#agni morizono
rakkikuroba · 2 years
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insecxreasalwqys · 2 years
and then he smiled, and thats what im after. (The series)
Edit:This is horrid. For your well being, I recommend you would scroll past this. If you would like to stay, be ready to be forever traumatized by horrible writing, and a crappy storyline.  Proceed with caution! ⚠️
Ch. 1 : remember it all
Kuzuryu chose chishiya, because he felt chishiya needed it. As soon as he chose him, he started talking with chishiya, this place was hell, anyways.   They got put in a game together. Chishiya made kuzuryu drive. They entered the game together, with about 5 other people.   Registration closed.
Game: remember it all : 3 of hearts
Time and player limit: 10 players, 1 hour.
Rules: enter the room up ahead, and take the pill. Adjust your expression to a calm one, and sit down. The big screen infront of you all will light up, and it will show clips of your life. It will choose people randomly. If you change your expression anytime throughout you or someone elses clips, its game over for you. There will also be an illusion.  
Game start
They entered the other room together, and took the pill just like everyone else did. Kuzuryu and chishiya had no need to adjust because, like always, they were already calm.   First player: Kuzuryu keiichi
Kuzuryu didnt really have a bad childhood. He grew up in an average house hold, and they treated him well.   The first one was about him telling his friend that he thought that the world was so unfair, especially the people in it.   The second was about him fighting for something he believed. That all lives were created equally, and that there shouldnt be any debate between that. Kuzuryu still agreed with what he thought in those 2 clips. Chishiya just watched a little more intently then he thought he woud, just because he knew kuzuryu and wanted to know more about the man. Others just didnt care.  The third one, though, caught quite the attention of some people there. It was a clip of him driving, right before borderland. He had come back from america, and went back to japan. When he was driving, he was looking out the window. There were what appeared to be fireworks, but they looked a bit, different. He didnt think he missed anything, but looked closely anyways. Well, he was looking a bit to much, as, on kuzuryus end, he felt as if he had been pushed, by someone quite strong. Then he realized that it was a car that crashed into him. And all of a sudden, the screen went black. 1 person screamed by the sudden change. Kuzuryu didnt find this event too scary for him, as, he knew that he was fine, and he only injured his arm, and it had recovered now. But his car? Oh he didnt know about that.   Then came the illusion. It was someone being excluded. In one scenario they were blamed and the person in charge of it was believing the other person just because they were friends with the accuser.
It didnt stun kuzuryu or make him change his expression, no. But, it did trigger Kuzuryu in a way, even though it wasnt visible.   Next player: Shuntaro Chishiya
Kuzuryu held chishiyas hand, and chishiya responded with trying to tug it away, but he was unsuccessful. Kuzuryu was doing it to give chishiya some comfort. So chishiya would calm down if he saw something he didn’t want to. He didnt want chishiya not to die just because he himself wanted to live, but mostly because he didnt want to die knowing he failed. It wouldve made him ashamed, and he felt he wanted to do something good.   The first clip had chishiya, who looked about 2 there, was crying, and all his parents did was buy some food, and give it to him. Kuzuryu didnt change his expression, but he was more triggered by this than that illusion he had for his. He hated when this stuff happened.   The second clip had chishiya finishing middle school with perfect grades. He ran up to his fathers door when he came home in excitement. Yet, before he knocked on the door, he paused. He looked down at his report card, and just walked away with it. He cursed himself for even trying. Why would his father care, anways? He showed him at the end of 5th grade and his father just kept working. As if chishiya didnt even exist.
