#outlander promt exchange
renee-writer · 5 years
The Contract Chapter 8 An Important Conversation
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"We should talk." Jamie says as he directs her into his private quarters. She is fasinated by the old wallpaper, the fireplace, just the old feel of his space.
"Yes. How old is this building?" Raised by an historian, her curiosity temporarily overshadows her desire.
"Lallybroch was built around 1706 and this suite, the original Laird's bedchamber, is part of the orginal."
"Wow! I was raised by an historian. My dad's brother, Lambert Beauchamp. He would be fasinated by this whole place."
"Weel, ye are welcome to invite him. I will give him a tour." He watches her face fall.
"He passed away last year."
"Christ Claire. I dinna ken."
"We really don't know each other."
"Aye, so, let's talk. Just talk."
"Can we?" She takes a seat on the loveseat in the corner of the room. He sits across from her in a wingback chair.
"Maybe. We need to try. If this is real, we need to know more then each others wee noises."
"True. Well, I was raised by Uncle Lamb because my parents died in an auto accident when I was five." He goes to reach for her then fisted his hand. She gives him a sad smile. "I barely remember them. Uncle Lamb was an historian and archeologist. I was raised around the world. It was a very unusual childhood. It is where I first started to fall in love with medicine. I saw what it could do, you see." He nods. "I knew I wanted to be a healer. But, not a doctor."
"Why not?"
"To far away from the patients. So nurse practitioner is perfect."
"Uncle Lamb got to see me graduate. I am glad of it."
"What happened?"
"A stroke. He was on a dig and just fell over." He gasps. "What is it?"
"We have that in common. My da was felled the same way. Was in the grain field and.."
"I am so sorry Jamie."
"I was nineteen. My mam passed when I was but eight. The cancer it was."
"Both orphans." It took all that was in her not to reach for him. He nods, biting her lip as the first tear falls. He had grieved his parents passing many a time but, it was different with Claire. She would ken in a way that only Jenny, his sister could.
He looks up and meets her eyes and she forgets she isn't to be touching him. She opens her arms and he stumbles two steps into them. She holds him, weeps with him, as they both grieve.
"Tell me something good." She had lifted his head off her chest after they had cried themselves out. She wipes his face of tears. He smiles and touches his forehead to hers.
"Murtagh. He is my Godfather as well as, CEO. He has become my da. He isna happy about this."
"Us. Whatever it is between us." His words tickle across her face. She feels her blood rush to her breast, pool between her legs. No, they aren't done talking yet. She pulls back. He understands and just keeps a hold of her hand. "It is easier if we are touching, aye?"
"Yes, it is. We shall return to that." He nods. "Tell me about Lallybroch Distillery." He grins.
"It was started by my grandda, Jacob. Lallybroch has been in the family since it was built. It has been a hotel, wedding venue, even rented out as apartments, at one point. Auld Jacob decided to return her to her roots. He started farming, then selling the grain spirits, from the essence grain, ye ken, to his neighbors. The fame spread and Lallybroch Distillery was born."
"And you inherited it as the eldest?" She guesses.
"Nae Claire, I am not the eldest. That would be Willy, would have been Willy, then Janet( Jenny), lastly me." She waits, heart in her mouth. What had happened to Willy? "William Jacob Fraser came six months after my parents wedding. My mam was a Mackenzie, ye ken, and her brothers dinna wish her to marry a Fraser. A positive pregnancy test changed their minds. Willy was my hero, the best big brother. He ne' got on me for following him around. Twas just God's providence I wasna with him when it happened." He tightens his hand in hers. "He was swimming in the Loch. A storm came up. He lost his way and drowned. He had just turned five and ten."
She had no words that could comfort so, she slipped off the loveseat and into his lap. She just held him. He didn't cry( was he grieving for Willy earlier too?) He just got still except for the hand stroking her back
"How old were you?" She finally asks.
"Six. Jenny was ten. She dinna want this job. It wasna a gender thing. She had already married Ian and was six months gone with wee Jamie when da died."
"So, that left you?"
"Aye. Aye, and a grand fit it is. This was all I ever wanted. To farm the land. To make the best spirits in the Highlands. Was all I dreamed of."
"Aye, it still is but, now there is something I want just as much."
"That is?"
"You." He lowers his lips to her.
