#agh I should draw them again for pride month...
lightprkdraws · 1 year
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Don't you want to fall in love?!
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blodreina-noumou · 4 years
Final Season Spec Game
I’m out of tag games to speculate on season 7, so here we are! I wanted to keep these questions mostly upbeat (because we all know how this show can be sometimes lol we’re in for angst for sure 😉) and there’s 16 of them, one for each remaining ep! Feel free to play along everybody… Stay safe! 💙
I swiped this from @katersann​ - great questions!
1. Which character are you most excited to learn the endgame of: 
There’s only a handful of characters I truly care about anymore, and there will always be one that rises above the rest -
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Obviously next season is going to feature the Anomaly in a big way, and since that whole thing seems deeply connected to Octavia, I think we can safely assume that this will be a big season for her. I hope she makes it out alive, but on some level, I won’t be surprised if she doesn’t. Going out in a blaze of glory was always more her style. I think that’s true even now.
2. Which character are you most excited to learn the backstory of: 
I’m definitely curious about Hope Diyoza. The fact that she and Octavia appeared to know each other in the s6 finale has huge implications. And I’m sure her life has been really fuckin’ interesting - with a mother like Charmaine, how couldn’t it be?
3. One character who deserves a new look: 
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She’s not a scrappy forest child anymore, nor is she a Baby Warlord. I’d love to see her in anything but leather (or a hospital gown, yikes.) I don’t know how central to the main plot she’ll be, since she no longer has The Flame, but I do hope we get to see something about her trying to become a semi-normal kid.
4. Two locations you want to revisit: 
If I had my druthers, I’d love to see the Dropship again. It was such a central location in the first two seasons, and one of the things that’s been tough for me since the second Praimfaya has been how we lost all those iconic locations. 
I also really loved the look of Shallow Valley aka Eden. A very cute, aesthetically pleasing location, gone too soon.
5. Three brotps you hope get more screentime: 
Octavia and Diyoza!
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(Technically a Brot3 but just try and stop me!) Raven, Murphy, and Emori!
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Raven and Echo!
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6. Who will get the happiest ending: 
Honestly a tough call, because I don’t know if anyone will truly get a “happy” ending. If I had to guess, Raven and Echo are actually pretty high up there. As long as they both survive the season, I think they’ll finally find some peace on the other side.
7. Which minor or new characters you want to see more of: 
Given that Jordan was a series regular last season, we saw a LOT less of him than I expected. I think he’s going to be an unexpected antagonist in the final season, which should be a lot of fun.
8. Who will eventually snap Jordan out of the funk we see him in, at the end of 6x13: 
Agh, I don’t know. He didn’t really get a chance to connect with any of his parents’ old friends, did he? The deepest connection he made was with Delilah, and she’s dead and gone - but I don’t think he believes that, I think he’s fully swallowed the Sanctum juice at this point. I could maybe see Raven snapping him out of it, or Bellamy. If it’s not them, it’ll definitely be some message from Marper somehow. Or, tragically, he won’t make it out of the funk. I’ll be really mad if that happens, given who his namesake was. The Jordan curse.
9. Who will be the first to tell Bellamy he can’t immediately run into the Anomaly after Octavia: 
Oddly enough, my money is on Hope. And I think Bellamy will immediately distrust her and try to go anyway, but Echo will ultimately stop him.
10. To reference Monty’s ‘do better’ mantra: 
I’d like to hear it from Murphy, to be honest, or Emori. I don’t think it was necessarily Clarke’s right to take so much ownership of that one, last season.
11. To say 'go float yourself’: 
I hope I hear it from the mouth of every single (former) Delinquent, lmao. It’d actually be hilarious if someone like Emori or Echo said it, though. Show how it’s left the Ark as slang and entered the general parlance. 
12. Random object or prop you would bring back for Season 7 if you could: 
Lexa’s throne/Clarke’s walking stick. I really fuckin’ loved that little callback, y’all. Clarke leaning on a piece of Lexa to make it through her time in isolation - ugh, murder me. Even if it isn’t a major plot point, I’d like to see it in the background somewhere. I don’t think it made it off Earth, though.
