#ahimsa silks
brandkolab · 29 days
Yarn Dyed Fabrics
Yarn Dyed Fabrics: Where Artistry Meets Textile Innovation
Yarn dyed fabrics are a testament to the artistry and craftsmanship that elevate textiles to a whole new level. Unlike printed fabrics, where the design sits on the surface, yarn dyed fabrics are woven with threads pre-dyed in distinct colors, creating patterns and designs that run through the entire fabric. This results in a depth and richness of color that remains vibrant over time, making every garment or home textile a work of enduring beauty.
The meticulous process of yarn dyeing ensures that each thread is saturated with pigment before weaving, offering a longevity of color that resists fading. Whether it's classic stripes, intricate plaids, or intricate checks, yarn dyed fabrics bring a timeless and elegant aesthetic to your fashion or home decor. They are the preferred choice for those who seek quality and style that goes beyond the surface.
Choose yarn dyed fabrics for a touch of sophistication and textile excellence, where every thread tells a story of dedication to quality and design.
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silkfabri · 3 days
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jackintheparise09 · 7 months
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palsaa · 1 year
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heartfullofleeches · 23 days
Awww, Sorry for taking you to the insectarium cafe, I thought we’d bond over that.
Would they like to raise some silk moths together? We can make matching… *google search*
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Jewelry together!
I’ll clarify that I’m referring to Ahimsa Silk that DOESNT boil the cocoons to harvest. I had this on my mind bc I watch a channel that raises them and helps them emerge and it’s really cute 🥰
"I've always wondered what it would be like to raise my children with another- Children being the insects I care for. Moths are such fragile creatures though. Would you mind doing most of the handling until I am ready?"
I mentioned briefly Bugman's "fear" of bugs. It's not so much a fear as it is a worry. They'd never forgive themselves if they hurt a fly. Beetles and larger spiders like tarantulas are what they're most comfortable with- Bug would only take in moths or other smaller/more fragile insects outside of the ones they tend to at the museum if you were by its side to care for them as well. It has never been the greatest at expressing emotions, but Big would have the time of their life raising moths with you. The jewelry to be made from their silk is just an additional bonus.
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mothfishing · 3 months
silkworms are boiled in their cocooms because if they break out they break the fibers and the resulting fabric is lower quality. the reason silk is as prized and fancy as it is is how long the natural fibers are, or its "staple", is. this is also why long staple cotton is the fancy cotton while short staple is the basic type, they come from different varieties of cotton plants that have fibers of different lengths. just for reference, long staple cotton is defined as having a fiber length of at least 5cm, while silk can have fiber lengths up to 0.5km
ahimsa silk is a type of silk made without the boiling step; extra time is taken to wait for the silkworms to hatch first. thus the staple is shorter and it's made into spun silk, which is slightly lower quality. spun silk is different from ahimsa (ahimsa = the non-boiling silk), spun silk is just made from leftover and broken ends of fiber in general, which can also be a byproduct of "normal" (reeled) silk production. spun silk has to be spun into thread a la cotton or wool, while reeled silk is not spun, the fibers are already very long. most people, if they have ever encountered silk, have only encountered spun silk
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idolatrybarbie · 8 months
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for my fifty follower celebration! @perennialdoll247 asked: dieter bravo and prompt no. 9— "you look so pretty like this." happy halloween! everyone go listen to the song. rn!!!!
rating & word count: mature | 800
warnings: briefly discussed necrophilia, innuendo, heavy petting
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You ask, “Would you have sex with my corpse?” Dieter seems to pause altogether, your question a human reset button. So you add, “Like, fuck my body cold.”
“Uh—I don’t…I don’t know,” he says.
You’re five minutes into a conversation with Dieter Bravo, Hollywood’s star fuck up, and he’s already flustered. Adorable. You came over because he looked like he was distinctly not having a good time. He’d turned on the charm immediately, getting an eyeful of your body in the hugging yet classy costume you’d commissioned from some Parisian designer. It’s made entirely of Ahimsa silk and Swarovski crystals.
Through the floor-to-ceiling windows, you can see the purple hue of moonlight, the colour reflecting in your full glass of crimson. Dieter laughs awkwardly to break the tension, but he doesn’t walk away. He doesn’t even look like he wants to.
“So, I know you were working on that big detective movie,” he says, making small talk again. “But then the financing fell through? That’s what I read.”