The last clip was about him coming home. He looked about 14 there. He took his shoes off, and went to his bedroom. He started doing all his left over homework he hadnt done in school (he did most of it during his lunch time). After he did his homework, and studied right away. He studied, and studied, and studied. He didnt even grab anything to eat. He knew it was bad for him to not eat, but he did it to get good grades. He didnt even know why he tried. He almost fell asleep, when he realized he hadnt finished writing the 15 page essay he had. He was also almost falling asleep because he forgot why he was doing all of this, so he wrote himself a note, and it read : When you get into med school after all of that studying, maybe your “father” will love you. -chishiya
That made kuzuryus blood boil, but he didnt give any physical reaction. Chishiya didnt do anything at all, and just sat there, staring at the scene. A girl laughed, not understanding why anyone would find that sad, but then, a laser shot through her head. Neither kuzuryu or shuntaro cared.
The illusion finally came, but it wasnt what chishiya was expecting. It showed chishiyas dad hugging him, and saying he was proud of him. Kuzuryu felt chishiyas body tense a little, but chishiyas expression didnt change. Keiichi held chishiyas hand tighter, and chishiya relaxed.  
Throughout the game, their expression never changed. At the end, there were only 3 more people including them. 
Chishiya decided he would drive. “Thank you.” He said. “Your welcome.” Kuzuryu replied. They talked a bit, and kuzuryu took the chance to tell chishiya that what his father did was not okay. And when chishiya got out, he should do something about it. Try to talk to his father, get a therapist.   When they got back, they both knew that they were slightly closer, and for kuzuryu, that was enough for now.
Ch. 2 : Run fast
“Are you playing tonight?” Kuzuryu asked chishiya. “Mhm. I asked hatter, as the game we played just gave us 3 days.” Chishiya replied. “Im going too.” Kuzuryu stated. Chishiya just nodded.   Chishiya entered the game arena. It was pouring outside. As he walked in, he saw about 19 other people. He grabbed a phone, and went to a corner.  (A few minutes later) Registration closed.
Game: Race : 6 of spades
Time limit: 50 minutes
Player limit: 20  Rules: Every player will be put together in twos. You will enter a room with your partner. There will be a starting and finish line. Take 5 weapons max from the table. The count down will go from 10 to 0. When it says go, the laser preventing you from going will disappear, and you must start running. You can use weapons to sabotage the other player. This will keep going between the winners of each round, and whoever is the last man standing, wins. If there is not enough players, the leftover one with no partner will be safe until there is a place for them.
Game start.   Now, chishiya wasnt the best at spades, but he knew he could run. He wasnt too sure, though, as most people there looked like the type to be good at spades, but he didnt let that thought intimidate him.
He got paired with some buff dude. They entered the room, and the buff guy chose a knife, an axe, a bat, some weapon chishiya didnt know the name of, and a hammer. Well dang. Chishiya was surprised they guy didnt choose a gun, though. After the guy turned around, chishiya took a gun he learned in the other world had good range, so he took it, closed fire, and put it in his pocket. He knew he had good aim, so he didnt worry about that.
3, 2, 1, go!
Chishiya started walking, while the man ran as fast as he could. It was a good distance, so chishiya took his time. When the man was pretty far ahead, chishiya ran and caught up in a few seconds. The finish line was pretty far, and chishiya thanked the fact that when he ran, he didnt make much noise. He got close to the man, took out the gun he had in his pocket, opened fire, and shot. The man of course looked at him before he shot, but, it was too late anyways. Chishiya made sure to shoot him in the head, so that it would for sure kill him, and he ran as fast as he could to the finish line. Well that was easy.   Chishiya decided to not try the exact same approach, as he figured the first guy was just dumb. He got paired up with a girl, a little taller than him. “Don’t underestimate me just because im a girl.” She said, in a serious tone. “I wasnt going to, but okay.” He replied, putting his hands up. 
Kuzuryu was in his game, but all he could think about was chishiya. Just then, the seeker in his game came near.   He got past the other girl, and was now in the final round. They entered the room. His competitor was a girl, with short black hair, a t-shirt, and baggy sweat pants. She took a knife, a rifle, and a kunai. He grabbed a pocket knife. When the voice gave them the ok, the girl bolted off immediately. Chishiya gave her a head start, but quickly caught up with her. When he had the chance, he took it and pushed her. He threw a punch at her, and she stabbed him. It was in the thigh, and didnt go too deep, but was bleeding badly. He stabbed her back, and she threw a punch. He kicked her, and left it at that. She was knocked out, so chishiya took his chance to run.  
