drops-of-moonlights · 4 years
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No! No matter how hard you hit, we won’t give up! Together, we can do ANYTHING!
The MANY transformations of S4! Believix and a bunch of forms that y’all don’t know about. These are the forms of the White Circle leaders, and given their placement in my AU I know you’re like “Drops what the fuck?” right now. Let’s go over everything, shall we? (the S4 summary has been updated to include these changes. If ya haven’t checked it out, it’s here!)
Believix, as mentioned before, is the transformation of teamwork and trust - one can only get it by complete confidence, trust and belief in their friends during unfavorable situations. The Winx would have gotten Believix as early as S2 if it wasn’t for Shadow Bloom’s whole deal, and them fighting separately at the end of S3 didn’t help any. Believix increases the strength of the magi’s convergence spells, as well as giving them a special calming spell that can dimish aggression on others. The Winx are their strongest when in Believix together.
The other five forms showcased are the White Circle transformations - unofficial forms created by each general for their most devout followers. They are mostly aesthetical outside of granting a minor boost linked to their Sources, and they require all passive magic to maintain it, mostly geared for fighting. The Winx only actually get the first two, but I drew them all in them because why not, really. They’re all named after their granters and are not considered true transformations by the Order of Mana. (credit here to @gins-potter , who’s old concepts for her own take of S4 inspired me to make these changes! GO READ HER REWRITE IT’S SUPER FUCKING GOOD)
Dianix is Diana’s transformation, granting the wearer a minor connection with plants, animals and water. It’s essentially a watered-down Arborix. The Winx get it while on the Amazon, after interacting with the Shrine of Dianix which grants the form at the start of the Amazon River. Diana herself can also give you Dianix.
Aurorix is Aurora’s transformation, granting the wearer a minor connection and protection from ice, wind and light. Watered-down Glacix more or less. The Winx are given the form by Aurora, so they can slip by unnoticed when confronting Nebula and Sibylla on the South Pole, after taking over her tower. The Shrine of Aurorix is near the shores of Antartica that face Argentina.
Nebulix is Nebula’s form, granting a knack for fire, electricity and metal. Its Shrine is near Mt. Etna on Italy. Works as a lesser version of Ignitix.
Sibyllix is Sibylla’s form, giving a connection with the earth as well as sound and darkness. Basically watered down Lustrix. Shrine is located on the Sibillini Caves, her own domain.
Lastly, Albix is Morgana’s transformation and considered the White Circle’s signature, their true mark of loyalty and devotion. Albix grants control over light, darkness, sound, healing and poison, and is considered the strongest of the Earth forms. It’s named after Albus, Latin for white, rather than after Morgana herself.
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pretentious-git · 4 years
I'm on twitch!
Hey folks! Long time no see, I know. I just wanted to drop that yes, I may have slightly faded from tumblr, but - I've been in a new outlet lately!
I stream video games on twitch! I'm a new streamer and I've been streaming some horror-thriller games and some stuff like apex legends.
If any of you guys are interested, please check me out and if you like it, drop a follow! I appreciate your guys' support!
I'll most likely be streaming tonight as well 💜 catch yall later
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inverswayart · 4 years
I feel really bad for asking i don't know why but could you draw Layla in Dreamix/Onyrix
If it helps, your request was really interesting to work at and it got some new lore going! Speaking of which... 
Dreamix in this AU is one of heavier Believix modifications, a-la Sophix or Agapix (Lovix's rename). It occurs when Winx in Believix step into the Dreamworld, metabolising it's magic. Dreamworld has deep connection with Earth royal family, since Believix user are one of few living creatures (outside native inhabitants) who can stay in Dreamland without receiving significant damage. It's because Dreamland is heavily polluted with raw primordial magic due to ancient catastrophe, and it has twisted and warped whole realm since then.
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 (I also redid her Believix a little to demonstrate a difference properly) 
Onyrix is a full transformation that is obtained by consuming Dreamland energy. It features weird gravity and lightning anomalies near user and pretty unstable and unpredictable. If person tries to obtain it without using Dreamix for a little at least, they have a high chance of dying in process.
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Thank you for your patience and your request!
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drops-of-moonlights · 5 years
How did the winx earn their transformations in the au?
