installmentsweird · 4 years
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Installments of a 25yo #10
So I voted and I have some thoughts... 
Everyone talks about how much we need to vote, but I did and I do not feel like my voice is heard or good about it. We need to have a candid conversation about this process, and the flaws in in because I think everyone thinks that good enough is fine, but it is not. I have felt this way for a while, but I figure I needed to vote in a few elections and see if it changes, it didn’t a lot was just confirmed.
Now disclaimer: This is not saying that you shouldn’t vote, hence why this is posted after 8pm, but what I am saying is to take a closer look at what we are doing and question the process and to exercise your right to vote or not( gasp, shocking, but we will get into that.) 
Presidential Election:
Trump vs. Biden, Democratic vs. Republican, imagine my shock and horror that there are 6 other candidates,  6 OTHER CANDIDATES!!! Now I know most of us were in the same boat, and we either did not know about the other candidates or we put them out of our minds, because they won’t win so why care. 
But it’s the principal. Why aren’t these candidates at the debates? Why is it so hard to find their platforms? People should be able to vote for these candidates without it being a “wasted” vote.  Because we need diversity of thought and all the information possible to pick the best candidate, not just the lesser of two evils. Like that shouldn’t be something used for the presidency that is something you say when you are choosing whether to be late for work or speed a bit, not the presidency, especially when there are other options. (Also other countries have way more than two parties...soooooo I mean it is not like there is not a precedent and cannot be done. Also in some countries they have a ranking system which i feel like is a better system because it encourages more parties and thoughts..)
And speaking of the debates, what were those? Those debates more so resembled a reality tv show fight more than actual talks about the issues, like they are supposed to be.  Also what is really Joe Biden’s platform? I feel like he is running off the fact that he is not Trump, but that is not good enough, where is the road map, what are you going to do to make this country better? Now , Trump is bad, yes, but he just exploited a system that was already very flawed. You ask how he became president, he knew how to win over people and exploit the system not saying that is good, but those are the facts.
Local Elections:
A hot mess. A hot mess. Trying to find information on local offices is like trying to find rain in a desert. And I looked and there is barely anything. Again, how is anyone supposed to vote?   Are we supposed to guess? Because that is what it felt like, that we were supposed to guess. I found more about their families and where they went to school instead about their positions on the issues that are actually important to their office. There is a bit of a similar problem in the big offices too, but you get some of the issues. And people would say again and again that you are supposed to vote the down ballet, but the information that is necessary to do so is not accessible. And this is not laziness, I scoured google, looking a reputable websites and found nothing or next to nothing, certainly not enough to vote on. 
Not Voting:
People always say that if you don’t vote, you cannot complain. But honestly, controversial, but not voting speaks volumes. Why aren’t people voting? Nobody has truly stopped to ask the question. People would give excuses like they are lazy or do not care etc. But if you actually ask people and actually hear the responses...people are disappointed in our system. with good reason because it has failed us so many times. Like has there been a candidate that has truly changed things for the little guy? This pandemic especially has shown the flaws in our system, especially when the government gave people 1200 dollars and just said survive, instead of coming to an agreement that people would need more than that to survive, or the fact that there are people, during a pandemic who do not have healthcare and basically have to survive, good luck. The  actual hell. Basically, if you are not voting for legitimate reasons and choose to exercise your right to not vote especially during a pandemic, you should not be shamed, hot take. Because the government has proven time and time again that they simply do not care, to be quite blunt. So of course people are going to be fed up. 
Electoral College:
No one understands this. So how are we supposed to take full advantage of our rights, if we do not even understand how our vote is counted or utilized? Also by people not being able to understand this, it just makes it easier to exploit it, just saying. 
Voting in General:
The process is kinda tedious, from registration to actually voting in the booths, the whole process is created wholly inaccessible for people and god forbid you have to fill out an absentee ballot. There are better ways and ways to improve the process, such as , why isn’t it online? People say security reasons but nowadays there is a ton of encryption software amongst other things that can ensure a secure voting system. Also how are prisoners included in the counting for the amount of people in a county or political region, but cannot vote? 
So vote if you want is what I am saying, but can we also open the floor to this conversation, because our voice is being suppressed in this process in a lot of ways, from the suppression of other parties to the process itself. For me, there are legitimate reasons as to why people choose not to participate. And our voice is not being used to its full potential. 
Anyway, that was just on my mind after the fact, so I figure I’ll share. TLDR: I’m just disappointed with our system and the way it suppresses us through the guise of empowering us. Now, not there is nothing that could be done about it, but how we are gonna solve anything, if we don’t talk about it and sweep it under a rug constantly. 
Pic credit to: Gerd Altman from Pixabay(the choice sign) and amberzen from Pixabay(vote button)
For more thoughts that may shock you, click here.
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Legality =/= Morality.. H/T: Unlimited Liberty Join us: The Free Thought Project
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Oh, and not one committed by a woman, either. Follow Occupy Democrats for more.
