#ahh I don't like this as well as the bonfire one but oh well
harryhandstan · 4 years
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part two to the bonfire blurb I posted last week! you have @tbslenthusiast to thank for this one because she (sorta) requested it :) hope you all enjoy and have a happy and safe Halloween tomorrow!
Matching costumes. 
Harry’s idea, of course, but one you had swiftly agreed to.
It had been less than a week since the bonfire and still no one had been able to place the reason for the joyous expressions that seemed to stay glued on your faces these days. There were countless couples throughout history to choose from, and the two of you wasted no time in attempting to find the most obvious one. It hadn’t taken long to decide; only a couple of hours huddled over your laptop in Harry’s bed before he was giggling and pressing the button to complete the order.
You can tell when you arrive that Mitch and Sarah have spent most of the week preparing for the party, elaborate decorations gracing the entrance to their home and all throughout. Mitch’s eyes follow the two of you as you sweep around the room greeting old friends and new acquaintances. He was growing suspicious of your newfound closeness, no doubt Sarah had planted the idea in his head that maybe the two of you were more intimate than the public were aware of.
Maybe it’s the way Harry’s hand falls so naturally to the small of your back as you peruse the abundance of treats provided across a long wooden table in the middle of the dining room. Or perhaps it’s the way it sneaks around to rest on your hip to pull you closer as he whispers something in your ear over the chaos of the music and the voices. Whatever he says causes you to throw your head back with laughter, and anyone near enough would have seen the split second Harry took to press a kiss to the side of your exposed neck.
It’s no longer about being private or secluded, so you decide together which position in the large room would be the most seen as you enjoy the refreshments you’ve gathered to devour. You each hold a small black plate and a cup of punch as you find a spot. Who could fail to notice two friends feeding each other a homemade rice krispie treat in the shape of a bat in the middle of the room?
It doesn’t take long for the punch to work its way through your system, whatever spirit it was laced with instantly making you bolder and more careless for who may be watching as you sway to the song playing loud through the speakers. Harry’s just as intoxicated as you, more on the brightness of your eyes and the way that your hands roam his body than the alcohol coursing through his veins.
When your fingertips brush across the part of his chest unprotected by clothing, he worries he may burst into flames if his lips don’t touch yours in that very instant. He molds his body to yours, large hands cradling either side of your face as he captures your mouth with his. It’s a kiss full of desire, leaving nothing to the imagination of what he wishes he could do to you, of what you have no doubt he will do once you're alone later that evening when you arrive home.
If no one knew previously, they certainly did now. If they failed to notice now, they must be blind.
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renee-writer · 5 years
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The Contract Chapter 2 The Exam Continues
A bit NSFW
She focuses on listening to what his stomach is telling her. A table to lay him out on would make it easier. When, she is confident, she wins the contract, she will have one. Until, well making do is her motto.
His stomach sounds healthy. She moves the stethoscope up a bit and catches his pulse again. She frowns. It is pounding. Much higher then last time. She looks up.
"Alex, are you feeling okay?"
"I am fine. Why?"
"Your pulse is higher." She stands back up. "Okay, let's check your eyes, ears, and throat."
"Ye really are through."
"Yes. As much as I can be in an open space." He then recalls that he is surrounded by his employees and hers. He can't help asking what else she would check if they had privacy. He tells himself it is part of her evaluation of her, and it partly is.
"Well, how old are you Alex?" He gives her a strange look," Some exams and tests depend on age."
"Oh. I am thirty."
"No prostate exam then. I do recommend a yearly testicular exam though, for cancer. A full crown to feet exam for skin cancer." She says as she gets out the otoscope and prepares to check his ears.
"Sae, if we were alone, ye would have me naked and would touch my bullocks." He casually says and she almost drops the otoscope.
"Jesus H Roosevelt Christ," she mumbles. "No, I would do the exam with a RN present." She takes several deep breaths before inserting the tip in his ear and examing him. He is chuckling softly. "Be still please."