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renee-writer · 5 years
The Contract
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"You know how important this is. You must be at your best. Your people must be at their best. You can do this. We can." Claire Beauchamp gives herself a pep talk before heading out the door. Her small medical group was going for a contract to provide medical care, on-site, for the workers of Lallybroch Distillery. If they get it, Lambert Medical Group's financial worries will be over. If not, she might have to shut down the group and take a job under someone else. So, no pressure. Just enough to make her feel like her head is about to explode and tie her stomach in knots.
James Fraser dresses in the jeans and flannel shirt of his work crew instead of his suit and tie. He is going undercover today to personally check-out Lambert Medical Group. The health of his employees is to important to leave to chance.
"So ye will be Alex Mackenzie today and I am to greet the lass and her crew in your steed." Murtagh Fitzgibbon, his CEO and Godfather, confirms.
"Aye. Tell the lass I will be available later today and ye will be evaluating her group for me."
"Aye. I have heard good things about her group."
"As have I. But, will leave naught to chance."
"Miss Beauchamp. Welcome to Lallybroch." Murtagh greets her an hour later.
"Thank you Mr Fitzgibbon. We are very happy to be here. Will Mr Fraser be joining us soon?"
"He has been unexpectedly delayed. But, I ken what he is looking for and stand ready to evaluate ye in his place." She follows him to the warehouse that had been cleared of barrels and filled with tables and chairs. A makeshift clinic.
"It is temporary," Murtagh assures her," if ye get the contract, a permanent area will be established for yer needs."
"This will do quite nicely. Thank you. Give us ten minutes and you can bring in the first patients." He nods, bows, and leaves her and her crew to set up."
"Can you believe Mr Fraser, himself, wasn't here to greet us?" She mumbles to her best mate and best nurse Geillis Duncan.
"He is a busy man. And, Mr Fitzgibbon is his CEO. Keep the big picture in mind."
"You are right. Thanks Gell."
"What are best mates for?"
"Initial impression?" Jamie asks Murtagh as they wait for her to set up.
"Neat, business focused, capable, adaptable. All around good first impression."
They are ready in eight minutes. Geilles sets up triage and they start seeing the Lallybroch workers.
"So, how long have you had that cough?" Claire inquires of the businesse's barrister, Ned Gowan.
"A few weeks now. I thougjt it the change of weather. But, it is starting to keep me up at night."
"So, it is worse when you lay down?"
"A bit." She nods and listens to his chest and back.
"I am afraid you have a case of asthma. A mild one. I will prescribe some inhaled steriods and a rescue inhaler. That should do the trick. No smoking. No strenuous activity. If you are no better in a few days, come see me or go to the hospital."
"Thank you Miss Beauchamp."
"My pleasure Mr Gowan."
"What can I do for you Mr Mackenzie?"
"Just a check-up. I've naught wrong with me but, figured a check-up canna hurt. With the company paying and all."
"It is better to catch problems early. Quite smart Mr Mackenzie."
"Alex. Ye can call ne Alex Miss Beauchamp."
"Alex it is. I am Claire."
"What is that?"
"It means Light and is ye name in the Galiec."
"Oh. Well, please roll up your sleeve Alex, so I can get your blood pressure." He does, exposing muscles shaped by lifting barrels all day.
"My God. You are huge!" It is out of her mouth before she has time to think. She wishes she can call it back. Blushing fiercely, she continues," I mean, I will have to get the larger size cuff." She bends over her supply box, taken her time to go through it. She is mortified. She is here to get an important job, not to make inappropriate comments to her, please God, future patients.
Jamie has to hold in his laugh. He also must focus ion the task at hand. He is to be evaluating her. Not flirting with her, no matter how much her whisky eyes pull him in.
"This should do." She places the cuff on his arm and pumps it up. Placing the stethoscope on his arm, she listens. "130/60. Perfect."
"Ye dinna use an automatic cuff, then?" He asks as she removes it from his arm.
"No. I have them. I just find I trust my ears more. Now, if you would prefer I check it with?"
"Nae Claire. Just curious." And quite impressed. He likes that she trusts herself over a machine.
"Okay. Now take off your shirt. I must listen to your chest and back." He does and she loses her breath. He is big, everywhere. Well, everywhere she can see. She wonders....No! She firmly cuts off that line of thought.
She warms the stethoscope before placing it on his massive chest. He notes that too. She closes her eyes, focused, as she listens to the healthy thump of his heart. His lumgs are just as healthy. She then kneels before him to listen to his stomach.