13. Book One storyline/reference you want to see back for Season 7: 
We’ve got 16 episodes, right? Bring back my funny fillers! I know they weren’t common, and weren’t 100% funny, but I’d love to see an episode like “Day Trip” again.
14. Dead character you would like mentioned: 
Lincoln, Anya, and Nyko. Pay respect to the OG grounders. Even if it’s just in passing.
15. How do you think Hope and Octavia know each other (from season 6): 
There’s been a lot of speculation about what this face was meant to imply -
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Personally, when I look at Octavia’s face, I see an entire goddamn story. It’s a story I might fully be projecting, but I’m going with my gut until proven otherwise. Octavia helped raise Hope. When she sees her, she looks at her the way one might a kid they haven’t seen in a long time - there’s surprise, tenderness, pride. A moment of almost not recognizing her, then realization that’s she’s the a kid she loves, all-grown-up now, and that’s what makes her emotional.
My other theory is that Octavia didn’t remember Hope at all until she saw her, which is why she looks confused, then surprised, then happy. She’s suddenly remembering a person who is very important to her, who she had forgotten (likely due to the timey-wimey/doorway weirdness of the Anomaly) and all of her memories coming back is what causes this reaction.
I’m reasonably certain that there won’t be any romantic attachment between them. As much as I’d love it, I just don’t see the show making Octavia explicitly sapphic so late in the game. One of the consequences of trying to create a world where sexual orientation doesn’t matter is that the writers tend to beat us over the head with what type of person each character is attracted to - that’s why we see Clarke and Niylah together multiple times, and why Clarke and Cillian got together. The writers want us to remember, always, without subtlety, that Clarke likes both men and women.
We just haven’t seen any real clues that Octavia is attracted to women. As much as I’m pulling for it, it’s clear that the writers intend her relationship with Niylah to be platonic. 
So, given all of that, I just don’t think Hope and Octavia will be a romantic couple.
That only leaves us with so many options - either they were friends or like family. Given the weirdness of Diyoza going into the Anomaly pregnant and her fully grown daughter stepping out of it three days later, my money is on like family. I think Octavia and Diyoza raised Hope together in the Anomaly, somehow, and that’s how they know each other.
16. How do you think it all will end?: 
I think it will have a lot to do with the backdoor pilot, how much that retcons, and how committed they are to giving this show a satisfying ending when they’ve already creatively moved on to a new world.
If I pretend I don’t know about the backdoor pilot, I’m even less sure. I’m hoping for a satisyfing ending. Not a happy one. I don’t think that would be true to the series.
I’m betting either Clarke or Bellamy dies, and my money has been on Bellamy for awhile. Call it a gut feeling. 
I think almost everyone else will survive. We’ve lost a lot of people along the way in this show, and I think they’ll give us one Big Death of the season, so that death has the greatest impact. And since I’m betting on it being Bellamy, well... that means I’m pretty sure everyone else will make it.
There’s been a lot of little background info dropped about how impossible life on Sanctum is without constant maintenance, and most if not all of that maintenance came from the more-or-less free labor of the people serving the Primes. It’s impossible to know how things will go in terms of Emori and Murphy being Primes now, and how long that will last. Because of that, and because of the “doorway” to another world that the Anomaly allegedly is, I’m betting Sanctum is not our final destination. I’m thinking we’ll end up on Earth again, somehow.
I hope it ends with everyone who survives together, and happy, and with a plan for a sustainable society that doesn’t murder each other every two months.
Tagging: @boomheda​ @awesomenell65​ @captainwilldameron​ @blodkru​ @dylanobrienisbatman​ @teeandsnowflakes​ and anyone else who I normally tag, I’m honestly drawing a blank rn. The usual “please steal this” rules apply!
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misskieshakate · 7 years
Black and Blue, Shance Fluff Week Day 1
YouTube AU where Shiro puts on eyeliner on Lance and Lance paints Shiro’s nails :D
“Hell my lovelies!“ Lance greeted the camera in front of him. He was seating on his bed, blue pillows and covers scattered, pale grey walls as his background. The people watching him online had a peek of his life through the framed photos adorning the walls, one of which was him smiling from ear to ear, wearing a navy blue suit, with a handsome man’s arm around his shoulders.  
