#ahhh i feel bad for taking so long hh ;;;;
straightupsickfics · 2 years
Hmmm, here’s an idea from that list I’d love to see written:
Steve: are you okay in there?
Bucky: can you bring me some tissues?
ahhh this is kind of an old prompt now but i saw your post asking for a bucky fic and remembered i had it so! hopefully you still enjoy this little ficlet! <3
The barbecue is winding down as the sun finally starts to drop lower and lower in the sky, draping everything in soft, waning evening light. There's just a handful of them left out on their deck now, Sam and Nat and Rhodey and Tony, Steve's favorite part of any summer party, really. When it's just their small group of close friends left, the sun setting, and low, quiet conversation over the last few drinks.
Steve smiles when Sam takes a pile of dirty plates from him and carries it into the kitchen, offering a salute when Steve thanks him.
With that done, Steve grabs a few empty cans and walks them into the kitchen recycling bin. He's wondering what to tackle next when he hears Sam yell out bless you! once and then again, and follows the sound to the hallway bathroom.
"Thank something got to your other half," Sam tells him, nodding at the closed door.
Steve frowns. Bucky mentioned his allergies bothering him a bit this morning, but he'd been fine most of the day. Though by now, Steve knows even Bucky's prescription meds would be close to wearing off.
As if on cue, Steve hears Bucky sneeze a few more times in a row, all in quick succession.
“heh-EHhh–! hetSCH’oo! ehh… etCHishhh!”
Steve winces at the sound of them, ticklish and unrestrained, which definitely means Bucky is feeling bad.
"I'll leave you to it," Sam says, and disappears around the corner. Sam's a good guy, and he knows Bucky would hate the thought of having any kind of audience when his allergies were bothering him like this.
"Buck," Steve says, knocking quietly on the bathroom door. "It's just me," he adds. "Are you okay in there?"
There's a quick, sharp intake of breath followed by another set of three sneezes, wetter and a noisier sounding than the first few, like Bucky's nose is determined to get rid of whatever is bothering him as fast as it can.
"Hh! uhhISHooo! eeISHh! hehh… hetCHIShiiew! Snf! "M'alri-ihh! tsh! Alright. Could you bring mbe some tissues?" His voice is rough and already a little raspy.
Steve grabs the box of tissues from Bucky's bedside table and returns to the bathroom, letting himself in and closing the door behind him with a soft click.
Bucky looks about as miserable as he sounds, his nose is tinged pink and his eyes are teary and irritated. Steve passes Bucky the box of tissues and watches as he blows his nose and sneezes a few more times into them.
"How long have you been in here? You should've told me you were feeling all... itchy," Steve says.
"N'dot long," Bucky promises. He pitches the tissues into the trash can and blinks at Steve, rubbing at his eyes, then his nose, then sighing. "Hit mbe snf! all at once..."
"Don't rub, you'll make it worse, isn't that what you're always telling me?" Steve says, taking Bucky's hands in his and tugging them away from his face. He drops a kiss on Bucky's nose for good measure, and smiles when Bucky kisses him back.
"Might've said that," Bucky agrees. He sniffles again, but he seems to have the sneezes under control for now. Steve wraps him in a hug before opening the door again.
"I think everyone's getting ready to head out. We're just about cleaned up out there if you want to wait on the couch, we can watch a movie when everyone leaves?" Steve offers.
"Mmm, that sounds nice," Bucky nods. He kisses Steve again, a reminder that as much as he loves these moments with all their friends, he loves the quiet alone time with Bucky at the end of the night most of all.
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quintessencea · 3 years
Another OC Sans of mine, poor Draft has had a rough life, and here's an example of one of the horrors he's put through! Gonna warn for body horror here, fragile hand versus metal machine in graphic bony detail. Also, he's currently got a shocking cuff around his throat as punishment for making one too many bad puns in front of Gaster...
"Hold this exactly here," Gaster ordered, tapping where the pen needed to mark.
Sans nodded as he reached forward, holding the marker above the point indicated.
"Now, once the machine starts, press gently, and do not tear the paper."