She is trying to kill me," Jamie thinks as the lass kneels before him. He kens it is just to listen to his wame, part of her though exam. He ken'd it. His cock on the other hand.. He prays she can't feel what she is doing to him.
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renee-writer · 5 years
The Contract Chapter 12 A Clinic Arises
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Claire is shocked at the changes in the, once barn, that is now rapidly becoming The Lallybroch Health Clinic. She has been gone but two days. Days, that feel like weeks as she aches for his touch, his voice, his presence. Aches in a way that scares her. That is why she stays away for two days when she intended to return the next. The intensity. She had hoped distance and time would mute it. But, it is still as intense when she drives into Lallybroch.
Windows had been added all around the barn. The barn doors converted into more stable doors without losing the old world charm of the original. The new doors are covered in some of the old wood. That is just the outside. She heads towards the interior.
"Hold on miss. Ye canna enter the construction zone." A short man with a thick beard, stops her at the door.
"It is okay, Angus. That is Claire." Her heart leaps at his voice. Jamie emerges from deep inside.
"Aye. Many pardons Mistress." Claire frowns at his tone, and then Jamie is there, holding a hard hat with one over his mass of curls.
"Here Sassanech. Must protect that pretty head." He places the hard hat on her head and her heart skips at the contact with his fingers on her face.
"Sassanech?" She is a bit breathless.
"A nickname. I canna call ye what I long to call ye here." He lowers his voice at the end.
"That is?" She looks up at him through lowered lashes and he has to resist kissing her senseless in front of the construction crew..
"Dinna tempt me, ye wee minx. Come, let me show ye what we are doing." He takes her hand( it helps some) and leads her inside.
"See here will be the waiting room. The picture window will allow patients to look out on the fields. A peaceful scene, to calm nerves."
"It is lovely Jamie." He leads her carefully around the saws and hammers all the way to the back.
"Yer office. I ken it isn't much more than a frame now, but, I wanted ye to see the dimensions."
She walked through, awes by the size. It is twice as big as she had asked for.
"It will look out here" he points to a point at the main building," recognize it?"
"Is that your office?"
"Aye. We can see each other while working."
"That..that might not help either of our concentration." She says, her voice changing as the desire builds back up.
"Then, we will have to close the blinds." She leans up against a piece of bare wood, her breath coming in gulps.
"And lock the door."
"Aye." He is in front of her and she can see the deeper specks of blue in his eyes. "I have missed ye lass."
"I missed you too." Her hands come up and touch his chest. "This, I have never felt like this before. It is different."
"Verra. Whatever it is between us, when I touch ye. When we lay together, it is like nothing I have ever felt."
"Unusual." She whispers.
"Aye," he lowers his head. Her hands hold him back. "What?"
"Jamie, we are not alone and this door has no lock, or even a door yet."
"Christ, sorry Claire. I lose myself around you."
"I feel the same. Should we finish the tour so we can find a locking door?"
"Oh aye."
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renee-writer · 5 years
The Contract Chapter 6 What Have Ye Done?
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"What have ye done, Claire?" After Willy had left, she quickly dressed. He had stopped her right before she ran out the door. He kissed her hard.
"It wasna just a shag." She nodded and hurried off to find Geilles. She feels her knickers get wet with their combined fluids. She felt like she has, I just had sex in an office' written across her forehead. Maybe she did.
"Whatever do you mean?" She has turned away, busying herself with gathering up the charts and supplies from the clinic.
"Come on lass. Turning all proper English on me, is one of yer tells. Yer lips are swollen, yer hair is a mess, and ye smell like sex. What have ye done?"
A defeated Claire falls into one of the folding chairs they used for the clinic. She looks around but, her and Geilles are the only ones left. "I didn't know, not at first."
"What are ye talking about?"
"I slept with James Fraser."
"Sae?" Murtagh stands at the door and watches his business partner and Godson as he states into space. "Jamie."
"What? Oh sorry Murtagh."
"Where were ye lad?" Jamie shrugs. "I ask if ye offered Lambert Medical Group the contract?"
"Oh aye. She, Claire signed it. Said she needed three exam rooms and a waiting and reception area. The space used for the clinic today would serve nicely."
"Verra good. I will see construction started tomorrow." Jamie noda. Murtagh walks farther into the office. "What has ye sae...wait! Have ye had sex in here?"
"It smells like sex." He stares him down.
"Aye. I did."
"Christ lad, with who?"
