#aheem aheem. been thinking about this boy
thalassous · 2 years
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something something,
[ ID: A fully coloured, full body drawing of Benvolio Montague. He is facing back-left, and he wears a forlorn expression as his right arm tries to reach at something. His left arm hangs limp behind him, and his left leg is suspended above his right as if he were stuck in the position. Out of his bare back seeps at first red smoke, which turns blue as soon as it leaves his body. The background is plain black, and he has a cold, sickly tone to his body while the smoke is saturated. END ID ]
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moonliched · 11 months
I just wanna say I adore your fic so so much. Everything is so nice and entertaining. I certainly can't wait for the proper meeting of the complete fishy bois. Also you don't have to compare the assistant ai!! I love bon-bon so much that he's growing on me like algae/lh
I love how he just worries about Y/N when they just brush him off saying they're just another replaceable cog to this system. Like the way he goes.
"But you're a person."
Makes me think he's not really well versed in stuff and still learning and that's what makes him so cute and fascinating. Bonbon our only ally fr fr
I still snicker at the misunderstandings like Y/N trying to run away and Moon just goes "Play? Play! FRIEND PLAY!!!"
He's like a cat batting at anything that moves SJXJJEJDJDNEKD
Can I ask what he was trying to do, throwing fish at Y/N? Like I initially thought it was like a thank you but HAHAHA I'm not so sure.
I cackled on the bit where "IT SHOULD'VE BEEN ME" Junior researcher. PLS YOU LITERALLY LIKE EXPOSED EVERY DCA ENJOYER.
Bonbon literally has the normal reaction and reader's like wdym haha
I wanna ask so many questions but I must be patient and wait for everything to unravel OWOENDKSNDJD
Honestly I got curious and went to tumblr to see some extra content and it didn't disappoint.
I didn't expect the scene where Bronii and Y/N sees Moon glowing to be so ethereal looking!!!
He's sk beautiful augh. NOT ONLY HIM BUT OUR VERY OWN Y/N
Y/N is very pretty and i love them sm. I love the banter between them and BonBon. I just can't help but laugh that the bunny was going to jab about their ancestors in their oceanic planet.
I absolutely adore your AU and will keep rereading it <333333
I sincerely hope you recover well and take your time to heal before attempting to do more <333333 Put yourself first <3 we can wait
sneef aheem heem🥺 this is such a nice message🥺😭😭💕
i'm ecstatic you like it!!!!! tbh BON-BON is growing on me so algae-like that i need to elevate other characters so he doesn't overtake them😅 i'm sure some ppl know how it is when a supporting character kinda starts to overshadow the mains accidentally. but instead of cutting him down, the others will rise instead. also you're right, BON-BON has confidence but he's not as well-versed in relationships and social knowledge as he presents himself. he's naive, a little. and he has a mental hierarchy of AI at the bottom, living beings at the top that's being challenged by how carelessly Y/N is being treated.
i ADORE writing Moon! so when he was throwing the fish at Y/N, he was mimicking their tactic of using food to lure him forward. kinda like how they were doing with the crabs in that moment. he wanted to form some kind of trust using food and make them come closer. at that point he had yet to see them without their mask, so to his knowledge other communication methods like speech weren't available.
heeheehoo i wanted him to look very dazzling during the hypnotism scene🥰😳 and i noticed with half of his face covered with the esca he looks more human?? which would help with luring humans bc it kinda obscures the uncanny valley aspect of his usual face shape. i love drawing all of them!