 He got out of the arena as quickly as he could, and grabbed a pressure bandage. He wrapped it around his thigh, and sat in the car seat. It hurt, but not badly enough to make him cry. When he got back, he parked the car, and got out. He tried to get out, but failed to do so. He fell, and scraped his whole arm. Well this is great, isnt it, shuntaro. He thought to himself. And it was bleeding badly aswell. He got up, took his box of supplies incase of emergency, because he knew if he left his wounds, he would probably die. He sat back in the car seat, and cleaned his scrape. He put a bandage over it, and wondered what to do. Just then, niragi came to the parking lot. He was there to make sure no one was out this late, until he saw chishiya in the distance. He ran up to chishiya, ready to yell at him, but saw chishiya limping slightly, with a bandage over his arm. Niragi decided he wouldnt scold him. “Oh dang, uhm, you good?” Niragi said. Chishiya gave him glare. “Is that what it seems, suguru?” Chishiya replied, rolling his eyes. He was about to fall, when niragi caught him. “Ok, ok, geez, no need to be fresh.” Niragi said. Niragi took chishiyas hand, and put it over his shoulder. He took the box, and put it in his free hand. He helped chishiya back.
When they were inside, Niragi brought chishiya to his room, and layed him down on the floor. Chishiya sat up right. “Thanks, i guess.” Chishiya said. “Yeah, no problem.” Niragi replied. “I’ll go call over that kuzuryu guy you hang out with, and that kuina?” He added. “Yeah, sure. Thanks again.” Chishiya replied. When niragi left, chishiya wondered why he even went with the approach he did. He couldve done something else. His thigh was killing him now (literally), and his arm went numb. Chishiya checked up on the bandage, and when he saw it, it was soaked in blood. He wondered why, though, because he didnt think the cut was that deep. Well, it mustve been Chishiya hallucinating, because it was that deep. He quickly grabbed another pressured bandage, and put a gauze under it. He took off the old one, and as he expected, the was more blood. He quickly put the new bandage with a gauze under it on, and it felt slightly better. Just then kuzuryu and Kuina came in. Niragi told them it was bad, but it didnt seem this bad to them. Kuinas eye’s widened and she rushed to chishiya. Kuzuryu did the same. “What game were you in?” Kuzuryu asked, sitting by chishiya. “Some race.” He replied. Kuina and kuzuryu nodded. “Does it hurt bad?” Kuina asked. “Well, my previous bandage is on the floor, and instead of being a beige color its now maroon red. I also cant feel my arm. So, based on that analysis, what is your hypothesis?” He asked. Kuina just pursed her lips. Chishiya fell asleep on the floor that night.
In the morning, there was an executive meeting. Kuzuyru went over to chishiyas room and opened the door. “Hey, shiya?” He said, walking over to chishiya. Chishiya opened his eyes slowly, and looked at keiichi. “Hm?” He said. “We have a meeting in like 10?” Kuzuryu replied. “We do?” Chishiya yelled. “You bet.” Kuzuryu said, trying to lighten up the mood. “Well okay.” Chishiya said, trying to get up. “Absolutely not!” Kuzuryu said, bringing chishiya back down lightly. “Atleast let me help you.” He added. “Fine.” The shorter one pouted.
Ch. 3 : maybe its the way you say my name
“Did we do something?” Chishiya said, as him and kuzuryu came into the metting room. No one said anything. “Ok, carry on, hatter” kuzuryu said. Sitting next to chishiya. Hatter was ranting on about how there were traitors and he wanted them gone after the meeting, discussing games, that stuff.  
