#afwtp nathan
interdimensionalvoid · 11 months
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Nathan and Sammy <3
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Hi :>
Do you have the picrews if the boyfs
okay so ima edit these later but i might have to share the edited versions in the plot doc or dms sense i dont wanna have to check through every picrew i used description to see if the artist is chill with edits ndjakd
anyway picrews under the cut!!! <3
okay so heres some i got rn
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bones-boneyard · 1 year
Okay so take this Sammy infodump ig
Sammy- he’s the main character! Him and Nathan have been friends since kindergarten, and when Nico was still alive the three of them were inseparable. Before the forest he was really good at baseball and loved it a lot :> and then Godboi killed Nico and cut off his arm so uh he had to quit that :( he also loves stargazing and got the love of that from his dad (before he died) (like 6 months before The Forest) and him and he has a telescope :) sometimes him and Sophia will go stargazing on nice nights :)
He has two siblings! Al is 12 (during present day AFWtP) (his birthday is august 27 2002 and he is almost 13 years younger than Sammy) (his birthday is exactly 2 weeks after The Forest) and he can be a little (a lot) reckless and has a personality similar to nico :) (yes Sammy has accidentally called him nico) and looks just like Sammy did at 12. Also he plays hockey and also the drums :)
Sophia is his younger sister! Sophia is 18 during AFWtP (birthday is April 9 1996) and her and Sammy have always been really close! Tbh she’s probably the reason his mental health wasn’t more shit than it was during his teen years I think. When she was little she looked up to Sammy a lot :) (this is why she started playing softball and ended up loving it) and I love these two sm,,, also this fic I wrote of them when they were little is my beloved,,,,
Anyways yeah I could talk about them all day,,,,
Wow them! I sure hope nothing bad happens to any of them that would drastically change their entire life
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So like...
Talk me through the plot of AFWtP
So we have Sammy, Nathan, and Des: Sammy and Nathan were childhood friends, while Nathan met Des in college. Nathan and Des return to the town Sammy and Nathan grew up in for Summer break, and Nathan hopes to rekindle his friendship with Sammy, since they haven't spoken since he left
Interspersed throughout the present story is a series of flashbacks from Sammy and Nathan meeting as kids, them meeting Nico, The Forest™ and the subsequent fallout (I think Nathan and Des meeting is also somewhere in there)
Basically when they were around 12/13 Sammy, Nathan and Nico went into the forest, and ran into a serial killer. Sammy lost his arm, Nico lost his life. Sammy and Nathan, understandably, were Very Traumatized
Soo cut to the present. Sammy is feeling like a third wheel to Nathan and Des, and because of his own buried feelings towards Nathan, ends up taking it out on Des, who has no idea why Sammy dislikes him that much. Despite his misplaced dislike for Des, Sammy eventually starts feeling things for him too, furthering complicating matters
Despite this however things are quickly thrown into chaos when bodies start showing up around town, matching the MO of the serial killer that killed Nico, who seemingly disappeared shortly after his attack on him and Sammy
Eventually Al, Sammy's younger brother, goes into the forest with some friends and encounters the very same killer-- but before Sammy's fate or worse can befall him, Sammy comes in to save Al. They kill the killer and everything turns out okay
The story would end with Sammy moving in with Nathan and Des, as Sophia, Sammy's sister, gets ready to move out for college
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theboysfromaustin · 1 year
Okay so I have more about them in my pinned post (along with fics :>) but basically AFWtP (ain’t fucking with the past) (the title is actually an msa lyric fun fact) is about sammy, des, and Nathan when des and Nathan came to visit nathan (and Sammy’s) hometown! (It’s a small town in Kentucky (specifically Dixon, Kentucky, if we’re getting super specific) and the story takes place after this serial killer dude makes a ✨comeback✨ while Nathan and des are in town (me and @crossover-enthusiast have affectionately dubbed him god boi so that’s what I am going to refer to him as)
So some of the characters! The main 3 are Sammy, des, and Nathan (they are my ot3 fr) and some of the other main characters are Sophia (Sammys younger sister) and Al (Sammy’s younger brother) (I have more information about them in my pinned post but feel free to ask me about them I love rambling about AFWtP fr)
So anyways god boi (who sammy and Nathan (and Nico, but he died after being attacked by god boi) (sammy also got attacked by god boi and lost an arm but he lived) (Nathan got separated and that’s probably the only reason him and sammy made it out alive) (also they were like 12 when thins was happening) returned somehow and like. Sammy and Nathan are understandably Panicking and Al is a little shit and reckless and rebellious (affectionate) and sammy is v overprotective of him and he finds this annoying and has no idea why the fuck he’s doing this (also he’s like 12 and is basically identical to sammy at that age and acts a lot like Nico (sammy has called him Nico accidentally a few times when he was upset that Al was doing dangerous things)
Also, Nathan and Des have been dating for about a year at this point (but they’ve known each other since they were 18 and were roommates for a while) and Nathan and Sammy are childhood friends and have been through a lot together (there was romantic tension when they were teens but Nathan didn’t realize he was gay until he was like 20)
Tbh I’m shit at explaining bc I just start rambling (pls read my pinned post it explains AFWtP but like. Actually coherent lmao) (and there’s art AND fics)
I do have some art though! I’ll send it separately if this doesn’t load, bc there is. A lot of it and this got long
I love everything about this. I'll read the first at the end of the masterwork this weekend since I'll be off work. I love the whole show within a story concept, that a lot of dedication to maintain along with AUs (I have AUs that I need to flesh out at some point.)
