#so that the scar could become a piece of art as well
mellosdrawings · 2 months
The Princes
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Ten years later. When marrying a Prince turns a Queen and a Servant into actual Royalties.
Because Vil deserves a real crown and Jamil deserves to be treated better.
NOW I'M GONNA RANT ABOUT MY CHARA DESIGNS CHOICES AND ALL THE DISCOVERIES I MADE WHILE LOOKING FOR REFS! If you only care about art and funny doodles, you can scroll down for a handful of slices of life.
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(Don't worry if you can't read my notes, I'm repeating myself better right under this)
-Lion: As you may know, one of my grievances with Leona is how his hair doesn't look like an actual mane despite being a lion. While I don't want to stray too far from the canon design with the usual drawings, that's the occasion for me to have some fun with a future version. Give that lion a beard and voluminous hair!
-Hair: First, get those bangs out of his face. Despite Leona being very confident, he still has bangs covering his scarred eye. I wanted him to finally own the aspects of him that may be scary to others (his UM, his scar, etc). I actually went with bangs framing his face similar to the ones he had during his Overblot. I wasn't sure whether to give him dreadlocks or curly hair, but I ended up choosing the free curls decorated with some atebas and braids so that Vil could have more fun styling them.
-Eye: Thanks @aria-faye for the idea, I decided to have his eye gradually lose its capacities with time. From a headcanon that, while the eye wasn't directly touched by whatever attack scarred him, the process of healing still had an impact on it and he gradually lost sight in his left eye years after years.
-Body: Not giving him a dad bod (yet, maybe in another ten years), but definitely giving him more voluminous yet casual muscles. Practical muscles with a healthy dose of fat and tissues. Also giving him two full sleeves of tattoos because I decided he should have much more than just his lion tattoo.
-Clothes: Went full Maasai dressing and Kenyan fabrics and beadworks. If you're not familiar with it, please go check it out, it's GORGEOUS!! Crown is beadwork too. He also has one Arabic styled foot jewellery.
-Hair: My first order was to remove his double-faced hairstyle and also remove his bangs from his eye. Make him confident enough to show his whole face. Unlike Leona and Vil, he doesn't really want a crown though (he still feels weird about becoming royalty) so instead he uses a braid as crown. Also gave him a little goatee because I like facial hair and Jafar has a beard too.
-Body: He grew up! While he didn't quite catch up with Leona and Vil, he is now closer to their sizes than before, sitting at around 180cm. He kept his breakdancer/martial artist lean muscles but developed a bit of shoulders.
-Clothes: Went full Arabic dressing and fabrics (once more, go check the fabrics, they are pieces of arts). I gave him floral motifs instead of his usual fire/snake motifs (though he does have a snake earring and a fangs necklace) to symbolise his rebirth/blooming. Like Leona, he has one piece of jewellery that is beadwork.
-Hair: Here it was a bit tricky. Considering Vil's work, he likely changes hairstyles a lot, going from long to short for his roles instead of his wants. So I leaned into the little things he could add to his hair despite their constant changes, mostly jewelleries, beadworks and wool decorations he stole from his husbands. He also cares a bit less about them looking perfect and is allowing himself to be more natural. He doesn't have any facial hair (yet), keeping a youthful appearance for as long as he can. In another ten years though, he might start looking more and more like his father, beard included.
-Clothes: For Leona and Jamil's mental states, the three of them most likely started living in Sunset Savanna so they wouldn't freeze to death. Vil is well traveled so he can handle most temperatures without trouble, and he is used to dressing up in the local get ups. Here I decided to give him both African dress and Arabic fabric, and likewise both beadwork and golden jewellery. I gave him crown and heart motifs so he can keep being himself despite borrowing a lot from his husbands.
There, I'm done rambling. Here's some doodles, followed by some random headcanons.
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-Vil does his husbands hair every morning and keeps giving them more and more intricate hairstyles. He developed a whole haircare and beard-care products set for them.
-When Vil is away for a movie, Jamil keeps his hair mostly down save for a few accessories.
-Jamil and Falena get along surprisingly well (to Leona's despair). Vil gets along very well with Falena's wife.
-Jamil acts as a Scalding Sands ambassador and still is the one to care for Kalim when he comes to visit, though this time he's doing it because he wants to and not because he has to.
-Vil got used to his new title immediately but Jamil struggles with it a lot. He still has a hard time wrapping his head around the fact that he is no longer a servant.
-The servants at the palace love Jamil because he always makes their job easier.
-Leona finally decided to put his wits to good use and became Falena's advisor. He still fights a lot with Kifaji about the direction to take with the country, but he managed to make some of his ideas heard to help with the staggering inequalities in the country.
That's all for now!
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gay-dorito-dust · 3 months
I hope this is ok
Could I request hcs of Jason Todd with a s/o who enjoys giving him compliments, even when they're asleep?
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Jason is soft, undoubtedly soft.
He couldn’t help the smile that grew across his face whenever you told him that he was the most handsome man you’ve ever met in your life.
It makes him feel warm and fuzzy inside that it becomes an addicting feeling that he never wants to go away.
He wasn’t use to someone showering him in adoration and unconditional love as you have done since your first date with him, sure it was something that he had to get use to as it wasn’t something he was willing to accept immediately, but after awhile Jason was practically hanging off of your every word that left your mouth like a fool in love.
You: your so perfect Jason you don’t even know it and it saddens me that you can’t see yourself how I see you because if you did then maybe you wouldn’t be so hard on yourself.’
Jason: 🥰🥺🫶
Day in, day out you would tell Jason exactly how you felt about him no matter what but when one night Jason heard you muttering under your breath, he becomes intrigued as to what you were saying and leant closer to you, only to hear you say;
‘You may think your broken but you are anything but my sweet Jaybirdie.’
‘you’re an art piece who’s true message has been misconstrued many times but that never took away from how beautiful you were.’
Needles to say Jason was this close to squeezing you tight in his arms because you were too good for him, way too good for him that made him want to keep you close to him all the more.
Jason didn’t like seeing his own refection in mirrors, it reminded him of how much of him had been taken away and never given back, but you gave him the courage to look himself in the reflective surface after your sweet words a about how you loved the way his face was structured, his jawline, his eyes, his lips, everything you admired about him you had made well known.
You give him the confidence he had been trying to cover up the lack of with sarcastic and witty comebacks and an uncaring attitude. You helped rebuilt him brick by brick to the point where Jason wasn’t ashamed of walking the apartment shitless, his scars boldly on display but he knew you’d give them nothing but love and affection; much Kim you did the rest of him.
You: your scars are just as much apart of you as your arms and legs were, they are just as deserving of love as the rest of you and there’s a lot of you left to love if you let me.
Jason: I’d let you love me for the rest of forever if you wanted sweetheart.
Jason would soon find himself staying up incredibly late just to hear you sleepily praise him with a dopey look upon his face as he brushes a knuckle across your cheek gingerly, knowing that this was the kind of love he had been looking for since he was a goin boy, a love so unconditional that you find yourself again through it; a real and pure love that would stand the rest of time.
And now he finally had it and he had you to thank for loving him for the mess that he was.
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Whumpee silently patrols Whumper's property, a muzzle tight on their face. It itches underneath the straps but Whumpee isn't allowed to touch it. They've been stripped of their humanity, as if never human in the first place. Whumpee trotted like a well-trained dog, alert for intruders.
A thick shock collar encircles their neck, pinching the skin around the clip. Squeezing their throat like a consistent reminder of their entrapment. It took years for Whumpee to become like this, an aggressive guard dog that could be left unsupervised for weeks without any attempt to run.
Whumper would always tell they how well they did, even letting them inside for a couple of hours if they caught a trespasser. Early on, Whumpee wasn't appreciative of that. It took them being left tied to a stake in an uncovered part of the property for a whole year for them to learn that lesson.
They were not a pet, they were not an art piece, they were not meant to be loved or given luxury. Yet, Whumper would give them scratches on the top of their head, stroke their cheeks and praise them. They gave them sweets, once in a while, treated them like a thing to be cared for and not a tool.
Whumpee's feet are rough and cut up, freckles fleck their skin, and their hair bleached by the sun. Dirt clings to their skin, gravel dust colouring the ends of their limbs. Scars litter their skin like little reminders of their failures and slights.
They curl up under the house's porch, some nights. Right at the edge, so they can watch from someplace covered. Whumpee looks up at the stars. Those little lights, twinkling up in the sky, oh so free, call to them. And, yet, Whumpee knows they'll never reach the sky. They'll go with the ashy dust, settling into a random corner, trapped.
One day, there's a trespasser. However, this one seems... familiar. It bugs Whumpee but they push past it. It's not their job to think about things like that, it's their job to protect their master and their property. Whumpee growls, ignoring the person's worried and confused facial expression.
Caretaker didn't recognize Whumpee when they first saw them. It's like an animal had taken over Whumpee's body. The sounds they were making nothing short of animalistic. Caretaker stumbled back when the other lunged. Their eyes glance to the deck, where Whumper stands with a smug grin.
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charliedawn · 2 years
How would they react if you kissed their scars ?
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Vincent had remained with the mask for so long, it had become part of your everyday life.
You had never questioned it...not until you walked into his bedroom one day and found that Vincent had not yet put on his mask.
He hadn't heard you come in—too focused on his latest piece of art.
So, you made sure not to disturb him as you looked at his new 'piece'.
You shivered. You really didn't want to be thinking about the poor guy trapped underneath the wax.
So, you focused back on Vincent instead.
The bad part of his face was not completely facing you, but you could make out the disfigured part he wanted to hide...It broke your heart.
"...Vinny ?"
