#agakura momoya
froqpi-art · 1 year
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i just think the agakuras r neat
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reavenedges-lies · 1 year
Oh no hes hot
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crehador · 11 months
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kinda want to talk about higuro real quick, this is peak character design to me
he looks so ordinary, and even sounds ordinary. like hosoyan is perfectly capable of putting on a horny i mean evil voice, but they've got him doing a very hinged voice here
which is an excellent choice because higuro is a TERRIFYING DUDE, and at first you know it not from the way he looks but the way people who recognize him react to him (abject fear and intense trepidation)
especially posed next to this guy momoya who's currently acting as his sidekick
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like i love the dynamic where the 'normal' looking one is so much more unhinged and dangerous than the unhinged looking one (at least for now, with all the foreboding talk about the agakura family i'm guessing momoya is plenty dangerous as well)
of course we're starting to see what higuro is capable of now but yeah i'm just very fond of this relatively plain character design for this massively fucked up dude
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virtual-idoll · 11 months
apparently momoya is the 7th weakest agakura, putting him in the middle. FUCKING 15 AGAKURA! we've seen 5 and this woman is trying to add more people to her family too.
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DMDP Chs 51-53 Thoughts
DMDP Chapter 53 came out today, (Friday / September 4, 2020) and I didn’t post my thoughts on Chapter 51-52, so I figure this post can be some sort of amalgamation wherein I talk about 53 and reflect on 51-52 together, somehow. These last few chapters do warrant some sort of reaction post, considering what’s happening...
Hm, but how to handle this? You know what, I’ll start by reflecting on the warehouse showdown with the Agakuras and Xiaoyu (etc), since that’s contained to 51-52 and not 53.
Warehouse (51-52)
So, I jokingly bet five bucks that Imbi might show up to protect Xiaoyu, you know, older sister vs older sister (Majiri) type shenanigans, but that did not come to pass. Probably for the best, since it would have been a bit much to suddenly give Imbi a whole visual debut as a character; having her for now be a possessive sister helping Xiaoyu off-page is totally fine.
We have names for the other two sisters: Kana and Dahlia Agakura. I like their designs quite a bit, so I’m glad we got their names early.
Majiri severing Xiaoyu’s right forearm was something. I’m definitely expecting Misaki’s “let’s exchange info about ourselves later” exclamation to Xiaoyu to pay off, but it remains to be seen whether Takumi will be included. I mean, he witnessed enough that it’d be futile to try leaving him in the dark.
Momoya is “seventh from the bottom” in terms of strength (?), but this “puts him in about the middle.” Of what? Nuclear siblings?
Momoya laughing even while down...gotta give it to him, he seems to have accepted his loss well. His injuries ehhhh not so much; the laugh turning into him coughing up blood was a good moment. Fatal-if-untreated injuries...
Majiri catching a pry bar between her teeth is... I mean, who does that? Would like this justified, please. She “might be even stronger” than Polka, muses Misaki, but I’d like to know, you know, how.
Habaki, Comps 3, and Fire-Breathing Bug
I’ll talk about the #51 flashback to Iwanome and Saimyouji more in MISC, but I must say, it’s great that the manga is finally starting to tackle FBB’s ‘deal’ with regard to ‘function’ (mechanics?) and motives. Granted, the motives were ‘teased’ mostly in Chapter 50; it’s with these last few chapters that we’re getting some idea of how FBB works.
“One, but not one.” Since we’re being shown the ‘emitters’ as viewers, we know for a fact they are being used somehow. The details are more up in the air, but of course they are. I like that FBB’s actions are being filtered to us through Iwanome’s perspective as much as they are being ‘shown’ to us visually.
Having Iwanome try to rationalize analyze possibilities and amend his understanding of who and what FBB is in real-time lets the reader do the same without necessarily confirming Iwanome’s theories as fact. Earlier, with Chapters 51-52, he was understandably redefining FBB as ‘just’ a group--since he did not witness, like the reader did, the past times when it seemed like FBB was possessing people, like the three officers with Know.
But then Chapter 53 shows us Iwanome actually questioned those officers on what happened, which pleased me immensely for his character (showing his thoroughness) and also as a plausible boost for him ‘making the connection’ like he does. He reassesses again to account for the possibility FBB is some sort of hypnotist--and while we cannot yet know if ‘hypnotist’ is precisely the method, it’s still a believable educated guess.
These chapters really reinforce Iwanome’s characterization as a thinker, if not an overthinker. His instinct in improbable situations is to analyze what’s happening; rather than “act first, think later.” The Lemmings incident was our first major example of it, and I really like this aspect of his character.
He can be careless with technology, he acts loud and frat-boy flamboyant at times, but this guy really falls into the brainiac camp.
But this isn’t supposed to be a “Rev gushes about Iwanome” post. Whoop.
Habaki doping up in Chapter 52 sure did happen. What kind of powder is that? I do feel for Iwanome regarding Habaki’s betrayal, since I’d welcomed him having one (1) ally in the police force circa Chapter 30....but I guess Habaki was corrupt his own way.
Oh, right, and he turned out to be a total piece of trash, actually, what with the Soara Habaki illegitimate daughter reveal. I do think we should’ve gotten a hint of this daughter before 53, though I guess I can’t remember them showing Habaki at his own desk before... maybe a wallet photo opportunity could have worked.
It’s not as if the #53 flashback (wherein Habaki uses his daughter to relate to Iwanome’s pain) wasn’t a solid ‘bonding moment’ addition to further make the betrayal hurt, I just think the “surprise! she’s alive!” deal and present ‘father-daughter fight” might have benefited from at least one earlier indication that Habaki had a child.