You take his hand in your free one, sliding your fingers over his to entwine them. His skin is blazingly warm, a stark contrast to the frigidness of your own. He can feel it too, hand jerking slightly before Dieter relaxes in your grasp. You must feel like an ice box.
“You and I both know we don’t want to talk about that,” you say, voice low in his ear. His cologne smells like honey and coconut, the tart stench of nicotine lingering at his collar. At his temple, you can smell his blood; lactic and sweet, like a chocolate bar. “Why don’t we get out of here?”
Before he can nod, you are dragging Dieter Bravo away from the party of people and prying eyes. The scene reads like that of a shitty teen movie: the two of you disappear upstairs, the standard suburban house party replaced by the lavish mansion of one of the richest movie producers in the world. The stairs are shining marble, a dark carpeted runner sitting in the middle of each step. Beyond the smell of your suitor, it smells like top shelf champagne, like luxury, like money. All of it makes your stomach churn, a fresh whiff of hot garbage.
Dieter is, in comparison, a breath of fresh air. He’s cute, self loathing, and smells delicious.
“You’re so yummy,” you say as you find an empty room at the end of the long upstairs hall.
“Yeah?” Dieter asks, waggling his eyebrows.
“Could just eat you.” He seems to have forgotten completely about the corpse comment from earlier, but that doesn’t shock you. This man thinks he’s about to get laid, of course he’s pushed it from his mind. And he isn’t exactly wrong—he is getting laid tonight. Maybe not in the way he’s expecting.
Pressing you into the back of the bedroom’s door, his hands roam over the sides of your body. He paws at your hips, the meat of your ass, back up to hold you at the waist.
“You look so pretty like this,” he mumbles.
Dieter presses his lips to your jaw, leaving light kisses along the bone until he travels downwards toward your neck. Truly, he’s caressing an ice cub, but he hasn’t seemed to notice.
“Dieter…” you whisper into his hair.
He pulls his attention from your neck, once-coiffed curls in a mussed mess. “Yeah beautiful?”
“I have something to tell you.”
“If you want me to use a condom, that’s not a pro—”
“No, silly,” you laugh with the shake of your head. “Nothing like that. We were waiting for you to notice.”
His head tips to the side at the slightest angle. “We?” he asks. “What?”
You grab his hips, pulling Dieter closer to you. Kissing his cheek, you take his earlobe between your teeth and pull, just for a moment. In his ear, you say, “Everyone at this party’s a vampire.”
Dieter does the unexpected—he laughs. You stare at him, confused. He says, “Look, I know half of those schmucks downstairs are the ex-teen hearthrob of whatever vampy franchise.”
You sigh through your nose, the back of your head thudding against wood.
“No, honey. Not like that,” you say, staring at the ceiling. Your fangs are peeking out from your gums. You keep your lips down over your teeth to keep them from his view.
“I’m not really understanding,” Dieter says.
That’s your queue, finally giving him a full smile. You watch the presence of the new sharp, threatening teeth in your mouth register with him. Dieter Bravo pales about three shades. You haven’t even drained him yet.
“Let me show you then.”
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your-modern-sappho · 23 days
Glitter and Ghouls
Chapter One
College has proven to be a complete waste of time for Kortni. The classes are boring and torturously long, the bathrooms are constantly a mess, she has to share a bedroom with a complete stranger… And worst of all, none of these assholes know her. They don’t even look at her.
How fucking dare they?
Kortni Beaumont is a goddamned star; A model, an actress, and a straight A student since she was is diapers. How can these imbeciles not recognize the goddess walking among them?
This is the worst.
Just as she’s about to call her dad to come and get her, someone walks straight into her back. Something scalding hot splatters her back and soaks her clothes. She whirls around, seething, finding a smaller, blue haired woman frozen in place. It was coffee, evident by the styrofoam cup on the floor, which she recognizes from the coffee machines in the cafeteria.
The poor soul seems to be about to apologize, stumbling over her words. But she doesn’t get the chance.
“Watch it, runt,” Kortni snaps, “Do you know how much this sweater cost me? It’s worth more than every drop of blood in your body. This is Ahimsa silk, straight from India. And you just ruined it!”
Her outburst earns no response. Her poor victim only hangs her head, staring straight down at her feet. The pitiful display rouses a certain smugness within the blonde.