i hope to update the fic soon! recovery isn't going as planned, so i'll be sure to rest, but i've been looking forward to answering this since i saw it in my inbox☺️and i love getting Q's about my fic. thank sm for such a nice message!!💞✨💗✨🌼💖
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Alright here goes nothing
(I have never done anything like this go easy on me 🥲)
Rooster nsfw Alphabet
Bradley bradshaw x fem!reader
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Very caring very gentle
He’ll take care of ya get you anything you need (if he doesn’t fall asleep first
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He knows he gets a lot of looks for his mustache so he’s a bit partial towards it and how you react when he eats you out ;)
His favorite on yours would be your hips as he likes to just run his fingers down your body and how easily they are to grab and hold onto when you’re riding him
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Okay we’ll get into a certain kink later Aheem but he likes mostly inside of you
I’d not inside somewhere where he can see and comment on
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He wants to get you pregnant…hear me out on this one
He never got to know his dad long and kinda wants that feeling of a cute little family…
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s pretty experienced there’s definitely stuff knows and doesn’t
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Cowgirl kinda guy likes it when you ride him but also likes missionary or maybe even a mating press
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Depends he can get emotional sometimes mostly just jealousy and anger
He mostly cracks jokes once the act is done with
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Considering he has a mustache like that he keeps it as groomed as he can
Yes the carpets match the drapes ;)
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
He’ll love bomb you tell you how beautiful you are and just all that kind of junk
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He does it if he really really really needs to he’d rather just have himself inside you but he’s not afraid to use your hand
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Call me beach but I think he’d have a breeding kink, the thought of impregnating you gets him all riled up
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Work is a big no no but anywhere in your shared home together be it the counter, the sofa, or anything else he can bend you over
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
A lot of the time it’s jealousy, he sees someone looking at you and suddenly he has to prove you’re his
But also…he likes it when you’re super sweet and kind it gets him hit and bothered…listen the boy has been through a lot kind things are kinda hot to him
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything to cause you serious harm
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Definitely a giver he’s gotta show you how much he loves you…plus he likes seeing your reaction to his mustache
He didn’t opposed to getting some head, you on your knees can do something to him but he just likes seeing you squirm
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Depends sometimes it’s rough downfield it’s sensual
Most of the time it’s sensual he just wants to show you how much he cares
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He’d rather have just normal sex but he opposed to em especially how often he’s on missions
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
I mean the military is about a lot of risks so he’s down to try new things just as long as he doesn’t hurt ya
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Boy can last days sometimes he goes a few rounds and won’t stop until he’s done (or you’re uncomfortable)
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
If ya have em he’ll use em but only to tease he’s better than any toy you have use him instead
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He can be a tease sometimes mostly just to see you get all flustered and upset, he’d never deny you anything though
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Low groan kinda guy but they gradually become higher pitch moans when he’s about to climax
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He likes it when you’d rate at him for long periods of time, he likes to show off how ripped he is sometimes and having you stare does something to him
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
He’s a pretty big boy maybe around 6 inches with some nice girth
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
High but not high enough where he needs sex everyday
It’s just nice to do to spend time together
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He can get pretty tired depending on how much energy he uses
He can just fall asleep the second he pulls out some times it’s pretty cute :)
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keezree · 1 year
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Look at this garbage
"Oohh aheem heem please play our game? We bought this ad ohh ppease? It may not be the best but its okayyyy.... please play it anyway?"
You cant call yourself shitty and expect people to like you. This ad is straight up telling me not to buy this game because the creators are desperate and they specifically said its not great or the best.
Like that screenshot of that anime where the boy says he's not the best or popular or handsome then asks the girl to go out with him.
And she responds with something like "what makes you think anyone would want you after you say something like that? Would you buy a product that was advertised only by its flaws?"
They should just say what the game is about because that might have been more interesting. Im not going to play it if i have no clue what its about.
So not only did you waste money on an ad, but you also look just really bad and desperate.
You'll only push people away by trying to garner their pity.
0 notes
yukiwrites · 3 years
Now, and Forever
Thank you so much for the support as always, @breeachuu !! i can't believe this is really the end of Wolfie's adventures! ToT) Thank you for sticking with me for so long! I'll miss the goodest boyo...
Summary: The alarming news that arrived the night of Wolfram and Dimitri's wedding was just as unexpected. There were signs of a new war brewing in the horizon, so they had to take up arms one last time...
Commission info HERE and HERE!
By the time Wolfram woke up from their first night as a married couple, the inner circle of the palace sat in disbelief at the conference room.
Wide-eyed, the half manakete tiptoed to his seat beside Dimitri’s, who had his head down under his laced hands. Sensing his husband, Dimitri lifted his face, showing the hardened expression.
“What’s going on?” Wolfie asked tentatively, glancing at the people in the room: Byleth, Seteth, Gilbert, Dedue, and most of their original classmates from the Blue Lions House sat around the table.
Byleth pointed to the letter that sat at the center of the round table. “This letter arrived during the night,” she explained, then lingered her gaze on Wolfie’s. “It’s from Hubert.”