Soara herself seems cool, though. Her design really reminds me of Aging, what with the buff muscles, sports bra, six pack, toothy grin, “Greek statue” build...did I mention the muscles...and I had been intrigued in 52 by the panel in which she and the child debuted.
Speaking of that chapter 52 scene...how about that sorcerer bearing the Byandy emblem, fellas?
Or Habaki’s line earlier in the chapter: “Before long...he will bore a hole” (to this world). 
Would be nice if we could have a name for this sorcerer, soon. Obviously powerful, what with the lightning control (would it be too early to assume this sorcerer is good with weather in general?). Belongs to the Bastard Children of Sabaramond group. Aware that labs are conducting human experimentation that’s tantamount to “basically slaughtering people.”
Of course, we reasonably wonder what exactly this experimentation has to do with the BCoS, who/what/where/why/how etc.
My mind swiftly returned to the Chapter 50 teasing about FBB and “everlasting revenge”--pardon the speculation, but could FBB’s revenge have something to do with the experiments? If Soara was the first case to survive, then subsequent survivors would have to be pretty young, so it is likely FBB (the, uh, ‘source’ or ‘original’) would have been a test subject? Perhaps people FBB cared about were kidnapped as test subjects. Or maybe Bug just objects to the experiments in principle.
“He will bore a whole.” The question, of course, is who? (and what/when/how/why....)
I was right about Yatsu and Tozawa showing up. Two other Comps-3 members did as well (thanks to Yatsu)--I wonder if they or any other members of Comps-3 will get names?
Yatsu saving Tozawa’s life by sweeping his feet out from under him was good. Now to see whether Tozawa’s “I owe you one” will become relevant later. I’m not sure I like where the “Tozawa opens his eyes” in response to Hosorogi’s name, “Tozawa suggests he and Yatsu split up,” and “Tozawa places a call” panels are going...
...We already had the fakeout with Yatsu as the traitor (not) earlier, with ringing phones and Tozawa frowning at him panels; do you want me to be suspicious of Tozawa now too, Narita? I’m going to deliberately not think about those panels.
The guard smiling and shooting himself in the head was A Scene. I know it’s late, but surely others in the building would have heard that gunshot?
That flashback in Chapter 51 to Iwanome and Saimyouji’s conversation about gamma knives and detective work was interesting. Interesting both from an information standpoint + possible explanation standpoint, and as another Saimyouji scene. Saimyouji’s quip about corpses and Iwanome’s deeming of him as ‘nasty’ sure contrast with the past chirpy “gamer and fan of the occult” Saimyouji scenes. What’s his deal, Narita.
The “Solitaire of the Clouds” panel in 51 was funny has heck and I do not tire of Solitaire whatsoever. You’d think his whole “I have...NO PLAN” shtick might get old, since things tend to work out for him, but he’s such a good improviser and he’s not necessarily totally without backups that it has yet to get exasperating.
The sorcerer brings up Habaki making an “emergency call to HQ,” which I assume is referring to the call with Higuro. Is Higuro really part of the BCoS’s core?
Two figures are watching the sorcerer watching the Habakis fight from a distant rooftop; rather, the taller figure has some sort of (I assume) monocular or telescope trained on the sorcerer. Gee, who could those two be.
The height difference made me think of the Horojiima siblings, but I dunno why Clarissa would send them to this rooftop; she doesn’t know about the sorcerer or anything, so if it were the siblings I would assume they were on the rooftop for another mission.
The Horojiima snipers don’t seem that likely, though, so I dunno...maybe other members of the BCoS? Other members of Agakura? Heck, maybe the taller one is Lemmings doing his ‘day job’.
It felt like a long wait for this chapter because it was--almost a whole month this time, compared to the last release waits--so I hope it won’t be another month this time? Oh, wait, if longer waits means Narita is taking more time right now to focus on, oh, I don’t know...say, Baccano! Vol 23...then scratch what I said; I’ll wait forever.
Where will Chapter 54 start, though... I guess I can’t rule out the chance Narita will skip back to Misaki, Takumi, and Xiaoyu (or even Sayo & CG), but right now I guess I want to know most who those two figures are (and who, exactly, the sorcerer is as well as the child). The Habaki fight is, eh, taking place...I wouldn’t be too surprised if Habaki ends up becoming a test subject instead of dying at Soara’s hands?
Or maybe, depending on what Narita has planned with Tozawa, it’ll start with Tozawa’s call (or its consequences)...damn, the Yatsu fakeout has left me antsy and suspicious. I don’t want Tozawa to be a traitor, but I’m not sure I’ll enjoy being faked out twice. If I’m seeing fakeout flags where none exist, though, that’s on me. Habaki turning out to be not-so-great is already a blow to Iwanome and the reader, but Tozawa turning out to be shady at the same time? Ough.
I do want to learn a lot more about the BCoS, the “bore a hole” to Earth teasing, and am otherwise reasonably curious about the sorcerer, Soara, and the child...so yeah, would like more along these lines.
It’s odd that I haven’t brought Corpse God up much, but he’s been sitting out this event and there’s been no sign yet that this will change. Maybe once Misaki returns with Takumi and Xiaoyu, we’ll see set-up for CG being proactive in the next, er, ‘arc’, but I guess the question on a lot of our minds is whether or when CG and this sorcerer who bears the Byandy emblem will meet. CG isn’t super versed in elemental magic, from what 52 indicates, but could he perhaps somehow realize the elementals are currently being eaten/manipulated?
Anyway, I’ve spent enough time on this one; time to post and move on.
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virtual-idoll · 1 year
Momoya Agakura voice actor confirmed!!!