He nodded again, and Gaster walked around to the far side of the machine. Sans stifled a yawn with one hand, trying to ignore the raw burns on his throat and wishing he'd gotten better sleep. He'd never had to wear the cuff-turned-collar overnight before, and the vicious shock of electricity had been a rough way to learn he talked in his sleep. He felt his eye sockets drawing closed as he thought of his bed, of how nice a nap would be right about-
The machine whirred to life, and the ream of paper began to slowly draw into the rollers. As he'd been told, he lowered the tip of the marker. A line trailed out with the pull of the paper, disappearing towards the front. The machine crawled along, doing what machines did and he did his best to hold the line still.
There was no telling how long the test would take, or how long he was needed to record for, so he waited, holding the pen like he'd been told. Maybe if this went well Gaster might be in a good enough mood later to take off the shock cuff. That'd be nice.
It was strangely hypnotizing, watching the movement of the paper, the trail of the marker. Like ink dripping sideways, a soothing little river of black. After a while he carefully shifted his grip to his right hand, shaking his left to flex the stiffness out. It felt like he'd been standing here for at least an hour, watching foot after foot of the material roll by. With a yawn, he rested his left hand on one of the supports by the roller gears, his entire focus directed to keeping his right hand still, the line steady.
Until he felt a tugging on his sleeve.
Blinking dully, he turned to look-
As his left arm was being drawn into the machinery. With a sharp intake of breath, thankfully not loud enough to set off the collar, he pulled his arm back, only to come up short as the closing gears gripped his cuff. He dropped the pen, barely noticing the way it bounced on the material before being sucked into the machine with the paper. Sans ignored the horrid crunch sound that came after as it was crushed between the rollers, ink flooding the paper while Sans tried to pull his arm out of his sleeve. His wrist snagged in the tightening cuff, the material closed too far to get through. It wasn't going to come free, and his mind reeled with sudden panic.
"He- elp- ah!" He tried to call out but the jolt of pain from the cuff on his neck cut him off, electric teeth closing around his throat and turning his shout into a hoarse whisper. "St- ah! It- ah-!"
The fabric was tearing, but not as quickly as it was being drawn into the gears. He had be louder, he needed Gaster to stop the machine!
"Ga- ack! Ga- ahh!" He called, louder this time, but the shocking choked off his breath, stronger with every attempt at sound.
Time seemed to slow down as he watched the gears roll, the two sets of teeth inexorably pulling his fingers closer and closer. He pulled harder, curling his fingers against his palm, trying to buy seconds. The machine didn't stop.
"N- ah! N- no-!" His throat was on fire, the current nearly constant as the cuff reacted to his cries.
The first metal tooth scratched against his knuckle. The second one bit into his hand. He could feel the crunch as it broke through the bone.
"Ahh- urkk-! Ahhhhhhh!" He screamed, assaulted by two sides, the metal chewing into his fist and the cuff electrocuting his throat.
With a jarring screech of metal the machine lurched to a sudden halt. His hand was trapped in the gear, his sleeve and the last two fingers of his hand crushed into the machinery.
"Gast- ack! Please- ah!" He cried, unable to speak unable to stop trying. "H- ah- help!"
He was stuck, his hand was caught. He couldn't get it out. He didn't dare pull it out now, unless he wanted to leave pieces behind. He gripped his wrist, squeezing tightly as if he could block off the pain along with the circulation.
"And what have you done now?" Gaster's voice called from behind him. "You've ruined the entire test with your negligence! Do you understand the damage you've caused, dropping the pen into the rollers like that?"
Shaking, Sans turned to regard the tall monster. His face was set into a mask of disappointment. Hiccuping with the pain, Sans looked back to his hand. Splinters of bone stuck out between the gear teeth.
"The machine was barely moving. How did you manage such an incompetent feat?"
He couldn't answer without the collar activating, so he just hung his head, his shaking bones rapping loudly against the metal of the machine.
"By the angel Sans, I simply cannot believe you sometimes. Just… wait there, I'll salvage what I can and reverse the gears."