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progressive-minded · 6 years
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nrk-beatz · 6 years
New track on my Youtube Channel. Its called Neoliberalist Potatoes and its the first of the Thinker Beats Series. Full track on my Youtube channel: the link is on the top of my Instagram page. #neoliberalism #socialist #hiphopandpolitics #beatmaker #beatmaking #sampling #greatthinkers #noamchomsky @noam_chomsky #alternativehiphop #breakbeats #chopping #flipping #neoliberalist #againstneoliberalism #freedom #doomsdayclock #againsttrump #trumpdangerous #fakefreedom
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enchanted53 · 4 years
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YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! #vote2020 #againsttrump #vote (at Lake San Marcos, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEF47YhJTQ5/?igshid=1e4njzmbfyfya
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emiunicornn · 7 years
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Now is the time, now is the hour. Ours is the magic, ours is the power. Amazing protest by @witchboston 🔮🌙✨ I find it so baffling that this is still happening and so prominent more than ever. White supremacists can go fuck themselves. As a tri-racial woman I have seen bigotry and white supremacists in action and it is one of the most disgusting things to witness. How can we allow this to happen? This isn't only an "American" problem, here in Australia we have politicians and key speakers sprouting hate against POC, Asians - basically anyone who isn't Caucasian and therefore not "true blue" or a "true Australian" fuck outta here - fueling islamophobia and saying no to allowing LGBT to marry. We have the power to change this, to make a difference and take a stand. I rarely make this page personal but I can't stand by without saying this, I think it's so important to speak up. Know that I will always stand up and speak up for any minority, any one who has been victimised or targeted. We are not afraid 🔮HEX WHITE SUPREMACY🌙 #againstwhitesupremacy #hexwhitesupremacy #witchboston #againsttrump #resisttrump #antitrump #pussygrabsback
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progressiveparty · 4 years
Get Trump Out - Unite against Trump
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Take the unity pledge. Commit to defeating Donald Trump in 2020. Are you in? By providing your name you agree to receive emails about important updates, ways to take action, and information about events in your area from the Progressive Party USA. This is a time for choosing: AMERICA or TRUMP! Trump is the largest practitioner of separation and hatred we’ve seen in generations. “Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people—does not even pretend to try. Instead, he tries to divide us.” —General James Mattis. Trump is not hiding that he’s a tyrannic dictatorial president, so driven of power and convinced that “he is the law” that he’s willing to turn on the American people and transform a peaceful nation into War Zones. „Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president.“ —Theodore Roosevelt American families want to feel safe and should not live in fear due to the color of their skin, their origin, their political affiliation, or their religion. We must defeat Donald Trump and reclaim our country. Share the pledge on Facebook. Share the pledge on Twitter. Share the pledge on email. TAKE THE PLEDGE WE NEED TO BE ALL IN TO DEFEAT TRUMP! Donate to our Campaign $15 $35 $100 Other DONATE Progressives are fighting for the rights of all Americans and our democracy. Together we will ensure that Donald J. Read the full article
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Why I #SupportDACA And Why You Should Too
Recently I’ve become interested in politics and younger me would have given me a blank stare if I tried to explain to her why. I’ve always been a writer but I enjoy writing fiction where I’m allowed to let my mind run wild and create whatever I want. Up until the last few years I had no interest in anything political. I saw politics as pointless and stressful and didn’t want anything to do with it. And then I realized the importance of getting involved in situations like the recent decision by the president to end the program DACA. 
I am a firm believer in treating others how we would want to be treated and relating anything I can back to basic human decency. Above all else, we are to care for our fellow man and try to make the world better in all that we do. Trump’s election, first months of presidency, and recent decision go against everything I believe in. I am an American Citizen. I am of Mixed Descent (Irish, German, West African). I am a Woman. Each of these things that make me who I am have been attacked as of late. From the beginning of Trump’s campaign I have been strongly against the deportation of immigrants. I cannot fathom how people can hold so much hate against those who only seek a better life. I cannot fathom how someone can be a white supremacist or want to “build the wall”. It blows my mind that our country has gotten to this point.
DACA Dreamers are now terrified and emotionally distressed and they do not deserve this. They do not deserve to feel attacked. They do not deserve to feel as if they are not wanted in this country. They certainly do not deserve to be punished for merely living and contributing to society. Roughly 800,000 young people’s lives have been thrown into chaos and why? Because their parents loved them and wanted a better life for them? I’m tired of hearing the argument “they should have done it legally”. It’s easy to make a statement like that when you’re so blinded by your privilege you cannot understand that those in other countries are suffering. The process of becoming a legal citizen is lengthy and expensive and chances are that if you’re running from another country, you do not have the time or finances to become a citizen legally. 
There is also the fact that there are still millions of undocumented illegal immigrants who could have applied for DACA and have not. I’m sure now they’re thanking the Heavens for making that decision. DACA Dreamers put the fate of their lives in the government’s hands and chose to be honest and register with this program, trusting that the system would protect them. They were deceived and the country should be ashamed. Donald Trump should be ashamed. Trump supporters who continue to defend his every move should be ashamed. If you are a living breathing human being and you support this horrid act, you should be ashamed. 
On a more positive note, I am so proud of my state, the wonderful New York. Governor Andrew Cuomo made a statement that filled my heart with pride. He let the Dreamers of New York know that we will support them and fight for them and will not allow them to be singled out or made to feel less than. I pray that other states follow such notions and that these young people are protected. And I pray for the direction our country is headed in. It is certainly a battle of good and evil right now and I am rooting for the good.
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juhsintoe-blog · 7 years
Text ‘RESIST' to 50409 to tell your local senators that you want to DefendDACA. It sends a fax to your senator’s office!
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Folgt mir:
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Get it? Got it? Good! Join us: The Free Thought Project
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progressive-minded · 6 years
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Go green
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blowwfish68 · 8 years
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Happy International Women's Day oder Happy International Working Women's Day oder Pussy Power against sexism, fascism, racism, bigotry, islamaphobia, homophobia,, alt-right, trump. #internationalwomensday, #internationalworkingwomensday, #pussypower, #againsttrump, #nosexism, #noracism, #nohomophobia , #noislamophobia, #nobigotry, #nonazis, #noaltright, #noaltrightnokkknofascistusa, #pussygrabsback (hier: Zürich, Switzerland)
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