#ahh i love him sm!!!
frenchfrywrites · 1 year
Mammon deciding one day he's going to be in charge, and he's going to get his human to mark him with their pee. He is annoyingly insistent that you stay hydrated, and you indulge him, chugging down the water and playing into his game, making an "innocent" remark about how much this will make you have to piss later. You find it so silly how mammon tries to pretend like he doesn't have your pee on his mind 24/7, acting like there is no ulterior motive, he just cares about you. (He does care about you). You let yourself get to a point of squirming, and mammon, in his overeagerness for you to pee, asks if you have to go. You tell him yes, and then he immediately starts begging for you to let him drink it. "I don't know, do you really think you've earned it? Don't think I wasn't aware of your plan all along." Then u make him get u off with his mouth and after u cum u release it into his mouth without warning. And he sucks obediently, not wanting to waste a drop but letting some splash onto his face and chest. You don't get him off this time as punishment for thinking he should be in control, but he goes home and jerks it to the smell of your piss in his shirt
awwwhehehe!! yes yes mammon is so obsessed and silly!
The whole time he thinks he's being so slick and sneaky about his intentions, but he's biting his lip and blushing every time he gives you water, and looking way too excited every time you take a sip of anything. When he asks if you have to go pee he's not even bothering to hide how aroused he is! I think he'd be so messy giving you head, because he's so eager for what he knows will eventually come. His mouth never strays far from your urethra because he doesn't want to miss a drop. One thing is that I think he'd ask (read: beg) to get off on his own before he actually goes and does it. Luckily for him, even if you won't touch him, you allow him to touch himself.
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leepotp · 1 year
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He was indeed blushing 🎐
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eurydia · 7 months
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fake romance scenes (3/?) - Zevlor, pt. 2
(let's pretend Tav has Cure Wounds/some healing touch spell and Zev can't cast it on himself in this case, lol). I hc if Zevlor can be part of your team, he's the kind of person who's always worrying about everyone else except himself 🥺
I also just love drawing him getting comforted and loved!! he deserves it and more ❤️
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cool-alligator · 2 years
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thedeadthree · 6 months
TAGGED BY @chuckhansen, @queennymeria, @shellibisshe, @leviiackrman, @nightbloodbix, @lavampira, @marivenah, @faerune, @socially-awkward-skeleton and @corvosattano to take this uquiz for a few dears !! ty ty!!!!!!
TAGGING: @ruinbringer, @griffin-wood, @duskfey, @jendoe, @aponibolinayen, @pinkfey, @unholymilf, @gwynbleidd, @adelaidedrubman, @carlosoliveiraa, @grapecaseschoices, @flyntz, @jackiesarch, @katsigian, @quickhacked, @full---ofstarlight, @avallachs, @risingsh0t, @dameayliins, @starforger, @vanoefucks, @yennas, @bloodofvalyria, @malefiicarum, @ravensgard, @theviridianbunny, @mrdekarios, @shadowglens, @fenharel, @nokstella, @swordcoasts, @leondaltons and you!!
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The tunnel never had a light. You wish for nothing because you know you'll receive nothing, and your hopes died out long ago. The only thing that keeps you going is the thrill of emptiness you feel when things don't turn out your way. It's bitter. It's proof. Proof that you don't feel this way for nothing.
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There's a hole where your heart used to be and nothing is filling that hollow void. You could drown in a world curated for you, and still nothing seems to fit. It eats you alive knowing you're unsure how to satiate the hunger of your soul. It's barely hunger, it's more like a blackhole.
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Your expectations are ones you can barely meet. You compare yourself to others, but with a hypocritical light. You'll never find what you're looking for if you're laying down half of what you receive. It stings to be given less than expectations you've set, but if they were more reasonable, do you think even then you'd be happy?
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The pain in your chest bubbles knowing that what you want may never be yours. You're lost in a fantasy world, or consumed by what you wish you were or had as opposed to what you do. It's hard to appreciate what's around you when you're appreciating the hope of what could be instead.
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Your energy depletes as you hand it out to anyone passing by your basket. People walk by and take, but no one ever leaves. You're constantly running on low when people keep asking you to give. You'd give your soul away for free, and then what left do you have of yourself if you can't say no?
