begin to get a "feel" for storytelling in this way the more you do it, so don't be put off your project if it's not natural for you to try to work visuals and story together in this way. It just takes practice.
As to how you go about laying your panels out, I like to build on one panel and work around it as a focal point. I tend to think about a page this way:
What is *the scene* for this page? If there's one very special scene that ties everything going on within the page together, consider making this your focus point.
Are we entering a new area? If so, it'd be nice to have an establishing shot to establish exactly where the characters are. This is a shot that pulls the camera back a bit, letting the audience get a good glimpse of the surrounding area and where everyone is within it.
Is there any other important information we should be paying attention to? If you don't have *the scene* and if you don't necessarily need to establish where people are, then consider focusing on the point in the page that'll otherwise have the biggest impact on the story, going forward.
Now that you have your point of ultimate impact on the page, it's time to think about its individual layout as well as the layouts of all the other panels that go around it...
Laying out the story in a way that best tells the story
I'll get WAY more into this next time, but there's a lot that goes into comic book layouts beyond just "character A and character B are shown talking to each other". So what do I mean by this? Basically, laying out the story is laying out the nuances your audience can pick up on in order to tell how things are proceeding and where their eye should go next, etc. These are small things, but again, they can have a big impact on how your story is told. Some quick tips on story layout:
Change the size of your characters
Move your camera around
Don't cut characters off
Leave more room than needed
And I think this'll be a good place to pick up on the individual nuances of "directing" a comic, next update! As usual, thanks for reading and I hope you found this tutorial to be useful!
See you in a little over a week! And remember! Dethkomic loves you!
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fenimores-book-nook · 7 months
Day 5 of self care writing :)
~ November 20th, 2023 ~ Monday ~
Good evening, it is 9:45 pm, for me right now. Hey, look at that, I started with an actual greeting this time. I didn't do a self care writing over the weekend which felt kinda weird to not write one but I was busy for most of the weekend. So, I thought I should start off the week with one tonight. :)
First, I just gotta say...The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes is one of the best but infuriating movies you will ever watch. I read the book beforehand, so I knew what was going to happen but, ya'll...reading it is one thing, but WATCHING it??? AHG. SO. GOOD. I don't wanna give away any spoilers, so just go read it and then go watch it. Okay? Okay.
I have two copies of the book (obviously) so I had an idea with one of them, have my friends that I saw it with sign it. :) We saw it opening night which is always fun, but a lot of people. It was amazing, though.
Over the weekend, I did some thrift shopping and went to one thrift store that's close to where I live. I think I've mentioned before how I love The Baby-Sitters Club graphic novels. I have just about all the ones that are out and have all the intention of continuing to collect them. ;) So at this thrift store, I saw there were the original books-a lot of them-on a shelf so I spent most of my time looking through them, debating on if I wanted to start collecting the originals too. But...there are like 132 books. So. That's a lot. BUT- I did end up getting four of them.
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And they were all less than a dollar. ;) Gotta love thrift store deals.
So I've been reading the graphic novels a lot lately, they're some of my favorite comfort books. <3
Kind of shooting everywhere here, but it's fine. Back to today, I had an appointment that I didn't love, so to cheer myself up, I got some iced tea and had book time at the library, which was the highlight of my day. :)
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Of course I'm gonna add a cute lil' photo.
I spent most of my day having a chill day, my Mondays are usually dedicated to that. ;) I just relaxed on the couch and watched Wizards of Waverly Place and also Songbirds and Snakes tik toks because I am obsessed. Until I had to leave for my community choir practice. Which I am not sure that I'll continue after our Christmas concert. But I have time to decide that. I've just found myself wanting to spend my Monday nights cozied up with a book or doing my self care writing instead of practice. ;)
Onto a mindful journaling thingy: I'm gonna use the same Night Journaling I've done before :)
How am I - Lessons I've learned - How to make the best of tomorrow - Gratitude - Affirmations
I'm okay, I think. I haven't felt like I'm going to a bad place since I did the other week, so that's good. I really think these self care writings are helping. :) I almost feel like I could say that I'm okay-good but there's blah and ack feelings that are interfering. But you know what? I can be okay-goodish.
I learned that peace really can be achieved in a simple-type of life. I don't have to be doing something absolutely amazing or even know what I want to do. I can just be living and doing the things I enjoy doing. Like these writings, other kinds of writing, reading a lot, talking about books through here or with others who share the same love for them, just relaxing and watching a show I like, and so much more. I can feel peace through that and that's something I need to focus on more.
I can look at going to work tomorrow as something to look forward to: I have something different to do during the day AND I can make myself a really good, free coffee. ;) I can set time aside to do things I've been wanting to do too.
I'm so grateful for my realization, honestly. My answer to what I learned. I didn't really realize that until I was answering that question. And it's just something really beautiful to realize, I think. :)
I have plenty of time to do things I've been wanting to do but not necessarily need to do. I don't need to pressure or force myself to do them; I can just do them when it feels like a good time to. My own timeline is the only one that should matter to me. Everyone goes at their own pace.
I think that'll bring day five's self care writing to a close! Hopefully these kinds of writings can inspire you and feel proud of how far you've come. :)
Until the next one,
Thalia <3
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supercaliwhat · 1 year
Post 7: R.I.P Computer (2023 05-15)
Dear Digital Diary #2, you better watch out too. Just this Thursday when I was having fun with my friends, I realized that my computer had an irresovable blue screen error. Although it seems like an open-and-shut case, literally, you'd be wrong. Every 10 seconds or 10 minutes I use my computer, it would shut down because of an error, and the error is different every single time. At first, I thought this was caused by a random virus, and I tried scanning every single file on my computer. However, I had no luck. I tried and tried and gave up, and gave my computer to the AS center. Now, all I have is a reciept and a past notebook I used to use. Ironically, this computer was also a broken one, because I kept dropping over and over again back in elementary school, and that became my thing. And then I thought, WOW! My new computer also broke because I dropped it! Actually, I this is the second time a drop broke my computer for my NEW computer, so I wasn't surprised after I figured this out. But I sadly cannot use my old laptop until Tuesday, which gave me a lot of handicaps.
Handicaps: First of all, I lost access to most of my stuff. My games, my coding files, and my DIARY were all inaccessible after my computer broke. Not only this, my 'new' laptop that I originally had was horrible, with 1/8th of the ram of the computer I just broke. Back to the classroom stuff, my coding softwares and files that were essential for me to continue learning data science and robotics were all gone, meaning I had to reinstall the basics such as python, which took me 30 minutes to install due to some hassle. However, things did get a little better after I got the hang of my original laptop.
And it is because I found workarounds to my major problems with my laptop. In the case of coding, I realized that my 'rubbish' laptop could in fact code well, and had much better battery than my now broken laptop, which had well over 300 programs installed... The reason why my old computer is working so well is probably because my dad wiped out everything on my computer after I broke the old computer, and not the computer that I just broke... Wow this is getting confusing! Anyways, I also found a quick solution to the lack of games; cloud gaming! With it and a wifi connection, I could comfortably resume playing my favorite games for the weekend.
And then I started wondering this; "Maybe my old computer is just as good as my old one!" Sure, my old computer cannot play most games I have and physically cannot be superior to my just broken computer, but it could emulate and even outperform it in several ways, like the battery and ability to do basic computer stuff, which is what I do with computers most of the times anyway. However, I still love my new computer because it can play games. And when I get back to my old diary website, I'll make sure to give it more care than this weird tumblr blog thingy!
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