“What?!” Wolfram gasped, jumping out of his seat to pick the letter up. “But he’s-”
“Dead, indeed. By my own hand.” Dimitri spoke in a deep voice. “Yet, it seems that he had that letter ready to be sent right as the war ended, though it was misplaced for a full year until it found its way to us.”
Gilbert sighed deeply. “According to the person who brought it, the original carrier was one of his coworkers at the palace. There was only a short letter attached to it, saying to take it to the winner of the war no matter what.”
“I wonder what happened to the person Hubert entrusted the letter to…” Annette fidgeted on her seat. “What if they got caught up in the battle and…” her voice trailed off as the outcome seemed obvious.
Wolfie’s pupils shook as he lowered the letter. “But if what he’s saying here is the truth… We’re on a really tight schedule, right? If this was supposed to be sent one year ago…”
Dimitri sighed beside his husband. “Indeed. We must set out to this Shambhala place with haste.”
“And the children of the goddess mentioned here…” Wolfram glanced at Seteth and Byleth, then back to the letter.
“Yes.” Byleth nodded, making all eyes turn to her. “After the goddess granted me her power, I started recovering her memories little by little, especially in these past few months. If any of you have any questions about this, I’ll probably be able to answer them; but my plan for the church in the future does include this knowledge…”
“It will be a drastic change to what’s been believed up until now, so it will require some time…” Seteth added with a hand on his chin.
“Well, at least that letter found us all in the same place, huh?” Annette tried to lighten up the mood. “If it had arrived any earlier or later, it would’ve taken a long time to gather everyone together again!”
“Annie, we’re here for the royal wedding…” Mercedes nudged her younger friend, giggling when she blushed and hid her face under her hands.
“Ah, um, sorry about that! Not saying that it’s good that we discovered a new enemy during your honeymoon or anything but- I’m-”
“Heehee, it’s okay, Annette! We’re fine.” Wolfram smiled brightly, dispersing some of the strained atmosphere of the room. “Besides, I also think it’s lucky.” He crossed his arms, smiling proudly. “My entire family is here, too, and boy can they fight! My Father’s been itching for a fight since a while ago so I’m sure they’ll all go with us, too.”
“Will that be alright? I wouldn’t want to drag them into another war…” Dimitri looked up with worry, though Wolfie replied by sitting back down and smiling.
“It’s okay. It’ll actually be harder to tell them not to come, nyahaha…”
“Half a dozen dragons fighting by our side… Now I almost pity those who slither in the dark.” Gilbert chuckled darkly. The thought of such a sight sent shivers down everyone’s spines; they couldn’t even fathom the amount of power they had by their side now.
“Well, I don’t.” Wolfram pouted, snapping his finger on top of the letter. “Do you think I should call Mother here? She might not know the whole situation here and stuff, but she is, like, almost three thousand years old…”
Everyone but Byleth and Seteth sputtered. “Three thousand-” a collective voice choked as all eyes turned to Wolfie.
“Ah,” he scratched his cheek awkwardly. “Didn’t I mention?”
They all stared, befuddled, at their King’s consort, with varying degrees of surprise.
Dedue closed his eyes, then was the first one to move. “... I’ll summon her here.”
“Ah, thank you, Dedue.” Dimitri recovered his composure. He had heard from Wolfram that his mother was a kind of ancient being, but he had no idea of HOW ancient she was.
He now felt too humbled to even be in her presence, but that had to wait.
For now, they had a war council to run, a year after the end of the last war.
If what the letter said was true, those who slither in the dark was an ancient organization set upon decimating the children of the goddess and any who worship them. Monica, or rather, Kronya, and Tomas/Solon were known members of it, though the man who went by ‘Thales’, who only Byleth met briefly before Jeralt’s death, had taken the place of an influential person no one ever expected: Volkhard von Arundel, Dimitri’s uncle by marriage.
They had dealt a decisive blow against those who slither in the dark during the past war without realizing, as the letter explained. Hubert even snarked, saying that although the Empire had lost that battle against the Alliance and the Kingdom, they cheered inwardly at the death of such a repugnable being.
“That also may be the reason why there hasn’t been an attack from them in the past year.” Byleth added as they discussed the contents.