Sans nodded. Shaking his head, Gaster rounded the machine, and there was nothing Sans could do but wait. His hand throbbed, and he couldn't help but think that it was probably a good thing he couldn't get the fabric out or he'd likely rip his fingers off trying.
"Ready?" came the call from the other side. He didn't really expect an answer, did he? There was a click that echoed through the metal, and the gears began to move-
The wrong way!
"Wait-! Hrk! Ah-! Noo-! Ahhh-hh!" He cried as they began to close again, this time on his middle finger. No longer caring about the damage he pulled back on his arm, feeling the bones in his wrist stretching apart.
His voice cut out and he began to cough, each spasm setting off the cuff to claw him apart from the inside.
A loud groan from deep in the machine made him jump as the gears mercifully stopped, then began to reverse direction, millimeters from crushing his third finger.
Forcing himself to hold still, Sans shoved his other hand into his mouth, biting down to keep quiet, to keep the collar dormant. He was hyperventilating now, his breath coming in short gasps through his teeth as he watched the machine slowly, slowly release his hand. But even that wasn't enough as he had to wait for it to release the sleeve of his lab coat.
When he was finally free, he pulled his hand to his chest, cradling it gently as he inspected the damage.
His two outmost fingers and their metacarpels were crushed, destroyed almost beyond recognition. Of his little finger, nothing remained but splinters, the pieces of his ring finger hardly any larger. Blue magic dripped from the cracks, running down his wrist and over the fingers of his other hand.
"Let me see," Gaster demanded over his shoulder.
Sans flinched back, hesitating. Gaster only huffed in annoyance, reaching out to grab Sans' wrist himself. The contact made Sans shout out in pain as his mangled hand was jarred, only to have the cuff zap him again for his trouble.
"You're likely going to lose the fingers," Gaster said, turning Sans' hand over and back, his face set in a grimace of distaste. "Wrap them and use ice to slow the magic leakage."
Sans nodded, shaking and not really listening. Sighing, Gaster dropped his hand. Sans let it hang, sickly fascinated by the unnatural way the broken pieces stuck out from the rest of his hand. The longer he stared, the further the pain receded, leaving him cold. Spacey. Distantly he felt he should be concerned by Gaster's words, but he just couldn't seem to recall what the proper reaction should be.
"Go!" Gaster snapped, a dangerous exasperation in his tone, sharp enough to drag Sans back to focus. Gaster was glaring at him and Sans shrank back, his sluggish mind processing the order.
Without another word, Sans fled.
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crungusgrungus · 4 years
ahhh character ask thign! zetsu, rock lee, konan, kakuzu (u can break it up in2 different posts if u wish)
fuck yeah lamo
favorite thing about them
it’s a tie between the plant theme and the two ppl in one body theme. i like plants so thats just bias, and i think it’s kinda funny how they put the big bad and the dumdum fool in the same character.
least favorite thing about them
favorite line
I don’t know for certain if this is the exact translation, but in the old subbed shippuden, the samurai captain asked “2B” and he replied “to be ,.,,or not to be???” but it was a password and the captain killed him but anyways dumbass king ily.
Tobi/Obito. I will always stand by them being besties ever since the cave episode. I have so much to say about the potential antics that never occurred but like, you tell me. A wrinkly evil ancestor man, some kid going through puberty, and 2 plant aliens. That’s low budget dreamworks kids movie material.
Tbh i’ve asked myself this but i still don’t know lmao. I almost never really ship stuff hh.
i’ve seen a lot of gaara x zetsu stuff before for some reason and thats kinda weird,.thats really messed just like,.,,from an age gap stand point
random headcanon
i draw him like this usually but like,.,.,he’s gotta eat somehow and white zetsus got wack flat teeth can’t bite so black zetsus side of the mouth is like a fuckin bear trap, he just shrinks the goop over his teeth most of the time.
unpopular opinion
well,.,.i mean,.,.liking zetsu is unpopular enough already,.,.,,.saying dumb shit like zetsu is pretty,.,..,.,.mega unpopular
song i associate with them
hm,,,the two tones of Dunk On Me by blood cultures
favorite picture of them
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small. at peace.