This be long, under a cut it goes
Aside from Bloom everyone got Charmix when they turned 13, it’s an automatic thing that is still fervently researched. Everyone always just yells CHARMIX the very first time they transform, it’s a tradition and it helps the magic to properly channel the magic. It’s still necessary to yell CHARMIX the first few times, but after a month or so one can transform with just a thought, but some still do yell the name of the form because why the hell not, it’s fun, it lets you scream, and it’s a good way to make people underestimate you letting you get the drop on them. Bloom transforms for the first time when she’s already 18 so for her it took a bit longer to properly stabilize, and she first transformed during the fight with the Trix in Magica City during early S1, freeing herself from the ice and burning a few trashcans.
Glamourix was more individualized and it took the longest for all the girls to gain out of any transformation. Flora gets it first during the end of S1 by managing with the last of her energy (since she was just done defending Alfea from the Army of Decay) to free Mirta from her pumpkin-ness. Bloom was next by regaining confidence in her magic as well as finally regenerating her full Dragon Aura during the S1 finale. Aisha gets it next by surviving falling off a goddamn upside-down castle at the start of S2, as she was low on magic at the time and her getting Glamourix was the only reason she managed to get to Alfea in the first place. Stella gets it shortly after by trusting Amentia on her promise to protect Brandon while she goes back to the surface to heal off her injuries with full natural light, and once recharged she obtains it fully. Tecna gets it next, by refusing to give up during a battle with some monsters when searching for the other girls as well as facing her stubborness as a good thing. Musa gets it last and WAY later than the rest, as she gets it during the Red Fountain concert via apologizing to her dad and brother, as she has been rude to them and ignoring them all year for her own selfish reasons, not being fair to them.
Enchantix is... more or less the same as in canon but with some tweaks. Aisha gets it first by healing her dying aunt rather than her eyes after getting blinded by Valtor, since she know she could get healed eventually but her aunt wouldn’t get a second chance. Stella gets it next by defending her father and future step-father from a dragon attack, forcing her broken ring to transform and draining her magic completely in a light shield. Her earning Enchantix also reforms and transforms the sceptre, turning into the Crosier of the Cosmos. Musa is next by taking a hit meant for Galatea while escaping the burning library, her wings getting destroyed in the process. Of course, earning Enchantix reformed them, but she wasn’t able to fly fully for a few days after the fact. Flora is next by saving her sister, not many changes here, and Tecna also gets it by closing the Omega portal getting trapped into Omega in the process. Bloom actually gets a full Enchantix in the AU, by saving Maia from a convergence spell from the Trix taking full damage for it and almost actually dying.
Already explained how they got Believix in the AU in a different post!
For Sophix and Agapix (Lovix/Amorix), the girls actually kind of steal the form? They’re artificial transformations made by Diana and Aurora for their subjects guarded in shrines made in their image deep in their respective locations (The Amazon Jungle and Antartica) in the shape of a flower or a crystal. The Winx steal Sophix to help counter the men destroying the forest as well as to stop Diana’s attempts of actually murdering them. As for Agapix, they actually are given the form by Aurora so they can go unnoticed in her land, as Nebula had taken over and she needed their help to dethrone her.
Harmonix is earnt more or less the same way as in canon - the girls do a trial for it in Graynor and manage to pass it without using their magic even once, earning the form. Sirenix follows the same way as canon, doing the Sirenix quest.
As for the other transformations, you can actually read the respective posts for the designs, since I do cover them in full there! Just search Valiantix, Pleiadix, Silvestrix, Lustrix or Cosmix on my blog!
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drops-of-moonlights · 5 years
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Magic Winx, Believix! Gift of Wisdom, Sophix! Gift of Emotion, Agapix!
Next in the reworkings is Believix! They had a minor update on their outfits (mainly in the color pallete), as well as showcasing Sophix and Agapix’s (Lovix) new looks. Believix still works the same as last time (obtained only in groups, relies on mutual trust, looks are uniform yet varied), while Sophix and Agapix are now more uniform, being incredibly minimal and sparsely decorated. It fits with them being a fake/artificial transformation made by Diana and Aurora for their servants/subjects.
Sophix and Agapix need all the energy they can muster to maintain the form, meaning any passive magic being used is removed. This means Tecna and Flora lose part of their hair colors. Tecna’s a natural brunette in the AU, but I did choose a pinkish brown hue to still match with her canon hair color.
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drops-of-moonlights · 6 years
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Magic Winx, Agapix!
(click on image for better quality!)
After Sophix, comes Agapix! AKA Lovix redesigned. I changed the name to fit better with Sophix (Sophix comes from Sophia -Ancient Greek for wisdom, so Agapix comes from Agape - Ancient Greek for Love). Flora and Tecna look like they came from a Christmas Special and tbh I dig it a little.