Taking a moment to look her over, Kortni walks around her in a slow circle. Jean jacket, a t-shirt that looks like a soldier wore it to war, and the ugliest brown pants the blonde has ever seen. But the thick leather choker is certainly the worst part.
“God, this is pathetic. You don’t know anything about fashion. I mean, seriously, you look like you’re wearing a collar. Need a leash to go with that?” Kortni tugs at the leather choker, making the other girl stumble and gasp. The blonde laughs, releasing her grip. “What’s wrong puppy, cat got your tongue?”
Kortni is expecting her to be afraid, like the weirdos were at her high school. But as she grips her jaw ands forces her to look up, the blue haired freak is flushed red and wide eyed.
The sudden redness reveals the faint freckles that dot her cheeks. And her eyes are unreasonably pretty, a deep umber, flecked with green. And her lips, they’re so…
Stupid. This is stupid.
Catching herself staring, she shoves the smaller woman away with a snarl. Without a word, she turns on her heel and stalks down the hall.
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Words in WIPs
Thank you for the tag, @insomnaticwilmon!! The words you sent me were love, mouth, night, good. Pls (if you like) include a bit of a WIP that includes the word.
“Penelope would kill you for saying that. I love that woman, absolutely, but it’s not romantic. We sure can flirt though, but there’s no fire behind it.”
“I don’t know about that, no fire? You two make me blush.” Derek loved that Luke’s face seemed like it was made to smile; he lit up every time, and it warmed Derek like a campfire.
“-and when adults, they have reduced or absent mouthparts, meaning they don’t eat for the three days they live for post-hatching. So, while there is a moral issue with traditional silk from the cocoons, there is the alternative of ahimsa silk. That too has its own downsides. Since they wait for the moth to hatch from the cocoon, it-”
“Reid, please.” Hotch had enough morality questions plaguing him in this line of work, he didn’t need the additional trouble of questioning silk ties as well.
“Ah, sorry.” Decidedly cowed looking, Hotch felt an all-too-familiar guilt wash over him. The familiarity of it only served to compound it.
“Penelope, can you tell us what you saw last night? Start before the incident, there may be something you noticed, but didn’t recognise the importance of.”
She’d given the agents what her friends called ‘normal’ mugs, and traced Mildred’s shape with her pointer finger as she thought. This octopus mug got her through a lot, so it would get her through this conversation, too.
I actually don’t have one for good? I mean it’s used in my planning dot points, but it’s not yet in a written out scene for a fic (not one that isn’t already listed above, at least).
I’d like to tag (no pressure!!) @candlesandsoftrain and @bacchicly. Because I’m doing this at the end of my break, I can’t spend time thinking of cool words. Pls uhhh words: can, hand, throw, and morning. If you don’t have one of those, you can skip it/sub it out for another
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web1web · 23 days
@@@@@@@Top 23 Most Sustainable Clothing Fabrics@@@@@@@
@@@@@@@Top 23 Most Sustainable Clothing Fabrics@@@@@@@ Sustainable Fashion In today's world, sustainability is a top priority for many consumers. This includes not only the food we eat and the products we use, but also the clothing we wear. Sustainable clothing fabrics are those that are produced in a way that is environmentally friendly and socially responsible. In this article, we will explore the top 23 most sustainable clothing fabrics that you should consider incorporating into your wardrobe.
Introduction to Sustainable Fashion
Sustainable Fashion are materials that have been produced in a way that minimises their environmental impact. This can involve using organic or recycled materials, reducing water and energy consumption during production, and ensuring fair labour practices throughout the supply chain. By choosing clothing made from sustainable fabrics, you can feel good about your fashion choices and support companies that are committed to protecting the planet.
What are the Top 23 Most Sustainable Clothing Fabrics?
Organic Cotton: Organic cotton is grown without the use of synthetic pesticides or fertilisers, making it better for the environment and for the farmers who grow it.
Hemp: Hemp is a versatile and durable fabric that requires very little water and no pesticides to grow. It is also biodegradable.
Bamboo: Bamboo is a fast-growing plant that can be sustainably harvested to create a soft and breathable fabric.
Tencel: Tencel is a type of rayon made from sustainably sourced wood pulp. It is produced using a closed-loop process that recycles water and solvents.
