ambivalent-auguries · 4 years
@ahiiru​ // Hudson for Sean. 
Dating is honestly not Hudson’s usual scene - a fan of casual liaisons, he rarely calls his meet-ups with people from various dating sites ‘dates’. He’s not hurrying to call tonight one either, although he has to admit Sean is cute - even cuter now than the morning when Hudson happened to be his Uber driver. When they matched on a dating app less than 48 hours after that, Hudson jumped at the opportunity to talk to him more. Now, as he watches him under the dim lighting of the street, he’s glad for the decision. In the course of the evening, he’s learned Sean is an artist, still lives with his dad and younger brother and that he drinks alcohol like it’s water. 
Lighting his cigarette, he looks away for a second from Sean, before his gaze lands on him again. 
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“You want one?” Hudson asks, nodding towards his cigarette with a grin. “No pressure, though, I ain’t trying to fully corrupt you,” he continues, a chuckle rumbling in his chest, his low voice softening slightly.
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frestoniia · 4 years
@ahiiru​ || x
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“ Ugh... I got a right bollocking from Morris for coming in late this morning. ” as if it was somehow his fault that the roads were frozen and his bus was late. Given that he had a thirty-minute commute just to get to the valley, there really wasn’t much he could have done about it. Unlike Sam and Shane, Craig didn’t exactly have the luxury of being only a couple minute’s walk from work. 
     Not to mention, Sam lived literally right down the street from his job, and he still came in late every other day. Maybe Morris just got tired of telling him off.
“ You’d think he’d cut me some slack. But I guess I should be grateful that I even got hired. ” Craig sighed wearily, as he continued to restock the JoJa Cola. “ Still beats working in the city, anyway. ”
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lifesliced-a · 4 years
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❝ i wanna meet your friends, ❞ says co, turning his head up to produce a small grin. curled mop of hair hangs over blue eyes, fingers moving to push back thick chunks with little success. ❝ like, uh, haley? and them. i wanna meet the people you hang out with when you’re, uh, not with me. ❞   — @ahiiru !
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hxroccmplexarchived · 4 years
@ahiiru​​ said: A E K O Q T for nik nok
NSFW headcanon
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A - Alone time
      as much as it pains me to say it, nik loves porn. if he’s in the mood ( which is frequent ), he has no shame turning something on and getting off on it. but if there’s ever a moment where he’s too lazy to search the internet, his imagination works just as good. 
As for toys- Nik doesn’t have any. As much as he’d like one, he knows his money should be spent on rent and food rather than a dildo. he HAS, however, found things around the house that work good as a replacement. he needs to be put in a chastity belt. 
E - Extra info
      he wants to be ‘black mailed’ into uhhhh Sexual Favors LKJHDSLK LIKE. he doesn’t genuinely want someone to have something over his head where they can control him, but it’s a reoccurring fantasy for Nik. he also really wants to be tied up or handcuffed, but because of his super strength, it kind of loses its allure when it’s actually done to him. sometimes he’ll try so hard not to break it, but if he gets too into it the rope and/or cuffs snap. 
idk if it’s enough to call it a fetish. but he loves men in glasses. what can i say, he likes them blind
K - Kissing
      nik has a complicated relationship with kissing. he likes it, but it’s something he never really indulges in. one of nik’s powers is sucking the lifeforce out of another through kissing- which he found out while kissing someone. so even if he wants to kiss someone, the kiss itself is usually redirected to their body, where he knows he can’t accidentally suck their soul out LKJHSK. 
he loves to leave marks over his partner’s neck, shoulders, and chest. it’s not much of a possession thing, but more like a stroke to his own ego. As for Nik though, he likes his chest and pelvic area kissed the most. Nik doesn’t mind marks, it honestly depends on who’s giving it to him. If it’s a one night stand, he’s indifferent, but if it’s a bf, he feels much more strongly about it.
O - Outdoor sex
     most of Nik’s sex life is outdoors. he doesn’t bring strangers to his apartment, and that’s usually who he sleeps with. he isn’t really partial on going to a stranger’s house either, so if they can’t afford a hotel, than Nik’s getting it on somewhere with not a lot of privacy. Nik doesn’t have any shame, and he doesn’t care when he’s caught ( unlike most of his partners ), so as long as his partner’s down. so is he. anywhere and everywhere as long as it’s not the cops that catch him.
Q - Quiet please
        Nik himself is pretty loud during sex lkjhgkf, but he doesn’t have much of a preference when he’s with other people! as long as he knows the other person is enjoying themselves, that’s good enough for him. Nik is very relaxed when it comes to his partners and doesn’t have a strong preference for a lot of things involving sex. I mean, I don’t think he’d want someone to literally scream, that’d be a turn off, but if someone’s loud? Hell yeah, more power to them. 
