#agumon is still dope tho hahah
cheemken · 11 months
if the champions have digimon partners who would you think they have
I was gonna add like,, pics to this bc ik all of us can't imagine these mfs at the top of our heads even I had troubles w this, but like, all the pics I could find are blurry as shit so hhh yeah just,, just look them up if you're not familiar w them I'm sorry owo"
I just skipped the middle evolutions and such bc it's already confusing as fuck so hey hahah
Lance - Dracomon > Examon; This one's pretty easy, a dragon, then it evolves to a bigger dragon that's part of the Royal Knights, and Examon wields a lance too so hey hahah
Steven - Sunarizamon > BanchoGolemon; Okay this one,, I was gonna go for Blastmon, but I think BanchoGolemon would fit him better?? Idk, I think it would hahah
Wallace - Tylomon > Neptunemon; My other option for him was AncientMermaimon, but like,, idk I think Neptunemon would still be a cool partner Digimon for him hahah
Cynthia - Coronamon > Apollomon; Okay this one I was gonna go for another dragon, like smth akin to Garchomp, but I also think that she would have a partner that's based off mythology, and Apollomon is part of the Olympus 12, mons that are based off mythology too
Iris - Gumdramon > Arresterdramon; As much as I don't like Tagiru, I admit Gumdramon is dope, and yknow he fits Iris' vibes, w the two of em wanting to be stronger and such hahah
Diantha - Gatomon > Magnadramon; I was gon choose Ophanimon or Rasielmon but I think that'd be too obvious of a choice, plus yknow, I think Dia deserves a pink dragon that'll kill for her even tho that dragon is like a holy being too
Hau - Liollmon > Marsmon; Honestly?? The vibes, I just think the vibes Marsmon has would fit him hahah
Leon - Agumon > WarGreymon; Ofc I'm giving the most well known and most loved Digimon to the champion who also has the most well known and most loved Pokemon🥰
Geeta - Kotemon > Gaioumon; Idk, Gaioumon gives the same vibes as Kingambit so yeah hahah
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