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Your heart feels full of the connection you feel you lack. No matter how many people are around you, strangers or not….someone is missing. You don't know who, what, or if you'll ever find them. You're unsure if there's a person out there who'll really satisfy your life, so really what's the point of continuing to look?
#only if you want to of course !! <3#oc: amavet aerasume#oc: yeva yakovleva#oc: vaermina vanthampur#oc: tissaia thorm#oc: chiara de laurentis#oc: cythia vassermiller#GEE WHIZ QUIZ WARN ME NEXT TIME BEFORE YOU GUT AMAVET LIKE THAT gvashgdv *SCREAMS*#DESPAIR. HE GOT DESPAIR IM - !!!!! are you KIDDING mee!!#they dont call him the mourning lord for giggles :') THE NERVEE#im fine with this im fine with this im fine :)#*screams* ok ok i was a bit ?? with yevas but I THOUGHT ABOUT IT AND RAHH ITS !! it gets her!!!!!!!#they were too on the nose sweet pea im SORRY vaer !!#TIISSAIAAAA FIRST OF ALL HOW YOU DARE QUIZ SECOND OF ALL DO YOU MIND IF I BEGAN CRYING BC!!#TISSAIA MY SWEET GIRL :') this is fine!!!!#CHIARAA i knew she would get this answer I KNEWW ITTTT#cythias *screams* THE WAY THERE WAS SOMETHING I HAVE HAD BRAINSTORMED FOR HER IN MIND THAT FITS THIS SO WELL??#over the course of her arc in the novels (and show as well!!) loneliness is PREVALENT the part on how in spite of the people around#she can still feel loneliness is SO poignant to the isolation she feels at court this answer gets her to the letter AHH!!#TY TY SO MUCH FOR THE TAGS i missed doing uquizzes sm !!!!!! THIS WAS FUN <3 i may do more clowns with this it was lovely !!#cy ur so a*licent coded <3 'is there no one in the empire to take my side' 'i have no friends here all they see is the empress' SCREAMSS#something something 'id like to think im still the lady cythia' AAAAA BABY BABY MY POOR BABYY#i mean vaer was living in an estate alone with just her t*ressym trying not to be a sacrificed to summon the hells by her family so she#really just had her expectations of the life she manifested SO LIKE..... yk?? sweet pea'll marry the love of her life and#skxjjxjx
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kerosene-spill · 6 days
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Look at me not taking years to post >:]
Kinda related to my last Starscream post?? This one is also super experimental
Tumblr still scrambling my quality smh (click for better quality pls)
I’m also in the process of drawing Thundercracker like this so stay tuned 😼
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helianthus21 · 1 year
Cute friendship idea: you pour pig's blood over my abusive brother, I devote my entire life to your cause
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tiramisa3 · 8 months
fun fact: when you google “wigga” these are the first two pictures that come up.
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good-beanswrites · 10 months
Hello! Are you still doing requests for the drabble game? (If not it's still okay!!)
I've been browsing the milgram tags and I keep seeing your drabbles here and there and I've been so in love with each and single one of them. You characterize them in a way that feels so canon I wish it was actually real. Your stories are such a delight to read!
I'd like to request Lies + Kazui and Yuno, or Kazui with anyone really. He's been a liar through and through and I'd like him to talk with someone about it, and Yuno's the only other prisoner who can truly understand him. Especially with Kazui's trial going on and him leaning guilty, he would be more antsy than usual. (But if there's another scenario you'd like that's totally fine as well ^^) Thanks!
Aww thank you so much, I'm so glad you enjoyed! :D And thank you for the request, these two are so interesting !! I imagine that Kazui can tell from the voices he hears that he's leaning guilty, or at least very close in the middle. Here's him and Yuno, following an instinctual lie that she just can't leave alone...
“I’m doing fine,” Kazui said, perfectly accustomed to lying about himself. He was used to putting on a smile when his insides were yanked into knots. He was used to ignoring signs under the surface for the sake of others. There was one thing he wasn’t prepared for, though, and that was Yuno Kashiki.
“Mmm, no you’re not.” She said matter-of-factly. She braided her hair in a complex pattern, hardly even looking at Kazui. Instead, her eyes stayed fixed on the tiny handheld mirror she’d propped up on the table in front of her.