You called him and Vincent's eyes widened in shock at the sight of you and he hurried to reach for his mask, but you were quicker.
You grabbed the mask and took a couple of steps back.
Vincent didn't understand what you were doing until you placed a soft kiss on the interior of the mask and finally put it back on him.
He let you and his breath hitched as he saw the genuine smile on your face.
"You're very handsome...Don't let the mask fool anyone."
He was stunned.
Truth was, Vincent had worn this mask all his life and had never thought for a second that anyone would call him 'handsome' in his life.
It brought tears to his eyes as he suddenly hugged you and buried his face in the crook of your neck.
His new piece of art left unattended as he asked you to kiss that part of his face again and again...his mask slipping off in the process.
But, he was too happy to care.
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Now, Jason is the insecurity boy.
He hates that he's tall, hates his face, hates his clumsiness...
But, whenever he would be with you, his insecurities seemed to wither into nothingness.
He still had problems with leaving the mask behind though. People used to call him awful things and even though he had partially healed with time, the pain was still there.
So, when you walked in when he was getting ready—he almost fell backwards and covered his face with his hands.
He was afraid and screamed when you tried to touch him—only for you to fight against every single survival instinct in your body and hug him tightly.
"...Ssh...It's alright. You don't need to be afraid. I love you. Your face doesn't change that."
Jason was shocked at your words and he gripped the fabric of your shirt tightly to hide his face and not let you see him cry.
He held you like you were his only lifeline, and maybe you were.
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Now, Bo is a whole other story.
He doesn't like physical affection.
But, you still wanted to show him that you loved him.
So, as he was working on a car, you asked for a tool. He was so focused on his task, he absent-mindedly obeyed and just gave you one of his tools to keep you happy—not expecting you to take his hand instead.
You stroked the damage skin on his wrist and looked up at Bo who seemed uncharacteristically quiet, no longer focused on the car.
You then pressed your lips to the scars around his wrists and his eyes followed your movement with baited breath.
He suddenly retrieved his hand, as if burnt by the sensation alone.
"What in the carnation do ya think you're doin' ?!"
But you didn't answer.
You only shook your head and grabbed his arm gently to bring it back to your lips.
You peppered it with kisses and Bo licked his dry lips before smiling and closing the gap between the both of you to kiss your forehead.
"...You' really sumthin', ain't ya sugar ?"
In response, you stuck out your tongue cheekily at him and smiled.
However, you didn't expect it when Bo mimicked you and the tip of your tongue touched his.
You took a step back and flushed red as he tipped his hat at you.
"Well, now that we've shared our DNA, I'll go prepare dinner.", he announced before turning away to leave.
"GROSS, BO !", you finally shouted after him—but a small hidden smile tugged at the corner of your lips.
He laughed.
"Yeh yeh. You'll live."
He then hurried out of the house—ignoring the way you tried to call him back.
His own face felt hot and he hurried outside.
~That was dangerous. He almost lost control.
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Brahms loved it when you took care of him, he had found a comfortable daily routine with you.
But, of course...You had to become curious.
You waited until he was asleep before slowly creeping into his bedroom to try to remove his mask.
You smiled as you saw his peaceful sleeping face and couldn't resist laying a kiss on his masked cheek.
You then hesitated about your plan. Would he be mad if you took a quick look ?
However, before you could think about it any further, Brahms grabbed your hand and yanked you forward into his arms.
You let out an undignified surprised yelp.
His breath was shallow and you felt so ashamed of having been caught, but he then quickly whispered in your ear.
"Brahms...Likes Y/N...Don't want them to be...afraid..."
Your heart squeezed as you wrapped your arms around him and smiled.
"Brahms has nothing to be afraid of. Y/N will stay with him. Because Y/N loves Brahms."
Brahms' eyes widened at the use of the l-word and his grip on you tightened as he let you take off the mask.
You were speechless for a second and Brahms thought it was because you were horrified and immediately tried to reach for his mask, but you shook your head and threw his mask away.
"...Pretty.", you muttered and kissed his burnt side with tenderness.
His eyes watered and he held you infinitely closer.
He never wanted to let you go.
His mother had called him pretty only once in his life, and he remembered feeling so much happiness from the word alone.
It made him happy and sad at the same time.
Because, it also reminded him of the burns on his face and the fact that his face would never be the same again.
You would never see how pretty he looked back then. You would never see the face he wanted you to see...But, you still found him pretty.
And that made Brahms feel as if you had sown a part of his heart back into place.
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Freddy. Freddy doesn't have insecurities. What he does have however is a painful fear of rejection and a huge ego clashing in an eternal battle for dominance.
His ego as the big scary demon and his fear of who he used to be...
He hates his reflection. He would never admit it to you, but you noticed the way he constantly avoided mirrors.
"...Ain't you gonna try to escape ?", he finally asked one day—hiding the true depth of the reason behind the question.
He wanted you to answer yes, so he could completely be overwhelmed by the demon and be done with it.
Freddy used to be a scrawny little nuisance—just good enough for manual work.
He had never been a great scholar, barely made it to high school.
Freddy—the pushover—that's what people used to call him...Well, until he killed them all.
"Nah. Have you seen me running...?", you answered with a small playful grin...But, it didn't work. He frowned and let out a small huff.
"Come on. Don't go all witty on me. Give me a real answer."
You tilted your head quizzically at him. Why the sudden need for an answer ?
He didn't dare look at you in the eye and that's when you understood. Freddy was doing the most Freddy thing.
He was testing you.
He wanted to know if you really stayed because you liked him, or because he was just another mere distraction.
"I'm telling you that I have no intention to run."
You finally told him the truth and Freddy's eyes widened as he crouched in front of you and stared at you—his claws gleaming in the dark.
"Don't you dare lie to me."
"You don't believe me ?"
"Ya just saying stuff...To make me happy.", he muttered under his breath and you gasped at the accusation. That's when you cupped his face and forced him to look you in the eyes again.
"I would never lie to you."
You then kissed him on the lips and his eyes widened at the unexpected action.
"...Here. Is it enough proof for you ?", you asked with a knowing grin and Freddy felt stunned for a second before he chuckled.
"~Maybe.", he smirked and then pulled you closer to him. "Gonna have to get more proof. Just to be sure."
You snorted.
"~Of course."
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"Say Myers...Can I see you without the mask ?"
His...mask ? What a strange request...
Now, why would you ask that ?
He tilted his head at you—pondering.
His confusion must have shown as you answered his silent question.
"Well...Every time I see you without it, Michael takes over and I'd like to see you without it."
Myers didn't move for a second and you thought you had offended him or something...But, he then decided to trust you and removed the mask.
You were immediately drawn to his two green eyes that seemed to be boring into the depth of your very soul.
He was handsome, even though a few scars here and there from years of surviving.
You raised yourself on your tiptoes and you saw the momentary panic in his eyes.
He wanted to look away or hide away from your gaze—but couldn't. He only kept staring while you continued examining his features.
You looked each other in the eyes and then, an inexplicable impulse took over you.
You kissed his chin and smiled when you felt him holding you a little closer than necessary—his eyes squeezing shut.
It felt...good.
His beard tickled your face, but you didn't mind. You giggled and hugged him back.
Myers wouldn't cry, but he did feel the need to talk—him who usually never did.
He opened his mouth to say something, but you beat him to it.
"Well ? Aren't you going to return my kiss ?"
You then tapped the side of your face with a small playful smile and Myers couldn't help but smile back.
However, you didn't expect it when he suddenly leaned forward to kiss you on the lips, securing the back of your head with his large hand.
It made you feel safe for a second before he pulled away—all too soon.
He then put back his mask and even though you couldn't see it, you knew he was smiling underneath.
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marypaol · 8 months
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Scars on Your Skin like Stars in the Sky
Draco x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of past wounds (not at all specific) and scars, I think that’s all! :)
Summary: As the Hogwarts floors are quiet and all eyelids are shut, Reader lays in Draco’s bed, asking him about his scars.
- No use of Y/N
- If you have requests (no smut please sorry) then post in comments!
- Any mistakes noticed? Let me know so I can fix it! :)
The silky sheets were smooth and cool beneath her skin, spreading warmth throughout her body but just enough for her to not overheat. The soft blanket covered her legs and legs only, leaving her upper body exposed for the air that surrounded them.
But the sheets on her skin was the last thing on her mind, for the man lying beside her was the center of her attention. He still had his white polo shirt on, sleeves rolled up to his elbows as his sliver eyes focused on the ceiling. But she knew him by now, thinking such as her own eyes traveled along the side of his face; the curve of his forehead, his long nose that was round at the end, and his plump lips she loved to kiss every so often. She just knew his mind was on her, her touch that she was currently giving him. Her cheek rested on his shoulder, the warmth of his skin seeping through the shirt that covered his body. Her hand stroked the skin of his arm that was exposed, mind thinking wondrous things about his body. It was so beautifully sculpted to her, every inch perfect and so carefully detailed. She could do this forever, lay here and stroke his body, occasionally tilting her head up to whisper sweet nothings on his ear as her lips ghosted it.
Her fingers continued to stroke his arm, sometimes running over his stomach, feeling the strong muscles beneath the fabric. Her fingers stopped when she felt a slight bump on his skin, something that someone else would surely see as a flaw but she found as a little piece of art on his body. He noticed her fingers halt their movements, head glancing down to meet her eyes. “Where is this from?” She asked quietly, almost hesitant to ask him but her voice couldn’t help but be filled with curiosity. He sighed after a couple seconds, looking back to the ceiling and licking his lips, her watching his every movement. “Burnt myself in Potions.” He answered shortly, eyes scanning the ceiling as if he was asking it a question and it was at the point of telling him the answer.