“If they were busy regrouping after losing so many key members… It makes sense.” Sylvain pitched in, checking the map attached to the letter. “This place’s right south of Hilda’s territory, isn’t it? Good thing she and Caspar are staying here for the time being, huh?”
“See, I told you!” Annette puffed her cheeks to her former classmate, earning a few chuckles all around even amidst all the tension of the looming threat.
“OH!!!” Wolfram exclaimed out of nowhere. “Oh, oh! Now I remember!” he jumped out of his seat, placing both hands on the table. “I don’t think I told anyone, but during that battle in Derdriu, I felt something strange oozing from the enemies… And then, when we got into Enbarr-”
Dimitri interrupted, with a hand on his chin in thought. “You mentioned that something stank, if I remember correctly.”
“Yeah! I felt that there was something familiar about them, but I never made the connection until now. So those were the people infiltrated into the imperial forces… those who slither in the dark.”
“You could smell them?” Felix asked in disbelief, frowning deeply.
Wolfram scratched his nose awkwardly.
“We have better senses than humans,” he said in a small voice, fixing his gaze on the door.
Frowning even more, Felix looked from the consort to the door and, for a moment, nothing happened.
However, soon Dedue opened the door, bringing Nidra with him.
Since she had been brought at such short notice, she wore a veil around her head to hide her ears, though she lifted it once the door closed behind them.
Those inside gawked at the sight of her, now with the knowledge of being in the presence of a being older than time itself.
Blinking, Nidra tilted her head to the side at the strange atmosphere before making her way to Wolfram. “I was told something concerning had happened.”
Wolfie nodded, glancing between Dimitri and Nidra. “Yeah, the truth is…”
Once filled in the details, Nidra took the letter and the map. “This pull I feel… around here,” she pointed to a place near the Monastery: it was Zanado, the Red Canyon, where the former archbishop and strongest of the children of the goddess, Rhea, now resided. “Does it have anything to do with this enemy?”
“Oh, wow! You can feel her from here, Mother? I could only feel it when we arrived at the mountains…”
The classmates exchanged glances around the table, confused. Only Seteth silently gasped in surprise, remembering the talk he and Wolfram had had in his office, over a year ago.
“Aheem, um- yeah she’s on our side, so it’s okay.” Wolfie waved both hands as if to dismiss the topic in a hurry.
“Very well,” Nidra put the map back on the table. “These… enemies, according to this letter, somehow resemble those who once tried to use Lady Tiki in their evil plan to conquer the world. If we had more time, perhaps she would’ve been able to infer her insight on this.”
‘Lady Tiki?!’ the classmates thought at the same time. Was it someone more incredible than the woman who lived almost three millenia standing right in front of them?! They were even afraid to ask.
“I’m afraid my forte is not strategy, as that spot is already taken by a dear friend of mine. However, I will do what I can to help this cause.” Nidra concluded, gracefully sitting down beside Wolfram. “It is, after all, a personal matter now,” she smiled, though the pressure exuding from it made the classmates freeze in their spots.
Perhaps it was true that they should pity their enemies.
It would be for the best not to attract too much attention as they moved, so only a handful of people were aware of the true danger. It would do more harm than good to alert the entire population of a danger that might or might not surface in the near future.
Thus, the newly-married King and his consort set out to the Monastery -- officially, that is -- alongside the Archbishop and her consort, bringing quite a few soldiers as escorts with them.
Hilda sent an express messenger to her brother back at their territory to check if there’s been any activity around that area in the past few months, though nothing in particular popped up.
They weren’t called ‘those who slither in the dark’ for nothing, apparently.
Even in his letter Hubert mused how difficult it had been to pinpoint the whereabouts of Shambhala since they had been very careful with the types of magic they used. He had to follow their lines of supplies through espionage, but that was beside the point.
What mattered was that the headquarters was finally within their grasp, even if it wasn’t during the exact time they were supposed to know about it.
When the former classmates from other houses and the rest of Wolfie’s family had been told about the campaign, their readiness to jump back into battle was inspiring and staggering at the same time.
Even the peace-loving Dorothea immediately jumped into the bandwagon, surprising Wolfram into giving her a big hug.
There was no way of knowing the extent of the enemy forces, so although they left with a considerable number of troops under the guise of an escort, there was no shortage of worry. Even if their leaders had been eliminated, new ones would surely surface, so that wasn’t enough to let their guards down.