"James Fraser as in, the owner of this place, the man who we will be working for.? That James Fraser?"
"Yes. But, I thought he was Alex Mackenzie when we first kissed."
"You are going to have to start at the beginning."
"You recall Alex. He came in for a check-up."
"Right. The tall ginger lad?"
"Yes, there was something from the start...So I went with him..the kiss so everthing....When Mary came up he followed...imagine my shock when Alex responded...he explained why. It was an undercover boss type thing...he showed me the contract. It was dated last week. Today was just a final test...don't you see, it had naught to do with the kiss."
"How about the shagging?"
"That was after I signed."
"Claire, as in the head of Lambert Medical Group?"
"Have ye lost ye heid man! Ye canna be shagging someone who works for ye!"
"She is an independent contractor."
"Ye will be signing her checks ye clod-heid! If ye needed a lass that badly, we could have found ye one."
"It wasn't about needing a lass. It was about needed her. Murtagh, I dinna ken what it is, but, it is the most powerful thing I have ever felt. It is way beyond shagging."
"It canna be. Ye just meet her."
"I ken. But, tis like I have ken'd her all my life."
"Christ! At least tell me ye used a rubber?" He drops his eyes and Murtagh curses in colorful Ghaildhig. "Damage control. I will get a hold of Ned Gowan. I will have Fergus do a media and internet search on her. We need to be prepared for a paternity suite.
"Ye willna be doing nae such thing. There is a trust and honesty between us. I believe her words and her heart."
"Ye are a fool."
"After. Oh, that makes it all better." She rolls her eyes at her mate.
"I know it is out of character."
"Out of character! Tis like ye are possessed. Ye are the lass that has had zero one night stands in the ten years I have ken'd ye. Ye choose to have yer first with the bloke who will be signing our pay checks."
"It isn't a one night stand. Isn't just a shagging. There is something powerful between us." Geilles just stares.
"It canna be. Ye barely ken him."
"But, it feels like it is."
"Heaven help ye both."
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renee-writer · 5 years
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The Contract Chapter 2 The Exam Continues
A bit NSFW
She focuses on listening to what his stomach is telling her. A table to lay him out on would make it easier. When, she is confident, she wins the contract, she will have one. Until, well making do is her motto.
His stomach sounds healthy. She moves the stethoscope up a bit and catches his pulse again. She frowns. It is pounding. Much higher then last time. She looks up.
"Alex, are you feeling okay?"
"I am fine. Why?"
"Your pulse is higher." She stands back up. "Okay, let's check your eyes, ears, and throat."
"Ye really are through."
"Yes. As much as I can be in an open space." He then recalls that he is surrounded by his employees and hers. He can't help asking what else she would check if they had privacy. He tells himself it is part of her evaluation of her, and it partly is.
"Well, how old are you Alex?" He gives her a strange look," Some exams and tests depend on age."
"Oh. I am thirty."
"No prostate exam then. I do recommend a yearly testicular exam though, for cancer. A full crown to feet exam for skin cancer." She says as she gets out the otoscope and prepares to check his ears.
"Sae, if we were alone, ye would have me naked and would touch my bullocks." He casually says and she almost drops the otoscope.
"Jesus H Roosevelt Christ," she mumbles. "No, I would do the exam with a RN present." She takes several deep breaths before inserting the tip in his ear and examing him. He is chuckling softly. "Be still please."
She finishes and grabs a tongue depresser. "Open up and say 'ahh." He does and she notes he still has his tonsils and they are healthy. Pulling it out, she breaks it and throws it away. "Eyes next." She tells him. He nods. She fears looking into the depths of his blue eyes.
"Buck up Beauchamp." She scolds herself. "He is just a patient. The fact he has your knickers in a knot is your issue not his."
She turns to him and shines the light into his eye. Optic nerve and cornea healthy. No sign of infection or glaucoma. She does the same with the other. Also healthy. Good. She lowers the light and goes to move away.
He reaches up and moves the hair that had fallen from her bun back behind her ear. She loses her breath at the trail of fire his touch leaves behind. "Ahh. You are very healthy Alex."
"That is good to know." She hears it in his voice also. Whatever was going on, it wasn't just her affected.
"Yes. I..."
"Will you come with me Claire? Ye can use a break and we have some fresh non-alcoholic cider. I can get ye some." She shouldn't. It was dangerous. Every nerve ending in her body was screaming that it was a very bad idea. But, she felt alive not just existing. So, she gets up, tells Geilles that she will be back in ten, and follows him out.