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froqpi-art · 3 years
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dead mount death play is a mouthful 
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DMDP Chapter 50 Thoughts
Do I have time for this type of post? Not really. But it’s been several chapters since I did the last one, and I don’t want people to think I’ve given up on DMDP chapter reaction write-ups. Hopefully I can keep this short.
cue laugh track
I’ll try, I swear. For reference, the last chapter reaction I did was for Chapter 44 back in March.
So we meet three of Momoya’s sisters at the beginning of this chapter, and the one whose full name is invoked at the chapter’s end--Majiri Agakura--I just want to point out Fujimoto put a sketch of the panel with her back to the panel’s camera on Twitter.
In the run up to July 3, by the way, Fujimoto was releasing a DMDP character sheet on Twitter every two days to promote a Tsugimanga vote (in which DMDP was a nominee); we got seven sheets. I hope he does another run of them.
The panel of Majiri speaking “...Agakura Family” reminds me of that one panel with Arius Sabaramond in Chapter 36. Both panels put Majiri and Arius at a tilt, putting focus on their smiles while hiding their eyes out of frame. And both Majiri and Arius have hoop/loop earrings, though Arius’ are much larger.
I don’t know if this is just a case of “me reading too much into things” or if there is a deliberate visual parallel between the two panels?
What with the Agakura / Sabaramond apparent link...
Crowd of FBBs are singing Furusato, per the last chapter
The secret cell phone going off during Sorimura’s visit is pretty convenient, eh?
As amusing as Sorimura’s “act first, think later” ‘no plan’ plans are, alongside how they often actually work out for him, I do wonder if/when we’ll see his no-plan shtick properly backfire.
He’s found himself in tricky situations before, like with the rooftop encounters, but he’s always managed to escape. Will he always, though?
The caller turning out to be Grocer didn’t blindside me (heh), but it hadn’t crossed my mind and in retrospect it should have.
Jirotarou’s whole, “why do you think he has so many liberties in solitary confinement” was the nail in the coffin. Pretty much, “oh wait, damn, that makes sense.” I’d just figured Grocer had paid them off since he’s, you know, a merchant from an old family, but actually offering his services in exchange does sound like him.
That Jirotarou now knows about Iwanome’s contact with Hosorogi via the Grocer? That got me. Some part of me was thinking Iwanome’s conversation would come back to bite him in the ass later, what with Hosorogi previously lamenting Iwanome’s lack of caution/understanding with technology, but not this...soon?
Yeah, Grocer’s involvement is the cherry on top.
Is the call log just going to be a record of how long the call was, or is Grocer going to hecking give Jirotarou a whole damn transcript?
The whole bit with both Jirotarou and Sorimura recognizing Hosorogi’s name is classic Narita. Sorimura still doesn’t know much about Hosorogi beyond ‘missing inspector’, but he remembers the name from when he namedropped it on the roof in Ch. 32.
Was Jirotarou expecting the info about Habaki’s calls because they’re in cahoots, or because he already had his eye on Habaki...?
“I want Tsubaki Iwanome’s cell phone number” // I mean, okay, sure, +1 for unexpected Sorimura requests, but is Sorimura totally overlooking the fact Grocer just indicated he wiretapped Iwanome’s call?
I guess Grocer didn’t indicate Iwanome was using his own cell phone. Come of think of it, if Iwanome has a ‘work phone’ and personal cell phone, which is Sorimura asking for?
“Sabaramond is the name of the information channel I hired / coincidence that they share the same last name of Higuro”
Iwanome presses X for Doubt, but Habaki protests it really is the name. On the one hand Habaki is no longer trustworthy (sad times, I was endeared in previous chapters by Iwanome’s gratitude toward him), but his reaction seems to be genuine.
I guess Higuro has picked up the information slack following Takumi’s betrayal, but Higuro is just one ‘cog’ in a greater organization. Agakura, Sabaramond...
Policemen and pencil-pushers all approaching the meeting room zombie-like, mixing singing Furusato with “I heard it” and “Sabaramond...”
...culminating with pointing fingers at Habaki to accuse him of being Sabaramond’s bastard child. Well, this isn’t the first time we’ve seen FBB ‘possess’ (take over? infect?) the police; his introduction in Chapter 17 has him do the thing with the police escorting Know.
Meanwhile we have FBB’s rain-gear crowd surrounding the hideout with Momoya in it; I’m not sure if these guys were also muttering about Sabaramond, but Majiri definitely seems to take their presence as an accusation of Momoya as a ‘bastard child’--an accusation to which she takes offense.
This would appear to strengthen the Agakura - Sabaramond bond suggested thus far, no?
Curious that the words stopped burning into the wall when the crowd stops singing. Have team-MC inside spotted the words yet?
“All I will do is pity you. Pray for you. For your everlasting revenge.” hm. HM
Majiri’s sisters don’t seem to be in the know re: the people in rain-gear, but Majiri says they could call them friends. Also that there’s no use meddling with them; there’s no end to them no matter how many you stamp out.
And so the chapter ends with “wriggling and swarming, the infestation comes to light...” and the FBB policemen converging on Arase and iwanome.
So that line from Majiri, the  “All I will do is pity you. Pray for you. For your everlasting revenge” line...the lines are spoken over two panels: one of children burning behind a crosshatch grid...a grate? Grill? Cage bars? Prison? / the second panel displays a burnt doll and perhaps a burnt arm peeking out from under collapsed debris. What clothing is the doll wearing? Could be a clue as to when the event happened?
Well, talk about hints. If we take this at face value, is the conclusion to draw here that Fire-Breathing Bug desires ‘everlasting revenge’ on “the bastard children of Sabaramond” for whatever happened to those children?
Or are the burning children an example of the Bug taking revenge?
I’m not sure about that. FBB seemed to dislike the idea of someone as young as Corpse God being recruited by the BCoS, right? 