“Did it hurt?” She asked carefully, stroking the scar of the burn as if it would take it away. Now, if anyone besides her asked him that question he would become very annoyed, because obviously a burn to his arm hurt like Merlin. But since she asked with so much concern, so much care in her voice that made him feel like she felt compassion and affection towards him, he answered honestly and softly. “Yes, it hurt. Very much so.”
Her eyebrows furrowed, almost like him feeling pain was something that shouldn’t exist on Earth. He chucked softly at her expression before lifting his hand to brush it off her face, fingers stroking her cheek.
“How about this one?” She asked gently, fingers coming in contact with a scar that was on his upper chest, feeling his heart beat on her palm.He smiled at her ever so gently, letting her continue to massage the scar that formed there. “Quidditch.” He replied, answer short and sweet as always. She knew he wouldn’t elaborate but him answering and allowing her to stroke his scars was something she was beyond grateful for; for it told her that he was comfortable enough around her to share his past injuries and occurrences.
“Well I hope there isn’t any more to add to the collection.” She spoke soft, stroking his arm once again. He nodded, swallowing thickly as he once again looked at the ceiling, but she once again knew that his mind was swarming with thoughts of her.
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venerawrites · 3 months
This is my first time requesting for arcane but, can you write an Ekko x male! reader (fem or Gender neutral is fine if you can't write for male readers) where the reader is really sweet and gentle. They like to forage, bake/cook for Ekko, make toys for the kids of zaun, painting, drawing, and craft stuff like clay rings, mugs, pottery, and make clothes as well.
It can be an imagine or headcanons, I don't mind either way.
author's note: hi! I don't write male readers, but I do write gender-neutral so I hope that's okay! I actually thought this request was super cute and I loved the idea! Hope you enjoy and thank you so much for requesting!
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Someone who is sweet and also artistic/crafty is going to be the perfect partner for Ekko. (Not kidding, this young man deserves all the love in the world!)
I imagine you being a part of the Firelights for a few years before Ekko gained the courage to ask you out.
Don't get me wrong, he had a crush on you way before that!
He saw something special in you the day you joined - the way you carried yourself, the little splatter of paint on your shirt, the big bag of art materials you brought with you, the way you warmly smiled at the kids and they took an immediate liking to you - it all made him look at you in a different light from everyone else.
However, having lost so many people in his life, he didn't want to risk catching feelings. So despite the initial attraction, he did keep his distance at first. He was a good leader, always making sure to check on you and ask how are you adjusting to the life as a Firelight, but he also always seemed to keep the conversations short and polite.
Ekko always had his eye on you - whenever he heard your melodic laugh or children screaming in joy (because they always did when you were around), his head whipped in your direction almost instinctively.
Because of your wide range of skills, especially when it comes to crafting things, it didn't take long for you to become everyone's favourite - you often build toys for the kids and played with them in your free time, which is why all of them got attached to you pretty quickly. When someone needed their clothes fixed or wished for a change of their usual 'uniform', they always came to you.
The man was a bit taken aback at first - he kept seeing everyone, including Scar, coming with new jackets, shirts, and even masks, yet he didn't seem to know how and where they got it from. Once he learned it was in fact you making them, he couldn't help but smile - so you were quite the crafty person, huh?
He came a few days later with his ruined jacket (he may or may have not actually ruined it on purpose), asking you to fix it. As he was the leader, you spent all afternoon sewing, so he could have it ready for the mission the next day. When you gave it to him during dinner, he was both surprised and also amazed - not only did you fix it quickly, but you also made it better by adding some details to it.
(Needless to say this became his favourite piece of clothing ever! It was also not the last time he came to you, asking you to 'fix' his clothes...)
That evening was the first time the realisation he might like you in a different way than every other member hit him like a ton of bricks.
And it did scare him! So much, so that he made it almost his mission to avoid you. Every time you entered a room, he quickly excused himself, and if by chance you caught him looking at you, he would quickly turn around, the tips of his ears going a few shades darker.
His plan didn't work that well, however, as you being one of the few people who can draw/paint, you were assigned to work on the wall mural. He had to supervise the work and therefore interact with you, and to be honest, it was quite awkward for a bit.
I imagine you would notice his weird behaviour, but would not address it as you were not sure why he was giving you mixed "hot & cold" signals. You would continue treating him like usual and eventually, after a few days of tense atmosphere between you (and also a bit of 'scolding' from Scar), he would apologize and actually relax around you.
Ekko is funny, loving, protective, kind, passionate, and a man that I cannot imagine anyone NOT falling in love with. So probably it did take you embarrassingly short time to catch feelings for him.
He may be a bit slow when it comes to his own feelings and emotions, but he is very good when it comes to reading everyone else's. So when you made him a special mug for his birthday and gave to him while your face looked like it was about to explode, he put 2+2 together.
This is when flirting Ekko unlocks and - PHEW! - this man has no mercy!
He loves to tease you just so he can see you as a flustered mess. While he is very confident as a leader and fighter, he still think it's unreal that you can catch feelings for someone like him - he comes with so much emotional baggage, that he cannot really understand what do you see in him.
(Not that he is complaining, because once he asks you out and you say 'yes', he doesn't plan to EVER let you go!)
Once you are together, he would always organise fun dates including crafting or making stuff - either he will teach you how to make tech stuff in his workshop or you will teach him how to make clay rings, dishes and pottery.
He loves how gifted you are and would often tease you by asking you: "Is there anything you can’t do?"
Very proud of you and the fact that you are his partner! He usually likes to keep his private matters to himself, but if he has a drink or two, EVERYONE is hearing about how skilled you are, how every body loves you (especially him) and how lucky he is to have you not only in his life, but also living in the Firelight base.
Speaking of living, despite the relationship progressing slowly, he would practically make you move in to his room just a few months after getting together. He loves going to sleep and waking up by his side and while usually you were staying with him only occasionally, he will have a long chat with you of the benefits to share a room.
"C'mon, don't you want to sleep in the leader's bed? Hey, hey, I'm kidding! But seriously, you come here almost every night and I do sleep better when you are by my side, so why not?"
Watching you interact with the kids in the base and even in Zaun has to be his absolute weak spot. He can never hide his smile and dreamy gaze when he watches you giving them new gifts/toys and he falls in love even deeper every time he sees you hug them and stroke their heads lovingly.
His other weak spot has to be your cooking! (The way to a man's heart is through his stomach after all!) He is pretty good cook himself, so dates in the kitchen are a pretty often occurrence for you.
Still, he can never match your skill when it comes to baking and desserts and he loves when you spoil him by making his favourite cakes/sweet food. He loves to watch you cooking, often sitting on the table and quietly sipping his tea, while observing you.
The Firelights love you as a couple and are happy it is you by Ekko's side - he suffered a lot and has been alone the majority of his life, so he deserves all the love and happiness you can offer.
cc artwork: Tekkon Kinkreet
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fizzbot · 4 months
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ok im not sure if anyones pointed this out yet, but this is a helluva boss sticker pack that just recently released. its very possible that it means absolutely nothing........but is it possible that these are hints to upcoming shorts???? (personal rambles and theories under the read more)
these all seem really random. which wouldnt be out of the norm for helluva merch, usually its just an assortment of random characters doing random things. but with the fact that we now know that we'll be getting shorts, and the fact that these all seem like very specific scenarios, i think its plausible that these are hints for things that might be upcoming.
the cherubs being here is especially interesting, because we havent seen anything about them AT ALL since early season 1. we know theyll be making a return (presumibly in mastermind) but then why is the merch featuring these cherubs, and not collin, keenie, and cletus? i think its possible that well be getting a short set in heaven, specifically about these characters/perhaps in preparation to the release of mastermind.
as we know from hells belles, verosika will be going on a tour in pride, which presumably sets up apology tour. but in this art shes not in pride, shes in sloth. this is where we know the rehab center is. is it possible shell end up back in rehab/well get a flashback short about her time in there? potentially even some backstory with her and barbie??
the next one features bee, tex, and loona. i THINK it was confirmed somewhere (although i dont have a source) that well be seeing bee again this year, although i just assumed that would be in the finale. its possible that she, tex, and loona will be hanging out again in a short, which would be nice! ive also seen some theories/speculation that this specefic piece of merch might allude to the ship ""honeybunch"" (or bee x tex x loona) potentially becoming canon.
stolas and octavia sort of has me stumped. based on her lines in the trailer, it seems like octavia is still harboring some resentment, and this picture seems like a really sweet glimpse into their domestic life. honestly this feels so out of character for me that it almost made me throw my whole idea about these being potential shorts out the window. im sure they still do have nice moments like this, but i struggle to picture them happening since the only interactions weve seen them have have been negative. maybe therell be a short trying to rectify this? or this could be a pre-blitz flashback.
im partially hoping these are shorts JUST for this next one. i want striker to have a short so so bad. i have literally NO idea what it would be, though. i just wanna see more of him and bombproof :( zooming in on the picture, i did notice that 1) theyre back in wrath. 2) striker is polishing a (not-blessed) knife. and 3), he doesnt seem to be too injured from the escape in oops. although, interestingly, we only get to see the left side of his face. im pointing this out, because in oops, when the explosion occurs, the shot of the fire zooming towards strikers face is a direct parallel to the shot of the fire zooming towards BLITZ face. i think it would be REALLY sick if they ended up with matching burn scars.
finally, moxxie and his mom. this is the piece that gave me this idea in the first place, just because it seems so incredibly random. i cannot even imagine a place where she would come back, if not a flashback short that delves deeper into his childhood. where else would she fit in this whole season? its possible that he has another flashback in the show, but the trailer seems REALLY focused on stolas and (especially) blitzs past, so it feels slightly unlikely. it makes sense that theyd get a whole short dedicated just for them.
idk, maybe im WAYYYY off. i just think it would be nice to get some time away from the main cast in their current states for a while and these seem like some of the best ways to do it
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tavyliasin · 10 months
Call this one an experiment in a little something different, darlings~
We all have hard days, and some harder than most. So, perhaps a few words of comfort from some of our most beloved characters.