“It’s ya boy, Lance!” He waved at the camera. “Here with me today is a special guest. He is my lovely boyfriend, fire to my loins, the bane of my being, the one and only lover- for now,“ he winked at the camera.
“Takashi Shirogane!“
“Yello!” Shiro’s head popped up in front of the camera from below, his face occupying the screen. The camera went out of focus for a few seconds before it sharpened the image revealing a symmetrical face, a strong chin, grey eyes enveloped with long lashes, a scar across his nose and a fond smile on his lips.
“Shiro back up a bit,“ Lance pulled on Shiro’s collar, dragging him back on the bed, “the camera’s out of focus!“
“Hey, that was your idea, babe.“ Shiro’s prosthetic arm found its way to Lance’s waist, pulling Lance closer until Lance almost sat on Shiro’s lap.
“Yeah whatever.“ Lance waved him off. His arms, like an automatic response, wrapped themselves around Shiro’s neck. One of his hands played with the short strands of hair on Shiro’s nape while the other playfully scratched at Shiro’s scalp.
“Lance.” Shiro warned, but that didn’t stop him from nuzzling Lance’s neck, breathing on the soft bronze skin that smelled like wildflowers.
“Right.“ Lance scrambled away from Shiro’s lap and gave an apologetic smile towards the camera. He was pretty sure his face was red all the way to his collar bones, and that made it worse. “Uh sorry guys. Ahem. Where was I?”
“We’re live.” Shiro whispered, still grinning at the camera like he didn’t instigate an almost make out session while they’re recording. The cheeky bastard.
“We’re on YouTube Live everybody! And to celebrate the beautiful month of June, the lovely Pride Month full of love and rainbows, Shiro- a.k.a Shiro-to-Hero- and moi, decided to have a collab video.“
“I’ll be teaching you guys how to make the perfect cat eye with Lance as my model.“ Lance struck a pose, “And Lance will be doing my nails. He’ll be painting them blue, his choice not mine. And since I only have one hand,“ Shiro raised his prosthetic arm, “Lance will also be painting the nails on my feet. Goodluck with that, babe.” Shiro smirked at his boyfriend who stuck his tongue out at him.
“Ok, let’s begin!“ Lance clapped his hands together and paused.
A second later, Shiro and Lance erupted to fits of giggles and laughter.
“We’re live, babe! Oh my god!“ Shiro clutched at his sides as he laughed and rolled on the bed.
“Shut up!“ Lance giggled, kicking at Shiro’s back. “Get your stuff, you overgrown sausage!“
“Kiss me first then.“ Shiro pursed his lips at him.
Lance rolled his eyes at him and gave the camera a bored expression. “See what I have to live with?” He gestured at Shiro before grabbing his face and smacked a kiss on his lips. “Now move your ass, babe.”
“Please, you love this ass.“ Shiro crawled off the bed, but before he walked away off the screen, Lance slapped his boyfriend’s jean covered butt.
“While Shiro is grabbing his stuff, let’s see what you guys are up to.“ Lance pulled out a laptop under a pillow and turned it on. He logged in on a separate account and clicked on his video playing live.
“Wow. really?” Lance scrolled down the live chat and saw a bunch of awwws, omg, kiss some more, and a whole lot more of kiss emojis. “You guys are making me blush, haha.”
“Shiro! People keep asking me to slap your ass one more time!”
“No!” Shiro went back on screen, “Butt slapping is not permitted as YouTube content. On Pornhub maybe, but not on YouTube.” Shiro said as he assembled a couple of brushes, and bottles on the bed.
“Shiro! Don’t say that, we’re on live!” Lance stared wide eyed at the onslaught of comments about porn and spanking.
“I’m all set here.” Shiro sat at the middle of the bed and waited for Lance to sit beside him.
Lance sighed and closed the laptop, praying that their video doesn’t get flagged or taken down by the YouTube gods.
