#ahgosdfks I've forgotten how to tag things- it's been so long
wendy130 · 3 years
A young wannabe warriors Tommy hunts down picks a fight against a giant techno but techno is unsurprisingly unbothered that’s there’s an angry child stabbing his toes. Mostly just confused. so he just goes tries on with his day wile being followed around by the angry boy. hi-jinx ensues
Feel free to add noms if u want (sorry if this prompt is F tier)
Hey y'all, I've been... busy, wheeze. I haven't had much time to write anything, so that's why I've been gone.
But, I absolutely loved this prompt, and I couldn't just leave it to rot in my inbox.
Instead of writing everything out like originally planned, here's the outline of the story that I wrote under the cut.
There are nomfs in this story, however, if you do not like vore, you do not need to read that part. There will be a warning when it comes to the vore part of this story.
// Warnings: mentions of a bad past, mentions of injury, vore, safe vore, soft vore.
// (If I missed anything, please tell me.)
- Set early in the morning. A retired warrior g!Techno is just getting ready to leave his home and tend to his farms... only to find a child human has.. broken into his home... and is yelling at him to fight him.
- Techno just noped out of there, moving on as if he didn't just see that and going on with his day.
- Going to a stream to get water, the kid follows him out of his home. He's annoyed but still tries to ignore them. Ends with "You're not going to leave me alone, are you?" "Nope :D"
- Techno continues to just go on with his day and tries to tire them out.
- He goes to his ranch, feeding all the animals as the kid tries to stop him. He just.. picks them up and drops them in a bucket before going back to work.
- Techno goes back inside, and Tommy somehow gets out of the bucket that he was put in and follows the giant piglin back in. Techno ignores them in favor of cooking food (the kid... oddly stays away from him when he does that) before going to his living room to read a book.
- While he's reading, the kid still is farther away than before, yelling obscenities. They stop after a while, looking upset. Techno sighs, giving a short answer as to why he won't fight (while doing so, he leans over and gives the kid a piece of food; Tommy ends up flinching violently but Techno doesn't comment on it). Techno doesn't really know why he did that. He could've just ignored the kid, and they might've left.
- Tommy huffs and tells him that he's stupid (in a soft voice, unlike the harsh tone they always seemed to use). Techno rolls his eyes, going back to reading.
- After a bit, Techno goes back outside since the sun isn't gonna make him boil while he tends to his other farms that he's yet to visit.
- the kid is still following him like a lost duck. They're still insistent that he fights them, albeit less so. They seem to be more curious about what he's doing now. Raising an eyebrow, Techno decides to indulge them on a whim.
- time skip.
- Techno's done with farming and goes to sit under a tree while the sun sets. He ends up asking the kid why they were trying to fight him.
- The kid is rather... reluctant to speak. He ends up dropping the subject, and he places a hand next to the kid. "Come on, you don't seem keen on leaving any time soon, and I'd rather not have some kid die on me." Tommy reluctantly climbs onto the hand, and they go back to his home.
- Also, at this point, neither of them actually know the other's name, so to fix that, Tommy is like "I'm not a kid. I'm Tommy." Techno snorts in amusement and shares his own name.
- long time skip.
- Tommy ends up staying with Techno.
- Uhhh, write some little fluff moments with breaks in the middle to signify a time skip. (Throughout the timeskips, there are hints at Tommy coming from a bad background (restless fidgeting, and clear flinching whenever Techno does something too fast or something). )
- Tommy bonding with Carl while helping Techno with the ranch.
- a break in the writing.
- Tommy is hella fidgety as mentioned before, so Techno ends up gifting the kid a few fidget stuff: a knife and wood for whittling, a human knitting set, and an ocarina. Tommy asks him where he got the stuff, and Techno shrugs, saying an old friend helped him get the stuff.
- another break.
- It takes a while for Tommy to fall asleep, and he ends up asking for Techno to tell him a bedtime story. Techno has been waiting for a while for the kid to gather their wits and ask him. The topic of bedtime stories can shift to a deeper conversation where Techno asks about Tommy's past.
- Tommy's past is.... not good. He was a street kid and was taken in by a group of monster hunters when he was young. He was trained day and night, barely taken care of. That's why he was sent to fight Techno.
- Techno has a realization that, if the group of monster hunters was informed enough to know about him, they were consciously knowing that they were sending the kid to a possibly horrible end. (Techno used to be ruthless when he was an active warrior.)
- He... wisely keeps that information to himself, glad that he's changed while in retirement, and tucks Tommy to bed, vowing to himself to keep the kid safe.
// If you don't like vore, this is a good stopping point. The story can end here.
- a break. Instead of a fluffy moment, shift to angst. Nomfs start here.
- Techno should have known better than to forget good things don't last.
- Tommy ends up hella injured by something. (Maybe falling? Mobs? Tommy's past comes up to meet him?) Anyways, the kid is passed out and hurt, and Techno doesn't exactly have the medical supplies to help the kid. Well... he has one way, but neither the kid nor him will exactly... enjoy it.
- Healing nomfs occur.
- time skip.
- Techno is in the middle of reading when the kid wakes up. It is... not a gentle awakening, the kid immediately pounds at their surroundings. Holding back a few purrs, he has to try and calm them down. Clearly... that doesn't really work so he has to wait painfully for the kid to stop struggling.
- He feels guilty as fuck when the kid stops and sobs, and he gently drapes a hand over his brooding pouch, feeling the kid tense. Softly, he explains to the kid that they're safe and that he was sorry about the entire thing. Tommy doesn't respond, only pipping up in a shaky voice to ask to be let out.
- Techno does just that, quickly placing the kid down next to a towel before backing off. Tommy quietly asks him to leave the room, and Techno does that too after a second of reluctance.
- time skip.
- The next few weeks, the two just... skirt around each other until nighttime, where they reluctantly sleep in the same room. Techno knows how much Tommy fears him still because the kid won't stop shaking around him and they rarely get sleep. So he ends up just... leaving out small gifts to the kid (nice food, some new supplies for the kid's hobbies, flowers, hell- he even starts reading out loud during his reading time for the kid, hoping that they might hear it).
- Finally, finally, Tommy confronts Techno when they're heading to bed, asking if Techno was serious... about doing it only for his safety. Techno wholeheartedly says yes (and apologizes again. "I- I'm sorry. I truly am. You were just... bleeding out, and I panicked.") Hesitantly, Tommy nods before bidding Techno goodnight, and, well, he supposes that's better than nothing. Both of them sleep a little better that night.
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