#ages ago i saw a vid about the work of this tattoo artist who specialized in tattooing scars
ash-and-starlight · 2 years
OBSESSED with the tattoo on Zuko’s arm in your zukka scooter tittie grab art. Have you done a drawing with it in full view??
lmao that tattoo has occasionally popped up in my art since forever but i don’t think i’ve ever drawn it complete? you could probably pierce together the whole design by sticking together all the different drawings ndfbsjd
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g0re-whore · 7 years
Tagged by @3-d-g-y​ Thanks!
Rules: answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
1. drink: some purple thing that tasted like cotton candy 2. phone call: “wrong number” “oh okay”
3. text message: some meme to a friend who lives too far away for my pigeon to reach 4. song you listened to: Little One by Highly Suspect 5. time you cried: this afternoon 6. dated someone twice: no 7. kissed someone and regretted it: no 8. been cheated on: no 9. lost someone special: yeah? 10. been depressed: LMAO 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: teetotaler here 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS 12. Royal Purple 13. Purple/Magenta 14. Just...any shade of purple lmao...
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU 15. made new friends: nah  16. fallen out of love: that happens all the time 17. laughed until you cried: nah 18. found out someone was talking about you: nah
19. met someone who changed you: nah 20. found out who your friends are: all my friends are online c: 21. kissed someone on your facebook list: nah GENERAL 22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: 6? i haven’t been on fb for eons. 23. do you have any pets: @suga-is-sugoi​ has a new cat who is being raised under my name if that counts lmao. bless you suga. 24. do you want to change your name: yes. i want my legal name to be “Jawbreaker Fireson” and then id try and work at cartoon network because otherwise whats the point 25. what did you do for your last birthday: watch my younger brother who wanted to be a rapper freestyle for me. now he’s fifteen and an award winning poet. what a lad. i share some genes with an artist. maybe im not as useless as i may seem to be...just maybe... 26. what time did you wake up:  5:45 am sharp (my mom’s a teacher so we must reach school early which, according to faculty, is basically the break of dawn smh) 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: writing 28. name something you can’t wait for: death? just kdding. i can’t wait for med school 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: a minute ago 31. what are you listening to right now: ナンセンス文学  because i liked the vid but then the song got stuck in my head haha 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: yup. like three of them. 33. something that is getting on your nerves: my curriculum 34. most visited website: The Scientific American. i visit that site pretty regularly lmao. maybe ill try and expand to some other sources too once i pass the MCATs and pick out some good journals. 35. hair colour: dark brown 36. long or short hair: not too short not too long 37. do you have a crush on someone: @suga-is-sugoi​ 38. what do you like about yourself: haha. im going to have to steal this answer from 3dgy but “probably the fact that I’m not a postmodernist” is a mood. 39. want any piercings: nah 40. blood type: AB 41. nickname: lord lekvilittus of lekvallius prime, ruler and commander of earth, the multiverse, and the entirety of the cosmos jr. 42. relationship status: single but probably too immature to mingle 43. zodiac: leo. rawr. 44. pronouns: she/her 45. favourite tv show: generator rex because i am top tier trash  46. tattoos: nah 47. right or left handed: right because when i was three i was told left handed people would go to hell or something so i didnt really have much of a choice 48. surgery: minor surgery back in the day 49. piercing: one on each ear 50. sport: golf because i live beside a golf course (wow. that sounds a lot more pretentious than i intended for it to be lol)  51. vacation: going to vietnam very soon 52. pair of trainers: two. they’re both purple.  MORE GENERAL 53. eating: just had ice cream 54. drinking: the blood of my enemies 55. im about to: jump off a bridge complete the compulsory essays i need to pass. 
56. waiting for: the new bnha episode! c: 57. want: to get into med school. like really bad. like really really really bad. oh god please get me into here. please. please. please. i’ll do anythi- 58. get married: why not?! i can’t, for the life of me, imagine who would be crazy enough to be willing to subject themselves to that though lmao. 59. career: pediatrics! the field is subject to change. i love neurology as well but i suppose its simply more fun in theory.