He leads her into the converted barn. The apple press is an old one but it makes the best cider. She breaths in the smell of hay, apples, and old leather. No one else is around.
"So, is this where you work, Alex?"
He smiles as he pours them each a cup. "I do a bit of everything around here." He hands her the cup, their hands touch, and time seems to stop. Every nerve in her body is alive, no longer screaming danger, they are now reminding her that she is a woman. She swallows hard and lifts the cup to her lips and takes a drink.
Her moan is involuntary. The cider tastes like Autumn, apples, bonfires, raked leaves, cool nights, sweaters, all in that first taste.
"Told ye."
"It is the best I have ever had."
"It is the auld press. Each apple is selected for it's firmness and sweetness." Her moves closer. Her back hits the barn wall behind her. "And, then we slowly press and grind all the sweet juices out of them." He takes the cup from her, placing it on the shelf beside her. "Christ Claire. I want to kiss ye sae bad."
She wets her lips. She should be pushing him away. She should be running back to the make-shift clinic. She should but...the truth is she wants this kiss too. So, she lifts herself up, against his body. "Kiss me Alex. Please."
He growls before placing his hands on her face and lowering his lips. He was lost from the first touch. Completely hers. She sighs as his tongue skims her lips. She opens with something akin to relief. This was meant to be. This kiss. Their tongues tangle as their lips move harder against each other. His hands leave her face and move down to her arse pressing her right against his erection. Her hands entangle in his soft curles. She can't recall when she has been more turned on. She forgets that she is Nurse Practitioner Claire Beauchamp, head of Lambert Medical Group. That she is here to win the contract to furnish medical care the Lallybroch Distillery. She is only aware of Alex and the feelings he is rousing in her body.
She rocks against him needly. He responds by pulling them apart enough to get a hand between them. He works the botton of her trousers and lowers the zipper. Slipping a hand in, he finds her soft, wet heat. She jerks at the feel of his hand. She knows, in some part of her lust-addled mind, that she needs to stop him. That it isn't right. They barely know each other. But, that voice is drowned out by the magic his fingers are working.
"Ohhh God. Oh Jesus," she pants against his chest. "Please. Oh please."
"Let go. I've ye." He whispers. She shudders before starting to ride his hand, way to needy to be shy. His huge thumb plays her clit. She pants against his shirt as she gets closer. He moves faster in responce to her answering movements.
"Ohhhhh yessss. God yessss!" She explodes against his hand with a full body shudder. She lays weakly against him as he removes his hand and rearranges her pants. Now that the intensity of her need has been satisfied, she feels shame. He senses the change in her.
"It is okay Claire." He says agianst the top of her head.
"I don't do this. Never have done this."
He lifts her head, gently kisses her. "Neither have I. There is something powerful between us."
"Yes..' Their conversation is intrupted be the breathless arrival of Mary, one of her nurses.
"Come quick Claire! Someone has fainted."
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renee-writer · 5 years
The Contract Chapter 9 A Bed
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He stands, still holding her, and walks over to the bed. He looks down onto her eyes before lowering her. "Yes please." The want for him hadn't stopped. Not for one second since she had first looked into his blue eyes. He lowers her to the bed and lays beside her. His hand travels from her lips down, arousing her farther.
""I have pictured ye like this. Spread out naked on my bed my hands and lips exploring every sweet inch of ye. Woke from dreams as hard as stone from them." He confesses as his hand starts to work the buttons of her shirt. "Christ! To make those dreams come true." She is almost to turned on to speak as she works his own buttons.
"I am no dream." Her hand meets his bare skin as she runs her hands over his chest. He grunts as she finds his own nipple as he parts her shirt to discover she is braless.
"Nae Sassanech. Ye are nae dream. Ye are a vision." His hands move over her bare chest as he returns to her lips. They are both panting under the force of their mutual need. He moves to her neck and kisses and sucks. She makes a sound akin to a purr, as he lifts her curles and moves to her back. Starting at her neck, he works his way down, exploring a part of her body he had yet to. His hands come around to fondle her breasts.
"Ahhhh Jamie!" She never knew her back was an erogenous zone. But, no one had given it the attention he was. She feels him, hard and thrubbing, against her arse. She starts to wiggle it.
"Ah Dhai!" He moans. He turns her back to face him and deeply kisses her before moving down to her breasts. She then joined him in calling out to God. They are rocking against each other, both in desperate need for more contact. They reach for each others pants at the same time.