T - Top or bottom
     Nik is 100% a switch. He loves topping as much as he loves bottoming, but he could never be just the top or just the bottom. When he’s with someone, they’d have to be able to comprise with Nik on receiving and giving. Nik can’t be one set role for the rest of his life or sex would get boring to him. Tbh, he doesn’t understand ppl who aren’t switches. So, he’s both! He loves to give and receive!
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sunsmitten · 4 years
@ahiiru​: hey rookie slut
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             “Hey senior slut.”
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xheartpages · 3 years
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@ahiiru​ asked: slaps mako's ass respectfully
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spine stiffens and eyes widen in surprise, before there’s a faint twitch of an eyebrow in suppressed annoyance.
“.... why?---”
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otomates-a · 4 years
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               “  .  .  .  Dusty did it?”  Literally the weakest attempt to push blame off of himself : the ‘fiend’ in question was laying beside him, taking a nap until he’d feel Alex leading him with the limp leash now laced around his wrist. In his opposite hand a stack of crumbled, drenched papers he’d stepped on that must’ve been caught by the wind. He passes off his umbrella to the arm cradling the leash, making sure to cover Dusty more than himself. So much for getting the old boy home quick.  “Lo siento mucho. Were you caught in the rain working on this?” // @ahiiru​.
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tochisuru · 4 years
@ahiiru​ : haru ⇨ hiyori.
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❝ we got off on the wrong foot. ❞
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malibvnghts · 4 years
@ahiiru​  /  ♡ ‘d
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            “  it was a failure  ,  ”  he buries his face in his arms  .  he’s been up since 4 in the morning . . . inspiration struck when one of his cats woke up by suffocating him  (  he needs to put it on a diet . . . it’s way too heavy to sit on his chest  )  ,  so he got up to make it work and it didn’t work  .  “  now they look ugly  ,  ”  he laments  .
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ambivalent-auguries · 4 years
“was it lovely, the french countryside?” elliott twirls a finger in his mulled ale, bewitched by the stranger’s tales of worldly travel. “i’ve always wanted to visit mallarmé’s summer home on the seine, but i’m deeply afraid of airplanes.” he sniffs. “and the french.”
     Roger’s impromptu trip took a turn for the unexpected and arguably worse when, during a late afternoon swim, dark clouds contoured against the diffuse line of the horizon. Shortly enough, even the stubborn racer was chased inside by a furious storm, the sky opening up to let torrential rain and groaning thunders descend upon the idyllic paysage. As usual, Roger finds himself inside a seaside bar and restaurant, quickly finding company in a man he learns is named Elliott, is a writer and, more recently, that he is deathly afraid of planes and the French. 
     A soft laugh rises from Roger as he listens to the other man, which he rushes away with a sip of beer. 
     “It’s gorgeous, but maybe I've just gotten used to it and now it feels like a second home,” he speaks, words muttered under the influence of fondness. He has been visiting France since his childhood and teenage years, his sponsor having rather tender sentiments for the French culture and instilling the same love in the racer. 
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     “Now that you mention it,” he continues with an amused smile, “the French and planes are very similar. They both seem loud and unapproachable, but are actually quite pleasant once you get comfortable around them,” he laughs, shifting his body as to face the other more now. “But you live in paradise so I doubt you have a need for more beautiful landscapes.” A pause, demeanour changing, the curve of his mouth and his gaze taking on a suggestive note. “If I had some of these views every day, I wouldn’t want to ever leave.” His eyes roll over the other as well, just as the word ‘views’ makes its way on his smirking lips, as a way to decidedly drive the point home.
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hancfubuki · 4 years
@ahiiru​ / s.c
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      “ah-- yeah! i can help you with that.” the warm smile followed by his sweet was an indicator that he would do anything to help. 
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ikiruwill · 4 years
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[muffled animalese echoing in the background while pop music plays]
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hxroccmplexarchived · 4 years
@ahiiru​ said: yuki would like to bonk nik pls
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      “Hell yeah. Bonk m’head good baby!”
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sunsmitten · 4 years
@ahiiru​ said: ✦👄✦
Munday Facts
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my favorite planet is saturn and i plan to get a tattoo of saturn on my arm. speaking of which- i have seven tattoos in total
i’ve been a barista at one of my city’s local coffee shops for 3 years! if u wanna know what kind of coffee shop it is, we have a drink called Breast Milk. that should give u an idea
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sereiindipity · 4 years
inbox // @ahiiru​: asahi vc no sleep only naruto 
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“ bad boys who don’t go to sleep at bedtime get spanked. “ stays quiet for a moment with a puzzled face.
“ ..... what’s a naruto ? “
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tochisuru · 4 years
@ahiiru : asahi ⇨ hiyori.
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❝ look -- things might be okay between us and ikuya now, but i don’t trust you. ❞ everyone else might have been able to just let it all go and move on, but asahi was still a little wary. ❝ you treated us like shit when all we wanted to do was see our friend. ❞
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