Though, he seems to have infiltrated the police despite hating the BCoS, who may be or at least are intertwined with Agakura, who may have connections to the corrupt police force, so who knows. Not that infiltrating the organization you hate isn’t conducive to one’s plans.
Anyway, Majiri. If she’s the Agakura who personally severed Xiaoyu’s hands and feet (which seems, uh, likely)...and she’s about to enter the hideout and collect her brother... imminent Agakura - Xiaoyu reunion round 2?
...Why do I have a sudden suspicion we may meet Xiaoyu’s older sister Imbi soon?
I mean, Momoya’s dynamic with his older sisters / the way they seem to be...possessive of him strikes me as perhaps having something in common with Xiaoyu’s relationship with Imbi--what with Imbi coming across as possessive / super protective of Xiaoyu.
I’m just saying, if Imbi shows up out of the blue to procted Xiaoyu from the very Agakura who delimbed him, somebody owes me five bucks.
Now, FBB...although the last panel of this chapter shows the FBB-guys surging at Iwanome and Arase, I’m half-expecting they’ll ignore our good duo for Habaki, though Iwanome did technically bring up Sabaramond first so hey, maybe he’ll not go totally unnoticed. Iwanome and Arase coming out of this relatively unscathed / next chapter showing the Bugs going for Habaki instead seems like something Narita might pull, but I hope the sense of danger doesn’t dissipate.
It’s possible Iwanome and Arase will try to save Habaki if FBB seizes him, since he’s still the chief and Iwanome probably can’t forget all the good Habaki did him so easily. Interfering with the Bug could mean danger...oh, and now that I think about it, surely Sorimura and FBB being in the same building will mean something, no?
That is, if/when Jirotarou is contacted about a situation unfolding in xyz corridor with Iwanome / Arase / Habaki, I’m sure Sorimura would be interested in what’s going on. Hell, if Sorimura decides to give Iwanome a call as soon as he has Iwanome’s cell phone number, which seems like something he might do, we can assume he’d hear the FBB people singing in the background. What he’d choose to do then...? Who knows.
Corpse God has been sitting this chain of events out so far--’this chain of events’ being the Takumi fetchquest, as far as he’s concerned--so I’m thinking if he’s going to be involved at all in this plot sequence (rather than sit this chain of events out entirely), now’s the time. If Imbi doesn’t show up at the hideout for a duel (or one vs three fight) of “possessive older sisters,” then Corpse God making an appearance seems within the realm of possibility. Takumi’s “we might be a little late” and “she saved my life” remarks may have piqued his concern.
(Or maybe, if the FBB crowd decides to regroup and enter the hideout anyway / if Takumi notices FBB’s words on the wall, a call from Takumi about what’s going on might spur CG to the scene.)
I think I speculated in a previous reaction post that Corpse God actively defending Xiaoyu might be a way to bring Xiaoyu around to him, so yeah--this seems like an opportunity for CG - Xiaoyu relationship progress.
Speaking of progress...the question ultimately is, “What is this sequence of events progressing toward?” What plot progress is being made? Right now Narita is drip-feeding tidbits on Sabaramond’s group, Fire-Breathing Bug, and Agakura. We’ve learned Habaki is colluding with Higuro / Sabaramond’s people. Sorimura - Jirotarou interaction has revealed Jirotarou’s utilization of Grocer and wiretapping > Jirotarou and Sorimura now aware of Iwanome’s contact with Hosorogi.
Right now this means more to Jirotarou than it does Sorimura; if Sorimura establishes a direct line of contact with Iwanome, however, another thread in the web is forged. Eightport has informed Yatsu of Habaki’s treachery--we might assume Yatsu tells Tozawa about this, and ah, maybe Yatsu and Tozawa will go looking for Habaki and find Iwanome and Arase in trouble. Both are pretty physically competent, so they might be able to help.
Whether the situations with FBB are defused, however Majiri + sisters’ pickup of Momoya plays out, whatever happens, I just hope this sequence of events is leading us to some major information illuminations or plot thresholds. We had a bit of a wait for this chapter, so fingers crossed the next wait isn’t as long.
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DMDP Chapter 38 Thoughts
Hello, hello hello. Yesterday or thereabouts I saw Narita confirm a previous statement that Chapter 38 would be out on Nov 1st (in his cover reveal tweet for Volume 4, finally, I was waiting for that), so you bet I kept checking this morning to see whether the YP translation would be out today as well... 
...Went to new class afterward, spent a few hours at career/network fair immediately afterward; checked again as fair was closing up--saw YP chapter was out, scrambled to buy and download, skimmed on the spot--then stayed for drinks until building closed, followed brand-new acquaintance on bike until we split ways, made my way home in the rain... and here I am. 
Have reread the chapter now I’m home, and hoo boy... some of the speculation I speculated the last two chapters did turn out to be right--too bad in more than one case I dismissed the ‘right’ points as the weaker or unlikelier of the possibilities I envisioned! I need to have more confidence in the ideas I spitball, I really do.
It’s now 12:30 AM (got sidetracked), so I suppose I’d better just save writing up a wiki page on Chapter 38 for tomorrow rather than do it tonight.
Short-haired brunet bartender is alive! He was my likeliest bet for ‘deceased bartender’ mainly because we’d seem him more than we’d seen the blond bartender-uniformed guy from that one comic in-between chapters...
...but no; it looks like ‘Nishida’ is the murder victim instead. It’s not too much for me to assume Nishida is the blond bartender still, is it?
Also...it seems Nishida wasn’t murdered at Youtoukorou after all, then, yes? “Check on Nishida-kun’s apartment for me,” Clarissa says. Hrmhrm. So the ‘visit’ Momoya was to pay Kuraki...hasn’t happened yet, after all? Or does that murder still count (after all).