Keeping up stories with other people is awesome because then you have another brain to bounce ideas off of. Good ideas. Bad ideas. Ridiculously despicable ideas. I love the sheer variety of characters you have and they're super fleshed-out and believable.
Maybe I'm just smitten with stories that start out in the early to mid-2000s.
Feel free to send more stuff!
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Okay so I have a lot about them in my pinned post (and fics!) but basically this takes place in a small town in Kentucky (Dixon, Kentucky to be specific) in 2014 when Nathan and Des were on break for college and came back to Nathan’s hometown for a couple weeks
So there’s Sammy, des, and Nathan (and they are all dating now :>) and Nathan and Sammy were childhood friends (more on them later) and des and Nathan met in college and have been dating for like a year or two when this takes place
So basically there is this serial killer (who me and @crossover-enthusiast have affectionately dubbed god boi) (picture below) and, like a fashion trend, he has made a comeback (back when they were like 12 he killed Sammy and Nathan’s friend Nico and chopped Sammy’s arm off and Was Never Caught™️)
Sammy is 24 (birthday is September 21, 1989) and he has two siblings, Sophia (17) and Al(12)! He is v protective of them and loves them very much and Al is very much a rebellious little shit (affectionate) and this very much worries Sammy. Him and Sophia have always been v close :> also Sophia got her love of softball from Sammy and has his old bat still! (He used to play when he was younger but alas The Forest) also he loves the stars and stargazing and has a telescope and sometimes him and Sophia and him and the boyfs go :> and after the events of AFWtP him and Al sometimes too :)
Nathan is 24, (birthday march 13 1990) and he is pretty introverted and quiet (basically the opposite of des lol) and him and Sammy have been friends since kindergarten! (Yes there was romantic tension when they were teens no they did not figure it out no I do not accept constructive criticism) he loves reading and books a lot and he has a lot of random knowledge because while he was in college he had a job at the library and sometimes just stopped to read books he thought were interesting. Also, he is a v good cook (again, opposite of des, who one time nearly burnt their dorm down in college because he forgot to add water to his instant ramen) and yeah he has 3 siblings (Marcus, 39, klara, 37, and Derek, 16!) also his relationship with his parents isn’t the best
Des is 24 (birthday may 31, 1990) and he is v extroverted and outgoing :> them and Nathan met in college and were roommates! I love him fr and they are everything to me :> also, they are a demiboy (he/they) and also v gnc and also 6’0 and ripped :> also he’s autistic (just like me fr) and absolutely loves kirby (tbh video games were the reason he got into coding in the first place) and he is so kdjjdhdhhsjsj
Okay this is getting really long so I’ll stop here but here’s some pictures!
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mayisgoingnuts · 4 months
so. Im afwtp the thing that sets it off is the forest, right?
thats what gets changed
now, what i COULD have done was do NOBODY gets artacked. That would be the logical thing to do, right?
well thats not what happened and now my oc that ia a bitch and a bully in canon is kissing my oc that died in canon and when the fuck did this happen
basically instead of nobody getting attacked i was like "wait lmao what if we made todd get attacked instead bc he was mean in canon say bye bye leg todd" AS A JOKE.
we did that, and THEN we talked about that au for a bit as one does when they are making aus
somehow it became an au we were taking seriously and through the events somehow rivals to lovers todd/nico became real (which again. I suggested shipping them AS A JOKE.) and i put them up to SO many silly shennanagins its unreal nathan and sammy aren't traumatized and i enjoy them being happy and i enjoy nico not dying bc i love him sm hehehehe
I hate that THIS is why nico is so fleshed out now and also i hate that this is how i figured out multiple canon details 💀
Now I understand the "it's just a different OC atp" KAJDJD
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Okay so he is a shared oc with @crossover-enthusiast!