he is baby boy.
rock lee:
favorite thing about them
I like how different he was from all the other characters, like, both in visual design and development. Also he’s based off Bruce Lee which was the first thing I noticed when I saw him and I was like to my sibling “yeah that guys gonna win.”
least favorite thing about them
Nothing?? Idk. I can’t really think of much.
favorite line
The ‘Stronger than the me of yesterday’ line :D
Sakura!! Strong as heck squad!! I wish there was more interaction with them after the chunin exams and stuff. They’d def have insane workouts together.
Also the rest of Team Gai, of course.
I think Lee and Gaara is pretty cute, also Lee and Neji. But at the same time consider Lee, Neji and Tenten poly.
Uhhhhhh i’m not sure??
random headcanon
Good cook rock lee!! He eats well!! He makes good food!! It’s always really spicy though!!
unpopular opinion
I don’t know if I have enough opinions of Rock Lee for this one :P
song i associate with them
hh for whatever reason it’s this old cantonese cover cjnkoijsd
favorite picture of them
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favorite thing about them
her jutsu is like,.,.maximum aesthetic. it’s literally so pretty like imagine being this cool.
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pretty sure whomever invented jutsus had just this in mind for their invention, all that other stuff was unintentional
least favorite thing about them
i refuse to believe konan died in that fight with obito. i refuse.
favorite line
no specific quote but i think its neat how she uses flower metaphors a lot :P also when she said “600 000 000 000 paper bombs. I do plan on killing you”
Feel like she could get along w/ Itachi for some reason?? They’re both kinda quiet and soft spoken before being roped into doing bad stuff because of their relationships. Feel like they could relate to each other.
Also Kisame maybe, this one I can’t really explain but I feel like they could be good friends.
I’ve joked about sasori and konan becoming the friends that are besties after initially hating each other, but that was more in my au
Once again,.,.i don’t know
I don’t really like Konan x Obito tbh. I don’t understand it. Don’t really get the hype over Konan x Hidan or Konan x Pein either
random headcanon
Konan gardens!! Feel like she has a secret garden hidden in Ame somewhere w/ roses and lilies and those creeper vines and a pond w/ some koi fish and and
unpopular opinion
A lot of folks think Konans the mom friend, but that doesn’t really make sense to me?? She’s only ever sorta nice to Nagato, who’s like,.,the closest half alive person to her. U might get some gruff kindness, and thats like, ,.kinda it.
song i associate with them
Hhh I Saw An Angel
favorite picture of them
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favorite thing about them
once again, cool jutsu and aesthetic. also hes kinda a more realistic villain, or at leadg more understandable from our world perspective - doing bad things for money
least favorite thing about them
why’d he die so soon like,.,.,they had so much buildup and he seemed really powerful but he got dunked on by narutos rasenshuriken in 2 tries like,., it didn’t make sense. definitely wish there was more exposition on kakuzus backstory too, although i haven’t watched the creation of the akatsuki
favorite line
“even hell runs on money”
pein kakuzu and konan taking care important shit (pein runs the akatsuki, kakuzu manages finances, konan runs ame lets be real all pein does in there is talk abt his god complex), so i propose: old soul friends who bond over being tired as fuck.
also kakuzu and sasori, because both their partners are annoying, and they initally bond over that before realizing they are each others long lost platonic soulmate and that their grouchy personalities and irritability were made for each other.
i was,,.,only half joking there but i just realized this is very probable.
eh, not really. he seems kinda like he might not be comfortable or ready for that after the stuff he’s been through.
once more, i don’t really know :P
random headcanon
konans not the mom friend, and kakuzu isn’t totally the mom friend either, but he has grandpa vibes. probably knits.
oh wait fuck never mentioned in hidans, but trans immortal kakuzu and hidan of course.
unpopular opinion
as with lees, i don’t know if i have enough opinions for this. maybe the brOTP’s lmao. never really seen content of them.
song i associate with them
Dead Inside by Younger Hunger :P kinda cliche though.
favorite picture of them
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this particular part was rlly cool
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whoareurl · 5 years
ahhh, if you're still taking fall prompt requests, i'd love to see 🍎! If you're inspired! Please, and thank you :'))
of course omg!! thank u for the prompt! writing these is def making me feel better. i feel like i’ve achieved something today.