She finds just Jamie, as expected. He finds an intriguing piece of blue lace. He drops down and licks up and down it. Her words lose meaning as she pulls at his hair. He is fascinated by the way her taste bleeds through the fabric. She starts to ride his face as she gets close and her knickers are still on. He bunches the fabric up, letting it tighten across her growing clit as he speeds up.
"Oh f*ck! Oh Jesus!" She comes with a gasp and shudder that curles her around his head. He removes the bit of lace. He must taste her. He relowers his head.
"Please Jamie. I don't think I can."
"Ye can for I've ye and I must taste ye." He touches the tip of his tongue to his budded clit. His hands hold her legs flat on the bed to keep them still.
"Ohhhh Jesus!" The feel of his talented tongue is everywhere. She had never felt a build up like it. Every nerve is exposed and lit at the surface of her skin. With a few flicks, he pulls her up and over. She screams herself hoarse as her upper body comes up to meet his bowed head. He lets her legs go and she curles around herself, like a snake, seeking to hold in her the feelings and sensations running through her.
He reaches in the nightstand by his bed and pulls out a condom. She is to gone to notice him keeping the promise he made to Murtagh. He uncoils her with a smile. She gives him a wide smile back. He slips inside her and she cries out again as her legs go around his waist.
"Oh God you feel so good." She groans against his neck.
"Ye feel like the missing part of me. Dhai, good doesn't begin.."
"There are no words. Please Jamie." She is arching into him. He had stopped at the sensation of feeling her surrounding him while he covered her.
"Aye." He starts to move, rocking in and out. She picks up his rhythm easily. Their lips re-meet as their bodies come frantically together. "Ahh hell." He seeks to hold himself back as he gets closer. Even though she had came twice, he didn't want to cum himself without her finding pleasure again.
She realizes and works a hand between them, strumming her own clit. The sensation of her hand against his movimg cock almost throughs him over the edge. Thank Christ, she is close and is clamping around him with a shudder a few seconds later. He moves twice more before cumming with a deep groan that ends in her name.
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renee-writer · 5 years
The Contract Chapter 3 Mrs Fitz
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She tries to organize her thoughts as she sprints after Mary. She hears Alex coming behind her. Alex. What was that about? She has never let a kiss, first kiss, get that far. Never kissed someone she just meet, a patient, and on a trail run to get a contract.
But all that will have to wait. She has another patient to deal with. "What happened Mary?"
"She complained of being weak and dizzy. It was the reason she came in. I was getting ready to take her blood pressure when she fainted."
They stop in front of Geilles who kneels before an elderly woman. "I put her feet up, loosened her clothing. She is coming around." She reports. Claire nods and kneels down beside her.
"Ma'am?" She adresses her patient.
"Mrs Fitz. Glenna Fitzgibbon." Alex says as he gets to them. "That is her name."
"Thank you." She directs to him."Mrs Fitz, Glenna, how are you feeling?"
"Ohh. What happened?" She looks up at all the people gathered around her.
"You passed out. You don't recall?"
"Ah, I was talking to the sweet nurse. And then I am here."
"Yes. We need to figure out why. Mary, hand me the blood pressure cuff, please." She does and Claire takes her blood pressure. "Hmm. It is quite low. That could be why. But why is it low?" Mrs Fitz starts to move and Claire stops her. "Be still one secound please. We need to determine what caused your blood pressure to drop."
"I may ken that lass. Jamie, hand me my purse lad." Claire looks up. The mysterious Jamie has arrived. She is shocked when Alex responds. He doesn't meet her eye as he hands Mrs Fitz her purse. "Ye see that is why I came to see Mary. My eyesight isna what it used to be, ye ken. I fear I took to much of my blood pressure medicine."
"That would do it. Let me see." She fetchs the pill bottle. "Okay. You are to take one in the morning and a half one at night."
"Oh dear. I did misread it. I thought it was one and a half in the morning."
"Well, you have taken what you should for the day. Just all at once. You will be fine Mrs Fitz, just don't take any more today."
"Thank ye sae much dear. Such a scrimmage over me."
"Ye ken we love ye Glenna."
"Och. I love ye too Jamie. Can he help me up now Claire?"
"He can. I am going to have Mary attach a bigger label on this bottle. One you can see. Are you on any other meds?"
"Nae. God has blessed me."