I may expand on these later to be fuller pieces of comfort, but only if that's something people feel they'd wish to see. So do let me know if it should go on my list, for more with these characters and additions of other favourites too~ I can probably so a short piece from anyone, given a little time to get under their skin and find their motivation/voice.
There's going to be some mild tw/cw for mental health, mention of scars, and subtle implications of pain/hurt/etc.
Astarion: "Darling, look into my eyes. That's right, keep your focus right here. Listen to my voice, breathe slowly. No more tears alone, love, you are a light in my endless night and I shall not let your flame burn low. You and I, we are more than the scars we never should have earned, and we are certainly far stronger than any blade or bow that has ever tried to take us down. You still do not believe it? You are here, living and breathing, despite all of your worst days.  Now, one day at a time, darling, one foot in front of the other. No stumble can erase how far you have come." 
Halsin: "I am here, my heart, what do you need? No shadow curse or vile beast can reach you from within my arms, no force of nature can tear you from them either. Take all the time you need, my love, I will not leave. Your tears are your strength, not your shame. Let me teach you of all I see within you, your boundless potential proving the acorn can become the oak. I see how you shelter others with your leaves, so let us - let me - hold you through the storm. Your boughs may bend but they will not break." 
Abdirak: "You endure your pain so well Dear One, but you must stop believing you deserve it. Pain is a gift, it can be loving, and deliver that love to Loviatar. But it must never break, it must not be delivered without purpose. Do not be so foolish as to believe your own hand is purpose enough. Let me show you the right pains, Dear One, the pain that can heal you. No others shall be permitted to taint the art that is you with sullied brushes." 
Raphael: "Little Mouse, you have set quite the trap for yourself, haven't you? Need I remind you exactly who you made a deal with? No. I shall not permit our agreement to be tainted, not by any insignificant insect that would dare to sting my prey. Do not look so forlorn, Little Mouse, your nickname is not an insult. You might be in the presence of a cat, and you would do well to remember that little fact, but a mouse can be swift, cunning, and survive against impossible odds. That is why I trust you, and no other, to bring me what I want most. It is why I offer you a deal that is almost entirely in your favour - no other could expect such generosity, Little Mouse, so keep that in mind. You are my favourite client, and I shall let none break you. Not even yourself."
Haarlep: "Ah my Little Thief, you wish to steal yourself away? No, I shall not have that. How bold you were to look me in the eye and to broker your own deal! I could have killed you the moment you stepped into my abode uninvited, but that, Little Thief, would have been such a terrible waste. You noticed, did you not? When I saw you, when I truly saw you, that I did not see just a body stood brazenly staring me down without a scrap of cloth to cover you. I saw potential, so very much delicious potential. Come now, lie back, tell your dear Haarlep what troubles you, and I shall erase every last one from your mind."
A bonus, from Tavylia Sin, to one and all.
Tavylia: "Hello, darling. I see you, I really do. I can see how tightly you hold on, how easily the little hope you cling to can slip through your fingers. I know you may never read this, I know you may never hear it, but perhaps someone else like you will read this instead and that will be enough. You are too unkind to yourself, even as you show endless understanding and patience to those around you. They love you, darling, they cherish you even when you don't hear it. I know you need to hear it , though, and I don't begrudge you the comfort of soft words. Just...remember them, love. Remember every moment you were heard, every time you were adored just the way you are, and know those feelings are still there. A heart of love is not emptied by a single moment of you not believing in yourself, your worth is not measured by what you provide. Your worth is within yourself. I see it, others do too. Take comfort, darling, you are never ever alone. I am with you, near or far, and my love for you will not fade. If you cannot believe in yourself for now, trust that we believe in you. Rest, love, the dawn brings a new day and you are always a pleasant part of mine."
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teecupangel · 2 years
can you IMAGINE a Burn Notice/Leverage type show where Desmond decides to leave the Brotherhood after the solar event (having miraculously survived) and now he's on the run from both Abstergo and his dad (just like old times)
but of course he can't just run and only look out for himself, not with three mentors in his head telling him to fight from the shadows (so not completely like old times)
so it's a problem of the week show where every episode there's a new glowing golden person who has something Desmond needs who also *just so happens* to have a problem that needs solving
it's bloodier than Leverage or Burn Notice though because while Leverage never kills anyone and Burn Notice only kills the problem to death like 10% of the time
Desmond solves a surprising number of problems with stabbing
even ones that you would initially assume could not possibly be solved by stabbing
(when you're an Assassin, every problem starts to look stabbable)
And the Bleeding Effect makes Desmond a one-man con team.
Need someone to act like a rich dude? Use Haytham's bleed for a posh British old money ("I think he's a distant royal family member!") elitist or Altaïr's bleed for an arrogant oil tycoon ("He might have connections to the president, are you sure you want to get in his bad side???"). Planning to style a piece of art? Ezio's bleed makes him become an awesome art critic or a great tour guide.
Have to pretend to be smart? Take your pick. Connor has deep knowledge of the flora and fauna of the United States. Altaïr has a more general vast knowledge of the classics, especially of philosophy. Haytham most definitely has an insight into the historical and political situations of every major event the Templar had a hand before and during his time. Other than the arts, Ezio's noble background meant he would have a more religious background so theology is his jam and he can say prayers in Latin. (And the image of Desmond pretending to be a priest then charming his way into where he actually wants to go is so blasphemous I find it funny)
In terms of Leverage, Desmond is pretty much Nate, Sophie, Eliot and Parker all in one. What about Hardison? Well, what use are all these fancy expensive gadgets and security when Desmond has the Eagle Vision? Sure, he can't hack to make cameras go on a loop but he knows the exact blind spots of the cameras. He doesn't know what the red wire does but it glows gold so he just pulls it out and, voila, lasers go offline. When everything else fails, create a blackout and use the darkness to hide.
Letting Desmond loose in 21st century without any support other than his Bleed as a 'third party' against both Abstergo and the Assassins and doing shady things for other people means he's gonna be a more chill version of Agent 47. Lots of pretending to be other people and, as long as he finally covers his scar with concealer and lots of makeup, he'll just be a generic white dude. Just knock out someone with the uniform he needs and he's good to go.
It doesn't even have to be a stabbing. There are a lot of things that can become poison if applied correctly.
AND if we include Edward in his Bleeds (which we can since AC Valhalla did say that he had a dream of being Edward in one of the audio logs), Desmond would have a more in-depth sailing knowledge together with Connor's knowledge which he could probably use to figure out how to sail a boat or a yacht if he needs to and... Darts. Which includes the OP dart: Berserk darts.
But he's not a 'gun' for hire. No, no.
Everyone in the 'underworld' knows of him.
And if anyone asks about him... All they would hear would be...
"You don't find him. He finds you. And when he does, that means he wants something from you and, in exchange for what he wants, you can ask for anything. It will never be money. What he will always ask will be something important to you. Only if you're willing to part with it will he grant your wish."
"That's why we call him the Djinn."
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psychelis-new · 2 years
pick a pile: "Which career would suit you best?"
take a breath and choose the photo/number that calls you the most to read about guidance on your situation, your talents and what career may be the one in which you'd shine the most.
don’t take the reading too seriously. only take what resonates with you and leave the rest. if you're not called by any pile, let this reading slid as it may not hold messages for you. if you're called by more than one, there may be messages in each of those piles. remember that is a general reading and some things may not resonate with you. energies can change and readings are based on present ones (as you read); you're always in charge of your life.
(photos found on unsplash)
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Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
1 2 3 4
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pile 1
You may be good at putting together things and make something beautiful, like you find pieces of random materials (or even informations) and you put them all together to make a piece of art (or to talk about something). You are good also at entering inside people's minds. You find breaks/wounds, or try to heal their wounds too, thanks to your ability of putting together things (broken or not). It reminds me of the kintsugi art. You may be wounded as well, but you kinda use your wounds to help others too, you show them, you're not afraid to show how you grew into the person you are nowadays. You know scars are a due part (and a reminder) of the most meaningful lessons we learn in our life. You may feel called to keep working on yourself so to be more accepting of what is going on (sometimes you may still not know why things happen to you and have a hard time accepting them), and do the same for others as well. You may be a conselour, a therapist, a psichologist, a writer, a speech doctor or you have to speak a lot about something related to the mind. You may even be an artist (any type but a little more painting/drawing-related) or a tarot reader/spiritual figure. A mystery/puzzles solver, for a few (so maybe even a detective/police officer). You can help others finding their true worth and appreciate themselves more also through the hardship they may be going through. You give another point of view to life's situations. You are accepting and not judging of others: no matter what you or them have been through, you know everyone has their own path and things to learn, you just try to be of help in putting a light on their path also thanks to your self knowledge and ability to put together things. You may be a teacher as well, maybe a particular one, that uses a different approach.
