#ahhhhh i've been sitting on this for so flippin long
every-lemon · 2 years
T, gen, Action/Adventure, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, chapter 1 of... probably a lot, BUCKLE UP.
This is always how it was going to end. His friends are doing their best to sleep on the floor of the hold in Aranea's airship, but Noct gave up on rest hours ago. Instead, he's propped up to lean against the cold steel wall of the hold, letting that inevitability resonate inside him, like he's a bell that's been rung. He can feel the muted vibrations of the Magitek engine, too, as it brings them ever closer to Lestallum. They’d picked the city as their destination immediately as they'd fled from Gralea; it’s got the most lights, the most people, makes the most sense. (Hopefully, Iris is back there, too. Gladio’s not sure where she and Talcott went after they’d parted at Cape Caem.) Aranea and Wedge are in the front cabin’s more comfortable quarters. One or two of them could have fit there comfortably, too, but like hell were any of them gonna be apart. That had gone without saying. Read more >>
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