According to Byleth, they had been the ones who slaughtered the children of the goddess and made weapons out of their bones and crests stones out of their hearts, not to mention how they had experimented on Lysithea during her childhood or how they had kidnapped Flayn for her blood.
They had to be more careful than ever when dealing with such unscrupulous people.
“Yuck, and I thought no one could out-awful the grimleal.” Cynthia made a sour expression one night after the march. “How’re you feeling, Rammy? Are you okay?”
“Hm… I don’t think I am, actually.” Wolfram confessed as they sat near a random tent. “You know, the first mission I had to go to was… was to deal with something these guys did in a tiny village.” He shivered, holding himself as if to warm his arms from the chill. “It was horrible. I kept thinking about what you and Big Brother told me just so I wouldn’t be a crying mess for weeks.” He leaned on Cynthia’s shoulder as she scooted closer.
“Don’t worry, Rammy. Big Sis here is gonna kick their butts so hard I’ll turn them inside out.” She clenched her fist decidedly. “I’ll probably dust off my dragonstone for this.”
“Whoa, Sis, but what about your pegasus?” Wolfie gasped in surprise.
“Well, my arm in human form isn’t as strong as my,” she mimicked biting the air, “jaws in dragon form.” She grinned. “And I’m ready to fill my belly with baddies.”
“W-wait, what if they give you indigestion!” Wolfie finally laughed, making Cynthia sag her shoulders in relief.
“No amount of baddies could make MY belly upset! Not the greatest hero that ever lived, Cynthia, the pegasus-riding dragon!” She struck a pose, receiving applause from a giggling Wolfie.
Content, the big sister patted her younger brother’s head.
Despite being cheered up by Cynthia, Wolfie still worried as they marched, to the point that he was unable to sleep sometimes.
Dimitri, as one with a light sleep, noticed when his husband tossed and turned in bed. “Wolfram…”
“Ah, did I wake you? I’m sorry, Dimitri.” Wolfie slapped both hands over his mouth. “I’m just so nervous about it all,” he scooted closer, hiding in Dimitri’s embrace. “I keep remembering Remire village…”
Dimitri softly hugged his husband back, digging his face into his thin neck. “Indeed, that was a terrible experience for me as well, at the time. But we will put an end to all of that suffering, now once and for all.”
“Put an end to the suffering…” Wolfie mused. “I hadn’t thought about that. I was so focused on all the evil they did and how strong they must be, I wasn’t looking ahead!”
Chuckling, Dimitri kissed Wolfram’s forehead. “To think the student would become the teacher,” he smiled. “You were the one who taught me to think of the good I could make, so I’ve been taking it to heart.”
“Mhm,” Wolfie grinned, feeling pride well up inside his chest. “Thanks for reminding me of it, Dimitri. I think I can finally have a good night’s sleep, thinking of the good we can do.”
“That’s good.” Dimitri nodded, bringing Wolfie closer into his arms. “The weather gets warmer the further we get from Faerghus, but…”
“Of course, I’m not trading your hugs for anything, not even if it’s too hot!” Wolfie giggled, rubbing his face on his husband’s strong chest.
Under loving giggles and soft embraces, the rulers of the Unified Fódlan fell asleep in one another’s arms on the eve of their arrival.
The entrance to Shambhala was within a mountain, under many strange and familiar contraptions -- they resembled those who lifted them downwards to the Holy Tomb. The air was still and hard to breathe the deeper they went, but under the eerie lights embedded on the walls and the constant flow of dark mages, there could be no doubt about it: they really were in the heart of the enemy.
Byleth took the charge as she had always had, though this time her Sword of the Creator shone brighter than ever, ready to soak up all the blood its owner had spilled to create it. There were Demonic Beasts and Titanuses blocking their path left and right, but with the collective might of mages and dragons, they, too, fell like dominoes to the Kingdom’s might.
There were many traps to be disarmed as they swooped in, some that they had never seen the power of -- like the Javelins of Light, that had decimated Zanado a millenia ago. Though they all equally fell to the Kingdom army due the incompetence of the organization's new leaders.
Once they descended some dozen floors, never stopping with killing everything in sight, they arrived at a room with oval compartments around the walls.
There were eleven of them, with the biggest one menacingly standing in the middle.