After the meeting, everyone left. Mira called kuzuryu over to her room.   “Hows it going?” Mira asked. Patting the chair next to her. Kuzuryu sat down. “I mean, its been okay.” He replied. “You?” He questioned. “Agnis rough. I didnt choose anyone, so i got paired up with him.” Mira stated. “Yeah, youve told me thay you got put with him for this past month or two.” Kuzuryu said.  Mira giggled. “Yeah, i have.” She replied.
Chishiya sat on his bed, staring at the ceiling. He was trying to count each dot on the ceiling to pass time. Just then, kuina walked in. “Shu-” she started, but got cut off by chishiya yelling ‘ah!’. “You made me loose count!” He said. “Sorry.” She replied. “I was just gonna tell you im out tonight.” She added. Chishiya gave her a nod. Kuina left and closed the door behind her. Chishiya sighed, and got up. Then, kuzuryu walked in aswell. “Chishiya?” He managed to completely say, as chishiya was in the bathroom. “Hmm?” He said, turning on the water. “We’re supposed to go looking for things at some stores later.” Kuzuryu stated, leaning on the bathroom door frame. Chishiya turned around to dry his hands. “Okay.” He replied. And with that, kuzuryu left. Chishiya took one of his jackets (and no, you wont change my mind that chishiya has like 10 of the same jacket) he folded last night, and put it on. He changed his pants, and he didnt from the night before and they were covered in dried blood.   Chishiya knocked on the door, and kuzuryu opened the door. “Oh hey, shiya.” Kuzuryu said. “Hi.” He responded.
“So where are we going first?” Kuzuryu asked, trying to strike up a conversation. “I dont know, you pick.” Chishiya answered, hair blowing slightly in the wind. Kuzuryu and chishiya headed over to what seemed to be a pharmacy.   “Hey kuzuryu!” Chishiya yelled from the other side of the pharmacy. Kuzuryu paused, as he was surprised chishiya said his name. Or maybe he did alot, he didnt notice, but still, he kinda wished he said it more.  “Hmm?” He yelled back, shuffling through some painkillers. “Do you need any, like, medicine, and stuff?” He asked. “No, do you need painkillers?” Keiichi responded. “Im good! Thanks.” Chishiya stated. Kuzuryu found a med kit, somehow, and took it. They left that store, and went to the food store.  
 They searched for food that wasnt rotten. Alot of it was, as the beach had been going out for food for a long time. But there was some food that was still good. Chishiya picked the stuff in cans, and put it in his bag. He learned that, if it came to food options, canned stuff is the best way to go. Chishiya never ate too much, but he grabbed alot, as it was for the beach anyways. He grabbed some vegetables, because most nights there were vegetables. He never trusted them enough for meat, though, so chishiya and kuzuryu just ate vegetables and canned stuff. Some others ate the meat, but to kuzuryu and chishiya, it just didnt look very promising.   They went to stores for clothes, more food, and now were heading back to the beach. It wasnt, per say, dark. It was still fairly bright, but it started getting dark.  They talked about stuff back in the real world, and funny enough, how much debt kuzuryu was in. “Yeah, im still paying it off.” Kuzuryu laughed. “Im almost there, though.” He added.   As they were walking back, they heard noises coming from the main room. They realized it was people partying, and drinking. They both sighed, as they found these things silly. Why are you partying, and drinking, when youve been put in a place where you play games to live, and if you don’t participate, or fail, you die. It made no sense to them. They also knew if you drink this heavily each night, you would probably die.   They both headed back to there rooms, and took a shower.