WHICH IS BETTER 60. hugs or kisses: how about hugs and kisses c;
61. lips or eyes: uh...is this one of those “if you had to loose an organ which one would it be?” types of questions? 62. shorter or taller: don’t matter 63. older or younger: younger 64. nice arms or nice stomach: nice...body would be...nice? 65. hook up or relationship: relationship 66. troublemaker or hesitant: can’t be bothered to revolt unless its fun HAVE YOU EVER 67. kissed a stranger: nah 68. drank hard liquor: thanks but ill pass lmao 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: a girl took glasses off my face and stepped on them 70. turned someone down: yes we’re really good friends though. we read the communist manifesto together. 71. sex on the first date: nah 72. broken someone’s heart: okay we may be friends but he does still send me edgy, heart break poetry 73. had your heart broken: hmm... 74. been arrested: not yet 75. cried when someone died: nah 76. fallen for a friend: oh god...
DO YOU BELIEVE IN 77. yourself: no but im extremely thirsty for my parents validation which they never give. back when they used to i kind of did but i was also a child... 78. miracles: being alive in the same era as some pretty cool people. im looking at you @3-d-g-y, @chvvva, @suga-is-sugoi and god id spend ages trying to tag them all lmao. y’all rock. 79. love at first sight: i feel in love with a voice once so at first “hearing“ perhaps 80. santa claus: slide down my chimney faster daddy 81. kiss on the first date: go for it 82. angels: yup just look @suga-is-sugoi c; OTHER 83. current best friends name: darkness the edgehog 84. eye colour: brown 85. favorite movie: The Handmaiden 
wow you made it! tagging @chvvva @suicidefordummies @suga-is-sugoi @castrumwritings @hyomi-sama
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m4rkshouse · 7 years
92 truths
rules: answer these 92 statements and tag people
tagged by @artist-aroha, hey kat thanks for tagging me! <3
this is highkey so long but if for some reason you decide to read the whole thing just hit the keep reading :)
the last: 1. drink: uhh water i think?? 2. phone call: my mom according to my phone but i can’t remember why 3. text message: “ya girl cut half her hair off” along with a photo of me bc i cut my hair real short today, to a groupchat i have with my irl friends 4. song you listened to: i’m listening to river and spout by rusty clanton as i write this so 5. time you cried: last night bc i read the stars come out to smile by vonseal and cried real hard 
have you: 6. dated someone twice: haven’t even dated someone once so nope 7. kissed someone and regretted it: i also haven’t even kissed someone so NOPE 8. been cheated on: *points to the dated someone twice question* 9. lost someone special: yes siree, life sucks 10. been depressed: uh yeah,,, 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: technically i’m not the legal drinking age in canada so no (but also *winks bc secrecy* no)
list 3 favourite colours:  12-14. purple, green, nd white 
in the last year have you: 15. made new friends: yes omg shoutout to aroha tumblr for being the greatest nd allowing me to make a bunch of new friends :’) 16. fallen out of love: nope  17. laughed until you cried: yes it’s happened a few times, youtube vids crack me up 18. found out someone was talking about you: uhh yeah actually nd it was someone i thought i was chill with, it was v awkward  19. met someone who changed you: umm not particularly??  20. found out who your friends are: this one confused me a lil?? i guess so?? idk 21. kissed someone on your facebook list: *points to the kissing question from before*
general:  22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: i’ve never had a facebook so i’ll use instagram and say most if not all 23. do you have any pets: yes i have the cutest dog ever, his name is charlie, and he’s a shitzu yorkie cross nd the love of my life :’) 24. do you want to change your name: not really?? i actually really like my name tbh 25. what did you do for your last birthday: went out w my pals for dinner, it was v fun 26. what time did you wake up: at like 8:30 but i didn’t get out of bed until 10:00 whoops 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: i think i was sleeping which is v rare normally i’m up until all hours of the night bc what is a sleep schedule 28. name something you can’t wait for: maybe day6′s super super close comeback?? or astro’s next comeback?? both i guess!  