Hat-kun has a name already? “Higuro,” that is; don’t know if/when we’ll get the rest. And we finally see his face... a suspiciously friendly countenance, he has.
“And the client who asked this of me” / Okay, so client = police, right? Right? Momoya is affiliated with the Agakura (his ‘family’ as this page states), and in previous chapters it’s been insinuated this organization has corrupted the police, so... police person wanted this? Hrm.
“The girls,” Agakura exploration when, again? (Please don’t turn this into a harem, please, oh please.)
Oho, so Momoya thought they’d be going to/making use of the building where Solitaire visited yesterday (aka the torture building)? Interesting.
“Five years” | Yes, all right, I know, DMDP; every time I hear five years I think of Hosorogi’s death, so rest assured I am thinking of that time now. 
So...okay, hold up; is Higuro’s plan to access the basement of the torture building through this building and dump the bartender’s body there? “Hopefully the passage is still intact,” he says.
...Was. Was Hosorogi’s body transported to the torture building through this route five years ago too?
And if they are doing the above plan...
Ahem. “Agakura-san’s people” now wait just a minute; I know Momoya said ‘family’ so it is possible Agakura was literally a family name... and again, I pretty much considered the possibility back when we first heard Agakura’s name mentioned... but is it both the organization name and the name of the current leader, then?
That is, I’d assume Momoya’s name was Agakura and then assumed it was his family name...perhaps it is? Or perhaps ‘family’ is a figure of speech, here. Momoya Agakura...maybe?
“Our sponsors have a lot of clout, but I’m just a junior member” / I though Higuro was a member of Agakura, but perhaps I was wrong?
Higuro used a key to open the door; how did these three guys get in? Another way? Or perhaps the door was unlocked before...or perhaps...
Oh Lordy lou, Mr. “I believe connections are love” Higuro.... smiling benignly at these three lowlifes like that... I am troubled.
I am also reminded of Tick, if only because Higuro seems to be making a big deal out of the connections between people.
Higuro’s “I do” response to “I hope you have a friend in the funeral business” is great and all, but I’m more distracted by the guy straight up declaring, “No, we don’t” (have anyone who loves them so much they’ll risk they’d risk their life for them). You’d think the guy would take offense (I guess thinking he’d consider the question is a bit much given the situation) but nope, he straight up says they don’t.
OhgoodLORD Higuro shot him through the mouth sideways
Ohhhh m’goodness.
Ohhhhhhh sweet mercy.
And there he goes shooting the others in their torsos--did he just shoot maimed-mouth man’s back when the guy is already curled up on the ground??? 
I, I mean. I realize the sideways shot through the mouth alone wouldn’t be enough of a ‘fatal wound’, Higuro’s clearly shot him like his friends so that he’ll die along with them, but yeesh.
“Wouldn’t it have been quicker to just shoot them in the head at this range?” Flashbacks to the Gandors shooting the Three Stooges (Dallas and c).
Well never mind, Higuro went and shot them dead on the spot anyway. Overkill, he says, and I suppose it is given the location is hardly used (it seems) and the guys evidently have no one who will miss them...but if that’s all the case, perhaps he could have left it to chance by leaving them to die slowly. He didn’t, though, so thanks for putting them out of their misery, I guess.
‘Undertaker’ friend who practices without a license... Gee, that doesn’t remind me of Shinra at all (though Shinra was a doctor, not an undertaker.)
“I’d just go into hiding for a while again,” Higuro says...
“See? Told you the world was ending. After all, a lowlife like you...is freely roaming the streets.” Pot, meet kettle??? Momoya looming over Higuro  with his shadowed smile/sharp expression contrasting Higuro’s own steady smile and open expression...mm, and don’t forget with Nishida’s duffle bagged corpse in his (Momoya’s) arms... yeah, yeah, pot meet kettle. But with that pointed out...
...should we be thinking Momoya might actually hold that against Higuro (why), or is he just making what he considers and honest observation? Probably the latter. I assume the salient takeaway for now is the demeanor contrast.
“This world is on the brink of a new dawn.” Yeah, I’m going to return to this and previous bullet after bullet reactions are done.
“Entire organization was decimated” -- cuts to Comps-3 -- Arase in YP promo cover for this chapter --- uh uh uh HOLD YOUR HORSES
(Several pages later) SONS OF THE STYX
Son of a bitch, he was involved with the same gang Takumi was.
Returning to Comps-3 -- hey, Yatsu’s not wearing his sunglasses. I mean, they are indoors, but didn’t I see him wearing sunglasses indoor before? Ah well.
Cripes, I’ve gotten blood on my keyboard, hold on.
Right. Iwanome wants to see “Polka Shinoyama” one more time. Guess that’s no surprise. 
Snrk. Okay--if you go back to my Chapter 36 thoughts, you’ll see that I ultimately figured it was more likely that Arase recognized Momoya rather than Higuro (name unknown at that time)--but that I did consider Higuro as a ‘twist’ option instead. Welp, it was Higuro after all. Arase doesn’t even know Momoya, it turns out.
(So perhaps Momoya drew his eye in the crowd at first, at which point he then saw Higuro and recognized him.)
So Iwanome recognizes Higuro too, at least as a familiar face.
Misaki and Corpse God practicing their smiles... CG’s ‘camera’ smile is everything I didn’t know I wanted.
CG: *remembers himself freezing on the spot*
CG: I’m counting on you, Takumi. (Hah.)
Takumi: I just hope we don’t have to deal with any more trouble. (Famous last words.)
Son of a bitch, Higuro was the former leader of Sons of the Styx.