songs: burst into flames | cavale; blood tree | billy crabtree
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pile 2
High self made vibes. Business person, self employed. You may want to build your empire. I am hearing "finances", it could be your field, or you may be wanting to become particularly rich. It doesn't have to be for everyone though. Some of you may just be ending into a field and grow abundant by chance. I think also doctors (and pharmacists, people working with herbs too) may be in this pile. You want to leave a name, possibly become famous in your field. Some of you could be writers or researchers. You want to make a change into the world. But in order to do so, you need to have a clearer mind about the how (I get some confusion too, maybe not for everyone). Follow your intuition and what is telling you to do. Follow your call. Some of you may be in a field you don't like, the cards are saying don't block the change, what is supposed to be. Find ways to get there (just ofc be mindful to make a change with a thought: do not simply get out of a job out so suddenly because this reading is suggesting it may be good for you; see if/how/when you can afford it. And if you really need to. Take a breath and plan it out: if you're only studying about a subject you can make a change, but you need to be sure about what your heart's calling. Try to be happy and have no regrets). And again, make an actual plan: it's your life you have to take control on. For some it may also be a job in the law-field. But for most of you, the message is to keep attracting what it is that you have inside of you. You just need to meditate and find it out. Or, wait for the moment in which the realization will arrive (some may not yet be aware of what their call is, just don't stress over it. You'll know it at the right time). I think the biggest blockage to your dream career is yourself: your mind, your situation, your fears. Try to have a talk with them and see if you can change anything (be objective though, find compromises, and don't hide your true self for anyone else: live your life).
if you're called by pile 3, there may be a short message for you too
songs: my body is a cage | peter gabriel; pharoah dunes | emancipator, 9 theory* (*second song is instrumental: could be a sign for archaeologists/historians or just another way to suggest you to meditate)
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pile 3
I feel a stress on the word "your". Some of you may be called by others' people jobs (famous or not). Not just inspired but in a way that you just want to be better than them at what they do or you want to be like them for any reason (fame, money, just competition, self worth... maybe someone you love keep praysing them for what they do and you need to show that you can do the same even better -tw: this is a trauma you need to work on). This is to remind you that you don't need to be anyone else: you're you. You have your life, your path, your plan. Your reason to be here. And it's okay if you haven't found it yet. You will find it soon, when yo'll be ready to know about it, and maybe when you'll stop trying to be someone you're not and heal your traumas. Nobody is born without a reason. Keep this in mind. You have a purpose too. Be confident about it. Be sure about it. Stand your ground, talk your words. You don't need to people please, you don't need to be a yes-man, you don't need to do what others do if that's not what makes you happy inside, and willing to wake up even on sundays or christmas' day and willing to just work on your thing. You're kinda blocking your own intuition by not listening to your guts but only to your wounded ego. Don't do this to you. Don't be afraid of not being someone. You will be someone one day, but you need to be your own someone. So have a talk with your mind, find your way out of this painful rut you're putting yourself into, balance your emotional side (and take care of your wounds). Answers will come at you sooner than you think. Also, if by any chance your parents want you to do a job you don't like or follow their path, you are free to say no. And you're allowed to change your mind after studying and go for a different path. Some of you will need to work in companies, or maybe create a business with a friend/partner or someone you'll meet somewhere by chance. Just don't rush things. Keep your ear ready to receive inputs (maybe the words of someone will help you get out of this place). Music may be for some of you, maybe dancing too. Some may need to relocate somewhere else too. All in all, believe that you'll find your career or it will find you: don't force it onto you.
if you're called by pile 2, there may be a short message for you too
songs: american girl | tom petty and the heartbreakers; teasing to please (left side, strong side) | cute is what we aim for
- ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ -
pile 4
It's a job of compromises and balancing out. You may even be balancing two completely different jobs. At least to start with. But it may feel scary to you: is it really right to do this? Don't stop yourself. You can do this. You are smart and intelligent to do anything you desire, why are you stopping your abilities? change your mind and clarity will come to you faster. I feel like you only need to believe more in yourself to take the final step, cause you already know your call. You may be aware of the fact that you can find a middle ground, your own way to do things, to balance opposites. Maybe some of you already know that they need to balance their own mind with the one of their colleague/s: find compromise again. Don't shut your mouth. Learn from your past experience and teach others too. You may have had a passion or a hobby when you were a child or a teen (according on your age), and you kinda forgot about or had to give it up to study another thing or focus more on another job. Come back to it. You may find that that was your real call. Or you may mix it with your new passion/hooby and see what type of career or job you can create by mixing the two. E.g. Maybe you liked cooking when you were a child and then you studied/are studying psychology: but you can find how to help people with food-related psychological trauma by preparing a diet for them or molding specific food into a different form. You name it, it could be anything really. There's just a need to balancing opposites in your reading, and it could be even what your mind and heart are saying (are they pointing in two different ways?). Yes, it's this: your mind may be playing with you, not really wanting you to focus on your passion but opting for something safer, but you can actually find a compromise. Think about it, you can. So yes, cooking, drawing, painting, dancing, sports (if you have studied management and liked sport, you can try to work for a sport team, e.g.)... reading? Watching movies? I think you can start a blog about something particular too, maybe just your child-days/memories for people of your age or around it. Reconnect with your inner child, let them help you. Some of you may be feeling like you're suddenly running out of time but that's not true. Give yourself time to take a break and see things from a different perspective. Sometimes all wee need it's just to let ourself have a time out.
if you're called by any other pile, there may be a short message for you too
songs: nowhere fast (instrumental)* | ateller; only you | yazoo (*instrumental song may be an encouragement for you to meditate and take some time for yourself)
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willakk · 9 months
I’m so excited to share my Ecto-Implosion 2023 (@ecto-implosion)piece! I worked with a fantastic artist, The Spirits Demise, to create this story where Danny gets to go to space (space!).
Here is a link to Spirits' Art! It's so good! Please, please give it love!
Here’s chapter 1 for now!:
They were still  waiting for Daniel Fenton, Louisa “Lewis” Rivera realized with a frustrated sigh. It had been ten minutes of the entire team, minus Daniel, mind you, waiting to start the United Nations livestream in their self claimed Aphrodite I meeting and lounging room. Well, the segment that was important to them would talk all about them and their mission wouldn’t even start for another ten minutes, but that was beside the point. Daniel’s – she refused to call him by his nickname of “Danny”, as their friendship had not reached that level yet – punctuality always caused her to wonder how he was even selected for the team. Okay, that is not entirely true. She knew why: he’s an exceptional team worker, always has high craftsmanship and attention to detail, got along just splendidly with everyone, and, in general, was immensely qualified for the job. It’s just, that it’s hard to have a good image of someone when the first time Lewis met them he was twenty minutes late to the meeting and then  accidentally  broke a thousand dollar machine in front of her eyes. While he did fix it all by himself later, that’s beyond the point she’s trying to make. They’d got off on the wrong foot and now it was hard for her to  not  see all the minuscule flaws with Daniel.
But, aside from all of this, they really needed to start the livestream. It was at that moment Matt Sumner tried to tell her something, but she was so stuck in her thoughts that she missed it.  That’s something that I need to work on before we’re in space. Wouldn’t want that to happen at an inopportune time.  Lewis thought. She looked over to Matt, the multitalented pilot and engineer who was the commander of their team. “Sorry, what did you say?” she asked.
“We are all ready to start the United Nations live stream, so I was just going to ask if you were ready. I know Danny’s not here yet, but he’ll probably get here any moment now, and we don’t want to miss out on anything,”
“I was actually just thinking about that. Go for it.” 
With that, Matt nodded and went back to working at the computer that was hooked up to the screen at the front of the small room, his cleanly cropped brown hair slightly falling in front of his face. Near to Matt was Emit Spellmeyer, who was sitting at their small round table working on some sort of circuit board. Emit wasn’t typically as reserved as they were now, but when they put their mind on a project, it was kind of hard to pull them away from it. Although, Daniel was normally the one most successful with that. Pretty early on they bonded over their commonality of constantly accidentally electrocuting themselves and, therefore, having scars from it. Which, to be honest, worried Lewis. She was trying to work with Emilia, the team’s physician specialist, to create some sort of outline and safety precautions to avoid those accidents; because one of the last things you want is to get electrocuted in the middle of space.
Emilia Brell was talking with Mack Faolán on their large couch they were currently sharing with Lewis. From what she could gather, they were talking about the latest Disney price hike, something they were rather frustrated with since their passion for Disney was only surpassed by their love for space. 
The current chatter across the room was suddenly cut off with the United Nations meeting becoming live on the screen in front of them. It seemed like the meeting was running slightly behind since they were still deep into their previous subject. It was rather novel to the UN and the world in general, but it was still rather pressing: Ghost Zone representation in the United Nations.
When Lewis heard about ghosts for the first time;:, she wouldn’t be lying if she said she laughed. She didn’t believe it at first: it was against all of what science knew to be true and was just outlandish in general. And if she didn’t follow science to the mark, then she didn’t know who did. But then she was proven wrong. It turned out it  could  be explained by science. It just wasn’t explored much, or at all, beforehand. That was about thirteen years ago. Ever since the worldwide acceptance of the existence of ghosts and another plane of reality termed the “Ghost Zone”, it has slowly become the topic of interest in nations worldwide. Which is understandable because it was just like an entire country, and a very large one at that, popped in out of nowhere. 
The last three years is when everything political started ramping up. One could say that this current UN meeting is the culmination of everything that’s been happening for the past few years. Consequently, the entirety of the present Aphrodite I team focused their attention to the screen, including Emit, who even went as far as placing the in progress circuit board to the side. 
The current focus of the meeting was on the Secretary General. When they started the stream, he was just wrapping up a question posed by the assembly: “-can you please elaborate on why having a seat in the United Nations is important? As of, the Ghost Zone is on another plane of existence, so we cannot see why it is beneficial to have a role in these decisions that only impact this plane.”