"Very good. Sit her up Jamie." She raises her eyes at him," Mary retake her blood pressure in both arms, make the label. I will be right back. Will you join me?" She directs.to Alex/ Jamie, whoever he is.
"Aye. Right behind ye."
"Sorry lad. I forgot in all the.."
"Dinna flash Glenna. I had to tell her anyway." He walks slowly out and finds Claire leaning against a fence, watching the horses. She turns.when she hears him approach.
"Who, the hell, are you?"
"James Alexander Malcolm Mackenzie Fraser. At yer service ma'am." He sweeps his leg and bows deeply. She just stares.
James Fraser. As in the owner of all this?"
"Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ!"
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renee-writer · 5 years
The Contract Chapter 4 An Explanation
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"I can explain." He says as she stares at him.
"Well, I hope so." He steps closer and she backs away from him. He sighs and holds his hand out. She stares for a moment before taking it. He leads them into Lallybroch proper and into an office. "Yours Mr Fraser?"
"Aye. I am truly sorry I deceived ye. I wanted to get first hand knowledge of ye and yer staffs skill without the awkwardness of ye ken'ing who I was."
"Awkward. Oh this isn't awkward at all. I made out with my potential employer. Now, if we are to get the contract, I will always wonder why. If it was my skills or SKILLS."
"I dinna ken that this would happen. I am truly sorry. I can ease yer mind about one thing though. Will ye take a seat Claire. Please." She sits across from him, holding her hands tight in her lap.
"Here." He hands her a stack of papers. She takes them and starts to read.
"We got the contract?"
"Aye. Look at the date." She does and then looks up at him. "Aye. Twas dated a week ago. Having ye come out here was just to confirm what yer references said. Yer individual patient to cost ration was the lowest of any that bid on the contract. That, along with the references, had earned ye the contract before today. I just wished to see ye in action, before making it official."
"Ohh. So, what happened today had naught to do with.."
"Exactly. The only thing today did was confirm what I had already decided. Ye and all of Lambert Medical Group are excellent practitioners of medicine. That is why I am offering the contract. That and that alone."
She knows he speaks the truth and, let's out a sigh of relief. There is still the matter of what happened in the barn, what is between them, to deal with. "Thank you. I am relieved at that."
"Good. Will ye sign?" She turns her attention back to the contract. He is offering more then the asking bid. It would be perfect except..
"I don't think I can. What happened in the barn. If it was with Alex Mackenzie, it would be different. But, it was with James Fraser. You will be my boss. I don't." He silences her by pressing his hand to her lips.
"I wouldn't be though. Claire I understand yer concerns. Ye run Lambert Medical as ye wish. Ye tell me what ye need to set up a clinic here, and I will see it done. I willna be yer boss. Ye would be an independent contractor. Yer own boss. I will pay for ye and yer staffs medical care. But, it doesn't make me yer boss. An more then yer care of my crew and I's wee scratches, makes ye mine."
"Ohh. Well in that case." She bends back over the document. She reads each line carefully, as her Uncle Lamb, had taught her. When she finishes, she looks up and meets his patient eyes. "This," she swallows hard as she wills herself not to drown in his bottonlesa eyes, "this, whatever it is between us, won't effect the business between us?"
"Nae. I can keep it separated."
"My Uncle Lamb taught me never to mix the two. I just am not sure." She worries her lip.
"Do ye need some time to think about it?"
"No. My people need this." She picks up the pen and quickly signs and dates the contract. "You are very generous. It was more then I put the bid in for."
"My employees health is very dear to me. From what I read and seen of yer work, ye and yer employees are weel worth it."
"Thank you. Now what?"
"Ye tell me how ye want the clinic designed."
"Where will it be?"
"Where it was today, if that is acceptable?"
"More then. It is a bigger space then I was expecting. I will need a few exam rooms, seperate from a waiting room. I sent all samples to an outside lab so, no need for that." He nods, taking notes as she talks.
"We can handle all that. Should be ready in a few weeks."
"Perfect." They grow quiet once the business is taking care of. She fiddles with the pen she still holds. He straightens and restraightens the papers in front of him.
"Jamie." They talk over each other and laugh before trying again. He gestures at her to go first.
"What is next for us? For Jamie and Claire? Was it just a make out session or..?" In answer he comes around his desk, stands her up, and presses his lips back onto hers.