Well, Eightport’s whole “Takumi’s backstory is interesting but there’s another story I’m after right now” bit last chapter just got a whole lot more wry in retrospect. I thought perhaps Narita would hold off on Takumi’s past until later, but NOPE looks like his past is going to come back to haunt him a lot sooner than thought.
So. Higuro. I suspected this in Chs 36-37 from what we could make out of his hair, but yeah--he’s surely the same guy at the very end of Chapter 35 who says “there’s only one opening within Agakura.” So have I misunderstood him this chapter? Is he or is he not with Agakura? I thought he was, but... well, I’ll reread the chapter again after this, and if I’m still not sure, I expect future chapters will clarify.
So. Higuro. His “new dawn” line, coupled with that expression contrast panel and just...his comportment throughout the chapter...his steadfast, sure smile... he has the air of a man who lives true to certain convictions, certain beliefs--strong, unwavering faith in certain ideas or ideals that lends him a mental strength over his (self-proclaimed, implied physical) weakness. I could be wrong, here; this is only the one chapter, after all. 
Nevertheless, he already seems like someone whom Takumi wouldn’t have an easy time ‘countering’, so to speak. It occurs to me that he could have stopped being SotS’ leader before Takumi joined the group, but even if that were the case I fully expect there to be a connection between Takumi and Higuro regardless; this chapter certainly wants us to make that connection.  
On that note, remember how Momoya recognized Xiaoyu in a recent chapter? This means that both of our arrivals to Shinjuku--Momoya and Higuro--are blasts from two of our core group members’ pasts: those of Xiaoyu and Takumi. I speculated before about how Momoya might serve as a catalyst for Xiaoyu’s relationship with CG and co. changing (etc), but this? This is double the emotional trouble. 
I can see it now; Momoya and Higuro are acting together, doing something or another, and when they’re finally seen by our core group--Xiaoyu and Takumi cry our their respective names at the same time, prompting concern from CG et al. Now, as for how soon something like that will happen...?
Well, it may very well depend on what they’re going to do with the body. If they plan on accessing the torture building via the basement (which may be the case, since they’re avoiding the rooftops where the (Takumi’s) drones are) to dump Nishida’s corpse there, they might deliberately be trying to implicate the building’s residents in Nishida’s murder. Might. Not clear yet how much they know about the residents (our team)--or if they’re aware the building’s occupied at all, for that matter; it’s been five years since Higuro used the passageway, and neither live in Shinjuku so it’s also possible they legit don’t know the building’s now in use. 
(Oh shit, they might do if/when Eightport runs her story on the fortuneteller.)
(Remember, the torture building did use to be a place where people were killed/bodies were dumped. Like Hosorogi was killed. Hey, if Momoya and Higuro dump the body, and someone from our core group finds it later... nah, it might be a bit much to think Xiaoyu could recognize Momoya’s handiwork from a decapitation alone. Might give him Momoya vibes, at least. Hm, would CG, Misaki, or Takumi recognize the corpse was a former Youtoukorou employee?
I wouldn’t be surprised if Takumi has installed cameras or has a drone on stand-by or something in the basement (assuming they can access it on their end), which means Momoya and Higuro would be caught on camera, which means ‘momoyent of recognition’. Corpse God could also have an eyeball spy or two down there, maybe, though I can’t be sure... I mean, after the rooftop incident he’s probably still wary of more rooftop intruders...but no one’s tried to invade from the basement yet, eh?
Nishida’s murder is going to cause all sorts of things to happen, I tell you. Hosorogi’s been keeping quiet on certain things, but I imagine that Clarissa taking action (perhaps going on the offensive) will eventually warrant him taking action as well, whether out of fear for her safety, or in an emotionally intense situation... Then there’s the police’s motives to question... 
Anyhoo, my wild (’for funsies’) prediction is that the Grim Reaper troublemaker turns out to be Higuro’s ‘undertaker’ friend because ehhh seems legit. Something something Black Butler.  ....Though, forging connections between names and occupations aside, ah--I can’t forget that the Grim Reaper is (or is rumored to be?) ostensibly one of Clarissa’s crew...at the very least, that’s what’s been suggested so far. So if my off-the-cuff prediction were actually true...
...Honey, a storm’s coming.
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DMDP Chapter 36 Thoughts
I kinda thought this chapter was going to be out on Sep 13 (it released on Sep 20) for a couple reasons, but at the same time getting Chapter 36 only a week after Chapter 35 was perhaps a little too good to be true. Getting it two weeks after is a nice treat anyway, so I’ll take what I can get.
In other DMDP news, Young Gangan’s tweet announcement of this chapter release also announced that Volume 4 will be released in November! Already looking forward to its cover reveal, which I assume will be next month; anyone wanna bet on which character will be featured? I feel like Solitaire isn’t a bad guess given his prominence in the dirigible incident/chapters I assume the volume will cover...
Speaking of volumes: the Yen Press release of Volume 3 is still projected for December--so, a month after the JP Vol 4 release. Given that Yen Press has been releasing the DMDP volumes every sixth months or so... I’m thinking we may not get the English edition of Vol 4 until June? (But please prove me wrong and release it sooner.)
Anyway. Chapter reactions/thoughts are under the cut and include: extended paragraphs on Xiaoyu that I should maybe just copy into their own post; appreciation of a potential cynical streak in Izliz (I want to know more about her); and the belated realization that ‘Hagane’ means steel.
Armed people wearing gas masks? Congregating underground? I’m getting flashbacks to Metro: Last Light. 
Also...Goose’s speech to the Lemures in Baccano!, c.f. the speaker referring to himself + the group as “not people” but “spend rounds.” 
Who are these people? What’s their main unit’s goal? The last chapter ended on an Agakura namedrop, but somehow I doubt these guys are the Agakura...