The camera then changed to point at the opposite side of the room where the exhausted spokesperson (ghost) for the Ghost Zone was. The figure looked slightly blurry as if the camera couldn’t focus on him, yet his appearance was still rather noticeable. He was wearing an impressive get-up including a cape of moving galaxies draped across his shoulders   over black and white formal attire. But what was truly striking was the breathtaking living aurora borealis sitting atop his unnaturally weightless white hair. The camera picked up the lighting around him oddly. His own subtle glow surrounded him, illuminating his blue tinted skin, the black of his attire, and the area around him. “Whoa,” Emit exclaimed, “That’s the Ghost King, Phantom. I can’t believe he’s there instead of a representative.” 
At this point, anyone who knew anything knew who Phantom was. With all the dynamics with the Ghost Zone and the world, he’s been present. If you are any bit aware of the current world news, you are bound to know. And if you don’t know about him that way, then you probably heard about him apprehending rogue ghosts that were occasionally wreaking havoc across the world. That was always a flashy affair, so they were pretty hard to miss; those events often gained popularity with the younger population since they aligned so well with the common fascination of superheroes and magic.
There was an odd dynamic of those in favor of the Ghost Zone and Ghost King and those against the presence, which Lewis was sure stemmed from poorly backed bias and fear of the unknown. Luckily, the entire Aphrodite I team was in favor of the Ghost Zone and were mutually interested in how the whole integration of the two “worlds” would play out. In fact, when Danny spilled the fact that his parents are the world’s leading ecto-scientists, the entire team made him share everything he knew, which was definitely more than they expected.
The sudden subtle sound of an aurora borealis – strikingly reminiscent of birdsong, a crackling campfire, and disjointed morse code - surrounded Phantom’s voice as he started to respond to the question, took Lewis out of her thoughts, “This is not common knowledge, but since it is pertinent, I’ll share.” He paused for a second. The subtle sounds of his aura humming, yet sounding like a speeding car passing infinitely by a house, permeated the silence in the air. “While the Ghost Zone is technically not a part of this plane, the two planes are still fundamentally connected in every way. These planes are parallel. Think of a mirror. A movement on one side will be reflected on another. The Zone acts similarly to the mirror. The major changes of existence and major events have impacts on the core status of the Zone. If the Earth falls plague to global warming, the Zone will have reflecting detrimental effects. So, it only makes sense that we should have a position to help prevent any harm to the world, as they are one in itself.” 
He took a pause, as if waiting for questions before resuming his speech, “So, don’t you see? It’s all connected. In order to have the United Nations successful in its endeavors, the Ghost Zone will need to have a part in it.”
The camera shifted to the Secretary General, who nodded and then took a moment to discuss with his adjacent cabinet members. After a short minute, they came to a conclusion, “Considering the joint effects of this plane and the Ghost Zone’s, we have agreed to allow the Ghost Zone to have a representative in the United Nations’s body. Please be prepared to select a representative that will best represent your “nation” and best contribute to the United Nations’ seventeen points. If nothing else is to be added, we will conclude this segment and take a ten minute recess before we talk about NASA’s Mars expedition.” Seeing as no one moved to speak, the session broke, and a picture of the UN logo filled the screen of the room.
Now that everyone was pulled out of their intense focus on the proceedings, Mack broke the silence exclaiming, “I’m so glad we caught the end of that. This has been going on for so long. It’s wonderful that it’s finally resolved.”
“Exactly,” Emilia said, “It’s a relief that this finally happened. Also, I had no clue that the two planes were connected. That’s so interesting.”
That’s right.  Lewis thought, “I bet Daniel’s parents didn’t even know about it since he never shared it with us. Which really shows how important this revelation is,”
“What is really interesting,” Matt said, pondering as he wandered over to sit on one of the chairs next to the couch, “Is how this correlates to the universe as a whole. If the Ghost Zone is really as infinite as it is claimed to be, would that mean that it is connected to the entire universe rather than just Earth?”
Before Matt could explain more of his pondering thoughts, their resident geologist (and sometimes engineer) Daniel, suddenly said, “Sorry for getting here late, everyone.”
“Geez, Danny, when did you get here?” Emit exclaimed, slightly startled.
“And where were you?” Lewis added on.
“I actually just got here a second ago,” Daniel mentioned casually as he walked over to the adjacent chair on the opposite side of the couch of Emit’s table. He sat down in a dramatic, exhausted manner., “And I was busy dealing with some family things over a call. There’s just a lot going on with everything, particularly my sister, and I had to tend to it. But look, I haven’t missed anything. The discussion hasn’t started yet!” Daniel pointed at the screen that was very clearly showing the “on pause” image. 
Showing up at the last minute,  Lewis thought,  Typical.  She rolled her eyes in a friendly manner. “But you did miss the big news with the Ghost Zone.”
“Oh, what was it?” Daniel said as his eyebrows scrunched up with question.
“The Ghost Zone is getting a United Nations representative,” Emit shared.
Matt then piped in, “And the Ghost King also explained that the two different planes are interconnected, which makes me think that the infiniteness of the universe is connected to the infiniteness of the Ghost Zone. That’s something that I would really like to study and figure out.” 
“That is a really interesting concept,” Daniel said to Matt, “I would love to look into that with you sometime, after our mission, of course.”
“Of course.”
“Wait,” Mack broke in, sweeping a stray strand of dark blonde hair off his face as he narrowed his eyes. “You know when people kind of look like celebrities?”
“Yeah…” Lewis said, not really understanding where his train of thought was heading.
“Danny kind of looks like the Ghost King. Just, like, make Phantom human and change his hair and eye color, and they look similar.”
“You know what,” Emit said, “You’re right, they do look really similar.”
Suddenly, all eyes were on Daniel, who looked rather uncomfortable with all the attention, which Lewis noticed was rather uncharacteristic within their team.  Perhaps it’s just too much right now, he looks absolutely exhausted,  Lewis thought.
“I mean,” Danny started, slightly startled, “I guess I do, but there was this one guy from my high school, Wes, who everyone also said looked just like Phantom. So maybe he just has a familiar face.”
“Hm, sure, I guess,” Mack said.
Before they could ponder everything even more, the screen changed to once again show the filled assembly room. After a moment, the Secretary General spoke again, “Today, we would like to talk about the newest space expedition that is led by the United States of America’s National Aeronautics Space Administration, also known as NASA. Since this expedition is going into places unexplored by humans in person before, it is significant to our society and the changes that it will bring. Quinn Moreau of NASA will be the representative from NASA explaining everything about this expedition to Mars today.”
“Hello, what a delight it is to be here. Thank you for having me. I have been working with much of the preparation process for this mission, including planning, team selection, and training. So please, ask away.”
“Does anyone have any questions or concerns before the office shares ours?” The Secretary General asked the hall.
“I actually do,” the representative from India said as she pressed the microphone button and leaned forward, “I have some important questions about your team. How did you select them? Why is this team the best for this mission? I understand that the entire team is from America, why no other countries?”
“Well, to answer these questions I’ll have to start with our selection process. Two of the base requirements for our organization are that you have to be a citizen of the United States and that you must have a masters in a STEM degree. As such, all of our astronauts are inherently from the United States. It is possible to have astronauts from other countries, but they would only be honorary within NASA and under their own country’s organization. For two reasons, we don’t have any for this mission. One is that the best team combination was made, and coincidentally, was only those from NASA. The other is that this is an unprecedented mission led by NASA. As it is the first of its kind and a solo expenditure from the start, it lies that the astronauts are also from our organization. In the future, we can certainly consider bringing in the best from all countries.
“I would also like to assure you that we went to great lengths to select and curate our team. We chose a selection of those who have a well balanced combination of success in their field, teamwork skills, creativity in thought, perseverance, and integrity. From those selected, we had them undergo our unique HERA training. This is where we simulate a mission in space. From the place, tasks, people, and situation, we simulate it to a T. Through this experience, we can analyze just how well the teams work together and what strengths and weaknesses are most important. We did this extensive forty-five day process three times until we ended with the best team we could curate. And now, they are continuously working on preparing their skills and knowledge for their expedition. Shortly from now, they will undergo a quarantine process where they will finish refining their skills. We  know  that this team will be successful. Thank you for your questions that allowed me to share our extensive process. Is this information satisfactory?”
“Yes, I do regret that this could not be a multinational expedition, but I do see merit in this process.”
“Any other questions?”
“Yes, exploring new places in space is definitely remarkable, but why did you choose this mission to Mars? What are you, and we, going to get out of it? How will this impact the world?” The representative from the United Kingdom asked.
“Thank you for such an interesting question. I’m sure many of us are familiar with the opportunities that Mars can hold for the future. How it can be used to help Earth is important, especially since we’re running out of space and infringing too much on the natural landscape and ecosystem. But we really can’t figure any of this out unless we go there and study it – in person …”
“We know all of this part already,” Emit said as they reached for his circuit board and started to work on it again, “Say, how many times did you all do HERA, again? I did it two times.” The majority of their group let the assembly meeting become background noise as they turned their attention away from it to converse.
“Three,” Matt said, turning away from the screen to face Emit, “It was certainly an experience, that’s for sure. I got to say though, that the third time was exponentially better than the first.” He shared a smile with the team.
“I did it once,” Mack said. At this point, Lewis realized, they were all going to talk and there really was no point in watching the current UN conversation. Might as well enjoy their time together when they don’t have much to worry about.
“Two times for me, and that’s the same for Emilia, right?” 
“Spot on.”
“What about you, Danny?” Emit asked.
“Oh,” Daniel started, pulled out of whatever deep thought he must have gotten himself into, “Three times, actually. It was really nice how, although it was the same mission every time, something was always just a bit different to make it feel like a brand new experience, besides having new teammates of course. Are you guys all ready to go to space? We only have, what, two and a half weeks now?”
“I think I’ve always been ready,” Matt said, “I honestly can’t wait. However, it will be pretty hard to leave all my friends and family behind for such a long time. I mean, it’s almost two years, but with all of us together, I think it would be worth it.”