She finishes and grabs a tongue depresser. "Open up and say 'ahh." He does and she notes he still has his tonsils and they are healthy. Pulling it out, she breaks it and throws it away. "Eyes next." She tells him. He nods. She fears looking into the depths of his blue eyes.
"Buck up Beauchamp." She scolds herself. "He is just a patient. The fact he has your knickers in a knot is your issue not his."
She turns to him and shines the light into his eye. Optic nerve and cornea healthy. No sign of infection or glaucoma. She does the same with the other. Also healthy. Good. She lowers the light and goes to move away.
He reaches up and moves the hair that had fallen from her bun back behind her ear. She loses her breath at the trail of fire his touch leaves behind. "Ahh. You are very healthy Alex."
"That is good to know." She hears it in his voice also. Whatever was going on, it wasn't just her affected.
"Yes. I..."
"Will you come with me Claire? Ye can use a break and we have some fresh non-alcoholic cider. I can get ye some." She shouldn't. It was dangerous. Every nerve ending in her body was screaming that it was a very bad idea. But, she felt alive not just existing. So, she gets up, tells Geilles that she will be back in ten, and follows him out.
He leads her into the converted barn. The apple press is an old one but it makes the best cider. She breaths in the smell of hay, apples, and old leather. No one else is around.
"So, is this where you work, Alex?"
He smiles as he pours them each a cup. "I do a bit of everything around here." He hands her the cup, their hands touch, and time seems to stop. Every nerve in her body is alive, no longer screaming danger, they are now reminding her that she is a woman. She swallows hard and lifts the cup to her lips and takes a drink.
Her moan is involuntary. The cider tastes like Autumn, apples, bonfires, raked leaves, cool nights, sweaters, all in that first taste.
"Told ye."
"It is the best I have ever had."
"It is the auld press. Each apple is selected for it's firmness and sweetness." Her moves closer. Her back hits the barn wall behind her. "And, then we slowly press and grind all the sweet juices out of them." He takes the cup from her, placing it on the shelf beside her. "Christ Claire. I want to kiss ye sae bad."
She wets her lips. She should be pushing him away. She should be running back to the make-shift clinic. She should but...the truth is she wants this kiss too. So, she lifts herself up, against his body. "Kiss me Alex. Please."
He growls before placing his hands on her face and lowering his lips. He was lost from the first touch. Completely hers. She sighs as his tongue skims her lips. She opens with something akin to relief. This was meant to be. This kiss. Their tongues tangle as their lips move harder against each other. His hands leave her face and move down to her arse pressing her right against his erection. Her hands entangle in his soft curles. She can't recall when she has been more turned on. She forgets that she is Nurse Practitioner Claire Beauchamp, head of Lambert Medical Group. That she is here to win the contract to furnish medical care the Lallybroch Distillery. She is only aware of Alex and the feelings he is rousing in her body.
She rocks against him needly. He responds by pulling them apart enough to get a hand between them. He works the botton of her trousers and lowers the zipper. Slipping a hand in, he finds her soft, wet heat. She jerks at the feel of his hand. She knows, in some part of her lust-addled mind, that she needs to stop him. That it isn't right. They barely know each other. But, that voice is drowned out by the magic his fingers are working.
"Ohhh God. Oh Jesus," she pants against his chest. "Please. Oh please."
"Let go. I've ye." He whispers. She shudders before starting to ride his hand, way to needy to be shy. His huge thumb plays her clit. She pants against his shirt as she gets closer. He moves faster in responce to her answering movements.
"Ohhhhh yessss. God yessss!" She explodes against his hand with a full body shudder. She lays weakly against him as he removes his hand and rearranges her pants. Now that the intensity of her need has been satisfied, she feels shame. He senses the change in her.
"It is okay Claire." He says agianst the top of her head.
"I don't do this. Never have done this."
He lifts her head, gently kisses her. "Neither have I. There is something powerful between us."
"Yes..' Their conversation is intrupted be the breathless arrival of Mary, one of her nurses.
"Come quick Claire! Someone has fainted."
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