Tencel (Lyocell) Fabric :-Tencel is a brand name of Lyocell, which is developed by the Austrian company Lenzing AG. It is a sustainable clothing fabric made from wood pulp of eucalyptus trees.
Linen: Linen is made from the flax plant, which requires less water and pesticides than cotton. It is a durable and biodegradable fabric.
Modal Fabric :- Modal fabric is a type of HWM rayon, typically made from the cellulose of beech trees. Modal fabric is categorised as semi-synthetic as it is made from both organic and synthetic material.
Recycled Polyester: Recycled polyester is made from post-consumer plastic bottles and other waste materials. It helps to reduce the amount of plastic in landfills.
Organic Wool: Organic wool is produced without the use of hormones or synthetic pesticides. It is biodegradable and renewable.
Recycled Nylon: Recycled nylon is made from post-consumer waste, such as fishing nets and fabric scraps. It helps to reduce the demand for new materials.
Soy Silk: Soy silk is a biodegradable fabric made from the byproducts of soybean processing. It is soft and smooth to the touch.
Organic Linen: Organic linen is made from flax that has been grown without the use of synthetic pesticides or fertilisers. It is a breathable and lightweight fabric.
Cork Fabric: Cork fabric is made from the bark of the cork oak tree. It is a renewable and biodegradable material that is also water-resistant.
EcoVero: EcoVero is a type of rayon made from sustainably sourced wood pulp. It is produced using a closed-loop process that minimises waste and emissions.
Sisal: Sisal is a natural fibre that is derived from the agave plant. It is biodegradable and requires minimal water and pesticides to grow.
Piñatex: Piñatex is a sustainable alternative to leather made from pineapple leaf fibres. It is cruelty-free and biodegradable.
Alpaca Wool: Alpaca wool is a sustainable alternative to traditional wool, as alpacas have a lower environmental impact than sheep. It is warm, soft, and hypoallergenic.
Nettle: Nettle is a sustainable alternative to traditional fibres, as it grows quickly and requires minimal water and pesticides. It is also biodegradable.
Ahimsa Silk: Ahimsa silk is produced without harming the silkworm, making it a cruelty-free option for silk production.
Coffee Grounds Fabric:-Coffee grounds fabric is an innovative material made by integrating recycled coffee grounds into yarns, which are then woven into sustainable fabrics. This material leverages the unique properties of coffee, turning a waste product into valuable clothing.
Milk Protein Fabric :-Milk fibre, also known as milk protein fibre or casein fibre, is a regenerated protein fibre derived from milk. Cow milk contains 80% casein protein.
Seaweed Fabric :-Seaweed fabric, often integrated into textiles either by being blended with other natural fibres or through processes that transform seaweed itself into usable fibre, is becoming an increasingly popular choice in the textile industry due to its unique and beneficial properties.
In conclusion, there are many Sustainable Fashion available that can help you reduce your environmental impact and support ethical fashion practices. By choosing clothing made from organic, recycled, and renewable materials, you can look good and feel good about your fashion choices. Next time you're shopping for new clothes, consider incorporating some of these sustainable fabrics into your wardrobe. Your planet and your wardrobe will thank you! Meta Description: Discover the top 23 most sustainable clothing fabrics that are environmentally friendly and socially responsible. Make a positive impact with your fashion choices. @@@@@@@Top 23 Most Sustainable Clothing Fabrics@@@@@@@
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vrittidesigns · 2 months
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This is the latest textile pieces crafted by our skilled women artisans. This pieces is made of natural madder dyed handloom ahimsa silk. Long stripes of fabric joined together then then beautiful hand quilting is done with contrast green and yellow colour in Bridget madder red colour base. This can be used as throw , as a wall decor piece or even as a carpet too. Can’t take our eyes off from this piece. Madder red is so bright at the same time feels serene too. #naturaldyed #walldecor #wallart #textilewallart #textilewallcovering #textilewalldecor #textilewallhanging #textilewallpiece #textilewallobject
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silkfabri · 22 days
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upcycledsilkscarves · 3 months
Eco-Chic: Sustainable Silk Scarves That Make a Statement
In the realm of Craft Bazaar fashion, the allure of Silk Scarves has endured through centuries, weaving a timeless tapestry of elegance and style. However, as the world becomes increasingly conscious of environmental issues, the demand for sustainable and eco-friendly fashion has soared. This shift in consumer mindset has paved the way for the rise of "Eco-Chic" fashion items, and silk scarves are no exception. In this blog post, we delve into the realm of sustainable silk scarves, exploring their environmental impact and the brands that are leading the charge in creating eco-conscious fashion statements.