"We are not inferior to Agakura’s boys” / It’s nice to be validated. Nor are they inferior to the Heilei, or “the followers of Crazy Bones Kagura...” Okay, Heilei I recognize....Kagura who, again? I can’t recall hearing the name before. Kinda echoes ‘Agakura’, doesn’t it? Enough that I wonder if Kagura has something to do with Agakura.
Oh hey, that’s the panel which was used in the chapter promo tweet. This guy’s character design definitely maybe me go ?! when I saw the promo image, which I suppose was why they picked the panel as the preview panel...
I think he killed these guys with his bare hands. As one does.
“At least you guys...remarkably...proved you weren’t inferior to Agakura.” In what way? Also, seems like Extra(TM) Tall Man is with the Agakura himself.
“The girls” took out the group’s main unit without casualties in five seconds?? Who are these ladies and when do we meet them???
“Momoya” is our tall guy, it seems. Annnd big surprise, his new job will be based in Shinjuku. Question is whether the ‘visit’ he’s supposed to pay Clarissa (who else could the mediator be) will be a...let’s say, ‘diplomacy’ visit or something more bloody.
Otherworld flashback. “Utsuro Juuza” is the third ranked sorcerer, says Izliz--hey, I recognize that name; I’m pretty sure she said it during the flashback to the empire’s collapse. I also remember it being one word (”It’s as Utsuroju(u)za said”) though...
At first I thought Sabaramond was referring to Corpse God when he said “in terms of ability...you should be standing in my position,” but I feel like it’s more likely he means Izliz. 
Speaking of Izliz, I want to see more of her apparent cynicism streak. I’m not prepared to say she’s necessarily a ‘cynical person’, since I don’t know enough about her yet and she’s also being pretty encouraging by saying the Corpse God can rise to tenth-rank (though, to channel Carol, i have to ask “out of how many”) despite having no magical talents...but she may at least be cynical when it comes to things like court politics.
Speaking of Sabaramond, oof that character design tease; I wanna see his design proper.
I want to make a Narita joke about Sayo’s shark antics but I may just save that for a separate shitpost.
CG says it’s definitely possible Sabaramond could’ve extended his lifespan, but Sayo doesn’t think that’s as important as the possibility of CG having an ally... ah, but is she thinking ally = Sabaramond himself (if he still lives), or that the “bastard children of Sabaramond” could be an ally?
The real Polka got a whole reaction panel to CG’s angst...important how? Maybe we’re gonna hear his take on the situation later.
Meanwhile, looks like we’re going to hear the Rozan-Xiaoyu convo this chapter after all.
See Xiaoyu literally says “something invisible was obstructing Lemmings and the other man” only for next panel to show the news photo of the arms and smoke. And then, “There was definitely SOMETHING there, I know it...!!” Did Xiaoyu end up seeing the large arms or not??
Oof, this conversation is a tough one for Xiaoyu (tears in his eyes!) but it’s one he needs to have. Rozan’s absolutely right on the money throughout the talk, and I think the gentle-but-stinging insinuation that Xiaoyu in distrusting fake!Polka is therefore not putting his trust in Rozan is a pretty apt point. 
(I was several bullet point paragraphs deep into Xiaoyu talk when I decided maybe I should move those thoughts to the post-bullet points section. Continued there.)
Just because I have bad eyesight doesn’t mean I think it’s possible for an ordinary human to be able to spot Xiaoyu at such a great vertical and horizontal distance as Momoya has. This guy has abnormal height, abnormal eyesight...I suppose we’ll learn how else he’s abnormal soon enough. On that note, I suddenly fully expect there to be a Momoya vs Lemmings match-up in the future. I don’t know how or why it’ll happen, but such a match-up is begging to happen nonetheless.
His cap-wearing companion...is that the person we saw on the phone last chapter? The backs of their heads seem similar...
“Shinjuku is Kuraki’s territory” but you don’t want to attract attention...kinda hard not to when Momoya has, what, at least two feet on everyone else. (Also, you can’t be expecting to take Clarissa totally by surprise, can you? Nah.)
Welp Momoya’s the Agakura guy personally responsible for de-limbing Xiaoyu! I’m shocked. Shocked, I tell you. Their eventual (presumed) reunion is going to look like a David vs Goliath rematch. But will David’s cyborg enhancements and extra combat experience be enough to give him a chance at victory...?
We should assume it’s Momoya whom Arase spotted, right? He’s not gonna be able to spot Xiaoyu, and while the companion could perhaps be a ‘twist’ reveal...the companion was about as tall as everyone else in the crowd; Momoya is tall and stands out, so... “It couldn’t be. Could it?” Well, how many guys that tall are walking around Shinjuku...
Top likely guess is that Arase is familiar with Momoya from his yakuza/criminal days, but I suppose there’s also a chance he encountered Momoya during his later undercover operations. Arase’s been in Iwanome’s narrative shadow ever since Iwanome stole the story spotlight from him, so maybe he’s going to get some new spotlight soon?
Ah hey, it’s that journalist from the end of Chapter 35. Her business card is... wait, does it really say her name is “Eightport Kochou” or is CG just misreading it? Though, Takumi has a non-too-pleased moment of recognition...
This reporter and Misaki are awfully chummy. Enough so that my first reaction was to think, “Is this Misaki’s friend Hagane-chan?” Eh, I’ll bet a dollar she is. Dunno about you, but “Eightport Kochou” sounds like it just might be a pseudonym. Just perhaps.
Also, it only recently occurred to me that “Hagane” means steel; lest we forget, Misaki was heiress to Sakimiya Steel until her parents were murdered. I don’t...know what I’m supposed to do with this information? Should I consider it notable? Hagane’s name is first mentioned before we learn about Sakimiya Steel but that’s not what I’d call foreshadowing. Hm...