“So the deal with having the perfect cat eye is having a clean canvas, that means you should not put on your eyeliner when you haven’t put on your foundation, concealer, the works. If you plan on drawing it on for kicks, that’s fine, but if you’re going out make sure to do your eyeliner last.”
“Does that mean you’re going to go full coverage on me?”
“Of course. We’re gonna make you pretty, Lance.” Shiro said as he poured a small amount of face primer on his palm and massaging it on Lance’s face.
“Not as pretty as you.“ Lance said, eyes closed.
“You are such a cheese.“ Shiro pinched at his cheek before, grabbing a small bottle of concealer. “This video should be renamed as ‘Lance and Shiro are cheesy’.“ He strategically placed small drops of concealer on Lance’s skin before blending it in with a beauty blender.
“Or Lance and Shiro are so fluffy they’re gonna die.“ Lance, with his eyes still closed, grinned when he felt Shiro pinch his nose.
“It was a bad idea showing you that trailer.“ Shiro pulled out a stick of concealer and swiped it on the areas of Lance’s face.
“What are you doing now?“
“I’m just blending the concealer in with the beauty blender.“
“You gotta tell the people what you’re doing, babe, that’s how video tutorials work.“
“There. I just finished putting on foundation and concealer on Lance. I’m not going to contour because look at this,“ He grabbed Lance’s face and faced it to the camera, “look at this cheekbones, this jaw, this cute button nose. This face doesn’t need contouring.“
“Shiro!“ Lance blushed. He was sure the chat was going wild again.
“Ok ok ok.“ Shiro took hold of Lance’s face again, directing him to tilt his head to the side. Lance closed his eyes and waited for Shiro to say something to the camera, directions on what to do next. But lips were on him again. Shiro was kissing his ears, his jaw, all the way down his neck.
“Shiro!” lance spluttered, pushing Shiro away. Shiro was laughing again, loving the way the dark red of Lance’s skin showed despite the foundation and concealer on his face.
“I’m sorry babe. I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.” Shiro calmed down. He patted the place beside him and gestured for Lance to come back.
“Hmph. You’re lucky you’re cute.” Lance said through gritted teeth. God he was so embarrassed. How many friends and workers were seeing this?! Agh, the number of his subscribers made him blush even more.
“I am aren’t I.“ Shiro tipped Lance’s chin up, “I’m sorry. I’m not doing it again, promise.“ He smiled at his boyfriend.
Hah, he thinks he’ll get away that easily? Highly unlikely. Lance returned his smile, already planning his revenge.
“Before we do the eye liner, we must do the eyebrows. I’m just going to fill in Lance’s eyebrows since they’re already perfect.“
“Nice try, Takashi.“ Lance said in a boring tone.
“To perfectly frame the cat eye, I recommend a subtle cut crease eye shadow. Let me just grab the camera for a sec.“ Shiro took the phone along with its stand and let it focus on Lance’s face.
“As you can see, this wonderful creature that is my lover, already has his face done. I’m just gonna let you appreciate his beauty for a second longer because you guys don’t have the privilege to see this face all day, everyday.“
Lance grinned, cracking open one eye at the camera. “Smooth, Takashi. Real smooth.” Lance giggled when Shiro wiggled his eyebrows at him.
“I try. Now, for that cut crease.“ Shiro held the camera on one hand and a small brush on the other. “I already made a tutorial about this so visit that one on my channel. It’s basically picking a mid tone color, the one you use to blend the lighter shade and the darker shade. I also often use a puffed out brush with a kind of a pointed tip for precision. If you watch my videos, you know what I’m talking about.“
“Will this take long? Because living with you has given me the impression that cat eye liner only takes five minutes.“
“Yeah it does, but I’m an expert. Most people don’t get it done that fast that’s why they look up tutorials on how to do it. And done.“
“How do I look?“ Lance batted his eyelashes at the camera.
“Perfect. Now for the eyeliner!“
“Can you do it with one hand?“ Lance challenged him, arching a perfect brow at him.
“Can I do it with one hand. I can do it with my eyes closed.“
“Yeah, but the first time you did it, you poked me in the eye! My three million subscribers act as my witness on that one!“
“Hush now or I’ll kiss you again.”