It wasn’t the first time she’d caught him in one of his lies. She’d been merciful in the past, allowing the group to laugh it off and move on. Now, in private, she seemed much less forgiving. She wasn’t the only one in an unforgiving mood (which, conveniently, brought him back to the root of the problem.)
“What are you doing with your hair?” He peered over from behind. “It looks nice -- what’s the occasion?”
Her voice lilted as she said, “oh, well I’m so glad you asked! I’m celebrating the day that prisoner number seven tried and failed to hide his true feelings from me after I asked him oh-so politely how he was doing!” 
He returned her smile with a pained one. “I’m not hiding anything. I’m doing as well as any other prisoner. Better than most, for that matter.”
She returned to her task. “That’s a pretty low bar.”
“Heh, I guess.”
“So? What’s eating at you?”
“Just annoying young women who can’t leave an old man alone…” 
He thought they could leave it at that. Yuno disagreed. 
“Come on, it’s just us. Be honest.”
After a pause, he furrowed his brow. “Why?” 
Yuno wasn’t the nosy type. She could have probably gone through all three trials without knowing a single thing about the others’ sins. She’d been even more solitary this trial, forgoing the usual gossip and conversation. For some reason, she seemed unmovable on this request.
She caught his gaze through the mirror. He could only see one of her eyes, but from her angle she probably saw most of his face. “Because it hurts, to lie.”
It did. It had hurt for years. Even when his act became second nature, when the words flowed easily and his body moved without pause, the truth was still somewhere deep inside trying to eat him alive. Here in Milgram, he continued to feel its ache. Now, on top of the same old lies, he was trying to play the part of the calm and collected adult. Yuno was right about the bar being low -- the prisoners were in a sorry state. He had to be strong for them. She herself wasn’t doing well; despite the airs she put up, she was struggling just as much. (She wasn’t the only one who could pick up on someone else’s well-worn mask.)
So he couldn’t be honest and falter in front of her, either. Aware that his silence would be equally telling, he asked, “are you speaking from experience?”
“I’m not letting you change the subject,” Yuno pursed her lips, “but I’ll never miss an opportunity to talk about myself.”
She shifted in her chair, now turning away from the mirror to look at Kazui. He was taken aback with how smoothly the confessions spilled from her. “Yes, I know firsthand what it’s like. I know how much it hurts to lie to someone who loves you. I know what it’s like to wait until the last moment to say something, realizing it’s too late, and you’re screwed. I’ve had to cover up my pain in front of others, pretend like it’s all fun and games when it’s clearly not. And most of all, I know what it’s like to be caught in the middle of the warden’s judgment.”
“I don’t know what you mean.” He did. 
Being named guilty is the worst fate for a lot of reasons. The thought of being forgiven, though, felt worse. There was no winning. Just another thing to claw at him from the inside out.
“It hurts, Kazui. I know you feel it. I realized how much all that secrecy tore me apart inside, so I came completely clean to the warden during my interrogation. I thought maybe it could help you, too.”
His expression softened. As much as Yuno wanted to be independent of this whole situation, there was always a part of her that wanted to treat others right. Seeing her intentions were pure, he felt himself relax under her gaze. 
“Telling them the truth… and being forgiven afterwards… will it help this ache, then?” He placed a hand on his chest. It was easier to direct his questions at her, but it was clear he was curious about his own fate. “Do you feel at peace now? Can you forgive yourself?” 
She turned back around. Her eye watched him from the mirror once more. 
“Yes,” she told him, and Kazui knew he wasn’t the only liar here.
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leenaur143 · 8 months
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Sand, we love you and we love your honesty
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
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lonely-cereal · 8 months
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Ray's Eye - The Promised neverland
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theficblog · 1 year
so you’re telling me sungchan and shotaro are leaving nct, shohei isn’t debuting with the other rookies, and they’re gonna have a predebut reality show for the new nct unit while ending nct’s limitless concept wth
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ssaaaronmontgomery · 1 year
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finnmash · 4 months
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nopenot4u · 2 months
the combo of “keep cumming baby” and “that’s it, that’s my girl” will get me everytime 🫠
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enden-k · 1 year
Just wanted to say that the way you drew Kaveh gave me babygirl vibes
idk why I immediately thought of that /.\ I love it tho!!
- snow fox anon
ppl on twt and here went like that too and im glad bc he absolutely IS babygirl just like childe. the ultimate most gorgeous babygirls ✨
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