The Environmental Footprint of Traditional Silk Production:
Before we dive into the world of sustainable silk scarves, it's crucial to understand the environmental challenges associated with traditional silk production. Conventional silk farming often involves resource-intensive processes, such as deforestation, excessive water usage, and the use of harmful chemicals in the production of silk threads. This has led to concerns about the ecological impact of silk production and its contribution to environmental degradation.
Eco-Friendly Silk Farming Practices:
The good news is that the fashion industry is evolving, and so is silk production. Many brands are adopting eco-friendly silk farming practices that prioritize sustainability and ethical considerations. One such practice is "organic silk farming," which eliminates the use of synthetic pesticides and promotes the health of silk-producing silkworms without compromising the environment.
Another innovative approach is the development of "peace silk" or "ahimsa silk." In traditional silk production, the pupae are often boiled alive to obtain longer silk threads. Ahimsa silk, however, allows the pupae to hatch naturally before harvesting the silk, ensuring a cruelty-free process. This humane approach has gained popularity among consumers who seek ethically produced silk products.
Sustainable Dyeing Techniques:
Beyond the cultivation of silk, the dyeing process also plays a significant role in the environmental impact of silk scarves. Many sustainable brands are opting for eco-friendly dyeing techniques, using natural dyes derived from plants and herbs. This not only reduces the use of harmful chemicals but also adds a unique touch to each scarf, as natural dyes often create distinctive and vibrant colors.
Prominent Brands in the Eco-Chic Silk Scarf Movement:
EcoSilk Creations:
EcoSilk Creations stands at the forefront of sustainable silk scarves, emphasizing organic silk farming and environmentally friendly dyeing processes. Their commitment to ethical practices has garnered attention, making them a go-to choice for eco-conscious fashion enthusiasts.
Green Threads Boutique:
Green Threads Boutique combines style with sustainability by offering a range of chic silk scarves made from ahimsa silk. Their dedication to cruelty-free silk production and eco-friendly practices reflects a growing trend in the fashion industry towards conscious consumerism.
Silk Harmony:
Silk Harmony is renowned for its commitment to both quality and sustainability. They prioritize eco-friendly silk farming methods and utilize natural dyes to create a stunning array of silk scarves. The brand's emphasis on transparency resonates with consumers seeking to make informed choices about their fashion purchases.
Making a Statement with Eco-Chic Silk Scarves:
Beyond their environmental benefits, eco-chic silk scarves serve as a powerful statement of personal style and values. By choosing sustainable fashion, individuals contribute to the larger movement towards a greener and more ethical industry. These scarves become not just accessories but symbols of a conscious and thoughtful approach to fashion.
In the evolving landscape of fashion, the emergence of eco-chic silk scarves reflects a positive shift towards sustainability and ethical production. Brands leading this movement are not only creating beautiful accessories but also contributing to a more environmentally conscious industry. As consumers become increasingly mindful of their choices, the demand for sustainable silk scarves is likely to grow, making eco-chic fashion an integral part of the future of style.
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kosasilksarees · 4 months
The Allure of Kosa Silk Sarees: Where Elegance Meets Sustainability
Step into a world where tradition meets modern elegance, where sustainable practices intertwine with exquisite craftsmanship, and where every drape tells a story. This is the captivating world of Kosa silk sarees, timeless treasures woven from the heart of India. Let's embark on a journey to discover their unique charm, cultural significance, and the reasons why they're more than just a fashion statement.
A Legacy Woven in Golden Threads:
The story of Kosa silk sarees begins with the tasar silkworm, also known as the 'golden weaver'. Unlike their mulberry-fed counterparts, these remarkable creatures feed on the leaves of Arjun and Saja trees, native to central India. This unique diet imbues the resulting silk with its characteristic golden sheen and a naturally textured weave. Importantly, the production process adheres to the principles of ahimsa, or non-violent silk, ensuring the well-being of the silkworms.