29. when was the last time you saw your mum: like 5 minutes ago when i went to my basement 30. what is the one thing in your life you wish you could change: my motivation,,, i need some to actually exist tbh like i have none it’s bad 31. what are you listening to right now: like,,, as in right this second?? bc then it’s novels by rusty clanton aka my fave song by rusty (can you tell i’m listening to rusty as i write this??) 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: uhh yeah like last month (??) when i was volunteering i met this super cute dude named tom who was really nice 33. something that is getting on your nerves: my inability to write chapter 2 of asterism  34. most visited website: umm maybe youtube or tumblr?? i would guess youtube but i’ve been spending a lot of time on tumblr recently
lost questions. i just put in random info about me:  35. mole/s: i have one like right under my lips like jinjin lol 36. mark/s: i have this weird mark on my finger from a bee sting i got like 7 years ago  37. childhood dream: i wanted to be a musician/singer so bad omg  38. hair colour: a weird brown that sometimes looks super dark but it’s really not 39. long or short hair: i just cut literally half my hair off earlier so short :’) 40. do you have a crush on someone: nah not right now 41. what do you like about yourself: my intelligence tbh, like that sounds weird/conceited but it’s not meant to be ajkdl 42. piercings: i just have my ears pierced  43. blood type: i actually don’t know but i wish i did 44. nickname: i have a bunch?? like most of my friends call me chels, but my one super good friend calls me chel nd i love him for it :’) 45. relationship status: single as HECK  46. zodiac: sagittarius  47. pronouns: she/her 48. favourite tv show: tied between fresh prince of bel air, how i met your mother, and criminal minds 49. tattoos: zero  50. right or left hand: right hand  51. surgery: nope and i hope i never have to bc it highkey scares me 52. hair dyed a different colour: nope bc i’m scared of damaging it idk i’m weird man 53. sport: i don’t play sports at all bc exercise hates me but i do adore watching them; i watch basketball, hockey, soccer, baseball, football, etc etc 54/55. there isn’t ones?? 56. pair of trainers: ?? i have nike ones???
more general:  57. eating: i had chocolate earlier 58. drinking: like drinking?? it’s against the law for me to so no i guess 59. i’m about to: finish this and then work on a fic (hopefully lol) 60. waiting for: school to start bc i actually really enjoy it nd i can’t wait to go back on tuesday 61. want to: read my collection of shakespeare plays i bought the other day/reread gatsby bc i bought that too 62. get married: that’ll be cool when it eventually occurs 63. career: ,,,,,please,,, i am only 16 and like 9 months,,, i need more time,,,,
which is better:  64. doesn’t exist i guess 65. hugs or kisses: hugs maybe?? 66. lips or eyes: eyes 110% 67. shorter or taller: i’m gonna go with taller bc i’m tall  68. older or younger: doesn’t matter to me??  69. also does not exist  70. nice arms or nice stomach: nice personality  71: sensitive or loud: idk how this means?? i guess loud but i’m confused yikes 72. hook up or relationship: relationship  73. troublemaker or hesitant: hella hesitant bc i hate getting in trouble for stuff
have you ever: 74. kissed a stranger: no siree  75. drank hard liquor: it’s illegal,,, so,,, ofc not,,,,, 76. lost glasses/contact lenses: too many times send help i am the queen of losing things 77. turned someone down: yes 78. sex on the first date: i haven’t even kissed someone yet i am too innocent for this  79. broken someone’s heart: i don’t think so??  80. had your heart broken: yes 81. been arrested: nope 82. cried when someone died: YES, CURSE YOU JOHN GREEN, AUGUSTUS DESERVED BETTER DSHJS 83. fallen for a friend: umm yes
do you believe in:  84. yourself: maybe when it comes to like,, playing guitar or something,, otherwise idk but i probably should whoops 85. miracles: maybe?? 86. love at first sight: not really?? like,, love is about a whole person nd love at first sight is about looks idk i won’t get into it  87. santa claus: no :/ 88. kiss on the first date: up to the person on the date tbh, you do you fam 89. angels: idk??
other:  90. current best friends name: i don’t really have one?? idk 91. eye colour: sometimes green sometimes really light brown sometimes both 92. favourite movie: i have a lot but probably either breakfast club or ferris bueller’s day off
if you read this far then you really deserve a prize nd shoutout to you for that :’)
I’m tagging anyone who wants to do it! just tag me and go for it :)
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