Ch. 4 : im never not going to be there
Chishiya sat on his bed, thinking about his dad. He thought about the game a few nights before. He wondered what happened to his mother, she was never there either. Chishiya laughed at his last clip of him writing the note, as, he got into med school, and his parents couldnt have cared less. No matter what he did, how far he went for his parents attention, they wouldnt care. (No, bc when chishiya was in his hospital bed, almost dying, and having his heart stop for 1 minutes, his parents were never there. F..k chishiya’s parents.) Not a drop, a milimeter, a fraction of a millimeter of attention they gave him. They married just to look good and for a position. Chishiya hated that, every, single, time when his  3rd grade teacher would ask what they did over the weekend, he would always say nothing. Other kids would say they went to the park, or ate out, or made crafts at home. And what did chishiya do? Nothing. He stayed home, wondering every night, why he existed. Everyone else seemed like they had a purpose. Even here in borderland, people were fighting so hard to leave, and they had a reason, someone out there waiting for them, praying they would live. But Chishiya? Chishiya had no idea was he was fighting for. Chishiya was a smart man, dont get him wrong, but this was something he never understood. If nobody loves me, or cares, why am i here? I shouldnt even be here. Why do i live. These were reoccurring thoughts he had. Yet, he never had the answer. He got up, and figured he would talk to kuzuryu.   
Kuzuryu opened his door, and let chishiya in. “Whats up?” Kuzuryu asked, sitting down next to chishiya. “Its my parents, ive been thinking about them, recently.” Chishiya stated. “Your parents?” Kuzuryu asked. Chishiya gave him a nod. “You mean the people who gave birth to you, put you in their house, just to call you their child, without ever caring?” Kuzuryu said, wanting to make sure. “Yeah.” Chishiya laughed. He wasnt laughing because he was happy, it was because he wanted to make himself feel a bit better. Kuzuryu sighed deeply. “Listen to me, chishiya shuntaro.” Kuzuryu said in a serious tone. “I dont want to ever, see you upset again about the fact that these two sick people you call parents didnt take care of you, because thats sick.” Kuzuryu started. “Thank y-” Chishiya tried saying, but got cut off. “Shush, let me finish.” Chishiya pursed his lips and nodded. “Your ‘parents’ dont deserve a child, especially one that has worked so hard for their attention, and they didnt care.” Kuzuryu stated. “But, i also dont want you to go with ‘No one cared for me, so why should i care for anyone else.’ Because, that doesnt make you any better.” He finished. “I wont, i promise.” Chishiya said. “If you ever think about it again, which i would hope you dont, i will give you a nice scolding.” Kuzuryu threatened. It wasnt empty, but wasnt very threatening. They both knew that. As chishiya was leaving, Kuzuryu stopped him. “Wait!” He shouted. Chishiya turned back around. “Just know, im never not going to be there.” He said. Chishiya thanked him and left.   Kuzuryu cursed himself. He couldve said anything else. But not, im never not going to be there. He knew it was a lie. He didnt know why he said it. He fell back onto his bed, and sighed. (Lots of sighing, i know.)
Chishiya went to go eat, and thought about what kuzuryu said. He didnt know where he would be without kuzuryu, and he was thankful for keiichi.
Kuzuryu looked in his notes of how many days he had left, and opened to see 1. His visa would expire tomorrow. It was almost time for people to go to games, and he ran up to hatter. “Can i go out to a game tonight?” (Ok, now, manga readers, i know citizens dont play games to extend visas, but hear me out, in this au, if they were required to make the person smile, they had to play games to extend visas.) “Sure.” Hatter replied.   Kuzuryu went to a game arena. There were maybe 4 other people? He grabbed a phone.
Registration closed
Game: 7 of hearts, hide and seek.
