#agent 3 is dj octavio's grandkid
toonie-doodle-splat · 2 years
Character Headcanons: Octoling Agent 3 (Neo Agent 3)
Since this is about the new Agent 3, this will contain some spoilers for Splatoon 3.
I wanted both new Agent 3s to have a specific cultural background, like how Deep Cut clearly has coded ethnicities (ex. Frye being coded as South Asian/Indian). For Neo Agent 3, I decided that he should be Haitian-Japanese; as a result, his name is Japanese.
The nickname he goes by is Shion (Kanji: 詩音, Katakana: シオン), which means “poetry sound” in Japanese. His real name is Minato Takowasa (Katakana: タカワソ ミナト), so his full name is Minato "Shion" Takowasa! Minato means "harbour" in Japanese, and takowasa is a Japanese dish that is made from raw octopus and wasabi.
His last name being Takowasa is based on DJ Octavio's Japanese name (DJ General Takowasa). I like the headcanon that Octoling Agent 3 is related to DJ Octavio.
If you're wondering, the Katakana is there because Katakana is how Octarian is written in the Japanese version of Splatoon; both Marina and DJ Octavio have text in Katakana in order to imply a different accent from Inklings, according to Inkipedia.
Shion uses he/him pronouns and any terms. He's butch and dresses like a dad.
He has a huge interest in music, and has made several songs for fandoms he was in. As of recently, he's been producing original music online.
Continuing from the last point: Because of how common it is to remix Calamari Inkantation, Shion has a small distaste for it. He also prefers Fresh Start, since he thinks it has more remixing potential.
He was mute until he was seven, so he often stutters over his words. The stuttering intensifies when he needs to talk to multiple people at once.
Continuing from the last point: Shion now speaks multiple languages, such as Inklish, Octarian, Inklish Sign Language, and Octarian Sign Language. Whenever he has a non-verbal day, he defaults to Octarian Sign Language.
He likes to fidget with stuff when he's nervous, which often leads to Yeong (Agent 3 II) having her hair braided by him. Smallfry also gets its hair played with if Yeong isn't around.
He was always told he had a resemblance to his grandfather, but he never met the guy. After saving the world, Shion had a conversation with him.
Shion was raised between Mt. Nantai and Octo Valley, but was moved near a Salmonid Swim Zone after the events of Splatoon. This Swim Zone was where he would meet Yeong and Smallfry, where they would become an inseparable trio.
Due to his face markings and general humanoid appearance, O.R.C.A. likes him more than Yeong and Smallfry. He is completely unaware of this, as O.R.C.A. barely changes its behavior towards him.
Agent 3 II's post: https://toonie-doodle-splat.tumblr.com/post/698244658320621568/character-headcanons-inkling-agent-3-agent-3-ii
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thousandth-island · 2 years
🥳Neo 3’s Quinceañera💃
-they all saw it in a movie and they wanted to replicate it-
Callie: UN APLAUSO PARA LA QUINCEAÑERAAAA *taking pictures of everything and everyone the entire time* (one of the damas)
Marie: Tia behind the scenes making sure everything is going smoothly, the literal backbone of the party (also a dama)
Marina: DJing, playing exclusively BANGERS
Captain 3: (besame) looks like they’re there for the food but are genuinely having fun, chosen to be a chambelan.
Agent 8: omg this is just like that beverly hills chihuahua movie ☺️ (chosen to be one of the damas but doesn’t know what that means, dancing with Captain and Big Man)
Agent 4: primo in the corner on ao3, only starts to dance when Marie comes over and encourages them.
Frye: prima stealing every decoration. The party is growing barer and barer in terms of decorations by the hour and Frye’s bag is conveniently getting bigger and bigger. Marie is the only one who notices and puts it on her tab
Shiver: Nobody thought they could speak spanish. Not even herself. Somehow knows every song. Perfect accent. Fly octo fly more like vuela mi pulpito vuela
Pearl: sings along to every song but doesn’t know the lyrics. Complete gibberish. Is somehow more of a native spanish speaker than Shiver
Cuttlefish: calls neo 3 agent 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, kiddo, niño, boyo, and squirt. All in that order. Doesn’t know which of his grandkids this is but he’s still proud 🥰
Octavio: complaining that he isn’t the DJ the whole time and yet he stays busting it down octo style with Cuttlefish. Manages to convince Marina to have a dance with Pearl halfway through just so he can DJ. Cries with Cuttlefish during el vals bc they’re sappy abuelos
Little Buddy: he is so happy! Not 100% sure what’s going on but neo 3 is happy and gets to wear a poofy dress and eat lots of food and he understands he has an important role (top chambelan of their corte de honor). He’s all dressed up too <3
Neo 3: was doing it ironically at first. For the laughs tbh. Gets emotional during el vals bc the found family is starting to get to them
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