🍎 A and B are going apple-picking, but there’s a lot of ragweed nearby and, you guessed it, A is affected.
(another college au shrinkyclinks w/ soft allergic!steve trying to have a good time while also kinda wanting to die)
Ever since Bucky and Steve were kids, the Barnes family and the Rogers family (which was really only Steve and Sarah) would go apple picking in the fall. It’s tradition and Steve starts to look forward to it as soon as summer ends. They went every year, even when Steve was sniffling and threatening to come down with a bad cold. One year, even when he did have a bad cold but Sarah had insisted he stay right by her the whole time and they hadn’t stayed very long. They’d only gone in the first place because Steve had begged so hard.
This year, Steve is desperately excited. Their time at college so far has been amazing - being roommates, making new friends - but midterms have just passed and both Steve and Bucky are in need of a little recuperation. It was Bucky who’d suggested they make the drive upstate to stay with their families for the weekend and go apple picking.
So, while Steve and Bucky power ahead, occasionally sneaking into quiet corners for a stolen kiss, Sarah and Winnie take a more leisurely pace with Bucky’s sisters. Both Steve and Bucky have eaten most of the apples they’ve picked so their kisses are sweet and sharp. Still, Steve is starting to rub tirelessly at his eyes to the extent where they’re beginning to turn red and Bucky can’t keep the worry contained any longer. 
“You okay, doll?” He asks, pressing a kiss to Steve’s temple to soften the blow of forcing Steve to confront the reality of his health. “Lookin’ a little itchy.”
Steve shrugs, taking another bite of his apple before offering it to Bucky who takes a bite himself without taking it from Steve. “S’just the fall, I think,” Steve mutters, scratching vigorously at the inside corner of his right eye with his index finger. 
Bucky squeezes Steve’s hand where their fingers are laced together. “You take a pill this morning?”
Steve sniffles. “Yeah. M’not usually too bad here. Maybe they planted something new?”
“Maybe,” Bucky concedes with a frown as Steve’s breath starts to hitch. “I think maybe we’ve walked futher down that usual.”
He glances around, trying to judge how far down into the orchard they are but, surprise, there are a bunch of trees in the way. Usually, Bucky pays more attention to that because nothing sets of Steve’s asthma quite like having to walk too far uphill with a helping of fall allergies. 
Steve jerks forward with a new silent sneeze, almost unbalancing himself right into a tree. Instinctively, Bucky rights him and pulls him closer so he’s walking with Bucky’s arm settled around his shoulders. 
“Hihh...ih’HISHhew! ing! h’ihh- hih’ISHHhnk!” 
Steve’s eyes are streaming all of a sudden. Bucky frowns, digging around in his pocket for some tissues. He finds a half-empty travel pack but he doesn’t think that’ll cut it. Not if Steve keeps up the way he is. 
“Let ‘em out, Stevie,” Bucky finds himself muttering. 
Steve shoots him a watery glare even as his eyes are forcing themselves shut as he pitches forward into a fresh tissue, using Bucky as an anchor to keep himself upright.
“hyhh’hhEYYSHew! hh...I’m f-fihhh...” 
There’s a moment of silence where Steve seems to be teetering right on the precipice of a sneeze, not even breathing for a torturously long time. When the sneeze finally comes, it rushes out of him with such force that he bends almost double at the waist.
That sneeze is followed by several more, all stifled with short, stilted “hi’YINgch!” sounds that make Bucky’s head hurt.
“Stevie,” he starts but Steve just shakes his head and pitches forward again with another mammoth, “hEH’YISHZzshew!”
“Bless you, mister,” says a voice from somewhere among the trees. Bucky can’t see who it is.