Ch. 5 a little squeeze
Kuina and chishiya were back at the beach. They were at the pool, and talking about something. “I have, about, maybe like 8 days left? Yeah 8.” Chishiya said. “I have 10, because i went yesterday to add on to it.” She replied. Chishiya nodded. “So, i w-” Chishiya started, but he felt something touch his waist. “Niragi- if youre trying to scare me, for the last time, it wont-” he started, but when he turned around, it wasnt niragi. It was some guy, who looked quite tall, with short, black hair. It was one of the militants. Chishiya hated those guys, (with an exception of niragi) always had their nose in the air, thinking they looked cool, when they were really just some people with guns that they technically couldnt even fire with if they werent in a game. “What do you want now.” Chishiya said, glaring at the man. “Look, i know niragi hates you and stuff,” the dense little sh.t started. “He doesnt.” Chishiya said. “Ok, whatever, i know agni doesnt take a liking to you,” he started again, but chishiya just rolled his eyes. Agni didnt hate him, they just didnt talk. “But that doesnt mean we cant have fun.” The ugly a.s dense guy said. “F.ck off.” Kuina said, standing up. The guy looked at chishiya, and raised an eyebrow. Chishiya shrugged when the guy looked at him. “Did you miss the part where she had said ‘f.ck off’?” Chishiya asked. The man just rolled his eyes. “F.ck off!” Chishiya yelled in the mans ear, just for good measure. “Fine, geez, no need to overreact.” The man said, walking away. “Overreact, my a.s.” Kuina said, rolling her eyes.   Kuzuryu was the wolf, and was fighting somebody while looking down. He didnt hide, as he found it would be unfair to everyone else, and there was 2 minutes left. The guy he was fighting threw a punch, and it hit kuzuryu in his side. It didnt really hurt, though. When the man was distracted, he ran. Kuzuryu didnt find heart games particularly difficult, as he had nothing to lose. Well, that was a lie, he had chishiya to lose. But, thankfully, chishiya wasnt there. He heard footsteps chasing after him, but he knew he had already won. The timer went down: 3, 2, 1. He heard a splattering sound behind him, and knew what had happened. He left the place quickly, and drove back.
When he got back, chishiya was waiting there for him. Chishiya ran up to kuzuryu and gave him a hug, a little squeeze. “What game were you in?” Chishiya asked, checking kuzuryu to make sure he was okay. “Hearts, it was hide n seek.” He said, relaxing his shoulders. “Oh, well, was it bad?” Chishiya asked. “No, it was fine.” “Okay.”   Kuina, kuzuryu, and chishiya were all in kuzuryus room. “It was kinda sad, honestly.” Kuina said. They were talking about their job, or what they were doing before borderland. Kuina was talking to someone who wanted the shirt they had in a baby size, after kuina told them that a shop for baby clothes would be the way to go.  
“The food today really didnt look good.” Chishiya said to kuzuryu, walking down the corridor. “No, it didnt.” Kuzuryu laughed. Kuzuryu stopped in his tracks. Chishiya noticed, so he stopped aswell. “Mm?” Chishiya said, turning around. “Shiya?” Kuzuryu said, in a soft voice. “Whats up.” Chishiya replied. “Uhm, you remember what i said, about, me never not being there?” Kuzuryu asked. “Yeah?” Chishiya answered. “Uh, well, thats kinda not true.” Kuzuryu said. “Oh, i know! Dont worry, i wont always be here either, but im sure itll be a while!” Chishiya said, his mouth faltered at the end, but not going into a full smile. Kuzuryu nodded. It hurt kuzuryu, sure, but he didnt want to lie to chishiya.
Ch. 6 : Benefit 
He sat on his bed, and looked down. He realized that doing this whole smile thing had no benefit. He would make chishiya happy, die, and make him sad. Chishiya could also die. So there was no real benefit. He cursed himself, as, he realized that choosing chishiya and then leaving him would make chishiya never trust, or get close to anybody again. You bet he hated it.   No real benefit from doing what he was doing, and he hated that.   He couldnt sleep at all that night, and was shuffling trying to go to sleep. He felt bad. It felt like someone punched him in the stomach. (Actually someone did.) He wanted to throw up, and just back away from all of this, but he couldnt. He buried his head in his pillow and pondered what to do. How could he do this without hurting Chishiya? He spent that night thinking, crying, and hating himself.
“Shiya?” Kuzuryu said, knocking on his door. Chishiya opened the door, and once he did that, he was met by kuzuryu embracing him with a hug. Chishiya just patted his back, pursing his lips. When kuzuryu pulled away, chishiya raised his eyebrow. “I just wanted you to know that, i care about you. Dont do anything stupid.” Keiichi said. Chishiya nodded, and thanked him.   