Skilled Hands, Exquisite Creations:
From generation to generation, skilled artisans have mastered the art of handloom weaving, transforming raw Kosa silk into breathtaking masterpieces. Each saree is a testament to their dedication, woven with meticulous attention to detail and infused with intricate motifs. From buta designs whispering tales of ancient lore to geometric patterns celebrating nature's harmony, each Kosa silk saree is a wearable work of art.
A Symphony of Textures and Hues:
Unlike its smooth mulberry silk counterpart, Kosa silk boasts a unique texture with a subtle 'khadi' feel, adding a touch of rustic charm to its elegance. This textural richness is further accentuated by the natural color palette, ranging from warm ivory and beige to earthy browns and deep maroons. The absence of artificial dyes makes each saree a celebration of nature's subtle beauty, radiating an understated opulence.
Beyond Adornment: A Statement of Values:
Owning a Kosa silk saree transcends mere adornment; it's an investment in cultural heritage and sustainable practices. These sarees are perfect for any occasion, be it a festive celebration, a formal gathering, or even a casual outing. Their versatility lies in their ability to seamlessly blend tradition with modern sensibilities, making them timeless classics.
Wearing Your Values on Your Sleeve:
The ethical production process resonates with environmentally conscious individuals. Choosing a Kosa silk saree is a conscious act of supporting sustainable practices and the livelihoods of skilled artisans who keep this ancient art form alive. It's a fashion statement with a conscience, a declaration of your commitment to responsible living.
Caring for Your Heirloom:
These delicate treasures require special care. Gentle handwashing with mild detergents and careful drying in the shade are key to preserving their beauty for generations to come. Storing them properly, away from direct sunlight and moisture, ensures they remain vibrant and cherished heirlooms.
More Than Just Fashion: A Legacy to Cherish:
Kosa silk sarees are more than just fabric; they are woven narratives of culture, tradition, and artistry. Each drape tells a story of India's rich heritage and the dedication of its craftspeople. By choosing a Kosa silk saree, you become a custodian of this legacy, ensuring its continuation for future generations.
Investing in Elegance, Empowering Communities:
Beyond the undeniable beauty, Kosa silk sarees hold immense social significance. They directly sustain the livelihoods of thousands of artisans, predominantly women, in rural Chhattisgarh. Weaving this silk is not just a skill; it's a cultural inheritance passed down through generations. Choosing a Kosa silk saree empowers these communities, ensuring the continuation of their traditional art form and providing them with economic independence.
Embrace the Allure, Discover the Significance:
In an era of fast fashion and mass production, Kosa silk sarees stand as a beacon of slow, ethical fashion. Each saree is handcrafted with meticulous care, valuing quality over quantity and respecting the environment and the artisans involved. By choosing them, you're contributing to a more responsible fashion industry and making a conscious statement about your values.
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erishomedecor · 1 year
5 Tips to Sleep Better With Luxury Bed Covers
“A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book.” — Irish Proverb
It is a well-established fact that a good night’s sleep is as important as a healthy diet and exercise. It helps our body rest and rejuvenate, our mind calm and relaxed. Sleep is essential for our brain to reset and heal itself after a busy day of being hard at work. A night of good sleep can improve our mood, health and brain performance. 
Yet, we hardly make time or get good sleep. Now more than ever before we are subjected to various diverse distractions from watching shows in bed right before we sleep, working till late at night at home, and scrolling through our phones unaware of the time and the effect on our bodies. All these activities trick our body into being active even while we sleep, therefore not getting the appropriate sleep we need leaving us feeling tired the next day. This disrupts the circadian rhythm - a natural, internal process that regulates our sleep-wake system throughout 24 hours. Read the blog to know the tips to sleep better with Luxury Bed Covers.
What can we do to improve our sleep? Here are 5 tips to sleep better and get that rest you deserve.
1. Create a Sleep-Inducing System
Keep away your devices and wind down with ease. Add a few drops of essential oil into a humidifier and let the relaxing aroma induce sleep. Reduce the noise around you and limit the exposure to light in the evenings. Engage in some me-time with skincare rituals, read something light or make your bed as cosy as possible with a sustainable, cosy and Luxury Bed Cover that makes you feel like laying on a cloud. Being consistent with your sleeping and waking time can help you to improve the quality of sleep. Other tips to sleep better is to ensure that there are no lights or no noise. 