Cautious, Byleth asked Yuri and Ashe to approach, as the stealthiest ones in the team, but the moment they took the first step into the room, smoke rose up from the tubes connecting to the compartments.
“Archwind!” Henry shouted immediately, dissipating the dangerous-looking smoke into nothing.
It revealed that the doors to the compartments opened upwards, one by one, revealing dead-looking people inside.
They were grey as ash and the putrid smell that filled the room told the army that something that defiled even Death stood in front of them.
“Seiros…” the man in the middle, who towered over even Dedue at almost 3 meters tall, grunted in a guttural, animal-like voice. He took a whip-looking thing from his waist, immediately whipping it ahead -- straight in Byleth’s direction.
She blocked it with her Sword of the Creator, noticing that that was no whip: it looked exactly like her sword, though it was bathed in black.
“You’re…” she widened her eyes in surprise. “Nemesis!”
“What?!” the army gasped in surprise behind the Professor.
“Then those ten are…” Dimitri’s words trailed off as the 10 Elites each brandished a shadow copy of their original Relics. “Quick, to arms! Do not let them gather their strength!”
“I’ll keep Nemesis occupied! Defeat the others!” Byleth rushed ahead.
Although the room was enormous, it didn’t fit all of the units they had brought, especially not the draconic ones in their original forms. Due to that, Wolfie’s family had to fight in their human forms, though they were no weaker than before -- Nidra especially, who had perfect control over her dragonstone to allow it to give her the strength equivalent to her dragonic form without completely transforming. She fought with her fists.
By her side, Henry cackled maniacally, loving that new side of his wife.
The battle against the revived 10 Elites was over embarrassingly fast, though no one dared to mention it aloud. Perhaps it was because they had just been resurrected, or just because the Kingdom army was just that strong.
One thing was for certain: the moment the last of the ten fell, Byleth’s sword managed to wound and then kill Nemesis, as if he had been protected by magic that connected all of them to him.
“Humph,” Byleth whipped her sword back into its original shape. “It was good that we were informed of this place when we did. I think those who slither in the dark wouldn’t unleash this threat until this age was over, so we managed to protect future generations.”
“We saved the future of not only one, but TWO worlds!” Cynthia threw her elbows back in a pose. “Now I can rub that in Owain’s face, mwahaha…!”
No one truly heard, or simply ignored, her words as they all came to terms with the victory.
“Was this the last floor? Did we really do it?” Someone asked.
“I can’t believe there was so much hidden underground,” another person mused, though, by far, the most common reaction was a shout to the sky.
“We won!!!” They cheered.
It was a mission that ended as quickly as it arrived, though it was by no means easy on their hearts. To be thrown into another war right after being able to stand after the last one made the soldiers’ hearts waver.
Yet, now it was all over.
“I’ll have to make sure there weren’t more of these around the land,” Byleth mused to herself as Seteth wiped the blood out of her face with the worry of a very concerned husband.
“That this place existed at all is already unimaginable enough… But true, we shouldn’t overlook that possibility.”
On the other side of the room, Wolfie hugged all of his family and his husband in turns. “We did it!! Thank you so much, everyone! I don’t think we could’ve ended this so fast without you.”
“Of course you couldn’t! Not without the duo heroes, Cynthia!” Both Cyn and Cynthia struck an ‘x’ pose as petals magically exploded behind them.
“Nyahaha…” a glint shone in Henry’s eyes as he helped flaunter his daughters’ antics.
His heart full, Wolfram’s nose itched with tears. “Thank you so much, really, thank you… Now we can truly, finally be at peace.”
Dimitri slid one hand to Wolfie’s waist. “Indeed. Your help was invaluable, mother-in-law, father-in-law.” He bowed.
“Wow! This makes me feel so old!” Henry giggled, waving his hand to Dimitri’s bow. “It’s fine, I’ve been wanting to spill some blood for a while… hey, be sure to call on me if you need something killed, alright? There’s not much fun- aack, owowow, Ni-Ni!”
Pulling her husband’s ear, Nidra sighed. “Pay him no mind, Dimitri.”
Dimitri blinked, then laughed as warmth enveloped his chest.
It would take a bit of getting used to to finally accept that he now had a family -- and a really big and diverse one at that.