They went out together just because chishiya wanted to. Kuina tagged along. As they were outside, they found a mall, but it was abandoned. “Do you want to go in?” Kuina offered. Before they had the chance to, though, kuina dragged them along.
There was an escalator that had stopped, and kuina went up it. Chishiya and kuzuryu went to the arcade, and thought it looked cool. Kuzuryu chased chishiya around the mall.
Ch. 7 : maybe its a cruel joke on me.
“Come back here!” Kuzuryu yelled. Chishiya laughed. He laughed, and smiled. He smiled. Kuzuryu’s face turned back. Chishiya looked at him, confused. “Kuzuryu?” Chishiya said, stopping. He walked over to kuzuryu. “You okay?” Chishiya asked. “Yeah, im fine.” Kuzuryu replied. “Im just going to go to the bathroom.” He added. “But the bathroom probably isnt cl-” Chishiya tried saying, but kuzuryu already left. Chishiya went to where kuina was, and asked her why she thinks that kuzuryu left. “Im not sure.” Kuina said, shrugging her shoulders.   They waited about maybe 20 minutes? Chishiya went to the bathroom to go check up on kuzuryu. He walked up the stairs to the bathroom, and knocked. Yet, there was no answer. He knocked again, but harder, yet there was still nothing. He tried opening the door, but it would move. He was guessing it was locked, so he tried kicking it open. It didnt work, so he called kuina over. Kuina tried for about 10 minutes to open the door, and they couldnt. “You know what, lets just go around the mall and look for things?” Chishiya said. Kuina went downstairs, and chishiya went upstairs.
Kuina found a bicycle, and chishiya found nothing. Kuina came back up, and tried bashing the door with the bicycle, and after a few minutes, there was a hole in the door. It wasnt too big, but big enough for chishiya to look through. Chishiya peaked through the hole, and saw a figure, with glasses, laying down on the floor. Chishiya leaned away, and kuina saw his eyes widen. “What happened?” She asked worryingly. Chishiya didnt say anything, and buried his face in his hands. He took the bicycle, and bashed it against the lock. In a matter of seconds, the door unlocked, and they both walked in. Kuina didnt see anything, until she felt something near her foot. She looked down, and to her horror, was kuzuryu. Chishiya sat down, and looked down at kuzuryu. Kuina looked at chishiya, and saw that he was on the verge of crying. Chishiya saw a hole in the top of kuzuryus head. Kuina saw a tear fall on the floor, and when she looked, it came from chishiya.  
 When they got back to the beach, they went to mira and hatter first. Mira looked upset, and a little sad, but not too sad. Chishiya went to kuzuryus room to see if there was anything that could tell him why it happened. He knew it wasnt because of a visa. While chishiya was looking, he found a note. On kuzuryu’s desk. It read: mira, dont you think this whole smile thing is kinda unfair? I mean, you make them smile, you die, and then they live the rest of their life probably never wanting to get close to someone again. I kno That was the end of it. Chishiya took the note, and left.
 Chishiya finally figured out what it was. Citizens needed to make someone smile, and once they did, they would die. Chishiya was angry, but at himself.   When there was an executive meeting the next day, chishiya’s nose was red, and his hair was up. The meeting was about kuzuryu and that just made it worse for chishiya. Niragi sat down next to chishiya, in hopes that after that meeting, they could talk.
After the meeting, chishiya was the first to get up and try to leave, but niragi grabbed his hand, and stopped him. “Shun?” Niragi said. Chishiya turned around to look at niragi. “Im sorry about what happened.” “No need, its not as if it was your fault, anyways.” Chishiya said, pulling his hand away and leaving.