2. Clear the Clutter
Try to keep your mind and your environment tidy before going to bed. Ease your mind of worry and stress by jotting it down in a diary or and setting it aside. Meditate your mind, take deep breaths and relax your muscles from anxiety to help you sleep better. While you’re at it, clear your bed and room of anything unwanted. Keep it tidy and organized so as to optimize your sleep and the energy in your room.
3. Exercise
One of the best tips to sleep better is to take a brisk walk or engage in some sort of exercise during the day to boost the effect of natural sleep-enhancing hormones like melatonin. Be careful not to exercise too close to your bedtime so as to not stimulate your body. Do a little stretching to relax the body and fall asleep faster.
4. Regulate your diet
Other tips to sleep better is to eat just enough and on time to fall asleep soundly. Too much and your body will stay awake trying to digest the food, too little and your grumbling stomach will keep you awake. Eat a light and healthy meal at least 2 hours before bedtime. Try to avoid caffeine, chocolate, citrus and alcohol in the night as it will reduce the quality of sleep. 
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5. Keep it comfy
Other important tips to sleep better is to invest in a comfortable and cozy quilted bed covers can help you to sleep better significantly. Eris home has a wide range of Luxury Bed Covers. We always suggest keeping a cosy, silky luxury bed cover to soothe yourself into slumber. Sleep like a baby as you settle into the silken comfort of quilted bed covers that wraps you in sustainable luxury. Our Luxury bed covers are made with natural textures that are kind to your skin and the Earth. Weaving the age-old practice of ‘Ahimsa’ silk and the expertise of our in-house designers, we bring to you quilted bed coversof the purest and more natural kind that takes you from your room to the bosom of nature.
Here are the 5 tips to sleep better. Visit the Luxury Bed Cover Page to shop for Quilted Bed covers so that you can improve your sleep quality.
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suvetah000 · 1 year
The Ahimsa way of life through Ahimsa Silk
Who says silk must always be made by killing and harming silkworms and the environment? This hazardous method of killing silkworms to produce silk was changed in the early 2000s when one introduced ahimsa Silk; The word "ahimsa" itself derives from Sanskrit and translates as "noninjury". Ahimsa is an essential ethical belief of three major religions: Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism. It guides us not to harm any other living things.
Ahimsa Silk is known as peace silk, cruelty-free silk and non-violent silk, which refers to any silk produced without harming or killing the silkworms.
Whereas conventional silk requires boiling the cocoons, or it is steamed or dried in the sun that kills the silk larvae inside.
So the time when the silkworms were brutally killed to produce silk fabrics, one thought of a way to make the material more meaningful by creating a non-violent method. This method involves creating this silk without killing the worms or waiting till the worm's life cycle ends.
The process of Ahimsa Silk:
We acquire conventional silk by boiling, drying, or killing the silkworms; ahimsa silk doesn't demand that. We obtain ahimsa silk without killing the silkworms; one waits until its life cycle completes naturally. When they grow in four weeks, the silkworms start oozing liquid from their glands to form an oval shape cocoon. In 8 to 10 days, the silkworm grows into a silk moth, which leads to the silkworm oozing a liquid to soften the cocoon and pierce through it naturally.
Once this process completes, the cocoons and the moths are separated by hand without harming the moth. Then the silk is extracted from the broken cocoon by boiling them; this silk is spun into yarn, which is why ahimsa silk is softer than regular silk.
This is why ahimsa silk is around double the price of regular conventional silks, as it yields the best quality. The fabric created from yarns of regular silk's texture is like paper; it is thin, and neither does it absorb sweat nor permit air, whereas it's the complete opposite with ahimsa silk.
According to PETA, 3,000 silkworms are killed to produce one pound of silk; and 10,000 silkworms to make one silk sari.
Whereas in Ahimsa silk, no silkworms are harmed; the quality is much better, like owning luxury. It is soft like butter to the touch; it absorbs sweat and permits air. So, isn't the price worth it when you get luxury in return, without harming mother nature?
Also, today you have varied options in Ahimsa silk, such as Tussar silk, Mulberry silk, Eri silk, and Muga silk. These silks follow the practice of peacemaking without causing any harm to nature and its living creatures. So, why not opt for the better?
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We all feel that one has to make drastic changes in lifestyle and purchases to make a sustainable change, but it is not valid; one can start with minor modifications by purchasing ahimsa silk over conventional silks. Imagine the number of silkworms that we can save by making this change.
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