“Definitely,” Emilia agreed, a soft smile on her face. Lewis could relate, after all this time during their training, they’ve become some sort of a family, though an odd one at that.
Lewis turned her attention back to the United Nations’ livestream. She guessed she shouldn’t be surprised that nothing from it was new to them, but it was still interesting to see how the UN handled it. From what she could see and hear, it seemed like they were concluding the Aphrodite I mission segment of the conversation, and everything after that would be irrelevant to them or is knowledge they already have. “It looks like everything’s about wrapped up. What do you say we play a board game for old time’s sake. We all know we need it.”
“Oh, definitely,” Mack exclaimed, “I need something that’s not  this  to busy my mind.”
“I definitely need a brain break,” Daniel proclaimed, “Which game should we play?”
Emit sighed exasperatedly, “Oh no, you didn’t just ask that, did you? You know it takes us almost an entire hour to decide.” That was  true , Lewis realized. The bad side of having a team of such exceptional people is that, sometimes, it was hard to decide such mundane things because of how much they would overthink it.
“Let’s just do Clue,” Lewis proposed, hoping that they could just settle on anything quickly. This was meant to be a relaxing time, not a debate.
There was silence for a moment, then Emit spoke up, “But that game doesn’t –”
Soft groans of frustration permeated the room.  Here we go …  Lewis thought fondly.
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gay-dorito-dust · 4 months
scar with a gn! Reader that’s crazier then him :3 (headcanons please)
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You probably caught a glimpse of him one day could feel this chaotic and intense energy about him, which would’ve been enough to have anyone making the smart decision to leave while they could.
for you however, it was more or less the opposite and it wasn’t long before you’d actively tried seeking him out, causing chaos and discord however you could just in the hopes of getting an audience with the man known as Scar.
You knew of the stories that have been told about him but you didn’t care and instead found something to bond with him over; wanting to watch everything go up in smoke as the fires blazed on well into the night.
Scar saw you both as kindred spirits, people who saw things as they really were whilst everyone else was more or less content with living in ignorant bliss.
If anyone were to call your love deranged or unstable, Scar would gladly destroy them in whatever ways he felt suited them best, as he went on a triad about how yours and his love was a genuine, one of a kind love that couldn’t be replicated because people didn’t have the same passion for destruction and desolation like you two did.
So in his eyes, anyone else’s definition of love was false in comparison to yours as yours stemmed from an obsession that bloomed from a simple glance.
Scar would preach whilst holding you close as a village burns to cinders that you were soulmates, two halves of the same soul that were forced to live separate lives because you were deemed too powerful of a force when together. so they had to rip you both apart while they could to preserve their definition of ‘peace.’
Your dates were…unique to say the least, such as participating in his experimentations and misleading good and well meaning people for fun and laughing when they come back a monstrosity of their own creation, as you’d let them believe.
You: would you burn everything for me? Would you even kill thousands for me my dearest Scar?
Scar: I’d do so and much, much more, charred corpses that would try to take you away from me, try to persuade you into leaving me or even exist within the same space as you will be used as an cautionary art piece; an example for everyone else that they’d too would suffer a similar fate made purely for our entertainment.
*he grabs at your face and leans in real close* they are merely mortals fooling themselves into thinking they’re smart enough to speak upon issues regarding those of a higher power and purpose. Do you hold me in the same regard, my desire?
You, leaning your forehead against his, looking deep into his eyes that were unusually soft in this moment: if I had it my way there’d be no one left alive to look at what’s mine. I’d rip out my own heart if I could to prove that it only beats for you and you could do whether you’d like with it for as long as you want. Cage it? Destroy it? Preserve it for all time always? My heart is yours to toy with.
You truly were a match made in a demented, morbid version of heaven.
Scar would probably test how much you love him by making you do the most morally questionable shit known to man, if you succeed, you’ve proven your love was genuine but if you failed, then he guesses you didn’t love him as much as you declared you did.
However once you’ve become scar’s, you were forfeiting your freedom in order to shape yourself into being the prefect lover for him, however that was the plan to being with wasn’t it?
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moon-witchs-world · 1 year
The Chosen One
Harry Potter x fem!WitchReader
Fluffy short story  
820  words
Summary:  A year after the Second Wizarding War, when the Chosen One defeated Voldemort, you meet Harry Potter at Auror training. You can’t help but feel drawn to him, but not for the reasons he expects. 
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His green eyes were so bright you had a hard time focussing on anything else. 
Sure, he had a scar on his forehead in the shape of a lightning bolt that had made him famous before he could even talk, but that was not what interested you. He looked kind, a bit lost and you couldn't deny he was very attractive. He sat a few seats away from you, drinking in every word your instructor spoke. You tried very hard to focus on what the instructor was saying, but you were distracted by the man with the messy hair and bright green eyes. You knew you should focus, it was just your first day of Auror training and it had always been your dream to become an Auror. After leaving Hogwarts with Outstanding grades you knew this was the career for you. 
‘Thank you for listening. Please enjoy your lunch, we’ll continue in an hour,’ the instructor suddenly said, which was followed with the noise of people talking and chairs being pushed back. You waited for the room to empty and then walked to the cafeteria. You suddenly felt very vulnerable and alone. You knew no one here and everyone else seemed to have made friends already. You passed several tables where people were sitting together, talking animatedly. Then you saw him again, sitting by himself, chewing on a piece of toast. You hesitated for a moment and then decided to sit down, you quickly introduced yourself and he shook your hand politely. He didn’t say his name, obviously used to the fact that everyone in the Wizarding World knew his name already.
‘Harry, can I ask you something?’ you had gathered all your courage to ask the man with the messy raven hair a question. 
‘Yes, I did defeat Voldermort. I was the Chosen One and killed him. I don’t want to talk about it, okay?’ he said angrily.
When you didn’t respond right away, he looked at you. 
‘Wow, you obviously have anger issues. I wasn’t going to ask anything about that. I wanted to ask if you wanted to help me with the Patronus Charm. I heard you’re really good at it and it’s the only charm I’ve been struggling with,’ you snapped back. You got up and were ready to walk away when he grabbed your wrist.
‘I’m sorry, Y/N. It’s just.. Three people already asked me about Voldemort and I just don’t want to talk about it anymore’
‘I understand. I’ll leave you alone then,’ you answered coldly. Harry didn’t let go of your wrist. 
‘Please, forgive me. Sit down. I’ll answer your questions about the Patronus Charm.’ You hesitated for a moment, but you couldn’t resist the pleading look on his face. 
‘So I guess you’re not used to having a normal conversation anymore. You know, being the Chosen One and all,’ you said teasingly after you had sat down and Harry had poured you a cup of coffee. 
‘You’re the first person I meet to ask about something other than Voldemort in a long time,’ he replied with a smile. 
‘Honestly, I don’t really care about that. Don’t get me wrong, I’m obviously very grateful you defeated him and all, but I mean, you probably talk about it all the time.’
‘Not when I can avoid it. Everything has been said. Multiple times. It’s time to look at the future.’
‘I agree. I am surprised though, to see you here, training to become an auror. I can imagine you’ve had enough of fighting the dark arts for a lifetime or two,’ you said, it was something you’ve been wondering about ever since you saw him this morning. He grinned. 
‘My friends say I’m addicted to danger, that I am always looking for trouble,’ he explained.
‘Are you?’ you asked. 
‘I feel like trouble always finds me,’ he replied with a smirk.
‘Well, I’ve been called worse,’ you answered quickly. 
‘I… didn’t mean. I.. I’m sorry,’ he mumbled. You put your hand on his arm and gave a reassuring squeeze. 
‘I’m kidding, Harry.’
The relief on his face made you laugh. For a moment you both ate in silence. It felt like you had known him for much longer than just today, there was something familiar about his presence. 
‘You know, the Patronus Charm is quite complicated actually. It would be best if we practised it for a while. You’ll learn a lot faster that way than just talking about it,’ Harry suddenly said. You looked into his green eyes, not sure what to say. 
‘We can start tonight, if you want to,’ he added. 
‘Sure, if you are free tonight,’ you answered quickly. You had no idea where you had picked up the courage. Usually when you saw a cute guy you didn’t say anything and hoped he wouldn’t notice you, but with Harry things were easy, it felt nice and comfortable to talk to him. 
‘We can go to my house, I have plenty of space. I live alone, you see,’ he explained.
‘Okay, that’ll be great,’  you answered. 
‘I look forward to it,’ he said with such a beautiful smile it filled your stomach with butterflies. 
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the-wayward-arc · 11 months
In the Main Primarch au, is Jaune a loyalist or traitor?
Confused what’s the actual canon version.
I honestly haven't settled on it, original ending had him go renegade and die, so here are the old notes copy and pasted from the document for the original ending.
"Jaune and about 80% of his legion die on Remnant along with most of Remnant population. Once the heresy was finished, the Great Scouring commenced immediately and a great forced was mustered against Remnant due to how Jaune set about the defenses. Jaune had already started the planet wide evacuation of Remnant, recalling all Remnant Citizens off world home to evacuate. By the time the evacuation was well underway, the fleets of the Ultramarines, Space wolves and White Scars attacked but were meant with the Remnant Fleet. Unfortunately the fight spilled down onto Remnant, with a planet wide assault. Jaune, his legion, and Remnant Guard held back the assault as best as they could as the evacuation continued. Jaune ordered aspirants, young marines, a handful of Dreadnoughts to escape on the Juniper. They were the Legions future now.
Only about a 1/3 of the population was able to escape, his friends, and Pyrrha along with their children escaped on the Juniper and other ships jump into deep space with their recently created Light drives, which while slower than warp travel, is much safer. They vanished to places which not even the Imperium would find them again.