Yet, whenever he held Wolfram’s hands in his, he couldn’t help but accept that reality readily. Truly, only bright days waited ahead of them.
The party dissolved little by little as they returned home.
Hilda and Caspar stayed at the former Alliance to visit her home and tell them the good news of their victory. There was also another set of good news that would visit them in a few weeks’ time, the first of many, many new members of their little family.
Dorothea returned to Enbarr to be with her husband, Ferdinand, and help him rule over his domain. She brought him the news of what Thales had done as Arundel in the Wrym territory, and the both of them wondered if they had ever met the real Arundel at some point in their lives or if those who slither in the dark had truly been infiltrated so deep into the Empire for that long.
Byleth and Seteth headed back to the Monastery, though first they stopped by Zanado to tell Rhea of everything that had happened. They didn’t call on her before since she was still recuperating after five years of torture at the only place she had called home since ancient times, but now that Nemesis had been defeated once and for all, she deserved to know the truth. Rhea weeped for her mother and brethren for the first time in centuries, somehow managing to let go of a lot of resentment and attachments, which stabilized her aura considerably.
Now, Nidra wouldn’t be able to sense her from Faerghus like before.
As the new Archbishop, Byleth would spread the truth of what actually happened at the creation of the Church of Seiros, though she would be doing that over the centuries with Seteth by her side.
Dedue and Mercedes finally went on their trip to Duscur, though Dimitri said that if they wanted to take permanent residence there, he would do his utmost to bring the land back to fruition. Dedue was conflicted at first, since he wanted to serve Dimitri for the rest of his life, but the prospect of rebuilding his land beside the one he loved moved his heart like never before. Besides, it was only a week of travel between Duscur and Fhirdiad, so they could see each other any time.
Cyn and Ingrid established a new Pegasus Order in Fódlan, based on the one from Ylisse. Even though Cyn’s pegasus looked different from the others, it was by no means weaker or slower, so it was easily accepted into the group at the barn.
Claude, now crowned King of Almyra, would sometimes visit Fhirdiad in diplomatic missions, so his promise with Wolfie was fulfilled now that they could meet whenever they wanted. As Cyn was Wolfie’s personal guard, she and Claude saw a lot of each other whenever he visited, and there were some glances…
Cynthia, Meliodas and their spouses moved into their family’s castle, bringing new life into it even after Wolfie and Cyn’s departure.
Surprisingly, the one who visited the most was Henry and not Nidra, though he liked to study Fódlan’s magic more often than not -- it was said that the innate magic he learned could decimate a few dozen armies, though that wasn’t put to practice. … Yet, anyway.
Nidra learned how to braid her hair around her ears from Dorothea, so now she didn’t need to walk around with the veil anymore. She divided her time between visiting Robin in her detached palace and Wolfie in his, so she was by no means staying still, though she still relished in taking naps under the oak tree in the garden.
Wolfram and Dimitri, years later, would decide to adopt a child to be the heir to the throne, though first and foremost they would treat him like their own son before he was to be the next king.
Family was, after all, everything that mattered.
Now, and forever.
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yeogiyoongibuteora · 7 years
.:UP10TION Reaction:. When their crush draws hearts one their arms/hands
Lil cutie anon requested!: “Hii! Can I request a up10tion reaction? How would they react when their crush is bored and starts drawing hearts in their hand? 💕“
A/N: *LE panics cuz has forgotten how the heck to use Tumblr omg HALP--* Aheem, aye y’all. Yes, I’m not dead, mom, don’t scream is just me. This... Even saying sorry ain’t enough, this has been almost half a year (maybe not that much... or maybe even more idek anymore) but bUT IM HERE IN MY FREE TIME FROM COLLEGE TO DO IT SO PLEASE I HOPE YOU LOVE IT ANONIE EVEN IF U DON’T EVEN REMEMBER REQUESTING IT SDINVSIDNVINV OKAY BYE BYE--
Gifs ain’t mine!