Lance pursed his lips and made kissy faces to the camera.
“The easiest way to make a cat eye is to use an angled brush. So you start at the corner of the eyes then go up in a diagonal direction. After that, connect the line you just made to the inner corner of your eye, but not all the way to your tear duct. If that’s the look you’re looking for, that’s fine, but sometimes, people tear up when their eyeliner smudges on that part of the eye. Last step is to fill the empty spaces with your eyeliner. Pro tip, use the eyebrow as a guide. The tail end of the eye brow should direct you on which way to go. Never, I mean NEVER for the love of god, let your eyeliner and your eyebrow meet. It’s my personal preference but please just don’t.“
“Remember that poor girl at the mall?“
“Yeah. I wanted to ask her if I can fix her make up but she looked so confident wearing it. I didn’t have the heart to say it. Now let me make your other eye and I’ll be done.“
“So Shiro, what do you think of those eyeliner hacks that’s plaguing Instagram?“
“Mmm, I’m not opposed to it. Some of them are really creative, and some are pretty ineffective. If you’re new to it, then doing the hacks are fine. But I still recommend doing it by hand because those tools aren’t always around when you need a quick eyeliner. And done!“
“Ooh let me see!“ Lance picked up a mirror from Shiro’s makeup bag. “Damn, this eyeliner can cut some bitches!“
“I wanted to do a rainbow eyeshadow but Allura took my rainbow palette.“
Lance took the camera away from Shiro and placed it on the night stand near their bed. Lance sat on the floor and pulled Shiro by his legs until Lance was sitting between his legs. Lance pulled out a small chair under the bed and sat comfortably on it.
“Unlike Shiro here, I already have my things ready.“ Lance got his own kit and brought a bottle of aquamarine nail polish to show it to the camera.
“I don’t know why you need all these things just for putting on nail polish.“
“Excuse me, these things are needed for manis and pedis. But since I don’t have the time to do all of these, I’ll just put some oil so it doesn’t stick to your skin.“ Lance placed a few drops of oil on a q tip and spread it on the skin around Shiro’s nails.
“Are you sure that’s oil?“
“Of course it’s oil, what do you think it is?“
Lance burst out laughing, hitting Shiro’s legs.
“It’s not lube!“
“Of course it’s not.“ Shiro’s other hand opened the laptop that was on the bed and checked the live chat. “People keep saying that you look good under me. Let’s give them a nice view, shall we.“ Shiro took the camera from the night stand and continued the recording with Lance sitting between his legs.
“Smile for the camera, babe.”
Lance looked up and smiled. “So what I do is I make sure that the brush doesn’t have too much nail polish in them. I do this,” Lance twirled the brush around the bottle’s hole, “so it doesn’t end up clunky in some places. You start at the middle of the nail then do the corners. One nail is done, on to the rest of your fingers.”
“Why do I feel like I did more work than you? I put on foundation, concealer, eyebrows, and even did your eyes.”
“Ok first of all, you’re the one who insisted you do my face.”
Shiro coughed out a laugh.
“Not that- ugh. You are so going to pay for this, Takashi.” With Lance kind of mad at Shiro, he hastened his movements. In just a few more minutes, he was done painting Shiro’s hand and feet. Shiro was worried he’d gone too far because the video was spent in silence. He tried being cute by gently patting Lance’s hair but it didn’t work.
Shiro pouted at the camera, “Babe, talk to me. I said I was sorry.”
“I’m done!” Lance gave a cool smile towards the camera as he stood up and dusted off his pants. Lance took the camera away from Shiro’s prosthetic hand. “I’m gonna fix myself some juice, you want some?” Shiro nodded. “If you want me to forgive you, you better not move and smudge my work, understand?”
“Sir yes, sir.” Shiro gave a salute.
“Good boy.” Before Lance walked away, the camera caught the blush that creeped up Shiro’s face.
Lance exited their room and made his way to their kitchen. He placed the camera on the counter and rummaged through the stuff inside the fridge. “I’m not mad at Shiro, you guys. I’m just playing him haha. I’m gonna have my revenge.” Lance took his time drinking his juice before filling up a glass for Shiro. “Let’s go see if Shiro’s been a good boy, shall we?”