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drops-of-moonlights · 5 years
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Every single transformation the Winx (plus Diaspro and Roxy) get in the AU!
Not showcased is Onyrix, since I am still not sure what I’m gonna do with WOW overall for the AU, though the form still exists for it and some characters will have it. In each image, you’ll find each girl’s title or titles!
For the Winx, the forms shown are, in order:
Top row - Charmix, Glamourix, Enchantix, Harmonix
Second row: Believix, Valiantix (Bloomix), Mythix (S6.5 ver), Onyrix
Third row: Sirenix, Silvestrix (Butterflix), Lustrix (Tynix), Cosmix, Ignitix/Glissandix/Arborix/Nimbuix (Bloom, Musa, Flora and Tecna respectively)
Bottom row - Sophix, Agapix (Lovix), Pleiadix (S6/Legendarium ver. Mythix)
Not featured: Majestix
For Diaspro and Roxy, it’s Charmix, Glamourix, Enchantix, Valiantix (Diaspro), Pleiadix (Roxy), Mythix (Roxy, Silvestrix (Roxy), Lustrix (Diaspro), Cosmix (Diaspro)
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drops-of-moonlights · 5 years
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Someone on Discord had asked me what would the “stats” of each transformation in my AU would be like, so might as well post it here too! Let’s go over each row: (sorry in advance for the long ass post)
1st Row (Charmix, Glamourix, Enchantix, Harmonix)
The four base forms, though honestly you’re good with not going past Glamourix. Enchantix and up is only if you want to make getting other forms faster and easier since it’s complicated af as Glamourix. Enchantix loses speed in favor of raw energy and healing prowess but Harmonix restores said speed at the cost of defences.
2nd Row (Believix, Energix, Valiantix, Altheix)
The four common non-elemental higher forms. Believix is pretty balanced, but you get a boost in attack and defense if you’re with the same people you earnt the form with. It’s a decent healing transformation, and was considered the Therapeutic Form before Altheix existed. Energix favors pure raw magic over defenses and speed, so it’s one of the more fragile forms. Valiantix is worse on the defensive side, being almost completely focused on attack and speed and with decent magic. Altheix is pure support, focused on defense and healing at the cost of nonexistent offensive power.
3rd Row (Sirenix, Ignitix, Nimbuix, Lustrix)
The first of the elemental forms. Sirenix (Water) is the most balanced, with extra focus on speed, being fast on land and faster underwater. Ignitix (Fire) focuses on attack and speed, with somewhat weak defenses. Nimbuix (Wind and Electricity) is almost pure speed, the fastest transformation of all in fact alongside Cosmix, decent attack, poor defense. Lustrix (Earth and Metal) goes the opposite way being super slow but super defensive. Sirenix and Nimbuix have slightly better healing properties than the other two.
4th Row (Arborix, Glacix, Silvestrix, Cosmix)
The rest of the elemental forms. Arborix (Plants) lacks attack but favors healing, Glacix (Ice) is a mirror of Ignitix with good attack and speed but poor defenses, Silvestrix (Animals) is a jack of all trades, doing well in most situations but with slight favoritism to raw magic, and Cosmix (Light and Darkness) favors speed with decent attack and weak defenses.
5th Row (Pleiadix, Mythix, Onyrix, Ascendix)
Both Pleiadix and Mythix are all-around average. Pleiadix grants unstable control over a completely different source of magic to yours without letting you use your own, while Mythix pulls a small dose of magic from the surroundings and from legends that mesh well with your own magic, offering a decent boost. Onyrix lacks attack, but makes up for it with defenses, speed and magic potential, tapping into subconcious magic a lot. Ascendix is an overall boost to everything, but can be found lacking in speed.
6th Row (Sophix, Agapix, Psychaix/Thanatix, Majestix)
Sophix and Agapix are almost purely cosmetic aside from letting you use a small part of Diana and Aurora’s power, somewhat overtaking your own powers but not to the same extent as Pleiadix. Psychaix is the original transformation, Thanatix is a corrupted form of it and is only applied to Myraria. It’s incredibly strong but incredibly unstable, and greatly favors destruction over anything else. Majestix, found by the Winx, is stronger and faster than Ascendix but lacks defenses.
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drops-of-moonlights · 5 years
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"Oh, you poor misguided girls! Don't worry. Now that we're back, we'll bring everything to order again."