He is 24, (birthday is September 21 1989) and is v snarky and stubborn fr :> he has 2 siblings (Sophia (17) and Al (12)) and cares about them v much :> him and Sophia have always been super close, and he loves al, but al is a rebellious little shit (affectionate) and looks like basically Sammy at his age, and so naturally he is v overprotective and al resents this. Also, Sophia got her love of softball from Sammy (he used to play baseball when he was younger) and still has one of his old bats that she got from him when she was 10 :> they are so hdjjdjfjrkkdkdjdjdks and I love them all very much :>
Also, he is dating Nathan and des! Him and Nathan were childhood friends (and shared trauma Heehoo >:>) and des and Nathan were college roommates :> I lovw them fr hehhehehhee
Also here are some pictures of him :>
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Credit to @macabrecabra for this drawing! I love it sm
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Anyways I have more about AFWtP (Ain’t Fucking With the Past) (it’s an MSA lyric :>) and the characters as my pinned post! (And some fics too :>) (please check them out I love them sm)
I love him, omg—
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moon-str3ber · 1 year
Okay so there is one where nothing changes except it takes place in Florida so that god boi can be a Florida Man
There’s also one where Al dies in the forest during AFWtP and there’s one where he also loses an arm in the forest
There is one where both Sammy AND Nico die
There’s also one where Sammy and Nathan are swapped
holy x-an crackers in Colorado
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s1lly-gh02tz · 2 years
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So these are some drawings of the boyfs :> (sammy, des, and Nathan) from AFWtP and they are my ot3 :>
Like they’re just so fhjhhdhsjfjkdjdjdj
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Sammy, des, and Nathan :>
They’re from AFWtP AND are my ot3
oh that sounds cool! i still don't really know who they are though
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interdimensionalvoid · 3 months
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they are everything to me <3
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Boyfs headcannons?
-des in strawberry dress
-nathan making soup
-sammy and nathan used to have a bunch of like 'codes' (just replacing letters with symbols or simple ciphers) in elementary and middle school
-des trying to get sammy into tattoos, sammy has a lot of ideas for some he'd like (constellations, twenty one pilots symbols and lyrics, or a lizard) but he's still a lil scared to go through with it
-nathan likes to play with his bfs hair, esspecially braiding des's
-nathan suprise taking des to a gamestop like its the peak of romantic gestures
-sammy and nathan napping on coach cuddling
-when holding hands sometimes des will squeeze or tap fingers in rythm to songs
-des loves to tap on surfaces so much that nathan once suggested he should learn morse code, des is still working on it
-des knows sign launguage (asl)
-des was selectively mute til he was about 10
-des streaming in his jammies like 'my bfs are out rn :( so I play kirby while i wait for them to come back'
-if sammy paints his nails it's plain but he's gotten into nail art by painting des', des loves having pretty nails but hates painting them
-the local florist and nathan on first name basis from how often nathan is like 'gonna go get my bfs some flowers'
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bones-boneyard · 1 year
Nathan is 24 and grew up in the same town that Sammy did (to be specific they grew up in Dixon, Kentucky) and they have been best friends since childhood! Hes always had anxiety and tbh was just quiet in general (but this got even worse AFTER the forest tbh bc like. Worst fear outlandish thing to happen actually DID happen which yknow. Not fun) and he blames himself for the forest a lot I think because he got separated from them (which is probably the only reason he escaped unscathed and Sammy lived at all) He’s always loved animals a lot too and ended up going to college (specifically MSU) (listen I have all of the locations for AFWtP picked out already) to become a veterinarian :)
Him and des met in college after they were roommates :) I love them fr they’re so hdjdjdhsjdjjs and they started dating around like a year or so before AFWtP! He didn’t realize he was gay until he was like in his 20s (partly bc his parents were homophobic and just in general kinda weren’t the best) (this is a major reason he left out of state for college tbh)
he has three siblings! He has 2 older ones who are 13 and 16 years older than him so he really only occasionally saw them and a younger brother (Derek) who is 17 during afwtp! Fun fact him and Sophia are friends (and they have been compared to their older brothers before :)
Also Nathan has a lot of random knowledge on shit because when he was in college he had a job at the library and sometimes would read the things he found while he was doing it and yeah :)
He didn’t realize he loved Sammy until he was in his 20s and regretted not realizing sooner and jfjdhdhdjdjdjdjjdjdjdjjdjd
I love him he’s so jdhfhdhhdjdjdkdk
Gay gay homosexual gay!!!
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who are the gang’s favorite AFWtP characters
Arthur - Sammy (you are right he absolutely kins him)
Kevin - Nathan
Vivi - Des
Streber - either Sammy or Sophie
Mystery also quite likes Sammy and really feels for his mom
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theboysfromaustin · 1 year
I think Sammy moved in with des and Nathan around 6 months after AFWtP
Awww. I love fast relationship move-ins, although I may hold the record for a story at 2 days.
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