Steve flushes bright red as he blows his nose into his now practically useless tissue and shoves it into his pocket before pulling out another. Poor thing. Steve’s always been so sensitive about his health, especially in public. All Bucky wants right now is to gather his poor guy up in his arms and keep him there until they’re home again. 
“Let’s head back, hm? We can pick up some cider from the market, yeah?”
Still sniffling pitifully into his tissue, Steve nods and they begin to make their way back along the row and up the hill. They run into Sarah and Winnie a few rows up (Bucky’s sisters apparently having gone to check out the pumpkin patch) and Sarah immediately starts fussing when she sees the state poor Steve is in.
“Oh, sweetie,” she mutters, pulling some make up wipes out of her bag and gently wiping Steve’s face. It’s testament to how bad he’s feeling that he doesn’t shy away from her. “I think there’s some ragweed growing down the hill but I’ve got Benadryl in the car. If you need it.”
She tacks that last part on like an afterthought and Bucky sees a reluctant smile tug at Steve’s lips. While Steve does still keep relatively poor health, he’s nowhere near as fragile as he was when he was younger and Bucky supposes he can’t fault Sarah’s instinct to go into protective overdrive when Steve starts looking like this. She’s been trying to be better about it. Still, Bucky is quick to reassure her - when Winnie is leading Steve back up the hill with a motherly arm around his shoulders - that he hasn’t been wheezing but that maybe they should head home now.
Sarah smiles warmly at him and wraps him up in a hug so unexpectedly that Bucky lets out a small oof of surprise. 
“Thank you for taking care of him, James,” she murmurs, giving him a squeeze. When she pulls back, she has the same glint of mischief in her eyes that Steve does right before he does something stupid. “By the way, Winnie and I have already started making bets on the wedding so try not to keep us waiting too long, hm?”
Bucky laughs so hard he can’t breathe.
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yume100-imagines · 6 years
it's me again~ ;v; i'd like to request superbia x vashti on a shopping trip date if possible? if that prompt is a bit hard to work with then whatever works really! thank you again~!
(Hey look at me only writing once in two months fuck. This is one hell of a date xD)
When Vashti was called by Superbia for a shopping date, at the mall, he expected it nevertheless to be quite boring; he could just imagine the loads of packaging he would have to carry, knowing his lover quite well, especially when it was about clothes. What he did not predict, however, was the fact that Superbia himself was mischievous, and had a different motive to bring Vashti with him out to shopping, rather than using him as a carrier. 
“Today…” He said, grinning. “I have a special interest.” The lovers stood in front of what appeared to be a high-end brand shop of women’s lingerie. 
“E-Ehhh? Is it really alright for me to step inside? That’s unexpected…”
“Shut up and follow me. Since when you get a say in things?” The prideful demon replied, dragging Vashti after him; the click-clack of his high heels echoed down the hallway. He definitely head the attitude to make all heads turn, but he wasn’t there to fool around.
“It’s a nice place… though it makes me wonder why you need something like this.” A lot of women were staring at him, yet he didn’t seem to care, following his lover with interest. 
“You’re awfully bold, aren’t you? How about you focus on the clothes instead? Which ones do you like the best? I want to test your fashion sense too. If you’re lucky enough, I’ll try them on for you.”
“T-Try them on? In the store…? How is that a good idea..” He’s really trying to play with me, isn’t he? Testing my endurance…
“Not only. In private too.” He leaned closer, whispering in Vashti’s ear. “Fufufu. But you still need to win this. Show me your motivation.”
“My motivation? That’s easy. If you’re asking for me to prove you my undying love, then I’ll take it.” Superbia watched Vashti curiously as he strolled around the shop, looking around without any shame. Hmmm, most of these are quite kinky already, but Superbia is not the kind of man to settle from something that normal. Just sexy it’s not enough, it has to be fashionable, powerful. It has to speak for itself. I have been watching him for so long, closely, so I should know. 
Finding it boring to stare any more, Superbia glanced over the mannequins himself, analyzing the clothing designs and materials. 