Next redesigns are the White Circle Leaders! HEAVY lore changes and stuff below:
The White Circle has been imprisoned for almost 2000 years, and ever since then they’ve been planning their attempt of reconquering the world and bringing their rule once more. While the Spell of Closure the Black Circle used was strong, it was also made with the condition that it could only be broken by a direct relative of the White Circle’s head figures from the outside. When Morgana entered Roxy’s dreams and managed to convince her to come to Tir Nan Og, she slowly manipulated her and the Winx’s actions to open the seal. They thought the Winx would want to join their ranks in their new conquest, but when they refused, all hell broke loose. While Morgana and Eldora stopped a full-on battle in that moment, they started their conquest almost inmediately after the girls left. Infighting started at the same time, however - Only Nebula and Sybilla supported Morgana’s conquest, while Diana and Aurora took their followers and left for the Amazon and Antartica respectively, not wanting part in this war. Sybilla then starts to reclaim Europe, while Nebula focuses on the New World. Morgana keeps harassing Roxy in her dreams, trying to make her join through any means possible.
While the Winx manage to get Diana and Aurora on their side (and obtaining their powers of Sophix and Agapix in the process), Nebula and Sybilla fight them any chance they get, with Nebula’s defeat at the South Pole being the determinant factor in the war. Now losing, the White Circle prepares for a siege in Tir Na Nog, where the Winx, with the help of not only the Black Circle but also Diana and Aurora, manage to defeat what remains of the White Circle (with Roxy discovering Morgana’s her mom in the process), and sending them to a jury in Magix to determine their punishment. Nebula and Sybilla are thrown to jail, while Morgana gets a heavy power limiter and sent to custody under the Black Circle.
On each member individually now! They’re all in Ascendix.
Morgana, Fairy of White Light. Her power covers the mind as well as light. While she is a warm and nurturing woman, she’s convinced that normal, magicless folk cannot govern over themselves and they will only cause pain and strife. She’s a magnificent tactician, but the fact that her mother had opposed her in the past (as she was one of the Pleiades) but now her daughter as well makes her judgement falter.
Diana, Witch of Lush Nature. Her Source is that of plants, but she has mastered control over water and earth. In the centuries she’s been trapped she has lost interest in bringing order to the world, and would rather get back to her home and try to manage the damages humanity has done in her absence. Her initial conflict with the Winx is when several construction companies try to destroy her home, with the Winx trying to stop her from murdering everyone on the spot. After the conflict’s resolved, however, she gracefully joins them.
Aurora, Fairy of the South Pole. Her Source is Ice, but befitting her name she also has decent control over light and wind. Like Diana, she doesn’t want part in a nonsensical war, they lost, that’s done, let’s move on. Her abode is in Antartica, and she willingly calls the Winx for help when Nebula starts wrecking the place. One destroyed palace later, and with Bloom having defeated Nebula in a 1v1, Aurora fully joins the Black Circle and helps them by pinpointing the White Circle’s weak points.
Nebula, Witch of War and Peace. Her Source is Lightning, but she has managed to master control over fire as well. She’s incredibly devoted to Morgana and her cause, and will gleefully do her bidding. She’s capable with many weapons, but prefers spears and polearms.
Sybilla, Sorceress of Justice. Her Source is Sound, and has managed to get a decent control over earth and rocks. She can manipulate sounds and voices to make the judgements that need to be done, and does not have issue with creating situations for forced, false confessions.
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drops-of-moonlights · 5 years
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“You DARE defy the White Circle?!”
“Oh, hello, children! It’s been far too long!”
All of the Earth Fairies (Witches, in Diana and Nebula’s case) are in Ascendix, so might as well get their designs out of the way. I didn’t draw the wings as detailed, but they essentially have the same pattern as in canon. More on my version of the White Circle plus Eldora’s role for the AU below!
So, as you may remember (or may not, as I’m realizing I didn’t actually post the whole AU plan), between each season there would be a mini-arc, which I’ve been calling “Season (number).5″ . During S1.5, The first part of S4 would take place under different circumstances that I’ll detail in another post, but it ends with Roxy going to Alfea with Bloom to avoid the Black Circle.
Unlike in the show, the White Circle are the true antagonists of S4 - corrupted magis that believe the simple fact that they have it means they should rule above anything else, hence the Black Circle’s rebellion and distrust over magic. I’ll elaborate more on this in a later post. For now, let’s go over each magi shown here:
Diana, Grand Witch of Nature - her main magic is over plants like Flora, but she has also great control over water and weather. She’s the creator of Sophix and has given it to all her followers for better control over her domain, the Amazon Jungle. She’s overall the same as in canon, but more ruthless, and will reshape nature as she sees it fit under the pretense of protecting it. She guards the Blossom Heart, a bright white flower eternally shining at the source of the Amazon River, and any who interacts with it can earn Sophix.