Right...thoughts. I have those. I guess I’ll start with a continuation of those Xiaoyu thoughts I started writing in the bullet points:
Xiaoyu’s vendetta against both Polkas is mostly a selfish one (he’s been jealous of real!Polka’s filial relationship to Rozan for years), but he has to some extent also (I think) convinced himself he’s acting for Rozan’s sake (fake!Polka must be a threat somehow, must have ulterior motives; Rozan will be better off without someone masquerading as a Shinoyama).
But...dismissing Rozan’s order to protect the fake!Polka was an act that essentially dismissed Rozan’s judgment and authority, even if Xiaoyu didn’t realize it at the time. I get the sense one of the reasons he considers himself to be Rozan’s true (’ideal’) son is because he (I suspect) conceives of himself as being ‘truly devoted’ to Rozan in every way. The real!Polka couldn’t possibly revere or respect or value Rozan in the same way Xiaoyu does, right?
Except if Xiaoyu were truly devoted to Rozan, if he respected and revered and valued Rozan in the way I guess he’s been perceiving himself as doing--if he gave Rozan the respect and service he believes Rozan deserves--then he surely should have respected the order to protect fake!Polka instead of assuming he knew better than his beloved master.
I’m not saying this all because I’m advocating for blind loyalty; I’m spending several paragraphs on this because it looks like this conversation is going to spark some overdue self-reflection on Xiaoyu’s part and yeah, yeah, he needs this. He has spent so much time preoccupied with being an ‘ideal’ (’ideal son’; ‘ideal servant’; ‘ideal guard’; at least, that’s my take on him at this time) that his self-awareness has (at least as of late) perhaps been awareness of a ‘self’ he’s constructed in his mind...
...but Rozan has prompted him into ‘real’ self-awareness now. I won’t be surprised if Xiaoyu’s self-confidence takes a bit of collateral damage, if it hadn’t already during the rooftop showdown, and I’m not sure if Xiaoyu will be able to suck up what pride and paranoia he has left and go have that “heart-to-heart” with fake!Polka right away. 
Do you think Xiaoyu remembers much of Momoya? Whether the trauma etched Momoya into his memory or blocked him out, I’m guessing Xiaoyu’s going to be experiencing some fear either way when he and Momoya inevitably cross paths again...but if they cross paths within the week or something, Xiaoyu might be in just that bit of a more brittle metal state than he already would be. 
Speaking of Momoya... I think Agakura is the name of the organization, yeah? “Within the Agakura” from last chapter indicates as much. I think the phrasing of a couple lines just tripped me up on it; at any rate, ‘Agakura’ doesn’t appear to be an establish Japanese surname or anything. I was half-expecting Momoya’s name to be Agakura, somehow...
But that’s all pablum. Last chapter saw those ex-Agakura (or at least, ex-Agakura associate) sniper siblings asking Clarissa for work, so I’m fully expecting the snipers to be present/relevant/brought up when Momoya pays his own visit to Clarissa soon.
I’m not necessarily expecting the visit to be about the siblings’ departure (since the Agakura guy didn’t seem too concerned by it), but it wouldn’t make sense to not involve the snipers in Momoya’s visit somehow. If they’re not present for his arrival, they’ll probably have some opinions on Momoya to share with Clarissa at minimum; Momoya himself might comment on their departure if he cares to do so.
Initial impressions of Momoya? I like his character design, but you knew that. His barehanded violence reminded me a bit of Claire (as well as his chattiness and self-assurance in being the cream of the crop), but I also got vague Yakumo vibes from his abnormal sight/height/abilities maybe? 
I don’t want to pin anything down about Momoya with only his debut chapter to go on--and I’m not sure I’d be able to pin down Momoya if I tried. He appears to afford ‘respect’ to his opponents (he says he’s impressed and respects Xiaoyu for surviving; he appears willing to consider or acknowledge opponents’ skills), but I can’t say how sincere that respect is (and if sincere, in what respect; e.g. could be more along the lines of Claire’s ‘gracious’ “you’re good; not as good as me, but good by ordinary standards” type of praise).
For now, I guess I’m just going to hope Momoya isn’t going to be a character along the lines of, say...Amaya from the “As the Gods Will” manga. I’m at the very least curious to see how he fits into Agakura, exactly; whether he cares about the group’s main goals or if he’s in the group for other reasons (in before ‘because I get to kill people”). 
As for the chapter ending... my initial response to “She says we’re going to be in the news!” was a somewhat snarky, “What, more than you’ve already been?” but I realize Misaki probably means the fortune-telling shop...uh, ‘local business spotlight’ style. Er, not that the journalist isn’t clearly interested in whatever happened on the rooftop (since she was in the rubbernecking crowd)...
...so I’ll grant the journalist probably at minimum wants to interview CG about the incident last night (”did you witness anything? Do you know anything about it?”). Still, I can see the ‘eyewitness account’ interview having a secondary purpose of business advertisement; the journalist might try to convince CG to be interviewed through such reasoning. 
“You let me interview you about the incident, your fortune-telling shop gets free exposure! Paranormal activity at a building with a grisly past, and on a fortuneteller’s doorstep no less? Everyone’s gonna be talking about it! ‘Hey, you think this guy is the real deal?’ They’ll be queuing down the streets!”
...Or something like that. This is all pure conjecture. This is all also way too many words for a simple Chapter reaction post, and too much time to spend on such a post at that. 
(PS: I remember Fujimoto tweeting about having to come up with at least three new character designs, and hoo boy if the cast numbers aren’t continuing to increase. Once again, I wonder how far Narita has planned head for this story.)
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