“Hmm…” However, it didn’t take much longer for Vashti to find something spicier. His eyes settled on a black, latex garter belt decorated with eyelets down the middle, through which laces passed through, to be tied up in a bow. The garter was paired with a g string, same material, and a pair of lace socks, to which the garter attached with 3 straps, one in front, one onto the side and one in the back. Besides that, for the upper part, the top was made of transparent black lace onto the shoulders and the bottom, the rest had the same touch of latex, matching the garnet both in material and a line of eyelets for laces to pass through. It was definitely sexy, bolt and quite fashionable. Everything he had been searching for.
“What is this?” Superbia asked, turning around and heading towards him. “Ohh…”
“I want you to wear this, Superbia. It fits you like a glove, don’t you think?”
“Not bad. You’re not as half as bad as I thought you’d be. I guess I’ll let this slide for now, but I won’t give you your victory quite yet. I’ll be in the fitting room, for now.” Grabbing a pair of the set in his size, he went inside to change into the kinky outfit. That Vashti is so bold with his desires, there is no way he will keep his hands to himself. What a troublesome man.
“I’ll be waiting close by, so just call when ready.” He said, cockily. I am not letting him get away that easily. Hehe.
Superbia took his clothes off, one by one, to put the lingerie on, sighing at how much of an idiot his lover was. He posed in front of the mirror, making sure everything fit perfectly and that it was neatly adjusted onto his body. When he was pleased with himself, he sneaked his hand behind the curtain, calling Vashti closer.
“You can peak now-hey..!” Of course, it wasn’t as if Vashti was going to be satisfied with one peak, he dashed inside of the fitting room, to admire Superbia from up close.
“Ahhh~ I did not choose badly, after all. You’re amazing, Superbia. Your body too.”
“You can’t just go into fitting rooms like that. “ He crossed his arms. “You’re one dirty bastard.”
“Am I, really? But the person who brought me here was no other than you, Superbia. You wanted this.” Vashti slammed his hand onto the wall, pinning him in place. “You know very well I can’t stay away from the one whom I love.” He analyzed him even more, every shape his body has taken in those tight clothes, every patch of visible skin, every inch of him, a blush slowly creeping onto his face. His other hand traced him softly, from his cheek down to his neck, descending slowly onto his chest, until it was snatched away by Superbia.
“You’re searching for a reward that’s not yours yet.” He stared at him with a devious look. 
“Tsk, you’re so stubborn now.” His hand sneaked behind his back instead, caressing his ass softly as his finger slid against the string. 
“Mmm.. i-idiot.” Superbia bit his lip, his pride not allowing him to give in easily. “That is a bad place, naughty boy..”
“You’ve started this so… at least give me a small reward.” Vashti leaned closer, pressing his lips onto Superbia’s, his tongue sneaking inside his mouth, to crush the lover’s tongue passionately. The hand from the wall moved to his chin, dragging him even closer, so he wouldn’t escape. Meanwhile, the other hand continued its perverted rubbing, aiming to tease Superbia as much as he could. Not wanting to let his lover win the steamy exchange, he raised his leg, placing his knee strategically between Vashti’s legs, returning the same kind of teasing.
“Mm…ngh..hh..” Superbia was moaning softly, but not backing down any time soon.
“Ahh, nn.. so twasty…” Vashti was sucking on his tongue, not giving it time to fight back. He had to break the kiss eventually, before someone could question their intentions in the fitting room.
“That was pretty fun. I am definitely buying that. It seems that… it excited you quite a bit.” Vashti said, with a sly smile on his face. 
“Hmpt, it was alright. I could say the same for you, though.” Superbia was cunning as usual. “If you want to buy then go ahead. I’ll… take it off for now…” After Vashti was out of the fitting room, he had to admit to himself that if were for it to last any longer, he would’ve definitely lost the battle. That hopeless idiot. 
He’s dishonest with his feelings, but I can’t help but strongly love him. I’ll make him tell me all about his thoughts tonight, with his body. Slowly but surely. Haha. Vashti thought, as he was paying for the sexy outfit. 
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