Sibylla, Grand Fairy of Justice - Morgana’s right hand and the judge of the White Circle. Her calm and passive nature is nothing more than an act, and will determine what justice truly is according to her queen. Her power is over earth and rocks, and has made her home the Sibillini Caverns in Italy. Her title isn’t merely that, however - she has perfected an absolute truth spell that she imposes over everyone under her, so that righteous justice (when it convenes her) can be served. She guards the White Tome, the rulebook, spellbook and journal of the entire White Circle, that details past and future events planned and orchestrated by them.
Aurora, Grand Fairy of the Poles - her power is mainly over ice and cold, but she also has control over light befitting her name. Unlike canon, her abode is in the South Pole rather than the North Pole, preffering the gelid continent. She’s the creator of Agapix and grants it to her followers so they may be truly guarded agaisnt the unforgiving cold. She’s also the same in canon, only more emotional, contrasting her magic. She guards the Polar Heart, a magical heart-shaped ice block that acts as the source of Agapix. Interacting with it grants you the form.
Nebula, Grand Witch of War (and Peace, originally) - the White Circle’s enforcer and Morgana’s right hand general. Exactly the same as in canon, only more unhinged. Her power is over electricity and metal, and her own magic left her left eye blind. She’s also the crafter and artificer of the Circle, but her technology is severely outdated. She guards the Luxarith Forge, place where a magical titanium alloy that was used to make indestructible armor and weapons long ago is made.
Morgana, Grand Fairy of the White Circle - her power is over light, illusions and control, and her magic can bewitch anything and anyone to serve her - but she prefers to build a true bond first, to later accentuate or vanish personal flaws as she sees it fit. Still Roxy’s mother, still wants her on her side, but she’ll have to try a lot harder to get her daughter on her cause without manipulation.
Eldora, Grand Fairy of Prairies - she is, in fact, an agent of the Black Circle in this, but I’ll explain that in greater detail later. Her power is like Flora’s, but she also has a connection with earth and soil that Flora lacks. Has watched over Bloom, Selina and Mitzi for a long time. She’s still the same as in canon personality-wise - a kooky old lady with a lot of secrets.
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drops-of-moonlights · 6 years
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Magic Winx, Sophix!
Click on image for better quality!
WELL WE STILL DON’T HAVE ANYTHING ON S8 ENCHANTIX SO. Decided to start with the other two S4 forms - Sophix and Lovix! (Or Sophix and Agapix, in the AU)
Since Sophix (and Agapix and Aquatix) were invented, rather than being a naturally occurring form, they all have the same wings. I went for a more leafy/summery design since they do use this form in the middle of the Amazon. Flora has bigger wings and a slightly more elaborate form because, as the Fairy of Greenery, this form grants her way more of a boost than it does to the others (and it would be the same for Aisha with Sirenix and Stella with Cosmix)
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drops-of-moonlights · 6 years
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I DON’T CARE IT’S 4AM Have ALL of the Winx Believix redesigns!
Next thing on the agenda? Sophix and Lovix-no, Agapix!
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drops-of-moonlights · 6 years
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The gift of Affection, the power of ice! My version of Lovix, Agapix! More details under the cut!
Next redesign? Well, Maybe Harmonix, maybe Sirenix. I need to rework some things for the AU first.
Why Agapix, you may ask? I wanted to maintain a theme with the Gift Forms, and since Sophix comes from the greek Sophia, “Wisdom”, Lovix should be from Agape, “Love”, right?
As for the designs, I’d say only Aisha and Musa’s were actually fitting for the cold, so COATS WITH FUR-LINING FOR EVERYONE! I think I like Roxy and Aisha’s outfits the most.
The wings are supposed to represent ice prisms, and follow the same rules as Sophix’s wings did. Unlike Sophix, there aren’t divisions for each power; all subordinates of Aurora have the same fur-lining, with the distinction being the coat being a near-white, paler shade of their main colour. Agapix only grants infallible protection against extreme cold, as well as making your powers work even if they would normally couldn’t with those temperatures. Similarly, since only a Fairy or Witch with Ice, Cold, or Winter-related powers would benefit greatly with this power, no one of the Winx gets a more elaborate costume than the others.
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