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This cutie pie ;v; it was just a normal boring day at school, the teacher was late as always and you were more than bored as you guys had nothing to do, Jinhoo was sitting beside you while looking at a new message and suddenly he flinched because of the sudden strange tickling feeling in his arm and turned around to find your soft hand moving around with a pen, when he saw the heart he really didn’t think of anything too serious but it still made him all fluffy inside. -Are you bored? Do you want to go out for a bit?-
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You’re wrong if you think this guy is going to stay quiet, nope, NO. He first let you do the draw on his hand and then after seeing the draw he’ll immediately start a “doodles fight” -I BET I CAN DRAW A CUTIER HEART IN YOUR HAND!- of course, this is not a subtle way of trying to touch your hand/arm, ahem, nope, what u talking about----
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Okay, I think this prince would actually stay there just looking. Seriously, he'd think you're the most precious person in the world like- He was so engrossed looking at you that an entire hour has already passed and you already drew way too many hearts in his arm and hand that there was no more space left for you to continue. -If you want... I can lend you my other arm- he'd said with a tiny laugh.
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I think he's the type that would actually panic lmfao, I mean yes he's really dorky and all but when it's bout his crush BOOOOI. Like he saw your hand coming near his not even noticing the big ass sharper his reaction would be like *gif... Please ignore Sunyoul tho ik it's difficult but yeah* and then he'd be already blushing like: omg w-w-w-w-w-w-w-whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat---- and then the feeling of the sharper in his skin would draw him back to reality and then after seeing the heart his own would be thumping so hard in his chest omg, do you want to give him a heart attack? He had to excuse himself to go to the bathroom and calm himself down lmfao -e...excuse me teacher, may I go to the bathroom?-
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I think he'd try to play it cool. It was just another boring class and bored you decided to just draw on your friend's arm, so after you drew the heart and glared at him to show him your masterpiece he would kind of widen his eyes not knowing what to say but then he would clear his throat. -It's... Cute... I mean I think it'd look better if you drew another heart and then... I don't know, write my name in a cursive letter?- he'd soooo embarrassed after he said so but then you did what he said and oh boy, he'd fanboy internally so much istg. Someone save him.
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This cutieeeee! In the middle of a lecture, growing bored you decided to just draw a heart in the back of his hand, he was holding a book and following the lecture so it was actually difficult finding a way to draw but then when he felt the pen in his skin he squealed a bit, getting really ticklish, I think he'd try to be quiet but he'd let out some giggles from time to time until you finished and then he stared at the back of his hand and smiled. -Ah, if I draw one in your hand as well... We'd have matching doodles!-
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I think he'd definitely take a photo with it! Like, for real, in the middle of math class you suddenly drew a heart in his palm and he loved it, like he thought it was the best drawing of a heart he had seen ever and he'd instantly take out his phone -I need a memoir of this!- but... he had the flash on so the teacher took him out of the class... Still worth it tho. After getting out I think he’d be the type to think deeply about it too, considering the possibilities that you liked him too but would be too shy to actually ask if it had the meaning he thought it had.
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This can go two ways, either he gets really blushy and overthinks a lot about the draw and lets you continue to fill his arm OR he would still overthink but would take out a notebook so you could continue drawing, not that he didn't like your closeness (cuz god, he actually loved it) but he was scared of what his mom would tell him when he came back filled with drawings in his arm lmfao. Either way, I think he'd definitely try and leave you little hints in your arms/on a notebook too about his crush on you and would probably become a habit between the two of you.
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Be ready for another one that'd fill your arms too with drawings! You both were dozing off in the middle of literature so trying not to get lectured you tried to stay awake by drawing on his arm when suddenly he took your free arm and pulled it closer -Let's see who can draw more hearts in a minute!- about the meaning, I think he'd try to not to think deeply about it, scared that he may overthink things and get useless hope on you actually liking him, but he'd still check out your actions, even more, to see if there's any sign his feelings can be returned.
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In the middle of a humanistic class, you got bored of hearing the same things so you suddenly took his arm and drew a cute little heart in one of his fingers but he was really quiet and so you decided to look back and he was just serious and not saying anything which made you think he was maybe mad because you just suddenly did so but then he spoke -What about my other fingers? They want a heart too- he pouted cutely and you had to laugh at that. He'd definitely love the feeling of your hand resting on top of his arm to draw, he won't probably question the hearts or even think deeply about it tbh.
Okay, this may sound like I’m a masochist or smth but... REQUEST FOR REACTIONS ARE OPEN! (I have one still left in the ask box but I’ll do it too, I swear!) 
Masterlist is here and rules are here! Thanks for requesting sweetie anon~
Admin Miyu
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