Jaune would be killed by Leman Russ, but his death would then activate a weapon on Remnant that gases the whole planet with an immesnly powerful viral weapon. The remaining population, his remaining marines died and any Loyalists unable to get off world died. The entire planet consumed by the deadly fog that made it impossible for anyone to land on, from space marines to even the adeptus mechanicus, all would perish save for the ecosystem itself. Nature would retake Remnant. For 10,000 years, the Imperium would Station a chapter of Astartes to watch the "dead" world, as if waiting for something."
This idea basically opened up a sequel story with Remnant Knights returning during the great rift, taking back their Ancestral homeworld. However it wasn't a good return, the remaining Remnant Population would revere Jaune as a god over the course of generations, a twisted version of truly happened becoming their religious canon. Due to the loss of the dreadnoughts overtime, much of the Legion history was lost and what was saved just became a war like doctrine for their "god". The Sons of Jaune are treated as literally Demi-gods of war who lead the armies and fleets in a holy crusade to avenge their "god" and ancestors. They basically just became the Imperium 2.0? Or word bearers? Idk all I know is that what she was going for I guess.
I'm kinda exploring this with "The fall of Remnant" art pieces but not the whole Religious crusade for revenge type deal. Remnant Knights would come back but only to retake their homeworld and that's it, stay away from the wider galaxy as a whole.
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wszczebrzyszynie · 1 year
3, 9, and 26 for the ask game :D
9. What are your file name conventions
ouhh i name them whatever. song lyrics im currently listening to, character names, actual illustration titles, random messages to myself. nothing funny enough to show im afraid just a bunch of polish and polonisations (apparently i refuse to title scar drawings with anything but skar)
26. What's a piece that got a wildly different interpretation from what you intended
i dont think i have such piece. its much more common for people not to know the extent of themes/metaphors used in the drawing; not a bad thing by any means, whenever i try to have some more hidden meaning in my art its with oc drawings, and theres often just no way people could guess that not knowing about my ocs as much as i do. Oh and also people love to take my anniversary 3rd life art and interpret it in ways i wouldnt even dream of but theyre all so correct its sad to say i didnt plan that. Like the fact that the border breaks around Grian but allows Scar to leave without tearing is... im so dissapointed i didnt plan that i just drew whatever fitted the vibe. aah
(this one will be long and also probably weird to read soo im putting it under the read more thing. sorry bout that its about one of my favourite oc drawings)
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Matka is one of the drawings of mine that come to mind when i think of a drawing that no one but me can possibly get fully and its only because i just dont share everything i have in my brain. Probably because there was a person who actually tried to analise this one as a challenge they had for themselves, and while they werent incorrect, there was a lot they were lacking.
The patterns on the side are meant to resemble both belarusian embroidery (important culturally for both characters, since the story takes place durning the 19th century belarusian cultural revival and they are belarusian, even if to some degree polonised, because 19th century western Belarus) and candle holders (item i associate with Mikita, its the tool that lets him navigate the manor after all, and plays into the ghost idea people have of him); the black and white contrast of a nightgown (Mikitas signature look durning the first part of the story (i like to call it the ghost part, since it mostly deals with Mikita (and also Przemek but this isnt about him) relearning how to be a person after everything that happened to him) It symbolises his need to live in the past, his inability to esentially become human again, he plays into the idea of a ghost as much as he can, even if unnkowingly) and a mourning dress (both in a cultural sense - it was used as a protest against russian occupation durning the january uprising, as well as the general sense - Apolonia is dead and this is the dress she would have worn if she could get a proper funeral. This is an idea of her that Mikita as her son can only imagine). The pose is self explainatory and reveals a lot about their relationship already. The text zwróć że do nas jasne swe matczyne dłonie / okaż swoim dzieciom swą bezdenną litość (turn your pale motherly hands towards us / show your children your neverending mercy ) is actually a lyric from the song Marzanna, which is stylised like a prayer to the slavic goddess of winter of the same name; a comparison way more fitting for Apolonia than Mother Mary. And in the background theres a willow tree, literally called the mourning/crying willow in polish, a very simple symbol of death and mourning.
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rodolfoparras · 5 months
Since everyone is talking about their cod ocs, I wanna join (this is so long, I'm so sorry)
So basically my little guy is autistic and trans (I'm projecting) and a huge mamas boy. His name is Everett (I just realized I NEVER gave him a last name😭) and his callsign is Rabbit and he's an Alaskan native (I'm pretty sure this is what they prefer to be called because they don't fuck with being called americans and shit? I'm not 100%)
His ma picked out Everett by force, she was like "?? I'm literally your mother, I'm picking your name" and he was so worried she'd pick something awful, turns out!
(side note, I love rabbits and use them for symbolism a lot. They represent rebirth, so I use them in trans related pieces. I did an art piece of myself pulling a rabbit out of a hat with a bunch of rebirth symbolism and shit, love the piece, may send it here to show it off)
But his callsign comes from being a rabbit hunter growing up and his ability to blend in, he specializes in undercover operations and stealth missions. (Some hares, like a snowshoe, change coats in the season to blend in from predators)
He's voluntarily mute most of the time and does not do expressions very well. Most of his childhood photos are him just 🧍‍♂️😶, gotta be reeaall close with him to have a convo with him
Because he's so quiet, he hears sooo much shit and does like weekly shit talking sessions with Ghost and Roach in their barracks. No body understands how he knows so much because fucking no one talks to him and turns out the rodents are stalking the base and listening in on conversations
Idc how overused masks are, they're so fun. He wears one at home (and at work) because he's got a huge family with lots of little kids, and he's scared of scaring them and doesn't want to "traumatize" his nieces and nephews with his scars on his face and body. Everett misses out on a LOT of family events even though he really wants to go and misses them so much because he's scared
He carries and makes a lot of rabbits feet charms because he firmly believes in their ability to bless you with good luck. He does the metal work himself and personalizes them and gives them off to people he truly cares about.
Everett believes it because his ma said so (duh) and because he narrowly missed a bullet that took a chunk of his ear inside of blowing his brains up while he carried one, so all his favorites get one to protect them.
Later in life, he wound up too close to a bomb and a piece of shrapnel went straight into his face and blinds him in one eye
He was so utterly devastated when he got medically discharged and was scared of totally losing his sight and never being able to communicate with Roach again
I'm a firm believer in polycule 141 so it just becomes scarier when Johnny starts losing his hearing from all the explosives and shit and so many of them experience wear and tear in this hand joints from working with guns
Gonna copy and paste my polycule 141 disability headcanons that I've talked about with my bf
"Ghost's got horrible horrible nightmares and sometimes will react in his sleep. Night terrors or physically reacting, but that one's very rare."
"Price definitely gets respiratory issues, half because of his cigars, and half from breathing shit in before he could get a mask on. Probably gets asthma the older he gets."
"Roach gets chronic migraines. They're basically debilitating, can't get out of bed for days and keeps all light out of his room. Takes meds for it that usually work."
"Most of them have joint issues. Half of them creak and groan like a fucking million year old house on its last leg."
"Gaz gets degenerative arthritis. I think he'd be in the force the longest and since he was the youngest to join SAS, he probably overworked himself beyond belief when he had joined. Wore him down fs"
With Johnny being hard of hearing:
"I don't if he'd be able to get hearing aids, his cochlea probably too damaged so that if he did get cochlear implants or something, they probably wouldn't do much but piss him off. Because sometimes if you get cochlears, they just make an annoying noise. So he'd just wind up pissy over it so he'd probably opt not to get them - (also the surgery is invasive and obviously doesn't work sometimes depending on person)
-141 would have to install flashing light systems through the house to alert Soap and half of em probably walk heavier to warn Soap so they don't scare him"
Since he grew up in Alaska, he was very used to it being day or night for weeks or months, sometimes finds it a little jarring when he sees the sun actually setting and the moon coming up or vise versa.
One time, after a really shit mission, he woke up in the hospital to see it was nighttime when he distinctly remembers it being day the last time he was awake. And it's like "OH SHIT HOW LONG HAVE I BEEN OUT FOR." nearly sends himself into a panic thinking he'd just woken up from a fucking coma.
Shit there's so much more I could say but this is already so long, I'm so sorry 😭😭😭 I was so hyper fixated on him for a good few months with my bf
Wait the fact that she picked the name is kinda cute and that the reason behind it was bc she’s the mom here idk it’s nice when parents are properly involved in their kids life
Also I’ll forever love yalls background story for your call names bc they’re always so thought out and so interesting genuinely y’all are so creative 🥹
I love that he has shit talking sessions with ghost and roach bc I absolutely think they’d get along well soap info dumps sm gaz overshares and price uses Everett to complain so he knows sm and randomly shares the info😭
Does his mask look something akin to a rabbit or does it represent rabbits in any way? Also now I’m imagining him walking around on base all excited about handing out charms😭 oh my goodness imagine each charm having something that represents the members that wears it?
Oh man although it’s sad he went blind in one eye I can imagine he’d lock sick in a prosthetic eye!!
Also I like how the disability hc actually makes sense especially prices and soaps but especially prices bc I know that man has coughing fits and snores horribly and you can hear a certain rasps in his voice when he talks 😭
And I love them being a polycule and taking care of each other in this way 🥹 like I know this is what you do in healthy relationships but idk it’s sweet ? Like price giving gaz massages bc his wrists hurt a lot? 🥹
Also don’t apologize sugar it’s okay!! It was a really interesting read genuinely I wish I had the ability to create ocs but not just ocs-, but ocs that have so much depth and backstory it’s absolutely amazing that y’all have this ability!
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