  It took chishiya weeks to stop crying (or stop crying every night). He still cursed himself for getting close to someone. He was afraid, too. He didnt want to push kuina away, but he didnt want something to happen to her, either.   The executive members had buried kuzuryu infront of the beach. And chishiya went there every single day he could. Today, he went to kuzuryus grave first thing in the morning after brushing his teeth. “You dense-” chishiya tried spitting out, but failed, as he didnt want to swear at kuzuryu. “Poop.” Chishiya finished. Yeah, that sounded okay. “You dense poop!” He yelled, laughing at the end. His nose was already red, and a tear had already fallen down his face. He wiped it with his sleeve. He heard 2 laughs from behind him. He turned around and saw niragi and kuina. “Dense poop?” Niragi said. “Really?” Kuina added. “Dense poop.” Chishiya said with a nod.  
“Now, we will give you a choice. Either stay in borderland as a permanent resident, or go back into the real world.” The voice on the PA said. Permanent resident. Thats what kuzuryu was. Kuzuryu told chishiya that when he got out, he should try to talk to his dad, or get a therapist. Chishiya wasnt going to stay as a resident, as much as he loved kuzuryu. Kuzuryu and told chishiya he regretted staying as a resident. “Go back, not just for you, shuntaro, go back, for the greater good.” Kuzuryu told him.  
Chishiya had been in therapy for a year now, and had graduated from medical school. He was doing much better, yet never quite forgot about kuzuryu. He was much kinder, and open now. And he was sure that if kuzuryu was there, he would be very proud of him.
One day, he had a patient come in. “Hey werent you that guy whos heart had stopped, and was bleeding out when you were in the hospital bed?” Chishiya laughed and gave him a nod. “Son, thats rude.” His dad said. “Oh, no, youre fine.” Chishiya said “So your name is….kiro….kuzuryu?” Chishiya said. “Mhm!” The kid confirmed. Kuzuryu. The kid started talking again, but the father shushed him. “We have to go visit your uncles grave with his friends soon.” The father said. “But all his friends are gonna do is say how its sooo unfaiirrr he died, and some more things they learned in law school.” He whined. The father gave him a glare. Chishiya saw the fathers face, and thought to himself oh if looks could kill. The kid was fine, and they left in a matter of minutes, but chishiya couldnt help but thinking if it was kuzuryu they were talking about, or if it was just a coincidence.
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niragisamura · 3 years
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╰┈➤ 𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗦: Ryōhei Arisu, Daikichi Karube, Suguru Niragi, Hikari Kuina, Takatora Samura/Last Boss, Takeru Danma/Hatter, Morizono Aguni/Agni, Shuntarō Chishiya
╰┈➤ Takatora Samura || Last Boss
— Rescue
Summary: Last Boss is always ready to come to your rescue, and when a game of Hearts goes wrong, he’s there to make you feel safe again.
Genre: angst, a little bit of fluff, gender neutral! reader
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╰┈➤ 𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗦: Hwang Jun-ho, Hwang In-ho, Ji-Yeong, Kang Sae-Byeok
╰┈➤ Hwang Jun-ho
— I've Got You
Summary: When Jun-ho comes back to you after mysteriously disappearing for weeks, you quickly realize he might not be the same cheerful person he once was.
Genre: angst, gender neutral! reader
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a-simp-20 · 3 years
Surname and real names of the AIB character's
Tagging: @viruakarandomthingsilike & @niragis-right-hand-rabbit
Suguru = real name
Niragi = Surname
Last boss
Takatora = real name
Samura = Surname
Last boss = Alias
Shuntaro = real name
Chishiya = Surname
Cheshire = Alias
Ryohei = real name
Arisu = Surname
Alice = Alias
Yuzuha = real name
Usagi = Surname
Takeru = real name
Danma = Surname
Hatter = Alias
Morizono = real name
Aguni = Surname
Agni/Mori Chan = Alias (by Hatter)
Hikari = real name
Kuina = Surname
Ann = real name
Rizuna = Surname
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This happened and the Borderlands are just a simulation they were forced into by the US government actually
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The gang’s all here!
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Did I expect Aguni and Chota to end up in the same category? No
Does it make sense? Yes
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