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renee-writer · 5 years
The Contract Chapter 7 Construction
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As promised, construction was started the next day. The building measured and marked off. Men and women's loos on either side. A waiting/ reception area in the front. Three exam rooms in the back.
"Ye truly needn't oversee the construction. Ye ken medicine nae hammers, nails, and such." Geillis says as they drive back towards Lallybroch Distillery.
"I am not overseeing the construction. I wish to see how it is layed out. Jamie wishes me too."
"Jamie, is it. Not Mr Fraser."
"Now, that would be a bit silly, don't you think?" In reality, the whole thing went way beyond silly. It borders on insane to be feeling thus for someone she barely knows.
"A bit silly? Ye passed that lass when ye shagged in his office."
Murtagh stands with Jamie as they look over the taped areas that show where all will go in the new clinic.
"Sae, ye think it will be acceptable to Mistress Beauchamp?" He asks Jamie with a side eye.
"I believe Claire will be happy. We will see when she arrives."
"She is coming!" It takes all that is in Jamie, not to react to the unintended double meaning of Murtagh's words.
"Aye, she wishes to see the layout before we begin construction."
"I am sure that isna all the lass wishes to see." Murtagh mumbles under his breath.
"I can keep it seperate." Jamie says low enough that the waiting construction workers canna hear.
"Iffrin, were ye keeping it seperate when we took her in yer office?" Jamie leads him away from the curious crowd.
"That was..unavoidable."
"Truly? Ye couldn't help burying yer cock in her?"
"Christ Murtagh! Must ye be sae crude?"
"Must ye be sae numpty? I can keep it seperate, ye say. Telling me ye wish to continue this."
"I do and will. I am nae snot-nosed bairn. I am a man and the owner of this Distillery. I can make my own decisions."
"Aye, aye. Fine Jamie. I will be here when ye need me. Just, for the love of common sense, use a rubber from now on." He nods, coinciding that point as Claire and her mate arrive.
"And this will be where the three exam rooms will be." Jamie shows her the layout as Geillis and Murtagh watch from the door. They both wear equal looks of concern.
"It is perfect Jamie. Thank you." She walks with her hands fisted in her pockets. The urge to touch him is strong. To strong. In this public place, with their mates and the group of construction workers watching, she can't give into the urge.
"Ye a sae welcome. I will tell the construction workers to begin and then.."
"Yes?" She is suddenly breathless.
"Then, would ye care to join me for a dram to celebrate."
"I would love to."
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renee-writer · 5 years
The Contract Chapter 11 Murtagh and Gellis
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"Sae, ye got a good shagging then." Gellis says as she finally joins her. She had done what she could to hide the effects of her and Jamie's activities. But, she can't hide the effect of her swollen lips, her shiny eyes, her overall glowing demeanor.
"Yes. What did you need Gel?"
"Ohhh did I interrupt something?"
"No we had...we were just talking." She is suddenly serious.
"Please tell me ye used a rubber." Murtagh pleads as the work their way down to the contractor.
"I did. But, I need not in the future."
"Ah bloody...ye believe her? This lass ye barely ken when she tells ye she has it covered."
"I do. There is a trust between us." He graps his arm, stopping him in midstride.
"Look ye wee fool. If ye won't think past yer cock for yerself, do it for yer employees. A bastard would ruin this companies standing in the press not to mention, ye would have to pay maintenance for 18 years. Then the child would have rights to inheritance. It could ruin use."
"I have told ye, ye needed worry about it."
"A talk. Did ye tell him then, lass."
"I did."
"Ahh then it is more then a fling."
"It is. I can't say how much, not yet. But, enough that he needed to know."
"How did he?"
"Well, he called my ex a bastard."
"Ahhh I like him already."
"Me too. Then he said it didn't matter. There are a lot of ways to build a family." Gellis mouth popped open and stayed that way. "I know. I had him confirm it. I couldn't believe it either."
"Needn't worry about it. Needn't worry about it, he says. Like a lass he just meet is fully trustworthy. 'there is a trust between us.' Like ye have ken'd her as long as me or Mrs Crook. Are ye fully daft?"
"Are ye quite done? What I do in my bed is naught yer concern!" There is a fierceness in him that Murtagh ignores.
"Naught my concern. I knelt by yer mam's bed as she was dying and swear to look after ye."
"Ye have done a fine job. But, certain things are still none of yer concern. I swear to ye, that it will be okay."
Murtagh shakes his head as he follows him towards the waiting contractor.
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