Lance focused the camera on Shiro who was sitting still on where he left him. “Aww, babe, you didn’t really move? Such a good boy!” Lance playfully pinched Shiro’s cheek. “Want some juice?”
Shiro nodded. When Shiro tried to grab the glass Lance shook his head at him. “Nuh-uh. You’re not allowed to move, remember?”
“I do have a prosthetic hand though.”
One look from lance made Shiro back up and opened his mouth slightly. Lance brought the glass near Shiro’s mouth and slowly tilted it up.
“Good boy, Shiro.” Lance placed the empty glass and the camera on the night stand and plopped on the bed. Shiro still didn’t move despite the slight bounce.
Lance looked up and smirked at the camera. His hands slowly crept up Shiro’s back until they clutched the fabric of Shiro’s shirt at his chest.
“Lance.” Shiro groaned, face aflame.
“Remember, Shiro, you’re not allowed to move.” Lance whispered at Shiro’s ear.
“This is so not fair.” Shiro said through gritted teeth. “Is this your revenge?”
“Yup.” Lance’s hands raked at his chest and at his sides. “And you’re not going to do anything about it, right babe?”
“Ugh I hate you.“
“Nah, you looove me.“ Lance nibbled at an ear. “I’m gonna have lots of fun and you’re gonna let me.“
“Lance.“ Shiro whined.
Shiro’s eyes bulged out when Lance’s fingers inched at his sides. One moment he was touching his chest but now he was digging his fingers at his chest. Warm laughter bubbled in his chest.
“Yes?“ Lance’s hands travelled down the dip on Shiro’s waist.
“What are you doing?”
“Nothing?” Lance buried his fingers in Shiro’s skin which made Shiro jump a bit.
Lance giggled, his hands still inching towards Shiro’s tickle spots. Because he was found out, Lance continued the onslaught knowing that Shiro was not going to move, right?
Shiro was laughing so loud, practically vibrating as he fought to not move. That made Lance giggle even more and dig his fingers deeper into Shiro’s armpits.
“Fuck it.“ Shiro dove at Lance, tackling him into the mattress. Shiro was sure he smudged the hell out of his nail polish but the cheeky wink Lance gave him sealed the deal. Shiro knows all of Lance’s tickle spots and he abused the hell out of them. Shiro tickled Lance’s armpits, his neck, his sides, even the back of his knees. Lance was pretty much tearing up at this point as Shiro tickled him some more. He couldn’t really move because Shiro was over him, his weight overpowering him. We couldn’t have that.
Lance flipped Shiro with him sitting on top of him, straddling him even.
“Aha!“ Lance tickled Shiro’s sides, not minding Shiro’s hands on his waist.
“Babe, your phone’s ringing.“
“I can feel it vibrating.“ Shiro chuckled as he felt the slight tickle on his abdomen.
Lance fished out his phone. “It’s Pidge.”
Shiro simply shrugged, he was now gripping at Lance’s slim waist.
“You are still live, ya dingus!“
Lance gasped, completely forgetting the camera that was positioned on the night stand. He scrambled off Shiro and grabbed the camera.
“Uh, I guess that ends the live show?“ Lance said, his embarrassment tainting his cheeks red.
Shiro propped his chin on lance’s shoulder, “Click the subscribe button on the bottom right of the screen if you liked what you see. Subscribe to Shiro-to-Hero for make up and work out tutourials and videos.“
“And for updates on videos and vlogs, subscribe to my channel for your daily dose of Lance goodness.”
“Now, if you don’t mind, Lance and I will do some stuff that are not agreeable to the terms of use of YouTube so… Bye!” Shiro covered the Camera’s lens. And before turning it off, the people behind the screen heard Lance whine out Shiro’s name.
Aaaaah I am so sorry this was soooo late @shancefluffweek!!! the week snuck up on me and ahhh! At least I finished it. Hope you guys enjoyed my sorry excuse of a fluff fic. I promise I’ll do better tomorrow.
hmmm… not nsfw i think.
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